The world

Morning Reading | "Sailing" Tomorrow Spring Sailing Huangpu River Race | Shanghai | Sailing
Morning Reading | "Sailing" Tomorrow Spring Sailing Huangpu River Race | Shanghai | Sailing

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Saturday, June 24, 2023, there will be showers or thunderstorms in Shanghai on the 7th of the 5th lunar month. The rainfall in some areas can reach heavy rain. The rainfall in some areas can reach 20~25 ℃. Today's attention is paid to "Shangfan" sailing to the Huangpu River in the next spring. In ※ years, Suzhou River water events have been booming. Now, Huangpu River, another mother river in Shanghai, is about to usher in her top event-Shanghai Sailing Open. Yesterday morning, the 2024 Shanghai Sailing Open Conference was held at the Shanghai Port International Passenger Transport Center Wharf. The press conference kicked off the 2024 Shanghai Sailing Open. Six J80 sailboats set sail on the Huangpu River, marking the official start of preparations for the event. The Shanghai Sailing Open is another brand-new competition created by Shanghai Sports.

People's Daily and Voice: Resolutely Promoting the Initiative to Revitalize Global Development | Development | Global
People's Daily and Voice: Resolutely Promoting the Initiative to Revitalize Global Development | Development | Global

China initiative, global action. With the joint efforts of all parties, the Global Development Initiative has gradually taken root, the cooperation mechanism has been continuously improved, cooperation in key areas has been promoted in an orderly manner, and capacity-building projects have been launched one after another, bringing tangible benefits to all countries. Half of the 32 practical measures in the Global Development High-level Dialogue Outcome List have been implemented or achieved early results; the total number of practical cooperation projects in the Global Development Initiative Project Library has exceeded 100, and nearly 40 developing countries are benefiting from it; the 1000 human resources development cooperation projects have been set up and arranged, and 20000 training places have been provided ...... Over the past year since the High-Level Dialogue on Global Development was held, China, with its sincere willingness to cooperate and solid actions, has continuously promoted the deepening and implementation of the Global Development Initiative, in order to promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Initiative.

Steadily releasing demand in the real estate market, Economic Daily: Housing loan interest rates are falling again | Market | Housing loan interest rates
Steadily releasing demand in the real estate market, Economic Daily: Housing loan interest rates are falling again | Market | Housing loan interest rates

The current real estate market is still slowly recovering, and unstable demand has become the main limiting factor. As one of the ways to reduce costs and stabilize demand, mortgage interest rates have recently dropped again. Many industry insiders believe that the next step is to focus on factors such as residents' income expectations, housing price expectations, and market risks, and take multiple measures to stabilize market demand. Market vitality needs to be stimulated. On June 20th, the quoted interest rate for one-year loans decreased by 10 basis points to 3.55%, and the LPR for five-year and above loans decreased by 10 basis points to 4.2%. Affected by this, according to the current policy lower limit of commercial personal housing loan interest rates, the lower limit of the first home interest rate is "20 basis points less than the LPR for more than 5 years", which is reduced from 4.1% to 4%, and the lower limit of the second home interest rate is "60 basis points more than the LPR for more than 5 years", which is reduced from 4.9%

The Chinese representative emphasized four points: the issue of the Security Council holding an open meeting on the Ukraine issue | United Nations | Ukraine
The Chinese representative emphasized four points: the issue of the Security Council holding an open meeting on the Ukraine issue | United Nations | Ukraine

The UN Security Council held a public meeting on Ukraine on the 23rd. Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, emphasized four points at the meeting, namely, to prevent the situation from getting out of control, to alleviate the suffering of the people, to control the spillover effects, and to promote dialogue and negotiation. On the same day, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacekeeping Affairs, DiCarlo, said in a briefing that 16 months since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the situation has become more unpredictable and the prospects for peace remain bleak. Russian missile and drone strikes in Ukraine nearly tripled in May. The impact of the escalating violence on civilians is of the greatest concern to the United Nations. Conflicts lead to humanitarian disasters and accelerate global food and energy crises. The United Nations has also expressed serious concern over issues such as the nuclear threat. Geng Shuang stressed in his speech that every effort should be made to prevent the bureau.

School: Support!, Post-2000 generation left their exams and headed straight to Wuhan Xiaoyue | Wuhan Central Hospital | School
School: Support!, Post-2000 generation left their exams and headed straight to Wuhan Xiaoyue | Wuhan Central Hospital | School

On one hand is the exam, and on the other hand is saving people. Faced with a dilemma, Xiao Yue, a young man born in the 2000s, decisively decided to come to Wuhan to donate his life and save people. He decisively decided to postpone the exam to save Xiao Yue. Correspondent Zhang Sheng, photographed by Xiao Yue, is a sophomore student from a university in Ezhou, Hubei. He just turned 18 last year and got on a blood donation vehicle to donate blood while registering for the China Bone Marrow Bank to become a volunteer for hematopoietic stem cell donation. At the beginning of this year, Xiao Yue received a call from the local Red Cross to learn that he had successfully matched with a blood disease patient's hematopoietic stem cell preliminary screening, and immediately agreed to donate to save Xiao Yue. Correspondent Zhang Sheng, according to the plan, Xiao Yue should come to Wuhan on June 17th to receive the first dose of mobilization medication. Unexpectedly, this day happened to coincide with the final exam of the last subject. If the exam could not be held on time, it would affect the internship and graduation

Why is the north hotter than the south? Will it be hotter in July and August?, 46 National Meteorological Stations Breaking Historical Extreme Values in North China | High Temperature | Historical
Why is the north hotter than the south? Will it be hotter in July and August?, 46 National Meteorological Stations Breaking Historical Extreme Values in North China | High Temperature | Historical

In the past few days, high temperatures in North China and Huanghuai have developed rapidly, and high temperatures above 40°C have appeared in many places. The central meteorological station 23 to continue to issue high temperature orange warning. What are the causes of continuous high temperature weather? When will it end? Why is it hotter in the north than in the south? Beijing broke through 40 ℃ and was affected by the heating mass and strong solar radiation. As of 14:00 on the 23rd, the temperature at the Beijing Observatory had reached 40 ℃. Among the 556 meteorological monitoring stations in the city, 305 stations had a maximum temperature of 39 ℃ and above, and 158 stations had a maximum temperature of 40 ℃ and above. "For the first time since the establishment of the observatory, it has exceeded 40 ℃ for 2 consecutive days." Zhang Yingxin, chief forecaster of the Beijing Meteorological Observatory, said that under the control of strong heating masses, the high temperature weather continued from the 23rd to the 25th. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued a high temperature red warning at 7 o'clock on the 23rd.

Seagrass beds are severely degraded! How to protect the "hairline" of the ocean? Seaweed | ecosystem | hairline
Seagrass beds are severely degraded! How to protect the "hairline" of the ocean? Seaweed | ecosystem | hairline

According to the Voice of China News Hyperlink of China Central Radio and Television, my country's first national standard for seagrass bed ecosystem restoration technology, "Marine Ecological Restoration Technical Guide Part 4: Seagrass Bed Ecological Restoration", was recently approved by the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration Release will be officially implemented on December 1 this year. Seagrass is the only type of higher angiosperms on the earth that can live completely in the sea. The seagrass bed is one of the three typical offshore marine ecosystems and one of the three blue carbon ecosystems. It is also the most effective carbon capture on the earth. And one of the storage systems has extremely high ecological service functions. However, according to statistics, since 1990, the global seagrass bed has been decreasing at a rate of 7% per year, and about 29% of the seagrass bed has disappeared. Our seagrass beds have also been severely damaged. Because

There will be 1.3 billion people suffering from diabetes in the world. Research forecasts: patients | diabetes | the world by 2050
There will be 1.3 billion people suffering from diabetes in the world. Research forecasts: patients | diabetes | the world by 2050

An American study predicts that by 2050, the number of patients with diabetes in the world will double compared with 2021, reaching about 1.3 billion, and the number of patients in all countries will increase. The research report was published this week in the Lancet journal in the UK. Research shows that the substantial increase of diabetes patients in the next 30 years will be mainly reflected in the increase of type 2 diabetes, including the increase of obesity rate and the change of population composition. [News link] The latest research in the United States believes that eating as early as possible and at a limited time every day can help prevent diabetes. There is a saying in China, "Have a good breakfast, have a full lunch, and eat less dinner.". A new study in the United States supports this claim. Researchers have proposed that eating within 8 hours of waking up early and not eating at other times every day can effectively control weight and blood sugar, reducing

Poland: Completely untrue!, US media claims that Poland was once used as a base for the "Nord Stream" bombing operation. Wall Street Journal | USA | Poland
Poland: Completely untrue!, US media claims that Poland was once used as a base for the "Nord Stream" bombing operation. Wall Street Journal | USA | Poland

On June 10th, the Wall Street Journal reported that a sabotage team had used Poland as the base for last September's North Stream pipeline sabotage operation. On the 22nd, the Polish National Prosecutor's Office refuted the claims of the Wall Street Journal in a statement to the Polish newspaper "Republica", stating that their content was "completely untrue.". Poland claimed that American media reports were "completely untrue". The Polish National Prosecutor's Office stated in a statement that Poland has already begun investigating the "Nord Stream" explosion together with Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. The statements of the Wall Street Journal and the data they collected are "contradictory" and "completely untrue". The Wall Street Journal reported on June 10th, citing anonymous sources, that German investigators have restored suspicion that it was used to carry out sabotage activities

Be vigilant about "Ye Zi Yan", "Poison" Stamp "," Immortal Water "," Jumping Sugar "! New drugs, disguised as lurking people, pose risks in the surrounding area | Drug prohibition | Jump candy
Be vigilant about "Ye Zi Yan", "Poison" Stamp "," Immortal Water "," Jumping Sugar "! New drugs, disguised as lurking people, pose risks in the surrounding area | Drug prohibition | Jump candy

The appearance looks just ordinary cigarettes, but the actual "hidden mystery". In order to relieve the pressure of work, the network anchor Ms. Wang inadvertently came into contact with a kind of "leaf smoke", but she fell into the trap of new drugs. The so-called "leaf smoke" is actually a mixture of synthetic cannabinoid drugs and ordinary tobacco. After the police grasped the relevant clues, they arrested Liu who sold "leaf smoke" to Ms. Wang and others. After investigation, Liu himself was an addict, and he knew that the so-called "leaf smoke" was a new type of drug represented by new psychoactive substances. Still deliberately carry out trafficking. Recently, the People's Court of Xicheng District, Beijing sentenced Liu to 8 years in prison for drug trafficking and a fine of 8000 yuan. His illegal gains were recovered and confiscated. "Leaves smoke", poison "stamps" "fairy water" "jump

Shine the mirror of political achievements!,
Shine the mirror of political achievements!,

At the conference on studying and implementing the theme education of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "This theme education must educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn ideas and see actions, and establish a correct view of power and political achievements., Career outlook, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, continuously improve the ability to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, prevent and resolve risks, and strengthen the development of struggle spirit and struggle skills, boost the spirit of enterprising and promising". To learn and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, we must thoroughly grasp the fundamental criteria for testing the correct concept of political performance, and truly answer the major question of "for whom political performance is established, what kind of performance is established, and what kind of performance is established. What kind of performance view is what kind of development view. whether the view of political achievements is correct or not,

Musk's mother spoke up, Zuckerberg | Meta | Musk
Musk's mother spoke up, Zuckerberg | Meta | Musk

The most valuable booking in history has attracted onlookers from all over the internet. On June 21st local time, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted that he was going to have a duel with Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook's parent company Meta. Zuckerberg, who loves boxing and fighting, quickly challenged him on his social media platform Instagram, "giving me his spot.". A screenshot of Zuckerberg's Instagram. In a subsequent tweet, Musk proposed a duel in the Las Vegas Octagonal Cage. "Octagonal cage" is the official name for the comprehensive fighting cage used by UFC. This "booking" may be the most valuable match in history. According to the latest data from Bloomberg Billionaires List, the world's richest man Musk and the tenth ranked Zuckerberg have similar wealth

Ningxia carries out post disaster disposal of gas explosion accidents in barbecue restaurants. Ningxia | accident scene | accident
Ningxia carries out post disaster disposal of gas explosion accidents in barbecue restaurants. Ningxia | accident scene | accident

Since the gas explosion accident of Fuyang barbecue shop in Yinchuan, Ningxia, Ningxia has taken a number of measures to deal with the aftermath, formulate a "one person, one policy" treatment plan, evacuate residents near the scene of the accident, carry out psychological counseling and comfort work for the families of casualties, and investigate and rectify hidden dangers in production safety. At about 20:40 on the 21st, a gas explosion occurred at Fuyang barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, killing 31 people and injuring 7 others. After the accident, Yinchuan city actively carry out the treatment of the wounded. The Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission immediately mobilized 18 ambulances and more than 70 emergency medical personnel to the scene of the accident to rescue the wounded, and determined the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University as the designated hospital for the treatment of the wounded in the accident, and established a green channel for transfer and treatment. On the 22nd, four clinical experts dispatched by the Emergency Management Department, China

The internet rumor is that "internet celebrity geese" have been kicked to death by tourists! Scenic Area Response Video | Da Bao | Da Yan
The internet rumor is that "internet celebrity geese" have been kicked to death by tourists! Scenic Area Response Video | Da Bao | Da Yan

According to a video report by Jiupai News, on June 22, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, a netizen posted a video claiming that the internet famous wild goose "Dabao" was kicked by a tourist, causing a fracture in the second section of the cervical spine. After ineffective treatment, he died. The tourist involved said that the wild goose scared the child and kicked it. It is reported that this wild goose is called "Da Bao". The publisher of Dabao, who has been updating its updates, announced the passing of Dabao on the 22nd, claiming that a tourist's kick hit a crucial point. He expressed gratitude to his classmates for rescuing Dabao late at night and also thanked the park for its support. He also claimed to have come out of the police station because protecting Da Bao punched tourists and could be classified as hitting someone. In addition, the publisher also stated that the on-site video has been collected by the park and handed over to the police. Because it was blurry at night, based on the previous situation, Da Bao should have rushed to the side of the tourists

Amazing video exposed by American media, "War is so beneficial for business" company | BlackRock | Media exposure
Amazing video exposed by American media, "War is so beneficial for business" company | BlackRock | Media exposure

According to a report on the website of today's Russian TV station on June 22, an employee of asset management giant BlackRock told an undercover reporter in a video released by American Okiv Media Group on the 19th that the company hopes that the Russia-Ukraine conflict will continue as long as possible, because it is "good for business". According to the report, BlackRock employee Serge Waley told reporters, "War is so good for business." According to personal information on LinkedIn, Waley is a technical employee of BlackRock Group and later deleted his LinkedIn profile. Vali outlined a scenario where investors could profit from the soaring wheat prices caused by the bombing of Ukrainian wheat warehouses, and explained that "volatility creates profit opportunities.". He then commented, "It's exciting when things get messy, right?" Wally continued

The National Agricultural Technology Center responded that "rice climbing the mountains" has caused controversy in the hills | Internet users | Rice
The National Agricultural Technology Center responded that "rice climbing the mountains" has caused controversy in the hills | Internet users | Rice

Recently, reporters interviewed the heads of the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center and the Farmland Quality Monitoring and Protection Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on issues such as "rice climbing mountains". Question: Academician Zhu Youyong's "Rice Climbing the Mountain" has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many people do not understand and question whether planting rice on the mountain is unrealistic and the yield cannot be as high. Can you introduce the relevant situation? Answer: Academician Zhu Youyong's concept of "rice climbing the mountain" is actually a cultivation technique for hybrid rice that is rain fed and drought cultivated. It refers to the introduction of hybrid rice varieties from the "paddy fields below the mountain" to the "dry land above the mountain" for cultivation, planting rice like corn, without soaking in the field, raising seedlings or transplanting them, and basically without watering or irrigation. Local farmers vividly refer to it as "rice climbing the mountain". These fields already exist, and there is no doubt among netizens about the cultivation of mountains or deforestation

In the future, as a civil servant serving the people, Lang Zheng, known as the "Respectful Doll", scored 637 points in the liberal arts section of this year's college entrance examination. Dialogue with me: I am preparing to apply for Peking University. Height | Doll | Humanities
In the future, as a civil servant serving the people, Lang Zheng, known as the "Respectful Doll", scored 637 points in the liberal arts section of this year's college entrance examination. Dialogue with me: I am preparing to apply for Peking University. Height | Doll | Humanities

Lang Zheng, who once moved the whole country in the Wenchuan earthquake, is now 18 years old and has grown to 185 centimeters in height. Going back to 2008, after the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake, in the ruins of the Beichuan disaster area, 3-year-old Xiao Langzheng was rescued with his left arm injured and buried for more than 20 hours. At that time, he lay on a temporary stretcher made of small wooden boards and saluted the eight soldiers carrying him with his tender right hand. This scene quickly spread throughout the country through photos and images, and became a true portrayal of the indomitable national spirit. Now, 15 years have passed, and Lang Zheng has grown up and successfully participated in this year's college entrance examination. For his future life plans, he told Red Star News reporters, "I plan to apply to Peking University and become a civil servant in the future."

Economic Daily: Rural sports events need to balance "commercial flavor" and "village flavor" across the country. Grip | luminosity | competition
Economic Daily: Rural sports events need to balance "commercial flavor" and "village flavor" across the country. Grip | luminosity | competition

Recently, sports events such as "Village BA" and "Village Super" have spread all over the country. Some people say that rural events are sports activities for local people to entertain themselves, and it is not appropriate to over-package and hype. Some people also say that there are business opportunities when there is traffic, and the commercial value behind rural events is great and worth digging deep. How to balance the "village flavor" and "business flavor" in the development of rural matches? As the first batch of national football typical counties, Rongjiang County has a deep football mass base. In Taypan Village, every year after the busy farming season, the villagers will hold a basketball game to celebrate the grain harvest. In addition to the competition, the villagers sang and danced and held banquets to celebrate. The folk culture and characteristic customs all showed the unique charm of the rural competition. Why did two historic competitions suddenly become popular? In addition to the strong support of the local government, the media and short video platforms help

FIFA: Bid for the 2030 World Cup Delayed Representative Assembly | FIFA | Launch
FIFA: Bid for the 2030 World Cup Delayed Representative Assembly | FIFA | Launch

FIFA confirmed at its board meeting on the 23rd that the start of the bid for the 2030 World Cup has been postponed. FIFA stated that considering the milestone significance of the 2030 World Cup as a centenary World Cup, the bidding process will be postponed. The bidding process will be announced at the FIFA Council meeting in September or October 2023, followed by the official start of the bidding process. The final bidding results will be announced at the FIFA General Assembly in the fourth quarter of 2024. FIFA also announced that the first Club World Cup, which expanded to 32 teams, will be held in the United States in 2025. At present, there are 7 teams participating in the Club World Cup, including champion clubs from all continents, and it is usually held at the end of each year. FIFA confirmed in December 2022 that the World Club will be held in 2025

Wuhan University: We will crack down on such behavior in schools | scalpers | Wuhan University
Wuhan University: We will crack down on such behavior in schools | scalpers | Wuhan University

Recently, some netizens reported that there are "scalpers" appearing outside the gate of Wuhan University, claiming that they can spend money to bring outsiders into the school, with prices ranging from ten yuan to tens of yuan. There are also scalpers who actively approach tourists who are wandering, claiming that they can "bring them into school and give them money.". Staff from the Security Department of Wuhan University responded to the surging news that Wuhan University has not yet opened up access for non campus personnel. We will crack down on "scalpers entering the campus illegally". Tourists are advised not to trust "scalpers" and their identity information will be checked at the exit gate to avoid "being unable to enter or leave". A person who once entered the school through "scalpers" told Paper that "scalper tickets" can also be used to brush faces. scalpers will use the Wuhan University staff app or mini program to change their avatars, and after taking photos of tourists and changing their avatars, they can brush their faces to enter the school. On March 27 this year, according to the "Ping An Luojia" WeChat official account, the Security Department of Wuhan University

Four people buried! How to identify signs of gas tank explosion? Xinmi's storefront room collapsed and exploded due to liquefied gas leakage | Gas tank | Xinmi
Four people buried! How to identify signs of gas tank explosion? Xinmi's storefront room collapsed and exploded due to liquefied gas leakage | Gas tank | Xinmi

According to Xinmi, at 11:30 am on June 23, a storefront room on East Street of Xinhua Road Office in Xinmi City, Henan Province collapsed due to an explosion caused by a liquefied gas leak. Four people were buried on site and have been rescued. Two were lightly injured and two were seriously injured, all of whom have been sent to the hospital for treatment. After the incident, the Xinmi Municipal Party Committee and Government attached great importance to it, and relevant departments such as public security, emergency, fire protection, medical, urban management, and the district office fully launched rescue work. At present, the treatment and aftermath work is progressing in an orderly manner. How can the liquefied gas in the gas tank at the scene of the incident be prevented from exploding if it leaks and catches fire? How to handle it in the first place? The fire department has issued safety tips to teach you how to identify signs of danger and understand them. Use fire with caution and pay attention to safety!

A man from Jiangxi became a defendant and replied "OK" on WeChat. Liu Mouyun | WeChat | Man
A man from Jiangxi became a defendant and replied "OK" on WeChat. Liu Mouyun | WeChat | Man

The use of emoticons during online chatting has gradually become a common habit in social networking, but improper use of emoticons can also lead to lawsuits. Case Review: On December 22, 2022, Guo discussed the repayment of his son Liu Mouwei's loan with Liu Mouyun on WeChat. Guo sent a WeChat message requesting Liu Mouyun to become the debt guarantor for his son Liu Mouwei's loan affairs. Liu Mouyun responded with an "OK" WeChat emoticon gesture on December 24. Later, due to the borrower Liu Mouwei's failure to repay the relevant debt, Guo Mouwei filed a lawsuit against Liu Mouwei and his father Liu Mouyun on January 6, 2023, claiming that they had not repaid the debt on time, and demanded that they bear the repayment responsibility of principal 159118.4 yuan and interest 7907.88 yuan. During the court hearing, Liu

No reports of casualties have been received yet. Multiple cities in Guangxi are clearly affected by the earthquake, with a 5.0 magnitude earthquake occurring in the Beibu Gulf. Leizhou City, Guangdong | Radio and Television Network | Beibu Gulf
No reports of casualties have been received yet. Multiple cities in Guangxi are clearly affected by the earthquake, with a 5.0 magnitude earthquake occurring in the Beibu Gulf. Leizhou City, Guangdong | Radio and Television Network | Beibu Gulf

China Seismological Network officially determined that a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in Beibu Gulf at 03:07 on June 24, with a focal depth of 20km. The epicenter was 38km from Weizhou Island, 85km from Haicheng District and 85km from Yinhai District. The earthquake was felt in Beihai City, Fangchenggang City, Qinzhou City, Yulin City and Nanning City in Guangxi, Zhanjiang City and Maoming City in Guangdong Province and Haikou City in Hainan Province. The Seismological Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region announced on the same day that after the earthquake, the bureau immediately launched the emergency response to the magnitude V earthquake and reported the earthquake disaster situation to the relevant units and departments. it will quickly work with the China Seismological Network Center, the Seismological Bureau of China Seismological Bureau, the Seismological Bureau of Guangdong Province, and the Seismological Bureau of Hainan Province to determine the post-earthquake trend, requiring Beihai earthquake monitoring center to set up mobile in Tieshan Port area.

Afghanistan Earthquake Anniversary | Difficulty in Reconstruction | US Unilateral Sanctions Intensify People's Suffering and Difficulty
Afghanistan Earthquake Anniversary | Difficulty in Reconstruction | US Unilateral Sanctions Intensify People's Suffering and Difficulty

On June 22, last year, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in the eastern province of Afghanistan, causing over a thousand deaths. However, under the shadow of US sanctions, there is a severe shortage of urgently needed aid materials in the disaster area, and post disaster reconstruction is even more difficult.Shafiullah Rasimi, spokesperson for the National Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs Department of the Afghan Interim Government: In Paktika and Khost provinces, we have over 17000 damaged houses, which are partially or completely damaged. We have rebuilt 3000 houses, and the construction of over 6000 houses is currently underway. There are still many people without houses. Although we do our best to help those who are most in need

Analysts: The military industrial complex continues to operate. The United States further ignites the Russia-Ukraine conflict. | The United States | military industry
Analysts: The military industrial complex continues to operate. The United States further ignites the Russia-Ukraine conflict. | The United States | military industry

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and other western countries have provided arms assistance to Ukraine for many times. Several US analysts have pointed out that currently, the US military industrial complex continues to operate, providing weapons and equipment to Ukraine while some US politicians and military personnel are also making dangerous statements and false information. Analysts are concerned that this will further escalate the conflict and lead the current situation into a dangerous situation. Former New Jersey judge and former Fox News legal analyst Napolitano: We know what the military industrial complex wants, they want to produce weapons 24/7. Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter: This is a private enterprise that does business and requires a contract. To obtain these weapons and equipment, a long-term contract is required. US analysts also indicate that in the US military industry

Will the Ukrainian army receive American main battle tanks?, In the next round of counterattack, Russia | Ukrainian army | in the first round
Will the Ukrainian army receive American main battle tanks?, In the next round of counterattack, Russia | Ukrainian army | in the first round

Russian media has revealed that the Ukrainian army may receive the promised "Abrams" main battle tank from the United States in the next round of counterattack. The Russian side claims that the Ukrainian armed forces have suffered heavy losses since launching a counterattack. According to TASS on the 22nd, Ukraine may receive the promised "Abrams" main battle tank from Washington in the next round of counterattack. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said in a television interview that Washington has supplied "Bradley" tanks to Kiev and is "deciding" on the issue of supplying "Abrams" tanks. He pointed out that the current counterattack by the Ukrainian army should not be seen as the last time. He said, "Ukraine needs to counterattack as many times as needed." Ukrainian media reported on the same day that the European Union announced an additional 1.5 billion euros in aid to Ukraine. Putin: Western countries intend to fight against Russia until the very end

Russia immediately responded, and the European Union officially passed the 11th round of sanctions against Russia, including the Nikkei sanctions
Russia immediately responded, and the European Union officially passed the 11th round of sanctions against Russia, including the Nikkei sanctions

According to the Russian satellite news agency, on the 23rd local time, the European Union officially passed the 11th round of sanctions against Russia. At the same time, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Peter Wafzhik stated in an interview that the European Union has begun to develop a new round of sanctions against Russia for the 12th round. According to reports, Wafzhik stated that "we are already formulating the 12th round of sanctions against Russia." He emphasized that Poland hopes to "eliminate the four elements that provide significant financial resources to Russia" in this package. Wafzhik stated that the most difficult task is to ban the export of diamonds from Russia to the European Union. He said, "This is not a complex procedure, but the Benelux countries, which are mainly involved in the commercial circulation of diamonds, will protest. However, if Italians and Greeks can be persuaded to close their ports, then in this situation..."

Suspension!, Still concealing family members, the chief surgeon of the cesarean section fractured the child's thigh, the chief surgeon | doctor | thigh
Suspension!, Still concealing family members, the chief surgeon of the cesarean section fractured the child's thigh, the chief surgeon | doctor | thigh

Recently, Ms. Zhang from Tianjin posted on social media that on April 9th, during a cesarean section at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Wuqing District, Tianjin, the chief surgeon fractured her child's thigh without informing her family. After the child was born, he cried frequently. The next day, he discovered that his right leg was thick and swollen. He went to Tianjin Children's Hospital for examination and was diagnosed with a right femur fracture. Children under treatment. The interviewee provided a picture saying, "The nurse took a bath for the child, I don't know if it's obvious. After 20 minutes of washing, the child cried for 20 minutes." Ms. Zhang said that after the incident, her family rushed to multiple hospitals in Tianjin and Beijing to receive treatment with the child, who was only two days old. Due to a thigh fracture, the child's penis is congested and the scrotum is swollen, causing them to cry loudly every time they urinate. Ms. Zhang said that during the treatment period, the child had a frog shaped frame fixed below the back, which was not possible

Micron has a big action company in India | Micron India
Micron has a big action company in India | Micron India

According to Reuters, Micron Technologies of the United States announced on the 22nd that it will invest up to $825 million in Gujarat, India to establish new chip assembly and testing facilities, marking the company's first factory in India. Micron stated that with the support of the central government of India and the state of Gujarat, the total investment in the facility will reach 2.75 billion US dollars. 50% of it will come from the central government of India and 20% from Gujarat. According to reports, the Indian cabinet approved the project before Prime Minister Modi's state visit to the United States. Micron Technology's chip manufacturing plant in Manassas, USA, Micron announced that the construction of a new facility in Gujarat is expected to begin in 2023, and the first phase of the project will be operational by the end of 2024. The company stated that the second phase of the project is expected to be completed

Russian missiles arrived in the morning, Kiev launched an attack missile in the early morning | Russia | Kiev
Russian missiles arrived in the morning, Kiev launched an attack missile in the early morning | Russia | Kiev

According to the website of the Moscow Communist Youth League, on June 22, the Ukrainian military did not heed the warning issued by Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and launched a "Storm Shadow" missile attack on the Jongar Bridge connecting Crimea and Kherson in the early hours of June 22. Why does Kiev still do this despite knowing the inevitable consequences? At the meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense Affairs Committee held on the 20th, Shoigu said, "Based on the information we have, the Ukrainian military leadership plans to use 'Hamas' and' Storm Shadow 'to attack Russian territory, including Crimea." The incident did indeed occur. This reflects the capabilities of the Russian intelligence agency. According to reports of missile attacks on bridges in Crimea, Shaoigu disclosed intelligence information in advance about possible Ukrainian military strikes on Crimea and warned of such actions