The world

Buying a house at half price? Dongguan plans to relax the conditions for shared property rights housing. Shenzhen Administrative Measures for Affordable Rental Housing | Shenzhen Administrative Measures for Shared Property Rights Housing | Property Rights Housing

Nowadays, multiple cities have successively launched shared ownership housing. Recently, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Dongguan City issued a notice on adjusting the eligibility conditions for purchasing jointly owned housing in Dongguan City. It plans to expand the scope of applicants to the entire city in the second stage of sales and comprehensively shorten the period of time for all types of applicants to pay pension insurance. In the future, the qualifications of property buyers with shared ownership in Dongguan may be further relaxed. It helps to attract more talents. According to the current regulations, the "three restrictions" on housing prices, land prices, and sales targets in Dongguan City require buyers to invest 50% of the total price to purchase 50% of the property rights, and the other 50% of the property rights are held by the holding agency. That is, buyers use half of the price to enjoy the same education, medical, household registration, and other rights as commercial housing, so it is also known as "buying a house at half price". The benefits of this new policy are mainly reflected in the application

Rice seedlings may still be saved. Five affected farmers: If the water recedes quickly, the terrain | water level | farmers
Rice seedlings may still be saved. Five affected farmers: If the water recedes quickly, the terrain | water level | farmers

On the morning of August 6th, most of the rice paddies in Lexiang, a resident of Wuchang, Heilongjiang Province, which were submerged by floods, began to decline as the water level began to decline. Some rice growing in high terrain areas had slowly emerged from the water, while others were still completely submerged in the water. Affected by the passage of Typhoon Dussuri, the rainfall in Wuchang City has exceeded 100 millimeters for several consecutive days since August 2nd. The heavy rainfall caused large and medium-sized reservoirs and rivers in Wuchang to exceed the flood limit water level, and many villages along the river in Wuchang City were flooded. On August 4th, villagers of Hongqi Village in Yingchengzi Township, Wuchang City received another government notice that the water level of the Mangniu River has risen and must be transferred as soon as possible. The flood is approaching step by step, and some villagers are driving valuable agricultural machinery and putting on simple clothes and belongings; Some tractors are filled with fertilizer feed, and villagers pull cows that cannot walk too far to a small hill outside the village and tie them up

The firefighter in question responded by arranging a human wall to escort children down the cliff, attracting attention from the firefighter | child | in question
The firefighter in question responded by arranging a human wall to escort children down the cliff, attracting attention from the firefighter | child | in question

Recently, a video of a firefighter using his body to build a human wall next to a cliff and escorting children down the mountain has attracted attention. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Fire Rescue Brigade that all 25 firefighters escorting children in the video are from the Beijing Municipal Fire Rescue Brigade Special Service Detachment. On August 6th, at the rescue site in Xiehejian Village, Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Yue Xin, the deputy leader of the Special Service Support Team, told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter about the process of escorting a trapped child down the mountain on August 2nd. The entire escort process took nearly 4 hours. After the children were put on the shuttle bus, all the team members were exhausted. However, when they heard the children say "thank you" in their childish voices, everyone smiled. In this video that has been widely circulated online, firefighters built fences with their bodies to prevent serious landslides along mountain roads, according to a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily

France Suspends Aid to Burkina Faso Support | Burkina Faso | France
France Suspends Aid to Burkina Faso Support | Burkina Faso | France

On the 6th local time, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that France will immediately suspend development aid and financial support to Burkina Faso until further notice. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not provide an explanation for the reason for the suspension. Burkina Faso was a former French colony with complex relations with France. In September 2022, Captain Traore of the Burkina Faso Army launched a coup, announcing the dismissal of the transitional president of Damiba. In October 2022, he was sworn in as the transitional president of Burkina Faso. At the beginning of 2023, Burkina Faso requested that France withdraw its troops stationed in Burkina Faso. The French military officially withdrew on February 18, 2023. Recently, Burkina Faso has supported the coup in Niger.

Closing, International Conference on Ukraine | International | Ukraine
Closing, International Conference on Ukraine | International | Ukraine

On the 6th local time, the two-day international conference on Ukraine successfully concluded in the Saudi port city of Jeddah. The meeting emphasized the importance of peacefully resolving the Ukrainian issue through international consultation. The International Conference on Ukraine, held in Jeddah, western Saudi Arabia, emphasized the importance of achieving peace through international consultations. The two-day International Conference on Ukraine concluded on the 6th in Jeddah, a coastal city in western Saudi Arabia. The attending parties emphasized the importance of achieving a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian crisis through international consultations. According to Saudi media reports, representatives from over 40 countries and international organizations attended the conference both online and offline. During the meeting, participants listened to speeches made by representatives from various parties on the Ukrainian issue and discussed the peaceful solution proposed by Ukraine. Saudi media reports that Saudi Arabia has been committed to promoting Russia

Journalist's direct attack on the epicenter of the Shandong Plain for 12 hours: Overall stability of social production and life order rescue | Command | Production
Journalist's direct attack on the epicenter of the Shandong Plain for 12 hours: Overall stability of social production and life order rescue | Command | Production

At 2:33 am on August 6th, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, with a depth of 10 kilometers. After the earthquake, the reporter rushed from Jinan to Wangdagua Town in Pingyuan County, the epicenter of the earthquake. At 12:00 noon, at the earthquake scene command center located in Wangdagua Town Central Primary School in Pingyuan County, the reporter saw rescue facilities built by 12 working groups including emergency rescue, medical assistance, emergency communication, transportation, electricity security, and public security maintenance. The on-site personnel are making every effort to ensure safety and prepare rescue teams and materials. After the earthquake, Shandong Province activated Level III emergency response in accordance with the provisions of the "Shandong Province Earthquake Emergency Plan" and established the "Provincial, Municipal, and County Field Command Headquarters". At 14:00 in the afternoon, in an uninhabited old residential building in Wangdagua Village, the reporter saw that half of the courtyard wall had collapsed and tiles had fallen off the eaves. On site indication

What will shake?, Media: Heroes are not respected, dedication is not remembered, users | comments | heroes
What will shake?, Media: Heroes are not respected, dedication is not remembered, users | comments | heroes

The official Weibo post recently stated that a very small number of users have made historical nihilistic remarks that defame the heroes of the volunteer army. At the same time, some users have insulted the members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team who died in heavy rainfall rescue and relief, and have taken the opportunity to make illegal remarks that incite gender opposition and amplify group conflicts. In response, the station dealt with 297 non compliant users in accordance with relevant regulations. During this period, there was the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Korean War, followed by the 96th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army of China. The atmosphere of paying tribute to soldiers and being grateful for their contributions was already stirring in the public opinion. In addition, recently, some regions across the country have been hit by rainstorm and frequent mountain torrents. People's soldiers and rescue teams from all sides are stepping up their rescue efforts. The figure that goes against the rain, the wholehearted dedication, and the sacrifice of sacrificing oneself for others all deeply move people

People's Daily Today Talks: "Party Members and Cadres Must Charge Ahead" Grassroots | People | Key Points
People's Daily Today Talks: "Party Members and Cadres Must Charge Ahead" Grassroots | People | Key Points

At 5:20 am on August 5th, at dawn, Zhang Zhiguo, a member of the flood control and rescue team in Shanqiu Village, Mo'nan Town, Xian County, Hebei Province, keenly noticed bubbles on the upstream side of the embankment. This means that there are voids underwater, which can cause safety hazards and must be promptly investigated. Zhang Zhiguo, with over 30 years of party experience, resolutely jumped into the water and repeatedly explored in the flood, even though the water was not above his chest, he persisted in searching. Half an hour later, the specific location of the cavity was finally detected. "I am a party member, and for the safety of the embankment, even if I suffer a lot, it is worth it!" The simple words reflect the responsibility of a communist party member.

Yulin, Shaanxi responds to tourists taking photos while stepping on the Danxia landform: Follow up! Landform | Violation | Danxia Landform
Yulin, Shaanxi responds to tourists taking photos while stepping on the Danxia landform: Follow up! Landform | Violation | Danxia Landform

Recently, a tourist took illegal photos while stepping on the Danxia landform in Wave Valley, Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On August 6th, multiple media outlets forwarded this video. Netizens have angrily criticized this behavior of taking illegal photos and damaging natural geological relics. On the afternoon of August 5th, our bureau has dispatched a cultural market comprehensive law enforcement team to cooperate with relevant departments to investigate the relevant perpetrators. After the facts are verified, strict punishment will be imposed in accordance with relevant national regulations and timely disclosure will be made to the public. We hereby advocate that tourists should abide by relevant regulations, cherish the local natural landscape, and become civilized travelers during their outings. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the media and netizens for their concern and care towards the Danxia Landform Scenic Area. I sincerely welcome all tourists to come to Jing'an for tourism. Jingbian County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television 2023

Is a civil war about to break out?, Israeli legislators who have been surrounded and beaten four times but still stand firm | Reform | Israel
Is a civil war about to break out?, Israeli legislators who have been surrounded and beaten four times but still stand firm | Reform | Israel

Israel, with its miracle of being an indestructible superpower in the four Middle East wars, has shaken the world. However, this small country, which is known to the world as united, resilient, and strong, has been torn apart internally this year due to the judicial reforms forcefully promoted by the Netanyahu government. Protests and demonstrations have been prolonged and intensified in major cities. Israeli President Herzog and former Prime Minister Olmert have warned that due to this crisis, "Israel may fall into a civil war.". Half a century later, Israel once again reached a crossroads that determined its national destiny. This time, there were no 570000 strong armies from Egypt, Syria, or Iraq pressing down from both directions, but the level of danger was comparable. Lenin once said, "Forts are easiest to break through from within.". The journalist from Chao News has invited multiple international experts to assist you

This associate professor from the university is also in the car! More details, On the side of the train that has been stranded for 72 hours | Rescue | Details
This associate professor from the university is also in the car! More details, On the side of the train that has been stranded for 72 hours | Rescue | Details

"I am a police officer and a teacher majoring in emergency rescue at the Police University. What can I do?" A few days ago, the K1178 train stranded in Mentougou, Beijing, touched the hearts of many netizens. On August 5th, the People's Police University of China issued a document stating that Associate Professor Tang Huaqing from the School of Rescue Command was also on the K1178 train. On the afternoon of July 29th, Associate Professor Tang Huaqing, who had completed his teaching training in Yinchuan, took the K1178 train back to school. Under the influence of typhoon "Du Suri", the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region was hit by heavy rain to rainstorm. The K1178 train from Yinchuan to Fengtai, Beijing was stranded at the riverside city station in Mentougou, Beijing due to the impact of rainstorm. Communication interruption among all personnel inside the train, shortage of food, medicine and other supplies on site, and water usage

With the latest developments, this world-class farce Musk | Zuckerberg | Progress
With the latest developments, this world-class farce Musk | Zuckerberg | Progress

Do you still remember Musk and Zuckerberg's cage fight? This world-class farce has made the latest progress. According to Musk, his duel with Zuckerberg will be broadcast live on X, and all proceeds will be donated to veterans charity organizations. What is X? It's just Twitter! After Musk bought Twitter, he changed its name to X. The whole world was taken aback for a moment. A brand so famous, could you just change it? But we have to say that money is capricious. Returning to this octagonal cage duel, Musk revealed that he is currently practicing weightlifting all day, preparing for the final duel. If there is really a fight, there is no doubt that this is the most valuable fight in world history. It's simple, Musk is now the world's richest man, with a wealth of approximately 236 billion US dollars

Opening up New Space for Growth (People's Current Review), Expanding Domestic Demand | Expanding Domestic Demand | Current Review
Opening up New Space for Growth (People's Current Review), Expanding Domestic Demand | Expanding Domestic Demand | Current Review

The bottlenecks, pain points, difficulties, and gaps in economic development are all the driving points that can improve quality and efficiency. "The compact body, convenient charging, and a discount of 5000 yuan when buying a car." Recently, Wang Dongyan, who lives in Zouma Town, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, spent less than 50000 yuan to purchase a new energy vehicle. "The electricity cost per kilometer is only 4 cents, and the range is also sufficient.". This is a vivid portrayal of supporting the implementation of the policy of promoting new energy vehicles to rural areas and effectively leveraging the rural automobile consumption market, as well as a concrete example of the effective implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand. In the first half of the year, with the implementation of various policy measures to expand domestic demand, domestic consumption recovered rapidly, investment continued to grow, and the contribution of domestic demand steadily increased. Opening the semi annual report, the contribution rate of final consumer spending to economic growth reached 77.2%, significantly higher than last year; solid

Nearly 10000 fishing boats have been lifted from ban and set sail! Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other regions have launched the first batch of fishing boats after the summer fishing ban
Nearly 10000 fishing boats have been lifted from ban and set sail! Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other regions have launched the first batch of fishing boats after the summer fishing ban

On August 6th, four special licensed fishing vessels for coastal operations in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces ended the fishing ban in the East China Sea ahead of schedule and began fishing, also known as "small opening fishing". On the afternoon of August 5th, the reporter saw in Dongzaogang, Haimen District, Nantong, Jiangsu that 62 fishing boats that met the conditions for "small-scale fishing" were gradually leaving the port. That night, the port of Lusi Fishing Port located in Qidong, Nantong was brightly lit, and fishing boats were busy preparing for the final stage. On the early morning of August 6th, the lock of Lusi Fishing Port was opened on time, and more than 130 fishing boats orderly departed in the darkness. Fisherman Jiang Hao: It will take at least 3-4 hours to reach the fishing area, and the main targets for fishing are golden hook shrimp, crabs, and plate fish. In Ningbo, Zhoushan, Taizhou and other places in Zhejiang Province, nearly 10000 fishing boats that have obtained fishing permits are also experiencing a "small opening fishing". At 8:00 am on August 6th, in Zhejiang

Tax and fee dividends enhance the development confidence of enterprises (financial perspective) Policy | Expenses | Enterprises
Tax and fee dividends enhance the development confidence of enterprises (financial perspective) Policy | Expenses | Enterprises

Data taxation is an important tool for the country to implement macroeconomic regulation. According to data recently released by the State Administration of Taxation, in the first half of this year, the country added 927.9 billion yuan in tax reductions and deferred tax refunds. By industry, the manufacturing industry and related wholesale and retail industries have the highest proportion, with a cumulative increase of 381.8 billion yuan in tax reduction and fee deferral, accounting for 41%. From the perspective of enterprise scale, small and medium-sized enterprises have benefited the most significantly, with an increase of 576.6 billion yuan in tax reduction and fee deferral, accounting for 62%. How effective is the tax and fee preferential policy? What are the new changes in tax and payment services? What are some good measures to assist the private economy? The reporter conducted an interview. "This year, our company has enjoyed additional deductions for research and development expenses, as well as income tax for small and micro enterprises and high-tech enterprises, to help enterprises overcome obstacles and enhance their innovation and development momentum through tax and fee policies."

Strong development momentum of specialized and innovative enterprises
Strong development momentum of specialized and innovative enterprises

The latest data shows that there are currently 98000 specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and 12000 "little giant" enterprises cultivated nationwide. In recent years, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has carried out gradient cultivation to guide small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on casting expertise, strengthen industries with supporting facilities, and win the market with innovation, achieving specialized, refined, unique, and new development. Various measures have been taken in various regions to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, resulting in the emergence of numerous specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, injecting strong momentum into high-quality development. Strengthening planning and leading various regions to regard the cultivation of specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises as an important measure to promote high-quality development. Special plans have been issued to promote the development of specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerating the formation of a policy system to support such development. Recently, with 217 enterprises entering the fifth batch of national level specialized, refined, and new "little giant" enterprise lists, Hubei Province's national level specialized, refined, and special enterprises have been announced

How to self rescue and mutual rescue after an earthquake occurs? These scientific rescue and protection knowledge need to be understood! Basic knowledge | Earthquake | Protection
How to self rescue and mutual rescue after an earthquake occurs? These scientific rescue and protection knowledge need to be understood! Basic knowledge | Earthquake | Protection

According to the official measurement of the China Earthquake Networks Center, at 2:33 on August 6, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, with a focal depth of 10 kilometers; At 3:02 am, a 3.0 magnitude earthquake occurred with a depth of 9 kilometers. Earthquakes are generally felt throughout Shandong province, with many in Beijing, Hebei, and other areas experiencing significant tremors. Self rescue and mutual assistance during earthquake rescue are very important. Firstly, evaluating the environment and one's own condition is important for escaping danger. What have I encountered? Am I injured? Assess whether you are injured, the severity of the injury, etc. Such as whether there is bleeding, whether there is a fracture, etc. If bleeding occurs, especially jet like arterial bleeding, it is necessary to quickly stop bleeding and self rescue. Generally, finger pressure should be used quickly to stop bleeding, or elastic straps should be used to tie and press the upper part of the bleeding outlet for hemostasis. Secondly, being masked

Focus interview, people's supremacy, resolutely win this tough battle, disaster relief | work | tough battle
Focus interview, people's supremacy, resolutely win this tough battle, disaster relief | work | tough battle

Affected by the recent rainstorm, geological disasters of flood and waterlogging occurred in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Northeast China.Party members, cadres, and the masses unite and face difficulties, making every effort to do a good job in emergency response and rescue, and taking various measures to restore normal production and life order as soon as possible. Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall processes have occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas, causing floods and geological disasters. On July 29, the Central Meteorological Station issued a red warning for rainstorm. In the following three days, the Central Meteorological Station issued seven red warnings for rainstorm. The total duration of rainstorm in Beijing is about 92 hours

The total import and export volume of services increased by 8.5% year-on-year (new data highlights) Trade | Services | year-on-year
The total import and export volume of services increased by 8.5% year-on-year (new data highlights) Trade | Services | year-on-year

Data Mapping: Cai Huawei, Beijing, August 6th (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Commerce recently released data showing that China's service trade continued to maintain a growth trend in the first half of this year. The total import and export volume of services was 3135.84 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.5%, including exports of 1323.22 billion yuan and imports of 1812.62 billion yuan. Service trade is an important component of international trade and an important field of international economic and trade cooperation. Currently, service trade is increasingly becoming a new driving force for China's high-quality trade development and a new lever for deepening opening-up, playing an important role in building a new development pattern. The growth of knowledge intensive service trade has become a new engine driving the growth of China's service trade. Data shows that in the first half of the year, the import and export of knowledge intensive services reached 1363.92 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.3%, accounting for

The driving force for the development of Zhejiang's private economy continues to accumulate (economic focus), with industries | added value | economy
The driving force for the development of Zhejiang's private economy continues to accumulate (economic focus), with industries | added value | economy

In the Beilun Port area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port, giant ships are parked at full berths, and bridge cranes and container trucks are busy shuttling back and forth; In the Yiwu International Trade City, people come and go between stores, and there is a constant stream of foreign merchants coming to purchase; Night markets across the country are crowded with people, and stalls are filled with a variety of products... The land of Zhijiang is bustling with activity. In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product of Zhejiang Province was 3871.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8% based on comparable prices. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 105 billion yuan, an increase of 4.3%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1580 billion yuan, an increase of 4.7%; The added value of the tertiary industry is 2186.7 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4%... Behind a series of impressive data, it reflects the stable and positive development momentum of Zhejiang's economy, with continuous accumulation of development momentum. Enhancing the Vitality of Private Economy

Youth Dedicated to Wanli Haijiang (the Most Beautiful Revolutionary Soldier of the New Era) Function | Hainan | Era
Youth Dedicated to Wanli Haijiang (the Most Beautiful Revolutionary Soldier of the New Era) Function | Hainan | Era

In a certain sea area of the South China Sea, there are high winds and fast waves, and a practical air shooting training is underway under combat conditions. The Chinese Navy's amphibious assault ship Hainan, which is carrying out combat readiness missions, is chopping through waves. "Fire!" Just as the enemy plane entered the range of the secondary gun, the commander gave a command, accompanied by a series of flames from the secondary gun, the shells roared towards the target, and the distant target plane disintegrated in response. The commander of this training is Captain Zhang Meiyu of the Hainan Ship. Since enlisting, Zhang Meiyu has always kept her mission in mind and fought tirelessly on the front line of maritime struggles. She has participated in dozens of major tasks such as escorting the Gulf of Aden and joint exercises between China and foreign countries, and has been awarded second and third class honors once each. In 2008, Zhang Meiyu, who graduated from a military academy, came to work in a destroyer detachment of the Navy and served as the deputy inspector of the Xiangfan ship

Urgent Aid in the Battle of Floods, Full Effort to Ensure Safety - Heilongjiang Anti Flood Scanning Infrastructure | Floods | Heilongjiang
Urgent Aid in the Battle of Floods, Full Effort to Ensure Safety - Heilongjiang Anti Flood Scanning Infrastructure | Floods | Heilongjiang

Recently, due to the impact of Typhoon Dussuri, Heilongjiang Province experienced extreme rainfall, causing floods and geological disasters. Many cities such as Harbin and Mudanjiang were affected, and infrastructure such as transportation, water, electricity, and communication were damaged to varying degrees. Heilongjiang Province is making every effort to do a good job in emergency rescue and rescue for floods and waterlogging, making efforts to resettle the affected people, quickly repairing damaged infrastructure, and striving to minimize disaster losses. At a critical moment, the "Ark of Life" ferries hope that 25 rivers, including the Lalin River, have exceeded the warning water level. Heilongjiang Province has issued multiple warnings such as severe convective warnings, and Harbin's flood control emergency response has been upgraded to level one... Amidst the disaster, people are racing against time. At 18:00 on August 4th, the water level at the Ant River Yanshou Hydrological Station was 100.32 meters, marking the largest flood on record. Around 22:00 on the same day, the southern embankment of Yanshou Town collapsed

All regions and relevant departments are making every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief, and to restore production and living order as soon as possible. Flood prevention | people | regions
All regions and relevant departments are making every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief, and to restore production and living order as soon as possible. Flood prevention | people | regions

In recent days, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Northeast China and other areas, causing floods and geological disasters.The flood situation is the command, and the dangerous situation is the war situation. Today, rescue work is still ongoing in Sanpo Town, Laishui, Baoding. 26000 tourists and residents have been transferred locally, and 16 disconnected villages have been contacted. Zhang Liang, Deputy Director of the Road and Bridge Construction Center of the Transportation Bureau of Laishui County, Hebei Province: What we are currently doing is to timely clean up the sand and gravel washed away by the flood, so as to facilitate the transportation of heavy vehicles and materials

The "World Memory Exchange Corner" of the barter market at the Universiade | Athletes | Memory
The "World Memory Exchange Corner" of the barter market at the Universiade | Athletes | Memory

The Universiade has entered the second half of the competition, with athletes from various countries competing fiercely on the field, and the cheers from the stands are also rising one after another. At various competition venues, the audience watched enthusiastically and orderly, showcasing the civilized style of the millennium old city to the world. In the track and field competition held at the Chengdu Shuangliu Sports Center Stadium, athletes competed on the field, and the cheers echoed throughout the venue. The enthusiasm at the scene was also conveyed to the athletes. Australian athlete Youse: The atmosphere on the field is fantastic, everyone is very enthusiastic and passionate. When your name and where you come from are broadcasted, the audience cheers and makes me proud, which makes me perform better. German athlete Fren: After the final, we went out from the exit and many people wanted to take photos with us. They were so friendly, and I have never felt this way before

Expanding Effective Investment to Stimulate Growth Momentum (Mid year Economic Observation) Investment | Infrastructure | Economy
Expanding Effective Investment to Stimulate Growth Momentum (Mid year Economic Observation) Investment | Infrastructure | Economy

Capable of processing billions of images within 24 hours - In the first half of this year, with the support of a special loan of 230 million yuan from the National Development Bank, the Future Artificial Intelligence Computing Center in Yanta District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, accelerated its construction and operation; In the first half of the year, 41 newly listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board had a total IPO financing amount of 87.7 billion yuan - R&D investment from listed companies in industries such as new generation information technology, biopharmaceuticals, and high-end equipment continued to grow, and innovation capital accelerated its formationThe Political Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held on July 24th

She unfortunately passed away! Should scenic spots take responsibility?, Touring in Mount Sanqing and meeting flash flood sister | scenic spot | flash flood
She unfortunately passed away! Should scenic spots take responsibility?, Touring in Mount Sanqing and meeting flash flood sister | scenic spot | flash flood

The five members of Mr. Xu's family took advantage of the summer vacation to drive themselves to famous scenic spots in Jiangxi, and what they expected was that what happened next would break their hearts and grief... When Mr. Xu's wife, Ms. Wang, was visiting Mount Sanqing scenic spot, she was suspected of being washed away by flash floods, and had died when the rescue team found her, leaving two young sons, one 6 years old and one 3 years old. A family of five traveled to a well-known scenic spot during the summer vacation. The deceased woman, surnamed Wang, is 30 years old and from Yijiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province. Mr. Xu, the husband, introduced that he is in the catering business, his wife is a teacher, and his 14-year-old sister is in the second grade of junior high school. Recently, they have been wanting to go on a trip during the summer vacation. On July 20th this year, Mr. Xu and his group of five self drove from their hometown in Anhui to Jiangxi Province

Henan Xixia: "Real Gold and Silver" Support for College Students' Employment Family | Graduates | Henan Xixia
Henan Xixia: "Real Gold and Silver" Support for College Students' Employment Family | Graduates | Henan Xixia

"I finally have a stable job, I'm so happy!" Zhai Junjie, who just received his first month internship salary from Shengda Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. in Nanyang City, Henan Province, excitedly shared his joy with his family. Zhai Junjie is from Wuliqiao Town, Xixia County, Henan Province. As a fresh graduate of Nanyang Vocational College in 2023, he participated in the employment dual selection meeting for fresh graduates held by the Xixia County government and the school in June this year. He reached an employment intention with the enterprise and successfully found employment. Zhai Junjie's employment story is a microcosm of the local policy of strengthening employment support for graduates. Xixia County regards the employment of college students as the key to cultivating and reserving outstanding enterprise talents, strengthens investigation, and formulates a series of policy measures such as the "Smart Huilong Township Plan". This year, Xixia County successively held the Spring College Student Employment Recruitment Fair and the Political School Joint Office

Aerospace Dream Inspires Strugglers (Innovation Talk) Astronauts | Crew | Innovation
Aerospace Dream Inspires Strugglers (Innovation Talk) Astronauts | Crew | Innovation

The courage to dream, the courage to pursue dreams, and the diligence to fulfill dreams are a true portrayal of the hard work of astronauts, providing rich inspiration to countless fighters. Recently, the Shenzhou-15 astronauts made their first appearance after returning from their crew. Astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu are in good condition and will soon resume normal training work. In less than two years, China has had five astronauts, including Shenzhou-12, stationed in Chinese space homes. Chinese manned spacemen, represented by them, vividly embody the responsibility and pursuit of daring to have dreams, daring to pursue them, and diligently fulfilling their dreams. Daring to have dreams, daring to pursue them, and being diligent in fulfilling them are the earnest messages to young friends when the crew of Shenzhou-16 astronauts, who are on a space business trip to the Chinese space station, made their first public appearance. These 12 words are also a true portrayal of the hard work of astronauts, providing abundant opportunities for countless fighters

Building a "Golden Nest" to Incubate a "Golden Egg" Steady State | Science | Golden Egg
Building a "Golden Nest" to Incubate a "Golden Egg" Steady State | Science | Golden Egg

In the summer, Science Island is quiet as usual, with occasional cicadas chirping. This is a "peninsula" stretching into Dongpu Reservoir in Hefei, Anhui Province. Its name is "Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei Institute of Material Science". This small island, with an area of less than 3 square kilometers, is densely covered with large scientific devices such as the "artificial sun" and steady-state strong magnetic field. A series of major original innovative achievements from "0 to 1" have been transmitted from here like thunder: the "artificial sun" has successfully achieved 403 seconds of steady-state long pulse high constraint mode plasma operation, and the steady-state strong magnetic field has created a magnetic field more than 900000 times that of the Earth's magnetic field... "Currently, we are setting new scientific tasks for the" artificial sun ", challenging higher and more persistent goals such as the 1000 second high constraint mode, and accelerating the pre research of key components of fusion experimental reactors and engineering reactors to achieve

Bicycle Industry Survey Market | Bicycle | Industry
Bicycle Industry Survey Market | Bicycle | Industry

The audience visited the 31st China International Bicycle Exhibition. In 2022, the total production of bicycles in China exceeded 51 million, and these bicycles can circle the Earth more than 2 times when connected head to tail. The former "Kingdom of Bicycles" is still a major bicycle country today. But who would have thought that the globally renowned Chinese bicycle industry still faces the dilemma of key components being "choked" on some mid to high end varieties. Behind the above phenomenon, it reflects the common difficulties encountered in the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries, including the bicycle industry.Currently, off