The world

Netizen: The original emoji used was it, the famous Chinese dog Cheems died emoji | puppy | death
Netizen: The original emoji used was it, the famous Chinese dog Cheems died emoji | puppy | death

According to yesterday's report, the owner of the well-known online emoticon pack Cheems revealed on social media that the puppy passed away during surgery on August 18th. The owner of the puppy wrote in the article, "Please don't be sad, remember the joy he brings to the world. A round smiling face connects us, Shiba Dog. He helped many people during the epidemic and brought happiness to many people. Now his mission has been completed. I hope he can continue to bring happiness to everyone on the internet." It is reported that Balltze was recognized by netizens in 2017 for a vivid expression picture of sitting on the ground. After Balltze became popular on the internet, many emoticons have emerged, among which the emoticon "Muscle Chai and Little Scrap Chai" has been used by many netizens. His weak and pitiful appearance, along with the muscular dog Doge on his left

The Turpan Heat Day has reached 39 days! How does the national temperature develop after the summer solstice? Expert analysis shows that the number of days during the 40 day period of the three hottest days | three hottest days | high temperatures
The Turpan Heat Day has reached 39 days! How does the national temperature develop after the summer solstice? Expert analysis shows that the number of days during the 40 day period of the three hottest days | three hottest days | high temperatures

Today marks the official end of the 40 day three dog days this year. Compared to last year, what is the temperature of the three hottest days in China this year? How will the temperature develop after the summer solstice? Take a look at the analysis of meteorological experts. It is said that the heat is in the summer heat. Looking back at the extended version of the 40 day summer heat that just ended this year, it can be said that the heat in many places is even higher than usual. Let's take a look at many parts of the country, especially in most northern regions, where the average temperature is generally one to two degrees Celsius higher, and in many provinces, regions, and cities, the heat is among the top during the same period. It can be seen that Xinjiang ranks as the hottest region of the same period, and in addition, Shanxi, Hebei, and other places, the heat can also be ranked second or third in history. In addition to the average high temperature, there are also many days of high temperatures. During the 40 day dog days, one can see the northwest

Reminder from the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh!, Received multiple reports of severe cases of dengue fever among Chinese citizens in Bangladesh | Embassy | Dengue Fever
Reminder from the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh!, Received multiple reports of severe cases of dengue fever among Chinese citizens in Bangladesh | Embassy | Dengue Fever

The Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh reminds Chinese citizens in Bangladesh to pay attention to preventing dengue fever. Currently, Bangladesh is in the rainy season, with high temperatures and humidity, and a large number of mosquitoes and insects breeding. The dengue fever epidemic is severe. According to statistics, there have been over 90000 cases of dengue fever and 453 deaths in Bangladesh this year. Recently, our museum has received multiple reports of severe cases of dengue fever among Chinese citizens. The Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh hereby reminds Chinese citizens to strengthen prevention measures: 1. Take regular mosquito prevention and extermination measures in densely populated areas. 2、 Effectively improve hygiene awareness and avoid the breeding of mosquitoes and insects due to accumulated water in living areas, such as flower pots and vases. 3、 Be sure to prepare medication and use mosquito repellents and insect repellents when going out to prevent mosquito bites. 4、 If relevant infection symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately. Bangladesh National Emergency Service Hotline: 999 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Once relied on internet celebrity filters to gain popularity, millions of application software ceased operation! Back to the Internet giant Time | Photo album | Giant
Once relied on internet celebrity filters to gain popularity, millions of application software ceased operation! Back to the Internet giant Time | Photo album | Giant

Tiktok's Smart Cloud Photo Album APP Time Photo Album recently announced that it will officially stop operation on November 15 this year. This application, which was launched in 2015, became famous for releasing the same internet celebrity filter from the movie "Your Name". After 8 years of operation, it unfortunately announced its discontinuation. The reporter found that the concept of "cloud album" once emerged as a new force, attracting Internet giants to compete for layout. However, after years of exploration, many "cloud photo album" applications have found it difficult to break through the business model loop, resulting in closure or integration into other applications. Time Album, which once gained popularity through internet celebrity filters, recently announced that it will officially cease operation from 00:00:00 on November 15, 2023. At that time, all functions will be discontinued and all APs will be turned off

The Niger military government claims to complete the power transition within 3 years. Chiani | Niger | Power
The Niger military government claims to complete the power transition within 3 years. Chiani | Niger | Power

Niamey News: On the evening of the 19th, Chiani, Chairman of the National Committee for the Defense of the Motherland of Niger, delivered a televised speech, stating that the power transition will be completed within three years. He said that the Niger military government will take emergency measures to this end, inviting people from all walks of life in Nepal to jointly discuss and formulate the basic principles and priorities for the power transition period in the next 30 days. The Niger military government will engage in dialogue nationwide and gather forces from all sectors to lay the foundation for a new constitutional order. Chiani stated that the Niger National Committee for the Defense of the Motherland fully respects the freedom of the people to choose their government. On July 26th, some soldiers of the Niger Presidential Guard detained President Bazum. Late that night, military representatives of the coup announced on Niger's national television the establishment of the National Committee for the Defense of the Motherland, lifting President Bazum's authority and allowing the military regime to take over national affairs

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission are equally unable to evade disciplinary and legal punishment. Leading cadres who engage in corruption are not allowed to "rest" despite retreating. | Education | State
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission are equally unable to evade disciplinary and legal punishment. Leading cadres who engage in corruption are not allowed to "rest" despite retreating. | Education | State

This week, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission was authorized to release a notice: Chen Ping, former Party Secretary and Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Jiangxi Province, has been expelled from the Party. The notice mentioned an issue with Chen Ping: to retreat without taking a break. Coincidentally. According to this year's report, there are several officials at the department level who have retired without taking a break - Xi Hongjian, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics. He privately used public power, retired without taking a break, and illegally received huge amounts of property for the benefit of others in engineering project contracting and other aspects. Pan Yiming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, abused his power and retired without taking a break. Li Decai, former member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress and former director of the Urban and Rural Construction Environment and Resource Protection Working Committee, was driven by greed and collected wealth from multiple sources. He had long been colluding with illegal businessmen and was unaware of his actions

Foreign media: The most meaningful match in the history of women's football, the Women's World Cup final will be held today | Women's Football | Final
Foreign media: The most meaningful match in the history of women's football, the Women's World Cup final will be held today | Women's Football | Final

The website of The Independent reported on August 19th that the match held at the Australian Stadium on August 20th will be the most meaningful match in the history of women's football - this may sound like a clich é, but its significance goes far beyond that. The audience record has been broken. The obstacles have been left far behind. In many ways, this is a truly game changing World Cup. According to reports, this year's women's football World Cup has been very intense from the beginning, with frequent outcasts and no decrease in entertainment value. Now, a highly entertaining World Cup will welcome a high-quality final that matches it, with two excellent teams competing. The England and Spain teams are still a continuation of the trend of being unpopular and explosive in this year's Women's World Cup. Both teams overcame various difficulties and advanced to the finals,

Embassy checkout, tourist evading bill Italy | restaurant | evading bill
Embassy checkout, tourist evading bill Italy | restaurant | evading bill

According to Agence France Presse on August 18th, the Italian Embassy in Albania has settled unpaid restaurant bills for Italians during their local vacation. Previously, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni requested diplomats to treat this matter as a matter of national pride. In the picturesque central Albanian city of Perat, the news of these Italian tourists fleeing without checking out after meals made headlines in local media and caused a sensation on social networks. Albanian Prime Minister Eddie Rama said that during his vacation in Albania this week, he mentioned the incident during a meeting with Meloni - Meloni immediately intervened. In an interview with the Italian media "Shimbun", Rama said, "She requested the ambassador to 'please go pay for these idiots and make a statement! Italy cannot do this.'"

The customer is -, Israel's "largest defense order in history" Defense | Contract | Israel
The customer is -, Israel's "largest defense order in history" Defense | Contract | Israel

According to the Associated Press on August 17th, the Israeli Ministry of Defense announced on August 17th that after obtaining approval from the United States, Israel has secured its largest defense contract in history and will sell its advanced missile defense system to Germany for $3.5 billion. According to reports, Germany will purchase Israel's advanced Arrow-3 defense system for intercepting long-range ballistic missiles. Israel previously sought approval from the US State Department for the transaction, as the system was jointly developed by the two countries. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu called the deal "historic". Netanyahu reviewed history in his statement. He pointed out that more than 70 years ago, "Jews were reduced to ashes in Nazi Germany"; More than 70 years later, the Jewish state provided Germany - another Germany - with a tool for self-defense. He said, "This is

In just one month, Messi led his team to win the team's first-ever championship. Fans | Messi | Time
In just one month, Messi led his team to win the team's first-ever championship. Fans | Messi | Time

On the 20th Beijing time, Miami International faced Nashville in the League Cup final. With a 10:9 victory over their opponents in the penalty shootout, Miami International won the championship with a total score of 11:10. This is the first championship in the history of the Miami International team. In the first half, Messi scored a world-class goal against his opponent. Yi Bian fought again and Nashville equalized the score. In the penalty shootout, Miami International won 10-9. Since his Miami International debut in July, Messi has scored in 7 games and has scored 10 goals. After the game, Messi was officially named the MVP of the League Cup by the Miami International social media screenshot. Although he was already honored, Messi still couldn't conceal his joy after winning the championship. He embraced Beckham to celebrate. Before winning the cup, Messi wore the captain's armband back to the original captain. see

The school responded by claiming that they "do not have the conditions to debut," and that male students majoring in physics were actually transferred to Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology to study performance
The school responded by claiming that they "do not have the conditions to debut," and that male students majoring in physics were actually transferred to Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology to study performance

I did not have any artistic foundation and did not fill out relevant majors. As a result, I was admitted to the performing arts major. I received an admission letter from Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology, and Zhang felt a bit confused about the admission letter he received. Interviewee Zhang is from Luoyang, Henan Province. After this year's college entrance examination, he chose some schools in the vocational college batch when filling out his application, including Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology. The five major preferences he filled out at the school were: Computer Application Technology, Big Data Technology, Software Technology, Internet of Things Application Technology, Big Data and Accounting, and he agreed to transfer majors. On August 15th, Zhang received an admission letter from Luoyang Vocational College of Science and Technology, but was not admitted to his chosen major. Instead, he was admitted to the performing arts major of the School of Art and Design at the same university

Wang Xuejun, former deputy mayor of Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, has been expelled from the Party
Wang Xuejun, former deputy mayor of Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, has been expelled from the Party

According to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, with the approval of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Wang Xuejun, a former member of the Party group and deputy mayor of Bayannur City Government. After investigation, it was found that Wang Xuejun, as a party member and leading cadre, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, ignored the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and illegally received gifts; Violating organizational principles and seeking benefits for relatives and others in employee recruitment work; Using power for personal gain and seeking benefits for the business activities of relatives; Neglecting management and inspection of the serious damage to the ecological environment in the Urad Front Banner mining area, and illegally providing guarantees for private enterprise loans, resulting in financial losses; Willing to be "hunted", engaging in power and money transactions, and using their position to facilitate others in contracting projects, developing real estate, and allocating project funds, etc

Police reported that a travel agency in Dalian illegally raised funds through low-priced tours and other means for financial management | department | low-priced tours
Police reported that a travel agency in Dalian illegally raised funds through low-priced tours and other means for financial management | department | low-priced tours

On August 20th, the Wafangdian Public Security Bureau issued a police report ↓↓ Relevant departments reminded citizens to recognize the harm of illegal fundraising and stay away from it. Preventing and dealing with illegal fundraising is a long-term, complex, and arduous systematic project that is related to the vital interests of the people, healthy economic and financial development, and social stability. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the general public, promote the illegality, harmfulness, and manifestations of illegal fundraising to the public, and enhance the public's awareness and identification ability of illegal fundraising, relevant departments in our city have interpreted how to identify and prevent illegal fundraising and other related issues in accordance with the Prevention and Disposal of Illegal Fundraising Regulations, reminding citizens to enhance their awareness of prevention of illegal fundraising, stay away from illegal fundraising, and protect their "wallets". According to《

The police responded that the flight was delayed by three hours as a result, and passengers boarded the plane claiming to have a bomb on board
The police responded that the flight was delayed by three hours as a result, and passengers boarded the plane claiming to have a bomb on board

A netizen reported that on August 19th, a passenger on a flight from Shenyang to Hohhot threatened to have a bomb on board, causing all passengers to disembark. On the 20th, Jimu News learned from the airline and police that after a comprehensive inspection, there were no bombs on the plane, and the passengers involved are being investigated and processed. At 7:45 am on August 19th, a netizen with an IP showing "Liaoning" posted a message on a short video platform stating that they were forced to clear the cabin due to someone claiming there was a bomb on the plane. Jimu News reporters noticed that its video location is Shenyang Taoxian International Airport. In the video, passengers packed their bags and disembarked one after another. In the comment section, the netizen left a message stating that this was his personal experience, and passengers were all asked to disembark from the plane, while those involved were taken away. Person in person message reply 20

15 people were caught on the spot!, Famous Singer Concert | Ticket | Singer
15 people were caught on the spot!, Famous Singer Concert | Ticket | Singer

On August 18 and 19, Jacky Xue's "Exotic Things" Tour concert in Lanzhou was held at the Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center in Gansu Province. Under the situation that tickets for the concert were "hard to get", scalpers took advantage of the situation to buy tickets and sell them at a high price to secretly engage in illegal activities. A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Lanzhou Public Security Bureau that on August 18, the Lanzhou Public Security Administration organized special forces to crack down on the illegal act of scalping tickets for Jacky Xue's "Exotic Things" Tour Concert. 15 ticket scalpers were arrested on the scene, and 74 tickets of all kinds were seized. All involved in the illegal act have been given administrative punishment or criticism and education according to law. The scalper scalpers have seriously disrupted the ticketing market order for entertainment activities, while also seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

Three departments jointly hold a video conference on financial support for the real economy and prevention and resolution of financial risks. Decision making | Support | Economy
Three departments jointly hold a video conference on financial support for the real economy and prevention and resolution of financial risks. Decision making | Support | Economy

On August 18, 2023, the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Regulation, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a video conference to study and implement the central government's decision-making arrangements, study and implement financial support for the development of the real economy, and prevent and resolve financial risks. Pan Gongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the People's Bank of China, Xiao Yuanqi, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Financial Regulation, and Li Chao, Member of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Some key officials from financial institutions introduced their work situation. The meeting believes that since the beginning of this year, the financial sector has resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and continued to support the recovery and development of the real economy. From January to July this year, a new RMB loan of 16.1 trillion yuan was added, an increase of 1.67 trillion yuan year-on-year. This includes broad money supply, social financing scale, and people

5 people injured, Governor of Kursk Oblast: Central train station attacked by Ukrainian drones | Drones | Kursk Oblast
5 people injured, Governor of Kursk Oblast: Central train station attacked by Ukrainian drones | Drones | Kursk Oblast

On August 20th local time, Russian Governor of Kursk Oblast, Roman Starovoit, stated on social media that a Ukrainian drone attacked the Kursk train station and caused a fire, injuring five people. According to TASS on August 20th, Starovoit wrote, "A Ukrainian drone attacked Kursk. Preliminary information shows that the drone collided with the roof of a train station building, which then caught fire. Five people were slightly injured due to glass shards." TASS said that relevant departments are further verifying the details of the attack. Rescue personnel have rushed to the scene to carry out work. The attacked train station is located in the center of Kursk, about 150 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. Recently, the "drone attack and defense war" between Russia and Ukraine has intensified. According to a BBC report on July 31st, in recent months, Russia has

The brand output adopts a direct sales authorization model. The current and future of Zibo barbecue: There are thousands of barbecue shops in Zibo, and the high-quality development of the barbecue industry in Zibo. Department Responsibility List | Zibo | Brand
The brand output adopts a direct sales authorization model. The current and future of Zibo barbecue: There are thousands of barbecue shops in Zibo, and the high-quality development of the barbecue industry in Zibo. Department Responsibility List | Zibo | Brand

"How long can Zibo barbecue continue to be popular? How can the government and the people of the city maintain the sustained popularity of Zibo barbecue? What kind of consumption and industry chain can Zibo barbecue extend?" Recently, Wang Yahua, a member of the Zibo Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shandong, asked in a proposal. In response, the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Commerce revealed that according to work arrangements, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce convened a special "Zhuge Liang" meeting on "Zibo Barbecue Brand Output" with the Municipal Barbecue Association and Zibo Cultural Tourism Group, to discuss the next steps of Zibo Barbecue brand output and form preliminary opinions. According to the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, there are currently three main types of Zibo barbecue brand export models: first, association members who export Zibo barbecue brands in other places through franchising, direct sales, joint operations, etc., need to report to the Municipal Barbecue Association; The second is to entrust and authorize the establishment of the Zibo Chamber of Commerce in other regions

Communication is ongoing, Gansu Tianshui responds to the suspension of most of the construction sites in the second phase of the tram: insufficient funds. Company | Project | Gansu Tianshui
Communication is ongoing, Gansu Tianshui responds to the suspension of most of the construction sites in the second phase of the tram: insufficient funds. Company | Project | Gansu Tianshui

The second phase of the Tianshui tram project in Gansu is facing difficulties. On August 14th, some netizens reported through the "Leadership Message Board" of People's Daily that the second phase of the Tianshui tram project seems to be basically suspended. Should construction continue? Do you still want to pause or cancel the project? If it is to continue construction, please accelerate the progress. The current construction status is too affecting urban transportation and appearance. If the project is planned to be suspended, please backfill the road as soon as possible and restore the road to a level surface. On August 17th, Tianshuitong Tram Co., Ltd. replied that the company has not yet received instructions to stop the implementation of the second phase of the tram project and is still under construction. However, due to the impact of capital, the project financing funds cannot be obtained, and most of the distribution points are temporarily suspended. The company is actively communicating with various departments in order to resolve the issue as soon as possible

Named well-known real estate companies such as Evergrande and Baoneng, resulting in overdue commissions exceeding 1 billion yuan! Developer of Zhongyuan Group | Employee | Commission
Named well-known real estate companies such as Evergrande and Baoneng, resulting in overdue commissions exceeding 1 billion yuan! Developer of Zhongyuan Group | Employee | Commission

On August 20th, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that veteran real estate agency Zhongyuan Group has been exposed by developers for owing commissions exceeding 1 billion yuan, resulting in the inability to pay employee commissions, and has "named" well-known real estate companies such as Jiazhaoye, Evergrande, and Baoneng. Recently, a document titled "Notice on Shenzhen Zhongyuan Feedback and Advance Payment Commission Related Matters" has been circulating online. The mention that "developers/agents have not yet paid commissions of over 1 billion yuan to Shenzhen Zhongyuan" has attracted attention. The image is from an online file stating that in recent years, the real estate industry has been in a downturn, and major developers have been unable to pay sales commissions to Zhongyuan Group and its related companies, resulting in consecutive huge losses for the company. According to statistics, developers/agents have not yet paid commissions of over 1 billion yuan to Shenzhen Zhongyuan, which has been initiated in court

A scenic spot in Hunan has suspended operations, causing tourists to be sucked into the drainage outlet of a water park and die. Equipment | Kingdom | Drainage outlet
A scenic spot in Hunan has suspended operations, causing tourists to be sucked into the drainage outlet of a water park and die. Equipment | Kingdom | Drainage outlet

According to the Beijing News, on the 8th and 19th, a tourist from the Happy Kingdom in Zijin Bay, Taojiang, Hunan was sucked into the drainage outlet of a water park. On the 20th, the reporter learned from the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Taojiang County that the tourist who was sucked into the drainage outlet has been rescued and has no signs of life. The cause of the accident is under further investigation. On August 20, Zijin Bay Happy Kingdom's WeChat official account announced the closure of the park: Zijin Bay Happy Kingdom was closed due to equipment maintenance, and the recovery time will be notified later. According to the Zijin Bay Happy Wanguo WeChat official account, the scenic spot is a large-scale cultural and tourism comprehensive project invested and developed by Taojiang Wanji Tourism Real Estate Co., Ltd., a national 4A scenic spot, covering an area of 400000 square meters, with an investment of 700 million yuan. Integrating theme vacation, amusement experience, landscape recreation, cultural experience, leisure and health preservation, we aim to create a luxurious and self centered environment

Russian National Space Group: "Lunar-25" probe has lost contact and landed | probe | Moon
Russian National Space Group: "Lunar-25" probe has lost contact and landed | probe | Moon

On August 20th local time, the Russian National Space Corporation announced that the Lunar-25 probe has been lost. According to preliminary speculation, the probe entered an unplanned orbit and collided with the surface of the moon. It is reported that the cause of detector disconnection will be investigated by a specially established interdepartmental committee. According to previous reports, the Russian National Space Group announced on the 19th that the Russian "Lunar-25" probe encountered an anomaly while performing orbit change control to enter the landing preparation orbit, and could not operate according to the predetermined parameters. The control team experts are currently analyzing the abnormal situation of the probe. On the 11th of this month, the "Lunar-25" spacecraft boarded the "Soyuz-2.1b" carrier rocket and took off from the Eastern Space Launch Site in the Far East region of Russia. It went smoothly on the 16th

At the final stage, Fumio Kishida inspected Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: Nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea cannot be postponed | Fumio Kishida | Water discharge
At the final stage, Fumio Kishida inspected Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: Nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea cannot be postponed | Fumio Kishida | Water discharge

According to Japanese media reports, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrived at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant this morning to inspect the nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment. In addition, the Japanese government will hold a meeting of relevant cabinet members on the 22nd to decide on a specific date for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the 20th, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida arrived at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in the morning to inspect the equipment for discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea and held talks with relevant management personnel of Tokyo Electric Power Corporation. In addition, Kishida plans to meet with Yasuhisa Sakamoto, the President of the National Fisheries Association Federation, who insists on opposing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water, at the Prime Minister's residence on the 21st to explain the safety of "treating water" and seek understanding. The report also stated that the Japanese government has basically decided to hold a meeting of relevant cabinet members on the 22nd to finalize the specific date for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

Australia abandons hosting the Commonwealth Games! We will pay a compensation of AUD 380 million to the organization | tournament | federal
Australia abandons hosting the Commonwealth Games! We will pay a compensation of AUD 380 million to the organization | tournament | federal

On the 19th local time, the Governor of Victoria, Australia, announced that due to the final decision not to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games, Victoria will pay a compensation of AUD 380 million to the event organizers. On the 19th, in a joint statement released by Governor Andrews of Victoria, Australia, organizers such as the Commonwealth Games Federation and the Australian Organizing Committee stated that all parties have resolved all disputes surrounding the abandonment of events in Victoria. Governor Andrews of Victoria, Australia: For unavoidable reasons and the most compelling reason, we will no longer host the 2026 Commonwealth Games. The cost of hosting the Commonwealth Games is enormous and far exceeds the benefits. What I can confirm is that the final payment to the event organizer is AUD 380 million, and there will be no further

Warning to separatist forces: Media releases footage of PLA ships approaching Taiwan for close range counterattack exercises | Close range | PLA
Warning to separatist forces: Media releases footage of PLA ships approaching Taiwan for close range counterattack exercises | Close range | PLA

On August 19th, the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army of China organized a joint naval and air combat readiness police patrol around Taiwan Island, conducting joint exercises with naval and air forces, focusing on ship aircraft coordination, seizing control, and other subjects to test the joint combat capabilities of the theater's troops.On the morning of the 20th, the official Weibo account of CCTV released a short video showing our ship approaching Taiwan to conduct a close range counterattack exercise.The footage of the Taiwanese military observing People's Liberation Army ships released by the Taiwan media China Times News Network@ On the evening of the 19th, the official Weibo account of the People's Liberation Army Daily commented that the world is in a grand and mighty situation. Realize national reunification

Niger coup military leader harshly warns Chiani | Niger | soldiers
Niger coup military leader harshly warns Chiani | Niger | soldiers

On the evening of the 19th local time, Niger's coup military leader Chiani gave a televised speech on Niger's national television, stating that the economic sanctions imposed by the Western Community on Niger were "illegal" and "inhumane". At the same time, he issued another warning to countries attempting to intervene militarily in Niger. Chiani said that attacking Niger is not an easy task for any country, and that the Western Community has not assessed the severity of the impact of military intervention in Niger on the entire region. In addition, Chiani announced that Niger will establish an inclusive national dialogue committee, proposing to complete the political transition in no more than three years. At that time, the coup soldiers will return the power to the civilian government, and he called on all political parties to submit a transition vision within 30 days.

Is this the lifeline of a bull market?, Group repurchase of A-share companies! The three major US stock companies repurchased 730 billion yuan in net profit this year | META | A shares
This is the bull market

Last week, more than 30 listed companies proposed buybacks. The valuation of A-shares is located in a global depression, and the dividend yield is also attractive compared to other major asset classes. However, market activity and confidence are still insufficient, and buybacks are a powerful tool to enhance investment activity and market confidence. The three giants of the US stock market, Apple, Google, and META, have all risen by over 30% this year, and the rise of top heavyweight stocks has also driven the Nasdaq index to rise by over 30% this year. Behind the rise in stock prices of US stock giants is the massive share buybacks driving a journey of value discovery, with Apple, Google, and META's total buyback amounts so far this year approaching $100 billion. Statistics show that the dividend amount of A-shares since the beginning of this year is about 1.79 trillion yuan, but the actual repurchase amount is only 20 billion yuan. The situation of insufficient repurchases is changing, and it is highly versatile

The production and sales of industrial robots in China are steadily increasing, participating in the refined production of home textiles in multiple industries | industries | robots
The production and sales of industrial robots in China are steadily increasing, participating in the refined production of home textiles in multiple industries | industries | robots

CCTV News: In the past, industries such as hardware scissors and home textile manufacturing, due to their complex processes and diverse product types, rarely had robots participate in core processes. However, in recent years, these industries have quietly joined the presence of robots. Let's continue to look. The reporter saw more than 40 robots operating on the three automated production lines of water grinding, cutting, and packaging at the intelligent manufacturing base of a hardware cutting and cutting production enterprise in Yangjiang, Guangdong. The person in charge told reporters that the cutting angle determines whether a knife is sharp, and this is also one of the most core processes in the production of scissors. In the past, it was all made by experienced masters based on their hand feel, but now cutting robots have become good helpers. The engineer told reporters that after more than 20 iterations, the newly launched robot will replicate the manual grinding action into the operating system, allowing the robot to

The largest pumped storage power station in ultra-high altitude areas has started construction, with an installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts of energy storage power stations | altitude | region
The largest pumped storage power station in ultra-high altitude areas has started construction, with an installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts of energy storage power stations | altitude | region

CCTV News: Yesterday, Three Gorges Group announced that the construction of the Golmud Nanshankou Pumped Storage Power Station, which has the largest installed capacity and is located in the ultra-high altitude area of Qinghai, China, has officially begun. The ultra-high altitude here refers to the altitude between 3500 meters and 5500 meters. The Nanshankou Pumped Storage Power Station is the first pumped storage project in Qinghai Province to start construction in the Shagehuang area. The project has an installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts, with a total of 8 300000 kilowatt pumped storage units installed. The upper reservoir has an altitude of 3700 meters, making it the largest planned installed capacity and regulating reservoir capacity in high-altitude areas above 3500 meters in the world. The Nanshankou Pumped Storage Power Station plans to achieve the first batch of units put into operation by 2028 and all units put into operation by 2030. After production, the adjustments it possesses

The self-sufficiency rate of core livestock and poultry sources in China has exceeded 75%, providing strong support for the supply of important agricultural products
The self-sufficiency rate of core livestock and poultry sources in China has exceeded 75%, providing strong support for the supply of important agricultural products

CCTV News: The latest data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that the self-sufficiency rate of core livestock and poultry sources in China has exceeded 75%, effectively ensuring the demand for animal husbandry seeds and providing strong support for the supply of important agricultural products. The latest batch of landmark achievements in the livestock and poultry breeding industry announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs includes the independent cultivation of a batch of excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights, such as white feathered broilers and Huaxi cattle, the selection of 86 national livestock and poultry breeding formation enterprises, and the cultivation and selection of a total of 300 national core breeding farms, effectively ensuring the demand for animal husbandry seeds. Xie Yan, a second level inspector of the Seed Industry Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that the self-sufficiency rate of core seed sources has exceeded 75%, providing strong support for the high-quality development of animal husbandry. 34 local breeds of livestock and poultry, including black pigs in western Henan, have been newly discovered, and a batch of Hetao big eared pigs, camphor wood cattle, and others have been rescued and protected