The world

US special prosecutor proposes to start trial of Biden's son this month
US special prosecutor proposes to start trial of Biden's son this month

On the 6th, David Weiss, the special prosecutor of the US Department of Justice, submitted court documents proposing that the trial of Hunter, the second son of Democratic President Joseph Biden, be held no later than the 29th of this month. The original plea agreement between Wes and Hunter failed to take effect, and the prosecution and defense continued to argue. According to media analysis, Hunter's trial in court may affect next year's presidential election. On the 6th, Wes submitted a progress report to Delaware District Court Judge Marielen Norreka, stating that the government intends to seek a grand jury to bring criminal charges against Hunter before the 29th of this month. Wes served as the federal prosecutor for Delaware during the tenure of former Republican President Donald Trump. He began investigating Hunter's financial activities in 2019 and was promoted to special prosecutor on August 11 this year

This year may become the "hottest year in human history", with three consecutive months of high temperatures
This year may become the "hottest year in human history", with three consecutive months of high temperatures

According to data released by the World Meteorological Organization and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union's climate monitoring agency, June, July, and August each set new records for the same period globally, making this summer the hottest on record. Given the high global sea surface temperatures and the El Ni ñ o phenomenon, this year is likely to become the hottest year in human history. According to a report released by the Copernican Climate Change Service, the global average temperature from June to August this year was 16.77 degrees Celsius, breaking the record of 16.48 degrees Celsius for the same period in 2019 and 0.66 degrees Celsius higher than the average level for the same period in previous years. The measurement data used in the report comes from satellites, ships, aircraft, and meteorological stations around the world. Copernicus Climate Change Service Deputy Bureau

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the relevant situation of the conversation between Premier Li Qiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the issue of nuclear contaminated water. Prime Minister | Benefits | Japanese Prime Minister
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the relevant situation of the conversation between Premier Li Qiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the issue of nuclear contaminated water. Prime Minister | Benefits | Japanese Prime Minister

On September 7th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked that yesterday Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held bilateral talks with Premier Li Qiang of the State Council. According to reports, the Japanese Prime Minister has clarified Japan's position on the nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, but there have been no reports mentioning Premier Li Qiang's response. Can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduce this? Mao Ning stated that yesterday afternoon local time, Chinese Premier Li Qiang had a brief conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during his attendance at the series of East Asian Cooperation Leaders' Meetings in Jakarta. Premier Li Qiang clarified China's position on the issue of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea during his conversation and meeting speeches. He stated that the disposal of nuclear contaminated water is related to the global marine ecological environment, public health, and the interests of future generations. Japan should faithfully fulfill its international obligations and fully cooperate with neighboring countries and other stakeholders

Ready to take over as President, Vice President of the United States: If Biden is unable to govern due to health issues | Harris | Biden
Ready to take over as President, Vice President of the United States: If Biden is unable to govern due to health issues | Harris | Biden

According to reports from US media, on the 6th local time, US Vice President Harris stated that if President Biden is unable to continue in power due to health and age issues, she is ready to fulfill her constitutional responsibilities and take over the presidency. In November 2023, Biden will soon turn 81 years old and is currently the oldest serving president in US history. According to reports, if Biden wins again in the 2024 US presidential election, he will be 82 years old when sworn in and 86 years old at the end of his term. Harris described the idea of her possibly taking over the presidency as "hypothetical," but stated that he was prepared. According to reports, Harris said during his attendance at the ASEAN summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, "Biden is doing well, so this won't become a reality. But every vice president understands that when they take the oath, they must..."

Xinjiang Crab has been shipped! Netizen: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai do not include free shipping
Xinjiang Crab has been shipped! Netizen: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai do not include free shipping

Recently, Xinjiang's aquatic products have become the "top stream". When fish, shrimp, and crabs appeared, discussions were extremely high. On September 6th, # Xinjiang's big crabs were shipped # This topic became a hot topic on Weibo. Crabs produced in Altay, Xinjiang are about to be sold to Nanjing, Jiangsu, instantly arousing the desire of netizens to purchase. Altay's ice and snow melt water has good water quality, and aquatic products focus on "delicious meat". On September 4th, workers at a ranch limited liability company's aquaculture base in Altay were busy fishing for large and full crabs, which are about to be sold to the Nanjing market. This is also the first batch of crabs produced in Lake Galtas. Nanjing merchant Zhang Qiang said that Xinjiang is also the first batch of crabs produced in Lake Galtas. The crabs from Jiangsu are about 10 days ahead of the crabs from Jiangsu, and their fullness and sweetness are better than those from Jiangsu. Aquaculture farmer Liu Yang said that this year's crabs

Get promoted for one month and then drop out! Long Xiaohua, former governor of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, has been decided to be arrested
Get promoted for one month and then drop out! Long Xiaohua, former governor of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, has been decided to be arrested

On September 7th, a reporter from Justice Network learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate that Long Xiaohua, former deputy secretary of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Committee and former governor of the People's Government of Hunan Province, was suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation was concluded by the Hunan Provincial Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Hunan Province made an arrest decision against Long Xiaohua on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. On February 19, 2023, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued a notice stating that Long Xiaohua, former Deputy Secretary of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Committee and former Governor of the People's Government of Hunan Province, and currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Economic and Technological Commission, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to public information, Long Xiaohua served as the Director of the Office of the Ethnic Affairs Commission of Hunan Province

A "Jianghu Doctor" in Liaoning has been sentenced to 10 years in prison!, Fraud, forced indecency, false advertising
A "Jianghu Doctor" in Liaoning has been sentenced to 10 years in prison!, Fraud, forced indecency, false advertising

"Recently, a 'famous doctor' has arrived in the village, who has a unique ancestral skill in treating rheumatic bone disease!" "To see a doctor, you need to queue up, auscultate, massage, and sense the pulse!" "You have prepared your own secret recipe, covered the walls with banners, and can perform surgery. Even if a villager uses his secret recipe, they can go down to work!" Recently, the Zhangwu County Procuratorate in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, has completed a fraud case involving elderly care. ". From December 2021 to March 2022, the defendant Zhang was introduced to some townships in the Zhangwu area, claiming to come from a family of traditional Chinese medicine and to have a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Shenyang. He used methods such as distributing business cards, establishing WeChat groups, and live streaming to vigorously promote his expertise in the treatment of difficult and complex diseases such as rheumatic bone disease and lumbar protrusion, attracting a large number of villagers to undergo traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, Zhang sold his self formulated medicines to the villagers, which

The procuratorial organs have respectively decided to arrest Long Xiaohua, Li Ruqiu, and Wang Junshi in accordance with the law
The procuratorial organs have respectively decided to arrest Long Xiaohua, Li Ruqiu, and Wang Junshi in accordance with the law

The People's Procuratorate of Hunan Province has lawfully concluded the investigation of Long Xiaohua's decision to arrest Long Xiaohua, former deputy secretary of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Committee and former governor of the People's Government of Hunan Province, on suspicion of bribery, and transferred him to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Hunan Province made an arrest decision against Long Xiaohua on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. The Guangdong procuratorial organs have lawfully decided to arrest Li Ruqiu, a former official at the department level in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, for suspected bribery. The investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Supervision Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Designated by the People's Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, the case shall be reviewed and prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Zhaoqing City. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Zhaoqing City made an arrest decision against Li Ruqiu on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. Shandong Province

Looking back on the moments of summer light and shadow! Chinese movies continue to be exciting
Looking back on the moments of summer light and shadow! Chinese movies continue to be exciting

Did you watch a movie this summer? The total box office of the movie was 20.619 billion yuan, with 505 million viewers. With the dual efforts of Chinese cinema and Chinese audiences, the 2023 summer season set multiple records and is known as the "strongest in history". Both the new exploration of realistic themes and the contemporary innovation and interpretation of humanistic history have demonstrated the great potential of domestic films. On and off the screen, more and more "Chinese power" is shining brightly. Filmmakers use light and shadow as a medium to write footnotes for the times. "As long as poetry exists and books exist, Chang'an will exist." "Cultural charm and cultural confidence will continue forever." "Sharp lines have written the indomitable spirit of life." At the "Light and Shadow China" summer film review collection event hosted by People's Daily, netizens enthusiastically left comments and submitted articles, sharing the most touching moments on the screen. "

The national pilot program for the 15 minute convenient living circle in cities has reached the provincial-level full coverage pilot | living circle | coverage
The national pilot program for the 15 minute convenient living circle in cities has reached the provincial-level full coverage pilot | living circle | coverage

Beijing, September 7th (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Commerce announced on September 6th that, based on the declarations made by various regions, after expert evaluation and public disclosure, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments have identified 70 pilot areas for the 15 minute convenient living circle in the third batch of cities in China, covering 27 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanxi. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that, with the addition of the first two batches of 80 pilot areas, the 15 minute convenient living circle pilot in cities across the country has reached full provincial coverage. Currently, half of the prefecture level cities in the country have taken action. According to relevant notice requirements, provincial relevant departments should urge pilot areas to adhere to the requirements of the three-year action plan for comprehensively promoting the construction of a 15 minute convenient living circle in cities, adhere to the combination of demand for the people and top-level design, use resident satisfaction evaluation as an important standard to test the effectiveness of work, scientifically plan and

【 High quality Development Research Tour · Shaanxi 】 The "Strongest Brain" in Western China Promotes Industrial Level Enhancement with Intelligent Computing Power
【 High quality Development Research Tour · Shaanxi 】 The "Strongest Brain" in Western China Promotes Industrial Level Enhancement with Intelligent Computing Power

During peak hours in the morning and evening, traffic congestion is a common problem for people. "At present, the traffic light time in Xi'an is still fixed. In the future, our large model can use massive historical traffic data to learn and analyze, and automatically generate intersection signal control optimization strategy suggestions based on real-time traffic data. It can adjust the traffic light time according to traffic flow at any time, achieve intelligent traffic diversion of road vehicles, and alleviate traffic congestion." On September 6th, at the Future Artificial Intelligence Computing Center, Zhang Miao, the General Manager of Zhongke Shiyu Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that we have recently released a "Qinling Qinchuan Traffic Model" with a parameter scale of billions. The "pre trained large model+downstream task fine-tuning" mode used in it has certain innovative significance in the artificial intelligence intelligent transportation industry. This big model has multiple data sources and can complete tasks

The extended industrial chain of the "Little Goji Berry" industry benefits upstream and downstream
The extended industrial chain of the "Little Goji Berry" industry benefits upstream and downstream

CCTV News: Goji berries are one of the important economic crops in the northwest region of China. Qinghai is the largest goji berry planting area in China, with a planting area of approximately 500000 acres. In early autumn, the goji berries in Dulan County are in the picking season, and picking workers from all over are busy here. Dulan County is the largest goji berry planting county in Qinghai Province. From the end of July to mid September each year, it is the season for goji berry picking. More than 50000 migrant workers from 19 provinces across the country gather here to pick goji berries. In 2023, the planting area of organic goji berries in Dulan County reached 50000 acres, and all organic fertilizers were used during the planting period. In order to further save irrigation water during goji berry cultivation, the industrial park has also specifically introduced drip irrigation. Low market share without brand, industry development facing difficulties. The distribution area of Goji berries in Qinghai has high altitude, sufficient sunlight, and the soil is rich in selenium

Wisdom gathering from all directions and drawing on the strengths of others
Wisdom gathering from all directions and drawing on the strengths of others

A cool sedan equipped with onboard terminals and connected to cloud control platforms; A recliner with intelligent integrated circuit fabric implanted and the ability to read body data in real time; Intelligent electric flying vehicles with long wings... Walking into the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo, dazzling new technological products are attracting the attention of the audience. The 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo will be held at the Chongqing International Expo Center from September 4th to 6th. The theme of this year's Smart Expo is "Gathering Intelligence from All Sides, Drawing on the strengths of others", focusing on annual themes such as "Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles" and Digital China. It revolves around 27 sub sectors of four major professional sectors: intelligent connected new energy vehicles, intelligent equipment and intelligent manufacturing, new generation information technology, and smart cities, presenting a panoramic view of the industry hotspots and hardcore strength of the intelligent industry. Smart seats can achieve large size in the car

The scientific research achievements in the prevention and treatment of rural hypertension through deep cultivation at the grassroots level have been twice published in The Lancet
The scientific research achievements in the prevention and treatment of rural hypertension through deep cultivation at the grassroots level have been twice published in The Lancet

Shenyang, September 6th (Xinhua) - On September 6th, the National Health Commission's China Rural Doctor Training Center held a launch meeting for the promotion of the China Rural Hypertension Control Project in Shenyang. The China Rural Hypertension Control Project is a comprehensive intervention project for hypertension led and established by Professor Sun Yingxian, Director of Cardiovascular Medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, with the support of national key research and development projects during the 13th Five Year Plan period. This project screened 33995 hypertensive patients in rural areas of multiple provinces and cities in China for research. The research results were twice published in the international medical journal The Lancet, achieving breakthroughs in this field. It not only solves the problem of hypertension prevention and control in rural areas of China, but also has application value in low - and middle-income countries, and has been recognized by the medical community at home and abroad. Hypertension is the largest chronic disease worldwide and in China, with its complications

"Three Flavors Tour" Illuminates Tianjin's Cultural and Tourism Economy, Moving from "Customer Source" to "Destination"
"Three Flavors Tour" Illuminates Tianjin's Cultural and Tourism Economy, Moving from "Customer Source" to "Destination"

Author: Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Liu Weizhen, who first met you in Tianjin, how would you describe the city in front of you? Strolling along both sides of the coastal river, seemingly diverse elements may leave a unique "first impression" for tourists - there are both local fireworks and "worldly wonders", as well as humanistic sentiments and the intersection of China and the West; Here, there are both skyscrapers and fashionable commercial districts, as well as songs of rice and fishing, and local thoughts. Tianjin, adjacent to the Bohai Sea, has beautiful scenery and distinct four seasons, but the tourism industry often appears lukewarm due to its less prominent characteristics. Previously, this was an important tourist destination, and during holidays, citizens always thought of "going to the distant places to see"; Since the beginning of this year, "Northwest Corner Morning Post" and "Dongjiang Port Sunrise" have frequently appeared in the circle, and landmarks such as Tianjin Eye and National Marine Museum have become even more eye-catching. With the acceleration of construction in Tianjin

Admitted to the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University!, Cerebral palsy boy
Admitted to the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University!, Cerebral palsy boy

When Zhao Zikang was young, he was diagnosed with congenital cerebral palsy, which caused him to be physically disabled and unable to walk normally. However, the injustice of fate did not break him down. With astonishing perseverance, he was reborn from adversity and was admitted to the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University with an excellent score of 697 in this year's college entrance examination. Zhao Zikang can no longer remember the specific year he started falling ill. From a young age, what has been imprinted in his memory are the scenes of his parents taking him to various hospitals for consultation. "This child is cerebral palsy, and may never be able to walk in the future..." Zhao Zikang was originally a lively, cheerful, laughing, and playful little boy, but the torment of illness has brought him to the top. At the age of elementary school, Zhao Zikang was still unable to attend school. Fortunately, Zhao Zikang's cognitive awareness and hand strength were normal during his childhood

There is also the latest progress in testing!, Is the nine valent HPV vaccine no longer difficult to obtain with just one shot? Multiple communities indicate availability of goods
There is also the latest progress in testing!, Is the nine valent HPV vaccine no longer difficult to obtain with just one shot? Multiple communities indicate availability of goods

With the improvement of individual self-protection awareness, more and more women are joining the ranks of receiving HPV vaccines. However, in the past few years, HPV vaccines have been in short supply due to limited production capacity, and the nine valent HPV vaccine has been in short supply for a long time. How is the supply situation this year? Is the nine valent HPV vaccine no longer difficult to obtain with just one shot? On September 6th, the reporter called several HPV vaccination sites in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Changsha, Hunan, and other places, and all replied that the nine valent HPV vaccine was ready for purchase. "The difficulty of making an appointment for the nine valent HPV vaccine this year has been much better than last year. I have completed my second dose now, and all appointments are made through the official mini program in Beijing. However, it should be noted that the release time for each community service center is different, so please consult in advance."

Vice ministerial level Zhang Yongze is on trial for accepting bribes of over 51.81 million yuan
Vice ministerial level Zhang Yongze is on trial for accepting bribes of over 51.81 million yuan

On September 7, 2023, the first instance of the bribery case of Zhang Yongze, former vice chairman of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, and the first instance of the Xi'an Intermediate People's Court in Shaanxi Province, held a public hearing of the bribery case of Zhang Yongze, former member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region. The People's Procuratorate of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province charged that from 2003 to 2021, the defendant Zhang Yongze used his position as Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Environmental Protection Department of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary and Executive Commissioner of Shannan Prefecture Party Committee, Secretary of Shannan Prefecture Party Committee, Secretary of Shannan Municipal Party Committee, member and Vice Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, as well as the convenient conditions for the formation of powers and positions, to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in engineering contracting, environmental assessment approval, job promotion and other matters,

Should the Indian Ocean also change its name?, If India changes its name to "Bharador"
Should the Indian Ocean also change its name?, If India changes its name to "Bharador"

There is an old Chinese saying: "A man does not change his name when he travels, and does not change his surname when he sits.". However, India, the most powerful country on the South Asian subcontinent and the "big brother" of South Asia, seems determined to change its name - changing "India" to "Borneo". In the dinner invitation letter sent by the Indian President to the leaders of various countries who are about to attend the G20 summit, Indian President Murmu referred to him as "President Borneo". The Indian government may formally propose a proposal to change India's English name to Bharat at a special parliamentary meeting held from September 18th to 22nd, which will be reviewed during the meeting. Why is this? What does India's move indicate? According to Indian media, "Bharat" is a Sanskrit word that literally means "carrying/carrying" and is extended to "seeking light/knowledge"

Can "trade in old for new"Buying a house in Zibo
Can "trade in old for new"Buying a house in Zibo

According to the WeChat official account of Shandong Zibo Daily, on September 6, the signing ceremony of "old for new" provincial real estate purchase enterprises jointly sponsored by Zibo Real Estate Development Association and Zibo Real Estate Brokerage and Evaluation Association was held, and the first batch of 12 real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies in the city signed cooperation agreements. The picture is from Zibo Daily's "trade in old houses for new ones", which means exchanging old houses for new houses. Through the cooperation of real estate development enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies, we accelerate the sales and transactions of existing housing, prioritize the provision of high-quality housing, meet the replacement needs of homebuyers, and promote the orderly development of the real estate market. According to reports, this is an innovation in the real estate industry services throughout the city, which will effectively promote the improvement of replacement housing. The basic process of "exchanging old for new" is as follows: real estate brokerage firms communicate with potential clients about replacement needs and sign contracts for real estate

There is a special situation where the former female governor is arrested
There is a special situation where the former female governor is arrested

On September 7th, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Long Xiaohua, former deputy secretary of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Committee and former governor of the People's Government of Hunan Province, was suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation was concluded by the Hunan Provincial Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Hunan Province made an arrest decision against Long Xiaohua on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. It is worth noting that Long Xiaohua was arrested in February this year, but to this day, the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency has not yet publicly disclosed the results of his party disciplinary action. Compared to similar cases, there are not many officials who were arrested first and then publicly punished. Generally speaking, officials who have fallen from grace are usually referred to the judicial authorities before proceeding with their actions. Article 29 of the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment revised in 2018 stipulates that the party organization finds that a party member is suspected of serious violations of discipline in disciplinary review

Completely legitimate, reasonable, and necessary, Ministry of Commerce: China takes emergency trade measures to discharge water into the sea | China | Necessary
Completely legitimate, reasonable, and necessary, Ministry of Commerce: China takes emergency trade measures to discharge water into the sea | China | Necessary

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 4th that it has submitted a written document to the World Trade Organization, stating that the import control measures announced by China after Japan initiated the treatment of water discharge into the sea are "completely unacceptable". In response to this, He Yadong, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, responded at a regular press conference on the 7th. He Yadong stated that China has repeatedly expressed a serious stance on the issue of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, and has raised serious concerns and doubts at relevant World Trade Organization meetings and trade policy reviews with Japan. However, the Japanese government still persists in unilaterally initiating the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The Chinese side has taken emergency trade measures in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations as well as relevant provisions of the World Trade Organization, which is completely legitimate, reasonable, and necessary. The Japanese side should immediately correct their erroneous actions and effectively respond to the concerns of the international community. He Yadong stated that the Chinese side has taken note of the written document

The retrial verdict of Li Yuqian's "killing his wife and children" case reveals three key points: confession, evidence collection, and evidence chain opinions | Evidence | Li Yuqian
The retrial verdict of Li Yuqian's "killing his wife and children" case reveals three key points: confession, evidence collection, and evidence chain opinions | Evidence | Li Yuqian

22 years after the incident, Li Yuqian from Guizhou was sentenced for retrial in the case of "killing his wife and children". On September 6th, the Liupanshui Intermediate People's Court of Guizhou Province publicly announced the verdict on the defendant Li Yuqian, who was remanded for retrial by the Guizhou Provincial High Court, for intentional homicide, Meng Ruihong for sheltering, and criminal incidental civil litigation. Li Yuqian was sentenced to death for intentional homicide with a two-year reprieve and deprived of political rights for life; Meng Ruihong was sentenced to eight years in prison for the crime of shielding. At the same time, a judgment shall be made in accordance with the law on the incidental civil part. Li Yuqian told Pengpai News that he filed an appeal in court. According to the retrial verdict obtained by Pengpai News, the Intermediate People's Court of Liupanshui believes that the existing evidence cannot determine that the public security organs used illegal methods such as torture, coercion, and deception to extract confessions from Li Yuqian and Meng Ruihong; Forensic Physical Evidence Inspection and Appraisal Certificate

UNESCO awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award to the Dunhuang Research Institute and Fan Jinshi, among others
UNESCO awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award to the Dunhuang Research Institute and Fan Jinshi, among others

The Forum on Promoting Sustainable Development through Intangible Cultural Heritage was held in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province on the 7th. UNESCO presented the Outstanding Contribution Award to the Dunhuang Research Institute, Chang Shuhong, Duan Wenjie, and Fan Jinshi at the forum. The relevant person in charge of UNESCO introduced that on the occasion of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, this award is presented to recognize the outstanding contributions made by the Dunhuang Research Institute, Fan Jinshi, and others in protecting the UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Mogao Grottoes. The existing murals in the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang cover an area of 45000 square meters and more than 2000 painted sculptures. They are the crystallization of the diversified cultures of the Silk Road and were listed in the The World Heritage List in 1987. For many years, at the Dunhuang Research Institute, representatives such as Chang Shuhong, Duan Wenjie, and Fan Jinshi have been passed down from generation to generation, choosing one

The United States' provision of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine has been opposed by multiple parties as a "criminal act"! Ukraine | Depleted uranium bomb | United States
The United States' provision of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine has been opposed by multiple parties as a "criminal act"! Ukraine | Depleted uranium bomb | United States

According to comprehensive reports, following the UK's announcement in March to provide depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine, the US Pentagon announced on September 6th that it will transport depleted uranium bombs to Ukraine. The further escalation of the United States has made the situation increasingly tense and has been questioned and opposed by multiple parties. Russia has issued a stern warning that the US move is actually a criminal act. The United States is consciously transporting deadly weapons. According to the US Department of Defense, this batch of depleted uranium shells is part of the $175 million military aid announced by the United States to Ukraine. The 120mm shells containing depleted uranium cores will be used by the Abrams main battle tank. The United States plans to deliver to Ukraine this autumn. In response, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riyabkov stated that the announcement by the United States to provide Ukraine with depleted uranium bombs is not only a step towards escalating the situation, but also reflects the United States' commitment to“

Starting to steal... Germans who can't afford to eat
Starting to steal... Germans who can't afford to eat

After the escalation of the Ukraine crisis in February last year, energy and food prices in Germany skyrocketed, pushing inflation rates to a peak of nearly 9%. The recent decrease in energy import costs and other favorable factors have eased inflation in Germany, with the inflation rate falling back to 6.2% in July. But a German netizen asked on the forum, "Inflation has decreased, but prices are still very high. What's going on?" The response that received the most likes answered, "A decrease in inflation rate does not mean a decrease in prices, but a decrease in price growth rate." Someone then replied with the four initials "dy/dx", implying that inflation rate is like a derivative in mathematics, and the post was filled with a "happy" atmosphere both inside and outside. But this is more like a helpless self deprecation. The reality is that inflation not only seriously reduces the quality of life of the German people, but also triggers many social problems. this

Police nationwide search!, Former British soldiers involved in terrorism successfully escaped from prison hiding under a van
Police nationwide search!, Former British soldiers involved in terrorism successfully escaped from prison hiding under a van

A retired soldier suspected of terrorist crimes in the UK escaped from a prison in the capital London on the 6th, and the police launched a nationwide search. According to a statement from the London police, Daniel Abed Halifah, currently 21 years old, was detained at Wonzworth Prison while awaiting trial and escaped at around 7:50 am local time on the 6th. According to British media such as the BBC, Khalifa used the opportunity to work in the prison kitchen to tie himself to the bottom of a delivery van and escape from prison. The British police have issued alerts to domestic airports and ports such as London Heathrow Airport. The management of Dover, an important port in the UK leading to the European continent, said in a statement that "it will strengthen inspections of outbound traffic at Dover." Dominic Murphy, head of the London Police Counter Terrorism Command, told the media

Previously worked at the Central Finance Office, with Zhang Yong appointed as the Deputy General Manager of China Ocean Shipping Group's official website | Economy | Deputy General Manager
Previously worked at the Central Finance Office, with Zhang Yong appointed as the Deputy General Manager of China Ocean Shipping Group's official website | Economy | Deputy General Manager

On September 7th, a reporter from Pengpai News found that according to the updated information in the "Company Executive" section of the official website of China COSCO Shipping Group Co., Ltd., Zhang Yong has already served as the deputy general manager and party member of the company. According to the resume provided on the company's official website, Zhang Yong, male, Han ethnicity, PhD, a member of the Communist Party of China, previously served as the Deputy Inspector of the Industrial Damage Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce; Deputy Inspector of the Economic Second Group of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, Deputy Inspector and Deputy Director of the Economic Fourth Bureau; Director of the Economic Second Bureau of the Office of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics, Director of the Secretary Bureau, and Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the organization. China COSCO Shipping Group Co., Ltd. was formed through the restructuring of China COSCO Shipping Corporation and China Shipping Corporation. Its headquarters are located in Shanghai and it is a super large state-owned enterprise directly managed by the central government.

Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu were awarded the honorary title of "Heroic Astronaut", while Fei Junlong was awarded the Second Class Aerospace Merit Medal. China | Astronaut | Deng Qingming
Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu were awarded the honorary title of "Heroic Astronaut", while Fei Junlong was awarded the Second Class Aerospace Merit Medal. China | Astronaut | Deng Qingming

The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission of the State Council to award Fei Junlong the "Level 2 Aerospace Merit Medal" and the honorary title of "Heroic Astronaut" to Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, as well as the "Level 3 Aerospace Merit Medal", was made. On November 29, 2022, the Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft was successfully launched, and astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu successfully entered the Tianhe core module while staying in orbit for six months. They conducted four extravehicular activities, conducted a series of space science and technology experiments, and successfully completed various operational management tasks of the space station assembly. They safely returned on June 4, 2023. The Shenzhou-15 manned mission is the decisive conclusion of China's space station construction phase, forming the largest configuration of the "three cabins and three ships" space station for the first time, and achieving the "space rendezvous" of two astronauts for the first time,

Compared to the end of July, China's foreign exchange reserves decreased by 44.2 billion US dollars, and by the end of August, China's foreign exchange reserves were 316.01 billion US dollars
Compared to the end of July, China's foreign exchange reserves decreased by 44.2 billion US dollars, and by the end of August, China's foreign exchange reserves were 316.01 billion US dollars

According to data released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the 7th, as of the end of August 2023, the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves was 3160.1 billion US dollars, a decrease of 44.2 billion US dollars or 1.38% compared to the end of July. According to the relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, in August 2023, the US dollar index rose and global financial asset prices overall declined. The combined effect of exchange rate conversion and changes in asset prices has led to a decrease in the size of foreign exchange reserves for the month. At the end of July, the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves was 3204.3 billion US dollars, an increase of 0.35% compared to the end of June. On August 7th, data released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange showed that as of the end of July 2023, the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves was 3204.3 billion US dollars, an increase of 11.3 billion US dollars or 0.35% compared to the end of June. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange stated that,