The world

Belarusian Ministry of Defense denies helicopters | Poland | Belarus
Belarusian Ministry of Defense denies helicopters | Poland | Belarus

The Polish Ministry of Defense has stated that two Belarusian helicopters have violated Polish airspace. The Belarusian Ministry of Defense responded that Belarusian helicopters did not violate Polish airspace. On August 1st local time, the Polish Ministry of Defense announced that two Belarusian helicopters had violated Polish airspace during training near the border between Belarus and Poland. The Polish Ministry of Defense stated that NATO has been informed of this incident. Previously, the Polish military had stated that there had been no violations of Polish airspace. According to reports, Polish Defense Minister Bousschak held a committee meeting on the current situation on the border between Poland and Belarus. Belarusian Ministry of Defense: Belarusian helicopters have not violated Polish territory. On the evening of August 1st, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that the Polish military and government leadership are concerned about the Belarusian air force and air defense forces

Engage in money and sex transactions! Chen Hongyu, former secretary of the Lechang Municipal Party Committee in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, was appointed as the "Double Opening" Secretary | Guangdong | Organization | Position | Disciplinary | Issue | Guangdong Province | Hongyu
Engage in money and sex transactions! Chen Hongyu, former secretary of the Lechang Municipal Party Committee in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, was appointed as the "Double Opening" Secretary | Guangdong | Organization | Position | Disciplinary | Issue | Guangdong Province | Hongyu

According to the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Chen Hongyu, former Secretary of the Lechang Municipal Party Committee in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. After investigation, Chen Hongyu lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original aspiration and mission, ignored the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, accepted gifts and gifts that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and arranged for others to pay the expenses that should be paid by himself; Violation of organizational principles, failure to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and failure to truthfully explain issues during organizational inquiries; Ren Ren is selfish and profit oriented, using his power to seek benefits for others in the job recommendation work of the Provincial Youth Federation; Corruption of personal morality, engaging in money and sex transactions; Indulging in greed, engaging in power and money transactions, using the convenience of one's position to seek benefits for others in engineering contracting, equipment procurement, etc., and illegally accepting huge sums of money

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded that the G20 Joint Meeting of Ministers of Environment and Climate was unable to form a communiqu é providing | policies | promotion | environment | climate | addressing climate change | China | global
Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded that the G20 Joint Meeting of Ministers of Environment and Climate was unable to form a communiqu é providing | policies | promotion | environment | climate | addressing climate change | China | global

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered questions from reporters regarding the Joint Meeting of Environment and Climate Ministers of the G20. Q: According to reports, the Joint Meeting of Environment and Climate Ministers of the G20 recently concluded in Chennai, India. Some Western media cited individual views that China's position hinders the meeting from reaching consensus on key issues such as emissions reduction, cessation of fossil fuel use, and improvement of renewable energy utilization. What is your comment on this? Answer: The opinions on the report are completely inconsistent with those of colleagues. On July 28th, the Joint Meeting of Environment and Climate Ministers of the G20 formed a consensus document and Chairman's summary, achieving positive and balanced results. However, due to the unjustified introduction of geopolitical issues by some countries, the meeting was unable to form a communiqu é, which China regrets. China believes that the G20, as the main forum for international economic cooperation, is promoting global sustainable development and unifying

There's no money left, Japanese government enterprises | Countermeasures | Japanese government
There's no money left, Japanese government enterprises | Countermeasures | Japanese government

A recent poll showed that the support rate for the cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has dropped to 28%. Since the beginning of this year, Kishida has announced a significant increase in defense budget and introduced a new policy to encourage childbirth. Multiple media outlets and opposition parties believe that in order to achieve these policy goals, the Kishida government may choose to raise taxes. In the context of low approval rates, experts point out that it is difficult to avoid tax increases and welfare cuts, which are also governance difficulties that Kishida cannot avoid. The low approval rate of Kishida's government has led to a continuous rise in Japanese prices. Real wage income has decreased year-on-year for 14 consecutive months, and public dissatisfaction with the Kishida government has become increasingly strong. On July 25th, Japanese media reported that multiple latest poll results showed a sharp drop in the approval rating of the Kishida Cabinet, hovering around 30%. Daily News poll shows

Proposed Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, "National Excellent County Party Secretary" Wang Xuejun Wu Zhong | Director | Party Secretary | Mayor | Source | Zhongwei City | Wang Xuejun | Secretary
Proposed Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, "National Excellent County Party Secretary" Wang Xuejun Wu Zhong | Director | Party Secretary | Mayor | Source | Zhongwei City | Wang Xuejun | Secretary

On August 1st, the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region issued a pre appointment announcement for cadres, in which Wang Xuejun, the current Deputy Secretary of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, is proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of a prefecture level city. According to the publicly available resume, Wang Xuejun, born in January 1968, holds a graduate degree from Ningxia Party School and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Wang Xuejun worked in Zhongwei City in his early years and held various positions, including Deputy County Magistrate of Zhongning County, Standing Committee Member of Haiyuan County Committee, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, Deputy County Magistrate, Director and Deputy Secretary of Haiyuan New Area Management Committee, Director and Party Secretary of Zhongwei Culture, Sports, Radio and Television Bureau, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of Zhongwei Development and Reform Commission, Secretary and Director of Shapotou District Party Working Committee and Management Committee, Secretary of Shapotou District Party Committee, and Deputy Mayor of Zhongwei City. In 2018, Wang Xuejun was transferred to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guyuan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Xiji County Party Committee

Chen Hua is Double Opened, Engaging in Interest Transmission in the Field of Public Transport Construction Secretary | Discipline | Chen Hua
Chen Hua is Double Opened, Engaging in Interest Transmission in the Field of Public Transport Construction Secretary | Discipline | Chen Hua

Recently, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Chen Hua, former secretary of the Luyang District Party Committee in Hefei City. After investigation, Chen Hua, as a party member and leading cadre, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, had a indifferent political consciousness, ignored the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally accepted gifts and consumption cards, and accepted banquets and travel arrangements from management service recipients; Using power for personal gain, acting recklessly without authorization, and using the influence of one's position to seek benefits for relatives; Neglecting public interests, illegally intervening in market economic activities, engaging in profit transmission and power money transactions in the field of public transportation construction, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Chen Hua seriously violated the integrity discipline, work discipline, and life discipline of the Party, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes. He did not restrain himself or stop his actions after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and his nature was strict

The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student
The hottest job posting ratio is 44:1! Do college students like to intern in party and government agencies? Position | Internship | College Student

"Special Forces" travel check-in, Citywalk, graduate studies... This summer, students who leave the school have various ways to "open" their holidays. For college students, these two months are a good time to play internships, "dungeons", and "experience points" in the workplace. Where to intern? Party and government agencies are becoming a preferred option for college students. Many college students share their internship experiences on social media platforms. Recently, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province has launched a batch of internship positions for college students, with some popular positions having a recruitment ratio of up to 44:1. The 2023 summer internship activity for college students in government agencies and institutions, jointly organized by the Talent Office of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and other units, has opened 1222 internship positions. Within a week of starting registration, more than 6000 resumes were received. Benyong

More historic than coal-fired power! China | Power Generation | Historicity
More historic than coal-fired power! China | Power Generation | Historicity

According to data released by the National Energy Administration on July 31st, as of the end of June, China's installed capacity of renewable energy reached 1.322 billion kilowatts, historically surpassing coal-fired power, accounting for approximately 48.8% of China's total installed capacity. Data shows that the total installed capacity of power generation in China has reached 2.71 billion kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%. Among them, the installed capacity of hydropower is 418 million kilowatts, wind power is 389 million kilowatts, photovoltaic power is 470 million kilowatts, and biomass power is 43 million kilowatts. With the rapid growth of the installed capacity of renewable energy, the demand for various regulatory power sources in the power system is growing rapidly. New energy storage projects are accelerating their implementation, and the installed capacity continues to increase rapidly. As of the end of June, the cumulative installed capacity of new energy storage systems built and put into operation in China has exceeded 17.33 million kilowatts/35.8 million kilowatt hours, with an average of

Regulatory action! Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau issues six "penalty tickets" for a securities institution in one day for management | related | penalty tickets
Regulatory action! Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau issues six "penalty tickets" for a securities institution in one day for management | related | penalty tickets

On August 1st, the official website of Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau showed that six administrative supervision and management measures were issued to the Guangdong branch of Everbright Securities and its affiliated business departments, as well as relevant responsible persons, targeting multiple violations such as assisting customers in lending securities accounts, promising to bear losses to customers in violation of regulations, and demanding customer securities account passwords. Specifically, according to the disclosure of Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Yunfu Xinxing Liyuan Road Securities Business Department of Everbright Securities has engaged in three violations: firstly, the former responsible person Zhang, employees Li Xin, Ye Hua, and others assisted customers in lending securities accounts to provide intermediaries and convenience for financing, and promised to bear losses to customers in violation of regulations. Secondly, some employees have situations such as providing answers to the Science and Technology Innovation Board test questions to customers, requesting securities account passwords from customers, sending follow-up questions to customers, and providing response criteria. third

【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Fujian Jiangle: Chasing Dreams and Green Mountains, Transforming "Vision" into "Reality" Changkou Village | Rural | Fujian
【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Fujian Jiangle: Chasing Dreams and Green Mountains, Transforming "Vision" into "Reality" Changkou Village | Rural | Fujian

The theme of "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary" is about national rejuvenation and rural revitalization.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of building a socialist modernized country in all respects still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural power and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in Great Countries: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the vast rural areas of China

Historical Confidence, Historical Consciousness, and Historical Initiative | History | Initiative
Historical Confidence, Historical Consciousness, and Historical Initiative | History | Initiative

Strengthening historical confidence, enhancing historical consciousness, and enhancing historical initiative are the inherent requirements for Marxist political parties to grasp the pulse of history, correctly understand and treat history, and have the courage to grasp and create history. Historical confidence, historical consciousness, and historical initiative are an organic whole. To forge ahead on a new journey and make achievements in a new era, we must consciously strengthen our historical confidence, enhance our historical consciousness, enhance our historical initiative, and promote historical development and progress. Strengthening historical confidence: How a political party or nation treats its own history, or what kind of historical perspective it possesses, largely determines the direction of history and the relationship between the political party and the nation

Guangming Review: Let the Spirit of Scientists Always Shine with Safety | Motherland | Review
Guangming Review: Let the Spirit of Scientists Always Shine with Safety | Motherland | Review

Author: Wang Qiuyi is determined to innovate independently and break the bottleneck of core technology being constrained by others; Promote the transformation of scientific research achievements and effectively ensure national energy security; Dedicated to the breeding and promotion of excellent varieties, writing papers on the land of our motherland; Long term rooted in the border, safeguarding the life, health, and safety of the people; Devoted to national defense research and forging a sharp sword for the security of our country... Recently, six departments including the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the China Association for Science and Technology announced to the whole society the advanced deeds of the "Most Beautiful Science and Technology Workers" in 2022. Ten scientific and technological workers from different fields, including Liu Zhongmin, Chen Zhang, and Ke Weidong, from the front line of scientific research and production, were awarded this honor. They are based on different job positions, promoting and practicing the scientific spirit of "patriotism, innovation, pragmatism, dedication, collaboration, and education", with responsibility and perseverance

Guangming Forum: Dialogue with Youth to Build the Future in Chengdu | College Students | Forum
Guangming Forum: Dialogue with Youth to Build the Future in Chengdu | College Students | Forum

On July 28th, the 31st World University Summer Games kicked off in Chengdu. This is the first large-scale comprehensive sports event held in China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Young college students from different countries and regions around the world gather in the park city under the snowy mountains and the happy Chengdu amidst the fireworks, enjoying competitions, gaining friendships, and achieving dreams. The Universiade is not only a stage for global youth competition, but also a platform for global youth dialogue. The Universiade was founded in 1959 and is the world's largest comprehensive sports event involving student athletes. It is known as the "Little Olympics". The Universiade is a grand event for global college students to compete and exchange sports. The Chengdu Universiade has 18 major events and 269 minor events, witnessing the global youth movement

4 Central Enterprises Leaders Adjust Directors | Party Groups | Enterprises
4 Central Enterprises Leaders Adjust Directors | Party Groups | Enterprises

On July 16, 2023, China Datang Group Co., Ltd. held an expanded leadership meeting and announced the central government's decision to appoint Yu Bo as a director and deputy party secretary of China Datang Group Co., Ltd. The above-mentioned positions shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. On July 17, 2023, China Southern Airlines Group Co., Ltd. held a cadre meeting and announced the decision of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on the appointment of relevant leaders of China Southern Airlines Group Co., Ltd. Comrade Qu Guangji will be appointed as the Deputy General Manager and Party member of China Southern Airlines Group Co., Ltd. Handle according to relevant laws and regulations. Vice General Manager and Party Member of State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. Appointed in 2023

Niger Prime Minister Seeks Help!, Unable to return to China at present, military coup occurred during the overseas conference. President | Niger | Military coup
Niger Prime Minister Seeks Help!, Unable to return to China at present, military coup occurred during the overseas conference. President | Niger | Military coup

According to the Associated Press, Niger's Prime Minister Uhumudu Muhammadu called on the international community on August 1 to help Niger repel a military coup. According to reports, since the military coup on July 26th, Muhammadu has been trapped abroad. In an interview with the Associated Press, Muhammadu stated that Niger should be seen as a key player in supporting regional democracy and protecting southern countries from the spread of terrorism. According to reports, after the military coup, the Niger border was closed and Muhammadu was unable to return to his home country, currently stranded in France. When the coup occurred, he was attending an international conference in Italy. On July 26th, some soldiers of the Niger Presidential Guard detained President Mohammad Bazum. Late that night, representatives of the coup soldiers announced the establishment of the National Defense Committee and the lifting of Bazum on Nepal's national television station

She is the first female prime minister of North Africa, suddenly! The President of this country has dismissed the Prime Minister of Tunisia | Said | Prime Minister
She is the first female prime minister of North Africa, suddenly! The President of this country has dismissed the Prime Minister of Tunisia | Said | Prime Minister

According to a video released on the evening of August 1st, according to Agence France Presse, Tunisian President Keith Said has dismissed Prime Minister Najera Buden Ramadan, who is the first female Prime Minister of this North African country. According to reports, Said immediately appointed Ahmed Hasani as the new Prime Minister. According to personal information on Facebook, Hasani had previously worked at the Central Bank of Tunisia and studied law at the University of Tunisia, where Said taught. According to Reuters, in recent weeks, the Tunisian President has repeatedly criticized officials and the government, stating that they must take action to address issues such as poor public services, including frequent water and power outages. Sayyid said to Hashani, "In the face of enormous challenges... we must maintain peace in our homeland, our country, and within our borders." Sayyid also said:

Let the Hundred Flowers Garden of World Civilization be Colorful and Vibrant (People's Perspectives) Exchange | China | Hundred Flowers Garden
Let the Hundred Flowers Garden of World Civilization be Colorful and Vibrant (People's Perspectives) Exchange | China | Hundred Flowers Garden

The prosperity of civilization and the progress of mankind are inseparable from seeking common ground while reserving differences, openness and inclusiveness, and from civilization exchanges and mutual learning of Chinese path to modernization. The universal significance of this is that, based on their own cultural traditions and national conditions, while learning from the achievements of world civilization, they have gone out of their own way to enjoy the wonderful red sandalwood carving skills, the wonderful performance of Chinese folk music, and feel the charm of Wuyi rock tea and the subtlety of Lu school's interior painting... Not long ago, the third Dialogue on Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning and the first World Conference of Sinologists was held in the Central General Hall of the National Edition Museum of China at the foot of Yanshan. About 400 Chinese and foreign guests from over 80 countries around the world exchanged ideas, engaged in dialogue, and gathered consensus on the theme of "Implementing the Global Civilization Initiative and Drawing a New Vision of Modernization with Hands". A series of cultural exchanges, cultural integration, and people to people connections

Utilizing the multiplier effect of competition economy in enterprises | Universiade | Effect
Utilizing the multiplier effect of competition economy in enterprises | Universiade | Effect

Whenever major sports events are held, economic accounting is a topic of concern for all parties. How much manpower and material resources do we need to invest in building and renovating venues? Can revenue from ticketing and franchising support service costs such as transportation and accommodation? This not only affects the profits and losses during the competition, but also has a significant impact on the economic and social development of the host country. The visible and invisible accounts are calculated from the beginning of the bidding process to the post competition review, and the 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade is no exception. On a visible ledger, the organizers are meticulous in their efforts to keep the competition simple and exciting. On the one hand, taking "frugality" as the consistent concept of organizing competitions, we should strive to reduce costs as much as possible by not building, repairing, renting or buying, borrowing or renting; On the other hand, developing over a thousand licensed products in 18 major categories such as "Rongbao" and opening retail stores

Guangming Forum: Deeply Grasp the Triple Logic Tradition of the "Second Combination" | Culture | Forum
Guangming Forum: Deeply Grasp the Triple Logic Tradition of the "Second Combination" | Culture | Forum

The second combination is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, a profound grasp of the development laws of Chinese civilization, and another ideological liberation. It allows us to fully utilize the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space, explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations.From a theoretical logic perspective, the "second combination" is the depth of the mechanism behind the sinicization of Marxism

Make Good Use of Policy Space to Find the Right Direction for Power (Observed by Commentators) Monetary Policy | Economy | Space Finding
Make Good Use of Policy Space to Find the Right Direction for Power (Observed by Commentators) Monetary Policy | Economy | Space Finding

On July 24th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and deploy economic work for the second half of the year. Starting from today, this version will launch a series of comments to comprehensively understand and accurately grasp the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee with readers, in order to unite and do a good job in economic work in the second half of the year—— The editor hits the water in the middle of the stream, and those who strive to paddle forward. The recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover, overall rebounded and improved, and high-quality development has been solidly promoted. The meeting emphasized the need to continuously promote the continuous improvement of economic operation, the continuous enhancement of endogenous driving force, the continuous improvement of social expectations, and the continuous resolution of risks and hidden dangers in order to do a good job in economic work in the second half of the year. Accurately and effectively implementing macroeconomic regulation, actively expanding domestic demand, vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system, and increasing efforts to ensure people's livelihoods

Make poetry and distant places more within reach (micro) Tourists | Tourism | Micro
Make poetry and distant places more within reach (micro) Tourists | Tourism | Micro

What tricks can you come up with when browsing bookstores? Entering a themed bookstore on Qianmen Street in Beijing, tourists can not only read and drink tea, but also embark on a city real-life script tour. Change into specific clothing, link through the mini program, and receive character tasks. Tourists can use AR technology to stroll through historical and cultural streets while participating in immersive games that incorporate elements such as old Beijing culture and intangible cultural heritage skills. The experiencer expressed that "the sense of immersion is particularly strong" and "like shopping, you can play happily for a few hours". In the past, traditional cultural and tourism experiences were relatively single, either visiting scenic spots and historical sites, tasting delicious food on the street, or reading and consuming in bookstores. Different projects were relatively independent and lacked integration. In recent years, the deep integration of digital technology and the cultural and tourism industry has changed the appearance of cultural and tourism products, bringing people more diverse and three-dimensional experiences. nowadays

Forming a theoretical framework that is inclusive and draws on the strengths of others, with a broad perspective on meteorology (ideological and political) | theory | atmosphere
Forming a theoretical framework that is inclusive and draws on the strengths of others, with a broad perspective on meteorology (ideological and political) | theory | atmosphere

Expanding theoretical horizons means having a broad perspective when thinking and researching theoretical issues. The broader the horizon, the broader the theoretical perspective, the deeper the thinking problem, and the more thorough the research conclusion. Expanding theoretical perspectives also includes learning indirect experiences and obtaining theories that others have "extracted from objective reality.". Marx and Engels attach great importance to kinship

Son of the President of Colombia arrested: suspected of money laundering and illegal enrichment on suspicion | Nicolas Petro | President
Son of the President of Colombia arrested: suspected of money laundering and illegal enrichment on suspicion | Nicolas Petro | President

Recently, Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, was arrested by the police on charges of money laundering and illegal enrichment on suspicion of illegally raising funds during last year's election campaign. According to a report by The New York Times on July 29th, along with Nicolas Petro, his ex-wife Dassault Basques was also arrested, who was accused of money laundering and personal data infringement. The prosecutor requested temporary detention of them as the prosecutor's office is investigating money laundering allegations against these two individuals. Gustavo Petro stated that he will not interfere with the investigation. "As the President of the Republic, I have assured the Office of the Chief Prosecutor that it will have all guarantees so that it can proceed in accordance with the law. May these events shape his character, and may he reflect on his mistakes," according to Al Jazeera in July

Develop metaverse 3D graphics standards, form alliances with giants such as Apple, Nvidia, and Pixar | OpenUSD | Giants
Develop metaverse 3D graphics standards, form alliances with giants such as Apple, Nvidia, and Pixar | OpenUSD | Giants

On August 1st local time, five major companies in the US 3D content industry, Apple, Nvidia, Pixar, Adobe, and Autodesk, jointly established the OpenUSD Alliance. OpenUSD technology is the foundation of NVIDIA Omniverse platform and may one day become the 3D graphics standard for the metaverse. OpenUSD is an open data format developed by Pixar Animation Studios, allowing teams to collaborate on large-scale 3D workflows and share information on 3D objects and environments that can be used in AR and VR projects. The OpenUSD Alliance will develop written specifications detailing the features of OpenUSD. This will improve the compatibility of OpenUSD, expand its adoption, integration, and implementation scope, and make it

Is it considered a violation of discipline?, Collecting interest of 400000 yuan, the Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau lent 1 million yuan to the boss. Party Group | Engineering | Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau
Is it considered a violation of discipline?, Collecting interest of 400000 yuan, the Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau lent 1 million yuan to the boss. Party Group | Engineering | Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau

[Typical Case] Yuan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau in a certain city. From 2017 to 2020, the project owner Chen gradually took on multiple government projects within Yuan's jurisdiction, but Yuan did not provide assistance. In January 2018, Chen requested a loan from Yuan due to construction needs and promised to pay interest at an annual interest rate of 20%. Yuan decided to lend his family funds of 500000 yuan to earn interest. At the same time, Yuan informed his wife and brother Wang of Chen's loan needs and promised interest rates. Wang also invested 500000 yuan to ask Yuan to lend it to Chen together. In February 2018, Yuan transferred 1 million yuan to Chen's bank account through Wang's account and signed a written loan agreement with Chen in his name. As of the incident in 2020, Chen paid a total of 400000 yuan in interest to Yuan

At the age of 46, he fell from grace and became the deputy mayor of Ningxia, the provincial capital city, at the age of 40
At the age of 46, he fell from grace and became the deputy mayor of Ningxia, the provincial capital city, at the age of 40

Han Jianglong, male, born in January 1976, started working in September 1997 and joined the CPC in August 2002. Formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Suifenhe Municipal Committee Office in Heilongjiang Province; Assistant Director of the Investment Promotion Office of Mudanjiang City; Deputy Director of the Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee Office and Deputy Commander in Chief of the Construction of Jingpo Tourism Town; Researcher of Heilongjiang Provincial Government Office; Deputy Secretary General of the Yinchuan Municipal Committee of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Director of the Policy Research Office of the Municipal Committee; Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Development and Reform Commission of Yinchuan City; Vice Mayor of Yinchuan Municipal People's Government, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Yinchuan City; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. In March 2022, Han Jianglong was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law

This push from the Ministry of National Security has been received by Taiwanese media, including National | Anti Spy | Taiwan
This push from the Ministry of National Security has been received by Taiwanese media, including National | Anti Spy | Taiwan

"Anti espionage needs the mobilization of the whole society!" On August 1, the official WeChat official account of the Ministry of National Security issued its first tweet since its debut. Only a few hours after the release of this article, this WeChat official account has received extensive attention from the media in the island. Taiwan media all introduced the background information of the official WeChat official account of the same name of the Ministry of National Security in their reports, and emphasized the keyword of the first tweet - "anti spy" in the article. According to a report by United News Network, the Ministry of National Security is considered the "most mysterious department" on the mainland, and the "first launch" on the 1st means that the Ministry of National Security has officially started online promotion and national security education. Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" noted that the WeChat official account was registered and certified on July 31. Its introduction is, "National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation. Adhere to the overall national security concept and resolutely

What are the "blue oceans" mentioned in the People's Daily? Cultivation | People's Daily | Fitness | Market | Industry | Keywords | Extracted from | Blue Ocean
What are the "blue oceans" mentioned in the People's Daily? Cultivation | People's Daily | Fitness | Market | Industry | Keywords | Extracted from | Blue Ocean

"Blue ocean" is an economic term that means "unknown market space", while "red ocean" refers to those known and highly competitive market spaces. So, when do we use this more professional term in our writing? What fields can also be called "blue oceans"? Let's take a look at the expressions about "blue ocean" in the People's Daily article. Keywords: expanding employment channels for new professions, and vigorously developing the blue ocean of new professions. In recent years, the digital economy and the real economy have deeply integrated, and new industries, new formats, and new models have emerged, giving rise to many new employment growth points. Artificial intelligence trainers, industrial robot system operators, Internet of Things engineering technicians... Compared with the 2015 version, the Occupational Classification Code of the People's Republic of China Occupational Classification Code

Beijing: This rainfall is the largest in 140 years | rainfall | rainfall
Beijing: This rainfall is the largest in 140 years | rainfall | rainfall

From 20:00 on July 29, 2023 to 07:00 on August 2, 2023, Beijing experienced extreme heavy rainfall. The maximum recorded rainfall during this rainfall process occurred at the Wangjiahuayuan Reservoir in Changping, with a thickness of 744.8 millimeters. Although there were weather records in ancient China, such as the "Clear Rain Record," they were mainly written records of weather phenomena and their impacts, without accurate data records. At present, the earliest instrument recorded rainfall in the Beijing area occurred during the rainy weather process from July 23 to 29, 1883, with a recorded value of 510.3 millimeters. On July 23, 1891, a heavy rainfall process of 609 millimeters was recorded in the Beijing area. This record is the maximum rainfall recorded before this process. July 21, 2012, Beijing Regional Journal

Carrying 262 people, French evacuation! The first plane evacuated from Niger to Europe | France | Paris
Carrying 262 people, French evacuation! The first plane evacuated from Niger to Europe | France | Paris

According to Reuters and Agence France Presse, on August 2nd local time, the first plane carrying citizens of France and other European countries landed in Paris. According to Reuters, this flight chartered by France left Niger on the evening of the 1st, evacuating French and European citizens who voluntarily left Niger. French Foreign Minister Catherine Cologne said at the airport on the 2nd that there were 262 people on board the plane. On July 26th local time, Nigerian coup soldiers issued a statement stating that they had overthrown Nigerian President Bazum. The first French evacuation plane from Niger arrived in Paris. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the 1st, stating that due to the tense situation in Niger, France has decided to start evacuating from Niger on the same day. French media reported that the first evacuation plane arrived in Paris that evening. The statement states that, given the situation in Niger