The world

Listening to the past and present lives of Shiyan, unveiling the mysterious veil of the No.3 skull fossil of "Yunxian People". Fossils | Yunxian People | Shiyan
Listening to the past and present lives of Shiyan, unveiling the mysterious veil of the No.3 skull fossil of "Yunxian People". Fossils | Yunxian People | Shiyan

Recently, the headline of CCTV News of CCTV reported "New ideas lead a new journey to explore the footprint of civilization and strengthen cultural confidence", focusing on the No. 3 skull of "Yunxian people" in Shiyan. According to the program, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the exploration of the origin of civilization and archaeological work in China have been deeply promoted, achieving historic breakthroughs. In 2022, the No.3 skull of the "Yunxian Man" was discovered at the Liangzi Site of Xuetang in Shiyan, Hubei. It is the most complete upright human skull fossil of the same era found in the Eurasian inland, dating back approximately 1 million years. On December 29, 2022, Xuetangliangzi Archaeological Site Park was approved by the National Cutural Heritage Administration to be built near Xuetangliangzi Site, Mituosi Village, Qingqu Town, Yunyang District. According to the overall plan of Xuetang Liangzi Archaeological Site Park, it will be promoted in three phases: by 2023, striving to become a provincial-level archaeological site park

Dialogue Era, the Root Site of Cities | Chinese Civilization | Era
Dialogue Era, the Root Site of Cities | Chinese Civilization | Era

The Shang Dynasty city wall area of Panlong City National Archaeological Site Park. How to revive the cultural relics unearthed from the Panlong City site and bring these archaeological achievements closer to the public? The Panlong City Site Museum has put a lot of thought into this. Since the beginning of this year, the hospital has collaborated with Wuhan Song and Dance Theater to stage the original environmental dance theater "The Roots of the City", attracting citizens to watch; Recently, we have launched a 24 solar term course, such as the "Rainwater Solar Term" course, where we take children to visit the drainage facilities in the palace area and make rain collection water bottles. The corner of the exterior wall of the Panlongcheng Museum has become a popular check-in spot. On July 15th, Wan Lin, the director of the Panlongcheng Site Museum, introduced in an interview with Changjiang Daily that since 1954, archaeological work at the Panlongcheng Site has continued to this day, discovering city walls, trenches, palace foundations, noble tombs, and bronze casting hands

The Ancient City of Jingzhou: Inheriting Chu Culture and Revitalizing a New Style of Huachu Culture | Jingzhou | The Ancient City
The Ancient City of Jingzhou: Inheriting Chu Culture and Revitalizing a New Style of Huachu Culture | Jingzhou | The Ancient City

Jingzhou is a fertile cultural land. In recent years, Jingzhou has closely followed the pulse of the times and created a large number of literary and artistic achievements based on its profound cultural heritage, telling the story of Jingzhou's past and present lives. The ancient city story of over 2000 years cannot be sung or performed. Jingzhou is the birthplace of Chu culture, a hub of Three Kingdoms culture, a hub of red culture, and a showcase of Yangtze River culture. Twenty Chu kings established their capital in Jingzhou for 411 years, achieving the historical feat of Chu becoming one of the "Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period" and "Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period". They created a Chu culture that shone with the Central Plains culture in the Yellow River Basin and was comparable to the ancient Greek and Athenian culture of the same period. Jingzhou Museum's Return to Prosperity · Circle

Harmony between Heaven and Earth - An Ancient Musical Instrument Witnessing China's Glorious Music Civilization, Golden Sound and Jade Vibration Chongyang | Bronze Drum | China
Harmony between Heaven and Earth - An Ancient Musical Instrument Witnessing China's Glorious Music Civilization, Golden Sound and Jade Vibration Chongyang | Bronze Drum | China

Confucius said, "It thrives in poetry, stands in ceremony, and becomes in music." The ancient Eastern musical instrument, which carries a profound examination of ancient history and music history, outlines a cultural trajectory that transcends time and space for the audience. If music is the code of civilization, then musical instruments are the solidified culture. Entering major museums in Wuhan, a rich variety of ancient music relics are waiting to be heard, becoming the best witnesses of China's splendid music civilization. Undoubtedly known as the "head of the Eight Tones" in the field of musical relics, Zeng Houyi's Bianzhong is undoubtedly a needle like existence in the sea. The "Harmony" section of the documentary "The Side Face of Chinese Music" starts with the discovery of chimes from the tombs of Marquis Yi of Zeng and Ye Jiashan, and analyzes in depth why they became the "head of the Eight Tones" in history. Li Youping, the vice dean of Wuhan Conservatory of Music and the bell theorist who participated in the recording of the episode, told Jimu News reporters in 201

"China's Smart Manufacturing" is favored by the Latin American market (international perspective) enterprises | products | international
"China's Smart Manufacturing" is favored by the Latin American market (international perspective) enterprises | products | international

The Chinese corporate exhibition booth attracts numerous visitors. The 2023 S ã o Paulo International Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances Exhibition was recently held at the Pan American Exhibition Center in S ã o Paulo, Brazil. As one of the largest consumer electronics exhibitions in Latin America, this year's exhibition features over 700 brands and tens of thousands of products, attracting over 30000 industry professionals to participate. Several Chinese companies launched their latest smart home and digital products at the exhibition, showcasing the strength of "Chinese smart manufacturing" to Latin American consumers. Carlos Kroor, the organizer of the S ã o Paulo Consumer Electronics Show, said that China maintains a leading position in electronics and home appliances, with the highest number of international exhibitors from China this year. "Internet of Things" Helps Smart Home at the S ã o Paulo Consumer Electronics Exhibition Exhibitions Including Information and Communication Products

Refusing to choose sides and stand by ASEAN, adhering to unity and self centeredness in developing sides and standing by ASEAN
Refusing to choose sides and stand by ASEAN, adhering to unity and self centeredness in developing sides and standing by ASEAN

Jakarta, July 16 (Xinhua) -- Refusing to take sides, ASEAN insists on unity and self development. The 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and a series of meetings were recently held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The participants expressed their determination to work together to promote regional economic integration, reiterated their determination to maintain regional peace and stability, and emphasized the need to maintain the unity and central position of ASEAN and not become the agent of any country. ASEAN officials and scholars believe that ASEAN adheres to the spirit of independence, openness, and inclusiveness, focuses on the economy, and emphasizes cooperation. Especially since China and ASEAN are each other's largest trading partners, cooperation should be further strengthened, and we look forward to continuous progress in the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides. On September 19, 2022, visitors visited the ASEAN and RCEP boutique exhibition areas at the East China Expo. Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China
"Promoting National Automobile Brands" - Looking at the Development of China's Automobile Industry from the 70 Years of FAW's Founding | Automotive | FAW China

This is known as the cradle of the new Chinese automotive industry: the first car, the first Dongfeng brand sedan, and the first Hongqi brand luxury sedan were developed and manufactured. FAW opened a new era of the new Chinese automotive industry from scratch, marking a solid step towards becoming an automotive powerhouse. This embodies the arduous struggle of several generations of Chinese automobile workers: building factories in the wilderness, laying the foundation for business, and independent innovation. Behind the development history of FAW is the spirit of daring to explore and fearless of difficulties.Industry for the Country, 70 Years of Hard Struggle and Inspiration

Enhancing Civilization Exchange and Promoting Pragmatic Cooperation between China and Afghanistan
Enhancing Civilization Exchange and Promoting Pragmatic Cooperation between China and Afghanistan

The 4th China Arab Party Dialogue was recently held in Yinchuan, Ningxia. Politicians from 19 Arab countries and leaders of 67 political parties and organizations, as well as representatives from think tanks and media, attended the meeting on-site. The attending representatives fully exchanged ideas and widely gathered consensus around the theme of "China Arab Civilization Exchange: From the Ancient Silk Road to a Community with a Shared Future in the New Era". The dialogue meeting passed the Yinchuan Declaration on Implementing the Global Civilization Initiative at the Fourth China Arab Political Party Dialogue. The Arab side highly recognizes and appreciates the global civilization initiative proposed by China, believing that this initiative contributes Chinese wisdom to jointly addressing global challenges, provides strong support for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and provides sustained impetus for the development and progress of human civilization. It is another important public product that China provides to the international community in the new era. Mauritanian Justice Party leadership

"China Sincerely Helps Pacific Island Countries Improve Their Independent Development Capability" Development | China | Ability
"China Sincerely Helps Pacific Island Countries Improve Their Independent Development Capability" Development | China | Ability

"China's development not only benefits its own people, but also has a positive impact on the world." Former Tonga Ambassador to China and Secretary General of the Tonga China Friendship Association, Siamellier Latu, stated in a recent interview with our reporter in Nukualofa, the capital of Tonga, that reform and opening up have enabled China to embark on a path of rapid development, and China's successful experience is worth learning from and drawing on by other countries. Latu made his first visit to China in 2000 and served as Tonga's Ambassador to China from 2010 to 2015. He has traveled to many parts of China and has a comprehensive and in-depth observation of China's development. "Over the past 40 years, China has risen from a backward agricultural country to the world's second largest economy, creating a miracle in human development history," said Latu. "The development and changes in China can be described in one word as' constantly changing '." Latu believes that China's various

China Cambodia Economic and Trade Cooperation Continuously Deepens
China Cambodia Economic and Trade Cooperation Continuously Deepens

In the first half of this year, Cambodia's import and export trade with China continued to grow, China Cambodia "the Belt and Road" key projects were successfully promoted, and China continued to maintain Cambodia's status as the largest trading partner and source of foreign investment. Deepening economic and trade cooperation between China and Cambodia is continuously promoting Cambodia's economic and social development. According to the latest statistics from the General Administration of Customs of Cambodia, the trade volume between Cambodia and China reached 6.153 billion US dollars in the first half of this year, an increase of about 3% year-on-year. Among them, Cambodia's exports to China amounted to 713 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 16.6%. Imports from China amounted to 5.44 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%. As Cambodian agricultural products enter the fast lane of export to China, China has become the main export market for Cambodian rice, fresh bananas, mangoes, and longans. In the first half of the year, Cambodia exported 138000 tons of rice to China

The United States Brings More Risks to the World through Risk Reduction Economy | China | United States
The United States Brings More Risks to the World through Risk Reduction Economy | China | United States

As agreed by both China and the United States, US Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. The relevant person in charge of the Chinese Ministry of Finance responded to media inquiries regarding Yellen's visit to China, emphasizing that the essence of China US economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win, and there are no winners in trade wars or "decoupling and chain breaking". For a period of time, the United States has been vigorously promoting "decoupling and chain breaking", promoting so-called "friendly shore outsourcing" and "nearshore outsourcing", and seeking to "de Sinicize" the supply chain. These actions artificially sever the global industrial and supply chains, seriously undermine market rules and international economic and trade order, and have been widely criticized by the international community. According to a report from the German Institute of Economics, the US approach poses a threat of "deindustrialization" to Germany. Gabriel Barbo, director of the Development Research Center, a think tank in Argentina, believes that the United States is accustomed to using its global hegemonic position to gain benefits and disregards it

NATO provoking factions to confront is not in line with European interests (international forum) security | United States | factions
NATO provoking factions to confront is not in line with European interests (international forum) security | United States | factions

Europe faces two real risks in terms of security and defense issues: first, the United States' security protection for Europe is no longer reliable, and second, NATO only serves the hegemonic interests of the United States. The recent NATO summit once again fueled the conflict on the Ukraine issue and exaggerated the "China threat", showing a dangerous attempt to further create division and confrontation. Under the leadership of the United States, NATO adheres to the Cold War mentality and continuously seeks expansion in Europe, vigorously advancing eastward into the Asia Pacific region, which poses serious challenges to European security and world peace and stability. NATO cannot fundamentally solve European security issues. The outbreak of the Ukraine crisis proves that the NATO led European security landscape after the Cold War has serious flaws, and the construction of the European security architecture cannot be separated from Russia. However, not only has the United States not reflected on this, but it has also pushed NATO forward

Gathering over 400 art pieces from around the world, the "Art Package" of the Chengdu Universiade brings art | Chengdu | Universiade
Gathering over 400 art pieces from around the world, the "Art Package" of the Chengdu Universiade brings art | Chengdu | Universiade

On July 16th, Chengdu, Xinhua News Agency reported that the "Time Gravity -2023 Chengdu Biennale" opened at the Chengdu Art Museum. The exhibition will last for 4 months and will be open to the public for free. With the upcoming 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu, this art festival will also present an "art package" for young athletes around the world. At the opening ceremony of this exhibition. According to Peng Xinyu, this biennial exhibition features 24 parallel exhibitions covering the entire city of Chengdu. In combination with the background of the Chengdu Universiade, a group of outstanding young artists are exhibited, allowing the beauty of youth and sports to meet the beauty of art and creativity. Chief curator Wang Shaoqiang introduced that this exhibition is divided into instantaneous eternity, future archaeology, contemplation, spatial perception, stargazing into dreams, distant existence, earth echo, heart direction, and star chain

In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on network power country | network letter | network
In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on network power country | network letter | network

Network security and informatization are related to the long-term governance of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, economic and social development, and the well-being of the people. The National Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology was held in Beijing from July 14th to 15th.

"Million Project" Composes a New Chapter of Beautiful Countryside | Project | New Chapter of Countryside
"Million Project" Composes a New Chapter of Beautiful Countryside | Project | New Chapter of Countryside

Author: Peng Wei's "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project has created countless beautiful villages, benefiting thousands of farmers and masses. The results have been significant and far-reaching, composing a new chapter of beautiful countryside and contributing Chinese wisdom to global governance.In the new era and new journey, the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. Deeply summarizing, learning, and applying the successful experience of the "Ten Million Project" will help accelerate urban-rural integration

Stand firm in the position of the people (ideological and political)
Stand firm in the position of the people (ideological and political)

Why human problems are the touchstone for testing the nature of a political party or regime.The nature of the people is the essential attribute of Marxism, and the people's position is the fundamental political position of the CPC.

Conference on Deepening Reform and Filling the Shortcomings of "Three Rural Issues" | Committee | Three Rural Issues
Conference on Deepening Reform and Filling the Shortcomings of "Three Rural Issues" | Committee | Three Rural Issues

The second meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform recently reviewed and approved the Implementation Plan for Deepening Rural Reform. The meeting emphasized the strategic goal of anchoring the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and building a strong agricultural country, with the main focus on handling the relationship between farmers and land, and accelerating the filling of the gaps in agricultural and rural development. To solve the various deep-seated problems faced by agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, it is fundamentally necessary to deepen reforms. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country. Compared to poverty alleviation, the task of building a strong agricultural country is more arduous. We must use innovative thinking to seek effective solutions to the problems of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. We must use reform tools to remove institutional obstacles that hinder the development of productive forces, promote more mature and standardized institutional mechanisms for rural revitalization, and ensure the stable and far-reaching modernization of Chinese style agriculture. To deepen rural reform, we must firmly grasp the main line.

[Bright Forum, Wen Ku Ku] Trust, Good Harmony, Kindliness and Good Neighbors-An Important Element in Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture ⑩ Xi Jinping | General Secretary | Culture
[Bright Forum, Wen Ku Ku] Trust, Good Harmony, Kindliness and Good Neighbors-An Important Element in Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture ⑩ Xi Jinping | General Secretary | Culture

In his speech, General Secretary listed multiple important elements that jointly shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, including the "way of communication that emphasizes honesty, harmony, and kindness towards neighbors.". It is worth noting that "honesty, harmony, and kindness towards neighbors" was also listed as one of the important wisdom crystallization of the long-standing and profound Chinese excellent traditional culture in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a great power style and way of communication demonstrated to the international community in China's diplomatic practice as a major country with Chinese characteristics. "Integrity and Harmony" originates from "Rites"

Continuing to write a new chapter on the sinicization and modernization of Marxism (People's Perspectives) Socialism | Culture | Modernization
Continuing to write a new chapter on the sinicization and modernization of Marxism (People's Perspectives) Socialism | Culture | Modernization

Editors treat science with a scientific attitude and pursue truth with the spirit of truth, which is the consistent position and distinctive attitude of the CPC towards scientific truth, Changping District, Beijing, at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, in the National Edition Museum of China

Huang Zuhui: Promoting the Learning and Application of "Ten Million Project" Experience to Deepen and Solidify Fundamentals | Engineering | Experience
Huang Zuhui: Promoting the Learning and Application of "Ten Million Project" Experience to Deepen and Solidify Fundamentals | Engineering | Experience

The "Ten Million Project" is first and foremost a construction project for the improvement and improvement of rural living environment, as well as a fundamental project, livelihood project, and common prosperity project for rural construction and development. Throughout the construction practice and 20 years of development of the "Ten Million Project", one can deeply understand that it not only embodies vivid practicality, but also contains profound theoretical significance; This not only reflects the specificity of the construction direction, but also presents the systematicity of the development direction. The experience and inspiration of the "Ten Million Project" are extremely rich and profound, involving all aspects of rural construction and development, and have extremely important promotional significance and value. Recently, the Office of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics, the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Ten Million Project for Powerful, Orderly, and Effective Promotion of Zhejiang"

Seeking help from local thugs? The "internet celebrity director" of this TV series has been arrested!, The underworld owes money but doesn't repay society | Online | TV series
Seeking help from local thugs? The "internet celebrity director" of this TV series has been arrested!, The underworld owes money but doesn't repay society | Online | TV series

Since the launch of the special action to crack down on online rumors by the Ministry of Public Security, Jiangsu public security organs have adhered to the principle of opening up the way and promoting governance through crackdowns. They have strictly cracked down on individuals who maliciously fabricate and spread online rumors in accordance with the law, effectively purifying the online social environment. The underworld owes money but doesn't pay it back, yet they come to threaten? Seeking help from local thugs to stand out? Since June 2023, "Xu Zhou * Ge" has released multiple videos on a certain short video platform, mainly featuring "black society member" Li who owes money and, together with several young people with tattoos, repeatedly intimidated creditor Dong. The video publisher also stated in the video that they hope to have "local thugs" to help them stand out. Due to the extremely hot scene of related videos, and even the presence of police officers on the scene, it has attracted a large number of netizens' attention, and many people have even turned to the public security

Thirteen naval doctors underwent a consultation surgery across the Pacific and saved their right leg! Late Night Vein | Physician | Pacific
Thirteen naval doctors underwent a consultation surgery across the Pacific and saved their right leg! Late Night Vein | Physician | Pacific

In the waters near Kiribati Tarawa Island, a Pacific island country, on the late night of July 13th local time, Lin Wenbo, a orthopedic doctor from the offshore hospital diagnosis and treatment team who was accompanying the hospital ship "Harmony Mission-2023", stayed up all night. At night, the hospital ship was not calm. There are still many medical personnel who are still awake, waiting for the Chinese fisherman Shang, who is about to be transported to the ship for treatment. A few days ago, Shang followed a fishing boat to fish in the waters near Kiribati. While working on the boat, he accidentally tripped over a rope, causing the boat to overturn and resulting in an open fracture of his right leg, severe damage to surrounding tissues, and concurrent infection. There is a risk of amputation. Coordinated by the Chinese Embassy in Kiribati, the hospital ship and fishing boat headed towards each other to carry out life rescue - traveling at high speed for 1000 kilometers within 28 hours. 14th

Tripod hidden in the bag... commercial filming also focuses on the Summer Palace? Garden response: Apply makeup first before entering the garden reflector | Commercial | Tripod
Tripod hidden in the bag... commercial filming also focuses on the Summer Palace? Garden response: Apply makeup first before entering the garden reflector | Commercial | Tripod

Recently, after several places such as the Palace Museum and the Beijing Labor and People's Cultural Palace suspended commercial filming, some photographers with commercial photography and camera equipment such as slides, rocker arms, and reflectors took their clients to the Summer Palace. Regarding this, the staff of the Summer Palace stated that commercial filming is prohibited in the park. Arriving at the Yinhui Gate of the Summer Palace, several people dressed in ancient costumes stood by the railing in the hallway, posing. A photographer crouched in the doorway a few meters away, adjusting the shooting angle. Beside him stood an assistant carrying a bag. "Handsome guy, head up to the side, beautiful woman leaning towards this side... Hey! Yes, yes..." The photographer shouted loudly. Behind them, three or four tourists had to wait for them to finish filming. "We dare not pass through the middle, what if entering the camera interferes with their filming?" After waiting for about a few minutes, they took photos

There's no more money left, The US side: "Listen, we have been exposed to old accounts for nuclear testing | US | old accounts
There's no more money left, The US side: "Listen, we have been exposed to old accounts for nuclear testing | US | old accounts

Marshall Islands Foreign Minister Jack Aden urged the United States on the 13th to provide more funding to address the legacy issues caused by dozens of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in this Pacific island country in the mid-20th century. The United States seeks to expand its influence in Pacific island countries, but refuses to pay any more for this old debt. This is a scenery shot on September 3, 2013 in Majuro, the capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. On the 13th, at a hearing of the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Aden called on the US Congress to push the US government to continue negotiations on renewing the Free Association Agreement between the two countries. "There are still some issues that should be included in the negotiations, especially increasing the funding supply to people affected by nuclear tests," he said. From 1946 to 1958, the United States successively opened flat areas in the northwest of the Marshall Islands

The new king ascends to the throne! Alcaras lifted the Wimbledon men's singles championship trophy Alcaras | Jokovic | Men's singles
The new king ascends to the throne! Alcaras lifted the Wimbledon men's singles championship trophy Alcaras | Jokovic | Men's singles

On the 16th, 20-year-old Alcaras won 3-2 against 36-year-old Jokovic in a 4-hour and 43 minute battle, winning the Wimbledon men's singles championship trophy for the first time. Between the Serbian superstar and his eighth Wimbledon and 24th Grand Slam titles, there is only one gap between Spain's world number one title. Jokovic praised the "giant successor" after the game: "I have never encountered a player like him. Roger and Rafa have super strong traits, but also obvious weaknesses. Carlos is very comprehensive. I think his excellent adjustment and adaptability will be the key to maintaining his youth and achieving success in various fields." Although he achieved his first Grand Slam championship in the US Open last year, he lost to Jokovic in the French Open semi-finals more than a month ago, and Alcaras was so nervous that he cramped all over. Now the two meet in the Wimbledon final, year

The outside world was greatly surprised by their frank expression of China at the summit | NATO | China
The outside world was greatly surprised by their frank expression of China at the summit | NATO | China

On July 15th, the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong published an article titled "NATO Clearly Attempts to Launch a Cold War against China", written by Pakistani freelance writer Imran Khalid. The article is compiled as follows: People have long thought that at the recently concluded NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, the so-called China challenge should occupy a considerable part of the agenda. However, the frank statement regarding China in the final communique still surprised the outside world, and there is no doubt that the United States and its allies are attempting to launch a new Cold War against China. For a period of time, a faction within NATO has been attempting to incite anti China sentiment under the influence of the United States. This small group has been vigorously inciting radical, anxious, and combative emotions, actively intervening in Asia Pacific affairs. Japan and South Korea, recognized by NATO as "global partner countries"

Zhao Jianwei, former chief prosecutor of Dalian People's Procuratorate in Liaoning Province, was expelled from the party and exploited | violated regulations | sought benefits | reviewed | organized | punished | held his position | Zhao Jianwei
Zhao Jianwei, former chief prosecutor of Dalian People's Procuratorate in Liaoning Province, was expelled from the party and exploited | violated regulations | sought benefits | reviewed | organized | punished | held his position | Zhao Jianwei

According to the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhao Jianwei, the former chief prosecutor of the Dalian People's Procuratorate. After investigation, Zhao Jianwei lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, deceived the organization through "fake divorce", and opposed organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally accepting gifts and gifts, and illegally borrowing vehicles and housing from management and service objects; Violating organizational principles, failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seeking benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; Using one's power or position to seek benefits for one's spouse's business activities, allowing one's spouse to use their own power and position to seek personal gain, obtaining large returns through private lending, and in the process of obtaining policy housing

There has been corruption in the workplace, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been cracking down on "tigers" for two consecutive weekends! Director of an official who fell from power last week | Chen Jixing | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
There has been corruption in the workplace, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been cracking down on "tigers" for two consecutive weekends! Director of an official who fell from power last week | Chen Jixing | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is fighting "tiger" again over the weekend! On Saturday, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) laid the 28th "tiger" of the year - Tang Shuangning, former Party Secretary and Chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. This is the second consecutive weekend when the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been cracking down. Last week, another "tiger" was put on trial and multiple officials were investigated. For two consecutive weekends, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released a resume showing that Tang Shuangning, male, Manchu, born in October 1954, from Beizhen, Liaoning Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in December 1971 and graduated from the Investment Economics Department of Northeast University of Finance and Economics with a Master's degree in Economics. He is also a senior economist. Tang Shuangning, who has been working in the financial system for a long time, previously served at the People's Bank of China

The leadership team made its debut, and the State Council appointed Vice Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to take office in Beijing! The newly established Central Committee Political and Legal Affairs Commission | Provincial Party Committee | Deputy Secretary where he is located
The leadership team made its debut, and the State Council appointed Vice Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to take office in Beijing! The newly established Central Committee Political and Legal Affairs Commission | Provincial Party Committee | Deputy Secretary where he is located

Just over the weekend, a province welcomed the new Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee's Political and Legal Affairs Committee. According to Hainan Daily, on July 15th, the Hainan Provincial Party Committee's Political and Legal Affairs Committee Cadre Conference was held, announcing the personnel arrangement decision. According to work needs, after research by the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and soliciting opinions from relevant central departments, Comrade Shen Danyang was appointed as the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee. Last week, the leadership team of the Central Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office made a collective appearance, and the leadership team of the Central Department of Social Work also announced successively. Several officials also took office. According to the public resume of the second candidate, Shen Danyang, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1965 in Zhao'an, Fujian Province, with an on-the-job postgraduate degree, a doctor's degree in economics, and a researcher. He started working in July 1985 and joined the CPC in June 1985. Shen Danyang served as the President and President of the Xiamen International Trade Promotion Branch in Fujian Province

One death, one injury, sudden! A barbecue restaurant in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province experienced a gas tank explosion. Jianhu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province | Huyang Road | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province
One death, one injury, sudden! A barbecue restaurant in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province experienced a gas tank explosion. Jianhu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province | Huyang Road | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

On July 17, 2023 at 6:02 am, a gas tank explosion occurred at the Crazy Roast Wings Barbecue on Huyang Road in Tanghe Street, our county, resulting in one death and one injury. The injured have been promptly sent to medical treatment. At present, the owner of the shop involved, Wu, has been under the control of the public security organs, and related work such as accident aftermath and cause investigation is currently underway. On July 17, 2023, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Jianhu County reported that a barbecue restaurant in Jianhu, Jiangsu Province suddenly exploded, shattering the glass of multiple shops. Witnesses reported seeing one person injured. Jimu News reporter Zhang Wanjun reported that on the morning of July 17, a barbecue restaurant on Huyang Road in Jianhu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province exploded, shattering the glass of several nearby shops. Witnesses reported seeing one person injured in the explosion. A medical staff member carried an injured person away from the explosion site