The world

What signal is being released? Prosecutors: The criminal investigation for Prigo remains unresolved, and Shoigu's first appearance after the Wagner incident | Russia | Incident
What signal is being released? Prosecutors: The criminal investigation for Prigo remains unresolved, and Shoigu's first appearance after the Wagner incident | Russia | Incident

A video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 26th showed that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu inspected a front-line command post of the Western Army. This is the first appearance of Shoigu after the Wagner Group incident organized by mercenaries. On the same day, Russian federal prosecutors disclosed that the criminal investigation against Yevgeny Prigoren, founder and commander of the Wagner Group, on suspicion of inciting armed rebellion has not yet been closed. Wagner Group headquarters said everything was normal. [The Defense Chief shows up to signal?] The Russian Ministry of Defense released a 47-second video via social media "Telegraph", with no live sound, showing Shoigu and his colleagues flying to a front-line command post of the Western Russian Army Group in the Ukrainian combat area. The video shows that Shoigu listened to the commander of the Western Group Army to report on the current battlefield situation, studied the map, and took a straight ride.

Bounce is coming! The onshore and offshore RMB exchange rates once recovered to 7.21 and 7.22 USD exchange rates | RMB | offshore
Bounce is coming! The onshore and offshore RMB exchange rates once recovered to 7.21 and 7.22 USD exchange rates | RMB | offshore

After a sharp drop on the first trading day after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the renminbi rebounded against the US dollar. On June 27th, the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar rose sharply after opening. Wind data showed that it briefly rose to 7.2062 during the trading session, followed by a narrowing of the rise in the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar. On the previous trading day, the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar closed at 7.2219 at 16:30 and closed at 7.2425 in the evening. The exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar has also rebounded in the offshore market. On June 27th, the offshore RMB/USD exchange rate, which reflects the expectations of international investors, rose sharply during the day, rebounding by over 300 points to 7.2142, and then the increase slightly declined. Galaxy Securities pointed out in its research report that compared to the depreciation of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar last year, there is no fundamental global geopolitical risk this time

Appointment by the State Council: Two Vice Governors of a Province Serving as New Vice Governors | State | Serving as New Vice Governors
Appointment by the State Council: Two Vice Governors of a Province Serving as New Vice Governors | State | Serving as New Vice Governors

Yesterday, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the State Council will appoint and dismiss national staff members. Among them, Wang Zhizhong was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Public Security; Appoint Lv Yuyin as the Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region. Shangguanhe noticed that Wang Zhizhong and Lv Yuyin were both vice governors of Guangdong Province. According to the official website of the Guangdong Provincial Government, currently, the leaders of the provincial government include Governor Wang Weizhong, eight deputy governors, Chen Liangxian, a member of the provincial government party group, and Chen Min, the secretary-general of the provincial government. The eight vice governors are: Executive Vice Governor Zhang Hu, Wang Xi, Zhang Shaokang, Zhang Xin, Sun Zhiyang, Wang Zhizhong, Feng Ling, and Lv Yuyin. Wang Zhizhong, male, Han nationality, was born in Cangxian County, Hebei Province in October 1965, and joined the CPC in June 1989

Internal disease and external treatment are not feasible (Zhong Sheng), drug control in the United States | problem | United States
Internal disease and external treatment are not feasible (Zhong Sheng), drug control in the United States | problem | United States

On the issue of drug control, the United States must face its own problems and cannot shy away from seeking medical treatment. Attacking and smearing China cannot cure the chronic problem of drug abuse in the United States. It will only delay the problem of drug control in the United States and turn it into a greater social crisis. This is an increasingly common tactic used by the United States in recent years. The US Department of Justice recently announced that it is suing multiple Chinese companies and several Chinese citizens on suspicion of producing and selling fentanyl chemical precursors, which is another example of its habitual shift of blame. The use of phishing by US law enforcement personnel in third countries to lure Chinese citizens and brazenly prosecute Chinese entities and individuals is a typical form of arbitrary detention and unilateral sanctions, which is completely illegal and seriously damages the basic human rights of Chinese citizens and the interests of Chinese enterprises. The root cause of drug abuse in the United States lies within itself, with the US attempting to exert pressure and coercion

"China injects sustained momentum into global economic development" Energy | Global | China
"China injects sustained momentum into global economic development" Energy | Global | China

"From June 27th to 29th, the 14th New Leaders' Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will be held in Tianjin. More than 1500 political and business elites and scholars from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world have confirmed their attendance. This is the forum's restart in China after 4 years and the return to Tianjin after 5 years." Chen Liming, the person in charge of the World Economic Forum, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that this annual meeting will provide a face-to-face communication platform for leaders from all walks of life, helping attendees to timely understand the economic prospects of China and the entire Asia. Chen Liming introduced that the theme of this year's annual conference has been determined as "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", with the aim of reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit and the vitality of enterprises as innovative entities, exploring the path of economic recovery, and promoting the steady progress of the world economy towards greater equality, sustainability, and resilience

US asset management giant employee disclosure: Capital groups bribe politicians for "money politics" to dominate US management | politics | capital
US asset management giant employee disclosure: Capital groups bribe politicians for "money politics" to dominate US management | politics | capital

The Okeef Media Group in the United States recently released a video of an undercover investigation. In the video, an employee of American asset management giant BlackRock said that "money politics" dominate the United States, and politics are actually controlled by capital groups like BlackRock. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is of great benefit to their business. They do not want the conflict to end. BlackRock employee Serge Waley: The question is not who is the president, but who controls the president's wallet. Hedge funds, BlackRock, banks, these people control everything, and all these financial institutions bribe politicians. When you have a large amount of funds, you can start buying politicians. It is obvious that our system is like this. If you have $10000, you can bribe the senator. It doesn't matter who wins the election, we are the winners. US Asset Management

China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation has yielded fruitful results, promoting mutual benefit and mutual benefit in Africa
China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation has yielded fruitful results, promoting mutual benefit and mutual benefit in Africa

Kenyan black tea, Ethiopian sesame, Madagascar geranium, Namibian baobab fruit powder... At the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center in Hunan, batches of goods from African countries have arrived and will be displayed at the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, which will open on June 29th. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, as well as the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the concept of true, friendly and sincere policy towards Africa and the correct concept of righteousness and benefit. In the past decade, China and Africa have closely cooperated, and a large number of key cooperation projects have been orderly promoted. The trade volume between China and Africa and China's investment in Africa have steadily increased, and China Africa's economic and trade cooperation has entered a new stage of high-quality development. Data shows that in the past 10 years, China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner in Africa. In 2022, the trade volume between China and Africa reached 282 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 1%

South African President condemns the West: Africa is not treated equally in Ramaphosa | Country | Africa
South African President condemns the West: Africa is not treated equally in Ramaphosa | Country | Africa

Recently, at the New Global Financing Compact Summit held in Paris, France, South African President Ramaphosa publicly said that African countries still cannot let go of the West's attitude towards African countries during the COVID-19 epidemic, and he called for equal treatment of African countries, rather than treating African countries as "beggars". At the closing ceremony of the summit, Ramafosa said that during the COVID-19 epidemic, western countries were stockpiling a large number of COVID-19 vaccines, while African countries had no access to help when they needed vaccines most. South African President Ramaphosa: When we need to get vaccinated, we feel like beggars. We have been asking, which is more important, life or the profits of big pharmaceutical companies? This has deepened the disappointment and resentment in our hearts. In 2021, when the COVID-19 is raging around the world, South Africa will suffer from a shortage of vaccines, unable to achieve medical treatment

Continuing the Urban Context (High Quality Development Research Tour), Protecting and Inheriting History | Culture | High Quality
Continuing the Urban Context (High Quality Development Research Tour), Protecting and Inheriting History | Culture | High Quality

8 national historical and cultural cities, 104 historical and cultural blocks, 4170 historical buildings, 292 traditional Chinese villages... Guangdong is a rich area of historical and cultural resources.Intangible cultural heritages such as Chaoshan Yingge and Dance have been widely spread through the Internet, and historical and cultural blocks such as memorial archway Street in Chaozhou have attracted tourists for sightseeing... Keep in mind that Guangdong will deeply implement the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" project of Lingnan culture, creatively transform and develop, and promote the protection, inheritance and innovative development of historical and cultural resources. Shops, foreign companies, tea houses, cinemas... Walking into the port area of Shantou Small Park, "a century old commercial port"

How to choose this year?, News 1+1 | College Entrance Examination Application AI | College Entrance Examination | Volunteer
How to choose this year?, News 1+1 | College Entrance Examination Application AI | College Entrance Examination | Volunteer

As of the 26th, the admission control score lines for the college entrance examination in 31 provinces, regions, and cities across the country have been announced this year. How to apply for the most suitable school and major is currently the most concerning issue for students and parents. News 1+1 invites Chen Zhiwen, a member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Guidance Committee, to jointly pay attention to: How to choose the college entrance examination application preferences this year? How to view the public service of filling out college entrance examination preferences? In order to do a good job in filling out voluntary applications, from the Ministry of Education to local governments, some are reminded through text, while others are held through offline consultation meetings, allowing students and universities to face each other directly. How to view these different forms of public services? Chen Zhiwen, member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Guidance Committee: ① The service awareness of governments at all levels is strengthening. This year, the Ministry of Education released for the first time the Ten Questions and Ten Answers on voluntary application, which is almost based on voluntary application

Peace Messenger, Friendship Witness Hospital | Ark | Witness
Peace Messenger, Friendship Witness Hospital | Ark | Witness

On November 5, 2022, during the implementation of the "Harmony Mission -2022" mission, the "Peace Ark" hospital ship conducted targeted exercises. The picture shows a drill for transporting wounded personnel. In 2017, the Chinese Navy's long-range visiting fleet made a friendly visit to Bangladesh. The picture shows Sheng Ruifang embracing Ali Fa Qin at the Jidagang Port. On November 11, 2022, while carrying out the "Harmony Mission -2022" mission, Chinese military doctors conducted ophthalmic examinations on local patients at the medical service area of Tanjung Bulu Port in Jakarta, Indonesia. In July 2018, the "Peace Ark" hospital ship was on its way to carry out the "Harmony Mission -2018" mission. Shi Kuiji took a photo of a brocade book and came from the clouds, while the letters conveyed deep emotions. On the eve of International Children's Day on June 1st, Meng

632 points in the college entrance examination!, He can only write with two fingers | Dong Yichao | Fingers
632 points in the college entrance examination!, He can only write with two fingers | Dong Yichao | Fingers

On the evening of June 24th, Dong Yichao, a third year high school graduate from Qidong Middle School in Jiangsu Province who was suffering from anterior spinal artery occlusion syndrome and only relied on two fingers to write, received his college entrance examination score of 632 points, ranking 741st in Jiangsu Province. For Dong Yichao, who had been struggling with the disease for 9 years, this was not easy. Dong Yichao was talented and hardworking in his studies. However, one day in 2014, he suddenly felt weak in his hands and feet and fell to the ground. He was diagnosed with anterior spinal artery occlusion syndrome, which is extremely rare and incurable. Doctors have claimed that he will spend the rest of his life in a hospital, and his parents, who are unwilling to give up, transferred him to another hospital for treatment. "My brain is awake, thinking about it." Dong Yichao has always had such a strong desire in his mind to go back to school and seek assistance from hospitals for treatment

Interview: Continuity is a Major Advantage of Chinese Civilization - Interview with British Writer Qi Li Tian Gu Shi | China | Writer
Interview: Continuity is a Major Advantage of Chinese Civilization - Interview with British Writer Qi Li Tian Gu Shi | China | Writer

London, June 26 (Xinhua) - Continuity is a major advantage of Chinese civilization - Interview with British writer Qi Litian, Xinhua reporter Du Juan and Wu Lu. British writer Tim Klissold, who is obsessed with Chinese Tang and Song poetry, recently stated in an interview with Xinhua that continuity is a major advantage of Chinese civilization, allowing people to easily understand ancient poetry written thousands of years ago and giving Chinese people the opportunity to learn from the wisdom of ancient people to solve contemporary problems. Qi Litian has lived and worked in China for more than 20 years. He developed a strong interest in Chinese from his first encounter and began to learn it. He told reporters that a major feature of Chinese civilization is the connection between ancient and modern times. In Qi Litian's view, language is an important carrier for inheriting Chinese civilization. He explained with a poem by Song Dynasty writer Huang Tingjian, "I see the water of the Yellow River..."

It is closely related to you! These new regulations will soon be implemented for bicycles | a batch | new regulations
It is closely related to you! These new regulations will soon be implemented for bicycles | a batch | new regulations

Starting from July, a batch of new regulations will be gradually implemented, which are closely related to travel, medical insurance, express delivery, etc. ↓↓↓ @ The National VI Emission Standard 6b stage for car drivers will be fully implemented. Starting from July 1, 2023, the National VI Emission Standard 6b stage will be fully implemented nationwide, prohibiting the production, import, and sale of vehicles that do not meet the National VI Emission Standard 6b stage. Details>>The mandatory national standard for wearing helmets while riding electric bicycles has arrived. The mandatory national standard for motorcycle and electric bicycle passenger helmets will be implemented from July 1st. The highlights of the new national standard mainly focus on new regulations on the stability of fixed devices, the strength of wearing devices, absorption of collision energy, penetration resistance, and goggles. Details>>Multiple psychotropic drugs are subject to strengthened supervision. Without obtaining qualifications, they are not allowed to sell national drugs

There are cafes and maker spaces in the village, and Zhejiang is constructing a "future countryside" project
There are cafes and maker spaces in the village, and Zhejiang is constructing a "future countryside" project

Entering a new stage of "Thousand Villages for the Future and Ten Thousand Villages for Common Prosperity", Zhejiang adheres to the new development concept as the guide, regards the construction of "Future Villages" as an important lever for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and has launched a new exploration and practice of the "Ten Million Project". During this period, the Anji Dayu Village Construction Group, consisting of 8 service teams, is operating efficiently. In building a future rural construction centered around "Dayu Village", Yucun has partnered with 24 surrounding administrative villages to expand nearly tenfold. He Miao, Deputy Leader of the Leading Group for the Construction of Dayu Village in Anji County, Zhejiang Province: Why do we want to establish Dayu Village? We want to create a youth community, expand the pattern of rural construction, and through the improvement of our rural level, it can welcome more people to come

Consolidate Global Common Development and Cooperation Forces for Development | China | Global
Consolidate Global Common Development and Cooperation Forces for Development | China | Global

The World Economic Forum is once again meeting with China offline. The 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum was held in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th. The theme of this annual conference is "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", with over 1500 representatives from over 90 countries and regions attending. From the Winter Davos Forum to the Summer Davos Forum, from the Swiss mountain towns to the coastal cities of China, the World Economic Forum has always been an international platform that connects the East and the West, and is a vital bridge for China to communicate with the world and perceive China. Chinese wisdom, Chinese voice, and Chinese solutions are disseminated to the world through the World Economic Forum, injecting strong forces into promoting common development of the world economy. Under numerous challenges, the global economic recovery is weak and shrouded in the shadow of recession. Currently, the most pressing

Stimulating Innovation Vitality and Adding Development Momentum Vitality | World | Innovation
Stimulating Innovation Vitality and Adding Development Momentum Vitality | World | Innovation

In midsummer, on the coast of the Bohai Sea, the world's gaze gathers in Tianjin. The 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum, with the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", will be held at the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th. More than 1500 representatives from politics, business, social organizations, international organizations, and academia from nearly 100 countries and regions will engage in in-depth dialogue and exchanges around six major themes: restarting growth, China in the global context, energy transformation and material supply, consumption trends in the post pandemic era, protecting nature and climate, and departmental innovation. They will explore building new industry development models and partnerships to reinvigorate innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, and inject new momentum into the world economic recovery. Prepare the entire process and ensure comprehensive support

Endorse for wealthy countries? It's time for correction! The call for reform of international financial institutions is high in developed countries | institutions | United States | international | developing countries | finance | IMF | World Bank
Endorse for wealthy countries? It's time for correction! The call for reform of international financial institutions is high in developed countries | institutions | United States | international | developing countries | finance | IMF | World Bank

"The COVID-19 has brought a 'stress test' to the IMF and the World Bank, and the performance of these two institutions in assisting the underdeveloped countries to cope with the epidemic has obviously failed." Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, recently criticized the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for their insufficient support for the underdeveloped countries, and called on these two global multilateral financial institutions to make drastic reforms. "The IMF is endorsing for rich countries, rather than benefiting poor ones. Now is the time for these two major international financial institutions to correct historical mistakes and change current biases and injustices." Experts analyze that with the world's multipolar development and the continuous growth of emerging economies, the current rules and regulations of the IMF and the World Bank are no longer able to match the development demands of emerging economies, and it is an important moment that "must be changed". Burying political turmoil in some countries

Whoever takes office faces dual challenges, and who will be the next NATO Secretary General? Competitors each have their own shortcomings when appointed | Own | Candidates | UK | Central and Eastern European Countries | Europe | United States | Secretary General
Whoever takes office faces dual challenges, and who will be the next NATO Secretary General? Competitors each have their own shortcomings when appointed | Own | Candidates | UK | Central and Eastern European Countries | Europe | United States | Secretary General

Recently, as the NATO Vilnius Summit approaches, the selection of NATO Secretary General has become a focus of international attention. The Secretary General of NATO is the highest position in the civilian ranks of NATO and serves as the facade of NATO. Who will be the next Secretary General of NATO? There are many competitors in this competition, but each one has unsatisfactory shortcomings—— Danish Prime Minister Met Frederickson, as the current national leader, has a top-level circle of friends and a natural advantage in coordinating the positions of NATO countries. As a female candidate, she comes with a "gender equality vote". In early June, before her visit to the United States, she announced that Denmark would increase its defense spending by $20.6 billion over the next 10 years to meet NATO's military spending requirements. This visit is seen as his "pilgrimage to the pier" to run for NATO Secretary General. But NATO Secretary

AI Empowers Civilization Development, Civilization Casting Soul Technology Innovation, Artificial Intelligence | Digital | Technological Innovation
AI Empowers Civilization Development, Civilization Casting Soul Technology Innovation, Artificial Intelligence | Digital | Technological Innovation

On June 26, the main forum of Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong. During this period, industry experts discussed the topic of "Where should human civilization go in the era of artificial intelligence" and jointly explored the ways in which artificial intelligence can promote the development of human civilization. Digital technology empowers human civilization, and human civilization shapes the soul of digital technology. The world has entered the digital age today, and artificial intelligence technology has not only promoted the progress of human civilization, but also brought many risks and challenges, attracting widespread attention from the international community. More than two thousand years ago, Confucianism flourished and spread in Nishan, and the wisdom of sages turned into fertile soil to nourish all sentient beings. Today, more than two thousand years later, the development of artificial intelligence is still thriving, bringing about far more changes than imagined to human society. Thousands of years of wisdom, traversing history

Satellite News | High Altitude View of the "Million Project" 20 Year Butterfly Transformation Industry | Crystal | News
Satellite News | High Altitude View of the "Million Project" 20 Year Butterfly Transformation Industry | Crystal | News

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 26. The beautiful butterfly transformation in the countryside of Zhejiang began with the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project. In June 2003, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee initiated the implementation of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, which started the village renovation and construction action centered on improving the rural ecological environment and improving the quality of life of farmers. Today, more than 90 percent of villages in Zhejiang Province have reached the new era of beautiful rural standards; the proportion of rural grade roads is 100 percent; farmers' income has led the country's provinces and regions for 38 consecutive years; the income ratio of urban and rural residents has narrowed from 2.43 in 2003 to 1.90 in 2022 ...... Behind a group of data, is the vivid practice of the "ten million project" in Zhejiang counties and cities. These data, through the high-altitude overlook more intuitive and clear. Let's take a look at the mountains and villages of Zhejiang recorded by satellite over the past 20 years.

Prigorn's move becomes a mystery, Putin and Biden speak out | Wagner | Putin
Prigorn's move becomes a mystery, Putin and Biden speak out | Wagner | Putin

The tension caused by the Wagner incident quickly eased, but its subsequent development and impact on the situation between Russia and Ukraine still receive high attention. After more than a day of silence, on June 26th local time, the founder of the Wagner organization, Prigoren, was revealed to have appeared at a hotel in the Belarusian capital Minsk and delivered an 11 minute audio speech, stating that the deployment of troops was to prevent Wagner from being destroyed, and the withdrawal was to avoid Russian bloodshed. That evening, Russian President Putin delivered a televised speech expressing gratitude for the unity shown by the entire nation and Russian society, pointing out that any attempt to extort and create internal turmoil is bound to fail. The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that, at the same time, US President Biden broke the silence and emphasized that the United States and its allies were not involved in the incident, and that they would continue to evaluate the consequences of the incident and the situation with Russia and Ukraine

The 14th Summer Davos Forum opens today. Davos | China | Forum
The 14th Summer Davos Forum opens today. Davos | China | Forum

The 14th Summer Davos Forum will be held in Tianjin from today to the 29th. This forum is being held offline in China after a four-year hiatus. The theme of this summer Davos Forum is "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy". More than 1500 global leaders and innovators from politics, business, academia, social organizations, and international organizations will attend the forum. The President of the World Economic Forum, Borg Brend, stated in an interview with CCTV reporters that this summer the Davos Forum will be committed to strengthening multilateralism and global cooperation, and guests are full of expectations for China's development and opportunities. The reporter learned from the World Economic Forum that the scale and number of people at the Davos Forum this summer have basically returned to pre pandemic levels. Forum President Borg Brender stated that a major feature of this year's forum is foreign guests

The transfer of part of the business rights meets the requirements, and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area is sold? Scenic spot: scenic spot several years ago | transfer | Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area scenic spot | news | regulations | protection | management right | Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area
The transfer of part of the business rights meets the requirements, and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area is sold? Scenic spot: scenic spot several years ago | transfer | Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area scenic spot | news | regulations | protection | management right | Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area

In recent days, a news that "the property market is falling and Buddha has been sold" spread on the Internet, saying that "Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area was sold in Sichuan a few days ago", and a bidding picture titled "Overall Transfer of 30 year Operation Right of Sightseeing Bus and Stalls in Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area Scenic Area" was attached. On June 26, the cover reporter learned from the Management Committee of Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area Scenic Spot that the transaction did exist, but not recently, but several years ago. The relevant parties stated that this is normal work in accordance with relevant management regulations. Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area Scenic Area. 30 year transfer of operating rights in the Giant Buddha Scenic Area: Can it also be sold? The above news appeared on the internet on June 25th this year and subsequently sparked heated discussions. The news said, "The Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area was sold a few days ago. The 30 year operation right was sold for 1.7 billion yuan, and Buddha never dreamed of it

Accidentally kissed while taking a photo with a graduate student! Zhong Nanshan: I have experienced the love of Guangzhou Medical University students for teachers and their alma mater. Zhong Nanshan | undergraduate students | classmates
Accidentally kissed while taking a photo with a graduate student! Zhong Nanshan: I have experienced the love of Guangzhou Medical University students for teachers and their alma mater. Zhong Nanshan | undergraduate students | classmates

On June 26th, the 2023 undergraduate and graduate graduation ceremony of Guangzhou Medical University was held in the auditorium of the Panyu campus. 2096 undergraduate students, 1175 master's students, and 92 doctoral students have successfully completed their studies and embarked on a new journey in life. Zhong Nanshan, the winner of the "Republic Medal", an academician of the CAE Member, and the old president, also attended the graduation ceremony. At the beginning of his speech, 87 year old Academician Zhong Nanshan made the whole audience burst into laughter. I was very touched when I saw my classmates in a lively state. Just now, I took a photo with a graduate student. There was a beautiful female classmate who was also wearing lipstick. She took a photo with me and even kissed me. I felt very happy and heartwarming. I struggled with my thoughts for a long time, so should I wipe it off? It would be a pity if I wanted to wipe it off; if I didn't, I would turn back and give it to the old man

Why do liquefied gas cylinders continue to cause trouble?, Three liquefied gas explosions per month in restaurants | liquefied gas tanks | liquefied gas
Why do liquefied gas cylinders continue to cause trouble?, Three liquefied gas explosions per month in restaurants | liquefied gas tanks | liquefied gas

On the morning of June 26th, the sound of a liquefied gas explosion was emitted from a restaurant on Jiefang Road in Jinta County, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, resulting in two injuries. According to incomplete statistics, this is the third liquefied gas explosion injury accident exposed by the media in June. Liquefied gas cylinders have been widely used in China for many years since the 1970s to the 1980s. What is the cause of the explosion accident? How can we prevent tragedy from happening again? According to a notice released by the Office of the Safety Production Committee of Jinping District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, there were three "liquefied gas explosions" in a month. On June 5, 2023, a gas cylinder explosion occurred at a fast food restaurant on Longyan South Road. After the incident, departments such as public security, emergency management, fire protection, and 120 first aid quickly went to handle and rescue. The incident resulted in one death and six injuries. There are reports indicating that

Can Modi's plan be realized? Apple and Tesla are looking towards India | giants | plans
Can Modi's plan be realized? Apple and Tesla are looking towards India | giants | plans

Last week, Indian Prime Minister Modi visited the United States and held meetings with executives from American technology giants including Apple, Google, and Microsoft at the White House. Modi also met separately with Tesla CEO Musk. The Modi government is increasing its efforts to attract foreign investment, especially from technology companies, in India. As the country with the world's largest population, the Indian market presents enormous market opportunities for companies like Apple and Tesla, but still faces challenges in infrastructure construction and talent attraction. Modi meets with "giants" and gains a lot. India is seeking investment from technology giants to support its startups, create employment opportunities, promote exports, promote digitization, and empower individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in global competition. During Modi's visit, Amazon announced that it would not

Severe or fatal, Hangzhou man transforms into a "little purple person"! Doctor's reminder, after finishing the meal, it's delicious. Chen Jie | Uncle | Man
Severe or fatal, Hangzhou man transforms into a "little purple person"! Doctor's reminder, after finishing the meal, it's delicious. Chen Jie | Uncle | Man

It's the rainy season, and the hot and humid weather makes many people lose their appetite. Many people in Hangzhou have started to see this delicious dish on their dining tables - steamed "double stinky". The combination of Stinky tofu and stinky amaranth stems is like a "biological weapon", but in the eyes of those who love to eat it, it is a rare delicacy. The more you eat, the more you taste. Uncle Feng, who lives in Yuhang, Hangzhou, came across this delicious dish when he went to his neighbor's house for lunch that day. Uncle Feng ate harder and harder, ate a full bowl at once, and then went home to rest satisfied. Unexpectedly, when her daughter returned home from work, she found that Uncle Feng's lips had turned purple, even his hands had turned purple. This frightened Ms. Feng, and she quickly took her old father to the Second People's Hospital of Yuhang District, Hangzhou for treatment. Emergency department doctor Chen Jie saw that at that time

The Commission for Discipline Inspection stated that there were no issues with the proposed modifications. The Fengyang Court has now issued a "yin-yang judgment": the presiding judge has been accused of changing the judgment | judgment letter | judgment
The Commission for Discipline Inspection stated that there were no issues with the proposed modifications. The Fengyang Court has now issued a "yin-yang judgment": the presiding judge has been accused of changing the judgment | judgment letter | judgment

By chance, Ma Jun, as the plaintiff, obtained an "original judgment". After reading the judgment, he found that the judgment result was inconsistent with what was recorded in the previous judgment received. The last pages of the "26th Judgment" and "28th Judgment". The two judgments provided by the interviewees were both made by the Fengyang County Court in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, with the same case number of Wan 1126 and Min Chu 2325. However, the time difference between the two judgments was two days: one was made on September 26, 2016, and the other was made on September 28, 2016. Among them, the judgment result of the "26th judgment" is one more item than that of the "28th judgment" - the defendant compensated the plaintiff with more than 17000 tons of quartz stone within five days after the judgment came into effect. Afterwards, Ma Jun reported to the relevant departments of Fengyang County and found that "Yin Yang"

Early Reading | August 15th Planned to be National Ecological Day National | Ecology | Ecological Day
Early Reading | August 15th Planned to be National Ecological Day National | Ecology | Ecological Day

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, on the 10th of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, Shanghai was cloudy to overcast with sometimes showers or thunderstorms. 26~31 ℃ Today's Concern ▌ China plans to set up a "National Ecological Day" ※ to deepen the popularization of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, raise the awareness of ecological civilization in the whole society, and enhance the ideological and action consciousness of the whole people's ecological environment protection. China plans to set August 15 as the National Ecological Day. The draft decision on the establishment of a national ecological day was submitted to the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress for deliberation on the 26th. The main contents of the draft include the purpose of setting up the National Ecological Day, the time of setting up the National Ecological Day, and the content of the activities. Entrusted by the State Council, Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, was present at the meeting