The world

Focus Interview: Inheriting and Developing the Dragon's "Boat" People Protection | Dragon Boat | Developing the Dragon's "Boat"
Focus Interview: Inheriting and Developing the Dragon's "Boat" People Protection | Dragon Boat | Developing the Dragon's "Boat"

CCTV News: On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, a dragon boat race was held in Zibu Town, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. The Dragon Boat Festival is the first festival in China to be selected as a world intangible cultural heritage. As a traditional folk custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing embodies the spirit of unity, cooperation, and courage of the Chinese nation, and is also our precious cultural heritage. Zibu Town has a long history of dragon boat racing and making. In order to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival, many days ago, the people here had already started to be busy. Before the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, the rivers of all sizes in Zibu Town became lively. It's been three years since I last competed in dragon boat races. This year, several nearby towns are hosting a friendly competition, and each dragon boat team is holding back their enthusiasm to perform well. On this day, five dragon boat teams from Lihu Village, Shanhe Village, and other places made plans to come to Huayuan Reservoir for training, and

The transportation department strengthens the linkage of multiple modes of transportation during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with a focus on passenger flow
The transportation department strengthens the linkage of multiple modes of transportation during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with a focus on passenger flow

CCTV News: Today is the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with the national railway passenger flow mainly consisting of medium and short distance tourism and family visits. It is expected to send 11.5 million passengers today and operate 10413 passenger trains, including 528 additional trains. Tourist cities such as Guilin, Nanchang, Dalian, Jinan, and Xi'an have increased the deployment of public transportation capacity such as buses, taxis, and tourist buses at train stations, increased the frequency of public transportation between train stations, urban areas, and scenic spots, extended the operating time of public transportation, and facilitated rapid passenger connections. In terms of highways, there is significant traffic pressure on local road sections near major and medium-sized cities, as well as popular tourist attractions. The national highways are expected to send 28.96 million passengers, an increase of 64.7% compared to the same period in 2022. The national waterway is expected to send 900000 passengers, an increase of 1% compared to the same period in 2022

Let Traditional Festivals Bloom with a New Era Charm (Today's Discussion) Tradition | Culture | Era
Let Traditional Festivals Bloom with a New Era Charm (Today's Discussion) Tradition | Culture | Era

Together with the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage handicraft knots, they weave colorful ropes, take children to participate in the collective packaging of Zongzi, and enjoy the special performance of the Dragon Boat Festival online... During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, there are various activities in various forms, which make people fully feel the cultural charm of the Dragon Boat Festival. Traditional festivals are an important carrier of cultural inheritance. They not only allow us to look back at history, understand cultural connotations and national character through various festival customs, but also prompt us to think about how to better inherit and develop excellent traditional Chinese culture. From inheritors of intangible cultural heritage showcasing their skills related to the Dragon Boat Festival through live broadcasts, to attracting a large audience through the Dragon Boat Festival concert, and to the popularity of Dragon Boat Festival cultural and creative activities, each case vividly illustrates that not forgetting the past can open up the future, and being good at inheritance can better innovate. Inheriting through perseverance and innovating through inheritance will better present festival culture,

Homestay butler, food delivery operator... These new professions expand employment opportunities for pets | Hanfu | professions
Homestay butler, food delivery operator... These new professions expand employment opportunities for pets | Hanfu | professions

Employment needs to stabilize stock and expand increment. The emergence of many new formats and professions has brought new choices for college students to find employment. Homestay butlers, food delivery operators, and Hanfu makeup makers have also led a new trend in employment. Liu Huimin is a recent graduate from Beijing Language and Culture University. Unlike other classmates who choose careers such as translation after graduation, she chooses to become a "homestay butler". Through nearly a year of operating projects such as homestays, cultural tourism, and e-commerce, she has become a trusted figure among the villagers of Siduhe Village in Huairou, Beijing. Shan Xinli, a villager from Siduhe Village, Huairou District, Beijing: I used to work outside, but now I work as a homestay myself. The money I earn at home for a month is worth two months of working outside. 45 year old villager Dan Xinli was one of the first villagers to cooperate with Liu Huimin. Liu Huimin not only helped her homestay go online on various platforms, but also,

Dragon Boat Festival cultural and creative trend, traditional culture innovation expression products | innovation | culture
Dragon Boat Festival cultural and creative trend, traditional culture innovation expression products | innovation | culture

CCTV News: Traditional Culture, Innovative Expression. This year's Dragon Boat Festival, cultural and creative products from various regions are very popular, and people feel the innovative vitality of China's excellent traditional culture in the rich and diverse Dragon Boat Festival cultural and creative products. Wearing sachets, wearing sachets, this Dragon Boat Festival holiday, creative cultural and creative products are popular in Hangzhou. Like this sachet, despite its small size, it combines three intangible cultural heritage elements: the fabric is woven from Zhejiang's local cloth, embroidery comes from the traditional techniques of Qinghai embroidery women, and patterns such as wooden boats and open mouth laughter are selected from the folk song collection "Poya Songs" that has been passed down in Yunnan. The first batch of over 4000 small sachets were sold out before the Dragon Boat Festival, and in the past two days, more than 10000 were produced locally. Small objects and big culture, the Dragon Boat Festival cultural and creative activities continue to be inherited and innovated in various places. The newly launched "Duanyang Bottle Safety" by Suzhou Museum

Exploring Green Transformation for Resource based Enterprises (New Economic Direction · Supporting Private Economy Development) Economy | Data | Enterprises
Exploring Green Transformation for Resource based Enterprises (New Economic Direction · Supporting Private Economy Development) Economy | Data | Enterprises

In Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province, a set of data on the development of private economy is noteworthy: private economy contributes more than 90% of the number of enterprises, more than 90% of labor employment, more than 90% of industrial added value, and more than 90% of taxes. Like most areas in Shanxi, Jiexiu has abundant mineral resources, especially coal reserves. In the early stages of reform and opening up, Jiexiu township enterprises flourished; In 1992, the county was abolished and replaced by a city, and coking enterprises emerged as a new force. For many years, Jiexiu has formed an industrial layout dominated by coal coke tempering, and the private economy has become a driving force for local economic development. As a resource-based region, Shanxi shoulders the mission of building a national resource-based economic transformation and comprehensive reform pilot zone. Faced with a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, Jiexiu guides private enterprises to transform their development methods, adjust their industrial structure, and focus on the "chain"

Food Security Leaps to a Higher Level Wheat | Grain | Level
Food Security Leaps to a Higher Level Wheat | Grain | Level

In the granary, the wheat grains are plump and full. Since the summer harvest, Wang Han, a major grain grower in Guzhen County, Anhui Province, often receives calls from other places. "Henan, Shanxi, and Guizhou are all old customers of grain trading companies who come to collect grain." Wang Han started counting with his fingers, some demanded 1500 tons and others demanded 3000 tons, and good grain didn't worry about selling. An agricultural powerhouse is the foundation of a socialist modernized powerhouse. The safe and stable supply of food and important agricultural products for a population of over 1.4 billion has always been a top priority. Only when agriculture becomes strong and food security is fully guaranteed, can we have sufficient confidence and strategic initiative to stabilize the overall situation, adapt to changes, and open up new opportunities. Strong agriculture requires a strong ability to ensure the supply of food and important agricultural products. The grain production has remained above 1.3 trillion kilograms for 8 consecutive years, and we rely on our own efforts to stabilize China's rice bowl. Faced with the demand for food

Or it may be related to ocean warming, with a large number of fish dying in the oceans of Thailand and the United States | Global | Thailand
Or it may be related to ocean warming, with a large number of fish dying in the oceans of Thailand and the United States | Global | Thailand

This year, there have been abnormal high temperatures in many parts of the world, and a large number of fish deaths have occurred in Thailand and the United States recently. Experts suggest that this may be related to abnormal ocean warming. On June 22nd, a large number of dead fish washed ashore appeared on the beach in Chumphon, southern Thailand. The same scene also appeared on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico coast in Texas, USA on June 9th, with a large number of dead fish densely packed for several kilometers. Experts say that climate change leading to warming of seawater may stimulate the proliferation of plankton, causing a decrease in oxygen levels in the water and resulting in suffocation and death of fish. Experts warn that as seawater temperatures rise, such events will become more frequent, especially in shallow or nearshore environments. Data shows record breaking ocean surface temperature in the North Atlantic, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States in mid June

Strengthening the Quality and Safety Supervision of Gas Supplies, State Administration for Market Regulation: Promoting Gas Cylinder Safety Inspection and Rectification Production | Gas | Quality
Strengthening the Quality and Safety Supervision of Gas Supplies, State Administration for Market Regulation: Promoting Gas Cylinder Safety Inspection and Rectification Production | Gas | Quality

On June 23, the State Administration for Market Regulation held an emergency video conference on safety production work in the field of market supervision in Yinchuan City, dispatching various regions to strengthen the safety of special equipment, industrial product quality and safety, and certification supervision related to the Dragon Boat Festival holiday and summer flood season, effectively ensuring the safety and stability of the market supervision field. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the current complex and severe safety production situation, fully learn from the lessons of accidents that have occurred, and draw lessons from others to effectively investigate hidden dangers. Vigorously promote the safety inspection and rectification of gas cylinders, and lawfully investigate and punish manufacturing units, filling units, and inspection institutions that do not meet the licensing conditions. Continuously improve the coverage rate of statutory inspections for gas pressure pipelines, urge gas pressure pipeline users to fulfill their statutory inspection obligations, and promptly discover and eliminate safety hazards. Strengthen the quality and safety supervision of gas products, and regulate the quality of gas

Brazilian President Lula: It is necessary to use a new currency for settlement in international trade
Brazilian President Lula: It is necessary to use a new currency for settlement in international trade

On the 23rd local time, Brazilian President Lula reiterated his call for the use of non US dollar currencies for settlement in international trade during the New Global Financing Compact summit in Paris, France. Brazilian President Lula: Many people were shocked when Brazil proposed the use of a new currency in international trade. I don't know why we use the US dollar instead of our own currency in transactions between Brazil and Argentina? Why do we not use our own currency when trading between Brazil and China, but instead settle in US dollars? Lula stated that using non US dollar currencies for international trade settlement will be one of the key topics he will discuss at the BRICS Leaders Summit in August, and he also plans to bring this topic to the next G20 summit. Previously, Lula had repeatedly expressed her desire to

To you after the college entrance examination, this psychological adjustment guide states | psychology | college entrance examination
To you after the college entrance examination, this psychological adjustment guide states | psychology | college entrance examination

After the exam, the "heart" is full of tips to actively move towards the future - this psychological adjustment guide is for you, Guangming Daily reporter Yue Jiayi. With the ringing of the last exam, the psychological state of college students will undergo significant changes from high tension to sudden relaxation, which will be different from before the exam. In the eyes of many people, the end of the college entrance examination means "liberation", but for candidates who still need to go through score checks, volunteer applications, and other admissions, the psychological test they face during the "post college entrance examination period" is no less than before the exam. In the near future, the scores of the college entrance examination will be announced one after another in various regions. In the gap between hope and disappointment, candidates are prone to psychological states such as anxiety, confusion, and irritability. Under multiple stress conditions, if not adjusted properly, various psychological, behavioral, and emotional changes and other "adaptability disorders" may occur. How should candidates and parents adjust? expert

"Intelligent Agricultural Machinery" gives more confidence in farming. Combine Harvesters | Operation | Agricultural Machinery
"Intelligent Agricultural Machinery" gives more confidence in farming. Combine Harvesters | Operation | Agricultural Machinery

On this vast land, Guangming Daily reporter Chen Chen learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that as of June 20th, 9 provinces including Sichuan, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Shanxi have harvested 301 million mu of winter wheat, with a harvest progress of 99%. The large-scale machine harvest in the Yellow, Huai, and Hai regions has basically come to an end. The progress is faster than in previous years! This achievement is related to the strong promotion of "intelligent agricultural machinery": during this year's "Three Summers" period, more than 600000 combine harvesters, more than 800000 agricultural machinery operators, and more than 6100 emergency operation service teams of agricultural machinery fought tirelessly on the front line of wheat harvesting, with mechanized harvesting accounting for over 99%. Recently, many places in Huairou, Daxing, and Changping in Beijing have started summer harvest operations. Harvesters playing cheerful and enthusiastic harvest symphonies one by one, in the fragrant wheat

Pay attention to these points, Happy Holiday Sports | Candidates | What are the points
Pay attention to these points, Happy Holiday Sports | Candidates | What are the points

Guangming Daily reporter Tian Yating, Guangming Daily correspondent Chen Lianyi, Zheng Lihui, after the college entrance examination, gathering, playing games, and catching up on sleep have become several essential options for most candidates to relax and unwind. Many parents worry that once candidates relax, they will become like a wild horse without restraint. Many candidates who suddenly transition from a tense atmosphere to a relaxed state will inevitably experience a certain psychological gap. It is necessary to relieve stress through some means, but it is also not advisable to overeat, drink, or play recklessly. How to make good physical and mental adjustments during this holiday? Let's hear what the doctor says. Regular diet and balanced nutrition. General practitioner Liu Chan from Xiangya Second Hospital of Central South University: During the growth period of the college entrance examination, under significant pressure, there is a tendency for stress induced overeating or contraction, which can cause irritation and injury to the gastrointestinal tract

"Dragon Boat Economy" Boosts Dragon Boat Festival Consumption Dragon Boat Pool | Citizens | Economy
"Dragon Boat Economy" Boosts Dragon Boat Festival Consumption Dragon Boat Pool | Citizens | Economy

During the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat races are held in many parts of the country. The 2023 Chinese Dragon Boat Competition will be held in Puxia River Dragon Boat Pool of Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center, attracting a large number of citizens to watch the competition. Recently, there have been multiple dragon boat races held in Zhenhai District, Ningbo City, among which the "Together Walking" dragon boat race for the Asian Games held by Jiangang Lake in Luotuo Street is particularly eye-catching. Dragon boat racing not only has profound cultural connotations, but also gives birth to a unique "dragon boat economy". The location of the Dragon Boat Race, Jiangang Lake, is located in the central urban area of Zhenhai, with commercial clusters on both banks of the lake. "According to preliminary estimates, only around the viewing area and China-Chic Market Area, nearly 10000 people came to watch and play, and more than 500000 people played live and follow-up promotional videos during the event and the event, which will drive consumption," said the relevant person in charge of Camel Street. Dragon boat competition period

Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui
Here's the evidence, don't say there are aliens in Sanxingdui anymore! Their relatives come from the ancient Shu people of northwest China | relatives | Sanxingdui

"Originally, the ancient Shu people were also popular for ear piercing." "5000 years ago, the relatives of the ancient Shu people may have been from the northwest." "The people of Chengdu had rice 4500 years ago." After the broadcast of "Searching for Ancient China: Records of Ancient Shu," the popularity skyrocketed, and netizens became "online archaeologists." Why did the once desolate ancient Shu land become the "Land of Abundance" today? "? Get the wisdom of ancient Shu people together ↓↓ 01 How many fashionable items do you know from ancient Shu, such as wearing Sichuan brocade, eating hot pot, and punching ear holes? Surprisingly, the "tailcoat" of the bronze statue of Da Li Ren is a Sichuan brocade from over 3000 years ago? This 2.62 meter tall and 180 kilogram "King of Bronze Statues", in addition to the posture of holding a "selfie stick", is also intrigued by the exquisite dress of three layers of "heavy work" on its body. Intangible cultural heritage inheritors based on silk

Behind the Tragedy of Titan: Lack of Regulatory Standards in the Private Submarine Industry Submarines | Titan | Private
Behind the Tragedy of Titan: Lack of Regulatory Standards in the Private Submarine Industry Submarines | Titan | Private

After it was confirmed on the 22nd that the deep-sea submersible Titan of the United States had disintegrated underwater, resulting in the death of all five crew members, industry insiders pointed out that Titan had repeatedly carried out manned deep diving activities without third-party safety certification, once again questioning the lack of regulatory norms in the private submersible industry. On the 22nd, US Coast Guard spokesperson John Major confirmed at a press conference the discovery of the wreckage of the Titan, inferring that the deep-sea vessel had experienced an "implosion". He also said, "Doubts about the applicable norms and standards in the industry are believed to be the focus of future reviews.". Famous Hollywood director James Cameron also spoke out afterwards to accuse the design and manufacturer of the Titan, the American Ocean Gate Exploration Company, of disregarding safety warnings and refusing to allow the submersible to undergo standardized testing and certification by third-party organizations. Cameron Executive

US media: NATO may deliver F-16 fighter weapons to Ukraine early next year | fighter jets | Ukraine
US media: NATO may deliver F-16 fighter weapons to Ukraine early next year | fighter jets | Ukraine

Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO countries have continued to send weapons to Ukraine and continue to "fire". US media articles have revealed that NATO may deliver F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by early 2024, and the specific schedule will be discussed at the NATO summit in July. According to the US media outlet Politburo, a Western official who declined to be named told the media that providing Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets will be one of the topics discussed at next month's NATO summit. According to reports, the delivery of fighter jets may start in early 2024, but the specific delivery schedule has not yet been determined. The Netherlands and Denmark may be the suppliers of F-16 fighter jets, while Romania may be tasked with training Ukrainian pilots. For NATO's plan to provide Ukraine with US made F-16 fighter jets, Russia

Jiangxi "Legless Girl": Daughter of Super First Class in the College Entrance Examination | Zhang Shuixiang | College Entrance Examination
Jiangxi "Legless Girl": Daughter of Super First Class in the College Entrance Examination | Zhang Shuixiang | College Entrance Examination

On June 23rd, the Jiangxi college entrance examination was released, and Jiang Zhangziyi, a "legless girl", scored above the threshold of a first tier university. "Although I passed the score line for a book, I still fell short of expectations. During the exam, I experienced some discomfort symptoms such as fever and stomach pain, which led to my performance not being very good, so I can accept this score myself." Jiang Zhangziyi told Pengpai News reporters that she tends to choose majors in Chinese or literature, but has not yet determined the final direction. In the next few days, I will study how to fill out my preferences and try to choose a school and major that I both like and do not waste my scores. Among the 12.91 million candidates this year, Jiang Zhangziyi, a legless girl from Shangrao, Jiangxi, has attracted attention from all sectors of society for taking the college entrance examination while riding a skateboard. In order to facilitate Jiang and Zhang Ziyi's smooth participation in the college entrance examination, the examination center staff arranged a dedicated examination room, allowing for admission

The Japanese Ministry of Defense has decided to expand the "Land and Water Mobile Regiment" to "prevent China" by land and water | Task | Ministry of Defense
The Japanese Ministry of Defense has decided to expand the "Land and Water Mobile Regiment" to "prevent China" by land and water | Task | Ministry of Defense

According to the Daily News of Japan on June 23, the Japanese Ministry of Defense has decided to expand the Ground Self Defense Force's "Water and Land Mobile Regiment" to serve as a defense mission for outlying islands. Starting in the spring of 2024, some of the main forces will be stationed at sea and on outlying islands. In order to prevent China, Japan will strengthen its security around the southwestern islands to respond to emergency situations. Experts are concerned that having troops stationed in the East China Sea may exacerbate tensions between Japan and China. According to reports, the Water and Land Mobility Regiment was established in March 2018, with its base located at the residence of Sagura in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture. As a direct subordinate unit of the Ground Self Defense Force, its main task is to recapture the occupied outlying islands. Someone compared it to the United States Marine Corps responsible for island landing operations, calling it the "Japanese version of the Marine Corps.". It is revealed that the water and land mobile regiment has about 2400 personnel, and the main force of the troops is

Alarm!, The landlady directly took off her phone, and a woman from Zhejiang rushed to a hotel to open a room
Alarm!, The landlady directly took off her phone, and a woman from Zhejiang rushed to a hotel to open a room

After the woman went to the hotel to open a room, the wife of shop-owner directly buckled her mobile phone and called the police at the first time. What is going on? At 4: 00 p.m. on June 9, a nervous woman hurried to a hotel in Xiuzhou, Jiaxing, while showing her ID card and whispering to the wife of shop-owner, Ms. Cao‍‍‍Hurry to register to a room and the phone in her hand is still on the phone. ▲ The landlady communicated with the woman "Do you have a power bank? My phone is running out of power..." "The hotel's power bank needs to scan the QR code for rent." Hearing this, the woman became anxious. "I can't hang up, it's too late!" The woman was trembling with nervousness. "What could be so urgent?" The more she thought about it, the more wrong she quickly followed her up. The wife of shop-owner "eavesdropped" at the door and approached the woman's room. There were bursts of reprimands.

There are only 39 survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, and another elderly person has passed away
There are only 39 survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, and another elderly person has passed away

On June 23rd, the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invading Army announced that the survivor of the Nanjing Massacre, Gao Hengfa, passed away on June 21st at the age of 97. According to the WeChat official account of the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Invaders, Gao Heng recalled before the incident, "In 1937, my family lived in the Fourth West Brigade, near Huacun Road, Banqiao Town, with parents, two sisters, a brother, and three straw huts and three tile roofed houses. My family was close to the horse road, and we saw hundreds of Chinese soldiers being rushed to the nearby pond by Japanese soldiers and strafed with machine guns, and all the Chinese soldiers were killed. Our village Wang Jiayin's grandfather, who was 50 or 60 years old at that time, was killed by Japanese soldiers. Later, we ran to the valley to hide in distress, and came back after the situation stabilized slightly. Three straw huts of my family were burned down. One straw house of Ke's next door

Lei Gong booked 10000 steamed buns for a reunion banquet with Sun Haiyang, and after 22 years of hard work, he finally found his son. Police | Lei Wuze | Steamed Buns
Lei Gong booked 10000 steamed buns for a reunion banquet with Sun Haiyang, and after 22 years of hard work, he finally found his son. Police | Lei Wuze | Steamed Buns

On the night of June 23rd, Lei Wuze, who had been searching for his son for many years, told Jimu News reporters that he had received news from the police in Yueyang, Hunan. The second DNA match was successful, and his son Chuanchuan was finally found. Previously, Lei Wuze told Jimu News reporters that he had received news from the police that he had found a young man suspected of his son Chuanchuan in Guangdong and completed the first DNA comparison. After his son Chuanchuan was abducted at the age of 3, the family of Lei Wuze has been struggling for 22 years and finally has their dream come true. The 53 year old Lei Wuze in the Xunzi picture is from Sichuan, and his wife Tong Chang'e is from Yueyang, Hunan. In 2001, the couple rented a cargo transfer station near Yueyang Old Railway Station with their 3-year-old son Lei Yuechuan. On the morning of October 9th that year, Chuanchuan was taken out to play by a female neighbor, but was abducted by someone.

Starting from over a hundred within the year, there have been intensive adjustments to the board, supervision, and senior members of listed banks, including job transfers, retirements, and job changes. | Chairman | Retirement
Starting from over a hundred within the year, there have been intensive adjustments to the board, supervision, and senior members of listed banks, including job transfers, retirements, and job changes. | Chairman | Retirement

Recently, there have been many changes in small and medium-sized banks due to the expiration of senior management terms and job transfers. In just over a week, five listed banks, including Changshu Bank, Ruifeng Bank, Zhangjiagang Bank, Qilu Bank, and Jiangyin Bank, have announced personnel adjustments for directors, supervisors, and senior executives. In addition, since June, listed banks have disclosed a total of 10 announcements regarding the appointment of directors and executives. Among them, Agricultural Bank of China, Qilu Bank, Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Hangzhou Bank and other banks have successively announced that their qualifications for senior executives and directors have been approved. The positions of senior executives include Chief Risk Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Business Director, Vice President, etc. According to rough statistics by reporters, there have been over a hundred adjustments involving directors, executives, and supervisors in A-share listed banks since the beginning of this year. Listed bank secrets since June

Microbial spies will report to the US military in a timely manner, and once the enemy's operations project | Microbiology | Report
Microbial spies will report to the US military in a timely manner, and once the enemy's operations project | Microbiology | Report

According to a recent report from the website of the American magazine "Popular Machinery", the research and development department of the US Department of Defense, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is exploring the use of microorganisms to silently monitor enemy activities and issue timely alerts to the US military. The Earth project will create conditions for designing microbial sensors. This type of stealth spy can remain in a dormant state, and once the enemy takes some action, it will quickly send a covert signal. These actions include tanks crossing the border, starting nuclear power plants, and so on. It is reported that DARPA once promoted the development of popular products such as RNA vaccines and the Internet. Now this organization hopes to master the ability to rapidly develop microorganisms for monitoring enemy forces. According to the agency's press release, the Earth project aims to determine the chemical and physical signals that microbial equipment can detect

Some childcare institutions rarely enroll children under 2 years old, with high requirements and high costs. Teachers | children | childcare
Some childcare institutions rarely enroll children under 2 years old, with high requirements and high costs. Teachers | children | childcare

The younger the child is, the higher the demand for the professional quality of teachers, and the higher the cost of hiring teachers. Some childcare institutions rarely recruit children under two years old. "We do need someone to help take care of the child, and we have also learned about childcare services, but the child is too young to be bullied in class, and it takes time to pick up and drop off the child. In the end, it just doesn't work out." Recently, Wang Dongxu, who lives in Chaoyang District, Beijing, told reporters that he has a baby under three years old. Because the couple is busy with work and their parents cannot help take care of them, Wang Dongxu can only pay a high price to hire a caregiver. The reporter found in the interview that there are many families of young children who share the same needs and concerns as Wang Dongxu, but many families are hesitant towards social childcare institutions for various reasons. How to solve the problem of childcare and improve the quality and development of social childcare institutions, so that families can

Prigoren: Wagner has taken control of military facilities in the Rostov region, including the airport | Facilities | Rostov region
Prigoren: Wagner has taken control of military facilities in the Rostov region, including the airport | Facilities | Rostov region

At 7:30 am local time on June 24th, the head of Wagner mercenaries, Prigoren, gave a speech stating that the Wagner armed forces had taken control of military facilities in the Rostov area, including the airport. At 7:30 am local time on June 24th, the head of Wagner mercenaries, Prigoren, issued a speech stating that the Wagner armed forces had taken control of military facilities in the Rostov area, including the airport, but the takeoff and landing of Russian military aircraft carrying out combat missions were not affected. Wagner has taken control of some military facilities! On the 24th, "Russia" topped the hot search list and attracted attention from all over the internet. On the 24th local time, local media in Rostov, Russia reported that an unidentified armed force was gathering at the headquarters of the Southern Russian Military Region,

Important breakthrough!, South China Sea Oil and Gas | Pipeline | South China Sea
Important breakthrough!, South China Sea Oil and Gas | Pipeline | South China Sea

On June 22nd, the key control project of the second phase of the "Deep Sea One" ultra deep water atmospheric field - the installation of a 20 inch diameter and total length 115.5 kilometers subsea oil and gas long-distance pipeline was completed. This is the longest deepwater oil and gas pipeline in China, marking an important breakthrough in the construction capacity and deepwater equipment technology of China's deepwater long-distance subsea pipelines. The second phase of the "Deep Sea No.1" project is about 130 kilometers away from Sanya, Hainan. It is China's first deep-water high-pressure gas field, with a maximum operating depth of nearly 1000 meters in the area. The oil and gas extracted from the formation are complex, with high temperature and pressure, and conventional materials of submarine pipes cannot meet production needs. Hou Jing, Chief Engineer of Phase II Project, introduced that this submarine pipeline is specially customized for the mixed transportation of high-temperature, high-pressure, and strongly corrosive oil and gas flow. The pipeline design pressure can reach 38.8 megapascals and can transport

I haven't started repairing yet, The US nuclear submarine that collided in the South China Sea
I haven't started repairing yet, The US nuclear submarine that collided in the South China Sea

According to a report on the website of the Russian newspaper "New News" on June 20th, the damaged US nuclear submarine "Connecticut" in the South China Sea will not be able to resume service until 2026 because all repair shops are fully booked. According to reports, approximately 18 out of the 49 US Navy attack nuclear submarines are currently out of service and awaiting repair. Pentagon officials stated that "the complexity of planning, waiting materials, and maintenance work itself is one of the main reasons for the delay in submarine maintenance. The Navy leadership is taking various measures to eliminate other factors that cause maintenance delays, but the problem has not yet been resolved." The "Connecticut" is one of the three "Wolf class" nuclear submarines owned by the United States. This model of submarine is the largest attack nuclear submarine designed by the United States to counter the Soviet Union. Experts describe them as "special"

She was rumored to have passed away! My response: I work alive. Sickness | breast cancer | Ye Tan
She was rumored to have passed away! My response: I work alive. Sickness | breast cancer | Ye Tan

On the morning of June 24th, it was reported that well-known financial writer Ye Tan passed away at 7:57 am on June 24th. A reporter from Pengpai News noticed that at around 11:00 am on the 24th, Ye Tan posted a message on his personal Weibo account: "I am alive, and my treatment is very effective. Do what I love, and enjoy every day's life with joy. There is nothing more meaningful in life than compassion. Ye Tan was born on June 24, 2023, in Shanghai in 1973. He is a PhD candidate in the History Department of Fudan University, a well-known financial commentator, and a financial columnist, mainly engaged in writing in fields such as capital markets, real estate markets, and finance.". He has written "What Can We Do to Save the Chinese Economy" and "The Chinese Real Estate War". On April 24th of this year, Ye Tan reappeared in public view after several months. However, this time it is different from the previous sharp and capable image,

A well-known listed company solemnly declares that it has reported a case, with only 22 yuan remaining from 1.58 million yuan! Financial fraud is undergoing various renovations, receiving a phone call from China Guanghe Group | Ms. | Listed company
A well-known listed company solemnly declares that it has reported a case, with only 22 yuan remaining from 1.58 million yuan! Financial fraud is undergoing various renovations, receiving a phone call from China Guanghe Group | Ms. | Listed company

After receiving a phone call, in less than two hours, the account balance changed from 1.58 million yuan to only 22 yuan left. Ms. Chu from Linping, Hangzhou, was completely confused. What exactly happened? On June 23rd, the related entry "1.58 million police officers helped retrieve a woman's account that was scammed" made it to the hot search. Many netizens have expressed that "since February, they have received fraudulent phone calls with the same language skills one after another. After downloading the national anti fraud app, they have become much quieter!" Some netizens also pointed out that nowadays, scammers have various means, so we must be vigilant and not answer unfamiliar calls. 1.58 million two hours turned into 22 yuan. Recently, Xiaozhu, who lives in Donghu, Linping, called 110 to report that her mother had been involved in telecommunications fraud. After receiving the alarm, the Donghu Police Station immediately rushed to the scene. 1.5 million, 1.58 million, 1.501 million