The world

Promoting the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity through the "Three Major Initiatives" | World | Community
Promoting the Development of a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity through the "Three Major Initiatives" | World | Community

In March 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the Global Civilization Initiative for the first time at Communist Party of China's dialogue with high-level political parties around the world. this is another important public product provided by China to support and lead the building of a community with a shared future for mankind after the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative. The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, the "three major initiatives", are based on the reality of a century of changes, conform to the trend of the evolution of the times, plan the way out for world development, and look forward to the future of human progress. It fully reflects the Chinese Communists' profound historical vision, broad mind of the world, keen sense of problems and strong responsibility represented by Comrade Xi Jinping. It enriches and expands the ideological connotation, practical path and value implication of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, and contains the product of the rising oriental powers.

Positive results have been achieved in China's noise pollution control work, which will further improve the quality of the sound environment
Positive results have been achieved in China's noise pollution control work, which will further improve the quality of the sound environment

CCTV News: On June 5th, one year ago, the "Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" was officially implemented, removing the word "environment" from the name of the old law, in order to emphasize that the object of legal regulation is artificial noise and further clarify the responsibility of local governments. A year has passed, what is the effect of the implementation of the "New Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law"? According to the national monitoring of sound environment quality, the daytime compliance rate and nighttime compliance rate of sound environment functional zones in China in 2022 were 96.0% and 86.6%, respectively. The average daytime equivalent sound level in urban areas across the country is 54.0 decibels. Experts point out that this volume is basically equivalent to the normal indoor chat and computer host sound volume, and its impact on people's lives is limited. Although the current noise pollution control work has achieved positive results, due to the large amount and wide range of noise pollution,

The ecological environment protection system in our country has been systematically improved, and the happiness and sense of achievement of the people are full of people and nature | China | Ecological Environment
The ecological environment protection system in our country has been systematically improved, and the happiness and sense of achievement of the people are full of people and nature | China | Ecological Environment

CCTV News: June 5th is June 5th Environment Day, and this year's theme is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Human and Nature.". On the morning of June 5th, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Central Civilization Office, and the Shandong Provincial Government jointly held the national home event of the 2023 June 5th Environmental Day in Jinan City. The newly revised "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" were released at the event site, guiding the whole society to practice green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has deepened the reform of the management system for ecological environment and natural resources, formulated and revised relevant laws and regulations, and systematically improved the ecological environment protection system. A series of systems have been established and implemented, including the central ecological environment inspection, river and lake chief system, and ecological protection red line, providing strong guarantees for the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection. National ecological environment

[Li Xiang China, Gold Medal ideological and political course] focus on promoting Xi Jinping's institutionalized education in the ideological study of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era | institutionalized education | China
[Li Xiang China, Gold Medal ideological and political course] focus on promoting Xi Jinping's institutionalized education in the ideological study of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era | institutionalized education | China

Thematic education is the institutionalized performance of the Communist Party of China to unify thought, will and action with the party's innovative theory. Every theoretical innovation of the party is more brilliant and fruitful under the blessing of thematic education. Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, as the backbone, star chart, and measurement of the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country on the new journey, is a concentrated display of the party's innovative theory in the new era. Only through the institutionalized way of carrying out thematic education can we better master the world outlook, methodology and standpoints and methods of the party's innovative theory. Looking back on the course of a hundred years, one of the key reasons why the Communist Party of China has been able to create brilliance in the midst of suffering is that it is good at adopting thematic education to constantly adhere to and strengthen the arming of the mind with the party's innovative theory,

People's Forum Online Review | Conducting Investigation and Research Should Make Good Use of the Brain of "Popular Language" | People | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | Conducting Investigation and Research Should Make Good Use of the Brain of "Popular Language" | People | Forum

"Being able to speak" is an essential ability for cadres to perform their duties. Currently, theme education is being carried out in depth, and the atmosphere of investigation and research in Daxing is becoming increasingly strong. In order to obtain first-hand information in practice, only by learning the "language of the masses" can we truly study and exchange our hearts for our hearts. Think carefully and avoid speaking rashly. Think twice before acting, and the same goes for communication with the masses. Party members and cadres represent the image of the Party, and every word they say must be resounding. If faced with the influence of emotions on the masses, speaking lacks patience and a critical attitude, and even speaks casually without thinking, not only will it fail to achieve the goal of closely connecting with the masses, but it will also make the masses misunderstand and feel cold. To switch the perspective of the masses, position oneself correctly, treat different objects, always treat each other as "guests", and speak with open and sincere emotions.

I put "polarized stereo glasses" on the satellite | remote sensing | stereo glasses
I put "polarized stereo glasses" on the satellite | remote sensing | stereo glasses

"In life, we can watch 3D movies by wearing polarized glasses in cinemas. Then, my job is to wear 'polarized stereoscopic glasses' to satellites, so that we can see the atmosphere, land and sea more clearly, and see the key elements and impact factors of global climate change." Li Zhengqiang from the Institute of Space and Space Information Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced his research content. "The reason why I am able to engage in this exciting job is actually due to several significant choices I have made in my life." Li Zhengqiang told us that I first met Polarization Satellite more than 20 years ago when his mentor made a forward-looking judgment: wearing "Polarization Stereoscopic Glasses" on satellites will play an important role in addressing climate change in the future. At that time, Li Zhengqiang's major was related to this, and his mentor encouraged him to pursue further studies abroad

Acts that harm the common interests of all humanity must be strongly condemned and resolutely resisted (from an international perspective) Tokyo | Japan | International
Acts that harm the common interests of all humanity must be strongly condemned and resolutely resisted (from an international perspective) Tokyo | Japan | International

Recently, Japan, a number of civil society organizations jointly launched against Fukushima nuclear pollution water discharge "Tokyo action". The picture shows people holding banners such as "Don't discharge nuclear contaminated water into the ocean" near the Japanese parliament to protest against the Japanese government and TEPCO's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Over the past few days, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company have forced the Fukushima nuclear pollution water discharge plan, which has been widely questioned and criticized. Recently, the Japanese people have held many rallies and protests, making calls such as "nuclear pollution should not be allowed to pollute the sea. The international community strongly urges the Japanese side to act responsibly and stop advancing the nuclear-contaminated water discharge plan. Experts from many countries believe that the nuclear contaminated water discharge plan is not a private matter of Japan, but a major issue related to global public health. The Pacific Ocean is not dumped by Japan.

Chinese online review: The United States declares bankruptcy by pretending to be the "creator of peace". China | warships | United States
Chinese online review: The United States declares bankruptcy by pretending to be the "creator of peace". China | warships | United States

During World War II, commentator Huazhang from China Net, the United States developed the long-range strategic bomber B-36, nicknamed "Peacemaker". Giving such a great, honorable, and correct name to a killing weapon that can carry a nuclear bomb carries a hint of black humor. However, this shameless act of killing and profiteering while shamelessly boasting about oneself is the norm in the United States, almost to the point where habit becomes natural. At the just concluded 20th Shangri La Dialogue, US Defense Secretary Austin once again hyped up the "China threat" and accused China of "refusing to engage in dialogue with the US.". In addition, he also emphasized the United States' leadership position in the Indo Pacific region, categorizing small multilateral circles such as AUKUS, the United States, Japan, India, Australia, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, Japan, and Australia as "maintaining order"

The international community needs to unite and work together to address the climate crisis with zero time difference
The international community needs to unite and work together to address the climate crisis with zero time difference

Recently, the World Meteorological Organization integrated six major international temperature datasets, showing that the past eight years have been the warmest on record globally, driven by rising greenhouse gas concentrations and accumulated heat, and long-term global warming continues. The extreme heatwaves, droughts, and destructive floods of 2022 have affected millions of people worldwide, causing billions of dollars in economic losses. Global climate change is becoming one of the most significant non-traditional security issues facing human society today. On the issue of global climate governance, the international community needs to unite efforts, and the actions of major powers are crucial. Major powers should seek more cooperation consensus based on the common interests of all mankind, prioritize climate issues in international cooperation, actively implement consensus and commitments reached under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and lay a solid foundation for international climate cooperation

News 1+1 | Keep an eye on the money bags of the elderly! How to "normalize" the crackdown on pension fraud? Project | Elderly Care | News
News 1+1 | Keep an eye on the money bags of the elderly! How to "normalize" the crackdown on pension fraud? Project | Elderly Care | News

The elderly have been cheated out of their retirement money, and cases continue to emerge one after another. Faced with cases and current situations, how can pension fraud be warned and blocked in advance? Shandong proposes to establish a normalized mechanism for cracking down on and rectifying fraud in elderly care services. So, how can we promote the prevention and control of normalized elderly care fraud? News 1+1 invites Du Peng, a member of the Expert Committee of the National Committee on Aging and Vice President of Renmin University of China, to jointly focus on how to "normalize" the crackdown on elderly fraud? What problems are exposed in typical cases of elderly fraud? Since the beginning of this year, typical cases related to "pension fraud" have been continuously disclosed. The "Lupeng Illegal Absorption of Public Deposits Case" in Leping City, Jiangxi Province is a crime of illegal fundraising committed under the pretext of investing in "elderly care projects". In the case, it involves the elderly care enterprise established by the elderly care fraud, which

The 24 Solar Terms in Cultural Relics: Mangzhong and Mangzhong | Solar Terms | 24 Solar Terms
The 24 Solar Terms in Cultural Relics: Mangzhong and Mangzhong | Solar Terms | 24 Solar Terms

At 6:18 today, we welcome the 9th solar term of the 24 solar terms, "Mangzhong". According to the almanac, "Mangzhong is a festival in May" because at this time, "a valley with awns can be planted, so it is named after Mangzhong. At this time, it is the time for wheat harvesting in the north and rice planting in the south, so "awning" can also be explained as "harvesting wheat with awns and planting rice with awns quickly". Go to cultural and museum institutions such as the Dunhuang Research Institute and the Palace Museum to see which cultural relics "Mangzhong" has left a lasting and new cultural imprint. The 24 solar terms in the cultural relics, Mangzhong, are busy harvesting in spring, summer, autumn, and winter in the north. In interacting with nature, people learn to adapt to the times and plan order. During the season of grain harvest, the plum blossoms and wheat ripen, and both the north and south of the Yangtze River are bustling scenes of harvest and cultivation. The Dunhuang proverb says: "The valley rises in the wind."

"Admitted guilt", this country has arrested more than 30 people and intends to launch a coup in Peskov | Kyrgyzstan | coup
"Admitted guilt", this country has arrested more than 30 people and intends to launch a coup in Peskov | Kyrgyzstan | coup

According to Russian Sputnik News Agency on the 6th, the Kyrgyz National Security Council said that the Kyrgyz Secret Service had arrested more than 30 suspects who were preparing to launch a coup. According to the report, a spokesperson for the News Office of the National Security Council stated, "Those who plan to organize large-scale riots and disobey orders have been detained with the aim of subsequently violently seizing power." The spokesperson said that there were more than 100 individuals plotting to commit misconduct. More than 30 people have been detained on the 5th and have pleaded guilty. The National Security Council also stated that coup planners have been waiting to obtain funding from abroad. The spokesman said: "It is reported that a large amount of funds are expected to be shipped from abroad in the near future to finance the work of the organization and pay the remuneration of the main members." The Russian Sputnik News Agency also reported that the press secretary of the Russian President, Mr. Pace

Ukrainian President's Urgent Meeting, Sudden! Flood areas caused by hydroelectric power plant attack | Kakhovka | Ukraine
Ukrainian President's Urgent Meeting, Sudden! Flood areas caused by hydroelectric power plant attack | Kakhovka | Ukraine

According to foreign media reports, the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station in Novokhovka City, Kherson Prefecture, Ukraine has been attacked, causing flooding. Evacuation work in the vicinity of the area has begun. According to the Sputnik News Agency of Russia, Vladimir Leontiev, mayor of New Kahovka, told Sputnik News Agency that the upper part of Kahovka Hydropower Station in Kherson region was destroyed by shelling, and the dam itself was not destroyed. Leontiev told Sputnik News Agency: "At two o'clock in the morning, the upper part of the hydropower station, where the gate is located, was attacked several times, and it was destroyed. Fortunately, the dam was not destroyed." In addition, according to Reuters, the southern headquarters of the Ukrainian armed forces said on the 6th that the Kakhovka dam in the Russian controlled area of Kherson region was damaged by the explosion. The headquarters said on its Facebook page, "The scale of the destruction."

Netizens: health insurance is used to buy outdated weapons in the United States. Taiwan is afraid of lack of cancer drugs and chemotherapy | drugs | United States
Netizens: health insurance is used to buy outdated weapons in the United States. Taiwan is afraid of lack of cancer drugs and chemotherapy | drugs | United States

The US Food and Drug Administration recently released a list of 14 out of stock chemotherapy drugs, hoping to alleviate demand by importing foreign generic drugs. Experts are concerned that this move may disrupt the supply of cancer drugs on the island. The US FDA recently announced 14 anti-cancer drugs in short supply, with Carboplatin and Cisplatin being the two most concerning out of stock drugs. Yang Muhua, Director of the Oncology Department of Taipei Rong General Hospital, pointed out that the above two chemotherapy drugs are mainly used for head and neck cancer, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer, and lung cancer, and are irreplaceable drugs. Many studies have also pointed out that if these two drugs are not used for treatment, the efficacy will be compromised.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's Nuclear Polluted Water Discharge Tunnel Started Injecting Seawater | Tunnel | Seawater
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's Nuclear Polluted Water Discharge Tunnel Started Injecting Seawater | Tunnel | Seawater

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association on the 6th, Tokyo Electric Power Company began injecting seawater into the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's contaminated water discharge tunnel on the 5th local time. TEPCO plans to build a 1-kilometer-long underwater tunnel from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant near the sea to discharge diluted radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. TEPCO officially started the construction of the underwater tunnel project in August last year. According to reports, the tunnel construction of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's contaminated water discharge project has been basically completed, and the overall construction of the underwater tunnel is expected to be completed by the end of June. According to reports, TEPCO began injecting seawater into the discharge tunnel around 3:30 pm local time on the 5th, and the tunnel will be filled with about 6000 tons of seawater during the daytime on the 6th. Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea

Macron opposes!, NATO wants to establish this institution in Japan | NATO | Macron
Macron opposes!, NATO wants to establish this institution in Japan | NATO | Macron

According to sources cited by the Financial Times on the 5th, French President Macron opposed NATO's plan to establish a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan. Macron believes that NATO should continue to focus on the North Atlantic region. The report states that the establishment of a NATO liaison office requires unanimous support from the NATO Council, which means France has the right to prevent this move. According to reports, Macron stated at a meeting last week that NATO should not expand its scope beyond the North Atlantic, and added that if we push for NATO to expand its geographical scope, "we will make a big mistake.". Eight insiders revealed that due to opposition from France, discussions within NATO over the establishment of the first "outpost" in the Indo Pacific region have become more complicated in recent months. A French official stated that the French side believes that the NATO Charter requires the alliance to

Wife speaks up, another person! My husband passed away after drinking on a 26 year old internet celebrity live stream. Online rumor | Wife
Wife speaks up, another person! My husband passed away after drinking on a 26 year old internet celebrity live stream. Online rumor | Wife

Recently, the news of 26 year old internet celebrity "Zhongyuan Huangge" dying from excessive drinking has attracted attention. Red Star News reporter learned from his friend that on June 2nd, "Zhongyuan Huangge" did indeed pass away after drinking heavily during the live broadcast. "I hope that the 'Central Plains Yellow Brother' will go well all the way, and I hope that the majority of netizens will advise them not to drink anything." The previous live screen showed that the 'Central Plains Yellow Brother' often "choked" at two bottles of Baijiu, and looked very calm after drinking it. In order to test the authenticity of Baijiu, he dipped a paper towel in Baijiu and lit it before drinking. In addition, he has also performed in the live broadcast room, such as eating dried chili peppers and opening coconuts empty handed. After the death of "Zhongyuan Huangge" on the previous live broadcast, his wife, Ms. Liu, told Red Star News that many people online said that "Zhongyuan Huangge" only earns money for traffic and is not worth it. "I just want to say..."

Xiong Jianguo is under investigation! Agricultural Development Bank "Looking Back": Many People Fall from the Country | Supervisory Commission | Agricultural Development Bank
Xiong Jianguo is under investigation! Agricultural Development Bank "Looking Back": Many People Fall from the Country | Supervisory Commission | Agricultural Development Bank

Another bank official from the Agricultural Development Bank has been investigated! On the morning of June 6th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Xiong Jianguo, former special credit manager of the Jiangxi Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is under investigation. It is understood that Xiong Jianguo had previously worked at the Agricultural Development Bank of China Shangrao Branch and Jiangxi Provincial Branch, serving as the Vice President of Jiangxi Provincial Branch, and represented the branch multiple times in various strategic cooperation and poverty alleviation activities. Take a look at the details - Former Vice President of Jiangxi Province. According to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at the Agricultural Development Bank of China and the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Xiong Jianguo, former Special Credit Manager of the Jiangxi Provincial Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at the Agricultural Development Bank of China

Created the most serious intelligence disaster in American history, Robert Hansen, the "double agent", died in prison in Hansen | Prison | United States
Created the most serious intelligence disaster in American history, Robert Hansen, the "double agent", died in prison in Hansen | Prison | United States

Robert Hansen, a "double-sided spy" who created the most serious intelligence disaster in American history, was found dead in a prison cell in Colorado, USA on the 5th local time. The US Prison Service stated in a statement that after discovering Hansen, prison staff attempted to wake him up and requested emergency medical measures, but Hansen was subsequently declared dead by external emergency medical personnel. Hansen joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1976, and three years later, he came into contact with Soviet intelligence agencies and offered to serve as a spy for them. In 2001, Hansen was arrested in Virginia and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002. Due to his job nature, Hansen had almost all the details of the US secret operation against the Soviet Union at that time, but the Soviet side

Local notice: Order to stop work and make corrections. Owners purchase 42 units and want to open up all walls for evaluation. | Square | Mansion | Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau | Apartment Building | Construction | Owners | Sihui City
Local notice: Order to stop work and make corrections. Owners purchase 42 units and want to open up all walls for evaluation. | Square | Mansion | Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau | Apartment Building | Construction | Owners | Sihui City

On June 6th, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Sihui City, Guangdong Province issued a statement on the illegal construction of the second floor of the Yuegong Mansion Building 2 in Wuyue Square, Sihui City. In response to public complaints about the illegal construction of the second floor of the Yuegong Mansion Building 2 in Wuyue Square, Sihui City, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Sihui City attached great importance to the report on May 29th and immediately organized relevant quality and technical supervision personnel to conduct on-site inspections. After verification, it was found that there are a total of 42 apartments on the 2nd floor of Building 2, Yuegongguan, No. 125 Commercial Avenue, Yucheng Neighborhood Committee, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, with a total construction area of 1842.64 square meters, owned by the same owner Yao. Yao used large machinery to demolish the interval wall without obtaining a construction permit, and preliminary statistics show that he has illegally constructed about 700 square meters. Established by the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Sihui City

The Taiwanese military "slaps the face" and claims to have "confidence", while the US State Council report admits that it is impossible to accelerate multiple arms sales to Taiwan
The Taiwanese military "slaps the face" and claims to have "confidence", while the US State Council report admits that it is impossible to accelerate multiple arms sales to Taiwan

A spokesperson for Taiwan's defense department strongly stated that they have confidence in conducting military sales operations. According to reports, this matter was reported in a report submitted by the US State Department to US congressmen in April. The report states that in many cases, it is impossible to accelerate delivery due to longer delivery times for raw materials, global supply chain issues, and production restrictions on legacy equipment in defense industrial bases. Although the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency and other agencies are prioritizing military sales to Taiwan as much as possible, limited resources are causing sustained pressure. The report also details US military sales to other regions of the Indo Pacific region, and it is estimated that it will take several years for Taiwan authorities to purchase Harpoon anti-ship missiles

The court ruled: Do not leave!, Both husband and wife are unwilling to have children after divorce, and the male partner | husband and wife | court
The court ruled: Do not leave!, Both husband and wife are unwilling to have children after divorce, and the male partner | husband and wife | court

Have you seen cases where both spouses choose to divorce and compete for custody of their children? We have seen a lot of news, but both parties refuse to take care of each other and refuse to do so? On June 6th, the topic # Both spouses are unwilling to have children after divorce, and the court ruled that divorce is not allowed # rose to the top of Weibo's hot searches, causing public opinion to boil for a moment. Jiangsu couple Fang and Yu met and fell in love through an introduction in May 2016. They then registered for marriage and had a lovely girl two years after marriage. Unfortunately, romantic love cannot compete with the daily necessities of life. The two often argue over trivial family matters, and their relationship gradually cracks. Previously, Fang had filed a divorce lawsuit with the court, which was rejected by the ruling. One year later, Fang filed another divorce lawsuit and requested the court to rule that the child should be raised by the man. The woman believes that her work relationship often requires staying up late

Airport response!, Zhejiang University Graduates Applying for Field Affairs and Bird Repellents: Hot Discussion and Publicity | Personnel | Zhejiang University
Airport response!, Zhejiang University Graduates Applying for Field Affairs and Bird Repellents: Hot Discussion and Publicity | Personnel | Zhejiang University

Recently, Wenzhou Airport Group released a recruitment announcement for the spring of 2023, in which Chen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied for the position of venue manager and bird repellent, sparking heated discussions among netizens. On June 6th, staff of Wenzhou Airport Group responded to Jimu News reporters that this is a social recruitment, and the company will select the best candidates based on their comprehensive scores. "We will introduce the specific job content of the applied position to the candidates.". On May 22nd, Wenzhou Airport Group announced a list of candidates for the spring 2023 recruitment on its official website. Chen, who graduated from Zhejiang University, applied for the position of venue management and bird repellent, which attracted attention. Publicity List: Jimu News reporter noticed that in the recruitment announcement released earlier by Wenzhou Airport Group, the positions of field staff and bird repellent personnel require universities to

Seeking Russian citizenship, former assistant of Biden sexually assaulted | Russia | Biden
Seeking Russian citizenship, former assistant of Biden sexually assaulted | Russia | Biden

"I always worry about my safety in the United States and plan to apply for Russian citizenship." Author: Feng Lu. "I always worry about my safety in the United States, and in Russia, it feels like going home. I plan to apply for Russian citizenship and request President Putin to grant me this citizenship," Tara Reed said on a Russian television program. Reed was slightly chubby, dressed in black and with large curls, and referred to the Russian Duma MP Budina sitting across from him as "my friend.". "Thank you to Budina and all the people who gave me a sense of security, making me feel protected." It was Budina who helped Reed escape to Russia and promised to help her draft her citizenship application. American media called Reed a "defector" - this is the second time a former US government employee has fled to Russia for asylum, following the protagonist of the Prism Gate incident, Snowden. and

The water in the reservoir area is flowing downwards in an uncontrollable manner, and the Kakhovka hydropower station in the Kherson region has been attacked and damaged | Kakhovka | cannot be controlled
The water in the reservoir area is flowing downwards in an uncontrollable manner, and the Kakhovka hydropower station in the Kherson region has been attacked and damaged | Kakhovka | cannot be controlled

On the 6th local time, TASS reported, citing officials from the Kherson region, that the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam in the Kherson region has been damaged, and some areas are suffering from floods. At the same time, the Southern Ukrainian Military Region announced that the Russian military had blown up the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. The footage in the video accompanying the report by the Ukrainian Independent News Agency on the attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station on the 6th. According to today's Russian television, the municipal authorities of Novokhovka have confirmed that the top structure of the Kahovka hydroelectric power station was damaged by shelling. The authorities in Novokhovka have stated that the water in the hydroelectric power plant area is flowing downwards in an uncontrollable manner, but residents of Novokhovka do not need to evacuate temporarily. According to Ukrainian media reports, local authorities in Ukherson have decided to evacuate residents from potential flood prone areas along the Dnieper River.

Biden Economics Now Worries, Debt Cap Crisis lifted | Debt | Crisis
Biden Economics Now Worries, Debt Cap Crisis lifted | Debt | Crisis

The high-profile debt ceiling crisis of the United States ended with the agreement reached between the White House and the Republicans in Congress, and the United States government once again avoided the catastrophic situation of debt default. On June 1st, the US Senate approved the debt ceiling agreement reached between Biden and McCarthy. Previously, the House of Representatives had already passed the bill with bipartisan support. According to the agreement reached by both parties, Republicans have agreed to suspend the debt ceiling until January 2025; The White House has agreed to limit the growth of federal government discretionary spending over the next two years. In this farce, which is essentially caused by the relevant systems in the United States and constantly repeats itself, the market is generally concerned about the unresolved issue and the financial turmoil and economic crisis that may arise from possible defaults. But in the process of bargaining between the White House and Republicans on this issue, there is also

The Ministry of Commerce responds to US sanctions on Chinese entities and individuals for fentanyl, tablet press, and fentanyl, citing sales of equipment involving fentanyl
The Ministry of Commerce responds to US sanctions on Chinese entities and individuals for fentanyl, tablet press, and fentanyl, citing sales of equipment involving fentanyl

Beijing, June 6th (Xinhua) - The person in charge of the Meida Department of the Ministry of Commerce stated on June 6th that China has always strictly implemented drug control and, in a humanitarian spirit, has made every effort to help the US address and resolve the fentanyl issue. The US side disregards the facts and imposes sanctions on Chinese entities and individuals, claiming that tablet presses and mold equipment sold to the US and Mexico can be used to manufacture fentanyl, in an attempt to confuse the public, mislead the public, and shift responsibility for its own inadequate governance. China firmly opposes this and will firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals. A reporter asked: Recently, the US Treasury Department announced sanctions on 7 Chinese entities and 6 individuals for selling tablet presses, molds, and other equipment related to fentanyl. What is the comment of the Ministry of Commerce on this? The person in charge of the Meida Department of the Ministry of Commerce made the above response.

Interview: Bilateral cooperation between Hong Kong and China has yielded fruitful results and a promising future since the establishment of diplomatic relations - Interview with Minister of Affairs of the Presidential Office of Honduras, Pastor Civilization | Cooperation | Achievements
Interview: Bilateral cooperation between Hong Kong and China has yielded fruitful results and a promising future since the establishment of diplomatic relations - Interview with Minister of Affairs of the Presidential Office of Honduras, Pastor Civilization | Cooperation | Achievements

Tegucigalpa, June 5 (Xinhua) - After the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China, bilateral cooperation has yielded fruitful results and the future is promising. Interview with Minister of Affairs of the Presidential Office of Honduras, Pastor. Xinhua reporter Chen Haoquan and Wu Hao, Minister of Affairs of the Presidential Office of Honduras, Rudolf Pastor, recently stated in an interview with Xinhua reporter in the capital Tegucigalpa that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China on March 26 this year, the two countries have achieved multiple cooperation results. With the deepening development of bilateral relations, there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. Pastor pointed out that in recent times, multiple delegations from Hong Kong media, economic and trade have visited China one after another, promoting mutual understanding between the two peoples and jointly seeking opportunities for cooperation. The progress of cooperation is encouraging. Pastor pointed out that the "the Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China meets the needs of Hong Kong. "The Belt and Road" Initiative Framework

On the "Temporary" and "Permanent" Presidents of the US Debt Crisis | Debt | Permanent
On the "Temporary" and "Permanent" Presidents of the US Debt Crisis | Debt | Permanent

Just two days before the US Treasury Department was expected to be unable to repay national debt, President Biden signed the so-called 2023 Financial Responsibility Act, which has been approved by both houses of Congress regarding the federal government's debt ceiling and budget. At this point, the months long struggle between the two parties has come to an end, and the potential first US government debt default has been temporarily avoided. After the Washington Post reported screenshots of the bill being signed, Biden wrote on social media, "I just signed a bipartisan budget agreement to prevent the first debt default in history... Now, we will continue to build the world's strongest economy.". But as for how the United States will "continue to build the world's most powerful economy," people really