The world

This year, the total yield of summer grain in China reached 292.3 billion catties
This year, the total yield of summer grain in China reached 292.3 billion catties

Beijing, July 15th (Xinhua) - The National Bureau of Statistics released data on July 15th, showing that this year's summer grain production has remained stable and slightly decreased, still at a relatively high level, achieving a bumper harvest. The national summer grain production was 146.13 million tons, a decrease of 1.274 million tons or 0.9% compared to the previous year. The sowing area of summer grain continues to increase. In 2023, the national summer grain sowing area was 26609 thousand hectares, an increase of 78.5 thousand hectares or 0.3% compared to the previous year, achieving growth for three consecutive years. Summer grain yield has slightly decreased. In 2023, the national summer grain yield was 5491.8 kilograms per hectare, a decrease of 64.3 kilograms per hectare from the previous year, a decrease of 1.2%. Wang Guirong, Director of the Rural Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, stated that the decrease in summer grain yield is mainly due to the severe "rotten rain" weather in Henan and other areas. Since the sowing of summer crops, the main production

Financial support for the economy continues to strengthen (New Economic Direction · Mid year Data Observation) Structure | Finance | Economy
Financial support for the economy continues to strengthen (New Economic Direction · Mid year Data Observation) Structure | Finance | Economy

On July 14th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the financial statistical data for the first half of this year. Liu Guoqiang, Vice President of the People's Bank of China, stated at a press conference that since the beginning of this year, the People's Bank of China has adhered to the overall tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, implemented precise and effective prudent monetary policies, increased countercyclical adjustment efforts, and continuously strengthened financial support for the economy, promoting overall improvement in economic operation. "In the first half of the year, the People's Bank of China lowered the reserve requirement by 0.25 percentage points, released long-term liquidity, enhanced the stability and sustainability of total credit growth, and effectively served the real economy," Liu Guoqiang said. The data shows that China's liquidity is reasonable and abundant, stabilizing its support for the real economy. At the end of June, the broad money supply, social financing scale and stock, as well as the Renminbi

Visiting the Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center: Appreciating the charm of Sichuan and showcasing the charm of the Universiade Media | Outdoor | Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center
Visiting the Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center: Appreciating the charm of Sichuan and showcasing the charm of the Universiade Media | Outdoor | Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center

Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center. The 31st World University Summer Games will be held from July 28 to August 8, 2023. As a "journalist's home" and news information "hub" during the event, the Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center will provide various facilities and services for global media reporters to report on the event, including office, catering, transportation, medical, leisure and entertainment. It is understood that the total construction area of the main media center is about 45000 square meters, divided into one underground floor and five above ground floors, mainly including media work area, leisure interaction area, cultural activity area and other areas, with complete facilities and functions. After the official opening, the main media center will also hold a series of rich and colorful intangible cultural heritage experience activities, such as Shu brocade, Shu embroidery, porcelain and bamboo weaving

Breakthrough from 0 to 1! A batch of heavyweight innovative achievements are born here, breaking through | innovation | achievements
Breakthrough from 0 to 1! A batch of heavyweight innovative achievements are born here, breaking through | innovation | achievements

If the industrialization of scientific research achievements is a leap from 1 to 10 to 100, then the breakthrough in basic research from 0 to 1 is the starting point of the entire innovation chain. Nowadays, in Pudong, the gathering of high-energy basic scientific research forces is accelerating. Three national laboratories or bases have been established, and 14 large scientific facilities have been built, under construction, or planned. A number of basic research institutions such as Li Zhengdao Research Institute and Shanghai Zhangjiang Mathematical Research Institute have successively landed. With one hand grasping the source of innovation and the other hand grasping the transformation of innovation, a batch of heavyweight innovative achievements were born in Pudong within two years: 6 new Class I drugs and 7 innovative medical devices were newly launched, the domestically produced large aircraft C919 completed its commercial maiden flight, and the first domestically produced large cruise ship floated off the dock.

Suffering from U.S. nuclear tests, Marshall Islands asks for more compensation | Nuclear tests | United States
Suffering from U.S. nuclear tests, Marshall Islands asks for more compensation | Nuclear tests | United States

Beijing, July 14 (Xinhua) - Marshall Islands Foreign Minister Jack Aden urged the United States to provide more funding to address the legacy issues caused by dozens of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in this Pacific island country in the mid-20th century. The United States seeks to expand its influence in Pacific island countries, but refuses to pay any more for this old debt. This is a scenery shot on September 3, 2013 in Majuro, the capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. On the 13th, at a hearing of the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Aden called on the US Congress to push the US government to continue negotiations on renewing the Free Association Agreement between the two countries. "There are still some issues that should be included in the negotiations, especially increasing the funding supply to people affected by nuclear tests," he said. From 1946 to 1958, the United States successively

How many medals are known in the Universiade! An article reveals the story behind "Rongguang" ->Universiade | Chengdu | Rongguang
How many medals are known in the Universiade! An article reveals the story behind "Rongguang" ->Universiade | Chengdu | Rongguang

At present, various university sports teams in China are actively preparing for the Chengdu Universiade, in order to showcase the spirit of youth and hard work on the field of the Universiade, and bloom the glory of the Universiade. And the name of the medals at this Chengdu Universiade is also "Rongguang". Next, let's learn about the medals at the Universiade together. The "Rongguang" medal at the Universiade, which symbolizes glory and brilliance, embodies the beautiful expectation for athletes to spread their wings and pursue their dreams in Chengdu during their youth and hard work. The overall design of the front of the medal is mainly based on the emblem of the Chengdu Universiade and the "Sun God Bird", engraved with jade birds from the Liangzhu culture of the Neolithic era, bronze humanoid artifacts from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, oracle bone inscriptions, etc., showcasing China's brilliant civilization spanning five thousand years. On the side, there is the slogan of this year's Universiade, "Chengdu Achieves Dreams.". On the back of the medal, around the International University

Can NATO do it?, Strong and powerful! Chinese representative questioned NATO at the United Nations: China's "Six Nos" representatives | China | China
Can NATO do it?, Strong and powerful! Chinese representative questioned NATO at the United Nations: China's "Six Nos" representatives | China | China

On July 15th, Ambassador Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, sternly refuted the recent NATO Vilnius Summit Communique for defaming and smearing China at an open meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Zhang Jun stated that China is the country with the best record in terms of peace and security issues. China has never invaded other countries, never engaged in proxy wars, never carried out military actions globally, never threatened other countries with force, never exported ideology, and never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries. Zhang Jun questioned NATO, can NATO achieve China's "Six Nos"? He said, can NATO achieve these things? China adheres to the policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, and unconditionally promises not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non nuclear weapon states and zones

Chasing Light | Waiting for the Golden Autumn October "Guizi" Fragrant Asian Remnants | Games | Fragrant Fragrance
Chasing Light | Waiting for the Golden Autumn October "Guizi" Fragrant Asian Remnants | Games | Fragrant Fragrance

On July 14th, the countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games began with 100 days. The medal "Guizi" was officially released. "Guizi" originated from the famous line described by Bai Juyi in Hangzhou, "Searching for Guizi in the Mountain Temple", which embodies the artistic conception of Jiangnan and romantic colors. The medal combines Liangzhu jade and Hangzhou city flower osmanthus into one body, conveying the diversity and integration of Asian values and culture through the gift of Cangbi. The strong temperament of osmanthus expresses the warm anticipation of the host city. "Guizi" symbolizes the spirit of athletes longing for beauty and active progress. The medal is composed of osmanthus flowers and the emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games, with high recognition on the front. The interpretation of the Asian Paralympic Committee logo centered around braille is: "Osmanthus is the golden autumn flower of Hangzhou City, with the fragrance of osmanthus in October," which is the gold medal of the 4th Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou

Medical Service Exercise for the Universiade: Mobile CT Vehicles and 5G Ambulances Embark in Chengdu | Patients | CT
Medical Service Exercise for the Universiade: Mobile CT Vehicles and 5G Ambulances Embark in Chengdu | Patients | CT

Chengdu, July 15th (Xinhua) - Mobile CT vehicles, 5G ambulances... Recently, the 2023 "Sichuan Provincial Public Health Comprehensive Clinical Center Chengdu Universiade Guarantee Exercise" hosted by the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission and hosted by West China Hospital of Sichuan University was held at the site of the Sichuan Provincial Public Health Comprehensive Clinical Center project. This exercise aims to maximize the medical treatment level and capacity of the Sichuan Provincial Public Health Comprehensive Clinical Center, provide high-quality and efficient medical services for participants in the Chengdu Universiade, and ensure the smooth progress of the Chengdu Universiade. It is reported that the participants in the drill were selected and transferred from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, involving more than 50 professionals in respiratory, infection, imaging, experimental medicine, clinical pharmacy, nursing, nutrition and diet, finance, security, equipment, information, infrastructure operation and maintenance, transportation, and other fields. They also participated in the drill

Poll: Americans Disappointed with American Democracy Target | American | Disappointment
Poll: Americans Disappointed with American Democracy Target | American | Disappointment

Beijing, July 14th (Xinhua) - A public opinion survey released by American media on the 13th showed that Americans are disappointed with American style democracy, believing that laws and policies do not fully represent public opinion, and that the democratic and republican parties are fighting for their respective interests. The Public Affairs Research Center, jointly founded by the Associated Press and the National Center for Public Opinion at the University of Chicago, surveyed over 1200 people in late June. The results show that 49% of respondents believe that American democracy performs poorly, 40% think it's average, and only 10% think it's very good. On February 4, 2020, in Washington, D.C., after President Trump delivered his State of the Union speech in Congress, Democratic Speaker of the House Pelosi tore up a copy of the speech. 71% of survey respondents believe that law and policy formulation should reflect the majority of the United States

The former superior was publicly named as a protection umbrella for the underworld, and another old public security officer was investigated by the Shenyang Public Security Bureau | Supervision Commission | Superior
The former superior was publicly named as a protection umbrella for the underworld, and another old public security officer was investigated by the Shenyang Public Security Bureau | Supervision Commission | Superior

On July 14th, according to the Shenyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Zhao Ming, the second level police commissioner of the Shenyang Public Security Bureau, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He has been designated by the Shenyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for jurisdiction and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Heping District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Shenyang. According to the open resume, Zhao Ming, male, Manchu, was born in October 1964 in Gai County, Liaoning Province, with a college degree, started work in August 1983, and joined the CPC in June 1999. Zhao Ming has previously served as a furnace operator and driver at the Shenyang Locomotive Depot of the Shenyang Railway Branch of the Shenyang Railway Bureau, deputy director of the police and public security department of the Shenyang Railway Public Security Bureau, deputy captain and team leader of the Shenyang Public Security Bureau's Passenger Police Brigade, as well as the director, assistant to the director, and deputy director of the Shenyang Station Police Station. In May 2012, Zhao Ming was appointed to Shenyang

Surprisingly, it was a "trick" where the director voluntarily surrendered and took bribes | Yang Ping | Director
Surprisingly, it was a "trick" where the director voluntarily surrendered and took bribes | Yang Ping | Director

"When Yang Ping voluntarily surrendered to the case, he only admitted to a small part of his bribery and reserved himself for other illegal behaviors, hoping to get through the situation and switch to a 'lenient treatment'... Recently, Fengshan County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region held a cadre warning and education conference. Yang Ping, former Party Secretary and Director of the County Natural Resources Bureau, took advantage of his position to illegally accept bribes, voluntarily confessed the problem to avoid severity, and ultimately fell into prison, which made the majority of cadres particularly vigilant.". In 1986, after graduating, Yang Ping was assigned to work at the Agricultural Technology Extension Station in Zhaiya Township, Fengshan County. Due to strong business abilities and outstanding work performance, he was quickly transferred to a county-level department and gradually grew from an ordinary cadre to the deputy director of the county land management bureau. In the first decade or so, Yang Ping cherished the opportunities given by the organization very much and worked diligently, winning the titles of "Regional Land" successively

Fukuoka continues to "dream", "diving queen" Guo Jingjing diving | World Championships | Guo Jingjing
Fukuoka continues to "dream", "diving queen" Guo Jingjing diving | World Championships | Guo Jingjing

In the official promotional video of the 2023 Fukuoka Swimming World Championships, Guo Jingjing is one of the revered legendary figures. Starting from the 2001 Fukuoka World Championships, she won her first gold medal at the World Championships and has since won the women's 3m springboard singles and doubles championships for five consecutive years. She also won 4 gold and 2 silver medals at the Olympics, growing into a generation of "diving queens". 22 years later, the World Swimming Championships returned to Fukuoka, and Guo Jingjing, as an official of the FINA Diving Technical Committee, was active by the familiar diving pool, continuing to pursue her dreams for the flourishing development of world diving. As soon as she walked into the Fukuoka Prefectural Swimming Pool, Guo Jingjing immediately had a feeling of "yesterday reappearing" and her heart was filled with excitement. Familiar venues, familiar stands, familiar pools of clear water, but everything is different. I'm very happy to be back here. At the 2001 World Championships,

Colombia is about to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire?, The "Never Arrived at This Step" Agreement | Society | Colombia
Colombia is about to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire?, The "Never Arrived at This Step" Agreement | Society | Colombia

According to a report by Efi on July 14th, the Colombian government stated that the agreement it signed with the guerrilla organization "National Liberation Army" to promote a ceasefire and social participation is "significant progress", and stated that the fourth round of negotiations may discuss funding issues. On July 14th, Olacio Guerrero, the negotiation representative of the Colombian government and head of the ceasefire negotiation group, stated in an interview with Efi in Havana that the signing of nine agreements on ceasefire issues and four technical documents on social participation represents a qualitative leap and the beginning of strengthened dialogue between the two sides. Guerrero said, "This is a very important step because we have implemented the actions proposed at the negotiation table to Colombia." He introduced that during the temporary ceasefire period, "at least for these six months," the permanent work teams of both sides will continue to work hard

"Russia and Belarus are not among the invited ones," the International Olympic Committee confirmed that Russia and Belarus are among them
"Russia and Belarus are not among the invited ones," the International Olympic Committee confirmed that Russia and Belarus are among them

According to Agence France Presse on July 13th, the International Olympic Committee announced on July 13th that it will send invitations to 203 national and regional Olympic committees for the 2024 Paris Olympics on July 26th. However, Russia and Belarus were not invited and have reservations about their athletes participating. According to reports, although the International Olympic Committee has insisted since March that it will make a "timely" decision on the thorny issue of Russian and Belarusian athletes participating in the Paris Olympics as neutral, there are still uncertainties regarding how to handle official invitation letters. As usual, the official invitation letter will be sent to the Olympic Committees of each country one year before the opening ceremony. On the 13th, the International Olympic Committee updated the "Q&A" written for spring on its website. Previously, the International Olympic Committee recommended that all international sports federations restore Russia

National Climate Center: 2 to 3 tropical cyclones (typhoons) will make landfall in China in the next month. Precipitation in China | year-round | China
National Climate Center: 2 to 3 tropical cyclones (typhoons) will make landfall in China in the next month. Precipitation in China | year-round | China

"Seven down and eight up" is one of the important stages of China's main flood season. During this period, the north entered the main rainy season; At the same time, typhoon activity in the South China Sea and Western Pacific has entered an active period, and coastal areas are susceptible to typhoon precipitation and storm surges. The National Climate Center predicts that China will experience a pattern of both drought and flood during the "Seven Down and Eight Up" period this year. The specific prediction conclusion is as follows: there may be heavy floods in the eastern part of the Songhua River Basin and the Liaohe River Basin. It is expected that during the "Seven Down and Eight Up" period in 2023, the precipitation in the eastern part of the Songhua River Basin and the Liaohe River Basin will be more than 20% higher than the same period in normal years, and there may be more severe floods and waterlogging disasters; The precipitation in the west of Songhua River basin, Nenjiang River basin, the west of Liaohe River basin, the east of Haihe River basin, the east of Huaihe River basin, the lower reaches of Yangtze River basin, the Taihu Lake Lake basin and the Pearl River basin is more than 10% to 20%, which needs to be paid attention to in different stages

Uruguay is experiencing the most severe drought in 70 years! The fresh water in the reservoir is only enough for the residents of the capital to use for 4 days. | Drought | Reservoir
Uruguay is experiencing the most severe drought in 70 years! The fresh water in the reservoir is only enough for the residents of the capital to use for 4 days. | Drought | Reservoir

Uruguay, a South American country, is experiencing the most severe drought in 70 years, which has had a serious impact on its residents' water use, agriculture, and animal husbandry. Uruguay has experienced the most severe drought in 70 years, with the capital reservoir running out of fresh water. Recently, CCTV reporters visited the Paso Severino Reservoir, the most important water supply source in Montevideo, Uruguay, for on-site visits. CCTV reporter Wang Bo: I am currently in a reservoir about an hour and a half drive from the capital of Uruguay. There are two scales used to measure the water level here. The one below is newly added recently. Due to the impact of drought, the water level has been continuously decreasing, and the scale on top is no longer able to measure the water level. Many shellfish that used to live in water have now dried to death. It is understood that 60% of the water used in the Uruguayan capital region comes from Pasoseve

Police: Cause of death is currently under investigation. A student in Dingzhou, Hebei has passed away. Student | Dingzhou | Poster | News | Police | Investigation | Death | Report
Police: Cause of death is currently under investigation. A student in Dingzhou, Hebei has passed away. Student | Dingzhou | Poster | News | Police | Investigation | Death | Report

According to poster news and Er San Li News, recently in Dingzhou, Hebei, there were rumors online that a high school student had passed away from heatstroke due to not completing his homework and being punished by his teacher to stand in the sun. Police response: The cause of death is not clear. According to the poster news reported on July 15, the staff of Dingzhou Public Security Bureau said in an interview that the incident occurred on July 12. According to the current investigation, no student died of heatstroke due to penalty standing. Because the weather was cloudy and the temperature was 25 to 33 degrees, the public security organ is now actively investigating the cause of death of the deceased. What exactly caused the death is still uncertain. Screenshot of poster news report: Staff from the Education Bureau of Dingzhou City stated that the leaders are currently handling it and have not received any official notification yet. According to media reports, on July 14th, staff from the Beicheng Police Station stated that the police were intervening in the investigation

Why come so late? Are you preparing for a "magnifying move"? Authoritative interpretation by meteorological experts: Typhoon "Taili", the first subtropical typhoon that may make landfall in China this year | Typhoon | China
Why come so late? Are you preparing for a "magnifying move"? Authoritative interpretation by meteorological experts: Typhoon "Taili", the first subtropical typhoon that may make landfall in China this year | Typhoon | China

The Central Meteorological Administration issued a blue typhoon warning at 10:00 on July 15th, and the China Meteorological Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for typhoons at 11:00. The South China Sea tropical depression has strengthened to become the fourth typhoon of the year, Typhoon Taili, this morning. According to the latest forecast from the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon Taili is expected to rapidly strengthen in the future. It is expected to make landfall along the coast from the eastern part of Hainan Island to the western part of Guangdong from the night of the 17th to the morning of the 18th, and may become the first typhoon to make landfall in China this year. Will Typhoon Tali, who has been "late" for a long time, be secretly gathering strength to prepare for "amplification tactics"? Is there really a tendency in recent years for the "initial Taiwan" to be relatively late? What are the changing trends in the overall impact of typhoons on China? Nie Gaozhen, a senior engineer at the Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecasting Center of the China Meteorological Administration, provided a detailed interpretation of the "initial typhoon" and related issues. platform

Chinese scientists create a new type of nonlinear optical crystal that can efficiently achieve laser frequency conversion range | Laser | China
Chinese scientists create a new type of nonlinear optical crystal that can efficiently achieve laser frequency conversion range | Laser | China

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 15 The reporter learned from the press conference held by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 14 that Chinese scientists have successfully created a new type of nonlinear optical crystal, which can efficiently expand the tunable range of lasers, and has broad application prospects in semiconductor wafer detection and other fields. The relevant achievements have been published online in the international academic journal Nature Photonics. GFB crystal devices. Laser light sources have become an important support for high-tech industries, cutting-edge scientific research, and other fields. To meet the needs of different application scenarios, humans need to obtain lasers with different wavelengths and energies. However, the output wavelength of the laser is fixed and the control range is limited, which requires the use of nonlinear optical crystals. Nonlinear optical crystals can be used to convert laser wavelengths, thereby expanding the laser's capabilities

The Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship, the Ark, is used to treat injured Chinese fishermen on the Pacific Ocean | Hospital | Pacific Ocean
The Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship, the Ark, is used to treat injured Chinese fishermen on the Pacific Ocean | Hospital | Pacific Ocean

On July 14th, after more than 60 hours of breaking his right leg, Chinese fisherman Shang welcomed the hope of his life in the South Pacific, thousands of miles away from his motherland. Local time, on the 14th, the Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship temporarily adjusted its route and successfully performed damage control surgery on him. The Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship transports seriously injured fishermen. On the morning of the 11th, Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yun reported that this fisherman accidentally fell into the sea while working in the waters east of Kiribati Tarawa, and was cut by the tail oar of the fishing boat from the front of his right calf, resulting in an open fracture of his tibia and fibula. Due to limited medical conditions on the fishing boat and infection of the wound, his condition continued to worsen and he had to seek help from the Chinese Embassy in Kiribati. At the same time, the Chinese Navy carrying out the "Harmony Mission-2023" mission“

Xinhua All Media+| Summer Tour "Popular" Experience Tour Reintegration - New Trends in Summer Tourism Observation Tourists | Tourism | Trends
Xinhua All Media+| Summer Tour "Popular" Experience Tour Reintegration - New Trends in Summer Tourism Observation Tourists | Tourism | Trends

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 14th (Xinhua) - Summer tourism is becoming popular and experiential tourism is reintegrating - New trends in summer tourism have been observed. Since the summer, with China entering the hottest "dog days" of the year, the tourism market in various regions has shown a significant recovery. Journalists have conducted research in multiple parts of the country and found that the supply of personalized tourism markets such as summer vacations, study tours, and parent-child tours is more abundant. Tourists' travel concepts have evolved from "visiting and checking in" to more immersive "experiences. The popularity of "summer vacation" has just reached an unprecedented peak. Located in the Jiangman Beach Wetland in the center of the city - the Sun Island Scenic Area in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, tourists from all over the country come in a continuous stream. While tasting special cold drinks, people take photos and check in, enjoying the comfort of summer. The temperature in Harbin is very comfortable in summer. This year, the whole family will come to exercise

Low carbon leads towards "green" - green lifestyle becomes a trend and energy-saving | green | life
Low carbon leads towards "green" - green lifestyle becomes a trend and energy-saving | green | life

On July 14th, Beijing, Xinhua News Agency reported that low-carbon leads towards "green" - green lifestyle has become a trend. During the 33rd National Energy Conservation Promotion Week, Xinhua News Agency reporters visited Liuhua Lake Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province to personally experience a training program advocating for young people to develop energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and green low-carbon lifestyle habits. "Caring for the Earth, protecting the environment, and conserving energy and reducing emissions are the responsibilities of every citizen," said Qu Changhong, the captain of the Guangzhou Yuexiu District Sunshine Tour Youth Volunteer Service Center. Over the past 15 years, District Mayor Hong has organized over 3600 volunteer activities. She calls on teenagers to develop good habits from a young age, and to encourage their relatives, friends, citizens, and tourists to work together to save energy and reduce emissions, and to take care of the environment. In the ongoing National Energy Conservation Promotion Week, the Green Life Creation Action

The first sea rail intermodal freight train from Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen will operate as a container | material | train
The first sea rail intermodal freight train from Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen will operate as a container | material | train

On July 14th, with the sound of a train whistle, a container train loaded with production and daily necessities departed from Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen Station. This marks the successful launch of the first sea rail intermodal train from Tianjin Port to Dahongmen, adding another logistics channel between Beijing and Tianjin. The first sea rail intermodal train from Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen is operating. The interviewee provided a picture of the Tianjin Port to Dahongmen sea rail intermodal train jointly built by China Railway Beijing Group and Tianjin Port Group, with an initial plan of running 2 trains per week. The transported goods come from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places, and are transported by sea to Tianjin Port before being transferred to Beijing by railway trains for distribution and entering the market circulation. The opening of the train has achieved seamless connection between Beijing Tianjin sea rail intermodal transportation, building a safe, efficient, green and environmentally friendly transportation and logistics shortcut. Next, Tianjin Port

Orderly Harvest Promotion in Main Production Areas Nearly 30% of Early Rice Harvest in China | Early Rice | Main Production Areas
Orderly Harvest Promotion in Main Production Areas Nearly 30% of Early Rice Harvest in China | Early Rice | Main Production Areas

Beijing, July 15th (People's Daily) - According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of now, 28.7% of early rice has been harvested nationwide, with a progress rate 0.7 percentage points faster than the same period last year. The harvest progress in the main production areas is progressing in an orderly manner. In the autumn season, in the rice fields of Shimen County, Changde City, Hunan Province, a farmer is driving a combine harvester through the rice waves. With the roar of the machine, plump rice ears are sucked into the stomach, and broken straw rushes out from the tail of the machine, harvesting golden early rice, marking the beginning of local machine harvesting of early rice. This year, the cooperative's early rice production has benefited from favorable weather conditions, geographical conditions, and human resources. The planting area has reached 3611 acres, with high-yield fields yielding 571 kilograms per mu and large-scale fields yielding 540 kilograms per mu, achieving three historic highs in early rice planting area, early rice yield per unit area, and total yield

What positive signals are conveyed?, Wang Yi Attends Series of East Asian Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meetings and Cooperation | Series | Foreign Ministers
What positive signals are conveyed?, Wang Yi Attends Series of East Asian Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meetings and Cooperation | Series | Foreign Ministers

The East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Ministers' Meeting was recently held in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the attendance of Wang Yi, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office. After the meeting, unnamed Chinese officials conducted an inventory and believed that compared to previous years, this year's series of foreign ministers' meetings have released more positive signals. One is a more peaceful atmosphere. The atmosphere of the China ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting is friendly and harmonious, and the theme is more focused on practical cooperation. The 10 ASEAN countries generally attach great importance to building a growth center and prioritize development, which is highly in line with China's philosophy.Many foreign ministers stressed that the prosperity of ASEAN is closely linked to the development of China, and they are willing to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality. The meeting was filled with a harmonious atmosphere of the China ASEAN family, with no one raising any controversial issues from beginning to end. At the 10+3 meeting, all parties also noted

What signal did it send? Playing "tiger" on weekends! More than ten members of the "Everbright Group" have been arrested for supervision | Party Secretary | Everbright
What signal did it send? Playing "tiger" on weekends! More than ten members of the "Everbright Group" have been arrested for supervision | Party Secretary | Everbright

Playing the tiger non-stop on weekends. On the 15th, the Chinese government announced that Tang Shuangning, former Party Secretary and Chairman of China Everbright Group Corporation, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. Some comments suggest that the official crackdown on financial corruption indicates a determination to continue to crack down heavily on it. Since 2021, many members of the "Everbright Group" have fallen from grace, including Tang Shuangning, who served as the Chairman and Party Secretary of China Everbright Corporation in June 2007 and retired in December 2017. Tang Shuangning's "Everbright" career lasted for 10 years. Li Xiaopeng, who succeeded him as the Party Secretary and Chairman of China Everbright Group Corporation at the end of 2017, was also investigated after retirement. According to incomplete statistics, including these two tigers, in 2021

Will withdraw from the Thai Prime Minister election, Thai Far Progressive Party leader Bhutta: If the parliament still does not support the Prime Minister election next week. July 13th | Thailand
Will withdraw from the Thai Prime Minister election, Thai Far Progressive Party leader Bhutta: If the parliament still does not support the Prime Minister election next week. July 13th | Thailand

According to Agence France Presse, the leader of the Far Progressive Party in Thailand, Pita Linchalenra, stated on July 15th that he will withdraw from the Thai Prime Minister election if the parliament does not support him next week. According to reports, the Thai legislative body will hold a second round of voting for a new prime minister on July 19th. Pita said that if he still cannot obtain enough votes to be elected as prime minister by then, he will support his coalition partner as a candidate for the Thai party. In a video posted on social media, Pita said, "I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement, but I apologize for our failure." He said, "I am prepared to give Thailand a chance to make the second most voted political party... the party that formed a coalition government." On July 13th, the leader of the Far Progressive Party, Pita Linchalunla, was interviewed by the media in Bangkok, Thailand. Pita is located

Global @ China | Italian former speaker Irene Piveti: looking forward to Italy China "the Belt and Road" cooperation and moving forward design | green | speaker
Global @ China | Italian former speaker Irene Piveti: looking forward to Italy China "the Belt and Road" cooperation and moving forward design | green | speaker

On July 14th, former Speaker of the Italian House of Representatives and Honorary Chairman of the World Green Design Organization, Irene Piveti, attended an event at the Chongyang Institute of Finance at Renmin University of China. In an exclusive interview with www. overseas. com, she praised China's achievements in promoting green development, and looked forward to Italy's cooperation with China in the "the Belt and Road" initiative. "The Italian people were family members in the Middle Ages." "When I first came to China after the COVID-19 epidemic, I was very happy and moved, just like going home! When I saw my friends, I warmly embraced them in an Italian way." At the beginning of the interview, Piveti said with emotion. As the President of the Italian Friendship Association with China, Piveti is not only a witness to the friendship between China and Italy, but also a witness to China's development, with footprints covering the land of China.

Interview: China is a Reliable Partner for Agricultural Development in Congo (Brazzaville) - Interview with Congo's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Ngobo Brazzaville | Reporter | Agriculture
Interview: China is a Reliable Partner for Agricultural Development in Congo (Brazzaville) - Interview with Congo's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Ngobo Brazzaville | Reporter | Agriculture

Brazzaville, July 15 (Xinhua) - China is a reliable partner for the development of agriculture in Congo. Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Ngobo, Congo, is a reliable and trustworthy partner for the development of agriculture in Congo. Congo's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Paul Valentan Ngobo, said in an interview with Xinhua in the capital Brazzaville. Engobo stated that since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1964, agricultural cooperation between Congo and China has continuously developed and achieved fruitful results. For many years, China's food aid has provided charcoal for a large number of households in Congo. The agricultural machinery produced by China is busy operating in the fields of Congo, and the continuous harvest of Chinese crops has helped many Congolese farmers overcome poverty. Engobo attaches great importance to the cooperation in agricultural training between Congo and China, and provides support to the central government located in the suburbs of Brazzaville