The world

Xinhua All Media+Ding Ying, the "Most Beautiful Doctor" and her three "Miao" plants | Ding Ying | Xinhua All Media+
Xinhua All Media+Ding Ying, the "Most Beautiful Doctor" and her three "Miao" plants | Ding Ying | Xinhua All Media+

Zhengzhou, August 19th (Xinhua) -- Ding Ying, the "most beautiful doctor", and her three "Miao" plants. Xinhua reporters Wang Shuo and Tian Xiaohang often shuttle between wards, clinics, and free clinics, even if they are always busy. Ding Ying, the chief physician of the Pediatric Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, 72 years old, always wears a smile. Opening her resume, she found that she has established key specialties and renowned departments in traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, formulated a series of diagnostic and treatment guidelines for advantageous diseases in traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, and led a strong team of talents in traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics... In the garden of traditional Chinese medicine, she has devoted most of her life's hard work and carefully cared for three seedlings. Diagnosis Miao: "Doing pediatrics is a conscientious job." Before 8 o'clock on the weekly consultation day, Ding Ying's consultation room was already filled with children and parents from all over the country. As the assistant placed the thick stack of medical records

The progress of purchasing summer grain in China has exceeded 80%. Grain | Materials | China
The progress of purchasing summer grain in China has exceeded 80%. Grain | Materials | China

CCTV News: The State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves has recently released that as of now, various types of grain enterprises in the main production areas have purchased 55.47 million tons of summer grain, and the procurement progress has exceeded 80%. Wheat is the main variety of summer grain. At present, the peak season wheat procurement in Jiangsu, Anhui, and Hubei has entered the final stage, while the progress in Henan, Hebei, and Shandong is between 70% and 80%. In Leling City, Shandong Province, this year, the local grain and oil reserve warehouse for summer grain procurement has fully implemented the information system for grain purchase and sales supervision. Farmers can achieve full automation of registration, sampling, weighing, unloading, and settlement by relying on an "intelligent IC card" for grain sales, which is convenient and fast. During this year's summer grain procurement period, various grain departments in Jiangsu province promoted the connection between purchasing enterprises and grain selling farmers in terms of supply and demand, guiding farmers to sell grain at appropriate prices in a timely manner and enterprises to receive grain in a balanced and orderly manner. In Huai'an City, in order to enable grain farmers to obtain them in a timely manner

Logo release! How beautiful are Chinese national parks? Let's take a look! Parks | Countries | Signs
Logo release! How beautiful are Chinese national parks? Let's take a look! Parks | Countries | Signs

Today, at the opening ceremony of the second National Park Forum, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration released the China National Park logo. The logo is composed of elements such as the Earth, mountains, water, people, and Chinese calligraphy. The continuous mountains and rivers in the logo form the Chinese character "Zhong", with distinct design features, symbolizing the unity of mountains and water, and people working together to protect natural resources. It demonstrates the organic integration of ecological functions and cultural values, and embodies the global value and national symbol of China's national parks. Let's take a look at the beauty of China's national parks. In October 2021, China officially set up the first batch of national parks, including Sanjiangyuan, giant pandas, Amur tigers and leopards, Hainan tropical rainforest, Mount Wuyi and so on. New update! On the 19th, the person in charge of the China National Forestry and Grassland Administration stated that following the official establishment of the first batch of national parks, China will steadily promote the establishment of new national parks

Focus Interview: Space Experiment Seeking the Space Station between Heaven and Earth | Experiment | Focus Interview
Focus Interview: Space Experiment Seeking the Space Station between Heaven and Earth | Experiment | Focus Interview

CCTV News: At the end of last year, the construction of China's space station was officially completed in orbit, and China's manned spaceflight entered the stage of application and development. Space experiments and experiments have become the most important tasks of manned spaceflight engineering. On August 18th, the China Manned Space Engineering Office held an introduction meeting on the application and development of manned space engineering space, focusing on the achievements in space science, space applications, and space technology since the implementation of manned space engineering projects, especially during the construction of space stations, as well as the future development prospects. What scientific explorations can be conducted in a space laboratory? What kind of connection does it have with us? Rice seeds sprout, tassel, and grow new rice seeds for the first time in space. The first flame is controlled to burn for 30 seconds on the Chinese space station, and astronauts conduct the world's first space mission inside the station

Joining Hands to Share a Shared Destiny, Joining Hands to Promote Development for Countries | Central Africa | Promoting Development
Joining Hands to Share a Shared Destiny, Joining Hands to Promote Development for Countries | Central Africa | Promoting Development

One is the world's largest developing country, and the other is the continent with the most concentrated developing countries. Similar historical experiences and common historical missions have always connected China and Africa closely.

Let the "Rainbow Bridge" of China-South Africa Friendship Extend Continuously-President Xi Jinping's Heart-warming Message Inspires South African Youth Chinese | President | Xi Jinping
Let the "Rainbow Bridge" of China-South Africa Friendship Extend Continuously-President Xi Jinping's Heart-warming Message Inspires South African Youth Chinese | President | Xi Jinping

A heartwarming message crossing the mountains and seas, bringing wishes and hope to the young people here.During the ten years of spring and autumn, this Confucius Institute has trained nearly ten thousand students. Now, the seedlings of the past have

What new discoveries did he make?, Global Connection | Former Senior United Nations Official revisits Yinshan, the birthplace of the "Two Mountains" concept | Concept | Global
What new discoveries did he make?, Global Connection | Former Senior United Nations Official revisits Yinshan, the birthplace of the "Two Mountains" concept | Concept | Global

August 15th this year is China's first National Ecological Day. On this day, Eric Solheim, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the Environment Programme, returned to the long lost city of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. In 2018, he witnessed the beautiful transformation of countless rural areas in Zhejiang with his own eyes, and awarded the highest environmental honor of the United Nations, the "Earth Guardian Award", to the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project in Zhejiang to recognize the enormous green contribution made by this project. Five years later, accompanied by old friends, Solheim revisited Yucun Village, Anji County, Huzhou City, where the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" originated. Solheim discovered that guided by the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", Anji created prosperity while moving towards greenery. As long as we work together, we can create green life

Di Erxiu | Voice of Africa - "The the Belt and Road" has become an accelerator of Africa's overall development International | Africa | Overall
Di Erxiu | Voice of Africa - "The the Belt and Road" has become an accelerator of Africa's overall development International | Africa | Overall

The 15th BRICS summit is about to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, and international attention is once again focused on South Africa. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Di'er was invited to participate in the "China South Africa Friendship Night" organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries on the eve of his trip to Johannesburg for an interview. During the event, South African Ambassador to China Sia Bonga Quelley talked about the far-reaching impact of the "the Belt and Road" on Africa. In his cordial dialogue with reporters, the ambassador not only talked about the integration of culture and music, but also introduced the great progress Africa has made after participating in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". He said that for Africa, the "the Belt and Road" is not only a way to build roads and bridges, but also an accelerator of Africa's overall development. Video screenshot of infrastructure bottlenecks that Africa has long faced with the participation of Chinese companies

One Picture Knows the World | Decoding South African Countries | Ramaphosa | World | Decoding
One Picture Knows the World | Decoding South African Countries | Ramaphosa | World | Decoding

Where is South Africa? How is the relationship between China and South Africa? What are the current highlights of China Africa cooperation? Let's take a picture to understand - Copywriting: Yang Tianmu, Chen Shan, Zhang Yuan, Xu Zhengyuan, Li Xiyan, Visual: Yin Zhelun, Photography: Li Xueren, Zhai Jianlan, Tian Hongyi, Zhang Bo, Yang Lei, Yehil, Li Qihua, Hilaz Mohammad, jointly produced by the New Media Center of the International Department of Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua All Media+| Cultural and Tourism Cooperation Boosts Central Asian Tourism Kyrgyzstan | Tourism | Central Asia
Xinhua All Media+| Cultural and Tourism Cooperation Boosts Central Asian Tourism Kyrgyzstan | Tourism | Central Asia

On August 19th, Xi'an, Xinhua News Agency reported that cultural and tourism cooperation is heating up Central Asia tourism. Xinhua News Agency reporters He Zhanjun and Li Yanan stated that "the magnificent Issyk Lake, the majestic Lenin Peak, numerous tourist routes, and unique ethnic culture make Kyrgyzstan a major tourist destination to attract international tourists." At the 2023 Silk Road International Tourism Expo held in Xi'an, Kyrgyzstan guests extended tourism invitations to Chinese tourists. From August 17th to 20th, the 10th China Western Cultural Industry Expo and the 2023 Silk Road International Tourism Expo were held in Xi'an at the same time. Representatives from 20 countries including France, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Poland, and others participated in the exhibition, and government and enterprise delegations from more than 20 provinces and cities in China attended the event for exchanges. On August 17th,

BRICS Media Call for Enhancing the Voice of Developing Countries Forum | Media | Countries
BRICS Media Call for Enhancing the Voice of Developing Countries Forum | Media | Countries

On August 19th, in Johannesburg, South Africa, Fu Hua, Executive Chairman of the BRICS Media High end Forum and President of Xinhua News Agency, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. On August 19th, the 6th BRICS Media High end Forum was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. About 200 representatives from approximately 100 media, think tanks, international organizations, and other institutions from nearly 30 BRICS and African countries conducted discussions on the theme of "BRICS and Africa: Strengthening Media Dialogue and Sharing a Fair Future", gathering strong forces to build high-quality BRICS partnerships and develop and strengthen the BRICS mechanism. On August 19th, in Johannesburg, South Africa, Fu Hua, Executive Chairman of the BRICS Media High end Forum and President of Xinhua News Agency, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter

Dong Mingzhu's Response to Gree's Defeat in the Top 500: What's So Sad? Dong Mingzhu | Always Compared to Gree
Dong Mingzhu's Response to Gree's Defeat in the Top 500: What's So Sad? Dong Mingzhu | Always Compared to Gree

Introduction: Dong Mingzhu said that seeing a company so healthy and happy is always better than exploding into the Fortune Global 500. On the evening of August 19th, Dong Mingzhu, Chairman and President of Gree Electric Appliances, publicly responded for the first time in a video interview program about Gree Electric Appliances falling from the 2023 Fortune Global 500 list this year. When asked "Are you sad?" Dong Mingzhu said, "What's so sad about?"? Not at all sad. It's better to see a company so healthy and happy than the explosive Fortune Global 500. What is the significance of the Fortune Global 500? Just look at sales revenue. Whether a company is good or not, one has a clear idea in their mind; Whether you are sick or not, you know for yourself. Dong Mingzhu also said, what are the benefits of the Fortune Global 500? The first is that the government will give you a high regard when receiving you; The second is to get a good loan from the bank. But the real development of the enterprise

Transforming achievements to zero?, Universities have spent 131 million yuan on research projects | research funding | achievements
Transforming achievements to zero?, Universities have spent 131 million yuan on research projects | research funding | achievements

Recently, attention has been paid to the fact that a university in Guangxi has achieved a zero conversion rate of 131 million yuan in research funding. One detail is worth noting: the university has received 131 million yuan in research funding and implemented 862 research projects in the past three years. 131 million yuan of funding was evenly distributed among 862 projects, with only 150000 yuan per project. Someone roast: these costs are far from enough for scientific research, and they still want to realize the transformation of achievements? In fact, the problem of "sprinkling pepper noodles" on research funding has long existed, and institutions at all levels are constantly deepening relevant reforms. So, how can research funding be used more effectively? To be classified. Scientific research is a big concept, and there are significant differences between projects, which cannot be generalized. Some projects have strong applicability and clear goals, which are suitable for goal orientation, key investment, and centralized resource research and development; Some projects require freedom

Drainage exceeding one million cubic meters, four national safety production emergency rescue teams in Jilin Drainage Shenyang Team | Rescue | National
Drainage exceeding one million cubic meters, four national safety production emergency rescue teams in Jilin Drainage Shenyang Team | Rescue | National

Since August 9th, the National Work Safety Emergency Rescue Center has led four national professional teams, including the National Mine Emergency Rescue Shenyang Team, Hongtoushan Team, Chaoyang Team, and the National Oil and Gas Pipeline Emergency Rescue Shenyang Team, with 22 vehicles and 107 people, to continue carrying out emergency rescue and drainage in Yushu City, Jilin Province. According to Pengpai News, four national professional teams arrived at the disaster area overnight and quickly carried out on-site surveys, installed water pumps, and other work to discharge accumulated water from farmland and villages. In recent days, the soldiers have been steadfastly guarding the drainage site, overcoming difficulties such as scorching sun, high temperature, rainwater, and mosquito bites. They have been working in shifts 24 hours a day, inspecting and repairing equipment, adjusting the position of mobile water pumps in a timely manner, and always maintaining the maximum drainage capacity. On August 19th, three drainage task points, namely Sanxing Village in Qingshan Township, Zhongxin Village in Hongxing Township, and Yishan Village in Daling Town, were successfully completed, and a total of villagers' houses were discharged

Tokyo, Japan is facing a "water shortage crisis"! Local emergency call for storage capacity | reservoir | crisis
Tokyo, Japan is facing a "water shortage crisis"! Local emergency call for storage capacity | reservoir | crisis

Due to sustained high temperatures and insufficient rainfall, the storage capacity of multiple reservoirs in the Japanese capital area has significantly decreased. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike called on Tokyo residents to respond to the call for water conservation on August 18th. Japanese media say that once the "water shortage" intensifies, the capital area may take measures to restrict water use. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike stated at a press conference on August 18th that the storage capacity of nine reservoirs upstream of the Tone River system, one of Tokyo's main water sources, is significantly lower than the same period in previous years, with an average storage rate of about 66% on August 18th. According to the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau, one of the reservoirs has a storage capacity of only 35.1%. Yuriko Koike said that from the meteorological conditions in the coming period, the storage capacity of the nine reservoirs upstream of the Tone River system may further decrease. She called on Tokyo residents to conserve water, such as brushing their teeth and getting wet

The police can't hold back when they receive the banner! Netizen: The prominent group in the banner industry | police officers | flags
The police can't hold back when they receive the banner! Netizen: The prominent group in the banner industry | police officers | flags

On the morning of August 4th, Mr. Hu from Foshan, Guangdong, brought a banner to the Luocun Police Station of the Nanhai Public Security Bureau. When he opened the banner, the well-informed police officers couldn't hold back their smiles and immediately smiled because the specially made banner in front of him had a unique pattern with a large number written on it. On the afternoon of August 1st, after returning from work to the company dormitory, Mr. Hu found that his drawer had been turned upside down and hundreds of yuan in cash had disappeared. After receiving the alarm, the police officers at the Luocun Police Station successfully arrested the theft suspect in just 6 hours, and all the stolen cash was seized on the spot. "The police broke through the drawer in 6 hours." The case is really fast and 6! An 80 year old man travels hundreds of miles to see off the 95 generation police officer, "Good Child" Jinqi. The 95 generation police officer, Chen Jie, is from Bengbu City, Anhui Province

Three men rescued in northern Myanmar tell the story of one month of horror: if you regret it again by the river, it won't be too late in Bangkok, Thailand | local | man
Three men rescued in northern Myanmar tell the story of one month of horror: if you regret it again by the river, it won't be too late in Bangkok, Thailand | local | man

In early March of this year, three young people in Jiangsu met a netizen who claimed to have introduced them to a "big project" in Bangkok, Thailand that made money. "Anyway, we still have a playful attitude. If we go over and see if we can't, we'll look back." The three young people arrived in Thailand first, and were later sent to the Thai Myanmar border. "When we arrived at that place, let's cross the river, and we felt a bit conflicted. We couldn't leave, so we held a gun against you and forced you to cross the river." The three were detained in a fraud group in northern Myanmar for over a month, and were later rescued and returned home through various efforts. "Just like going to jail", "That's not a place for people to stay", "Eating like pig food"... Click on the video and listen to the rescued man in northern Myanmar recount his one month long horror.

My ship is approaching the Taiwan ship! People's Daily: Taiwan Angelica sinensis, direct attack on the front line! Taiwan Island Surrounding Sea and Air | Theater Command | Taiwan Island
My ship is approaching the Taiwan ship! People's Daily: Taiwan Angelica sinensis, direct attack on the front line! Taiwan Island Surrounding Sea and Air | Theater Command | Taiwan Island

According to @ Eastern Theater Command, on August 19th, the People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command organized a joint sea and air combat readiness police patrol around Taiwan Island, conducting joint exercises with sea and air forces to test the coordinated combat and system confrontation capabilities of the theater's troops.The motherland must be unified, and it will inevitably be unified. "Taiwan Angelica sinensis" immediately topped the hot search list. According to CCTV military news, on August 19th, the Eastern Theater Command organized a joint sea and air combat readiness police patrol around Taiwan Island, holding joint exercises with sea and air forces. After the Joint Operations Command Center of the Eastern Theater Command issued operational instructions, the Navy of the Theater Command deployed multiple destroyers, frigates, and missile fast boats for combat

Actor Zhao Xun posts late at night @ Wuhan Police: Thank you to every responsible police officer in Wuhan | Children | Police
Actor Zhao Xun posts late at night @ Wuhan Police: Thank you to every responsible police officer in Wuhan | Children | Police

On the evening of August 16th at 11:19 pm, actor @ TNT Zhao Xun posted on Weibo @ Ping An Wuhan, Ping An East Lake, thanking the police for taking timely action to rescue his child in a critical moment. Zhao Xun posted on Weibo to thank the Wuhan police for sending his child to the hospital for treatment. Originally, at 9:15 pm that night, Xu Donghu Public Security Bureau Traffic Brigade One Squadron, police officer Guo Jianbo, and Han Police Racing Team member Zhou Mi were on duty in the team. Suddenly, there was a hurried knocking on the door. After opening the door, a woman hurriedly ran into the team and said that her son Zhao suddenly fainted near the entrance of the East Lake Greenway, and urgently needed help. After a simple inquiry, Guo Jianbo asked if the child had suddenly fainted while playing. I decided to use a police car to transport them to the nearby Central South Hospital of Wuhan University. I carefully drove the police car, turned on the alarm lights, sounded the siren, and drove all the way, Guo Jian

The presidential candidate is in a gunfight! Another candidate was shot earlier this month, and the day before the election, the President | Ecuador | had a gunfight
The presidential candidate is in a gunfight! Another candidate was shot earlier this month, and the day before the election, the President | Ecuador | had a gunfight

According to Reuters, on the 19th local time, Ecuadorian presidential candidate and former Vice President Otto Sonnenholtzna reported a gunfight outside a restaurant where he and his family were dining. On the 20th, Ecuadorians will go to polling stations to elect a new president and members of parliament. According to reports, on the 19th local time, Songnen Holtzner posted on social media saying, "Just now, there was a gunfight where my family and I had breakfast. We were all unharmed, but we demanded an investigation into the incident." Videos on social media showed Songnen Holtzner greeting supporters in a restaurant and preparing to take selfies with them, when suddenly gunshots came from outside. The police stated that they are investigating the shooting case reported by Songnen Holtzner. According to reports, Ecuadorians will go to Ecuador on the 20th

Training again after 10 years! China Thailand "Assault 2023" Army Joint Training Friendship | China Thailand | Training
Training again after 10 years! China Thailand "Assault 2023" Army Joint Training Friendship | China Thailand | Training

The opening ceremony of the joint training of the Sino Thai "Assault 2023" Army was held in a special operations battalion camp in Peninsular, Thailand, with over 200 participating officers and soldiers from both sides. This is the second time in a decade since 2013 that the armies of China and Thailand have organized a series of joint "assault" training. ▲ At the ceremony ▲ China and Thailand respectively sang the national anthems of the two countries. Zheng Gang, the commander of the Chinese training team, pointed out that the friendship between the two armies has a long history. This joint training is of great significance for improving the joint anti-terrorism combat capabilities of the two armies and promoting the construction and development of the two countries. ▲ Chinese side's speech: Chakri, the commander of a Thai special forces division, emphasized that military exchanges and cooperation are concrete manifestations of the close relationship between the two countries. He hopes that the officers and soldiers of the two armies can deepen their technical exchanges and accumulate experience through this activity, and enhance the ability of both sides to command, plan, and execute tasks

Outstanding payment of 1.986 billion yuan! SOHO China Warning Supplementary Agreement | Amount | Warning
Outstanding payment of 1.986 billion yuan! SOHO China Warning Supplementary Agreement | Amount | Warning

On August 18th, SOHO China released its interim performance announcement for the year 2023. In the announcement, SOHO China stated that the group may experience cross default. According to the announcement, Beijing Wangjing Sohou Real Estate Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of SOHO China, received a tax payment notice from the local tax authority in August 2022, requiring it to pay RMB 1.733 billion in land value-added tax related to Tower 1 and Tower 2 of the Wangjing SOHO project before September 1, 2022. Starting from the date of tax arrears, an additional late payment fee of 0.05% of the late payment tax will be charged on a daily basis. SOHO China stated in the announcement that as of June 30, 2023, RMB 30.6 million of land value-added tax had been paid, and there was still RMB 1.986 billion of land value-added tax and related late fees that had not been paid. SOHO

Guiding and Cultivating Scientific Interest: Starting from Childhood to Adolescents | Science | Interest
Guiding and Cultivating Scientific Interest: Starting from Childhood to Adolescents | Science | Interest

Youth is the starting stage of life. Children are always curious about the world, with unlimited imagination and a strong thirst for knowledge. Rich and interesting scientific knowledge, such as the universe, the origin of humanity, the animal world, mechanical principles, and even basic knowledge of life, can not only answer children's doubts about the real world, many things and objective phenomena in real life, but also enable them to learn knowledge and gain happiness through observation and thinking, further stimulating their love for science and reverence for science,

How China's New Energy Vehicles "Speed Up All the Way" - Perspective on China's High Quality Development Highlights - Second Industry | China | Highlights
How China's New Energy Vehicles "Speed Up All the Way" - Perspective on China's High Quality Development Highlights - Second Industry | China | Highlights

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 19 (Xinhua) -- How China's New Energy Vehicles "Run Fast All the Way" - Insight into China's High Quality Development Highlights Part 2: Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Kang, Zhang Xinxin, and Wu Huijun. In September 2020, China's cumulative production of new energy vehicles reached 5 million, and in February 2022, it exceeded 10 million, reaching a new level of 20 million vehicles in just 1 year and 5 months. The Chinese automotive industry is steadily advancing towards high-quality development, ranking first in the global production and sales of new energy vehicles for eight consecutive years. New energy vehicles provide a new "track" for the transformation, upgrading, and high-quality development of China's automotive industry. Why does China's new energy vehicles lead the world? What is the "trick" for rapid development? BYD Group announced on August 9th that its production of

Passengers flipping over trains and passing through! The railway department responded that a train was stopped in the urban area of Benxi for nearly an hour! To traffic congestion freight | train | train
Passengers flipping over trains and passing through! The railway department responded that a train was stopped in the urban area of Benxi for nearly an hour! To traffic congestion freight | train | train

On August 18th, a public video reported that in the evening of the same day in Xihu District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province, a train suddenly stopped while passing through the urban area, causing the two-way road to be blocked. The train was suspended for nearly an hour, and several citizens in a hurry climbed over the guardrail to climb onto the train and pass by. A freight train parked in the urban area for a long time at the train stop, causing road congestion. "It's just stopping and not moving, and angry people have started to climb the train." According to a video circulating online, the train has been parked here for a while, and the two sides of the road are so congested that you can't see the end. The main road in the urban area was cut off at the entrance of the train. Da Wan News reporters found through viewing multiple online videos that a train was parked in a high-rise city area, and a wider road was "cut off" by the train. There were more vehicles on both sides of the road

Multiple city supervision departments joining the pharmaceutical anti-corruption storm: publicly soliciting clues on commercial bribery in the pharmaceutical industry. Name | medical | enterprise | promotion | commercial | field | bribery | pharmaceutical
Multiple city supervision departments joining the pharmaceutical anti-corruption storm: publicly soliciting clues on commercial bribery in the pharmaceutical industry. Name | medical | enterprise | promotion | commercial | field | bribery | pharmaceutical

On August 18th, the Market Supervision Administration of Heilongjiang Province announced that it will collect clues on commercial bribery issues in the pharmaceutical industry from August this year to June next year. The solicitation content includes: pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises providing kickbacks to medical institutions or their internal departments and employees under various names or forms, such as borrowing consulting fees, lecture fees, promotion fees, etc; The illegal behavior of pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises using academic conferences, scientific research collaborations, academic support, and donations to transfer benefits. According to the Market Supervision Administration of Heilongjiang Province, this move is aimed at strengthening the supervision of behavior that disrupts market order in the pharmaceutical industry, cracking down on commercial bribery in the pharmaceutical industry, and maintaining a fair competitive market environment in the pharmaceutical industry. Public information shows that in this round of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, market regulatory authorities in multiple regions have successively taken measures. Among them, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision

Due to damage to thousands of acres of forest land, foreign locusts have entered forestry | scale | locusts
Due to damage to thousands of acres of forest land, foreign locusts have entered forestry | scale | locusts

Recently, it was learned from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province that this year, the yellow spine bamboo locust crossed the border from Bennu County and Fengshali County in Laos on June 18 and directly entered the Niuluo River Nature Reserve in Jiangcheng, Yunnan. Subsequently, on July 24, the migration scale reached its maximum. Some populations may migrate to Mengla County in Xishuangbanna Prefecture and Luchun County in Honghe Prefecture. As of August 17th, 3004.5 acres of forest land in Yunnan Province have been damaged to varying degrees by the yellow spine bamboo locust, with the main degree of damage being mild and not yet a disaster. Recently, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province, together with the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Pu'er City and the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Jiangcheng County, dispatched a working group to conduct an on-site investigation of the yellow spine bamboo locust situation in Fengshali Province, Laos. The working group analyzed that the migration and entry scale of yellow spine bamboo locusts in 2023 is likely to exceed that of 2021 and 2022, and the probability of exceeding the scale of 2020 is high

"Tell him to shut up," the woman roared, "You're his father, a 1-year-old baby crying on the high-speed rail in Hunan | Parents | Baby."
"Tell him to shut up," the woman roared, "You're his father, a 1-year-old baby crying on the high-speed rail in Hunan | Parents | Baby."

In public places, children's crying always gives people a headache. However, a woman actually yelled at her 1-year-old baby and parents for crying on the high-speed train. On August 18th, on a high-speed train in Hunan, a baby who cried incessantly angered a nearby female passenger and shouted at her parents, "You're his father, please make him shut up.". According to the photographer's description, the child actually cried for at most 5 minutes. According to the video content, the woman has been repeating disrespectful and impolite words like "can you make him shut up?" to the parents of the child. Her voice is so loud that it even covers the crying of the baby, making the entire passenger in the carriage "sideways". Faced with the aggressive attitude of the woman, the parents of the child explained that the child is only so old and crying is uncontrollable. He is already going to cry, how can he be comforted? however

Russia: US approves F-16 fighter jets as "trains without brakes" for aid to Ukraine
Russia: US approves F-16 fighter jets as "trains without brakes" for aid to Ukraine

After the United States approved Denmark and the Netherlands to provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov criticized the US decision as "reminiscent of a train traveling at full speed without brakes.". On September 30, 2017, an F-16 fighter jet participated in a flight show at Huntington Beach in Orange County, California, USA. Xinhua News Agency reported that the Russian Embassy in the United States posted Antonov's comments on the social media platform "Telegram", stating that the US measures have triggered the above association, and the US has "pushed itself into a dead end" and is making "increasingly crazy decisions" to get out of the predicament. Antonov also said that billions of dollars in military aid from the United States have exploded in conflict areas, and ordinary Americans are increasingly unpopular about military aid to Ukraine