The world

Lack of development is the greatest insecurity. People's Daily Global News: Lack of cooperation is the greatest risk in the world | economy | risk
Lack of development is the greatest insecurity. People's Daily Global News: Lack of cooperation is the greatest risk in the world | economy | risk

China is an opportunity, not a risk ". The real risk that the international community should be vigilant against and jointly resist is to promote "de-sinicization" in the name of "de-risk". Recently, "de-risk" is replacing "decoupling" and has become a new argument for some Western politicians when talking about economic relations with China. It is used to beautify and package a series of negative policies aimed at "de-sinicization. The so-called "de-risking" is essentially politicizing and ideologizing economic and trade issues, violating economic laws, disrupting the security and stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and ultimately hindering the recovery of the world economy. "'de-risk' may be more slick than 'de-coupling." The New York Times said. The last US government's high-profile "decoupling theory" proved to be an unrealistic fantasy.

Chinese representatives clarify their solemn stance on Japan's strong push for nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea at the Human Rights Council | Ocean | Japan | Council
Chinese representatives clarify their solemn stance on Japan's strong push for nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea at the Human Rights Council | Ocean | Japan | Council

On July 4th, a Chinese representative pointed out at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council that Japan's strong push for nuclear contaminated water to be discharged into the sea, using economic costs as a reason to choose to discharge into the ocean, is equivalent to transferring the risk of nuclear pollution to all humanity, which will cause major global marine environmental and public health problems, and cause a larger range of displacement issues. We hope that the international community will pay close attention to this. The representative of China emphasized that Japan's actions violate international moral responsibility and international legal obligations such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Convention on Dumping. The Chinese side once again urges Japan to stop its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and to dispose of it in a scientific, safe, and transparent manner, and to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency to establish a long-term international monitoring mechanism that includes the participation of Japan's neighboring countries and other stakeholders as soon as possible.

US climate data marks July 3rd as the hottest single day ocean on record on Earth | Management Agency | Data
US climate data marks July 3rd as the hottest single day ocean on record on Earth | Management Agency | Data

On July 4th local time, Capitol Hill reported that according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 3rd was the hottest day on record on Earth. According to analysis data from the University of Maine, the global average temperature 2 meters above the Earth's surface reached 62.62 degrees Fahrenheit or 17.01 degrees Celsius on July 3rd. Robert Rhodes, a geographer at the University of California, Berkeley, said that extreme high temperatures are a result of climate change and El Ni ñ o weather patterns, which may cause parts of the northern United States and Canada to become warmer and drier than usual. Rod warned that even hotter weather is expected in the next month and a half.

Reminder to Chinese citizens to strengthen security precautions, Chinese Embassy: The situation between Palestine and Israel is once again tightening, report to the police | Phone | Situation
Reminder to Chinese citizens to strengthen security precautions, Chinese Embassy: The situation between Palestine and Israel is once again tightening, report to the police | Phone | Situation

The Chinese Embassy in Israel issued a security reminder on July 4, saying that at present, the situation between Palestine and Israel is tightening again. The Chinese Embassy in Israel hereby reminds Chinese citizens in Israel to pay close attention to the local security situation, effectively enhance security awareness, strengthen security precautions, stay away from dangerous areas, and ensure personal and property safety. In case of emergency, please call the police and contact the embassy in time. Israel Alarm Phone: 972-100 Medical Emergency Phone: 972-101 Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center Phone: 86-10-12308 or 86-10-65912308 Chinese Embassy in Israel Consular Protection Phone: 972-3-5459520

New Delhi Declaration Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States
New Delhi Declaration Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States

On July 4, 2023, leaders of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held a meeting of the Council of Heads of State via video and issued the following declaration: The world is undergoing unprecedented transformation and transformation, entering a new era of technological development, and the effectiveness of the global system needs to be improved. The trend of multipolarity in the world is strengthening, interdependence among countries is deepening, and the process of digitization is accelerating. At the same time, various challenges and threats are more complex, dangerous, and destructive, with existing conflicts intensifying and new ones emerging one after another. The global technological and digital divide is widening, the financial market continues to be turbulent, investment shrinks, the supply chain is unstable, protectionism is on the rise and other international trade barriers are increasing, global climate change and the COVID-19 have exacerbated the instability and uncertainty of the world economy, and have contributed to economic growth, social welfare and food security

What is the weather like nationwide? Latest Forecast!, This year's midsummer precipitation | climate | weather
What is the weather like nationwide? Latest Forecast!, This year's midsummer precipitation | climate | weather

Today, the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Administration released the national climate trend and major meteorological disaster forecast in midsummer. During the midsummer of this year, China's climate conditions were general to deviant, with more extreme weather and climate events. △ CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video The China Meteorological Administration predicts that in July and August, there will be more precipitation in Northeast, North China, East China and other places. Among them, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shanghai and other places have precipitation 20 to 50% more than the same period in previous years. Songhua River, Nenjiang River, Liaohe River, Huaihe River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River may have heavy flood conditions. Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center: There are many extreme weather and climate events, especially meteorological disasters such as high temperature heat waves, periodic heavy precipitation, and heavy rains and floods. In addition, in July, the temperature in most parts of the country was close to the same all year round.

Philippines issues El Ni ñ o warning number 1 | Phenomenon | El Ni ñ o
Philippines issues El Ni ñ o warning number 1 | Phenomenon | El Ni ñ o

The Philippine National Weather Service issued an El Ni ñ o Warning No. 1 on the 4th local time, stating that an El Ni ñ o phenomenon has occurred in the tropical Pacific region and will have an impact on the Philippines. At a press conference that day, the organization announced the upgrade of the previously issued El Ni ñ o warning to an alert. The Philippine National Meteorological Administration issued an El Ni ñ o warning in early May, stating that there is an 80% chance of El Ni ñ o occurring in the country from June to August and it will continue until the first quarter of 2024. The Philippine National Meteorological Administration stated that some areas of the country have been affected by the El Ni ñ o phenomenon. According to Solis, the head of the Climate Monitoring and Forecasting Department of the Philippine National Meteorological Administration, as of June 30th local time, based on rainfall data from the past three months, Abayao Province, Cagayan Province, and Kalinga Province have experienced a drought period

The person in charge of the National Basketball Education Rectification Mobilization and Deployment Meeting held by the Chinese Basketball Association | Basketball | Deployment
The person in charge of the National Basketball Education Rectification Mobilization and Deployment Meeting held by the Chinese Basketball Association | Basketball | Deployment

In order to further purify the atmosphere of the basketball industry and promote the high-quality development of basketball, the Chinese Basketball Association held a national mobilization and deployment meeting for basketball education rectification in Qingdao on the 4th. Liu Guoyong, Deputy Director of the General Administration of Sport of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yao Ming, Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, presided over the meeting. Guo Zhenming, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Basketball Association, announced the work plan for education rectification. The education rectification work plan clearly defines the goals, tasks, work principles, and coverage scope of education rectification. This education rectification will focus on strengthening political construction, ideological construction, work style construction, discipline construction, and institutional construction, promoting the further strengthening of the Party's leadership in the basketball field, improving political standing, enhancing awareness of integrity, self-discipline, system, integrity, and safety, effectively rectifying professional conduct and discipline, optimizing the development environment, and effectively enhancing the national level

Taiwanese artist Aaron Yan has been restricted from leaving the country and is accused of sexually exploiting a teenager who leaked information. Shooting and responding to the incident, including the teenager's sexual exploitation, the forest, the prosecutor's office, and Aaron Yan
Taiwanese artist Aaron Yan has been restricted from leaving the country and is accused of sexually exploiting a teenager who leaked information. Shooting and responding to the incident, including the teenager's sexual exploitation, the forest, the prosecutor's office, and Aaron Yan

On the evening of July 3, Yan Yalun went to the local prosecutor's office to receive the interrogation of Taiwan, China male artist Yan Yalun, who was accused of having forced sex with minors and shooting indecent videos, which continued to attract attention in the island.On the 3rd, the Shilin District Prosecutors Office commanded the Taipei City Police Department's Women and Children's Police Team to search Yan Yalun's residence, studio, and other three locations. The search was completed in the afternoon of the same day, and items such as mobile phones were seized. On the same day, Yan Yalun went to the Shilin District Prosecutor's Office on his own and was accompanied by a lawyer for interrogation. Subsequently, Yan Yalun publicly responded, "The most important thing now is to fully cooperate."

12 confirmed deaths, South Korean police investigate 193 cases of "ghost baby" involving the death of a female infant. Police | Baby
12 confirmed deaths, South Korean police investigate 193 cases of "ghost baby" involving the death of a female infant. Police | Baby

The South Korean National Police Agency reported on the 4th that 193 cases involving "ghost babies" with unregistered registered residence were under investigation, and 12 people were confirmed dead. After the media exposed the "Suwon Freezer Infant Death Case" last month, the South Korean government has launched nationwide investigations. The National Police Department stated that a total of 209 reports involving "ghost babies" have been received at this stage, and an investigation is currently underway on 193 of them. The so-called "ghost baby" refers to the baby who has a birth record in the hospital but has no registered residence. The police have confirmed the deaths of 12 people, obtained the whereabouts of 20 people, and are still searching for the whereabouts of 177 people. Among the 12 deaths, the police determined that 7 of them were not related to a crime and launched a criminal investigation into the deaths of the remaining 5. Among the 20 people who were found missing, the police confirmed that 9 of them received good care and decided to close the case.

1 person rescued and 4 people lost contact. A car on the Jishan Bridge in Queshan, Henan was washed away by floods | Accident | Jishan
1 person rescued and 4 people lost contact. A car on the Jishan Bridge in Queshan, Henan was washed away by floods | Accident | Jishan

On the evening of July 3rd, an accident occurred at the Jishan Bridge in Queshan County, Zhumadian, Henan Province. A car was washed away by floods, with 5 people inside. As of the afternoon of July 4th, one person who fell into the water has been rescued, and four people have been lost. The search and rescue work is still ongoing. The approach bridge of Jishan Bridge was cut off by the flood, according to online video footage. The approach bridge of Jishan Bridge was cut off by the flood, and the riverside section was blocked. The river was turbulent, and the situation was severe. On July 4th, the reporter saw at the scene that the approach bridge of Jishan Bridge had indeed been cut off by floods. It is understood that the Jishan Bridge is a submerged bridge, which is a simple bridge built on a river. The bridge elevation is designed according to the normal water level, allowing water to overflow from the bridge deck during floods, and prohibiting passage when water overflows the bridge deck. On the afternoon of July 4th, the reporter contacted a villager from He Damao Village who did not want to be named. The villager revealed, "Jishan."

Latest announcement! 8 cities and counties are encouraged and commended by the State Council | Forest Chief System | Cities and Counties
Latest announcement! 8 cities and counties are encouraged and commended by the State Council | Forest Chief System | Cities and Counties

The results of the 2022 forest chief incentive system were recently announced. Eight cities and counties, including Chengde City in Hebei Province and Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, were awarded incentives and commendations by the State Council, while 23 cities and counties, including Miyun District in Beijing and Jizhou District in Tianjin, were commended by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. The National Forestry and Grassland Administration, in accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening Supervision and Incentives under the New Situation and the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Supervision and Incentives in 2023, and in accordance with the Implementation Measures for Forest Chief System Incentives, organized the selection of local forest chief system incentives in 31 cities and counties for 2022. Among them, eight cities and counties, including Chengde City in Hebei Province, Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, Chuzhou City in Anhui Province, Sanming City in Fujian Province, Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province, Yueyang County in Hunan Province, Pingyuan County in Guangdong Province, and Jiangkou County in Guizhou Province, have achieved results in implementing the forest tenure system comprehensively

Conflict intensifies in the Sudanese capital circle! The armed forces want to cut off the supply line of the rapid support force to support the armed forces
Conflict intensifies in the Sudanese capital circle! The armed forces want to cut off the supply line of the rapid support force to support the armed forces

On July 4th local time, the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force in the capital area of Khartoum and its surrounding cities of North Khartoum and Entuman continued to escalate, with both sides using heavy artillery, rocket launchers and other weapons and equipment to attack each other. The Sudanese Armed Forces have also repeatedly dispatched fighter jets to bomb targets of the Rapid Support Force, which has used anti-aircraft guns and missiles to counterattack and claimed to have shot down a Sudanese Armed Forces MiG fighter jet on the same day. The Sudanese Armed Forces have not yet responded to this. The security situation in the city of Entuman is the most tense, as it is located on a supply line for rapid support forces to transport troops and weapons from Darfur in western Sudan to the capital circle. The Sudanese Armed Forces recently launched a large-scale operation using special forces in the city, intending to cut off the supply line of the rapid support forces. Both sides

"A girl was bullied in the basement by the police | bullying | the basement" was reported locally and a video was taken
"A girl was bullied in the basement by the police | bullying | the basement" was reported locally and a video was taken

On July 4th, Fenyang City, Lvliang, Shanxi Province, announced a case of underage bullying to the public. Two underage individuals who participated in the bullying and were over 14 years old were subjected to criminal coercive measures by the police. On June 28th, the Cybersecurity Brigade of Fenyang Public Security Bureau discovered a video circulating online showing a girl being bullied in the basement during daily patrols. The video shows multiple underage men and women bullying a girl through beating, insulting, and other means. The video has attracted high attention from the Fenyang Public Security Bureau, and the Cybersecurity Brigade and Criminal Investigation Brigade have been immediately arranged to carry out verification and disposal work. After investigation by the police, it was found that the case occurred on March 30, 2023. Eight minors bullied an underage girl in an unmanned basement of a residential area in Fenyang City and recorded a video. On June 29th, the Fenyang Public Security Bureau investigated the two individuals involved in the case

Triggering strong aversion to war, the United States becomes militaristic. The US Army | Forces | United States
Triggering strong aversion to war, the United States becomes militaristic. The US Army | Forces | United States

The US media has exposed that the increasing deployment of global missile defense systems has made the US military overloaded, making it difficult for them to operate, and even leading to fatigue and war weariness. The deployment of global missile defense systems is putting the US military in a tight position. According to CNN, the US Army's air defense forces are one of the most deployed overseas branches, with 60% of their total troops deployed overseas. They have deployed missile defense systems around the world. The report points out that the US Army's air defense forces are one of the most overworked units in the US military. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022, the US Army air defense forces in Europe are maintaining the highest level of alert and combat readiness to protect NATO allies in Eastern Europe. At the same time, the unit is also conducting defense for the Ukrainian military, including the US Patriot missile

"Good sir" transforms into "tycoon boss" online! He has been soliciting bribes from businessmen more than 30 times due to his insatiable desires
"Good sir" transforms into "tycoon boss" online! He has been soliciting bribes from businessmen more than 30 times due to his insatiable desires

Huang Yong, male, born in March 1969, started working in August 1990 and joined the CPC in May 2002. Formerly served as the head of the Market and Contract Supervision and Management Department of the Changshou District Administration for Industry and Commerce in Chongqing; The head of the Construction and Development Department of the Changshou Lake Scenic Area Management Committee in Changshou District, and concurrently serves as the Manager of the Engineering Management Department of Chongqing Changshou Ecological Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd; Member of the Party Committee, Director, and Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Changshou Ecological Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd. In March 2022, Huang Yong was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Changshou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In July 2022, Huang Yong was expelled from the Party and from public office; His suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution, and the involved property was also transferred. In November 2022, Huang Yong was convicted of bribery and sentenced to death in Changshou District

Soliciting bribes of over 600000 yuan? Xiangxiang Joint Investigation Team: The former director of a police station has been dismissed as a teacher | director | police station
Soliciting bribes of over 600000 yuan? Xiangxiang Joint Investigation Team: The former director of a police station has been dismissed as a teacher | director | police station

Recently, there have been rumors online that the director of Longdong Police Station in Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, has demanded over 600000 yuan in bribes, which has attracted attention. According to media reports, in early June, the whistleblower Zhang reported in real name through the internet, phone, and email, claiming that Wan, the former director of the Longdong Police Station in Xiangxiang City, had bribed the whistleblower's daughter more than ten times in six months as the leader of the special task force involved in the case, on the grounds of helping to maintain relationships and reducing punishment, accumulating over 600000 yuan. On July 4th, the joint investigation team of Xiangxiang City issued a report on this matter. Recently, relevant information about Wan Qijun, former director of Longdong Police Station of Xiangxiang City Public Security Bureau and current instructor of Dongjiao Police Station, appeared online. Xiangxiang City attaches great importance to this and has established a joint investigation team to quickly carry out inspections. At present, Wan Qijun has been relieved of his position as a instructor at the Dongjiao Police Station. Related matters are under further investigation

New film starts, Zhang Yimou officially announces the movie | Lei Jiayin | official announcement
New film starts, Zhang Yimou officially announces the movie | Lei Jiayin | official announcement

73 year old Zhang Yimou still maintains a strong creative ability. His new film "Article 20", directed by him, recently premiered in Langfang, Hebei. According to relevant information, the film stars Lei Jiayin and Ma Li and is a "new realism" film with comedic elements. It is reported that the film is expected to be released in next year's Spring Festival season. According to netizens, director Zhang Yimou's "New Realism" legal themed film "Article 20" was officially launched on the morning of July 1st at a high school in Langfang, Hebei. The opening ceremony was held in an indoor basketball court, and Director Zhang Yimou was dressed in white summer clothes and in good condition. Several leading actors, including Lei Jiayin, Ma Li, Gao Ye, Liu Yaowen, etc., all appeared at the filming site in Langfang. At the opening ceremony of Article 20, the plot of the film has already been exposed online: Prosecutor Han Mingren arrives in China

Strict statement!, CITIC Group Name | Company | CITIC Group
Strict statement!, CITIC Group Name | Company | CITIC Group

China Fund News Dawn: Once again, central enterprise groups have taken action to crack down on counterfeits! The protagonist this time is CITIC Group. On July 4th, the official website of CITIC Group issued a stern statement stating that there were illegal elements using the name of a subsidiary of CITIC Group to establish a company, and a list of 18 "fake CITIC" companies was listed. CITIC Group claims that the criminals registered its subsidiaries Beijing CITIC Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing CITIC Enterprise Project Management Co., Ltd. as shareholders by forging official seals, submitting false materials with signatures, and concealing facts through fraudulent means. Recently, there have been numerous "Li Gui" companies that impersonate the identity of central enterprises for external business, and the number of state-owned enterprises and central enterprise groups that have taken measures to crack down on counterfeits continues to increase. Since June, multiple companies including State Power Investment Corporation, China Railway Group, and COMAC have issued similar statements, exposing“

NASA's latest satellite image: Canadian wildfire smoke has drifted to Europe, USA | Wildfire | Canada
NASA's latest satellite image: Canadian wildfire smoke has drifted to Europe, USA | Wildfire | Canada

In recent times, due to the "most severe" wildfires in Canadian history, air pollution has been severe in many parts of Canada and the United States, and the scope of this impact is still expanding. According to the Associated Press, the latest satellite images from NASA show that smoke from wildfires in northern Quebec, Canada has drifted across the sea to parts of Europe. Satellite images released by NASA on July 3 show that the haze generated by wildfires in northern Quebec, Canada has crossed the North Atlantic and spread to parts of the Iberian Peninsula and Western Europe. Canadian officials have stated that Canada is experiencing the worst wildfire season in its history. As long as wildfires continue to burn, air quality throughout the summer will be a serious problem. Officials from the fire and environmental departments said that due to this year's gas shortage

Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria announced on the same day!, About Crude Oil Release | Measures | Crude Oil
Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria announced on the same day!, About Crude Oil Release | Measures | Crude Oil

Saudi Arabia announced a one month extension of its daily reduction of 1 million barrels of crude oil. On July 3rd local time, the Saudi Ministry of Energy announced that the voluntary additional daily reduction of 1 million barrels of crude oil, which began in July, will be extended for one month until the end of August, and may be further extended. Starting from May this year, Saudi Arabia voluntarily reduced its daily crude oil production by 500000 barrels, and in July, it voluntarily reduced its daily crude oil production by an additional 1 million barrels. After two production cuts, Saudi Arabia's daily crude oil production has decreased to 9 million barrels since July this year. It is reported that Saudi Arabia's move is aimed at jointly maintaining the stability of the international crude oil market with OPEC+countries. Russia will reduce its oil exports by 500000 barrels per day in August. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak announced on July 3rd local time that Russia will reduce its oil exports by 500000 barrels per day in August

Police report: Female auxiliary police officers who insult citizens have been transferred from their positions and cooperate with the investigation! Electric vehicle | law enforcement | auxiliary police
Police report: Female auxiliary police officers who insult citizens have been transferred from their positions and cooperate with the investigation! Electric vehicle | law enforcement | auxiliary police

On July 2nd, in Liaocheng, Shandong, it was rumored online that a female "traffic police officer" in Dong'a County insulted citizens, threatened to "kill you", and even prepared to kick and kick a woman riding an electric bike. She was then taken away by colleagues. On the early morning of July 4th, the Dong'a Brigade of the Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of Liaocheng Public Security Bureau issued a situation report: On the afternoon of June 23rd, 2023, the police officers of the urban squadron of the brigade led auxiliary police to carry out a special rectification action on non-standard helmet wearing when riding electric bicycles at the intersection of Wenhua Street and Fuqian Street. At around 16:00, auxiliary police officer Shi discovered that He was riding an electric bicycle without a helmet, so he went forward to remind and advise him. He refused to cooperate with persuasion and had a dispute and physical conflict with Shi, resulting in a scratch on Shi's hand. Shi lost control of his emotions and acted aggressively, but was promptly stopped by colleagues on duty. Currently, Mr. Shi has

Wang Gongcheng takes office as Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Tobacco | General Manager | National Tobacco Monopoly Administration | China | CSR | Party Committee | Wang Gongcheng | Group
Wang Gongcheng takes office as Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Tobacco | General Manager | National Tobacco Monopoly Administration | China | CSR | Party Committee | Wang Gongcheng | Group

On July 4th, the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released information on the appointment and dismissal of national staff members by the State Council. Among them, Wang Gong was appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration. Before taking office, Wang Gongcheng served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of CRRC Corporation Limited, as well as a member and Vice President of the Party Committee of CRRC Corporation Limited. According to publicly available information, Wang Gongcheng, born in 1972, holds a university degree and is a senior engineer. Wang Gongcheng has served as the Deputy General Manager of CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd., Director of the Office of CRRC Group, Deputy Chief Economist and Director of the Board of Directors Office of CRRC Group, and Minister of the Party Committee Propaganda Department. He has also served as the Executive Director, General Manager, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CRRC Luoyang Locomotive Co., Ltd., Director of Safety Production of CRRC Group, and Assistant to the General Manager of CRRC Group. In 2015, the former North South Car Group was restructured and merged, and the palace was established

China and Honduras official announcement! Launching Free Trade Agreement Negotiations | Honduras | Official Announcement
China and Honduras official announcement! Launching Free Trade Agreement Negotiations | Honduras | Official Announcement

On July 4th, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Minister of Economic Development of Honduras Serato, representing the governments of both countries, announced the launch of negotiations on the China Honduras Free Trade Agreement through video conferencing. On March 26, 2023, China established diplomatic relations with Honduras, marking a new stage of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.Launching negotiations on the China Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement is conducive to deepening practical cooperation in the economic and trade fields between the two countries, providing assistance for further improving the quality and level of bilateral trade, strengthening investment and cooperation in various fields.

The Chinese Association for Science and Technology has issued the "Ten Prohibitions" to strictly enforce the selection of academicians by boycotting inappropriate behaviors such as soliciting Tora votes
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology has issued the "Ten Prohibitions" to strictly enforce the selection of academicians by boycotting inappropriate behaviors such as soliciting Tora votes

Beijing, July 4th (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Association for Science and Technology is currently organizing the selection of candidates for academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023. In order to make the selection process open, fair, and just, and maintain the academic, honorary, and pure nature of the academician title, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology issued the "Ten Prohibitions" for recommending academician candidates on the 4th, proposing 10 requirements for relevant parties in the Association for Science and Technology system to recommend academician candidates. Among them, national academic organizations strictly follow the selection process to organize selections and are not allowed to carry out any activities that may affect or interfere with the selection work; Individuals who have been dealt with due to moral misconduct, academic misconduct, and violations of technological ethics are not allowed to be selected as candidates for academicians. Candidates and their units are not allowed to directly or indirectly, express or imply, or entrust others to engage in petitioning, lobbying, soliciting votes, assisting in elections, or bribery

Early Reading | SAIC Announces Construction of Production Base in Europe | Sales | Europe
Early Reading | SAIC Announces Construction of Production Base in Europe | Sales | Europe

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the 18th of the 5th lunar month, Shanghai was cloudy to overcast, with short showers or thunderstorms in some areas, turning cloudy to cloudy around noon, sometimes showers or thunderstorms in southern areas, 27~33 ℃ Today's Concern ▌ SAIC announced that it would build a production base in Europe. ※ yesterday, SAIC released overseas business sales data for the first half of the year. In the first half of 2023, SAIC sold 530000 vehicles in overseas markets, up 40% year-on-year. Among them, independent brand sales accounted for more than 70%,MG in the first half of the global sales totaled 370000 vehicles. On the same day, SAIC announced that it will build a production base in Europe and is currently in the process of site selection. Europe has grown into the first 200,000-car market for SAIC's overseas business. This is SAIC's decision

Soros's fourth son takes the first shot! Global layoffs of no less than 40% Foundation | Society | Global
Soros's fourth son takes the first shot! Global layoffs of no less than 40% Foundation | Society | Global

Recently, legendary investor George Soros, known as the "financial giant," announced that his $25 billion non-profit organization, the Open Society Foundation, has agreed to make significant changes to the fund's operating model in the coming months, including measures such as layoffs of no less than 40% globally and restructuring of various executive positions. It is worth noting that only a few weeks ago, 92 year old Soros officially decided to hand over control of the Open Society Foundation and other businesses to his fourth son Alexander Soros. According to public information, the $25 billion "Financial Empire" was founded by Soros in 1979. According to The Wall Street Journal, in December last year, members of the Open Society Foundation's board of directors quietly elected Alexander to succeed them

What are the special signals of this disease?, I'm only 30 years old! Famous fitness internet celebrity suddenly passes away in the brain | aneurysm | fitness website
What are the special signals of this disease?, I'm only 30 years old! Famous fitness internet celebrity suddenly passes away in the brain | aneurysm | fitness website

Today, the topic of # fitness internet celebrity Lasi Ge's passing # has surged on the hot search. On July 1st local time, Jo Linder, a German fitness internet celebrity known as "Rasco" by domestic netizens, passed away at the age of 30 due to a sudden arterial aneurysm. According to Metro, Jo Lindner complained of neck pain before falling down and losing consciousness. He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with an aneurysm, a protrusion in a blood vessel that could rupture and cause cerebral hemorrhage. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, they were unable to save Jo Lindner's life and he ultimately died in the arms of his girlfriend. Shortly after the incident, his fitness partner and friend Noel Deyzel confirmed his death on Instagram and published an article

Minister of Commerce Meets with Yohei Kono and His Delegation: China's Open Door Will Not Close Cooperation | Association | Yohei Kono and His Delegation
Minister of Commerce Meets with Yohei Kono and His Delegation: China's Open Door Will Not Close Cooperation | Association | Yohei Kono and His Delegation

On July 4th, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with the visiting delegation of the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade led by President Yohei Kono in Beijing. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on China's reform and opening up policy, Sino Japanese economic and trade relations, cooperation in emerging fields, and stability of industrial and supply chains. Wang Wentao positively praised the contributions made by the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade in promoting economic and trade cooperation between the two countries over the years, stating that the door to China's opening-up will not be closed, but will only open wider and wider. He hopes that the association will continue to uphold the concept of "promoting politics through economy and promoting officials through the people" and promote stronger economic dialogue and exchanges between China and Japan. Wang Wentao stressed that China is promoting Chinese path to modernization and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, which will bring more development opportunities for enterprises from all countries, including Japan, to invest in China. Welcome the Japanese side to expand green and low-carbon, medical and elderly care, and digital technology

Foreign media: The achievements of the Expo highlight the enormous potential of China Africa cooperation in economy and trade | Expo | Achievements
Foreign media: The achievements of the Expo highlight the enormous potential of China Africa cooperation in economy and trade | Expo | Achievements

According to the Traditional Times website on July 2nd, the third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, held in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, came to an end on July 2nd. At least 120 projects with a total amount of 10.3 billion US dollars were signed at this expo. This year's expo also released 99 docking and cooperation projects with a total amount of 8.7 billion US dollars, of which 11 African countries released 74 docking projects, the largest number in history. Nearly 1600 categories of goods from 29 African countries participated in the exhibition, an increase of 166% compared to the previous edition. In addition, there were 1500 exhibitors, an increase of 70% compared to the previous edition. The Namibian Ambassador to China Elia George Kayamo spoke highly of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and stressed the importance of cooperation with China in infrastructure, connectivity, economy and trade. Kayamo said, "We attended the meeting."