The world

Venezuelan Defense Minister: The United States Becomes the "Biggest Threat" in Latin America | Hegemony | The United States
Venezuelan Defense Minister: The United States Becomes the "Biggest Threat" in Latin America | Hegemony | The United States

According to a report by Efi on August 16th, Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez stated that the United States poses the greatest threat to the security of Latin America, considering its attempt to permanently maintain its hegemony over Latin America. According to reports, Lopez stated at the Moscow International Security Conference that "the main threat to security and peace in Latin America is the actions taken by the United States to maintain its declining hegemony at the political, economic, and military levels." Lopez believes that the United States will do everything possible to "make Latin America obey its interests," and therefore "the United States has increased its military activities in the region.". He said that so far this year, the US Southern Command, headquartered in Florida, has conducted 11 exercises. ▲ Information image: Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Pade

Southern Theater Command Release: China Arrives for Training | Thailand | China
Southern Theater Command Release: China Arrives for Training | Thailand | China

On the morning of August 16th Beijing time, a Chinese participating training unit from a certain brigade of the 74th Army Group, which participated in the Sino Thai "Assault 2023" Army Joint Training, arrived at the joint training area in Thailand through air transportation. ▲ Boarding in an orderly manner ▲ Security clearance ▲ Loading and unloading before the mobile departure, the Chinese training team lined up neatly, full of spirit, and with high morale. At the oath taking ceremony, all participating officers and soldiers raised their right fists and solemnly took the oath. The joint training of the Sino Thai "Assault 2023" Army during the expedition ceremony will be held in Thailand from mid August to early September. The joint training focuses on joint anti-terrorism operations, aiming to strengthen the anti-terrorism cooperation between the Chinese and Thai armies, promote the development of the relationship between the two armies, and play a positive role in maintaining regional peace and stability. ▲ Training Preparation: Zheng Gang, the commander of the Chinese participating training team, stated that this joint training is beneficial for both armies

New research: narrowing the gap in life expectancy between men and women | life expectancy | men and women
New research: narrowing the gap in life expectancy between men and women | life expectancy | men and women

Reference News recently published an article on the website of Deutsche Welle radio station titled "The Gap in Life Expectancy between Men and Women Narrows". The summary of the report is as follows: For decades, the growth rate of life expectancy among women has been higher than that of men, but by the end of the 20th century, the gap in life expectancy between men and women began to narrow. Scholars from the German Federal Institute of Population Studies conducted a detailed investigation and study on the causes of death in 228 regions of seven European countries. A study found that in the mid-1990s, the life expectancy of men in these countries and regions was 7 years shorter than that of women. But in the past 10 years, this gap has narrowed to 5 and a half years. In southern Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland, the gap in life expectancy between men and women is the lowest. He is 3.5 years old in Munich and its surrounding areas in Germany. However, in parts of eastern Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia

Taiwanese media: First exposure of footage of Taiwan's long-range cruise missile | Cruise missile | First time
Taiwanese media: First exposure of footage of Taiwan's long-range cruise missile | Cruise missile | First time

The footage of the launch of the Taiwanese military's "Xiongfeng" -2E cruise missile, which was hyped up by Taiwanese media, has been exposed for the first time. Suspected footage of the launch of the Xiongfeng-2E cruise missile has been exposed for the first time. According to a report by the Taiwanese media "United Daily News" on August 16th, in the early morning of that day, the "Zhongshan Academy of Sciences" of Taiwan tested and fired a "Xiongfeng" -2E cruise missile at the Jiupeng Base. The launch footage roughly shows the shape of the missile. The United Daily reported that this is the first exposure of the Xiongfeng-2E cruise missile in over a decade of service. The report stated that the missile immediately entered the cruise phase after dropping the rocket booster, with a flight time of more than one hour. The "Xiongfeng" -2E cruise missile is propelled by a rocket booster to leave the launch pad and reach a certain speed during takeoff, and then abandons the booster and deploys the wings. It is powered by the "Kunpeng" turbofan engine carried on the missile

The total sales expenses of A-share pharmaceutical companies in the past decade have exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan: where did the money go? Academic | Market | A-share
The total sales expenses of A-share pharmaceutical companies in the past decade have exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan: where did the money go? Academic | Market | A-share

The anti-corruption storm that began in July is sweeping across the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. After the alleged violations of "conference fees" and "visit fees" were exposed, the sales expenses of pharmaceutical companies have become the focus of external attention. In early August, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Beijing Stock Exchange coincidentally proposed four key verification points to intermediary agencies for the promotion of pharmaceutical IPO sales. In the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Review Dynamics", the Shanghai Stock Exchange proposes four key points of concern to intermediary agencies regarding "sales and promotion activities carried out by medical enterprises", requiring intermediary agencies to verify the legality and compliance of sales and promotion activities carried out under different modes, the authenticity of expenses, the effectiveness of internal control, related relationships, and transaction fairness. On August 16th, Professor Yuan Min from Shanghai National Accounting College told a reporter from Pengpai News that generally

A lawyer's letter has been sent to the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City: "30000 Miles in Chang'an" does not match the historical facts. Luoyang | History | Lawyer's Letter
A lawyer's letter has been sent to the Sui and Tang History Society of Luoyang City: "30000 Miles in Chang'an" does not match the historical facts. Luoyang | History | Lawyer's Letter

On August 16, Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society issued a statement through the official WeChat official account: The film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" was widely praised after its release in cinemas across the country, with a considerable box office and a large number of visitors, which had a wide impact and played a positive role in popularizing historical knowledge and improving national cultural confidence. However, some plot descriptions in the film do not match the true history, and the stories that occur on some characters do not match the true history, which can easily mislead the audience, especially young audiences, and affect the sibling relationships in the birthplace and place of the historical characters. In order to restore real history and maintain the authenticity of historical figures, the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society has commissioned Henan Luotai Law Firm to appoint a team of lawyers composed of Qu Jianwei, Qiu Shuaibiao, Fang Jiaming, Huang Xuan, and others to send a lawyer's letter to the production company, requesting the production company of the movie "Chang'an 30000 Li"

3.5 million people lose their millionaire status, global wealth shrinks report | Annual | Global
3.5 million people lose their millionaire status, global wealth shrinks report | Annual | Global

The annual wealth report released by UBS shows that the number of millionaires worldwide has decreased from 62.9 million at the end of 2021 to 59.4 million at the end of 2022. Bloomberg's survey also shows that the Fortune Global 500's assets have shrunk by a total of $1.4 trillion in 2022. Last year, over 3.5 million people lost their millionaire status, marking the first time global wealth has shrunk since the 2008 financial crisis. The annual wealth report released by UBS on August 15th shows that the number of adults with assets exceeding $1 million has decreased from 62.9 million at the end of 2021 to 59.4 million at the end of 2022. UBS claims that the global wealth decline is due to high inflation and the depreciation of many currencies against the US dollar. There are currently 22.7 million millionaires in the United States, a decrease

Escape tourists: Like passing by the origin of a nuclear explosion, the Hawaiian wildfire in the United States has caused 110 deaths on Maui Island | Great Fire | Nuclear Explosion
Escape tourists: Like passing by the origin of a nuclear explosion, the Hawaiian wildfire in the United States has caused 110 deaths on Maui Island | Great Fire | Nuclear Explosion

On the 16th local time, the Governor of Hawaii in the United States announced that the death toll from the Maui Island fire has risen to 110. Tourists looking back on their escape experiences: Before the nuclear explosion, Maui Island in Hawaii had always been the preferred destination for many Americans to travel and vacation. Recently, the Cardenas from California shared their experiences during their escape. The Kadenas family stayed at a hotel only 4.8 kilometers away from the heavily affected town of La Haina. Early on the 8th, strong winds blew up on the island, and according to local residents, some power poles were blown off. Angel Cardenas said, "At first we thought it was just a power outage, but when we saw the other side of the beach, La Haina, shrouded in smoke under strong winds, we felt that things were not going well." On the afternoon of the 8th, although there was no signal from the phone, the alarm did not sound on Maui Island

Becoming "citizens of farming", some farmers in Guyuan, Ningxia have had their household registration forcibly relocated to Shizuishan City for labor | immigration | household registration
Becoming "citizens of farming", some farmers in Guyuan, Ningxia have had their household registration forcibly relocated to Shizuishan City for labor | immigration | household registration

According to the China Radio and Television Corporation's Voice of China News, recently, a group of people reported through the Voice of China News Hotline that they are residents of Kezhuang Village, Kaicheng Town, Yuanzhou District, Guyuan City, Ningxia. In 2013, the local government promoted labor migration and recommended them to work in Shizuishan City, Ningxia. The promise at that time was that there were many opportunities to go and see, and if you were not accustomed to or satisfied with the life in Shizuishan City, you could return to Guyuan at any time. At that time, some villagers of Kezhuang Village registered their names and quickly returned to Shizuishan to continue farming and living in Kezhuang Village. After 2018, some villagers found that their registered residence registration was moved to Shizuishan without receiving any notice, and the nature of registered residence registration changed from agricultural to non-agricultural, that is, urban. In recent years, these identities have become "stone"

Excellent like copying and pasting! Three Chongqing Twins Attend Peking University Yanyuan Together | Chongqing | Twins
Excellent like copying and pasting! Three Chongqing Twins Attend Peking University Yanyuan Together | Chongqing | Twins

Chongqing, Triple Celebration. This year, three pairs of twins from Chongqing are about to enter Peking University Yanyuan and start their university life. They are as excellent as copying and pasting. They will travel from the "mountain city" of Bayu to the "Yanyuan" university, where they will gather by the unknown lake and under the Boya Tower. What are the "same excellent" study habits of these three brothers? What are the similarities and differences in life? Let's get closer to three pairs of Chongqing young men. 01 Xiong Yingxiang and Xiong Junxiang compete for gold together. In August 2019, Xiong Yingxiang and Xiong Junxiang will compete on the Great Wall. Shuangshuang won gold medals in the Olympiad in Informatics and was selected for the national training team. Shuangshuang went to Peking University. The two brothers have been walking side by side since joining the programming club in junior high school. However, this path has not been smooth sailing, with ups and downs in their grades

Abuse of power and moral corruption! Qiu Shaohua is expelled from the party. Jiangxi University Press | Limited Liability Company | Qiu Shaohua
Abuse of power and moral corruption! Qiu Shaohua is expelled from the party. Jiangxi University Press | Limited Liability Company | Qiu Shaohua

Qiu Shaohua, former president of Jiangxi University Press and former chairman of Jiangxi University Press Co., Ltd., was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law. Recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission conducted a case review and investigation into Qiu Shaohua, former president of Jiangxi University Press and former chairman of Jiangxi University Press Co., Ltd., for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, as a party member and leading cadre, Qiu Shaohua had a weak political consciousness, distorted views on power and achievements, lost faith, did not believe in Marxism Leninism and believed in ghosts and gods, and deliberately opposed organizational censorship; Dingfeng violates the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, illegally accepts gifts and gifts, accepts banquets, borrows vehicles from management service recipients, and equips and uses office space beyond the standard; Lack of organizational awareness, failure to truthfully explain issues during inquiries and conversations, favoritism and self-interest in appointment, seriously undermining democratic centralism and personnel selection and appointment

The footage of the destruction of the US made aid to Ukraine's "Stryker" tank has been made public for the first time: Russian military patrol missiles hit the target. Reportedly | Ukraine | First time
The footage of the destruction of the US made aid to Ukraine's "Stryker" tank has been made public for the first time: Russian military patrol missiles hit the target. Reportedly | Ukraine | First time

The footage of the "Stryk" tank provided by the United States to Ukraine being destroyed in Ukraine has been made public for the first time. The final scene before the Streik tank was hit. According to a report on the US military website "Warzone" on August 15th, a video recently released by the Russian military showed that the "Stryk" tank provided by the US to Ukraine was hit by a Russian "Lancet" missile during the battle, and the casualties are unknown. According to reports, the vehicle is likely to come from the 82nd Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian army, which is considered an important reserve force for the Ukrainian counterattack operation. The Stryker wheeled tank is the new generation of main combat equipment of the US Army, and is the core equipment of the mid size brigade born from the reform of the US Army after the Iraq War. The combat weight ranges from 18 tons to 20 tons, with various variants including assault vehicles, armored vehicles, and infantry warfare

Political dignitaries from multiple countries attend economic and trade events in China. South Asia | China | Expo
Political dignitaries from multiple countries attend economic and trade events in China. South Asia | China | Expo

According to the Indian website "Republic World" on August 14th, Vice President Yadav of Nepal visited China for a week-long official visit. During the visit, he will attend the 7th China South Asia Expo. According to reports, Nepal has been designated as the "theme country" at this year's South China Expo, and over 100 Nepalese businessmen will showcase their products at the event. The Nepalese themed pavilion will be established at the expo and unveiled by the Vice President. According to Sri Lanka's national news agency on August 15th, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Gunawadna arrived at Kunming International Airport on August 15th and began a four-day visit to Yunnan Province, China. Prime Minister Gunawadna will attend the 7th China South Asia Expo held here. The report points out that the South China Expo is considered the most important relationship between China and South Asian countries

Becoming an "educational institution", Prigo's "Wagner" Wagner Group | Company | Education
Becoming an "educational institution", Prigo's "Wagner" Wagner Group | Company | Education

According to the website of the Russian newspaper "Businessman" on August 16th, an organization named "Wagner Group" appeared in the national registration form of legal persons and individual businesses of the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. From the information on this registration form, it appears that the institution intends to engage in educational activities. The agency was registered in Mogilev Oblast, Belarus on August 4th, according to reports. The industry classification code is 85590. Education, tutoring, further education, foreign languages, speeches, lifesaving and water rescue courses, religious research, speed reading, and computer training that are not classified by level belong to this registration code category. ▲ Information image: Prigorn, founder of Wagner Group, learned from Businessman Daily on July 22 that a company named "Concord Management Consulting" appeared in the registration form of Belarusian legal persons and individual businesses. The registered address of the company is in Wa

This "wild chicken university" is here again, ten years later, Hebei Dongya University | website | wild chicken university
This "wild chicken university" is here again, ten years later, Hebei Dongya University | website | wild chicken university

"Wild chicken universities" usually use tactics such as false advertising, forging enrollment qualifications, forging enrollment promotional materials, and falsely claiming that the country recognizes academic qualifications to deceive candidates. During the college entrance examination enrollment season, "fake universities" are constantly being pursued, and some "fake universities" have even been exposed 10 years ago. It is difficult to distinguish whether the official website of "Cloning" is true or false. On the eve of the 2022 college entrance examination, a school named "Henan Communication University" once posted enrollment information through its website. The webpage settings of this website are highly similar to the official website of an art college in Guangxi. Through the official website of the Ministry of Education, it was found that neither the national list of ordinary higher education institutions nor the national list of adult higher education institutions has "Henan Communication University". Recently, a journalist from Half Moon Talk discovered that an online institution called "Hebei Normal College" continuously publishes information through its website

No economic demands, Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society: Not to ride the heat, requesting an apology for "30000 Miles in Chang'an", sparking heated discussions about history | 30000 Miles in Chang'an | Economy
No economic demands, Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society: Not to ride the heat, requesting an apology for "30000 Miles in Chang'an", sparking heated discussions about history | 30000 Miles in Chang'an | Economy

The animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" achieved impressive box office and reputation during this summer season. At the same time, some plot descriptions in the movie were found to be inconsistent with real history, sparking subsequent discussions. On August 16, Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society issued a statement through the official WeChat official account: The film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" was widely praised after its release in cinemas across the country, with a considerable box office and a large number of visitors, which had a wide impact and played a positive role in popularizing historical knowledge and improving national cultural confidence. However, some plot descriptions in the film do not match the true history, and the stories that occur on some characters do not match the true history, which can easily mislead the audience, especially young audiences, and affect the sibling relationships in the birthplace and place of the historical characters. To restore real history and maintain the authenticity of historical figures, the Luoyang Sui and Tang History Society commissioned

Smugglers become "walking money" and lose their way to northern Myanmar: violence, trafficking, extortion, and electronic fraud | Cambodia | Smugglers
Smugglers become "walking money" and lose their way to northern Myanmar: violence, trafficking, extortion, and electronic fraud | Cambodia | Smugglers

When night falls, fireworks will be set off from time to time in the night sky of Mengbo, Wa State, Myanmar. The longer it is set off, the more money will be obtained from a scam. When Cheng Xiang, who works overseas, saw it for the first time, it was not surprising. However, seeing the fireworks consecutively made him curious. After his understanding, he learned that according to convention, as long as the scam was successful for orders over 500000 yuan, fireworks would be set off in the e-fraud park to celebrate. "You count the sounds, and if it's' bang, bang, bang, bang, bang 'five times in a row, that's a successful order of 500000 yuan.". At Mohan Port in Xishuangbanna, after the opening of the China Laos Railway, many passengers left for Southeast Asia. Except for the images provided by the interviewees, all images in this article were taken by reporter Mao Ming from The Paper. At the same time, although there was a curfew from 8pm to 5am on Guogan Old Street in the north of Wa State,

US media: Video shows that blown down power lines may cause a fire, and the Maui Island fire has resulted in 110 deaths. Warning | Video | Maui Island
US media: Video shows that blown down power lines may cause a fire, and the Maui Island fire has resulted in 110 deaths. Warning | Video | Maui Island

On August 15th local time, Maui resident Shaun Tru posted a video on his social media platform taken during the early stages of the fire, which may show that the trigger for the deadliest fire in the United States in over a century may have been a blown down public power line. The video shows that the blown down public power lines may have been the trigger for the Maui Island fire. According to the Associated Press, on the day of the fire, the video photographer saw a wooden electric pole suddenly shining and emitting sparks. Subsequently, the wires that fell to the ground ignited the dry grassland, and the fire quickly spread under the influence of strong winds. In the video he shot, he could see a cable hanging on a charred lawn surrounded by orange flames. And, when the first batch of police cars arrived, he could be heard reminding the police to pay attention to the sound of live wires on the ground. The report states that

Someone sewed more than 20 stitches, is the "unknown creature" that brushes the screen all over the internet a shark? Several tourists in Beihai, Guangxi were bitten while going to the beach | Friend | Beihai, Guangxi
Someone sewed more than 20 stitches, is the "unknown creature" that brushes the screen all over the internet a shark? Several tourists in Beihai, Guangxi were bitten while going to the beach | Friend | Beihai, Guangxi

Yesterday, an unidentified fish bite incident occurred in the waters near Qiaogang Town, Yinhai District, Beihai City, Guangxi Province, and relevant bathing activities in the area have been suspended. Early this morning, the management office of Beihai Qiaogang Bathhouse issued a notice on suspending water related activities at Qiaogang Bathhouse. It was reported that on the afternoon of August 16th, a tourist was suspected to have been bitten by an unknown fish while diving into the sea at Qiaogang Bathhouse. The specific cause is currently under full investigation. In order to ensure the personal safety of tourists, all water related activities at Qiaogang Bathhouse have been temporarily suspended. That night, one after another, bitten people were sent to the hospital for treatment. The first tourist who was bitten felt like a fierce fish, and it was very painful. That night, Xiao Pei sewed more than 20 stitches and told Cheng Shi Interactive that her friend was the first to be bitten. Xiao Pei and his friends came to Beihai for tourism from Sichuan. Yesterday was their second time going out, and after 5 pm, they came to the beach and planned to go out to play.

Detected, financial crisis broke out! Sun Yikun Bank of Communications | Technology | Financial Circle
Detected, financial crisis broke out! Sun Yikun Bank of Communications | Technology | Financial Circle

Financial anti-corruption is taking another heavy blow! According to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at Bank of Communications and the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Sun Yikun, Vice President of Bank of Communications Financial Technology Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at Bank of Communications and investigation by the Anshan Municipal Supervision Commission in Liaoning Province. The specific details are as follows - a month ago, I attended and hosted a forum. From the information obtained, it can be seen that there is not much information about Sun Yikun, Vice President of Bank of Communications Jinke. According to public information, he has previously served as the Vice President of the Dalian Branch of Bank of Communications and the Deputy General Manager of the Pacific Credit Card Center of Bank of Communications. It is reported that in July of this year, he attended the annual forum on financial technology held in the Lingang New Area of the China Pilot Free Trade Zone as the host and participated in discussions on "data"

You can fight anytime! The Eastern Theater Command has released a training video titled "Reading the Strait", which is a full-time combat video | Theater Command | Full Time
You can fight anytime! The Eastern Theater Command has released a training video titled "Reading the Strait", which is a full-time combat video | Theater Command | Full Time

Today, the Eastern Theater Command released a military training video titled "Reading the Strait", showcasing the youth, passion, and responsibility of frontline officers and soldiers in military training and preparation. ▲ Military training video: "Reading the Strait": Youth buses cross the wilderness and hillsides, chasing the dreams of young people, creating the most free light and ideal appearance. Wearing simple clothes, crossing the city gates and high walls, walking the most free journey. You must experience the ups and downs of the strait with the wind. We must cross the mountains and encounter the sunset to find the flowers that no one knows. Even in the dark, don't be afraid of fireflies and moonlight as guiding lighthouses. We are accompanied by the wind, dreaming of chasing horses and winning. The most passionate youth is always ready for battle. Capable of fighting at any time, the officers and soldiers of the Eastern Theater Command resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity

The bank robbery that caused a sensation in Shanghai 20 years ago has been solved! People caught may not be subject to legal sanctions? Police | Shen | Shanghai
The bank robbery that caused a sensation in Shanghai 20 years ago has been solved! People caught may not be subject to legal sanctions? Police | Shen | Shanghai

20 years ago, a sensational robbery occurred in Yangpu District of Shanghai. Back then, the police conducted a large number of joint investigations throughout the city, which are still vividly remembered by many people today. 20 years ago, a man ran away with a knife after robbing a bank. On the noon of August 1, 2002, a man with a knife broke into a worker and farmer postal savings office located on Yinxing Road in Yangpu District, Shanghai. He first observed it, and soon after, he entered the inside of the counter. Originally, at that time, there was a savings window that could hold packages. The man quickly crawled in from here and then took out a sharp knife that was more than ten centimeters long, shaking it at the nearby salesperson. The frightened salesperson reacted and fled in all directions. Subsequently, the man walked straight to the money box. The man robbed a total of 10 from the money box

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has four questions about Tokyo Electric Power Company. Fukushima | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has four questions about Tokyo Electric Power Company. Fukushima | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On August 17th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked: According to reports, Tokyo Electric Power Company has recently confirmed that the nuclear contaminated water stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has leaked due to the rupture of a hose used to transport the contaminated water. May I ask if the spokesperson has any comments on this? Spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated that the legitimacy and safety of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan have been questioned by the international community. The nuclear contaminated water stored at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again leaked, exacerbating international concerns about Tokyo Electric Power Company's incompetence in management and ineffective government supervision. Fukushima residents have repeatedly pointed out that since the Fukushima nuclear accident, Tokyo Electric Power Company has had numerous loopholes in its aftermath handling work, and has been repeatedly exposed for concealing and tampering with data. Its ability to handle nuclear contaminated water is impressive

Misappropriation of 1.85 million public funds, fraud of 3.9 million subordinates, etc! Being sentenced to 16 years is too bold! Bank Branch President Addicted to Gambling | Online | Branch
Misappropriation of 1.85 million public funds, fraud of 3.9 million subordinates, etc! Being sentenced to 16 years is too bold! Bank Branch President Addicted to Gambling | Online | Branch

The head of a branch of a rural commercial bank was sentenced to severe imprisonment for being addicted to online gambling and engaging in the misappropriation of large amounts of public funds and deceiving others. Recently, the official website of the State Administration for Financial Regulation revealed that Shanxi Yangcheng Rural Commercial Bank and its Hebei branch, along with 18 relevant responsible persons, received a fine. The main illegal and irregular facts of the relevant entities include "non-standard salary management behavior, unapproved major related party transactions, and illegal loan issuance.". In response, the Jincheng Supervision Branch of the State Administration for Financial Regulation imposed fines of 1 million yuan and 300000 yuan respectively on Shanxi Yangcheng Rural Commercial Bank and Hebei Branch, and ordered them to make corrections; 17 responsible individuals were warned and punished, and Huo Binfeng was banned from working in the banking industry for life. After consulting the judgment document website, a journalist from China Securities learned that Huo Binfeng is from Shanxiyang

COVID-19 "Sanyang" has come? Will there be a new wave of epidemic peak in November? Expert interpretation | COVID-19 | Sanyang
COVID-19 "Sanyang" has come? Will there be a new wave of epidemic peak in November? Expert interpretation | COVID-19 | Sanyang

The COVID-19 seems to be far away from us, but the virus has never disappeared. Recently, "COVID-19 Sanyang people began to appear" on the hot search. At the same time, the infection of COVID-19 variant EG. 5 is on the rise in many places around the world, and the World Health Organization listed it as a "variant that needs attention" last week. Less than three months have passed since the peak of the "Two Suns", has the "Three Suns" really arrived? Will repeated infections cause greater harm to the body? What impact will the emergence of new strains bring? Question 1: Has the "Three Suns" arrived? On August 15th, Ms. Zhao from Beijing woke up feeling pain all over her body, coughing, and sore throat. After testing for the antigen, she understood that she was "positive" again. This is the third time that she has been infected with COVID-19 since December last year and May this year. The symptoms are milder than the first time and not worse than the second time

Movie official WeChat account: The background of the character's growth, Chen Kaige's movie "Volunteer Army" with a clown poster, Joker | Li Xiao | Movie
Movie official WeChat account: The background of the character's growth, Chen Kaige's movie "Volunteer Army" with a clown poster, Joker | Li Xiao | Movie

On August 15th, the National Day film trilogy "Volunteer Army: Heroes Attack" directed by Chen Kaige announced its completion, and released a special edition and poster for the completion. However, what many netizens are discussing is a graphic and textual post posted on the official Weibo account of the movie on the 15th. This post was posted at 15:15 on the 15th, with the content "Mountain and water meet, mountains and rivers meet. @ Actor Zhang Xiran # Movie Volunteer Army's Heroic Attack # National Day 2023". The controversial issue is that the accompanying image of the post is a clown image poster wearing a white dress and red flowers. The clown poster for the official Weibo account of the movie "Volunteer Army: Heroes Attack" was released on August 15th. At 15:26 on the 15th, @ Little Actor Zhang Xiran also shared the above poster on his Weibo account, along with a picture of himself taking off his clown costume

At the age of over 80, Academician Wu Tianyi remained steadfast on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and was awarded the title of one of China's top ten medical giants, Tibetan | High Altitude | Medicine
At the age of over 80, Academician Wu Tianyi remained steadfast on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and was awarded the title of one of China's top ten medical giants, Tibetan | High Altitude | Medicine

@On August 17, China News Network reported that Wu Tianyi, the winner of the "July 1st Medal" and an academician of the CAE Member, was awarded the "Top Ten Medical Masters in China" at the eighth annual meeting of physicians of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association on the occasion of the sixth Chinese Medical Doctor's Day. Song Shouci stated that the diagnostic criteria for chronic mountain diseases established by Wu Tianyi have been accepted as international standards by the International Association of Alpine Medicine and are being uniformly applied globally; He pioneered the study of "Tibetan adaptive physiology", diagnosed and treated tens of thousands of Tibetan people, known as the "protector of life"; He established the first high-altitude medical research institute in the country, and he and his team rode horses and yaks to conduct research in the hinterland of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, in high-altitude areas where Tibetan people live, known as "academicians on horseback"; He filled the gap in the research fields of hypoxia physiology and high-altitude medicine, and constructed

Police reported that the police in Pingyao Ancient City, Shanxi Province insulted the front desk of the inn under the influence of alcohol. Pingyao | Inn | Police
Police reported that the police in Pingyao Ancient City, Shanxi Province insulted the front desk of the inn under the influence of alcohol. Pingyao | Inn | Police

At 18:30 on July 27, 2023, the Pingyao County Public Security Bureau received a report from the public that someone was drunk and causing trouble at a certain inn in the ancient city of Pingyao. After receiving the alarm, the public security organs attached great importance and immediately investigated the case. After investigation, at around 18:20 on July 27th, Liang Mouwen, a staff member of the Pingyao County Ancient City Tourism Police Brigade, had a dispute with Li Mouwen, a staff member of a guesthouse in Pingyao Ancient City, after drinking alcohol. Later, Liang Mouwen insulted Li Mouwen by insulting, spitting, and other means. Considering that the case involves internal personnel of the public security organs, Pingyao Public Security actively requested the higher-level public security inspection department to intervene and supervise. On August 10th, the Pingyao County Public Security Bureau, in accordance with Article 42, Paragraph 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, administratively detained the offender Liang Mouwen for 5 days in accordance with relevant regulations

Red tourist attractions welcome peak passenger flow and experience a happy life through multiple channels. It's hard won. Liupan Mountain | Red Army | Passenger Flow
Red tourist attractions welcome peak passenger flow and experience a happy life through multiple channels. It's hard won. Liupan Mountain | Red Army | Passenger Flow

CCTV News: Today we walked into the Liupanshan Red Army Long March Memorial Hall located in Longde County, Guyuan, Ningxia. Liupan Mountain was the last mountain that the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army crossed during the Long March, and the Red Army also left many red marks in the Liupan Mountain area. Since the beginning of summer, many red tourist attractions in the area, mainly revolutionary sites and commemorative sites, have experienced a peak in passenger flow. CCTV reporter Xu Guofei: This is the Liupanshan Red Army Long March Memorial Hall, which consists of over 400 sets of historical photos, over 220 historical relics, and more than 30 sets of sculptures and other artworks. These exhibits mainly display the red marks left by the 25th Red Army, the Central Red Army, and the Red Army of the Western Expedition in Ningxia. Precious telegrams, rusty weapons, and arduous stories of the Long March will come to visit

The 2023 Torch Festival series of activities are being held in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, attracting a large number of people to participate in poverty alleviation | tackling | activities
The 2023 Torch Festival series of activities are being held in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, attracting a large number of people to participate in poverty alleviation | tackling | activities

CCTV News: The 2023 Torch Festival series of activities are being held in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Among them, Xide County has integrated a series of activities such as the bonfire evening party, poverty alleviation achievements picture exhibition, and cultural performances, attracting a large number of people to participate. The Xide County Torch Festival cultural evening kicked off with a joyful Yi ethnic dance. Yi ethnic singers and others have performed multiple songs, including "A Letter to Grandmother" and "Truth, Goodness, and Beauty". In addition, the evening party also incorporated elements of rural revitalization and assistance work. That night, members of the assistance team from Ningbo, Shifang and other regions brought singing and dancing performances such as "Family" and "Xide Soma Flower". Director Liu Chao of the Xide 2023 Torch Festival Literature and Art Gala: Maximizing the changes in life during the process of rural revitalization and poverty alleviation, allowing everyone to feel our changes and the Yi ethnic group