The world

Will you acquire key technologies? Military industry cooperation is a priority, Modi's visit to the US Prime Minister | Modi | Military Industry
Will you acquire key technologies? Military industry cooperation is a priority, Modi's visit to the US Prime Minister | Modi | Military Industry

Indian Prime Minister Modi sets off to visit the United States. On the 20th local time, Indian Prime Minister Modi departed for the United States to embark on a visiting itinerary. The in-depth cooperation between India and the United States in the field of defense industry and high-tech sharing has become the focus of this visit. The White House stated in a press release that this visit will "confirm the deep and close partnership between the United States and India.". According to National Public Radio, Indian Prime Minister Modi will meet with US President Biden on the 22nd and deliver a speech at a joint session of Congress. According to Reuters on the 19th, the United States and India will deepen cooperation in the field of defense industry. It is expected that this visit will enable India to obtain key US technologies that Washington rarely shares with non allies, thereby strengthening new ties between the two countries. Indian Foreign Secretary Kwatra stated on the 19th that this visit is

Relying on finance to eat finance! After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "first tiger" was arrested and became an assistant in power and sex trading | People's Bank of China Harbin Central Branch | Trading
Relying on finance to eat finance! After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "first tiger" was arrested and became an assistant in power and sex trading | People's Bank of China Harbin Central Branch | Trading

The Supreme Procuratorate has decided to arrest Fan Yifei in accordance with the law. According to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Fan Yifei, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China, is suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation by the National Supervisory Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made an arrest decision against Fan Yifei on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. On June 9th, Fan Yifei was "double opened". The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a stern notice stating that Fan Yifei had lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, lacked political consciousness, opposed organizational censorship, and engaged in superstitious activities; Ignoring the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, accepting arrangements for banquets, tourism, golf and other activities in violation of regulations for a long time, participating in public funded banquets, receiving gifts and cash, and entering and exiting private clubs in violation of regulations; Seeking benefits for others in terms of job arrangements, job adjustments, etc

Does the police station instructor drink alcohol while carrying out tasks? The truth is here, Zhou Jianhong | young man | police station
Does the police station instructor drink alcohol while carrying out tasks? The truth is here, Zhou Jianhong | young man | police station

What's going on with police officers drinking alcohol at the police station? On June 12th at 0:13, the Xin'anjiang Police Station of the Jiande Public Security Bureau in Hangzhou received a report that someone claimed they wanted to donate bodies and organs because they were no longer in this world tomorrow. Specific information was refused to be disclosed. Time passed by minute by minute, and the situation became more and more urgent. Instructor Zhou Jianhong had a sudden idea and claimed to be a Red Cross staff member. He wanted to communicate with the man about the donation matter and finally confirmed that the man had a police incident on the fifth floor of a certain community. The police immediately rushed to the scene. A young man stood on the edge of the rooftop, feeling very excited. In order to stabilize the young man's emotions, Zhou Jianhong immediately asked the on-site police to evacuate and stay alone, waiting for an opportunity to carry out rescue operations. "Young man, what kind of wine are you drinking? Why don't I accompany you to drink?" As Bei Zhou Jianhong spoke, she put on her hat

Intervention in Russia's next year's election, Lavrov: The United States is plotting to launch a "color revolution" goal | Election | Color | Revolution | Lavrov | Intervention | United States | Russia
Intervention in Russia's next year's election, Lavrov: The United States is plotting to launch a "color revolution" goal | Election | Color | Revolution | Lavrov | Intervention | United States | Russia

On June 20th, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's overseas website reported that according to today's Russian International News Agency on the 19th, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated on the same day that the US government has publicly accepted the goal of destabilizing Russia and is focused on interfering in the 2024 Russian elections through the "color revolution". Lavrov said at the ruling United Russia Party meeting that the United States has not stopped its "malicious interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states", which takes various forms, including threats, extortion, and organizing "color revolutions". Lavrov criticized that the United States successfully organized the "Color Revolution" in Ukraine in 2014, and six years later attempted to use this tactic on Belarus, but it ended in failure. "This will obviously not be the last step. In the context of the 2024 Russian general election,",

New Zealand media responded well, while British media asked sarcastically, "What does China want from Latin America?" Latin American countries | China | media personnel
New Zealand media responded well, while British media asked sarcastically, "What does China want from Latin America?" Latin American countries | China | media personnel

"China wants mutual respect, mutual benefit, and win-win outcomes. That's it, that's all." Faced with a bizarre British media report asking "What does China want from Latin America and the Caribbean?" New Zealand media person An Beren tweeted on the 18th, giving this answer. On the same day, An Bairan forwarded a link to an article published on the website of The Economist on Twitter, titled "What China Wants to Get from Latin America and the Caribbean", which briefly analyzed China's relationship with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The article first mentioned that at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, China had almost no trade relations with Latin American countries. Nowadays, China has surpassed the United States to become the largest trading partner in South America and the second largest trading partner in almost all regions of Latin America

US Poll: More than half of African Americans believe that racism will become an increasingly serious problem | In their lifetime | United States
US Poll: More than half of African Americans believe that racism will become an increasingly serious problem | In their lifetime | United States

On June 20th, according to a recent opinion poll by the Congressional Hill newspaper, the majority of African Americans believe that racism in the United States will become increasingly severe in their lifetime. According to a joint survey conducted by The Washington Post and polling firm Ipsos, 51% of African Americans believe that racism in American society will become worse, 37% believe that the status quo will remain the same, and only 11% of respondents believe that the situation will improve. The opinions of respondents from different age groups on this issue are generally consistent. Nearly 70% of African Americans in the United States say that black youth in this era are more dangerous than they were back then. And nearly 60% of African American adults say they are very or somewhat worried about themselves or their loved ones because of their skin color

Feature: Looking for the Inspiration of Sand Control in the "the Belt and Road" Green Cooperation Lion | Sand Control | Inspiration
Feature: Looking for the Inspiration of Sand Control in the "the Belt and Road" Green Cooperation Lion | Sand Control | Inspiration

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, June 20, special report: Seeking inspiration for desertification control in the "the Belt and Road" green cooperation, Xinhua News Agency reporter Ge Chen, Zhang Xiaolong, Guo Yuqi, Taklimakan Desert, has witnessed the exchanges between eastern and western civilizations on the ancient Silk Road; Today, in the "the Belt and Road" green cooperation, the desertification control experience here has attracted people from Africa and some Asian countries to exchange and learn here and look for inspiration for desertification control. The secret sweat droplets in the tree roots slid off Osman Delame's face, leaving a mark on the sand. Under the scorching sun of the Taklamakan Desert, the shirt of this Senegalese desertification control expert was already soaked and tightly attached to his body. Without taking a break, Drame packed the scorching yellow sand into a white cylindrical bag and then stacked each bag into a neat square. These seemingly inconspicuous sands

The Chinese market is not only a sales market, but also a pioneer market for innovation - Interview with Gao Le, President and CEO of BMW Group in Greater China, Germany | BMW Group | Sales Market
The Chinese market is not only a sales market, but also a pioneer market for innovation - Interview with Gao Le, President and CEO of BMW Group in Greater China, Germany | BMW Group | Sales Market

Berlin, June 19 (Xinhua) - The Chinese market is not only a sales market, but also a pioneer market for innovation. Interview with Gao Le, President and CEO of BMW Group in Greater China. Zhu Sheng, President and CEO of BMW Group in Greater China, Gao Le, a journalist from Xinhua, said in a written interview with Xinhua that the Chinese automotive industry has undergone profound transformation and transformation. The Chinese market is not only a sales market, but also a pioneer market for innovation. Gaole stated that China has become the world's largest market for new energy vehicles, leading the world in battery manufacturing, electric vehicle components, and other aspects. The high-quality development of the Chinese market will give rise to many new areas of development, which will bring more opportunities for cooperation between Chinese and German enterprises. At present, BMW Shenyang production base is the largest production base of BMW Group in the world. The BMW Group is still

Xinhua News Agency comment: Please be more patient with the Chinese women's volleyball team moving forward with heavy loads. Cai Bin | Women's Volleyball Team | China Women's Volleyball Team
Xinhua News Agency comment: Please be more patient with the Chinese women's volleyball team moving forward with heavy loads. Cai Bin | Women's Volleyball Team | China Women's Volleyball Team

After winning six consecutive victories in the 2023 World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team led by Cai Bin suffered two consecutive losses, which put some pressure and questioning on the team. For this team that has been burdened with a shortened preparation period and missing important players, more tolerance and patience should be given. The postponement of the Tokyo Olympics means that Cai Bin, who took office in 2022, only has about two and a half years to practice his lineup and prepare for the 2024 Paris Olympics. In the current year when two star attackers, Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, were unable to return to the team due to different reasons, the road to the revival of the Chinese women's volleyball team is destined to be not smooth. Moreover, the failure of the Tokyo Olympics reflects the problem of declining internal cohesion within the team, which has not yet been completely eliminated. This challenge may be more challenging than the technical and tactical aspects

How does this "dragon" fly to the sky?, the Dragon Boat Festival night can enjoy the "flying dragon in the sky" Dragon Boat Festival | black dragon | day?
How does this "dragon" fly into the sky? On the night of the Dragon Boat Festival, you can enjoy the "Flying Dragon in the Sky" Dragon Boat Festival | Black Dragon | Sky?

According to experts in astronomy and popular science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, at around 7:30 pm on June 22nd during the Dragon Boat Festival, the "dragon head" corner constellation of the Canglong Seven Mansions will rise to the south central sky. By around 10 pm, the entire "dragon shaped" dragon will stretch across the night sky, allowing the public to observe the celestial phenomenon of "flying dragons in the sky". What is this flying dragon soaring in the sky? How did "Flying Dragon" fly into the sky? Wang Kechao, the science popularization director of the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that ancient Chinese people divided the stars in the equator and ecliptic into 28 star groups to observe celestial phenomena, known as the Twenty Eight Constellations. In the twenty-eight constellations, every seven constellations form a group: in the east is the Canglong, in the south is the Vermilion Bird, in the west is the White Tiger, and in the north is the Xuanwu. The Eastern Canglong includes seven constellations: horn, Kang, Di, Fang, Heart, Tail, and Ji. These seven constellations represent different parts of the dragon and together outline a

Parental leave often becomes a "paper holiday"? Another researcher calls for mandatory policy conditions | Maternity leave | Researchers
Parental leave often becomes a "paper holiday"? Another researcher calls for mandatory policy conditions | Maternity leave | Researchers

After a month, another article calling for mandatory implementation of parental leave was published in the theoretical section of China Population Daily. "Currently, all provinces have established parental leave, but in practice, employees either face difficulties in applying for leave or are concerned that taking leave may affect their evaluation in the workplace, so they rarely apply for leave, resulting in parental leave often becoming 'paper leave'. Liao Min from the Jiangxi Provincial Party School and Wang Ying from the Jiangxi Financial Holding Group stated in an article on June 19 that it is recommended to introduce 'mandatory' policies and implementation rules to strengthen supervision of the implementation of parental leave by employers, and also to avoid male sex 'selective leave' through strengthening publicity and guidance, improving system design, and other means.". The article points out that in recent years, China's fertility level has continued to decline, and the influencing factors are multifaceted, including economic costs

Taiwanese authorities: This scene "harms the image of the Taiwanese military to the extreme" meat product | Ministry of Horse Defense | Taiwanese military
Taiwanese authorities: This scene "harms the image of the Taiwanese military to the extreme" meat product | Ministry of Horse Defense | Taiwanese military

On the 19th, the Taiwan authorities' supervisory department investigated and pointed out that three soldiers left false words, which greatly damaged the image of the Taiwan military, indicating that the training of the troops needs to be strengthened, and did not clarify and explain to the public in a timely manner. The Taiwan authorities' supervisory department urged the defense department to review and improve. In response to this, the defense department of the Taiwan authorities respects and humbly reviews. According to reports, the supervisory department of the Taiwan authorities pointed out that the replenishment ship of the military stationed in Xiju was suspended due to poor weather conditions and mechanical failures, unable to transport frozen meat products to the port, resulting in no main course for lunch and dinner on March 4th and 5th

"They are going to return to their home country to launch an armed rebellion," British media reported on Ukraine, Poland, and Ukraine
"They are going to return to their home country to launch an armed rebellion," British media reported on Ukraine, Poland, and Ukraine

According to today's Russian television website on June 19th, The Times reported that Belarusians in exile in Poland are training to launch armed rebellions in their future home countries. The Times reported on June 18th that these armed militants may also play a crucial role in the conflict in Ukraine. The report focuses on a camp near Poznan, Poland, established by the Belarusian Security Forces Association, an organization composed of former officials from the Belarusian security forces who fled the country after protests in 2020. The leadership of the organization claims that similar combat training courses have been conducted in Poland for several months, with hundreds of new recruits. The report states that the new recruits in the new recruits training camp are all ordinary Belarusians

Mainland China resumes the importation of lychee from Taiwan. Farmers on the island look forward to this day. We have been waiting for nearly 3 years for lychee to arrive. | Taiwan | Mainland China
Mainland China resumes the importation of lychee from Taiwan. Farmers on the island look forward to this day. We have been waiting for nearly 3 years for lychee to arrive. | Taiwan | Mainland China

According to Taiwan media reports, the General Administration of Customs announced on the 20th that the import of Annona chinensis in Taiwan will be resumed. It caused heated discussions among people from all walks of life on the island. The farmers on the island were moved to tears after confirming the news. A farmer who has grown cherimoya for 10 years said that he has been waiting for this day for nearly three years. A cherimoya farmer surnamed Wu in Tadong said that he didn't believe it at first. After confirming the news, he was moved to tears. A farmer who has been planting cherimoya for 10 years said that he has been waiting for this day for nearly three years. In recent years, not only the price of pesticides has risen, but also the wages of workers have also increased. For more than two years, it has been in a state of misery and hardship. Many farmers have also changed to cherimoya. In addition, many farmers said they were looking forward to the news and hoped to have a good price this year. Yunlin County Mayor Zhang Lishan expressed the hope that

A man who went to Xinjiang was blocked by local herdsmen for money four times? Official announcement | Issue | Herdsmen
A man who went to Xinjiang was blocked by local herdsmen for money four times? Official announcement | Issue | Herdsmen

According to the official Weibo of the Financial Media Center of Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County, the Transportation Bureau of Mulei County in Xinjiang issued a notice on the issue of online herdsmen blocking fees on the 20th, saying that at 10:55 on June 20, netizen "truck driver Mr. Peng" first said on Weibo that "men went to Xinjiang to be blocked by local herdsmen for money four times." Mulei County attached great importance to it and immediately organized public security, transportation, forestry and grass departments to form a joint investigation team, to conduct a joint investigation into the problems reported by netizens in the Great Langsha. At present, the public security organs of Mulei County are further checking and have summoned herdsmen to investigate and collect evidence in accordance with the law, and will deal with them in accordance with the law. The screenshot of the microblog has been verified that this section of the road belongs to the pastoral road and is limited to herdsmen for grazing. According to the provisions of the Grassland Law, the majority of drivers and passengers should consciously protect it.

There's a high-speed rail now!, Good news! These high-speed rail lines | trains | good news
There's a high-speed rail now!, Good news! These high-speed rail lines | trains | good news

The reporter learned from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. that from 00:00 on July 1st, new train schedules will be implemented by the national railways. After the adjustment of the schedule, the national railway arranged 10592 passenger trains, an increase of 46 trains compared to the current schedule; 22182 freight trains were operated, an increase of 394 compared to the current plan, further improving the railway's passenger and freight transportation capacity, service quality, and operational efficiency. The person in charge of the Transport Department of China Railway Group introduced that the implementation of the new plan will significantly improve the overall function and operational efficiency of China's railway network, further optimize the supply of passenger and freight transportation products, and provide reliable support for the overall improvement of China's economic operation and convenient travel for the people. One is to expand the transportation capacity of the Beijing Tianjin intercity railway and the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong high-speed railway, to support the coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region and the exchange of people between Hong Kong and the mainland. Adopting multiple units of high-speed trains for operation and operating as a long team

Smart Countryside Attracting Visitors (Frontline Visit of Ten Million Projects) Agriculture | Cailu Village | Smart
Smart Countryside Attracting Visitors (Frontline Visit of Ten Million Projects) Agriculture | Cailu Village | Smart

In the field, unmanned tillers slowly move, and egrets play and forage in the plowed paddy fields; In the distance, rice fields are contiguous and lush with greenery, and a plant protection drone is operating. A beautiful ecological agriculture painting slowly unfolds in Cailu Village, Chengdong Street, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province. "Nowadays, with mechanized planting, one person can plant hundreds of acres of rice fields." 37 year old Guo Jianghua has transferred more than 300 acres of land in Cailu Village to plant rice, equipped with modern agricultural machinery such as transplanters, drones, and unmanned tillers, with an annual income of over 100000 yuan. Relying on the "Ten Million Project", Cailu Village has built a modern agricultural and pastoral complex with "fields forming a square, roads forming a frame, trees forming a row, and canals forming a network", improving agricultural production conditions, innovating modern agricultural management systems, and increasing agricultural labor productivity and operational efficiency. Cailu Village now has cultivated land

Guangdong: High quality development plays a role in the "step by step high" industry | Litchi | Guangdong
Guangdong: High quality development plays a role in the "step by step high" industry | Litchi | Guangdong

"Bu Bu Gao" is a distinctive Guangdong folk music, with a lively and passionate melody that gradually increases and relaxes, inspiring people to strive for progress. Nowadays, on the land of Lingnan, high-quality development is playing a "step by step high". From the first day of work after the Spring Festival, the provincial high-quality development conference was held, sending a clear signal to the outside world, to the issuance of the "Several Opinions on Guangdong's High quality Development in the New Era" in May this year, making high-quality development the primary task and overall focus of Guangdong's modernization construction; From the second plenary session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee at the end of last year, it was proposed to highlight the leadership of the manufacturing industry and establish the backbone of Guangdong's modernization construction at a new height, to the announcement of the "22 Manufacturing Leaders" in early June this year, finalizing the overall "roadmap" and "construction plan"; Starting from February this year, the "High Quality Development Project for Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns, and Ten Thousand Villages" will be fully implemented

Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first trial for accepting bribes | Xu Ming | Deputy Director
Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first trial for accepting bribes | Xu Ming | Deputy Director

On June 20, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, publicly announced the verdict on the case of Xu Ming, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, accepting bribes and using his influence. The defendant Xu Ming was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined RMB 4 million for the crime of accepting bribes, and was sentenced to two years in prison and fined RMB 100000 for the crime of using his influence to accept bribes. The court also decided to execute the sentence of 15 years in prison and fined RMB 4.1 million; Xu Ming, who has been seized, detained, or frozen, shall be lawfully recovered and turned over to the national treasury for his bribery and bribery crimes, as well as his gains and interests obtained through the use of influence. After trial, it was found that from 1995 to 2021, the defendant Xu Mingliyong served as the Director of the Foreign Investment Department, Director of the Foreign Investment Enterprise Department, and Director of the Foreign Economic Coordination Department of the former State Economic and Trade Commission

The People's Bank of China Holds a Warning Education Conference: Profound Lessons Learned from Fan Yifei and Other Cases, Strengthening | Foreign Exchange Bureau | Strengthening | Politics | People's Bank of China | System | Cadres | Theme Education
The People's Bank of China Holds a Warning Education Conference: Profound Lessons Learned from Fan Yifei and Other Cases, Strengthening | Foreign Exchange Bureau | Strengthening | Politics | People's Bank of China | System | Cadres | Theme Education

The People's Bank of China held a warning education conference and theme education promotion meeting. Recently, the People's Bank of China held a warning education conference and theme education promotion meeting. Qu Jishan, a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China and the head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed in the People's Bank of China, reported on typical cases of violations of discipline and law within the systems of the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Pan Gongsheng, a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China, Secretary of the Party Group of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, put forward requirements for the system of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Guo Shuqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China and head of the Theme Education Leading Group, deeply understood the arduous tasks faced by the construction of Party conduct and clean governance. Xuan Changneng, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China, presided over the meeting, and Ye Dong, leader of the 33rd Central Guidance Group

The original island owner is missing, 28.68 million yuan! China's first uninhabited island has changed ownership and become a deserted island | right of use | China
The original island owner is missing, 28.68 million yuan! China's first uninhabited island has changed ownership and become a deserted island | right of use | China

From the Peach Blossom Island in Jin Yong's works to the deserted island in Robinson Crusoe, building a small house on a secluded island facing the sea, all embody the romantic and tempting fantasies of people from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, about the island. Recently, the "number one uninhabited island in China" has welcomed a new "island owner". After the first auction failed, on June 16th, Danmenshan Island in Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province was successfully sold for 28.68 million yuan in a second auction. The buyer was a natural person named Li Guozhu. Is the life of the island owner as beautiful as imagined? According to the public information of the isolated niche travel destination in the auction page screenshot, Danmenshan Island is the first uninhabited island in China with clear usage rights. It is located to the east of Dongchen Township in Xiangshan County, facing Danmen Village across the sea, and is about 1 kilometer away from the outermost point of the mainland,

The first tiger to be tried this year has been sentenced! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once accused him of hastily discussing the Party's central policies and policies, and of being greedy for 26 years of influence | Xu Ming | hastily discussing the Party
The first tiger to be tried this year has been sentenced! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once accused him of hastily discussing the Party's central policies and policies, and of being greedy for 26 years of influence | Xu Ming | hastily discussing the Party

Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first instance of the bribery and bribery case involving the use of influence. According to the CCTV news client, on June 20, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, publicly announced the case of Xu Ming, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, accepting bribes and using his influence. The defendant Xu Ming was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined RMB 4 million for the crime of accepting bribes. He was also sentenced to two years in prison and fined RMB 100000 for the crime of using his influence to accept bribes, and decided to serve 15 years in prison and fined RMB 4.1 million; Xu Ming, who has been seized, detained, or frozen, shall be lawfully recovered and turned over to the national treasury for his bribery and bribery crimes, as well as his gains and interests obtained through the use of influence. After trial, it was found that from 1995 to February

The former general manager of a state-owned enterprise illegally accepted 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai! Jiangsu Publicly Announces 5 Typical Issues of Illegal Eating and Drinking, Tian Guangming | Punishment | Violation
The former general manager of a state-owned enterprise illegally accepted 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai! Jiangsu Publicly Announces 5 Typical Issues of Illegal Eating and Drinking, Tian Guangming | Punishment | Violation

Tian Guangming, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Taizhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., violated regulations by accepting banquets from management and service recipients. From 2020 to 2021, Tian Guangming served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Taizhou Urban Investment Group, and received banquets from several construction enterprise bosses; Illegally accepting 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai and 72 high-end cigarettes. Tian Guangming also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In December 2022, Tian Guangming was expelled from the Party and public office, and suspected of committing a crime was transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution. Zhou Xiaofu, former member of the Party group and deputy director of the Suzhou Municipal Office Affairs Management Bureau, violated regulations by accepting banquets from management and service recipients. January 2019 to 2022

How may secrets be stolen?, The US military will invest heavily to build a super "spy submarine" underwater | Sea Wolf | US military
How may secrets be stolen?, The US military will invest heavily to build a super "spy submarine" underwater | Sea Wolf | US military

Recently, the US military's plan to invest heavily in building a super "spy submarine" has attracted widespread public attention, with the US military claiming that it is preparing for an underwater war. So, what is the difference between this type of "spy submarine" called "underwater super spy" and the US active submarine? How will the spy submarine steal secrets? Military observer Cao Weidong brought his interpretation. Is the wolf here? US media recently reported that the US Navy will purchase a single "Sea Wolf" class nuclear submarine as an "underwater junction room" to monitor underwater optical cables. Analysis suggests that the United States will first send this "spy submarine" to the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea. What do you think of this? Cao Weidong: "Spy submarines" mainly engage in illegal reconnaissance and collection of signals from other countries, and are more interested in military cables and optical cables. Except for the Taiwan Strait and the East China Sea, as long as it is of interest to the United States

The four prime ministers will visit China! The Chinese side introduces relevant arrangements to the community. Africa | will. Chinese side | arrangement
The four prime ministers will visit China! The Chinese side introduces relevant arrangements to the community. Africa | will. Chinese side | arrangement

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference on June 20th. A reporter asked: This morning, China announced that the Prime Ministers of Barbados, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Vietnam will visit China. Can the spokesperson further introduce the arrangements for the aforementioned visit and China's expectations? Mao Ning: At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Barbados Prime Minister Motley, Mongolia Prime Minister Oyun Erden, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins, and Vietnam Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng will attend the 14th Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin and make an official visit to China. Barbados is an important country in the Caribbean region and also an important partner of China in the region. China Pakistan relations have traditionally been friendly. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 46 years ago, political mutual trust between the two sides has continuously deepened, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results, bringing tangible benefits to the people of both countries

Zhang Youxia Meets with the Chairman of the Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions on Strategy | Cooperation | Pakistan
Zhang Youxia Meets with the Chairman of the Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions on Strategy | Cooperation | Pakistan

On the afternoon of June 20th, Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with the Chairman of the Pakistan Joint Chiefs of Staff, Sahir, in Beijing. Zhang Youxia said that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners, and the "iron rod" friendship between the two countries has withstood the test of international changes and is as strong as a rock and unbreakable. China is willing to work together with Pakistan to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, further strengthen high-level exchanges and strategic communication, enrich and expand practical cooperation, and work together to address various global challenges. The relationship between the two militaries is an important pillar of the relationship between the two countries. We hope that the two militaries will continue to support each other strategically, promote deeper and more practical cooperation in defense and security, and jointly maintain international and regional peace and stability. Sahir said that the friendship between Pakistan and China is higher than mountains, deeper than the sea, harder than steel, and sweeter than honey. Thank you for China's long-term strong support for Pakistan's development and security. No matter international or regional

My little brother and sister fell into the basement from the ventilation duct on the 29th floor and unfortunately died... Family members speak up! Roof | Ventilation ducts | Pipe openings
My little brother and sister fell into the basement from the ventilation duct on the 29th floor and unfortunately died... Family members speak up! Roof | Ventilation ducts | Pipe openings

On June 17th, two children in a residential area in Pingdingshan, Henan fell from the 29th floor to the negative second floor along a ventilation duct. On the morning of the 20th, Ms. Lu, the cousin of the two children, told Jimu News reporters that the two children unfortunately died and there were no safety warning signs at the ventilation duct openings. According to Ms. Lu, the two children are siblings. The older brother is 10 years old and the younger sister is 6 years old. They live in Jinyu Lanwan Community, Pingdingshan City. "Their home is on the 29th floor of the top floor of the east unit of Building 7 in the community," Ms. Lu told reporters. The incident occurred around 7:10 pm on the 17th, when the child's grandmother was cooking at home and the two children ran to the rooftop to play. Before long, the child's grandmother heard a deafening noise. At that time, the child's grandmother immediately went to the rooftop to find the child, but did not see the child. She only noticed that one meter above the rooftop was missing

Local response: Tourism bloggers hold photos of endangered plants in Mount Laoshan and mock experts for stealing | Qingdao | plants
Local response: Tourism bloggers hold photos of endangered plants in Mount Laoshan and mock experts for stealing | Qingdao | plants

Recently, a citizen of Qingdao posted on their WeChat Moments claiming that tourists in the Laoshan Scenic Area were secretly picking Qingdao lilies, a second level protected plant in China. A science popularization expert also posted on Weibo, saying that they saw a local tourism blogger not only publicly displaying suspected stolen Qingdao lilies, but also sarcastically criticizing researchers who rated rare plants. On the morning of the 20th, Upstream News reporters learned from the Natural Resources Bureau of Laoshan District and relevant departments of Laoshan Scenic Area in Qingdao that they will also strengthen inspections and governance against such illegal mining activities. On the afternoon of the 19th, when the upstream news reporter contacted the popular science writer and popular plant science major V "Amun" who posted the microblog, he still felt very angry, "I saw it on a official account, and he held a large number of national second-class protected plants

Did Cixi panic? Who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang Yangmei?, Lanxi "knocking on the door" Zhejiang | Yangmei | Lanxi
Did Cixi panic? Who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang Yangmei?, Lanxi "knocking on the door" Zhejiang | Yangmei | Lanxi

During this period, a large number of waxberries have been listed in various parts of Zhejiang. The "Yangmei War" has kicked off, with a C-position competition taking place in the Baoyou area and even in the national fruit market. China's waxberries are seen as active in Zhejiang's waxberry territory. More than ten main producing areas, big and small, are active in Zhejiang. Just like the "hometown of Chinese waxberries", there are Yuyao, Cixi, Zhoushan Baiquan Town, Xianju, Huangyan, Qingtian, Ouhai, Majian Town, Xiaoshan Suqian Town, Shaoxing Hutang Street, Shangyu... But who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang's waxberries? Netizens have their own opinions on the market. On June 14th, the most prominent shelf at the entrance of the Rose Fresh Fruit Shop on Renhe Road in Cixi City was filled with black and purple yangmei. Customers flocked to buy them, but these yangmei were not

Important breakthrough! Localization of Key Pilot Training Systems in China | Vision | Pilots
Important breakthrough! Localization of Key Pilot Training Systems in China | Vision | Pilots

Today, China's first aviation safety and simulation research laboratory was established in Zhuhai and officially released the country's first fully self-developed "full motion flight simulator visual system". The overall achievements of this project are at the international advanced level, achieving breakthroughs in key technologies of self-developed visual systems. China has become the third country in the world to independently develop a complete visual system. Watch videos to learn about the new generation of visual systems ↓ Experience flight training simulators from a first perspective ↓ Video In China, every civil aviation pilot must undergo over 1000 hours of simulation training in their career to enhance their ability to cope with extreme weather conditions or sudden flight situations. And the place where they conduct flight training is a full motion flight simulator that can simulate real flight situations. A full motion flight simulator typically consists of a simulated cockpit, motion system