The world

The 14th Summer Davos Forum will open tomorrow in Tianjin Economic | China | Forum
The 14th Summer Davos Forum will open tomorrow in Tianjin Economic | China | Forum

The 14th Summer Davos Forum will be held in Tianjin from tomorrow to the 29th. This forum is being held offline in China after a four-year hiatus. CCTV reporter Wang Nan: This is Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. The 14th Summer Davos Forum has set up multiple areas here, including the New Leaders Village and conference area. Among them, in the New Leader Village behind me, you can see that there are 6 semi open interactive spaces, each equipped with new media equipment. During the forum, 49 events will be held here alone, where guests will discuss topics in cutting-edge technology, energy, and sustainable development. Severin Podilsk, Director of Conference Operations at the World Economic Forum: After four years without holding any conferences, being able to return to China is a huge pleasure and surprise.

Selling over 200 copies in just a few days!, Adding poppy and poppy shells to cold dishes to attract repeat customers | Punitive | Poppy
Selling over 200 copies in just a few days!, Adding poppy and poppy shells to cold dishes to attract repeat customers | Punitive | Poppy

Despite knowing that poppy shells are harmful to people, she still added them to cold dish dressings to attract repeat customers. In just a few days, she sold over 200 cold dishes... In August 2022, a vendor named Zhang picked two poppy fruits to improve the taste of cold dishes and attracted "repeat customers". Zhang added poppy shells as "seasoning" to his own cold dish dressings and sold them near a large factory. In just a few days, Zhang sold over 200 cold dishes, with a sales amount of over 3200 yuan. After being seized by the local market supervision and management bureau, the content of papaverine in the involved dressings was determined by a professional organization to be 36.4 μ The main ingredient of poppy shells in g/kg is papaverine, which is a legally prohibited non edible substance. Long term consumption of food with added poppy shells can lead to addiction, gradually affecting the nervous system and digestion

Understanding the Broad mindedness of the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of "Carrying Things with Virtue" | China | The Chinese Nation
Understanding the Broad mindedness of the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of "Carrying Things with Virtue" | China | The Chinese Nation

Entering "A Journey to China's Wisdom", following the ancient Chinese saying, let's embark on a journey of exploring traditional culture and national spirit together.

How Marxism understands "democracy" in contemporary criticism | Rousseau | Marxism
How Marxism understands "democracy" in contemporary criticism | Rousseau | Marxism

In 1850, Marx and Engels published a book review on Thomas Carlyle's Contemporary Review in the fourth issue of The New Rhine: Political and Economic Review, proposing: "What is democracy? It must have a certain significance, otherwise it cannot exist. Therefore, the whole problem lies in determining the true meaning of democracy." So, how does Marxism understand and view "democracy"? In the view of Marxism, democracy is a historical category. In China, the term "democracy" was first seen in the Book of Documents, Duo Fang. The text goes: "Heaven seeks democracy only at the right time, which is a great downfall of Xianxiu's destiny in Cheng Tang." It means the ruler of the people. The Song of the Five Sons in the Book of Documents also proposed that "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and peaceful," laying the foundation for the traditional Chinese thought of "people first". This ideological tradition is particularly evident in Mencius' philosophy of "valuing the people"

People's Forum Online Review | Continuing to Write a New Chapter of "Ten Million Projects" in the Era | Engineering | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | Continuing to Write a New Chapter of "Ten Million Projects" in the Era | Engineering | Forum

In the past 20 years, the vitality of the "Ten Million Project" has been renewed and renewed in practice. Party members and cadres should include the "Ten Million Project" in the theme education and learning list, draw wisdom and strength from it, shoulder new missions with practical actions, and continue to write a new chapter of the new era where the original intention remains unchanged, practical work is essential, and responsibility comes first. Always maintain the sentiment of serving the people as public servants and continue to write the original chapter of "putting the people first". At the beginning of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", it focused on ecological and environmental protection, rural governance, and other issues of concern to the people, taking enhancing people's well-being and promoting comprehensive human development as the starting point and foothold. Party members and cadres should adhere to the principle of "one branch, one

People's Forum Online Review | Unlocking the "Fengqiao Experience" and Drawing the "Scenery for the People" Experience | Masses | Online Review | Unlocking
People's Forum Online Review | Unlocking the "Fengqiao Experience" and Drawing the "Scenery for the People" Experience | Masses | Online Review | Unlocking

Recently, the Shandong trip and symposium on adhering to and developing the theme of "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era were held in Dezhou City, Shandong Province. "Relying on the masses to resolve conflicts on the spot", "not leaving the village for small matters, not leaving the town for major events, not handing over conflicts", "not handing over conflicts, not causing accidents in safety, and not lacking services"... "Fengqiao Experience" is a model of adhering to and implementing the Party's mass line well, and a dynamic practice of grassroots social governance. In 1963, Comrade Mao Zedong personally instructed that "various regions should follow suit, carry out pilot projects, and promote it.".Adhering to the spirit of serving the people, solving difficult problems, doing practical things, and drawing a "concentric circle" of the mass line. The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of the Party. Persist and

Adhering to the principles of integrity and innovation, allowing traditional culture to shine brightly. Culture | Tradition | Splendor
Adhering to the principles of integrity and innovation, allowing traditional culture to shine brightly. Culture | Tradition | Splendor

Author: Li Lin and Liu Haiping. From Qu Yuan's reflection in "Tianwen" over 2300 years ago to the successful flight of Shenzhou 16, the exploration of the universe by the Chinese nation has never stopped. This spirit of exploration and innovation is the most precious gene for inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture.Excellent traditional culture requires innovative expressions of the times in order to truly connect the past and present, and communicate with the times. How to integrate excellent traditions

Regard the Thousand Gold Again, 【 Guangming Forum · Memories 】 Chang'an Joins Hands with Central Asia | China | Regard the Thousand Gold Again
Regard the Thousand Gold Again, 【 Guangming Forum · Memories 】 Chang'an Joins Hands with Central Asia | China | Regard the Thousand Gold Again

In the weight of "heavy gold", there is not only the deep gaze of the Silk Road's "hollowing out", but also the rich accumulation of diplomacy among major powers in the new era. The poem "To Cui Shilang" by Li Bai, a Tang Dynasty poet in China, reads: "Let's work together in Chang'an and pay more attention to the precious wealth.". In this poem, the poet interweaves lamenting his background with expressing friendship, depicting his meeting and parting with Cui Shilang, and expressing his longing for each other. The meaning of "Chang'an joining hands again and valuing a thousand gold" is that when we meet again in Chang'an this night, it is more expensive than a thousand gold.

The "Ten Million Project" is a great project that leads the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas in the Guangming Forum | Rural | Forum
The "Ten Million Project" is a great project that leads the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas in the Guangming Forum | Rural | Forum

This project selects about 10000 administrative villages from 40000 villages in Zhejiang Province for comprehensive renovation, and builds around 1000 central villages into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang Province has consistently and comprehensively implemented the "Ten Million Project", promoting the profound reshaping of rural living environment, deepening the integration of urban and rural development, flourishing rural industries, effectively improving rural governance efficiency, continuously improving the spiritual outlook of farmers, and achieving historic, pioneering, and leading achievements in the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "Ten Million Project" has been continuously promoted nationwide. After a full 20 years of upgrades

Learning Moments | The Development of Youth Logic in the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization | Construction | The Chinese Nation
Learning Moments | The Development of Youth Logic in the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization | Construction | The Chinese Nation

Welcome to follow the official WeChat article of "China Youth" magazine - Zheng Changzhong. The Chinese nation is one of the earliest civilizations to enter the stage of civilization and has not yet interrupted its own civilization development. It has created brilliant achievements in ancient and classical times, making great contributions to the development of human civilization. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese nation has completed the task of civilization transformation and is building a modern civilization in an all-round way. The power of Chinese youth has also stepped onto the political stage in the process of promoting the transformation of Chinese civilization, and has developed along with the construction of modern Chinese civilization. As the vanguard force of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Chinese youth have played a vital role in every historical period of modern Chinese civilization construction. Entering a new era, embarking on a new journey, adapting to the characteristics of the times and responding to the call of mission

【 Li Xiang China 】 Developing in Protection and Protecting Cultural Relics | Protecting | China
【 Li Xiang China 】 Developing in Protection and Protecting Cultural Relics | Protecting | China

At the symposium on cultural heritage and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "Chinese culture has a long history and Chinese civilization is extensive and profound. Only by having a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of strategic arrangements for the protection and inheritance of Chinese excellent traditional culture, made important instructions and instructions on the protection of cultural heritage many times, and put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints, and new ideas with profound connotations. In practice, many problems that have long been wanted to be solved but have not been solved have been solved, the formation of General Secretary Xi Jinping on cultural heritage protection

[Li Xiang China] General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the "milestone" modernization | socialism | milestone
[Li Xiang China] General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the "milestone" modernization | socialism | milestone

Milestones originally referred to signs set on the roadside to indicate mileage, but later compared to major events that can serve as symbols in a certain career or historical development process. A major event that can become a milestone must be a significant landmark event with pioneering significance.two hundred and one

To achieve more perceptible innovation in ideological guidance | theory | ideology
To achieve more perceptible innovation in ideological guidance | theory | ideology

We must adhere to guiding and driving the learning of the whole society through intra party education, and let the innovative theories of the Party fly into the homes of ordinary people. Trade unions bear the political responsibility of guiding employees to listen to the Party, follow the Party, and consolidate the class and mass foundation of the Party's governance.

Living a Good Day in the Village by the Cliff | By the Well | Never Forget the Water | Good Day
Living a Good Day in the Village by the Cliff | By the Well | Never Forget the Water | Good Day

Starting south from Lanzhou, Gansu, it takes about an hour to reach Dongxiang Autonomous County in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture. This is located at the transitional intersection of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau, with over 1700 ridges and over 3000 gullies distributed, known as the "ribs of the earth" and the "gathering place of mountains.". Bulenggou Village, as its name suggests, is located in the heart of this mountain fold and deep valley. "The village of Bolenggou is ahead!" Looking up, layers of grooves seemed like solidified waves. Large areas of flat land have been carved out of the mountain valley, with rows of beautiful residential buildings neatly arranged. The flat cement road leads from the mountain ridge to the village head, like a silver jade belt. Entering the village house, exquisite brick carvings depicting landscapes and flowers adorn every corner, exuding a rustic charm. In front of the village history museum, which was transformed from the old houses of the villagers, a group of tourists came in droves, creating a lively atmosphere. The picture shows

[Li Xiang China Youth Learning Class] The great achievement of micro-video is the era of spelling, working and struggling | Xi Jinping | Youth
[Li Xiang China Youth Learning Class] The great achievement of micro-video is the era of spelling, working and struggling | Xi Jinping | Youth

The great achievement of the new era is achieved through the joint efforts, efforts, and struggles of the Party and the people——The red boat and painted boat screen remain unchanged, and the era is full of new trends. For over a hundred years, the revolutionary spirit has been like

The Unity of the Integration of Chinese Civilization
The Unity of the Integration of Chinese Civilization

The third prominent feature among them is that "Chinese civilization has outstanding unity", which fundamentally determines the integration of various ethnic cultures of the Chinese nation, the firm cohesion even in the face of major setbacks, the common belief that the land is inseparable, the country is not chaotic, the nation is inseparable, and civilization is inseparable, and that national unity will always be the core of China's core interests. It determines that a strong and unified country is the fate of all ethnic groups. This important discourse has both historical depth and practical reflection. The prominent unity of Chinese civilization is rooted in a long historical tradition, forging a common ideal and belief, inspiring us to unite and create new and greater glory at a new starting point.

Island is the country, the wisdom of China on the land of China | Wang Jicai: Home is the island guardian | Wang Shihua | Wang Jicai
Island is the country, the wisdom of China on the land of China | Wang Jicai: Home is the island guardian | Wang Shihua | Wang Jicai

To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream, it is necessary to gather strong spiritual strength and strong moral support. Traditional Chinese culture has always emphasized individual cultivation, and "carrying virtue with material possessions" is the spiritual coordinate of Chinese people's hard work and struggle. The spiritual coordinates need to be represented by role models. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party and the state have highly praised a group of heroic models who have made outstanding contributions, and launched a large number of moral models, era models, the most beautiful figures, and good people around them, setting an example for the whole society. Their noble character, ultimately rooted in the profound moral accumulation of the Chinese nation, is a vivid interpretation of the socialist core values and also represents the ideological and moral values of today's Chinese society

【 Li Xiang China 】 Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Supporting High Quality Development of Beautiful Countryside Party Building | Rural | China
【 Li Xiang China 】 Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Supporting High Quality Development of Beautiful Countryside Party Building | Rural | China

Over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has been a long-term success and solid progress. It is an important guarantee for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and has special significance for achieving Chinese path to modernization.Rural revitalization is not only a major and urgent strategic task in the high-quality development stage of beautiful rural areas, but also a powerful lever for continuously and solidly promoting the construction of a beautiful China. In the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization

Hu Jianfeng has been appointed as the Secretary of the China Ping An Party Committee | Hu Jianfeng | Secretary of the Party Committee
Hu Jianfeng has been appointed as the Secretary of the China Ping An Party Committee | Hu Jianfeng | Secretary of the Party Committee

The position of Secretary of the Ping An Party Committee in China has recently been adjusted. Pengpai News recently learned that Hu Jianfeng, the person in charge of China Ping An Audit and the General Manager of the Audit and Supervision Department, has been appointed as the Secretary of China Ping An Party Committee. The "Management Team" page of China Ping An's official website has updated Hu Jianfeng's relevant resume. Hu Jianfeng ranks after Xie Yonglin, the General Manager and Co CEO of China Ping An, and before Chen Xinying, the Co CEO. According to Pengpai News, the China Ping An Party Committee issued a notice in mid to early April announcing the adjustment of the Party Committee's leadership, agreeing to appoint Hu Jianfeng as the Secretary of the China Ping An Party Committee, and Xiao Jianrong as a member, deputy secretary, and disciplinary secretary of the China Ping An Party Committee. It also agreed to allow Chen Kexiang to resign from his position as Secretary and member of the China Ping An Party Committee. Hu Jianfeng was born in 1977 and holds a Bachelor's degree in International Economics from Fudan University, as well as internationally recognized qualifications

The police are investigating, and the body of a 26 year old woman who lost contact in Sichuan has been found on the cover of the Minjiang River | Woman | Police
The police are investigating, and the body of a 26 year old woman who lost contact in Sichuan has been found on the cover of the Minjiang River | Woman | Police

On June 25th, the news of a 26 year old woman from Sichuan Qingshen losing contact attracted attention. On June 26th, the Cover News reporter learned from multiple authoritative sources such as the local public security department that the missing woman Wan has been found, but unfortunately, she has passed away. Previously, family members had issued a missing person notice stating that Wan, a woman from Qingshen, got off the ride hailing service at Laodaqiao in Qingshen County on June 24, 2023. She was subsequently lost and her whereabouts are unknown. When missing, wearing coffee colored clothes and light blue jeans. Wan's father once stated that Wan Wen, who is 26 years old, suffered from depression a month ago, and his loss of contact may be related to his condition. Subsequently, local public security, firefighting, and social rescue forces searched along the Minjiang River. At around 3pm on June 26th, the reporter learned from the Qingshen Police that the police found the body of Wan while patrolling the river, and it has been salvaged and brought ashore. Currently, below

Confirm the downward adjustment! Someone in Hangzhou urgently spent 2 million to buy it! Netizen: Don't be confused about life insurance | interest rate | be confused about life insurance
Confirm the downward adjustment! Someone in Hangzhou urgently spent 2 million to buy it! Netizen: Don't be confused about life insurance | interest rate | be confused about life insurance

"The predetermined interest rate of 3.5% for insurance products will be reduced to 3.0% after June 30", which is getting closer and closer to June 30. Similar words have entered the countdown in the circle of friends. Ms. Shen from Gongshu District, Hangzhou, in the screenshot of her friend circle, has gone through multiple rounds of marketing by financial managers and compared more than 10 insurance products. Finally, she has made up her mind before the last bus: she will use a large deposit certificate of 500000 yuan that expires on June 29th to buy an insurance product. Early this morning, Ms. Shen specifically went to the bank branch to confirm some details, especially asking the account manager if the 3.57% interest rate was included in the contract. Recently, multiple banks have collectively lowered the RMB deposit interest rates. In the current interest rate environment, how citizens should manage their money has become an urgent issue

A 6-year-old boy infected with "brain eating worms"! The mortality rate is 98%, critically ill! After playing by the seaside, Xiaoding | Child | Boy
A 6-year-old boy infected with "brain eating worms"! The mortality rate is 98%, critically ill! After playing by the seaside, Xiaoding | Child | Boy

Recently, Ms. Miao, a parent of a child in Guizhou, continued to record her child's medical experience when Xiaoding fell ill online. According to the information sent by Ms. Miao, Xiaoding, who was over 6 years old, developed fever symptoms after traveling to Hainan and returned home. The fever did not improve for more than ten days, and he went to several hospitals for treatment. Recently, he was also admitted to the intensive care unit. Finally, it was found that the child was infected with a type of meningitis called "amoeba baboon", and the mortality rate of encephalitis caused by brain eating insects was as high as 98%. Xiao Ding was sent to the intensive care unit for treatment. After playing at the beach, his child was infected with meningitis by a brain eating worm. "I took my doll to Haikou to play and went swimming at the beach. There were so many dolls swimming and playing with sand at the beach, and there was nothing wrong with them. How could my doll fall asleep? This probability is even more exaggerated than winning the jackpot. My doll can actually..."

Advance water storage in irrigation channels to ensure agricultural water use and food security | Liaoning Province | Irrigation areas
Advance water storage in irrigation channels to ensure agricultural water use and food security | Liaoning Province | Irrigation areas

CCTV News: Recently, Liaoning Province has experienced continuous high temperature and sunny weather, with many areas issuing orange high-temperature warnings. The demand for agricultural water has significantly increased compared to previous years. The water conservancy department of Liaoning Province has deployed a water diversion plan in advance, and large, medium, and small irrigation areas have stored water in advance to meet the water needs of paddy fields at any time and ensure food security. At the Gaohua main control gate in the Hunpu Irrigation District of Shenyang City, the water source is continuously flowing into the Hunpu Irrigation District through the gate. Hunpu Irrigation District is located in the southwest of Shenyang City in the middle and lower reaches of the Hun River. It is one of the large-scale irrigation areas in Liaoning Province, including 16 townships and 209 administrative villages, with an effective irrigation area of 548100 acres. Since June 10th this year, there has been no effective rainfall in the local area, and the pressure on farmland water supply in the irrigation area has increased. In addition, recent days of high temperature and sunny weather have led to water shortages in some paddy fields. The local water conservancy department has implemented measures in June

Appreciating the vast and magnificent mountains, rivers, and green mountains, painting a happy picture of Tashui River | Ecology | Picture Scroll
Appreciating the vast and magnificent mountains, rivers, and green mountains, painting a happy picture of Tashui River | Ecology | Picture Scroll

CCTV News: In the midsummer season, everything is abundant. The ancient slope grassland in Gangu County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province is the western extension of the Qinling Mountains, with an average elevation of about 2200 meters and an area of 140000 acres. It is said to be the place where the Qin people herded horses for the Zhou Dynasty in the early days. Entering mid June, as the temperature gradually rises, this place has ushered in the most beautiful season of the year. The deep blue sky, clean mountains and rivers, lush forests and grasses, strange peaks and rocks scattered throughout the mountains, sweet springs in the valleys, white clouds swimming with fish, and colorful scenery are breathtaking. Every year at this time, groups of tourists follow the flowing water of the Gupo River to explore and appreciate the vast and magnificent grasslands, and experience a cool summer. Heilongjiang: Green waters and green mountains paint a picture of happiness. The Daxing'an Mountains in Heilongjiang are the northernmost and highest latitude border area in China. The air here is fresh and fresh

Various regions and departments continuously improve the public's awareness of drug awareness, prevention, and refusal through various forms. Volunteers | the public | departments
Various regions and departments continuously improve the public's awareness of drug awareness, prevention, and refusal through various forms. Volunteers | the public | departments

CCTV News: In recent days, various regions and departments have carried out various forms of anti drug propaganda and education activities, continuously improving the people's awareness of drug awareness, prevention, and refusal. In Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province, anti drug police officers and community volunteers jointly carried out themed promotional activities, introducing the types, characteristics, and hazards of drugs to the public through the display of drug simulation models and distribution of promotional materials. In Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province, police officers, teenagers, and anti drug volunteers gave a vivid anti drug knowledge lesson to the on-site audience through their self written, self directed, and self performed wonderful programs. More than 200 people who participated in the event signed banners, making a solemn commitment to stay away from drugs and cherish life. In Zhoushan, Zhejiang, the local public security organs, in collaboration with anti drug volunteers, carried out a promotional activity with the theme of "Escorting the Asian Games and Creating Non Toxicity Together",

Interview: The World is Full of Expectations for China's Development and Opportunities - Interview with the President of the World Economic Forum, Brend Forum | Economy | World Economic Forum
Interview: The World is Full of Expectations for China's Development and Opportunities - Interview with the President of the World Economic Forum, Brend Forum | Economy | World Economic Forum

Geneva, June 25th (Xinhua) - The world is full of expectations for China's development and opportunities - Interview with the President of the World Economic Forum, Brende. Xinhua reporter Chen Binjie, Martina Fox. Borg Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, recently stated in a video interview with Xinhua that the upcoming 14th New Leaders Annual Conference of the World Economic Forum in Tianjin, China will be committed to strengthening multilateralism and global cooperation, and the world is full of expectations for China's development and opportunities. On May 23, 2022, in Davos, Switzerland, the President of the World Economic Forum, Borg Brender, attended the 2022 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Brend believes that the world economy is facing multiple challenges, and the international community urgently needs to strengthen global cooperation. This forum is being held at the right time. How to build in a divided world

The 14th Summer Davos Forum will open, and attention will be paid to China's voice, measures, and other related topics. Davos | China | Forum
The 14th Summer Davos Forum will open, and attention will be paid to China's voice, measures, and other related topics. Davos | China | Forum

CCTV News: The 14th Summer Davos Forum will be held in Tianjin from tomorrow to the 29th, and it will be held offline in China after four years. CCTV reporter Wang Nan: This is the Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. The 14th Summer Davos Forum has set up multiple areas here, including the New Leaders Village and Conference Area. Among them, in the New Leader Village, we see 6 semi open interactive spaces set up here, each equipped with new media equipment. During the forum, 49 events will be held here alone, where guests will discuss cutting-edge technologies, energy, and sustainable development topics. Severin Podilsk, Director of Conference Operations at the World Economic Forum: After four years without holding any conferences, being able to return to China is a huge pleasure and surprise. according to

[Understanding China | Social Science Youth Talks] Zhou Miao: Decoding the Leading Leadership of Chinese path to modernization | Chinese Nation | Youth
[Understanding China | Social Science Youth Talks] Zhou Miao: Decoding the Leading Leadership of Chinese path to modernization | Chinese Nation | Youth

Zhou Miao, a researcher at the Institute of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the leadership of the party determines the fundamental nature of Chinese-style modernization. Only by unswervingly adhering to the leadership of the party can Chinese-style modernization have a bright future and prosper. Why can the whole country insist on one game of chess, unified command and unified action? Why can hundreds of millions of Chinese people be twisted into one rope, united and united? Why can the cause of the Party and the state achieve historic achievements and undergo historic changes? The answer is-"The key to running China's affairs well lies in the Communist Party of China." The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most distinctive feature, the most significant advantage and the most powerful guarantee of Chinese modernization. The Party's leadership is directly related to the fundamental direction of Chinese-style modernization, the former

Shanghai Press Group launches the "2023 Integrated Media Studio Empowerment Plan" Annual | Studio | Shanghai Press
Shanghai Press Group launches the "2023 Integrated Media Studio Empowerment Plan" Annual | Studio | Shanghai Press

On June 26th, the "2023 Integrated Media Studio Empowerment Plan" of Shanghai Newspaper Group held a launch ceremony at the Integrated Media Innovation Space on the 43rd floor of the reporting building. The meeting announced that 36 integrated media studios from 9 media outlets, including the group's Liberation Daily, Wenhui Daily, Xinmin Evening News, and Pengpai News, stood out from a large number of enthusiastic applicants and were successfully selected. This marks the successful implementation of the first integrated media studio empowerment plan launched by the reporting group last year. Based on this, the group fully adheres to the long-term mechanism of integrated media guidance, strengthens the mainstream media team in a firm transformation, and embarks on a new breakthrough and improvement in communication power and influence! Li Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Group, pointed out that in the current new pattern of communication, the trend of mobile video lightweighting has become a major trend. Under the guidance of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Group has closely adhered to the innovation of integrated media and achieved success in 2

Wang Yi Meets with Jacob Lu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee on US China Relations
Wang Yi Meets with Jacob Lu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee on US China Relations

On June 26, 2023, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with Jacob Lu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee on US China Relations, Greenberg, Vice Chairman, and Lawrence, Chairman in Beijing.The National Committee on US China Relations has long played a constructive role in promoting mutual understanding between the two peoples. Under the current situation, it is hoped that the committee will continue to be a promoter of the stabilization of China US relations, a promoter of friendly exchanges, and a disseminator of the true story of mutually beneficial cooperation. Wang Yi emphasized that the root cause of the difficulties faced by China US relations lies in the serious deviation in the US perception and positioning towards China, which has led to a series of erroneous measures towards China. This is not