The world

Overseas Experts Evaluate Important Raw Materials for Export Control: Replacing China is a "Fantasy" for the United States | Countries | Exports
Overseas Experts Evaluate Important Raw Materials for Export Control: Replacing China is a "Fantasy" for the United States | Countries | Exports

On July 5th, China Daily reported that the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs of China announced on July 3rd that in order to maintain national security and interests, export controls on gallium and germanium related items will be implemented from August 1st, 2023. It is reported that gallium, germanium, and other important raw materials for chip manufacturing. The Wall Street Journal reported that both gallium and germanium appear in 50 minerals deemed "critical" by the National Geological Survey, indicating that they are crucial to the US economy or national security. Although the transaction volume of gallium and germanium is not very large, these two metals have important uses for specific industries, especially the production of some semiconductor chips. These semiconductors are often designed and used in the United States even if they are made in Taiwan, China and South Korea. This measure will have a direct ripple effect on the semiconductor industry, especially

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The US should correct its reckless aggression against other countries to prevent another tragedy in Afghanistan. Spokesperson | Afghanistan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The US should correct its reckless aggression against other countries to prevent another tragedy in Afghanistan. Spokesperson | Afghanistan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, presided over today's regular press conference. A reporter asked if the US State Department has released a post evaluation report on the US military's withdrawal from Afghanistan. What is the spokesperson's comment on this? Wang Wenbin stated that we have taken note of the relevant reports released by the US side, and unfortunately, those issues that truly deserve US reflection and reflection have not been reflected in the reports. For example, engaging in large-scale attacks against sovereign countries in violation of international law, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the banner of "democracy", engaging in selective anti-terrorism, leading to "more anti terrorism, more terrorism", causing a large number of innocent civilian casualties, and disrupting regional peace and tranquility. Wang Wenbin said that if the US summary is only for the next "Kabul moment" to be more orderly and dignified, then such a report cannot give the international community a responsible explanation. What the US should truly do is to freeze

Russian media: What does China's new Foreign Relations Law mean? Relationship Law | China | External Relations
Russian media: What does China's new Foreign Relations Law mean? Relationship Law | China | External Relations

"Russia Today" website July 4 article, original title: What does China's new foreign relations law mean? China recently passed a new "foreign relations law" that emphasizes "opposition to hegemonism and power politics" and codifies Beijing's foreign policy goals and response to Western sanctions and containment attempts. With the geopolitical shift, Beijing's foreign policy-making is clearly centralized to deal with the insecurity and uncertainty caused by US containment. At the same time, China strives to consolidate its legal system and promote the rule of law to enter society more vigorously. China considers this issue to be an important part of the national process. One of the keys to this new law is to maintain the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on international law. This is in contrast to the single polarization dominated by the United States. This vision means that countries

Why is it said that the IAEA report cannot whitewash Japan's pollution control plan? Evaluation | Question | Plan
Why is it said that the IAEA report cannot whitewash Japan's pollution control plan? Evaluation | Question | Plan

"This cannot eliminate public anxiety, we oppose discharging into the sea!" After seeing the assessment report on the issue of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge released by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the 4th, Haruhiko Terazawa, the director of the Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Association in Japan, expressed great concern. Like him, many Japanese people believe that the report's claim that Japan's pollution plans "comply with international safety standards" lacks persuasiveness. Several South Korean civil society groups have pointed out that the report cannot become a "talisman" for Japan, and that pollution behavior cannot be "legitimized" as a result. After the Japanese government unilaterally announced its plan to discharge pollutants into the sea in April 2021, domestic fishing groups, Pacific coastal regions, and South Pacific island countries in Japan strongly opposed it. Under pressure, the Japanese side invited the IAEA to conduct a review and evaluation in September of that year. After two years of work, the IAEA has finally produced the final evaluation

My second wife has been diagnosed with cervical cancer again! Doctor: It may be related to my husband. My ex-wife passed away due to cervical cancer. HPV | Husband | Cervical cancer
My second wife has been diagnosed with cervical cancer again! Doctor: It may be related to my husband. My ex-wife passed away due to cervical cancer. HPV | Husband | Cervical cancer

Recently, Ms. Han, 47 years old from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, accompanied by her husband, went to the hospital's gynecological consultation room for treatment. Ms. Han said that her sexual life has been "not very smooth" in the past few months, with irregular bleeding. At first, she thought it was a menopausal symptom, but her husband was worried and urged her to come to the hospital for a check-up. The HPV test showed positive results, and the TCT test also showed abnormalities. Finally, the pathological report after cervical tissue biopsy indicated cervical cancer. "How could this be? I had a good physical examination a few years ago." Ms. Han couldn't accept it. "Fortunately, you discovered it in a timely manner. It's still early and can be treated through surgery. In clinical practice, the five-year survival rate is still relatively high." The doctor comforted her and also praised her accompanying husband, Mr. Liu, for his philosophy of timely medical screening and urging his wife to come for examination,

Police: Imprisoned for 10 days with a fine of 500 yuan. The man was beaten by foot sweeping and assaulting the sanitation worker | Man | Police
Police: Imprisoned for 10 days with a fine of 500 yuan. The man was beaten by foot sweeping and assaulting the sanitation worker | Man | Police

Around 9am on July 5th, a sanitation worker was beaten by a man on the street in Yulin, Guangxi. Yuzhou Public Security has issued a police report on this matter. The full text of the notice is as follows: At around 9:00 am on July 5th, the Dongcheng Police Station of Yulin Public Security Bureau received a report: Environmental sanitation worker Chen accidentally swept the foot of a passing man while working on Minzhu Middle Road in Yuzhou District, Yulin City. The man insulted and beat him before fleeing. After receiving the alarm, the police at Dongcheng Police Station quickly went to the scene and arrested the illegal suspect Liang in the afternoon of the same day. At present, Liang has been punished with administrative detention for ten days and a fine of five hundred yuan in accordance with the law. On July 5, 2023, the Yuzhou Branch of Yulin Public Security Bureau reported that around 9am on July 5, a sanitation worker in Yulin, Guangxi was beaten by a man on the street near the incident site

Astronauts need to spend 7 months observing the space station?, What kind of debris process | phenomenon | space station
Astronauts need to spend 7 months observing the space station?, What kind of debris process | phenomenon | space station

Not long ago, good news came from the space station, and for the first time, China successfully observed the process and cluster phenomenon of conductive ring debris generation in orbit. Good news from the space station again! For the first time in orbit, China has observed the generation process and clustering phenomenon of conductive ring debris. After seeing it, everyone expressed, "What kind of debris does it take astronauts to observe for so long?" "Teacher, please attend class quickly!" This is the answer! Let's learn more together through the following quick questions and answers! Why is this experiment being conducted? To prevent the failure of the spacecraft's energy and control system caused by short circuits and open circuits in the conductive rings of the solar panel drive mechanism and control torque gyroscope on the spacecraft platform during orbit. Further understand the motion rules of the debris generated by the long-term operation of the conductive ring under the combined effects of vacuum, weight loss, and electromagnetic field

Free semiconductor technology, Taiwan invested 14 million euros, world-class leeks! Cooperation with Lithuania | Lithuania | Taiwan
Free semiconductor technology, Taiwan invested 14 million euros, world-class leeks! Cooperation with Lithuania | Lithuania | Taiwan

▲ Information image: Overlooking Taipei, Wang Hongwei further pointed out that apart from the beginning, both sides

Dozens of casualties! The White House urgently announces that there have been multiple shooting incidents during the Independence Day holiday in the United States since the beginning of this year
Dozens of casualties! The White House urgently announces that there have been multiple shooting incidents during the Independence Day holiday in the United States since the beginning of this year

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States. In recent days, there have been multiple shooting incidents in multiple parts of the United States, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries. On the evening of July 3rd, a shooting incident occurred in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, according to a video from the CCTV Finance "Tianxia Finance" program. Local police confirmed that the shooting incident resulted in 5 deaths and 4 injuries. The local police have detained a man wearing a bulletproof vest, as well as another man who may be related to this case. The motive behind the gunman's crime is still unclear. A shooting occurred at an Independence Day celebration in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, near midnight on July 3. Fireworks were set off and gunshots rang out, resulting in at least 3 deaths and 8 injuries. On the evening of July 3rd, a shooting occurred in a residential area in St. Louis County, Missouri, USA, resulting in one woman and

Does the publication of works rely on sending tea leaves? One publication said that it was returned immediately and denied by many. Famous poets were suspected of plagiarizing official account | Feng Shuhui | Tea
Does the publication of works rely on sending tea leaves? One publication said that it was returned immediately and denied by many. Famous poets were suspected of plagiarizing official account | Feng Shuhui | Tea

A WeChat official account recently reported that the reason why the poet Feng Shuhui's suspected plagiarism works could be published in large numbers was that he sent tea or articles of unknown value to the editorial offices of major journals. If the editor did not publish, he would report to the Commission for Discipline Inspection on the grounds that tea was worth 5000 yuan. Finally, turn the big things into small ones, turn the small things into small ones, and send them out. The article points out that Feng Shuhui's widely used "fishing for the editorial department's fish" submission method almost always hits the key points of various publications, and his works have been successfully published. But there are also honest editors who hold onto this bottom line. Feng Shuhui's gift giving operation in May 2022 was explicitly rejected by the editor of a certain publication. Pengpai News noticed that the Literary Harbor magazine had issued a statement on June 30 this year, stating that it had received information about some of the works of Southern Qilin that were suspected of plagiarism and plagiarism

What's going on?, Two heavyweight Saudi ministers visit China one after another for cooperation | China | Minister
What's going on?, Two heavyweight Saudi ministers visit China one after another for cooperation | China | Minister

Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Swah officially began his visit to China on July 2, with destinations including Beijing, Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. According to released reports, Swaha will meet with several senior Chinese officials and business leaders in the field of information technology and digital economy innovation. Prior to this, Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning, Faisal Ibrahim, had just led a delegation to attend the Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin. According to Saudi media, this delegation is one of the highest level delegations in the history of Saudi Arabia's participation in the Davos Forum. Why did Faisal Ibrahim participate in the consecutive visits of two heavyweight Saudi ministers to China at the 2023 Summer Davos Forum? Why are they? Saudi Arabia is the only Arab country in the G20

"Open Kirin 1.0" is released! China's first open-source desktop operating system has arrived, operating system | Kirin | China
"Open Kirin 1.0" is released! China's first open-source desktop operating system has arrived, operating system | Kirin | China

This morning, China's first open-source desktop operating system, "Open Kirin 1.0," was officially released, marking the country's ability to independently select operating system components and build operating systems, filling the gap in this field. The operating system is the soul of computers, and today's release of "Open Kirin 1.0" is a domestically produced open-source operating system developed through the open source code of the operating system, with the participation of numerous developers. The system is guided and promoted by the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center and other units for research and development. Its release will help promote the iterative updating of domestic operating systems for all scenarios, providing basic security guarantees for important industries related to national economy and people's livelihood, such as government affairs, finance, communication, energy, and transportation. Zhu Chen, the chairman of the "Open Qilin" community, said: "We have done things like 0 before."

Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Yuan Jiajun: Make every effort to reduce casualties and property losses. Chongqing has experienced severe flood and disaster situations in the local area. | Flood Control | Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee
Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Yuan Jiajun: Make every effort to reduce casualties and property losses. Chongqing has experienced severe flood and disaster situations in the local area. | Flood Control | Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

On the morning of July 5th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, and Hu Henghua, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, went to the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters to dispatch and command flood control and disaster relief work in some districts and counties, and listened to relevant reports.Chongqing leaders Chen Mingbo, Yu Huiwen, Luo Lin, Zheng Xiangdong, Jiang Duntao, and Shang Kui participated. Recently, Chongqing has experienced the strongest rainfall process since the start of the flood season, with multiple small and medium-sized rivers exceeding the warning water level and guaranteed water level, and locally experiencing severe flood and disaster situations. According to predictions, the future of Chongqing

26.258 billion yuan! The national box office in the first half of the year has approached that of last year
26.258 billion yuan! The national box office in the first half of the year has approached that of last year

According to real-time data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 21:00 on June 30, the total box office of national films in the first half of 2023 was 26.258 billion yuan, an increase of 52.8% over the same period in the first half of 2022. The films Man Jianghong, Wandering Earth 2 and Lost She became the top three box offices in the first half of 2022. Entering 2023, the optimization of epidemic prevention policies has brought about the normalization of film and television content supply and targeted promotion, thereby promoting a significant recovery in film, culture, and entertainment consumption. What is the concept of a box office with an average performance of 26.258 billion yuan in both large and small time slots? This is almost equivalent to a box office of 29.9 billion yuan for the entire year of 2022, and also exceeds the box office of 20.3 billion yuan for the entire year of 2020. Due to the impact of the epidemic, cinemas were suspended for several months in 2020 and 2022. The box office for the whole year of 2021 was 4

Known as the "floating gold" with a value of 3.9 million yuan and 9.5 kilograms of ambergris fragrance, a whale | ambergris fragrance | corpse was discovered inside the body of a sperm whale
Known as the "floating gold" with a value of 3.9 million yuan and 9.5 kilograms of ambergris fragrance, a whale | ambergris fragrance | corpse was discovered inside the body of a sperm whale

When a sperm whale is washed up on a beach on the island of La Palma Canary in Spain, no one would have thought that there was a huge treasure hidden inside its body. Staff are inspecting sperm whales. According to The Guardian on July 4th, last month, a stranded sperm whale appeared on the Nogales Beach on Lapalma Island in the Canary Islands, attracting the attention of zoologists. Antonio Fernandes Rodriguez, director of the Institute for Animal Health and Food Security at the University of Las Palmas, wanted to figure out the cause of sperm whale death, but due to the impact of rising tides, autopsy became difficult. After several days of research, Rodriguez suspected that sperm whales had digestive system problems. He examined the colon and felt something hard inside. The staff are inspecting the sperm whale. He reached in and took it out

Tencent announces: This product is offline!, Just sent an email | email | Tencent
Tencent announces: This product is offline!, Just sent an email | email | Tencent

Tencent has launched another product today. On July 5th, Tencent's audio platform Penguin FM released an offline announcement, stating that due to business adjustments, Penguin FM is regretful to say goodbye to everyone. Starting today, Penguin FM will close user registration and recharge functions, and officially cease operations on September 6, 2023 at 0:00. It is reported that Tencent's "Penguin FM" was originally named "Radish FM" and focuses on zero traffic listening. It intelligently recommends selected programs for users in multiple scenarios, and has a massive program library to listen to audio program content such as novels, music, jokes, news, entertainment gossip, etc. online. Penguin FM's official account shows that it has not been updated for nearly three years. According to the 2023 China Online Audio Market Development Research Report, among the mainstream online audio apps, Yuehuo

Police intervene, a student in Hubei is suspected to have tampered with their college entrance examination preferences! When filling out the application, there are admissions personnel watching to introduce | students | admissions | children | volunteers | police | filling out | personnel
Police intervene, a student in Hubei is suspected to have tampered with their college entrance examination preferences! When filling out the application, there are admissions personnel watching to introduce | students | admissions | children | volunteers | police | filling out | personnel

On July 5th, Mr. Zhang from Suizhou, Hubei Province, sought help from the media and claimed that his child's college entrance examination application had been tampered with 40 minutes before the closure of the application platform. "I didn't tell anyone about the password, but he chose the choice himself and there was no interference from his family. Some admissions personnel were watching when filling out the application, and it was possible that someone had stolen the password." The person in charge of the school explained that considering some rural children didn't have a computer at home, they organized students to come to the school to fill out the application. At that time, some college students in charge of admissions infiltrated the computer room and were later driven out by the teacher. "The police checked the surveillance footage and found a suspicious face, which has not been confirmed yet." 40 minutes before the deadline for filling out the application, the parents said that outsiders were watching Mr. Zhang's introduction when filling out the application. Xiao Zhang was a vocational student from Suizhou Technician School, and according to the school's requirements, he went to the school to take the college entrance examination for his application. "

The highlight is "real singing", the hall is packed! 985 University Physics Professor Opened an Elective Course in Peking Opera | University Professor | University Physics
The highlight is "real singing", the hall is packed! 985 University Physics Professor Opened an Elective Course in Peking Opera | University Professor | University Physics

A university physics professor "cross-border" appreciates Peking Opera and even teaches students what kind of experience it is to sing opera while enjoying precious vinyl records? Physics Professor "Cross disciplinary" Appreciation of Peking Opera Professor Cai Duanjun's "Appreciation of Chinese Opera" elective class, which is set up by Xiamen University, is overcrowded. The number of students competing for classes is three to four times that of the required number, and they have to wait half an hour in advance to grab a good seat. In class, they play the piano, sing, recite, and play. Cai Duanjun is not a Peking Opera major, but a physics professor. Xiamen University Professor Cai Duanjun teaches the piano. What's more interesting is that Peking Opera has a "cross disciplinary" gene at Xiamen University. Hu Weihong, the founder of the Peking Opera Association at Xiamen University, is a biology professor. When Cai Duanjun was a graduate student, he was retired. Hu Weihong was the first student to open the school's elective course "Learning and Appreciation of Peking Opera"

Xiamen University has added a Vice President born in the 1970s, Fang Ying | Vice President | Xiamen University
Xiamen University has added a Vice President born in the 1970s, Fang Ying | Vice President | Xiamen University

According to the updated "Current Leaders" section on the official website of Xiamen University, it shows the addition of Vice President Fang Ying, who was previously the Assistant to the President. According to the school's official website, Professor Fang Ying is a specially appointed professor under the "Yangtze River Scholar Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, and a doctoral supervisor. He was born in March 1973, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Economics from the School of Economics at Fudan University in 1996, and obtained a master's degree in Economics from the School of Economics at Fudan University in 1999. In 2006, he obtained a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. Research directions: Applied Economics and Statistics With the addition of Fang Ying, Xiamen University currently has five vice presidents, the other four being Deng Chaohui, Qiu Weijie, Jiang Yunbao, and Zhou Dawang. The current president of Xiamen University is Zhang Zongyi. Comprehensive: Xiamen

It is a major ecological issue, and behind the "delisting" of wild boars, there are issues with the forest and grass bureau
It is a major ecological issue, and behind the "delisting" of wild boars, there are issues with the forest and grass bureau

The wild boar has been expelled! Recently, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration announced the newly adjusted list of terrestrial wildlife with important ecological, scientific, and social value. Among them, wild boars were removed from the "Three Haves" list. Why has this attracted widespread attention from the people of mountainous areas in Zhejiang? In recent years, some mountainous counties in Zhejiang Province have faced a headache problem: the rapid growth of wild boar populations and the increasingly fierce conflict between people's production and life. Spring sowing, summer destroying seedlings, autumn gnawing fruits, wild boars destroying fields and hurting people have become unbearable pain for some families. The wild boar has been calling for the release of the "Three Haves" list for a long time. What changes will happen afterwards? Will the conflict between humans and pigs come to an end? Behind the appearance of pigs, wild boars were listed as "three protected animals" in 2000. In recent years, the number of wild boars has increased sharply, and to some extent, it has backfired

What's to worry about? Jun Ping: If we don't provoke trouble, the hairdressing may involve the Chinese Rocket Force's speech as a deterrent | Strategy | Need
What's to worry about? Jun Ping: If we don't provoke trouble, the hairdressing may involve the Chinese Rocket Force's speech as a deterrent | Strategy | Need

Recently, the speech of Samuel Paparo, Commander of the US Navy Pacific Fleet, in an interview has sparked media discussion. He said, "If we don't want to be beaten, we should do something. Only fools don't worry about the Chinese rocket army." As is well known, the rocket army is the core force of China's strategic deterrence, the strategic support of China's great power status, and an important cornerstone for maintaining national security. The modernization construction of weapons and equipment promoted by the Rocket Force focuses on consolidating and improving strategic deterrence and practical combat capabilities, which is necessary for maintaining national security and does not target any country or specific objectives. If the US military cannot provoke and exert pressure, there is no need to worry about it. But if anyone dares to invade, the Chinese army will decisively wield its sword, resolutely counterattack, and win the battle.

Speed up to 40.5 ℃! Beijing is currently the fourth 40 ℃ high-temperature weather observatory this year | Beijing | High Temperature
Speed up to 40.5 ℃! Beijing is currently the fourth 40 ℃ high-temperature weather observatory this year | Beijing | High Temperature

High temperature heat wave, today's Beijing is another hot and spicy day. The reporter learned that as of 16:00 today, the highest temperature at the Southern Suburb Observatory, representing the "Beijing temperature", has surged to 40.5 ℃, making it the fourth 40 ℃ high temperature in Beijing this year. This temperature is also the fourth highest in the Observatory's history in July. Every high temperature this year should not be underestimated. Starting from three days ago, high temperatures have ravaged the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. As of 16:00 today, temperatures at 49 stations in Hebei, 4 stations in Beijing, 1 station in Henan, and 3 stations in Xinjiang have all reached over 40 ℃. Among them, the highest temperature at the observation deck in the southern suburbs of Beijing soared to 40.5 ℃, marking the fourth 40 ℃ day of this year. It is reported that from 1951 to 2022, there were a total of 6 days with high temperatures above 40 ℃ in Beijing during these 72 years, which is equivalent to an average of 1

The enrollment short video of Yunnan Agricultural University has become popular again, and I can't finish eating it all. I can't finish eating guava, mango, lychee... netizens | Video | Yunnan Agricultural University
The enrollment short video of Yunnan Agricultural University has become popular again, and I can't finish eating it all. I can't finish eating guava, mango, lychee... netizens | Video | Yunnan Agricultural University

"I can't finish eating! I can't finish eating at all!" Still a familiar accent or a familiar face. The Yunnan Agricultural University Enrollment "Reduction" Chapter Team's short video has been released! This time, they turned from "self deprecating" to "boasting" and took a photo of the enrollment "plus" chapter for their alma mater in the vegetable fields and fruit trees on campus. Do you remember the dark skinned and glasses wearing classmate Ding last summer? Amidst the rumbling sound of tractors, he sincerely shouted, "Welcome everyone to apply to Yunnan Agricultural University. We really don't have to dig every day here..." This video made Xiaoding and his alma mater popular all over the internet, and even attracted Tsinghua University's labor education class to shout from afar: "@ Nongda Ding, I can't do without you. I'll wait for you at Tsinghua University." This was also last year, and Xiaoding's "call" was shared by netizens

The trade volume between Russia and China has reached a historic high! Putin: Settlement completed in rubles and RMB has exceeded 80% rubles | Russia | Putin
The trade volume between Russia and China has reached a historic high! Putin: Settlement completed in rubles and RMB has exceeded 80% rubles | Russia | Putin

According to today's Russian television website on July 4th, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that trade and economic cooperation between Russia and China is expanding, and settlements between the two countries completed in rubles and Chinese yuan currently account for over 80%. On June 16th, Russian President Putin delivered a speech at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The report states that the trade volume between Russia and China reached a historic high of $190.3 billion in 2022 and has continued to accelerate since then. Since the beginning of this year, the import and export of the two countries have achieved double-digit growth. According to Chinese customs data, bilateral trade volume surged to $93.8 billion from January to May, an increase of 40.7% year-on-year. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov recently said that bilateral trade between the two countries is expected to exceed 200 yuan one year earlier than expected

Kazakhstan takes over as the representative of the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Kazakhstan takes over as the representative of the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held yesterday decided to appoint Kazakhstan as the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for the years 2023-2024. This afternoon, Luo Guangming, the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, introduced Kazakhstan's priority work after taking over the rotating presidency of the organization to relevant ambassadors and media reporters in Beijing. Representative Luo Guangming introduced that as the rotating presidency, Kazakhstan will be committed to ensuring the security and stability of the development space of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, we will continue to expand and deepen economic and trade cooperation, strengthen energy cooperation, expand cooperation in the digital economy field, strengthen cooperation in the ecological field, and deepen cultural and cultural exchanges.

Russian high-ranking officials inspect this place for the first time, knock on Japan! Belonging to after the Russia-Ukraine conflict | Prime Minister | Senior Official
Russian high-ranking officials inspect this place for the first time, knock on Japan! Belonging to after the Russia-Ukraine conflict | Prime Minister | Senior Official

According to the Japanese newspaper "Daily News" on July 5th, on July 4th, the Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Russian Federation's Plenipotentiary Representative to the Far East Federal District, Trutnev, "inspected the island of Zetau.". This is the first time that a senior official of the Russian government went to the South Kuril Islands after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict last February. The picture is a photo of the selected island. According to the report, the Russian government's move is intended to encourage local officials to independently promote the development of the South Kuril Islands, and to contain Japan, which coordinated with Europe and the United States to implement sanctions against Russia after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to reports, this is also the second time that Russian political figures have visited the South Kuril Islands, following the visit of Russian Prime Minister Mishuskyin in July 2021 and the visit of Deputy Prime Minister and Government Office Director Grigorenko and Deputy Prime Minister Husnulin in October of that year. Russia Japan relations have been plagued by territorial disputes. Japan North

Imprisonment! Previously incarcerated three times, the man made a phone call to "threaten death" Lao Rongzhi's defense lawyer News | Wu Danhong | defense lawyer
Imprisonment! Previously incarcerated three times, the man made a phone call to "threaten death" Lao Rongzhi's defense lawyer News | Wu Danhong | defense lawyer

On July 5th, Wu Danhong, a defense lawyer for Lao Rongzhi, told Pengpai News that the man who had previously threatened to kill his entire family on the phone had been detained by the police for five days. On the same day, he received an administrative penalty decision letter from the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau. Pengpai News previously reported that on June 26th, lawyer Zhao Defang, Wu Danhong's assistant, received a death threat phone call. The phone said that if Lao Rongzhi is sent back for retrial or a revised verdict, he will kill Wu Danhong's entire family. On that day, Zhao Defang reported the case to the Changying Police Station of the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, and the police have accepted the case. According to the recording provided by Zhao Defang, the number from Yingtan, Jiangxi, after confirming Zhao Defang's identity, said, "Don't care who I am. Let me tell you, Lao Rongzhi has been sent back for retrial and his sentence has been changed. I will kill Wu Danhong's daughter and all members of the family."

The frontline rescue of the flood disaster was launched directly, and the National Flood Control Working Group went to Chongqing to guide flood control and disaster relief work. Street | Rescue | Disaster Relief
The frontline rescue of the flood disaster was launched directly, and the National Flood Control Working Group went to Chongqing to guide flood control and disaster relief work. Street | Rescue | Disaster Relief

The working group of the National Flood Control Administration went to Chongqing to guide flood control and disaster relief work. On July 5th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Emergency Management that in the early morning of that day, the National Flood Control Administration dispatched a working group led by Wang Daoshi, Deputy Minister of Emergency Management and Deputy Minister of Water Resources, to Wanzhou, Chongqing to guide flood control and disaster relief work. From July 3 to 4, many places in Wanzhou District of Chongqing were hit by rainstorm, causing floods and geological disasters. On the 3rd, the National Flood Control Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood control in provinces such as Chongqing. On the afternoon of the 4th, the National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management launched the national level IV disaster relief emergency response. On the evening of the 4th, the relevant person in charge of the Emergency Management Department made a video connection with the person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Government, the Chongqing Emergency Management Bureau, the Chongqing Fire and Rescue Corps, and the Chongqing Wanzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment at the National Emergency Command Headquarters to dispatch and guide flood prevention and disaster relief work, and requested to strengthen responsibilities

Good warriors! The second quarter of this year's list of brave warriors for righteous deeds was released by the Central Political and Legal Commission | China Foundation for Brave Acts | Brave List
Good warriors! The second quarter of this year's list of brave warriors for righteous deeds was released by the Central Political and Legal Commission | China Foundation for Brave Acts | Brave List

On July 3rd, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission released the list of brave warriors for the second quarter of 2023 in Beijing, with a total of 50 honorable warriors on the list. Among the warriors on the list, there are delivery boy Peng Qinglin who jumped from a high bridge to save a person and caused a thoracic spine fracture, and another high school teacher Ding Chengchuang who jumped from a high bridge to save a person; Fishermen Cai Fanglun and Cai Shengli braved force 9 winds to rescue Taiwanese compatriots in distress at sea; Li Zixu, a young man from Shandong who jumped into a deep well filled with biogas to save people and cause multiple organ infections; Seven brave warriors, including Pan Cancan, who bravely saved the drowning crowd and sacrificed their precious lives. The faint light of mortals creates great love in the world. The heroic deeds of brave warriors who uphold righteousness and sacrifice their lives for justice have repeatedly appeared on online hot searches and hot lists, touching millions of netizens. The online browsing volume of Peng Qinglin's deeds alone exceeds 1 billion times. The activity of selecting trees for brave warriors to fight for justice is carried out by the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission

What exactly did it add?, High Quality Development Research Tour | Hainan: Wanning Sports+Sports | Industry | Wanning
What exactly did it add?, High Quality Development Research Tour | Hainan: Wanning Sports+Sports | Industry | Wanning

In Riyue Bay, Wanning City, Hainan Province, making sports a way of life is receiving unprecedented attention and attention. Along the coastline for sightseeing, there are densely packed shops on both sides of the road: surfing training, equipment sales, catering and accommodation... High quality development research trip to Hainan, let's take a look at what Wanning Sports+has added! In recent years, cultivating high-quality sports events, developing supporting industries, and exploring integrated development have become valuable experiences for reference in Wanning. Build a "sports+" industrial cluster centered around the surrounding areas, integrating sports, culture and art, entertainment, sports services, accommodation services, and catering, and promote the high-quality development of the sports, culture, and tourism industry. In the first quarter of 2023, Wanning City received nearly 1.22 million tourists and achieved a total tourism revenue of 2.276 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.19%