The world

Last month, he was dismissed from his position as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, and an "insider" of the Zhengzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigated. Zhengzhou City | Ge Zhenyuan | a representative of the National People's Congress
Last month, he was dismissed from his position as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, and an "insider" of the Zhengzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigated. Zhengzhou City | Ge Zhenyuan | a representative of the National People's Congress

Zhengzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has investigated an "insider". On the evening of July 21, the official WeChat official account of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Henan Province announced that Ge Zhenyuan, deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhengzhou City and deputy director of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhengzhou City, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently under disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Henan Province. According to public data, Ge Zhenyuan, male, Han nationality, born in August 1966 in Yuzhou, Henan Province, joined the CPC in April 1997 and started work in July 1986. Graduate degree, Doctor of Science degree. Ge Zhenyuan has served as a teacher at Xuchang Teachers College, a staff member of the Industrial Department, Deputy Director of the Development Strategy Department, and Director of the Party Building and Social Affairs Department of the Policy Research Office of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee. He is also a department level cadre of the First Secretariat of the Municipal Party Committee Office, Deputy Director of the Second Secretariat, and Director of the Second Secretariat. He is also a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Organization of the Gongyi Municipal Party Committee, and a member of the Political and Organizational Department of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee

Regional cuisine cannot be registered with a trademark? Lawyer's interpretation: A company was fined 800 yuan for grabbing "Zibo Barbecue" | Market | Food
Regional cuisine cannot be registered with a trademark? Lawyer's interpretation: A company was fined 800 yuan for grabbing "Zibo Barbecue" | Market | Food

Recently, a company in Weihai, Shandong was fined 800 yuan by the Wendeng District Market Supervision Administration for registering the "Zibo Barbecue" trademark, which sparked heated discussions among netizens. As a phenomenon level hotspot in 2023, "Zibo Barbecue" not only made Zibo in Shandong popular, but also triggered a wave of vigorous development of the cultural and tourism industry in various regions. After the popularity of "Zibo Barbecue", many companies attempted to register their trademarks. According to China Trademark Network, applicants such as Weihai Jiurun Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Zunyi Hongjin Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. have submitted trademark applications for "Zibo Barbecue". However, the trademark status of the submitted applications is either in application or rejected, indicating that the trademark is invalid. Red Star News reporter found on Tianyancha website that Weihai Jiurun Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in "Zibo Barbecue" food

What is the situation in the "Ice Factory" where the "standard" ice cream for summer heat dissipation has started its hot selling mode? Sweet cone | Ice cream | Mode "Ice"
What is the situation in the "Ice Factory" where the "standard" ice cream for summer heat dissipation has started its hot selling mode? Sweet cone | Ice cream | Mode "Ice"

In recent days, many parts of the country have experienced high temperatures, and as a standard cooling dish, ice cream has entered a hot selling mode. How is the market situation this year? Which products are more popular? At 01:33, during the hot weather, ice cream was selling well. At 6pm, in a sales store in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, with a floor area of less than 20 square meters, consumers came one after another to buy ice cream without interruption. The owner of this sales store, Xiao Jinhua, told reporters that since the beginning of the downturn, the market has ushered in a peak sales season, and there have been many more customers coming to make purchases. When people consume, the first thing they value is the cost-effectiveness of the product. Xiao Jinhua, head of an ice cream sales store in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province: Sales of high-end products have declined significantly. Products with good quality and high cost-effectiveness, priced between 3 and 5 yuan, are more popular among consumers. Online sales

Tourist surge!, The venue is hot! It has become popular at the age of 1800, this movie is a tourist | Yellow Crane Tower | Movie
Tourist surge!, The venue is hot! It has become popular at the age of 1800, this movie is a tourist | Yellow Crane Tower | Movie

This summer, the domestically produced animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" has been a hit. In the film, the story of Li Bai and the Yellow Crane Tower left a deep impression on the audience, which also made the Yellow Crane Tower, which is celebrating its 1800th birthday this year, once again popular. In a cinema in Wuhan, the movie "Chang'an 30000 Miles" has been almost packed in recent weekends. From Jiangxia County in the movie to the current Wuchang City, many tourists leave the cinema and climb the Yellow Crane Tower. Here, the "One Tower and One City" Huanghe Tower 1800 Interactive Experience Exhibition is being held, and using AI technology, tourists can have a "conversation" with Li Bai. Since July, the number of tourists to Huanghe Tower has more than doubled compared to the same period last year. Tourist: After watching "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an", there is a different kind of romance when visiting the Yellow Crane Tower. In the film, the Yellow Crane Tower experienced the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty and was eventually burned down

Real estate needs to "dance"?, The National Assembly will speak! "Big Bridge" Transformation of Mega Cities | Urban Villages | Mega Cities
Real estate needs to "dance"?, The National Assembly will speak! "Big Bridge" Transformation of Mega Cities | Urban Villages | Mega Cities

On July 21st, the Executive Meeting of the State Council approved the Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Renovation of Urban Villages in Super Large and Mega Cities. The Opinion emphasizes the need to increase policy support for the transformation of urban villages in mega cities, actively innovate transformation models, and encourage and support the participation of private capital. In the industry's view, the Opinion has guiding significance for the real estate industry, which is still operating at a low level, and guides a new direction. Including 7 mega cities and 14 mega cities, the future is expected to be a major challenge, and the transformation of urban villages may become a new blue ocean to promote the recovery of the real estate market and economic growth. The conference mentioned that actively and steadily implementing the transformation of urban villages in mega cities is an important measure to improve people's livelihoods, expand domestic demand, and promote high-quality urban development, as the market plays a decisive role

Yonhap News Agency: Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was sentenced to one year in prison for forgery of proof in the second trial in Shimamura, Chengnan City | Choi Enshun | mother-in-law
Yonhap News Agency: Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was sentenced to one year in prison for forgery of proof in the second trial in Shimamura, Chengnan City | Choi Enshun | mother-in-law

According to Yonhap News Agency, a South Korean court rejected an appeal filed by President Yoon Seok yeol's mother-in-law Choi Eun shun on the 21st, upholding the first instance court's verdict, sentencing her to one year in prison and arresting her in court. Yonhap News Agency said that Choi Eun shun was accused of forging a bank deposit balance certificate in a transaction to purchase a piece of land in Shimamura dong, Shinan City, Gyeonggi Province in 2013, falsely claiming to have deposited a total of 34.7 billion Korean won in multiple installments. She is also suspected of conspiring with others to file a lawsuit on this land, demanding a refund of the deposit and submitting a forged proof of deposit balance to the court. In addition, she is suspected of borrowing name registration in this transaction, which violates the real estate real name registration law. In December 2021, the first instance court ruled that Cui Enshun was guilty of forging proof and sentenced her to one year in prison. Cui Enshun believes that the sentencing was inappropriate and has filed an appeal. Gyeonggi Province Government City

Including enriching the supply of sports lottery, the General Administration of Sport of China has introduced 16 measures to restore and expand sports consumption among the general public
Including enriching the supply of sports lottery, the General Administration of Sport of China has introduced 16 measures to restore and expand sports consumption among the general public

According to the website of the General Administration of Sport of China, the General Office of the General Administration of Sport issued a notice on the 20th regarding the work plan for restoring and expanding sports consumption. The plan mentions that in order to further restore and expand sports consumption, fully leverage the important role of sports in expanding domestic demand and helping to build a new development pattern, this work plan has been formulated. The main measures include deepening consumption pilot demonstrations. Summarize the work of national sports consumption pilot cities, edit and publish a compilation of typical cases, and promote it nationwide; Organize the development of industry standards for the classification of sports consumption vitality cities, and based on industry standards, timely determine a number of national sports consumption vitality cities from pilot cities. In conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce, we will implement the "Three Year Action Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a 15 Hour Convenient Living Circle in Cities" and determine a new batch of 15 Hour Convenient Living Circles

Russia has launched retaliatory attacks against Ukraine against the Black Sea. Ukrainian Air Force Command | Russia
Russia has launched retaliatory attacks against Ukraine against the Black Sea. Ukrainian Air Force Command | Russia

After the attack on the Crimean Bridge, Russia has launched retaliatory attacks against southern Ukraine. The White House has confirmed that Ukraine has deployed the cluster ammunition provided by the United States into actual combat. On the 21st, Ukraine stated that after the attack on the Crimean Bridge, Russia has been retaliating against southern Ukraine for four consecutive nights. According to the Ukrainian State News Agency, on the 21st local time, the head of the Odessa Oblast Military and Political Administration stated that in the early hours of that day, the Odessa region in southern Ukraine was hit by Russian "caliber" missiles, causing damage to the grain terminal of an agricultural enterprise in Odessa and injuring two people. At present, the Russian side has not responded to this. The Ukrainian Air Force stated that the Russian military launched 7 shore based "onyx" missiles in attacks on Odessa and Nikolayev, and the Russian military bombed Tu-22M3

May be the hottest July in the world for thousands of years, breaking meteorological records! Climate change in July this year | Record | El Ni ñ o
May be the hottest July in the world for thousands of years, breaking meteorological records! Climate change in July this year | Record | El Ni ñ o

On the 20th local time, NASA announced that July of this year may be the hottest July in the world on relevant meteorological records. The day before, the European Union's climate monitoring agency, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, also expressed the same view. Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Space Research Institute, said that after inputting various data collected from the ground and satellites into the model, preliminary results showed that the temperature in July had already broken previous meteorological records. July 2023 may be the hottest month in the world for hundreds or even thousands of years. The specific values given by multiple models are slightly different, but the trend of extreme high temperatures is clear and accurate. According to Schmidt's calculations, there is a 50% chance that this year will become the hottest year on record, and scientists predict it to be 80%. and

British intelligence personnel assisted Ukraine in destroying the Crimean Bridge. Crimea | Attack | Bridge
British intelligence personnel assisted Ukraine in destroying the Crimean Bridge. Crimea | Attack | Bridge

Media: British intelligence personnel assisted Ukraine in destroying the Crimean Bridge. The independent media "Grey Zone" reported on the 19th that documents obtained from anonymous sources showed that the attack on the Crimean Bridge on the 17th by unmanned ships was likely planned by British military intelligence members with the assistance of the Ukrainian Security Agency. The document shows that former NATO senior advisor and senior intelligence officer Chris Donally led a group of intelligence personnel to draft a detailed plan to blow up the Crimean Bridge. Previously, the media had also released documents confirming that Donnelly signed a "technical support" agreement with the Ukrainian Security Agency in April last year, which included the use of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to assist military operations, and so on. The Crimean Bridge was attacked again on the 17th, resulting in two deaths, one child injured, and damage to the highway bridge.

13 people under control! Xi'an Police Report on Counterfeiting Service "Returning Students" Case Registration | High School Entrance Examination | Police
13 people under control! Xi'an Police Report on Counterfeiting Service "Returning Students" Case Registration | High School Entrance Examination | Police

At around 23:00 on July 21, the Xi'an Public Security Bureau issued a notice regarding the online rumor of "returning students" in the city's high school entrance examination this year. On July 21, 2023, the bureau discovered during work that a training institution in the city provided services to "returning students" through fraudulent means, suspected of violating the law. At present, 13 individuals involved in the case have been controlled and the case is being further processed. Previously, it was reported that there were 110000 high school students in Xi'an in 2023, of which 40000 were returning students from Henan. Some parents raised concerns and doubts about the number of applicants and qualifications for the high school entrance examination. The Xi'an Education Bureau responded to this matter twice on July 18 and July 20, respectively. On July 18th, the Education Bureau of Xi'an City explained the relevant situation of the middle school entrance examination, stating that "103031 people in the ninth grade of the city participated in the middle school entrance examination this year, and they are students with Xi'an city status."

A staff member of the United Nations World Food Programme died in an attack in Yemen. Staff member | Taez | Yemen
A staff member of the United Nations World Food Programme died in an attack in Yemen. Staff member | Taez | Yemen

Aden News: On the 21st, the Yemeni government said that a staff member of the United Nations World Food Programme was attacked and killed by unidentified gunmen in the southwestern province of Taez in Yemen. According to Sabah News Agency in Yemen, the Jordanian United Nations staff member named Muayed Hamadi is the head of the World Food Programme in Taez Province. On the afternoon of the 21st, Hamid was attacked by an unidentified group of gunmen riding motorcycles while dining at a restaurant in Turbai, southern Taez Province. Hamedi was shot several times in his body and was sent to the hospital for rescue, but died after unsuccessful attempts. On the 21st, the Chairman of the Yemen Presidential Leadership Committee, Ali Mi, issued a statement expressing condolences for the assassination of Hamadi and demanding that the Governor of Taiz Province, Shamsan san, find the attackers as soon as possible and bring them to justice. Shamsan Mountain reported to Arimi that the province of Taez is safe

Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK Criticizes Zelensky and Suggests Dismissal | Country | Ukraine
Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK Criticizes Zelensky and Suggests Dismissal | Country | Ukraine

On the 21st, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky ordered the dismissal of Ambassador to the UK, Vadim Pristeko. The latter publicly expressed objections to Zelensky's remarks a few days ago. On the same day, the website of the Ukrainian Presidential Office issued an order signed by Zelensky, dismissing Pristyko from his positions as Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK and Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the International Maritime Organization, but without specifying the reasons for dismissal. Priesteko was interviewed by Sky News last week and was asked if Zelensky's previous statement was mocking British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. He gave a positive answer and emphasized, "We don't have to let the Russians see what we have between us, we should let them see us working together.". During the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit held from the 11th to the 12th of this month,

ASEAN explicitly says "no", facing the instigation of ASEAN | China | the United States
ASEAN explicitly says "no", facing the instigation of ASEAN | China | the United States

According to the website of France Radio International, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently pointed the finger at China at the 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and a series of meetings, instigating Southeast Asian countries to unite against the so-called "coercive action". However, Antony Blinken's incitement did not receive the "response" of the regional countries. The report states that ASEAN countries are not willing to "choose sides" between China and the United States. The United States has been actively wooing the 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Conference and a series of meetings, including the ASEAN Dialogue Partners Conference, ASEAN Foreign Ministers Conference, and East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers Conference, to be held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. China, the United States, and Russia, as formal dialogue partners of ASEAN, are invited to attend the conference. At the meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared that the United States and ASEAN "share freedom, openness, prosperity and security

Xinhua Review: The "Deterioration Theory" and "Risk Theory" of China's Investment Environment Can Stop Foreign Investment | China | Xinhua Review
Xinhua Review: The "Deterioration Theory" and "Risk Theory" of China's Investment Environment Can Stop Foreign Investment | China | Xinhua Review

Recently, some American politicians and institutions have concocted the so-called "deterioration of China's investment environment" theory, exaggerating the "risks" of investing in China, claiming that China's attention to national security may "scare away" foreign investment and "pose obstacles to capital inflows into China.". The purpose of such arguments is to induce a sense of insecurity among foreign investors in China's investment and development. Essentially, it is to continue the consistent practices of a few Western countries in suppressing trade, technological containment, and public criticism of China. However, it has been proven that the business environment in China is constantly improving, and foreign investment continues to increase. Any attempt to smear or mislead cannot erase China's advantage in attracting foreign investment, hinder the pace of foreign investment in China, and will not change the bright prospects of the Chinese economy. A market economy requires an open, transparent, and legalized business environment. Targeting some enterprises that disrupt market order and have

18 provincial and ministerial level cadres were punished, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that in the first half of the year, 36 registered and managed cadres, and 1588 department and bureau level cadres reported | cadres | provincial and ministerial level cadres
18 provincial and ministerial level cadres were punished, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that in the first half of the year, 36 registered and managed cadres, and 1588 department and bureau level cadres reported | cadres | provincial and ministerial level cadres

In the first half of 2023, the national disciplinary inspection and supervision organs received a total of 1.686 million petitions and reports, including 527000 petitions and reports related to reporting and accusation. 828000 problem clues were dealt with, including 170000 inquiries through conversation letters. 316000 cases were filed, including 36 officials in charge, 1588 officials at the department and bureau level, 13000 officials at the county and department level, and 42000 officials at the township level; There are 31000 current or former village party branch secretaries and village committee directors who have filed cases. 258000 people were disciplined, including 211000 for party discipline and 68000 for government affairs; 18 provincial and ministerial level cadres, 1355 department and bureau level cadres, 10000 county and department level cadres, 33000 township level cadres, 36000 general cadres, and 178000 rural, enterprise and other personnel have been punished.

China hopes to resume grain and fertilizer exports from Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible. China | Ukraine | Export
China hopes to resume grain and fertilizer exports from Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible. China | Ukraine | Export

On the 21st, Geng Shuang, the Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, spoke at the Security Council during its consideration of the humanitarian issue in Ukraine, stating that China hopes to resume grain and fertilizer exports from Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible. Geng Shuang said that the agreement on the export of agricultural products from the Black Sea port and the memorandum of understanding on the export of grain and fertilizer from Russia are of great significance for ensuring global food supply, stabilizing the global food market, and should be implemented in a balanced, comprehensive, and effective manner, while addressing the legitimate concerns of relevant parties. China hopes that all relevant parties will start from maintaining international food security, especially from alleviating the food crisis in developing countries, work together with relevant United Nations agencies, intensify dialogue and consultation, adhere to mutual direction, strive to balance and solve the reasonable concerns of all parties, and restore the export of food and fertilizers from Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible. Geng Shuang said that for a period of time

Economic Daily: The Key to Supporting Private Economy lies in Forming Joint Forces for Private Enterprises | Development | Economy
Economic Daily: The Key to Supporting Private Economy lies in Forming Joint Forces for Private Enterprises | Development | Economy

The major policy of the Party and the state supporting the healthy development of the private economy is consistent, and the attitude is clear. Promoting the development and growth of the private economy is a long-term strategy, not a temporary one. On the new journey of Chinese path to modernization, China's private economy can only grow, not weaken, and will move towards a broader stage. The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy were recently released. This high standard document, commonly referred to as the "31 Measures to Promote Private Economy" by society, is full of substance and responds promptly to the concerns of private enterprises with a clear problem orientation. It supports the development of private enterprises with high content measures, providing a "reassuring pill" for over 50 million private enterprises and entrepreneurs nationwide, and releasing a strong signal to promote high-quality development of the private economy. "Private economy is the life of promoting Chinese path to modernization

How does the effect appear? Is distributing consumption vouchers useful? Expert Answer: Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously Regarding Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | Consumption | Effects
How does the effect appear? Is distributing consumption vouchers useful? Expert Answer: Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously Regarding Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | Consumption | Effects

On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly released two consumption promotion documents, "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" and "Several Measures to Promote Electronic Product Consumption", respectively proposing 10 and 12 specific measures to promote automobile and electronic product consumption. Why are these two fields targeted? Compared to before, what are the further solutions to the problem in this policy? How to ensure the effectiveness of policies? News 1+1 invites Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, to jointly pay attention to the continuous measures to promote consumption, and how will the effects be demonstrated? How to promote consumption in the fields of automobiles and electronic products? The first measure proposed in "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" is to optimize the purchase restriction management policy. At the same time, promote the reasonable updating of vehicles

How to avoid falling into misconceptions behind "cherishing one's life"? Young people are passionate about traditional Chinese medicine health stars | backless | traditional Chinese medicine
How to avoid falling into misconceptions behind "cherishing one's life"? Young people are passionate about traditional Chinese medicine health stars | backless | traditional Chinese medicine

Recently, the topic of revealing one's back has frequently made headlines, and various social media platforms can see netizens posting a variety of backless photos, with many celebrities joining in. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer nourishes yang, and yang is deficient on the surface and inside the body. Sunbathing the back can supplement the yang energy in the body with the natural yang energy. Yesterday, July 21st, it entered a mid cycle. Although it does not belong to the 24 solar terms, in the DNA of Chinese people, for this special day during the dog days, it is always combined with health preservation. Search for "summer season+health preservation", and dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen have become high-frequency terms. Recently, a female netizen used stir fried Job's tears as a snack due to weak spleen and stomach, heavy dampness, and easy oil production on her face during the dog days. A week later, the oil on his face stopped coming out, but he suffered from intestinal obstruction, which also became a hot topic. According to a survey from the May issue of the magazine "Girlfriend", more than half of China's post-90s generation have

Explaining cultural relics and jokingly telling history. Visiting these museums is chaotic, so it's time to manage the live broadcast | Voice | Museum
Explaining cultural relics and jokingly telling history. Visiting these museums is chaotic, so it's time to manage the live broadcast | Voice | Museum

As summer approaches, major museums in Beijing are experiencing a peak of visits. Recently, reporters visited several museums in Beijing and found that with the significant increase in passenger flow, some uncivilized phenomena have also begun to emerge. Many viewers exclaim that it is becoming increasingly difficult to observe exhibitions quietly in museums. In response to the high passenger flow, many museums have recently adjusted and optimized their opening measures, including adjusting reservation policies, adding entry channels, and diverting new "cloud exhibitions". However, the investigation by reporters found that uncivilized visiting behavior had already appeared before entering the museum. The Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Museum issued a notice on July 11th, stating that visitors can enter the museum without reservation from 15:30 to 16:30 every day. In the afternoon of that day, the reporter arrived at the entrance of the military museum and found that there were people queuing up to enter the museum

Macron expresses dissatisfaction, Americans assume key antitrust positions in the European Union? A personnel appointment has caused a huge uproar in technology | enterprise | key
Macron expresses dissatisfaction, Americans assume key antitrust positions in the European Union? A personnel appointment has caused a huge uproar in technology | enterprise | key

Recently, the European Commission announced the appointment of Fiona Scott Morton, a former US antitrust official and professor at Yale University, as the Chief Economist of the EU Competition Agency. This appointment has sparked a rare internal controversy in the European Union in recent years, described by the South German newspaper as triggering "protests" and "riots". French President Macron, major parliamentary groups in the European Parliament, and others have expressed dissatisfaction, and the Director General of the Competition Department has had to publicly answer questions in the European Parliament. This matter ultimately came to an end with Morton voluntarily announcing his resignation. Several experts and scholars have stated in an interview with our reporter that it is undoubtedly strange for EU institutions to appoint non EU nationals to important positions. It should be noted that if an ordinary person of non EU member state nationality wants to work within the EU, the employer must provide "Why is this position?"

Jointly undertaking the news release work with Lu Aihong, the newly appointed spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Chen Feng, appeared in Chen Feng | News | Lu Aihong
Jointly undertaking the news release work with Lu Aihong, the newly appointed spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Chen Feng, appeared in Chen Feng | News | Lu Aihong

Chen Feng, spokesperson for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Deputy Director of the Policy Research Department, hosted the press conference for the second quarter of 2023. On July 21st, at the press conference of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security for the second quarter of 2023, Chen Feng, the new spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, made his first public appearance. Chen Feng's other position is Deputy Director of the Policy Research Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. At the opening of this press conference, Chen Feng introduced himself as the new spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. It's a pleasure to meet you all. This is my first time hosting a press conference. Here, I would like to express my gratitude to media friends for their concern and attention to the development of the human resources and social security industry over the years, and to everyone for their support and assistance in our department's news release work. I will work together with Director Lu Aihong to do a good job in releasing news on human resources and social security, and I believe I hope to continue to maintain good communication with everyone

Defense cooperation is heating up, but each has its own plans. Japan and France will hold their first joint air exercise | Japan France | calculations
Defense cooperation is heating up, but each has its own plans. Japan and France will hold their first joint air exercise | Japan France | calculations

Hot news: According to foreign media reports, the Japan Air Self Defense Force and the French Air Force will hold their first joint exercise from July 26th to 29th to strengthen cooperation between the two countries. Japan will send 7 aircraft, including F-15 fighter jets, while France will send 2 Rafale fighter jets, 1 tanker, and 1 Airbus A-400M military transport aircraft to participate in this exercise. The French Rafale fighter jet's long-distance participation in joint exercises in West Pacific has attracted attention. Comment: With the continuous improvement of the strategic position of the Asia Pacific region, the attention of European countries to the region is also increasing. Especially France, although a European country, defines itself as an "Indo Pacific" country and actively engages in defense cooperation with countries such as Japan and Australia, continuously increasing its intervention in regional affairs. Japan took advantage of this opportunity,

Xinhua All Media+| In the first half of the year, the stable employment policies of the human resources and social security departments released dividends exceeding 150 billion yuan. Universities | Employment | Departments
Xinhua All Media+| In the first half of the year, the stable employment policies of the human resources and social security departments released dividends exceeding 150 billion yuan. Universities | Employment | Departments

Beijing, July 21 (Xinhua) - According to a press conference of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security for the second quarter of 2023, from January to June, a total of 52.8 billion yuan in employment subsidies were distributed nationwide. The phased reduction of unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates has reduced costs for enterprises by more than 86 billion yuan, and the unemployment insurance fund has stabilized employment expenses by 17.6 billion yuan. The above-mentioned stable employment policies have released dividends exceeding 150 billion yuan. Chen Yongjia, Deputy Director of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, stated that the overall employment situation in China remained stable in the first half of the year. From January to June, the country achieved 6.78 million new urban jobs, achieving 57% of the annual target. The overall urban survey unemployment rate showed a downward trend, falling back to 5.2% in June, a decrease of 0.3 percentage points from the same period last year. At the same time, the external environment is wrong

How can Hainan Free Trade Port be opened and managed? Play "Combination Fist" to Direct Difficulties and Blockages Education | Theme | Combination Fist
How can Hainan Free Trade Port be opened and managed? Play "Combination Fist" to Direct Difficulties and Blockages Education | Theme | Combination Fist

In the process of carrying out theme education, Hainan adheres to deepening investigation and research to promote the resolution of development difficulties. This year is a crucial year for the pressure testing of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. Various departments in Hainan have dispatched working groups to conduct in-depth visits and research on the front line. The research team found that as one of the first 27 stress testing items, the value-added processing duty-free policy has benefited enterprises a lot, but there are still complex procedures in customs declaration, domestic sales filing and other links. Lian Wei, Deputy General Manager of Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Every single trip requires filing, which is particularly complex and adds a lot of complexity

Railway and other departments strengthen services to ensure summer travel data | Summer Transport | Department
Railway and other departments strengthen services to ensure summer travel data | Summer Transport | Department

Beijing, July 21 (Xinhua) - Since the start of the 2023 Summer Games, there has been a strong demand for travel due to various passenger flows such as students, family visits, and tourism. Railway, power, civil aviation and other departments optimize travel services, strengthen safety management, and strive to improve the travel experience of passengers. According to data from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., from July 1st to 20th, during the first 20 days of the summer vacation, a total of 26.1484 million passengers were sent by the national railway, with a daily average of 13.074 million passengers sent. On the 21st, the national railway is expected to send 13 million passengers. On the basis of implementing the summer timetable, China Railway Shanghai Group Company closely monitors changes in passenger flow, timely supplements transportation capacity, optimizes passenger train operation, increases safety inspections, and strives to do a good job in station and train services. To cope with

This is Sichuan, C video | Why is China inclusive | China | Sichuan
This is Sichuan, C video | Why is China inclusive | China | Sichuan

In the vast starry sky of Chinese civilization, there is a star, which is - Sichuan Province, based on the treacherous Jiange in the north, guards the Jinsha Heavenly Ditch in the south, looks at the Gongga Hengduan in the west, and the vast Yangtze River flows towards the sea. This land has nurtured a profound and colorful Ba and Shu culture, brushing away the dust of history. Seeing the origin and development of ancient Shu, we can also glimpse the endless life of Chinese civilization. With a long history, thousands of countries join hands with the vast Ba and Shu land, the flower of national unity blooms, and the East and West converge in exchange and mutual learning. The Chinese civilization, which is inclusive and full of vitality, radiates with great vitality. China The inclusiveness and innovation of civilization vividly present in Sichuan Province. Although the Shu Road is difficult, the people of Shu dare to stand for thousands of miles in the world. The Ba and Shu civilization emits a magnificent light, leaving behind profound poetry and recitation of the thousand year view of humanity in the Three Sus

C Video | Do you know how many cultural relics in Sichuan are permanently prohibited from being exhibited abroad? Sanxingdui | China | Sichuan
C Video | Do you know how many cultural relics in Sichuan are permanently prohibited from being exhibited abroad? Sanxingdui | China | Sichuan

Do you know? China has 195 national treasure level cultural relics, which are permanently prohibited from being exhibited abroad due to their high value. Among these national treasures, 6 come from Sichuan. Do you know which ones they are? The first piece of bronze divine tree is naturally the treasure of Sanxingdui Museum, the bronze divine tree. With a residual height of 396 centimeters, it is the largest Shang and Zhou bronze artifact in the world. The second piece of the Bronze Dali Man from Sanxingdui is a tall and majestic bronze Dali Man, showcasing the majesty of a king. The third piece of the golden staff is the golden staff from Sanxingdui, which symbolizes the power of the ancient Shu king. The fourth piece of the sacrificial mountain jade zhang still comes from Sanxingdui. The pattern on this sacrificial mountain jade zhang is the earliest jade line carving in China, recording the scene of Sanxingdui worship. The fifth piece of money tree is the money tree from Mianyang Museum, with a complex and gorgeous design that is breathtaking. too

President Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was arrested in court!, A dramatic scene in South Korea, Yoon Seok yeol | South Korea | My mother-in-law
President Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was arrested in court!, A dramatic scene in South Korea, Yoon Seok yeol | South Korea | My mother-in-law

This article is reprinted from a dramatic scene in South Korea where the mother-in-law of South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol, Choi Eun shun, was arrested in court and sentenced to one year in prison. After hearing the verdict, Cui Enshun fainted on the spot; Her quick son-in-law, Yin Xiyue, remained silent. According to Yonhap News Agency, the current president's mother-in-law was arrested in court for the first time in South Korean constitutional history. Why did the South Korean prosecutor find out about Yoon Seok yeol's mother-in-law? That's really freezing an old sheep to death in June - it's a long story. Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law Cui Enshun can be said to be a businessman. Her recent troubles can be said to be caused by the property. Cui Enshun is accused of forging a bank deposit balance certificate and falsely claiming to deposit a total of 34.7 billion Korean won in multiple installments in order to purchase a piece of land 10 years ago. She also