The world

Suddenly surrender!, The owner of a well-known billionaire | Tottenham Hotspur | Company | Billionaire
Suddenly surrender!, The owner of a well-known billionaire | Tottenham Hotspur | Company | Billionaire

According to CCTV Finance on July 29th, this week, Joe Lewis, the owner of English Premier League football club Tottenham Hotspur and a British billionaire, was accused by US prosecutors of insider trading. He was suspected of sharing confidential information about his investment company with his personal assistant, lover, and pilot, making them profit from it. A spokesperson for the US Attorney's Office stated that Lewis surrendered to federal authorities in Manhattan this Wednesday morning. US prosecutors claim that in 2019, Lewis provided a loan of $500000 to his pilots and encouraged them to purchase stocks of a cancer company before it released favorable clinical trial results. Subsequently, the stock rose 16.7% within a day, and the two pilots paid off Lewis's loan

Korean media: In the first half of the year, the South Korean government received 2464 applications for refugee status from Russians | refugees | the South Korean government
Korean media: In the first half of the year, the South Korean government received 2464 applications for refugee status from Russians | refugees | the South Korean government

On July 29th local time, the South Korean Ministry of Justice released a monthly report showing that the number of refugee status applications submitted by Russians to the South Korean government in the first half of this year has doubled compared to the whole of last year. According to Yonhap News Agency, statistics show that from January to June this year, the South Korean government received a total of 8348 applications for refugee status, with the highest number of applications from Russian nationals being 2464, accounting for 29.5%. Last year, there were 1038 applications for refugee status from Russian nationals, and in the first half of this year alone, the number of applications from Russians exceeded that of the entire year last year. According to Yonhap News Agency, in terms of the reasons for applying for refugee status, "political differences" are the most common, followed by "religious reasons", "belonging to a specific social group", "family reunification", and "racial discrimination".

Host Tu Lei speaks for the first time after being proven innocent! Tu Lei | Tan Mou | Host
Host Tu Lei speaks for the first time after being proven innocent! Tu Lei | Tan Mou | Host

On July 29th, the West Lake District Branch of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau issued a police report regarding the investigation results of a woman named Tan who publicly reported that she had been sexually assaulted by the famous host Tu Lei. The woman in question was initially diagnosed with hallucinations and delusions. She has not seen Tu in her daily life and has not yet been found to have been instructed by anyone. The police will conduct a comprehensive medical appraisal and further investigation in accordance with the law to handle the situation fairly. That night, Tu Lei posted a video response: "I see the sun through the clouds, but I am worried that my wife, daughter, friends, and family will be affected.". People and their families who suffer from rumors and online violence, who will repay the pain? Video clip: Peng Wanxin previously reported that Tu Lei was sexually assaulted by a village official who spoke out: She has mental health problems and does not know Tu Lei. On the 26th, a netizen publicly posted a video and post on an online platform claiming that she was sexually assaulted at the age of 19

Don't open the door! Expenses have already been incurred in multiple locations. July 13th | Elderly | Gas
Don't open the door! Expenses have already been incurred in multiple locations. July 13th | Elderly | Gas

Have you ever seen this kind of notice in the community? ▼ Attention, this is a scam! Using safety hazards as a pretext, targeting the elderly and charging high fees. Stop gas without installing a gas leak alarm? On July 13th, Shaoxing Zhuji Natural Gas Co., Ltd. received a call from Aunt Wu in Lihu New Village, Jiyang Street, reporting that someone had requested users to install gas leakage alarms and charged high fees on site, citing the gas company's investigation of safety hazards. After receiving the phone call, the company immediately arranged for staff to come to the site to understand the detailed situation and cooperate with the police officers at the police station to investigate and collect evidence. It is reported that the social personnel took advantage of the weak vigilance of elderly people staying at home during noon, knocking on doors and selling products, and falsely claiming that if the alarm is not installed today, the gas will be shut down. A clever speech order

New equipment attracts attention, North Korea's night parade unmanned aerial vehicle | parade style | North Korea
New equipment attracts attention, North Korea's night parade unmanned aerial vehicle | parade style | North Korea

Recently, North Korea held another military parade after a 5-month hiatus. What equipment appeared during this parade? What is the difference from the past military parade? According to a video released by North Korean Central Television, a large drone appeared over Pyongyang, marking the beginning of the military parade. North Korea has also publicly announced for the first time the names of these two drones: the "Nova-9" multifunctional attack unmanned combat aircraft and the "Nova-4" strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Analysis shows that the North Korean "Nova-4" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has a shape similar to the US "Global Hawk" high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, with the words "North Korean People's Army Air Force" printed on the fuselage. The North Korean "Nova-9" unmanned attack aircraft is similar to the US military's "Reaper" reconnaissance and strike integrated drone. During the military parade, four fully armed "Nova-9" aircraft were absent

Outbreak event has won two championships, and Chinese breakdancing has once again received good news as the champion | International | Event
Outbreak event has won two championships, and Chinese breakdancing has once again received good news as the champion | International | Event

Chinese breakdancing players have once again achieved great success on the international stage. On the 29th, in the Outbreak competition held in Slovakia, Qi Xiangyu won the men's group championship, and young player Li Houhua also successfully won the championship in the youth group. Qi Xiangyu faced the famous "one legged" player Samuel Enrique from Brazil in the final that day. Enrique had to amputate his right leg due to bone cancer in his childhood, but he became a top break dancer with extraordinary perseverance and hard work, and was highly respected in the industry. "I respect him very much, and I also admire him very much. He is really amazing, and it's not easy to train like this. But in the competition, I will still strive for my goal, which is to win the game. My full effort is also a respect for the opponent." Qi Xiangyu received a phone interview from Xinhua News Agency after the game

Information is being resold, revealing the tricks of attracting customers in home decoration: low price signing and layer by layer price increase Factory | Ms. Liu | low price
Information is being resold, revealing the tricks of attracting customers in home decoration: low price signing and layer by layer price increase Factory | Ms. Liu | low price

The low-priced building materials purchased in full are only found to require additional installation fees upon arrival at home and cannot be returned. In recent years, the digital development of the home furnishing industry has been rapid, and some "tricks" have also flooded it. Recently, Upstream News reporters received reports from consumers in Fujian, Guangdong and other places that the merchants first recruited customers at low prices, then signed contracts and continuously increased prices under the pretext of paying material transportation and installation fees. In the end, the consumers had to cancel the contracts and only received partial refunds. The investigation by reporters found that behind such short videos of home decoration soliciting customers, there are also violations such as video fraud and buying and selling customer contact information. Two knowledgeable insiders interpreted that these means were common offline routines in the past and were used by some businesses on the Internet. A special company was responsible for selling mobile phone numbers and other information about customers interested in decoration to such manufacturers at a price of tens of yuan to

Article "The Last Western Allie Falls" | Burkina Faso | Allies
Article "The Last Western Allie Falls" | Burkina Faso | Allies

On July 27th, the Spanish newspaper Le Monde published an article titled "Niger Military Coup: The Last Allied Fall of the European Union and the United States in the Sahel" by Rosa Menezes. The article excerpt is as follows: Over the past decade, extremism has been spreading in the Sahel region of Africa. Until now, Niger remains an important base for international action against extremism. In the summer of 2022, the French military and its European allies carrying out Operation Balhan were forced to withdraw from Mali; In September of the same year, Burkina Faso experienced two military coups. Afterwards, Niger became a refuge and important base for the Sahel region to combat jihadist mechanisms. The coup that occurred on the evening of July 26th in the capital Niamey was the last ally of the European Union and Western countries in the Sahel region to fall into hell

Stopped again? The government | lawmakers | Americans who will scare the Americans
Stopped again? The government | lawmakers | Americans who will scare the Americans

According to the Associated Press on July 29th, members of the US Congress have begun to suspend their work in preparation for their August recess, but the work of providing funding to the government has yet to be completed, raising concerns about whether Congress can avoid some government agencies shutting down this autumn. The report states that Congress must take action to address the government's funding issues before October 1st, the start of the new fiscal year. They can fund government agencies through expenditure bills until next year, or simply take temporary measures to maintain their operations until a longer-term agreement is reached. But no matter which approach is taken, it will not be easy. Delaware Democratic Senator Chris Koons said, "We will scare Americans unless we finish this job." Koons, on the other hand, took a look at the Republican members of the House of Representatives

Born in the 1970s, a city in Anhui Province elected a new mayor, Fuyang Municipal People's Government | Hu Mingwen | Mayor
Born in the 1970s, a city in Anhui Province elected a new mayor, Fuyang Municipal People's Government | Hu Mingwen | Mayor

On July 30, 2023, the Third Session of the Sixth People's Congress of Fuyang City elected Comrade Hu Mingwen as the Mayor of Fuyang City People's Government. Hu Mingwen's resume: Hu Mingwen, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1970, started working in August 1991, and joined the Party in May 1991. He holds a graduate degree from the Provincial Party School and a Bachelor of Arts degree. Comrade Hu Mingwen studied Chinese at Hefei United University from September 1988 to August 1991. After graduation, he worked successively at the Hefei Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Hefei Municipal Party Committee Office, and the Yaohai District Committee of Hefei City; From June 2002 to June 2004, he participated in the work of aid to Xizang, and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Cuona County Party Committee and the director of the Office of the County Party Committee; Since October 2004, he has successively served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Yaohai District, Hefei City, as well as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy District Mayor, and Deputy Secretary of the Yaohai District Committee

Passengers trapped in carriages for 40 minutes and smashed glass, Chongqing Rail Transit experienced 3 consecutive broken glass incidents in 10 days | Line 2 | Passengers
Passengers trapped in carriages for 40 minutes and smashed glass, Chongqing Rail Transit experienced 3 consecutive broken glass incidents in 10 days | Line 2 | Passengers

On the evening of July 29th, the Mawangchang Station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 suddenly exploded with flames, causing delays in all trains on the Line 2. At Yuanjiagang Light Rail Station, a passenger was trapped in a stuffy carriage and broke open the door glass. That night, the train resumed normal operation. On the morning of the 30th, staff from the Chongqing Transportation Bureau stated that the cause of the malfunction was still under investigation. On the evening of July 29th, multiple netizens released videos showing multiple flash explosions and sparks at Mawangchang Station on Chongqing Metro Line 2, with firefighting and rescue vehicles rushing to the scene. Video clip: Deng Bo's accident has affected the operation of Line 2. At around 9 pm on the 29th, the official Weibo account of Chongqing Rail Transit released an unexpected operation news stating that the operation of trains on Line 2 was delayed due to equipment failure. At around 9 pm on the 29th, a netizen posted a video

The risk of foodborne diseases increases in rainstorm days! Central Disease Control and Prevention Reminder: Do not consume spoiled foods such as grains | Food | Disease Control and Prevention
The risk of foodborne diseases increases in rainstorm days! Central Disease Control and Prevention Reminder: Do not consume spoiled foods such as grains | Food | Disease Control and Prevention

Affected by the typhoon, rainstorm weather occurred in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong and other provinces and cities recently. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned that during rainstorm and flood, the risk of foodborne diseases increased, and the public should not eat spoiled food. In case of continuous rainstorm, if flood disaster is caused, flooding will cause food corruption and deterioration, and toxic and harmful substances will also pollute food through water diffusion, leading to the death of livestock, poultry, fish, etc. At the same time, it is summer, with high temperatures and humidity, mosquitoes and flies breed, and food is easily contaminated by bacteria, mold, and various chemical substances. China CDC reminds the public not to eat spoiled and spoiled food, as well as drowned or diseased poultry and livestock. Eating spoiled and spoiled food can easily cause food poisoning, while consuming unclean food can easily cause intestinal infectious diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, and cholera. Drowning or diseased livestock can transmit Streptococcus suis and avian influenza

The maximum rainfall in Hebei is 578.7 millimeters, and the Ministry of Water Resources has upgraded the emergency response for flood prevention in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region to level II for the North Canal | Yongding River | Ministry of Water Resources
The maximum rainfall in Hebei is 578.7 millimeters, and the Ministry of Water Resources has upgraded the emergency response for flood prevention in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region to level II for the North Canal | Yongding River | Ministry of Water Resources

According to the WeChat official account news of China Water Resources, it is predicted that from July 30 to July 31, most of the Haihe River basin will maintain heavy to rainstorm, and obvious flood processes will occur in the North Canal, Yongding River, Daqing River, Hutuo River, Fuyang River and other rivers, of which the North Canal, Daqing River, Yongding River may have floods with numbers or exceeding the alarm limit. The flood storage and detention areas such as Dongdian of Daqing River, Xiaoqing River diversion area of Beijuma River, Dahuangbao depression of Jianhe River in Qinglongwan, Ningjinpo of Fuyang River, and Dalu Ze may overflow and reach the conditions for use. According to the Emergency Response Work Regulations for Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources has decided to upgrade the emergency response for flood prevention in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region to Level II at 12:00 on July 30th. Relevant provinces and cities are required to immediately enter the emergency response work state, quickly, meticulously and orderly prepare for the use of flood storage and detention areas, and closely monitor the weather

Beijing and Shenzhen have successively stated that they will focus on implementation and adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner to adjust real estate policies
Beijing and Shenzhen have successively stated that they will focus on implementation and adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner to adjust real estate policies

After the Central Political Bureau meeting set the tone to "adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner" and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development clarified the direction of policy support, many regions have begun to implement it urgently, and first tier cities such as Beijing and Shenzhen have successively expressed their opinions. On the evening of July 29th, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development stated that it will combine the actual situation of the Beijing real estate market, work together with relevant departments to quickly implement the work, strongly support and better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, and promote the stable and healthy development of the Beijing real estate market. Industry insiders believe that the statement made by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development is of great significance, indicating that Beijing will have relaxed measures in its housing policy in the near future. On July 30th, the Shenzhen Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau also stated that it will combine the actual situation of Shenzhen's real estate with relevant departments, central agencies in Shenzhen, and various districts to implement and better meet the needs of residents

Where is the power of "recognizing a house but not a loan" when first tier cities may have conditions to land? Existing homeowners and homebuyers have changed their attitudes towards owning properties | Shanghai | First line
Where is the power of "recognizing a house but not a loan" when first tier cities may have conditions to land? Existing homeowners and homebuyers have changed their attitudes towards owning properties | Shanghai | First line

This week, there has been continuous positive news about the real estate market. First, a high-level meeting proposed "timely adjustment and optimization of real estate policies", followed by a call from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development. The industry believes that a new round of loose policies in the real estate market is about to unfold. In terms of specific policies, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development's proposal of "recognizing houses but not loans" has received great attention. At present, only first tier cities and a few strong second tier cities are left with strict implementation of the "house recognition but loan recognition" policy. If the "house recognition but not loan recognition" policy can be implemented, it will stimulate the recovery of the real estate market in these cities. But experts also point out that if the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" is fully implemented in first tier cities, there may be situations where housing prices rise too quickly. The transaction volume of second-hand houses in first tier cities has been declining for several months. After the Spring Festival this year, the real estate market in core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai has rebounded, and developers and real estate brokerage companies have all

The police station treats 8424 watermelons, and the national second level protected wild animal, the Sukada tortoise, has been rescued in Shanghai. Expert | Turtle | Shanghai
The police station treats 8424 watermelons, and the national second level protected wild animal, the Sukada tortoise, has been rescued in Shanghai. Expert | Turtle | Shanghai

"Look, it's willing to eat watermelon!" In the courtyard of the police station, a "giant turtle" larger than winter melon is eating Nanhui's specialty 8424 watermelon in large bites. "I didn't eat anything all afternoon, and now I finally spoke up," the policewoman said happily while feeding. The turtle was rescued and fed watermelon. On July 22, 2023, the Sunqiao Police Station of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau received a request for help from residents, claiming that a large turtle had arrived at their doorstep, seemingly a protected animal. They refused to eat the meat and were unable to move it. After arriving at the scene, the police found that the large turtle foot was over 50 centimeters long, with thick limbs, and the head had been hiding inside the turtle shell, as if frightened. The police immediately contacted the Shanghai Zoo and brought the giant turtle back to their place of care. Sukada tortoises are native to Africa and have been identified by animal experts

Meteor shower, "blue moon", Saturn charging towards the sun... August astronomical theater is bustling with extraordinary astronomical phenomena
Meteor shower, "blue moon", Saturn charging towards the sun... August astronomical theater is bustling with extraordinary astronomical phenomena

The Tianxiang Theater in August is bustling with excitement: not only will one of the three major meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere, the Perseid meteor shower, visit, but also exciting shows such as Saturn's Sunburst and the Blue Moon will be released one after another. On August 10th, we will welcome the eastward distance of Mercury. At sunset, Mercury is located in the northwest sky with average observation conditions. Expert Wang Yumin from the Beijing Ancient Observatory suggests that observers can use binoculars to search in unobstructed areas of the western sky. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the three major meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere, and is highly popular due to its extreme dates in warm summer days. This year, the meteor shower will reach its maximum on August 13th, coinciding with the waning moon, during which moonlight has almost no impact on observations. For astronomy enthusiasts, this meteor shower should not be missed. Experts from the Beijing Planetarium say that the evening of August 13th is the best time to observe the Perseid meteor shower

Shandong's parents are trending! Netizen: "I burst into tears when I saw the delicious food from my hometown." I don't understand English. I went abroad from the county to see my daughter | parents | Shandong
Shandong's parents are trending! Netizen: "I burst into tears when I saw the delicious food from my hometown." I don't understand English. I went abroad from the county to see my daughter | parents | Shandong

Recently, in Linyi, Shandong, parents born in the 1960s took their first flight and spent over 40 hours crossing 10000 kilometers to visit their daughter. Zhang, the person involved, explained that he and his parents had not seen each other for over a year. This summer, his parents departed from a small county in Shandong, took a high-speed train to Tai'an, took a plane to Beijing, and then transferred to Copenhagen in Milan. Along the way, they traveled across the sea to Europe to see themselves. They also brought pancakes and dumplings from their hometown in Shandong. Zhang also said that his parents are already in their 50s and cannot speak English. This is their first time flying, and he thinks they are very brave and have worked hard all the way. He arranged a three week trip to Europe for them. "When people grow up, they want to take their parents to see the world." It is understood that the Shandong girl has completed her master's degree abroad with a full scholarship and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree. The girl also stated that she is

Seven counties falsely reported 11800 toilet acceptance passes, and Yunnan audited the "toilet revolution" special fund for hygiene | funds | toilets
Seven counties falsely reported 11800 toilet acceptance passes, and Yunnan audited the "toilet revolution" special fund for hygiene | funds | toilets

Recently, public information from the Yunnan Provincial Audit Office showed that some counties and cities have seriously violated the use of funds during the "toilet revolution". On July 26th, the official website of the Yunnan Provincial Audit Office released the "Audit Work Report on the Implementation of Provincial Budgets and Other Financial Income and Expenditure for 2022", which drew attention to the special audit investigation of the rural "toilet revolution" in Yunnan Province. According to the official website of the Yunnan Provincial Audit Office, a special audit investigation was conducted on the implementation of policies and measures for the rural "toilet revolution" in 8 cities from 2019 to 2022, as well as the management and use of funds. A total of 1.449 billion yuan was randomly audited, and 7061 households were surveyed, revealing four major issues. One city and eight counties falsely reported 4904 completed toilets; 7 counties falsely reported the number of qualified toilet inspections 1.18

American Media: How the World Goes from Chip Shortage to Severe Excess Semiconductors | Epidemic | Shortage
American Media: How the World Goes from Chip Shortage to Severe Excess Semiconductors | Epidemic | Shortage

According to a report on July 27 on the website of the US Consumer News and Business Channel, when the COVID-19 was the most serious, semiconductor shortage affected various products from cars to game controllers. But now semiconductor shortage has turned into chip surplus, and some of the world's largest chip manufacturers are suffering. Semiconductors are small components that are indispensable for a range of products, including refrigerators, cars, smartphones, and LED bulbs. The COVID-19 has seriously disrupted the chip supply chain and production activities, because consumers who avoid the epidemic at home are keen to buy products such as personal computers and smart phones. This has driven the demand for semiconductor products. The demand for chips with lower levels of advancement has also increased, such as chips required for equipment power management programs. This leads to game controllers and even washing machines

Add four more gold coins! Congratulations on winning the championship! China Team | Men's | Team
Add four more gold coins! Congratulations on winning the championship! China Team | Men's | Team

The Chinese team won the men's 25 meter pistol rapid shooting team championship at the Chengdu Universiade. In the men's 25 meter pistol rapid shooting team final, the Chinese team won the championship! India won a silver medal and South Korea won a bronze medal. The Chinese team won the men's 50m rifle three position team championship at the Chengdu Universiade. In the men's 50m rifle three position team final, the Chinese team won the championship! Kazakhstan won a silver medal and India won a bronze medal. The Chinese team won the men's archery composite bow team championship at the Chengdu Universiade. In the men's archery composite bow team final, the Chinese team defeated the French team to win the championship! Chen Xiaoli won the gold medal in the women's Tai Chi sword competition at the Chengdu Universiade. Chinese athlete Chen Xiaoli won the gold medal with a score of 9.746! Brunei players and Japanese players won second and third places respectively.

Bank card deposit of 140000 yuan in 20 minutes? I may have committed this crime. Settlement | Information Network | Bank Card
Bank card deposit of 140000 yuan in 20 minutes? I may have committed this crime. Settlement | Information Network | Bank Card

Recently, an ordinary young man from Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong, received 140000 yuan from his bank card in just 20 minutes. What kind of business did he do? "Because I have a record of loan overdue, when I needed to borrow again, I saw someone on my phone who could help me with the loan application, and immediately agreed." To successfully apply for the loan, the young man, Zeng, took the initiative to contact the other party and arranged a meeting place. After the meeting, the other party said that they only needed Zeng to provide his bank card to help "swipe the transaction flow" and then they could help him apply for a loan. Zeng immediately agreed when his mind was hot, not only handing over his bank card and password to the other party, but also cooperating multiple times with facial recognition verification on his phone. Afterwards, Zeng's bank card frequently received 4 transactions totaling over 140000 yuan within 20 minutes, and was quickly withdrawn afterwards

Short video blogger interviewed by the police, "working to earn money to treat grandpa's illness"? Fabricate a fictional Yushan | video |? short
Short video blogger interviewed by the police, "working to earn money to treat grandpa's illness"? Fabricate a fictional Yushan | video |? short

I work 9 hours a day and only earn 40 yuan to take care of my grandfather at home... Recently, a user named "Yushan Daily Necessities Store" posted multiple short video videos on a certain short video platform. The main content was that a young man named A Sheng in Yushan County, Shangrao, Jiangxi, worked for his seriously ill grandfather to earn medical expenses while being squeezed by his employer. However, he persisted in his struggle. In the short video, A Sheng was dressed in rags and moving cement and eating boxed meals at a construction site, which quickly attracted the attention of netizens. Some netizens called on the government to pay attention to and help the people in the video. The video caught the attention of the Yushan County Public Security Bureau's online police. After investigation, it was found that the content of the above short video was purely fabricated. The police found that the registered name was fabricated during the investigation. The short video account for "Yushan Daily Necessities Store" has almost daily live streaming sales records

Why is squash getting more and more popular? This niche project has become the champion of new bonus points for studying abroad applications | squash | niche
Why is squash getting more and more popular? This niche project has become the champion of new bonus points for studying abroad applications | squash | niche

Recently, Qin Jin, the president of the Hangzhou Squash Association, revealed good news to reporters: "At this year's Squash Asian Championships, Hangzhou will have four squash players participating in the competition, which is the largest number of people in history and full participation." If in your impression, squash is still a sport with only a few people participating, then you are out. Nowadays, in Hangzhou, squash is not only a new favorite among elementary and middle school students, but also plays a special role in the learning path of some children. Half of the American squash school teams are Asian faces playing squash, and there are unexpected benefits. Qin Jin told reporters that currently, Hangzhou Kindergarten has not launched a squash program, but in the primary school stage, two schools have established squash school teams. The earliest one was Anji Road Experimental School in Hangzhou, which cooperated with the Hangzhou Sports Center and trained students in the sports center

Former Chairman of a State owned Enterprise in Changsha Was Double Opened: Bringing Books and Magazines with Defamation and Defamation of Party and State Leaders into the Country and Other Party Secretary | Discipline | Party and State
Former Chairman of a State owned Enterprise in Changsha Was Double Opened: Bringing Books and Magazines with Defamation and Defamation of Party and State Leaders into the Country and Other Party Secretary | Discipline | Party and State

Recently, with the approval of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into Zhang Junlai, former Party Secretary and Chairman of Changsha Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd., for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, it was found that Zhang Junlai seriously violated political discipline by carrying books and magazines that defamed and defamed party and state leaders into the country without authorization. He tried every means to conceal evidence and deliberately opposed organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally accepting gifts and gifts, and accepting tourism activity arrangements that may affect the fair execution of official duties; Violating organizational principles and failing to truthfully report personal matters in accordance with regulations; Engaging in profit-making activities without any disciplinary or legal bottom line, and engaging in large-scale power and sex transactions; Corruption in life and moral decay; Colluding with unscrupulous merchants, using the convenience of their positions to seek profits for others and illegally accepting property, with a particularly large amount of money

United Nations Secretary General: "Military Coup Returns" Coup | Africa | Military Coup
United Nations Secretary General: "Military Coup Returns" Coup | Africa | Military Coup

On July 28th, the BBC website published an article titled "Is military takeover in Africa on the rise?". The article points out that military coups occurred frequently in the decades following the independence of African countries. People are now worried that coups will become more frequent. The takeover action in Niger is the latest in a series of coups that have occurred in recent years. In 2022, there were two coups in Burkina Faso, and attempted coups in Guinea Bissau, Gambia and the island country  Sao Tome and Principe. In 2021, there were 6 coups in Africa, of which 4 were successful. Last year, senior African Union official Moussa Faki Mohammed expressed concern about the resurgence of unconstitutional government changes. A study conducted by two American researchers, Jonathan Powell and Clayton Sean, found that since

Market reshuffle and rising electricity bills for public charging stations! Driving new energy vehicles doesn't save money anymore? Charging Station | Cost | Market
Market reshuffle and rising electricity bills for public charging stations! Driving new energy vehicles doesn't save money anymore? Charging Station | Cost | Market

Recently, new energy vehicle owners in many places have reported on social media that the charging fees for charging stations have been raised. A new energy vehicle owner from Zhengzhou said that almost all new energy charging stations of different brands in the city have seen price increases. During certain periods, the charging cost has increased by nearly double. Media reports also indicate that there has been an increase in the cost of using charging stations in cities such as Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Qingdao, and Chongqing. Are new energy vehicles really not saving money? Which car owners are most affected? The most affected country for taxi drivers is the fluctuation of electricity prices. According to interviews with some new energy vehicle owners, those who have fixed parking spaces and are equipped with household charging stations have not been affected by the increase in charging costs, but the cost of public charging stations has increased significantly. After comparing prices through multiple charging apps, it was found that Guoshijun is experiencing a low point in charging

Doctor: It's best to add this item to the physical examination. "I'm only 33 years old and don't want to die!" The man suddenly discovered that he has been infected with the virus for many years. | Feng Gang | Virus
Doctor: It's best to add this item to the physical examination. "I'm only 33 years old and don't want to die!" The man suddenly discovered that he has been infected with the virus for many years. | Feng Gang | Virus

"I'm only 33 years old and I don't want to die... Now, day and night, I hope to find a suitable liver source for transplantation surgery." Recently, the reporter met Feng Gang at the hospital. He regretted that he had never had a hepatitis B related examination before, which led to his incurable illness. The doctor said that there were many patients who were similar to Feng Gang. If we could have a hepatitis B virus test earlier, we could completely avoid such a tragedy. Liver transplantation was the only hope for a 33 year old man or two years ago when he was infected with hepatitis B virus in infancy, Feng Gang's life was no different from that of most of his peers. Work diligently during the day and go home to accompany the children at night. He has always felt that his physical condition is good, and the unit arranges a physical examination every two years or so without any major problems. Last year, he was sent due to an emergency

A member of Xiling Seal Engraving Society has been suspended, claiming that "there is no corner in the field of seal engraving without me". News reporter | Xiling Seal Engraving Society | Member
A member of Xiling Seal Engraving Society has been suspended, claiming that "there is no corner in the field of seal engraving without me". News reporter | Xiling Seal Engraving Society | Member

To maintain the reputation of the association, Xiling Seal Engraving Society recently suspended one member from membership. The reporter from Pengpai News noticed that on July 26th, the official website of Xiling Seal Engraving Society released a decision on suspending Liu Zikun's social status: Liu Zikun, male, from Ganzhou, Jiangxi, joined Xiling Seal Engraving Society in 2021. In June of this year, inappropriate and unethical remarks were made during live streaming on self media platforms, causing significant negative impact. According to Article 18 of the Articles of Association of Xiling Seal Engraving Society, after investigation, Liu Zikun has been given a suspension of his social status. The Xiling Seal Engraving Society stated that during the disciplinary period, their participation in any activities of the society will be suspended, and they will not have the right to vote, be elected, or have any voting rights related to the society. They will also be prohibited from participating in any social activities, publishing works, or promoting under the name of a member of the Xiling Seal Engraving Society. I hope all members of the society can take it as a warning and cherish art

But always ready to respond, Putin: does not want direct conflict with NATO Russia | NATO | Putin
But always ready to respond, Putin: does not want direct conflict with NATO Russia | NATO | Putin

On July 29th, Russian President Putin stated that Russia is ready to respond to any situation regarding the possibility of direct confrontation between Russian and NATO forces. Russia does not want direct conflict with NATO, but if anyone wants it, Russia is also prepared. According to previous reports by Russian media, Western media have disclosed NATO's action plan to combat Russia, which includes increasing the number of rapid response forces to 300000. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg called it the largest defense plan since the Cold War, with over 4000 pages. It is mentioned that the NATO Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe can make partial decisions independently without the need for additional consultation with NATO. Putin: Russia has never refused to hold peace talks on the Ukraine issue, Xinhua News Agency, St. Petersburg, July 30