The world

Maui County Government in Hawaii, USA: 850 people still lost due to fire | Personnel
Maui County Government in Hawaii, USA: 850 people still lost due to fire | Personnel

On August 21st local time, the government of Maui County, Hawaii, announced that as of early that day, the Maui Island fire had caused 114 deaths, and the safety of 1285 missing individuals had been confirmed, but there were still 850 people in a state of loss. The government calls on the families of the missing individuals to provide DNA samples to confirm the identity of the victims. According to the latest data released by the government of Maoyi County, about 10% of the fires in the severely affected Lahaina have not been effectively controlled, and the area of local fires has reached 878 hectares. In Kura, the area of the fire has reached 274 hectares, and 15% of the local fire is still uncontrolled. Visit to the main station | The death toll from the Maui Island fire in Hawaii has risen to 114, with 6 confirmed victims identified>>

Di Er Xiu | BRICS Leaders Meeting - Writing a New Chapter of Global Southern Cooperation and Win Win Win BRICS | Countries | Global
Di Er Xiu | BRICS Leaders Meeting - Writing a New Chapter of Global Southern Cooperation and Win Win Win BRICS | Countries | Global

As the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders is about to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, the world's attention is once again focused on this widely influential multilateral mechanism. On the eve of the meeting, South African Ambassador to China, Siabanga Guellet, emphasized in a recent interview the important role China plays in Africa, especially in South Africa. Xie Shengwen stated that China Africa cooperation goes far beyond simple trade and investment relations. China has become Africa's largest trading partner, a position that has been maintained for 14 years. In South Africa, China is not only the largest trading partner, but more importantly, it is bringing tangible benefits to the people of South Africa, including employment opportunities and infrastructure construction. The trade volume between South Africa and China continues to grow, while South Africa also maintains positive trade cooperation with other BRICS countries

Visit vlog | Mountains and seas are not far apart, go together to the leaders of the "BRICS Agreement" | Cooperation | BRICS
Visit vlog | Mountains and seas are not far apart, go together to the leaders of the "BRICS Agreement" | Cooperation | BRICS

This is the third time that South Africa, known as the "Rainbow Country," has welcomed guests from the BRICS leaders meeting. In 2013, Durban witnessed the first visit of BRICS leaders to the African continent; In Johannesburg in 2018, the BRICS Leaders Meeting continued to write about the inseparable bond with the African continent. After more than a decade of development, the cooperation mechanism among the BRICS countries has formed a multi-level structure led by leaders' meetings, supported by ministerial level meetings such as the High Representative Conference on Security Affairs and the Foreign Ministers' Meeting, to carry out practical cooperation in dozens of fields such as economy and trade, finance, technology, agriculture, culture, education, health, think tanks, and sister cities. 2017 BRICS Building

China South pragmatic cooperation fruitful projects | Hisense | fruitful
China South pragmatic cooperation fruitful projects | Hisense | fruitful

On August 21st, at the BRICS Trade Expo, visitors had a conversation in front of the Hisense booth. Photo taken by our reporter Yan Yunming ②: At the site of the South African Redstone Solar Thermal Project, which was constructed by a Chinese enterprise, employees from both China and South Africa discussed the construction process of the solar tower. A South African female worker works in the final assembly workshop of FAW South Africa factory. Photo taken by our reporter Shi Yuanhao ④: A group photo of some teachers and students at the Confucius Institute of Durban Institute of Technology in South Africa. Photo taken by our reporter Yang Yi ⑤: Long term vision of the De'a wind power project.

"China Contributes Important Forces to BRICS Cooperation" (Mutual Benefit, Win Win Unity and Cooperation) Energy | Cooperation | BRICS
"China Contributes Important Forces to BRICS Cooperation" (Mutual Benefit, Win Win Unity and Cooperation) Energy | Cooperation | BRICS

"The BRICS cooperation mechanism provides a broad platform for cooperation between emerging market countries and developing countries." During a recent interview with our reporter in Johannesburg, South Africa, the President of the BRICS Business Council, Busi Mabza, stated that the 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting was held offline for the first time in more than three years and is of great significance. Last year's BRICS Year of China yielded fruitful results, and we look forward to continuing the good momentum of cooperation and deepening practical cooperation among BRICS countries in various fields. The BRICS Business Council is an important mechanism for exchanges and cooperation among the business communities of BRICS countries. Mabza said that strengthening and promoting exchanges and cooperation between the business community in the fields of economy, trade, commerce, and investment are indispensable within the framework of cooperation among the BRICS countries. During the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting, the BRICS countries

Promoting the establishment of a more just and reasonable international order (international forum)
Promoting the establishment of a more just and reasonable international order (international forum)

The establishment and continuous development of the BRICS cooperation mechanism provides an important platform for enhancing the influence of emerging market countries and developing countries, promoting world multipolarity, and establishing a more just and reasonable international order. At present, more than 40 countries have expressed their desire to join the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, with over 20 countries officially submitting their applications. Over the past 30 years, emerging market countries and developing countries have developed rapidly and played an increasingly prominent role in world politics and economy, becoming a positive force in promoting changes in the international order. The BRICS cooperation mechanism was established in this context. In September 2006, the foreign ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, and China held a meeting during the United Nations General Assembly, transforming the "BRICS" from an economic concept to national action for the first time. In response to the international financial crisis, in 2009

Get to know, get to know, exchange, and learn from each other (Reporter's note) South Africa | China | Reporter
Get to know, get to know, exchange, and learn from each other (Reporter's note) South Africa | China | Reporter

In recent days, whether in Johannesburg, or in South African cities such as Pretoria, there have been exciting activities promoting friendship between China and South Africa, deepening the brotherly friendship between the two countries.Mainstream media such as South African Broadcasting Corporation and The Independent actively report on China's development experience and inspiration... During the interview, the reporter felt that more and more South African people are eager to have a deeper understanding of China. On the path of common development, the people of China and South Africa continue to enhance understanding, and the friendship between the two countries transcends mountains and seas. In recent years, China and South Korea have promoted education, culture, and science through initiatives such as hosting national years with each other and officially launching a high-level cultural exchange mechanism between the two countries

BRICS Leaders Meeting | Kenyan Journalist: Looking forward to the summit contributing to strengthening multilateralism | BRICS | Journalist
BRICS Leaders Meeting | Kenyan Journalist: Looking forward to the summit contributing to strengthening multilateralism | BRICS | Journalist

International Online Report: Johannesburg, South Africa is about to hold the first offline meeting of BRICS leaders in over three years, marking the first time the BRICS summit has entered Africa after five years. Moses Audianbo, a senior political affairs journalist for the Kenyan newspaper Star, stated in an interview with international online journalists that various sectors in Africa highly look forward to this summit and hope that it will create new opportunities for cooperation between BRICS countries and the African continent, and contribute to the realization of inclusive multilateralism. Kenyan Star Senior Political Affairs Journalist Mossi Odianbo Mossi Odianbo pointed out that the upcoming BRICS Leaders Meeting provides an opportunity for African countries and emerging economies to exchange and share development achievements, create development opportunities for Africa, and discuss solutions to the problems and challenges faced by African countries. This summit

Long shot of current affairs | like-minded individuals do not take mountains and seas as their distance. BRICS | country | current affairs
Long shot of current affairs | like-minded individuals do not take mountains and seas as their distance. BRICS | country | current affairs

The Republic of South Africa, located at the southernmost tip of the African continent, is known as the "Rainbow Country" due to its numerous ethnic and racial groups. Here, the fusion of diverse cultures has converged into a beautiful landscape. This hopeful African continent once again welcomes distant VIPs.Beyond the old ideological line, we have embarked on a new path of mutual respect and common progress; Beyond the old notion of "you lose, I win" and "winner takes all", put it into practice

Yoon Seok yeol: Methods of "rehearsing full-scale war scenes" in South Korea US military exercises | South Korea | Yoon Seok yeol
Yoon Seok yeol: Methods of "rehearsing full-scale war scenes" in South Korea US military exercises | South Korea | Yoon Seok yeol

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, South Korean President Yin Xiyue said at the government meeting that South Korea rehearsed the scene of a full-scale war in the joint military exercise of "Second Shield of Freedom" with the United States, which began on August 21. In this war, North Korea will use its own means, and South Korea must concentrate all its forces to confront different threats. According to the report, Yoon Seok yeol said that North Korea will "use all available means and will not stop using nuclear weapons" to achieve military objectives. Therefore, the exercise will be conducted under conditions close to actual combat, with over 580000 people, 4000 central and local government departments, and national enterprises participating in the exercise. Yin Xiyue stated that the plan focuses on protecting nuclear power plants, high-tech industrial facilities, national communication lines, and other important infrastructure from missiles, drones, and cyber attacks

Expert: It is advisable to take ritavir tablets as soon as possible after infection. COVID-19 mutant BA. 2.86 "appears" in many countries COVID-19 | virus | mutation
Expert: It is advisable to take ritavir tablets as soon as possible after infection. COVID-19 mutant BA. 2.86 "appears" in many countries COVID-19 | virus | mutation

It is reported that WHO has updated the tracking table of COVID-19 mutants, and one of them has quickly attracted worldwide public opinion and attention - one of COVID-19 mutants BA.2.86 has been included in the list of "mutants under monitoring". Not long ago, the mutant strain EG.5 was upgraded to a "strain that needs attention", and now BA.2.86 has been added to the monitoring list. Does this mean that the strain may further upgrade? The World Health Organization only said one sentence about this, but it is also enough to raise everyone's alarm: the number of mutations carried by this strain is so high that it is concerning. At present, BA.2.86 has also appeared in multiple countries, including Denmark, the United Kingdom, Israel, the United States, etc. In addition, the Danish National Serology Institute stated that the three BA.2.86 variants discovered in the country are located in

Is collaboration between doctors and industry corrupt? This is the key enterprise | doctor | key
Is collaboration between doctors and industry corrupt? This is the key enterprise | doctor | key

In this round of pharmaceutical anti-corruption, the relationship between doctors and enterprises has become delicate, leading to concerns about the involvement of some normal clinical cooperation and development projects. It seems that once there is an association between people in enterprises and doctors, it is suspected of profit transmission. Industry insiders suggest that the misconception that "cooperation is the transfer of benefits" should be eliminated in order to properly view the inseparable relationship between doctors and the industry. In the first two articles of the "Questioning Good Doctors" series, we have already explored what kind of doctors are needed and how to cultivate more doctors who can see doctors. And excellent clinical doctors require innovative thinking, which cannot be separated from cooperation with industry and industry. The purpose of combining medical and industrial work is also to better meet the needs of patients. A recent video interview by Professor Yang Bo, a medical doctor at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Research Center, has been widely circulated.

Japan plans to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea for 30 years, but amidst doubts, it has announced plans from the government to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea from August 24th
Japan plans to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea for 30 years, but amidst doubts, it has announced plans from the government to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea from August 24th

On August 22nd local time, the Japanese government announced after a meeting of relevant officials that it will discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean starting from the 24th. According to the website of Tokyo Electric Power Company, as of August 3rd, more than 1.34 million cubic meters of nuclear contaminated water were stored in over 1000 water storage tanks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and approximately 100 tons of nuclear contaminated water were added daily to cool the molten nuclear fuel. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company's plan, the treated and diluted nuclear contaminated water will be discharged into the sea through a 1 kilometer long underwater tunnel, with a discharge time of up to 30 years. Before being discharged into the sea, nuclear contaminated water will be purified. TEPCO claims that through multi nuclide treatment equipment, 62 radioactive substances in the water, except for tritium, can be purified to meet Japan's national environmental discharge standards.

Qi Weiping | Deeply comprehends and firmly adheres to the concept of "Five Necessary Paths" | Era | China
Qi Weiping | Deeply comprehends and firmly adheres to the concept of "Five Necessary Paths" | Era | China

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China requires the whole party to keep in mind the "five necessary paths", emphasizing that "this is a crucial and regular understanding we have obtained in long-term practice, and must be cherished and always adhered to.". The rich ideological implications and practical value of the "Five Must Go Roads" highlight its significant strategic significance in leading China's development and progress** The crucial understanding of regularity is the prerequisite for the development of things, and it is also the requirement for people who create history to grasp their own destiny. Experience tells us that the deeper we grasp objective laws, the more proactive historical practice becomes. The Party and the people have anchored and recognized in the long-term arduous struggle“

"One call, one response" embodies the original aspiration of the people (warm news and hot reviews) consensus | sanitation workers | demonstration
"One call, one response" embodies the original aspiration of the people (warm news and hot reviews) consensus | sanitation workers | demonstration

"My father is an environmental sanitation worker, and he only has two sets of work clothes, which are shared for winter and summer. The weather is very hot now, affecting work. I apply to develop summer uniforms for environmental sanitation workers." On the 12345 government service platform in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, a citizen left this passage. Soon, the local urban management bureau responded to the demand and customized a batch of new work clothes with better breathability and sweat absorption for sanitation workers, which will be further promoted and used. "One call, one response" not only brings coolness to sanitation workers, but also provides inspiration for better meeting the needs of workers. In recent years, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers has already formed a social consensus. Why can "changing clothes" for sanitation workers still attract attention and move people's hearts? The key is to take the needs of the masses as the direction of work, respect labor, and protect the rights of workers

Deeply Understanding the Innovation Theory of the Party in the New Era from the Perspective of Scientific Systems | China | Era
Deeply Understanding the Innovation Theory of the Party in the New Era from the Perspective of Scientific Systems | China | Era

The development of a sound scientific system and scientific theory through continuous promotion of practical and theoretical innovation is a continuous advancement in the positive interaction between practical and theoretical innovation

Why do natural elements also need to rest and recuperate? (Telling You Nature) Ecology | Earth | Elements
Why do natural elements also need to rest and recuperate? (Telling You Nature) Ecology | Earth | Elements

The health of ecosystems such as grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands is a prerequisite for the health of the Earth's ecosystem and the normal functioning of ecological services. Have you experienced the vastness of grasslands, the tranquility of forests, the meandering of rivers, the tranquility of lakes, and the magnificence of wetlands? Have you ever heard that grasslands are the skin of the earth, forests are the lungs of the earth, rivers are the blood vessels of the earth, lakes are the eyes of the earth, and wetlands are the kidneys of the earth? In nature, every element maintains the health of the Earth's ecosystem and plays an irreplaceable role. The health of ecosystems such as grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc. is a prerequisite for the health of the Earth's ecosystem and the normal functioning of ecological services. Any problem with any element will lead to a decline in the ecological service function of the Earth's ecosystem. So, naturally

The "Embroidery Skill" of Planting Trees and Greening with Feet (People's Forum) Ecology | Urban Greening | Forum
The "Embroidery Skill" of Planting Trees and Greening with Feet (People's Forum) Ecology | Urban Greening | Forum

Urban greening is a major issue related to the improvement of ecological environment and modernization of urban governance.Scientific greening is an inherent requirement for following natural and economic laws, protecting and restoring natural ecosystems, and building green mountains and rivers. In reality, some places do not respect scientific laws when planning urban greening, and neglect scientific argumentation of local land suitability, spatial and temporal distribution of water resources, and carrying capacity; Carrying out green initiatives

Reflect the requirements of the digital economy era, promote Chinese path to modernization, digital | technology | era
Reflect the requirements of the digital economy era, promote Chinese path to modernization, digital | technology | era

With the rapid development of digital technology, digital economy has become the main economic form following agricultural economy and industrial economy, and also an important era background for promoting Chinese path to modernization. Today's special issue of this edition has two articles to discuss in depth how to seize opportunities and meet challenges in the new era and new journey, and continue to promote Chinese path to modernization on the basis of high-quality development of the digital economy, so as to entertain readers.

Fully, accurately, and comprehensively implementing the new development concept (ideological and political) in China
Fully, accurately, and comprehensively implementing the new development concept (ideological and political) in China

The new development concept is a concentrated reflection of China's development ideas, direction, and focus in the new era, and is a guiding principle for managing the overall situation, fundamental issues, and long-term development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has continuously made new progress and achieved new results in high-quality development, fully demonstrating the "baton" role of the new development concept. On the new journey, we must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, always grasp, measure, and promote development with the internal unity of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, and promote changes in the quality, efficiency, and driving force of economic development. Innovation is the primary driving force for development. Technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society and a powerful weapon for addressing many global challenges. Facing the future, seizing technological innovation as the "bull's nose" that affects the overall development of our country is the key to driving competition

Tightly tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief risk | ability | string
Tightly tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief risk | ability | string

Since the beginning of this year's flood season, the risk of natural disasters in many parts of China has remained high due to multiple rounds of typhoons and heavy rainfall. Regional and phased droughts and floods are frequent, and the flood prevention situation is complex and severe. "Seven down and eight up" is the crucial period for flood control, and it is the most challenging stage for flood control. It is necessary to always tighten the string of flood control and disaster relief in accordance with the requirements put forward by the central government, and carefully carry out all work related to flood control and disaster relief. Natural disasters during the flood season in our country have the characteristics of wide occurrence range, strong suddenness, and heavy disaster causing, often causing significant casualties and property losses. There are many difficulties in flood prevention work. Prevention is the first move and key point in fighting the tough battle against floods. We should adhere to preventing and resolving risks from the source, and try to mitigate the risks associated with natural disasters as early as possible. Regarding how to accurately grasp the situation of this year's main flood season, relevant national departments

Stimulating comparative advantages in local industries (on-site comments) Industry | Coffee | Comparison
Stimulating comparative advantages in local industries (on-site comments) Industry | Coffee | Comparison

Is there a village in China where every household drinks coffee, focusing on local expertise, enhancing skills, extending the chain, and improving the industrial system, while also contributing to the cultivation of product brands? Entering the countryside of Simao District, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, the reporter found the answer. I still remember a few years ago when I went to Dakaihe Village in Nanping Town, Simao District, the locals treated guests and often brewed tea; Nowadays, a cup of hand brewed coffee has become a standard accessory. "Left hand coffee and right hand tea" vividly symbolizes the industrial characteristics of Pu'er City. The aroma of distant mountain coffee. Pu'er City is famous for its tea, and the industrialization and large-scale cultivation of coffee have been going on for decades. However, the dilemma faced by local coffee growers was that they could not afford a cup of coffee for the price of selling one kilogram of coffee beans. How to change the predicament? Someone must dare to think and try. In the past two years, Yang Hongjian from Dayatang Group in Dakaihe Village resigned from his job

High quality development of digital economy helps Chinese path to modernization China | China | digital economy
High quality development of digital economy helps Chinese path to modernization China | China | digital economy

In 2022, the scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 41.5% of GDP, with a nominal growth rate of 10.3%, which has been higher than GDP growth rate for 11 consecutive years; China has built the world's largest and technologically advanced digital infrastructure, with a total computing power ranking second in the world; Significant achievements have been made in the construction of a digital government, and international cooperation in digital technology continues to deepen, promoting high-quality development of the digital economy

Chinese path to modernization is the modernization (people's view) tradition | culture | civilization that continues the ancient civilization
Chinese path to modernization is the modernization (people's view) tradition | culture | civilization that continues the ancient civilization

How to treat the history of our country? How to treat our country's traditional culture? This is a problem that any country must solve well in the process of modernization.Starting from now, this version will launch a series of comments to deepen the understanding and cultural confidence of readers, and better shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era—— The promotion and expansion of Chinese path to modernization is not accidental, but determined by China's historical inheritance and cultural tradition. It is deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture

Chushu is approaching and farming is busy for a family | farmers | farming
Chushu is approaching and farming is busy for a family | farmers | farming

On August 20th, at the Wanshou chrysanthemum storage base in Pingbei Town, Pingquan City, Hebei Province, farmers concentrated the newly harvested Wanshou chrysanthemum flowers for storage. Xinhua News Agency's summer vacation is approaching, and farmers in various regions are rushing to carry out agricultural work during the farming season, creating a busy scene in the fields. On August 20th, in Xialanchong Village, Jinling Town, Xintian County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, villagers drove agricultural machinery to harvest rice. On August 20th, tea farmers picked autumn tea from the 10000 acre tea sea in Yongxing Town, Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. On August 20th, Xinhua News Agency reported that farmers harvested scallions in the field of a vegetable planting cooperative in Zunhua City, Hebei Province. On August 20th, Xinhua News Agency reported that farmers were harvesting rice in Liaojia Village, Qingtang Town, Dao County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. On August 19th, Xinhua News Agency reported that in Huangjiaba Community, Dongliu Street, Dazhu County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province,

Is there anything at your doorstep?, More than 90000 kilometers of urban greenways have been built nationwide, including Heping Road, Greenway, and Jiamenkou
Is there anything at your doorstep?, More than 90000 kilometers of urban greenways have been built nationwide, including Heping Road, Greenway, and Jiamenkou

In recent years, many cities have been vigorously promoting the construction of urban greenways. The greenways around us are becoming more and more numerous and longer, like green "capillaries" that constantly extend. They not only connect the scenery along the line, but also constantly enrich the lives of the people. Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development that as of now, more than 90000 kilometers of urban greenways have been built in China. More than 90000 kilometers of urban greenways have been built nationwide, which can be simply understood as green roads. They are green linear spaces in cities that focus on recreation and fitness, while also providing functions such as green travel and biological migration. In recent years, various regions have continuously accelerated the construction of urban greenways, improved greenway service facilities, and focused on providing convenience for people's leisure and recreation, sports and fitness, and green travel. As of now, urban greenways have been built nationwide

Perseverance under the scorching sun! Salute to your dedicated and dedicated Li Tao. Coordination | | Hot | Blazing Sun
Perseverance under the scorching sun! Salute to your dedicated and dedicated Li Tao. Coordination | | Hot | Blazing Sun

Under the scorching heat and scorching sun, they are an undeniable scenic spot. The maintenance of traffic order has their responsibility; On the front line of rescue and disaster relief, there is their courage; The safety of power lines is their responsibility; The cultivation of garden ridges has their hard work; The stacking of steel and cement has their toughness; The convenience and speed of life are guaranteed by them; The daily lives of the people have their own worries and solutions. They persist, persist, and be firm. Let us pay tribute to those who are dedicated and dedicated! Director Producer | Xu Qiang Supervisor | Li Jun Wen Xiaole Producer | Cao Hongchen Director | Tan Mengqiong Shen Feijing Li Jingbo Zhang Yong Camera | Han Yulong Fang Zhijun Shi Wenlong Editing | Li Tao Packaging | Zhang Hanpeng Producer | Cheng Dongmei Coordinator | Zhang Yong

From Endangered to Reborn - Observation of the Butterfly Transformation in the Minjiang River Estuary Wetland over 20 Years | Wetlands | Minjiang River
From Endangered to Reborn - Observation of the Butterfly Transformation in the Minjiang River Estuary Wetland over 20 Years | Wetlands | Minjiang River

From April to September, the Chinese phoenix tern, known as the "mythical bird," visited the wetlands at the mouth of the Minjiang River as scheduled. This relatively rare and endangered bird, which had long disappeared from human sight. In recent years, they have been reporting to the wetlands at the mouth of the Minjiang River every year, attracting many bird watching enthusiasts. As an important relay station for migratory birds in East Asia Australia, the Minjiang River Estuary Wetland is one of the areas in China with the highest distribution of waterbird species and numbers per unit area, attracting rare and endangered birds such as the Chinese crested tern, spoon billed sandpiper, and black faced spoonbill to inhabit and forage. But 21 years ago, the wetland at the mouth of the Minjiang River was once endangered due to human activities and production.

In 2022, the health literacy level of Chinese residents continues to show a steady improvement trend. Health | CCTV Network | Level
In 2022, the health literacy level of Chinese residents continues to show a steady improvement trend. Health | CCTV Network | Level

CCTV News: The National Health Commission announced today the "2022 Monitoring of Health Literacy among Chinese Residents". In 2022, the health literacy level of Chinese residents reached 27.78%, an increase of 2.38 percentage points from 2021, continuing to show a steady upward trend. The monitoring results show that in 2022, the health literacy level of urban residents and rural residents in China was 31.94% and 23.78%, respectively, an increase of 1.24 and 1.76 percentage points compared to 2021. The health literacy levels of residents in the eastern, central, and western regions were 31.88%, 26.70%, and 22.56%, respectively, an increase of 1.48, 2.87, and 3.14 percentage points compared to 2021. The basic knowledge and conceptual literacy level of urban and rural residents is 41.26%, and healthy students

Important Measures to Promote Strict, Standardized, Fair, and Civilized Law Enforcement by the State Council | Fines | Measures
Important Measures to Promote Strict, Standardized, Fair, and Civilized Law Enforcement by the State Council | Fines | Measures

Beijing, August 21 (Xinhua) - An important measure to promote strict, standardized, fair, and civilized law enforcement - Interpretation by relevant officials of the Ministry of Justice of the State Council on the Decision of the State Council on Amending and Abolishing Some Administrative Regulations. Xinhua reporter Bai Yang recently announced the State Council's Decision on Amending and Abolishing Some Administrative Regulations, which amended some provisions of 14 administrative regulations and abolished one administrative regulation. This is another important measure to further transform government functions, promote strict, standardized, fair, and civilized law enforcement, optimize a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment, and provide services to ensure high-quality development. On the 21st, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Justice that the administrative regulations involved in the decision have been cleared by the Ministry of Justice in conjunction with relevant departments. Regarding the hot issues in the decision, relevant officials from the Ministry of Justice have conducted an investigation