The world

The school and government hotlines have responded that students from a certain school in Dongguan will be charged 200 yuan for a semester of lunch break while lying at their desks
The school and government hotlines have responded that students from a certain school in Dongguan will be charged 200 yuan for a semester of lunch break while lying at their desks

On August 28th, a school in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, paid 200 yuan for a semester's lunch break while lying on a table, which sparked a heated discussion among netizens. A netizen posted a screenshot of a group chat where school teachers charge lunch break fees. Screenshots show that every semester, sleeping on the stomach costs 200 yuan, lying flat costs 360 yuan, and the bed costs 680 yuan, all of which are voluntary principles. On August 29th, the staff of the school stated that this is a document issued by Dongguan City, and parents can choose voluntarily. Teachers will manage it uniformly. The staff of Dongguan 12345 government service hotline responded that as early as 2019, there was a document about lunch break, titled "Notice on Promoting the Work of Lunch Break Service for Primary and Secondary School Students in Dongguan City". "The lunch break service is a service fee, which is voluntary participation and charged based on actual costs."

The Ministry of Commerce of both countries announced the establishment of a working group, and China and the United States had in-depth talks for nearly 4 and a half hours
The Ministry of Commerce of both countries announced the establishment of a working group, and China and the United States had in-depth talks for nearly 4 and a half hours

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that on August 28th, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao held talks with visiting US Secretary of Commerce Raymond in Beijing, and had rational, candid, and constructive communication on China US economic and trade relations and common economic and trade issues of concern. The two sides had an in-depth conversation for nearly 4 and a half hours, announcing the establishment of a new communication channel between the Ministry of Commerce of China and the United States. A working group was established, consisting of government officials at the deputy ministerial and bureau levels of China and the United States, with representatives from enterprises participating, to seek solutions to specific business issues. The working group will hold two vice ministerial level meetings annually. The two ministers agreed to have regular communication and meet at least once a year. In addition, both sides have initiated an export control information exchange mechanism as a mechanism to explain their respective export control systems and improve communication. Both parties will export in accordance with their respective laws

One piece of tea drives the integration of the three industries (comprehensively promoting rural revitalization)
One piece of tea drives the integration of the three industries (comprehensively promoting rural revitalization)

Visiting Changsha County in Hunan Province, the tea industry is continuously expanding the chain of industrial integration and development. In 2022, the tea production in Changsha County was 42000 tons, with 80000 tons of processed dry tea. The comprehensive output value of the tea related industry reached 4.8 billion yuan. Tea companies that grow and make tea are common, but tea companies that sell tea making machinery and equipment are rare. Xiangfeng Tea Industry Group Co., Ltd. located in Jinjing Town sold tea last year

From the data, it can be seen that the overall development of seawater quality in China continues to improve
From the data, it can be seen that the overall development of seawater quality in China continues to improve

CCTV News: The Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference today. The data shows that the overall seawater quality in China continues to improve. In 2022, Class I water quality sea areas accounted for 97.4% of the jurisdictional sea area and remained stable overall. The proportion of Class I and Class II water quality areas in nearshore waters was 81.9%, an increase of 0.6 percentage points year-on-year. The overall health status of the marine ecosystem has improved, and the "unhealthy" state has been continuously eliminated since 2021. At present, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is focusing on the construction of a beautiful bay, focusing on the three major sea areas of the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze Estuary Hangzhou Bay, and the adjacent sea areas of the the Pearl River Estuary, focusing on the supervision of sewage outfalls into the sea, constantly strengthening the supervision of the marine environment, and strengthening the supervision of mariculture, marine dumping and other fields.

Gathering the surging force of progress, according to China News Network: Fingertip Leap Positive Energy Spirit | Positive Energy | Leap
Gathering the surging force of progress, according to China News Network: Fingertip Leap Positive Energy Spirit | Positive Energy | Leap

Beijing, August 28th (Xinhua) - Cyberspace is the common spiritual home of millions of people. Only when the cyberspace is clear and ecologically sound can it serve the interests of the people. We need to lead billions of traffic with positive energy, play the progressive movement with the main melody, and accumulate surging spiritual strength. On August 26, 2022, the final selection results of China's positive energy network boutiques were released, and 550 positive energy works stood out and entered the public disclosure stage. In the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Broadcasting Event, many "ordinary heroes" became the main characters on stage, reflecting the "great spirit, great responsibility, and great pattern" of the times, driving billions of netizens to move upwards and towards goodness, making positive energy a big and main traffic. The original intention remains unchanged, and there is no regret in the wind and rain. China's Positive Energy Network Boutique, Sharp Pen

Market demand gradually recovers, digital economy helps high-quality development of real economy
Market demand gradually recovers, digital economy helps high-quality development of real economy

CCTV news: According to the newly released Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet, in the context of the gradual recovery of China's market demand in the first half of the year, the digital economy has become an important engine for stable growth, which has helped to promote the economic recovery. The report on the improvement of Internet service experience shows that the Internet service experience and user acquisition have further improved. In the first quarter, the download rates of mobile and fixed broadband in China increased by 59.9% and 15.1% year-on-year, respectively, while mobile data traffic tariffs continued to decline. At the same time, the accessibility of information continues to improve, and the aging adaptation of Internet applications has been further promoted. 1735 popular mainstream websites and mobile apps have completed the aging adaptation. A number of excellent transformation cases have been popularized and applied nationwide, continuing to warm the

Economic Essay | Three "Easter eggs" in the 20 billion yuan box office of summer movies
Economic Essay | Three "Easter eggs" in the 20 billion yuan box office of summer movies

At the end of a movie, there are often dozens of seconds of Easter eggs, which can answer a mystery in the main film or pave the way for the future of the plot. As of the evening of August 26th, this year's national summer film box office has exceeded 20 billion yuan. In this "strongest summer season in history", there are three meaningful "Easter eggs" buried. This year, Chinese films have shown signs of recovery since the Spring Festival season. From the May Day period to the summer period, the recovery is not only firm, but also shows considerable momentum. Watching movies is a typical contact and gathering consumption activity. The outbreak of the epidemic has had a significant impact. The epidemic has receded, and the recovery is unstoppable. The global film market is recovering. The top two markets - the North American market and the Chinese market - had a similar total box office revenue in the first half of the year. Three years of epidemic

Various measures are being taken in various regions to restore orderly production and living order in disaster stricken areas
Various measures are being taken in various regions to restore orderly production and living order in disaster stricken areas

CCTV News: Various regions are taking multiple measures to fully restore normal production and living order in the disaster stricken areas. Approaching the start of school, the restoration and reconstruction of campuses in the disaster stricken areas of Hebei province is accelerating. In Zhuozhou, more than 120 schools affected by the disaster have completed the painting and updating of teaching facilities after dredging. In the past few days, technicians are carrying out the final maintenance of infrastructure such as electricity and water supply in preparation for the start of school. All affected villages in Mentougou District, Beijing have recently resumed mobile communication signals, all villages with interrupted roads have been connected, and all towns and streets have fully resumed municipal power supply. The restoration of water supply is being accelerated. At present, 146 villages have achieved normal water supply, and the production and living of the people are being orderly restored.

How to reduce losses, increase production, and ensure a bountiful harvest during the autumn harvest season? Experts come to offer tips →
How to reduce losses, increase production, and ensure a bountiful harvest during the autumn harvest season? Experts come to offer tips →

Autumn grain is the mainstay of annual grain production, and it is currently a critical period for the formation of autumn grain production. Many parts of the country will gradually enter the autumn harvest season. The latest agricultural situation dispatch from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that the autumn grain area has steadily increased this year, expected to reach 1.31 billion mu, an increase of about 7 million mu from the previous year. The agricultural and rural departments will provide classified guidance and precise services to ensure good field management in the middle and later stages of autumn grain, and make every effort to ensure that the annual grain production remains above 1.3 trillion kilograms. Various regions have entered the autumn harvest season one after another, and the formation of autumn grain production has also reached a critical period. What should be the key work to do to ensure a good harvest and reduce losses? Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: In response to the different requirements for the critical growth period of crops in different regions after disasters, we not only strengthen field management, restore damaged agricultural facilities, but also provide farmers with certain insurance claims

Who will remember this summer for
Who will remember this summer for

A new week bid farewell to summer vacation and bid farewell to this summer. In this summer, we witnessed the tears of realizing our dreams, saw the youth and passion splashing on the field... Let's look back at these touching moments together ↓↓ 1 She, who lost her light, made her life shine with her voice. On June 28th, at the graduation ceremony of Communication University of China, Dong Lina, the first visually impaired master's degree in broadcasting in China, graduated. She said, "Graduation is not only the end point, but also the starting point. May we all have dreams, persist in love, always be down-to-earth, calm and composed no matter where we are." Her confident and generous graduation speech won the applause of all the students standing up The future is promising! Salute to the doll Lang Zheng, who was admitted to the International Politics program at Peking University with a good score of 637 after the Wenchuan earthquake.

New models, new business formats, and new engines of cross-border e-commerce help accelerate foreign trade
New models, new business formats, and new engines of cross-border e-commerce help accelerate foreign trade

CCTV news: China Internet Network Information Center today released its 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China. In the first half of 2023, the number of online shopping users in China reached 884 million, an increase of 38.8 million compared to December 2022, accounting for 82.0% of the total number of netizens. Cross border e-commerce and other business models maintained rapid growth. In the first half of the year, the national online retail sales reached 7.16 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%. Among them, the online retail sales of physical goods reached 6.06 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.8%, accounting for 26.6% of the total retail sales of consumer goods in society. Online shopping consumption continues to play a positive role in supporting consumption growth. Cross border e-commerce drives the accelerated growth of new foreign trade drivers. In the first half of this year, China's cross-border e-commerce import and export volume reached 1.1 trillion yuan,

Look! Children's colorful summer vacation
Look! Children's colorful summer vacation

How was your summer vacation? As the new semester approaches, let's take a look at how children from all over the country spend their summer vacation and experience intangible cultural heritage. On July 19th, children learned the Miao intangible cultural heritage dance "Jinji Dance" at the free summer dance class at the Danzhai County Cultural Center in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. On July 15th, students learned the art of egg carving at the Pushi Egg Carving Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Museum in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. On August 14th, at Dongxinzhuang Primary School in Wangjiapu Town, Cang County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, the teacher led the students to practice martial arts. On July 29th, at the Science and Technology Museum in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, children experienced the "Fury" experiment. On August 6th, a child experienced a telescope at the Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Museum located in Shenyang City. On August 6th, children in Shenyang City

China's Internet penetration rate reached 76.4% (new data and new insights)
China's Internet penetration rate reached 76.4% (new data and new insights)

Our newspaper, Beijing, August 28 The China Internet Network Information Center released the 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet in Beijing on August 28. The report shows that as of June this year, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.079 billion, an increase of 11.09 million over December 2022, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 76.4%. The report shows that as of June this year, in terms of basic network resources, the total number of domain names in China was 30.24 million, the number of active IPv6 users reached 767 million, the number of Internet broadband access ports reached 1.11 billion, and the total length of optical cable lines reached 61.96 million kilometers. In terms of mobile network development, the total number of mobile phone base stations in China has reached 11.29 million, of which 2.937 million have been built and opened up, accounting for 26% of the total number of mobile base stations

Standardizing the use of maps is not wrong at all (Beautiful China)
Standardizing the use of maps is not wrong at all (Beautiful China)

The core reading map is the most commonly used and important form of national territory, which is related to national sovereignty, security, and development interests. Standard maps are compiled based on the drawing standards of China and countries around the world. In recent years, relevant departments have increased the supply of standard maps, carried out national map awareness publicity and education activities, and provided authoritative, accurate and convenient public welfare map services to the public, reducing the emergence of "problem maps" from the source. August 29th this year is the 20th National Surveying and Mapping Law Promotion Day. On the 28th, the main event of the 2023 Surveying and Mapping Law Promotion Day and National Map Awareness Promotion Week, with the theme of "No Mistake in Standardizing the Use of Maps", was held in Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The event released the 2023 version of the standard map. It is reported that the 2023 version of the standard map service

China plans to enact the Preschool Education Law: Kindergartens are not allowed to teach primary school curriculum content
China plans to enact the Preschool Education Law: Kindergartens are not allowed to teach primary school curriculum content

The draft of the Preschool Education Law was submitted for initial review at the 5th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress on August 28th. The draft consists of eight chapters and 74 articles, including general provisions, planning and organization, childcare and education, teachers and other staff, investment and protection, management and supervision, legal responsibilities, and supplementary provisions. The draft mainly clarifies the positioning of preschool education and fills the gaps in education; Establish a sound planning and hosting mechanism to promote resource supply; Standardize the implementation of preschool education and improve the quality of childcare education; Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff team and improve the quality of teachers; Improve investment mechanisms and strengthen funding support; We will make regulations in six aspects, including improving the regulatory system and strengthening supervision and management. The draft clearly states that the development of preschool education should adhere to government leadership, be mainly organized by the government, vigorously develop inclusive preschool education resources, and guide and regulate the participation of social forces; Kindergartens should

China will legislate to promote the popularization, inclusiveness, safety, and high-quality development of preschool education
China will legislate to promote the popularization, inclusiveness, safety, and high-quality development of preschool education

Preschool education is an integral part of the national education system, an important social welfare undertaking, and is related to the healthy growth of millions of children. The draft of the Preschool Education Law was submitted for initial review at the 5th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress on the 28th. China will better promote the popularization, inclusiveness, safety, and high-quality development of preschool education through specialized legislation. Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng introduced in his draft explanation to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress that in recent years, preschool education in China has developed rapidly. However, overall, it is still a weak link in the national education system, and the contradiction of unbalanced and insufficient development is still prominent. The problems of "difficulty in entering kindergarten" and "high admission cost" still exist, and there is still a certain gap between the expectations of the people. The draft of the Preschool Education Law consists of eight chapters and 74 articles, including the positioning of preschool education, the improvement of planning and organizing mechanisms, and the standardization of preschool education

Financial Focus | Half Reduction of Stamp Duty on Securities Trading Releases Clear Positive Policy Signals
Financial Focus | Half Reduction of Stamp Duty on Securities Trading Releases Clear Positive Policy Signals

The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation announced on the 27th that in order to activate the capital market and boost investor confidence, the stamp duty on securities trading will be reduced by half from August 28, 2023. What signals have been released behind the adjustment of securities trading stamp duty that has attracted attention from all parties? Industry insiders pointed out that the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on July 24th clearly proposed to "activate the capital market and boost investor confidence", making the tone and direction of the capital market more positive and clear. The current reduction in the stamp duty rate for securities trading fully reflects the central government's firm attitude towards the active capital market and its confidence and determination to protect the stock market, releasing a clear and positive policy signal. The reduction of stamp duty rates for securities trading has boosted the market. All previous reductions in stamp duty rates for securities trading have had a boosting effect on the capital market

Launching text of the solicitation activity of the World Internet Conference "Message Wuzhen Summit 10 Years" | Internet | Activity
Launching text of the solicitation activity of the World Internet Conference "Message Wuzhen Summit 10 Years" | Internet | Activity

This year is the tenth year of the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference. On August 28, the World Internet Conference opened a global solicitation activity with the theme of "Send a Message to Wuzhen Summit for Ten Years", and set up generous rewards. The deadline for the solicitation activity is October 10th. The event was organized by the World Internet Conference, and hosted by Guangming, China Daily and International Online. The objects of this activity are individuals or groups who are concerned about Internet development, international organizations and the development of Wuzhen Summit, and who have participated in Wuzhen Summit and international organization activities. The solicitation activity focuses on three aspects: "sending a message about the ten years of Wuzhen Summit", "the story of Wuzhen Summit" and "the story of me and the Internet". Participants are required to create and submit contributions in the form of text, pictures, videos, etc. The "World Internet Conference" WeChat official account synchronously launched investment for Chinese works

Former Assistant Foreign Minister of Egypt: BRICS expansion will provide a strategic framework for new global economic and political development Egypt | BRICS | Economy
Former Assistant Foreign Minister of Egypt: BRICS expansion will provide a strategic framework for new global economic and political development Egypt | BRICS | Economy

On August 26th local time, the online website of the Egyptian newspaper "The Pyramid" published a signed article by former Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister Mohammad Hijaz positively evaluating the expansion of the BRICS. Hijaz believes that the expansion of BRICS membership will provide a strategic framework for new global economic and political development, opening up new windows for trade and investment among countries within the BRICS cooperation mechanism. Countries can interact equally with other partner countries based on common interests. After the expansion of the BRICS, it will strengthen Egypt's position in communication with financial institutions and influential countries, and strengthen Egypt's role as a representative of interests in Africa, the Arab world, and developing countries. The future development prospects of Egypt's national economy will be even broader, and it will be more capable of coping with various economic challenges. After the expansion of the BRICS, it will help third world countries in debt and exploitative financing institutions at the international negotiation level

Focus on promoting international exchange and cooperation in vocational education Look forward to the new opportunities of the "the Belt and Road" ASEAN | One Belt | Career
Focus on promoting international exchange and cooperation in vocational education Look forward to the new opportunities of the "the Belt and Road" ASEAN | One Belt | Career

2023 China ASEAN Education Exchange Week will be held from August 28 to September 2 at the permanent venue of China ASEAN Education Exchange Week in Gui'an New Area, Guizhou Province, with the theme of "New Vision for Education Cooperation and Co prosperity of the the Belt and Road". This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and the concept of building a closer China ASEAN community of shared future. Over the past decade, the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and ASEAN has been steadily advancing. Both sides have enjoyed the development dividends brought by the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and pushed forward their respective modernization processes. Among them, vocational education has played a unique role in social and economic development. China's vocational education has continuously achieved "further improvement" in "bringing in" and "going out". By optimizing the mechanism of vocational education's external cooperation and exchange, we can achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation

Observation by CCTV reporters | Failure to respond to the Maui Island fire in Hawaii | Negligence and inability of the US government | Loss of public support | Fire | Maui Island, Hawaii | La Haina area
Observation by CCTV reporters | Failure to respond to the Maui Island fire in Hawaii | Negligence and inability of the US government | Loss of public support | Fire | Maui Island, Hawaii | La Haina area

On August 8th, a major fire broke out on Maui Island in Hawaii, United States. According to official data released on the 24th, the fire has caused 115 deaths and hundreds more people are missing. The fire on Maui Island in Hawaii has exposed multiple problems for the local government: being powerless in responding to a major disaster and being slow to respond after the disaster occurs. This big fire can be said to be a natural disaster, but it is also a man-made disaster. CCTV reporter Jin Dong: This is the La Haina area of Maui Island, Hawaii, which was severely affected by the fire. The fire has exposed many problems: there was no alarm before the fire occurred, there was a lack of water source during firefighting, and rescue efforts were slow after the fire occurred. This has caused the public to lose confidence in the US government. Lahaina disaster victims: My new apartment is located near Qianjie. I just bought it and now the house is no longer there. There was no warning at that time, not at all. Residents of Maui Island

Survivors of US Cluster Bomb Attacks: Homeland Unable to Rebuild, Pain Still Not Far Away from Gulam | Survivors | Cluster Bombs
Survivors of US Cluster Bomb Attacks: Homeland Unable to Rebuild, Pain Still Not Far Away from Gulam | Survivors | Cluster Bombs

According to statistics, during the 20 year invasion of Afghanistan by the US military, more than 170000 Afghan people were killed, and nearly one-third of them became refugees. In addition, the US military has also extensively used cluster bombs in Afghanistan, causing serious disasters to the local population. According to data from the Cluster Munitions Alliance, in 2001 and 2002, the US military dropped over 1200 cluster bombs in Afghanistan, containing over 240000 pieces of bombs. Shathir village in Herat province, Afghanistan was once attacked by a US cluster bomb. More than 20 years have passed, and the most severely affected area in the village is still a wasteland. Survivor of the US cluster bomb attack, Gulam: On the day of the explosion, a total of 11 people were killed, including 8 of our close relatives, 3 of our neighbors, and 25 others were injured. Afterwards, the explosion control team will come to clean up the area in front of it

Gun Exports: A Chart of "Bipartisan Violence in the United States" | Firearms | United States
Gun Exports: A Chart of "Bipartisan Violence in the United States" | Firearms | United States

The town of Lalongri, located several hundred kilometers north of the Canada US border, boasts charming lake and mountain scenery that is not associated with blood or violence at all. However, this is now the place with the highest gun crime rate in Canada. In recent months alone, local police have seized over 50 rifles and pistols in this small town of only 7000 people. "Many people who shouldn't have guns now have guns... This is scary for small communities like us, as many elderly people no longer go out for walks in the morning or evening like before," local residents told reporters. Where does the screenshot gun come from, according to Bloomberg? This needs to talk about the efforts of the United States as a neighboring country over the years. "Unfortunately, we are becoming more and more like the United States," Bloomberg recently published a lengthy report detailing the massive flow of firearms in the United States

"I really like this gift from China" Laos | Football Stadium | Gift
"I really like this gift from China" Laos | Football Stadium | Gift

Not long ago, the "Bridge of Friendship between China and Laos" football stadium, led by CRRC Dalian Company, was unveiled at Zongpei Middle School in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Children who used to play football barefoot are stepping onto a professional and safe football field for the first time, enjoying the joy of playing football to the fullest. Zongpei Middle School is located in Xishadana County, Vientiane, and currently has 13 teachers and 279 students. As a public school, Zongpei Middle School relies mainly on government financial support. Principal Song Shawan Duan Nupeng said, "The children have always longed to play football on the lawn. Chinese friends have brought not only material help but also spiritual encouragement to the children." "Di..." As soon as the whistle sounded, the children couldn't wait to start playing on the green field. After receiving a beautiful curved pass from his teammate, fourth grade junior high school student Salesay Pisanuon inserted the ball

In the field of "Effectively Promoting the Transformation of Global Governance System" (Mutual Benefit, Win Win Unity and Cooperation) | China | Global
In the field of "Effectively Promoting the Transformation of Global Governance System" (Mutual Benefit, Win Win Unity and Cooperation) | China | Global

Entering the office of the BRICS Policy Research Center in Brazil, Chinese elements are eye-catching: decorative paintings of Peking Opera characters on the wall, calendars printed with Chinese traditional paintings, and Chinese books on the bookshelf... Anna Garcia, the director of the center, introduced that these gifts witness the friendly exchanges between the research center and relevant Chinese institutions. The BRICS cooperation mechanism is a key research area of the center. Garcia said, "As an important emerging market and developing country, the enormous economic development potential of the BRICS countries has always been of great concern, and their international influence is constantly increasing, effectively promoting the transformation of the global governance system." Garcia believes that the BRICS countries have become an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to unite and strengthen themselves, which is one of the important reasons why more and more countries hope to join. Expanding BRICS membership helps to promote international order

BRICS expansion conforms to the trend of historical development, developing countries | BRICS | expansion
BRICS expansion conforms to the trend of historical development, developing countries | BRICS | expansion

Beijing, August 28th (Xinhua) - The expansion of the BRICS membership conforms to the trend of historical development, echoes the general will of developing countries, and will effectively promote the trend of world multipolarity and democratization of international relations. It will also effectively promote the development of the global political and economic governance system towards a more just and reasonable direction, and enhance the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs. At the regular press conference that day, a reporter asked: The expansion of the BRICS has received widespread attention from the international community. International media commented that this expansion is an important milestone in the development of the BRICS mechanism, reflecting the historical trend of the rise of the "global south" and the common expectations of countries in different regions for a multipolar international order. Some views also suggest that the BRICS is increasingly capable of resisting the powerful forces of the West, which may add

Asian Games benefits the people and adds color to life (Hangzhou is ready) Citizens | Venues | Life
Asian Games benefits the people and adds color to life (Hangzhou is ready) Citizens | Venues | Life

Starting from May last year, the competition and training venues of the Hangzhou Asian Games have been gradually opened to the public, and currently have received over ten million citizens. This year's Asian Games follows the principle of "Hangzhou as the mainstay, sharing throughout the province", implements measures to benefit the people, and allows more people to enjoy the achievements of the Asian Games and participate in sports. This summer, the Huanglong Sports Center in Zhejiang Province is almost always full. In the busiest table tennis room, 14 tables are arranged in sequence, and table tennis enthusiasts are playing fiercely. "The venue is good, close to home, and it is also open for free to elderly people over 70 years old. I come to exercise almost every day," said 75 year old citizen Lu Shanpei, waving his racket. Starting from May last year, the Hangzhou Asian Games, including the Zhejiang Huanglong Sports Center, will be held in accordance with models such as national fitness, professional leadership, school opening, and market operation

The Blossoming Branches of BRICS Cultural Exchange | Fully Proved | Branches
The Blossoming Branches of BRICS Cultural Exchange | Fully Proved | Branches

Having the right way of doing things, we are as good as each other for thousands of miles; Firm in adhesive paint, firm in gold and stone. In recent years, the BRICS countries have formed a "three wheel drive" cooperation framework through cultural exchanges, political security, economic and financial cooperation. Although the geographical locations of the BRICS countries are far apart, with different civilizations and cultural characteristics, the wide range and multi-level cultural exchanges continue to bring people closer together. The branches of BRICS cultural exchanges are flourishing, promoting mutual understanding and trust among the people of BRICS countries, and helping to deepen and solidify practical cooperation.Civilization is diverse and diverse, with diverse paths of development, which is what the world should look like. Human history will not end with one civilization or one system. BRICS countries

Sincere and Rich Friendship Movie | Colombia | Friendship
Sincere and Rich Friendship Movie | Colombia | Friendship

The picture from top to bottom shows: In 1963, young Kafraela and his family visited the Great Wall; In 2010, Kavrella and Garcia Marquez; In 2001, Kavrella was filming a movie. The above pictures are all provided by Sergio Cavrera. In 1963, 13-year-old Sergio Cavrera first set foot on the land of China. He didn't expect that in the next 60 years, his life would be closely linked to this ancient Eastern country. Time flies, from Colombia to China, Cavrera travels back and forth eight times; Time has passed, and he has repeatedly revisited the friendship and enthusiasm he felt when he first arrived in China. These sincere and profound emotions, along with his spirited youth, are as clear as yesterday, being revealed on an evening after the start of autumn in Beijing in 2023

Strengthening flood prevention and disaster relief capabilities (new discussion) Early warning | flood prevention | capabilities
Strengthening flood prevention and disaster relief capabilities (new discussion) Early warning | flood prevention | capabilities

All relevant regions, departments, and units should always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, and always prioritize the safety of people's lives and property. Not long ago, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to study and deploy flood control, flood relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work. The meeting emphasized "with a sense of responsibility of 'always feeling at ease', and to conscientiously carry out all flood control, flood relief, and disaster relief work.". Flood prevention and disaster relief is a test of the responsibility of party members and cadres, as well as a concentrated test of the emergency response capabilities of the whole society. To do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief, it is necessary to enhance problem awareness, adhere to problem orientation, and focus on enhancing the disaster prevention, reduction, and disaster relief capabilities of leaders and cadres at all levels throughout the entire process, so as to have bright eyes, see things early, act quickly, and achieve good results. Enhance comprehensive analysis and judgment abilities. Predicting risks is a prerequisite for preventing risks, so