The world

Wang Yi Meets with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dun: Initiative to jointly combat transnational criminal activities such as telecommunications fraud | Lancang Mekong | Foreign Minister
Wang Yi Meets with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dun: Initiative to jointly combat transnational criminal activities such as telecommunications fraud | Lancang Mekong | Foreign Minister

On August 19, 2023, Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, held talks with Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dun in Beijing on a working visit to China. Wang Yi stated that China and Thailand are "one family" and friendly to China is a consensus among all sectors of the Thai government and the people of both countries. The development of bilateral relations is not affected by international changes and changes in the domestic situation in Thailand. He believes that Thailand will maintain stability and sustainable development.Wang Yi expressed that China is willing to deepen cooperation with Thailand in various fields and achieve more visible results in promoting the development of China Laos Thailand connectivity. Both sides need to accelerate the construction of the China Thailand Railway and the China Laos Thailand Railway connection line, and jointly combat telecommunications fraud

The meeting between the United States, Japan, and South Korea at Camp David emits a chill of the Cold War. Japan and South Korea | the United States | Camp David
The meeting between the United States, Japan, and South Korea at Camp David emits a chill of the Cold War. Japan and South Korea | the United States | Camp David

The scorching summer heat has not yet subsided, and the cold war atmosphere emanating from Camp David, the US presidential resort, has made the world feel a chill. On the 18th local time, leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea met here, claiming to strengthen cooperation among the three countries in military and other fields, and deliberately spreading lies about the so-called "China threat". Under the leadership of the United States, the three countries each have their own thoughts and utilize each other to build a closed and exclusive geopolitical "small circle" under the banner of "maintaining security", with the aim of intensifying confrontation, damaging regional strategic security, and endangering peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region. The United States is wooing Japan and South Korea to engage in so-called security cooperation, which is actually disregarding the security of both countries and pushing them into a dangerous situation. The fact has repeatedly proven that wherever the strategic focus of the United States is directed, there can be no peace. Selling security anxiety, inciting confrontation, creating conflicts and turbulence,

Many parts of Canada have entered a state of emergency due to forest fires, warning! "Be prepared to leave home at any time" Resident | Okanagan | State of Emergency
Many parts of Canada have entered a state of emergency due to forest fires, warning! "Be prepared to leave home at any time" Resident | Okanagan | State of Emergency

Canada is experiencing the most severe forest fire invasion on record. Currently, over 1000 forest fires are occurring simultaneously across Canada. According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on the 18th local time, the government of British Columbia in Canada has declared a state of emergency throughout the province due to the continued spread of forest fires threatening residential areas. From the evening of August 17th to the early morning of August 18th local time, forest fires were approaching the city of Kilona in western British Columbia, Canada. On the early morning of the 18th, the city of Kilona, located on the east side of Lake Okanogen, declared a state of emergency. Some residents in the northern part of the city received instructions to evacuate, while others were under evacuation alerts and were told to "be prepared to leave home at any time.". The local fire captain said that he has never experienced such a large-scale forest fire before, and there are currently about 80 firefighters

More than 270 people in Xizang were seriously held accountable! Central Government | Supervision | Xizang
More than 270 people in Xizang were seriously held accountable! Central Government | Supervision | Xizang

Xizang strengthened the transfer of central ecological and environmental protection supervision clues to handle more than 270 responsible persons who were seriously held accountable. The Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection recently reported the accountability of the second round of central ecological and environmental protection supervision transfer. Since the Central Fourth Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Group fed back the supervision situation to Xizang and handed over three issues of accountability for ecological environmental damage, the Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection has set up a special task force for accountability of the central ecological environmental protection supervision and handover issues in a timely manner to investigate and verify the three issues handed over, carefully clarify responsibilities, distinguish different situations, and prudently and accurately carry out accountability. According to the investigation and verification, 17 responsible units, 3 enterprises, and 79 responsible persons will be severely held accountable. As of now, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of the autonomous region have coordinated and grasped the clues for the transfer of central ecological and environmental protection inspections

The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles has issued an urgent reminder that Hurricane Hillary will make landfall in California, USA Consulate | Protection | California, USA
The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles has issued an urgent reminder that Hurricane Hillary will make landfall in California, USA Consulate | Protection | California, USA

On August 18 local time, the WeChat official account of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles released a news that, according to the local meteorological department, Hurricane "Hillary" was moving from Mexico to the southwest of the United States. It was expected that on August 20 and 21, it would affect parts of Southern California and Arizona, and would bring strong winds, heavy precipitation, floods, mud rock flows and other disasters. The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles urgently reminds Chinese citizens in Southern California, Arizona, or those planning to come to Southern California, Arizona, to closely monitor local weather forecasts and weather changes. They should prepare for emergencies based on their terrain and housing conditions, reasonably reserve emergency supplies such as drinking water, emergency food, and disaster prevention and emergency supplies, strictly comply with local government issued disaster information, evacuation arrangements, and evacuation guidelines, and reduce unnecessary travel and outdoor activities,

Stop online signing for second-hand houses, only want to buy a new house? Zhuji Responds to News | Second hand Housing | Online Signing
Stop online signing for second-hand houses, only want to buy a new house? Zhuji Responds to News | Second hand Housing | Online Signing

Recently, the new policy for second-hand housing transactions released by Zhuji City has sparked heated discussions. Due to the proposal in the new policy that "all windows of second-hand housing transactions will no longer accept online signing of second-hand housing transaction contracts", it has been interpreted by the market as "Zhuji City ceasing online signing of second-hand housing". On August 16th, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, announced that starting from August 18th, 2023, all second-hand housing transaction windows in Zhuji City will no longer accept online signing services for second-hand housing transaction contracts. The second-hand housing transaction business that belongs to independent transactions can be entrusted to public welfare intermediaries for free processing, and each main transaction partner can choose the agency on their own in the published list of public welfare intermediaries. The statement that "no longer accepting online signatures for second-hand houses" was mistakenly believed to be the cessation of online signatures for second-hand houses in Zhuji City. At the same time, Weibo users who have been certified as "real estate experts" reposted the new policy and added a text saying "No"

The head of an educational and training institution has been sentenced, and 22 parents in Changsha have been defrauded of 600000 yuan in "school selection fees" for education | school selection | school selection fees
The head of an educational and training institution has been sentenced, and 22 parents in Changsha have been defrauded of 600000 yuan in "school selection fees" for education | school selection | school selection fees

Sending their children to training classes during summer vacation is a common choice for many parents, and it seems that there is a natural trust among professionals in the education industry. Then some people used the parents' eagerness to love their children to commit fraud. Recently, the Yuhua District People's Court in Changsha City tried such a case. A woman named Zeng Mouhui opened two training institutions in Changsha, and in order to expand her influence and facilitate school enrollment, she got very close to her parents. Due to her involvement in related industries, Zeng Mouhui is very familiar with education and enrollment policies, but many parents have a "cognitive blind spot": they think that if their household registration, property, and social security are not local in Changsha, they do not have the qualification to enroll nearby. In fact, according to the national nine-year compulsory education regulations, every child can attend school, but the school location is different. When these anxieties

The second level page of a certain unit in Beijing unexpectedly displays gambling website content! Appointment and rectification! Page | Beijing | Unit
The second level page of a certain unit in Beijing unexpectedly displays gambling website content! Appointment and rectification! Page | Beijing | Unit

The second level page of a certain unit in Beijing unexpectedly displays gambling website content! On August 19th, a Beijing Daily reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that the Beijing Public Security Network Security Department discovered it and after verification, interviewed the relevant person in charge of the unit and ordered the unit to immediately rectify. In June of this year, the Cybersecurity Brigade of the Beijing Public Security Bureau discovered that the secondary page of a certain unit in Beijing displayed gambling website content. After further verification, the cause of the incident was that the linked domain name on the home page of the unit linked to its contracted advertiser was stopped, and was snapped up by a gambling website, which caused the domain name to be displayed as a gambling website page when accessed through the Internet, causing adverse effects. In response to this situation, the Beijing Public Security Network Security Department, in accordance with relevant regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, interviewed the relevant person in charge of the unit and ordered the unit to address the above issues

Move like thunder! What signal does the joint exercise of the Eastern Theater Command convey? Split | Faction | Signal
Move like thunder! What signal does the joint exercise of the Eastern Theater Command convey? Split | Faction | Signal

On August 19th, the Eastern Theater Command organized a joint naval and air combat readiness patrol around Taiwan Island, conducting joint exercises with naval and air forces, focusing on exercises such as ship aircraft coordination and seizing control. Many people have noticed that this deployment includes destroyers, frigates, missile speedboats, as well as fighter jets, early warning aircraft, and jamming aircraft formations. This formation, this scene, reminds people of eight words: not moving like a mountain, moving like thunder!

Passengers have encountered two high-speed train delays in two days, and there have been four earthquake trains in Neijiang, Sichuan within 36 hours | Earthquake | Passengers
Passengers have encountered two high-speed train delays in two days, and there have been four earthquake trains in Neijiang, Sichuan within 36 hours | Earthquake | Passengers

According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, at 15:31 on August 19, a 4.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Shizhong District, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers. According to a reporter from Chao News, this is the fourth earthquake in Neijiang within 36 hours. On the morning of August 18th, three earthquakes occurred in the Neijiang area of Sichuan, with the highest magnitude of 4.0 and focal depths of 10 kilometers. Due to the earthquake, there were varying degrees of tremors felt along the railway lines and some stations in Sichuan Province. To ensure the safety of passenger transportation, the railway department quickly activated emergency plans, urgently blocked the relevant sections of the Chengdu Chongqing intercity railway and the Mianlu high-speed railway, conducted comprehensive inspections of train equipment, and identified safety hazards. Some connecting trains were delayed due to earthquakes and inspections. The earthquake caused some train schedules to be delayed. Due to the impact of the earthquake, my high-speed trains yesterday and today were delayed

Is Jindou really a financial tool? Be careful of these risks!, Someone accumulates one gold bar every month, worth over 500 yuan per gram
Is Jindou really a financial tool? Be careful of these risks!, Someone accumulates one gold bar every month, worth over 500 yuan per gram

Purchasing physical gold such as gold jewelry, bars, coins, and nuggets is a familiar way for people to invest in gold. However, recently, many gold jewelry brands have begun to launch small weight products such as mini gold, gold beans, and gold melon seeds, which weigh mostly 1 gram and are generally priced at over 500 yuan. Many netizens who have purchased Golden Bean refer to it as a "financial tool" for young people, and there is even a saying that "buying it will keep its value.". So, why are young people keen on accumulating gold beans? What risks do you need to guard against when purchasing such products? "Saving One Gold Bean Every Month" - A New Favorite for Young People's Financial Management - Journalists searching social media have found that many netizens take photos or videos of their purchased small grams of gold and share them. Some people's saved gold beans are already filled with transparent glass bottles, and the comment section often has "Saving money is not like saving gold beans" and "buying a foundation"

What signal does China's important opinion issued by the State Council last week convey when it does this year? Stable Foreign Investment Foreign Investment | Enterprises | Foreign Investment
What signal does China's important opinion issued by the State Council last week convey when it does this year? Stable Foreign Investment Foreign Investment | Enterprises | Foreign Investment

In recent months, in order to promote consumption through the economy, the country has issued many documents at a very high level. On August 13th, the focus was on foreign investment, and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment", proposing 24 policy measures in six aspects. Although promoting the development and growth of the private economy has been an important focus for a period of time, foreign investment expectations cannot be lowered. Although foreign-funded enterprises account for less than 3% of the total number of enterprises in the country, they have created 2/5 of China's foreign trade, 1/6 of tax revenue, and nearly 1/10 of urban employment. They are also important symbols and achievements of China's reform and opening up. In the context of the Foreign Investment Law in recent years, the relevant opinions issued by the State Council

The housing price has reached over 50 times the land price of that year, and Li Ka shing's Beijing residential project will be put on sale: 22 years ago, he acquired the land in Yucuiyuan | Project | House Price
The housing price has reached over 50 times the land price of that year, and Li Ka shing's Beijing residential project will be put on sale: 22 years ago, he acquired the land in Yucuiyuan | Project | House Price

Recently, the luxury residential project "Yucuiyuan" located in the Chaoqing area outside the East Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, under the Changshi Group founded by Li Ka shing, has obtained a pre-sale certificate and is about to start pre-sale. According to the official website of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Yucuiyuan is located at No.1 Courtyard, Yaojiayuan East Lane, Chaoyang District, Beijing. It was registered as "Yicuiyuan" and obtained a pre-sale certificate on July 18 this year. The pre-sale scope includes 9 residential buildings, with a permitted sales area of 93212.24 square meters. The highest proposed average selling price is 99744.99 yuan/square meter, and the lowest proposed average selling price is 90672.35 yuan/square meter. "We have obtained the pre-sale certificate now and can open for sale at any time when the company notifies us," said the salesperson of the "Yucuiyuan" project. "Our project is currently the only new house for sale within the Fifth Ring Road, and there are quite a few people looking at it. Moreover, we are..."

Big brand diamond rings sell for 29 yuan and 8 yuan?, Cheap Wedding Rings on E-commerce Platforms: Certified Packaging Agreement | DR | Certificate
Big brand diamond rings sell for 29 yuan and 8 yuan?, Cheap Wedding Rings on E-commerce Platforms: Certified Packaging Agreement | DR | Certificate

Have you ever seen a DR diamond ring priced at 29.8 yuan? As Qixi is approaching, a batch of "cheap diamond proposal rings" have appeared on the e-commerce platform. A DR diamond ring worth tens of yuan can not only customize a matching "true love agreement", but also provide a "jewelry appraisal certificate" and a "DR packaging box". The investigation by Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporters found that the purchase prices of these products may only be in single digits. For 59 yuan and 8 yuan, certificate rings can be purchased. Journalists input "DR diamond rings" on an e-commerce platform, and the prices of the products that come into view are only a few tens of yuan, almost all of which use "men can only customize one ring in their lifetime" as the selling point. Some merchants also wrote, "The quality of the counter and packaging are synchronized," and "Consult customer service to customize a true love agreement.". The reporter selected a store with monthly sales exceeding 100000, and its introduction page stated that the material is S925

Does it constitute fraud? The trial judge interpreted that the "diamond non stick pot" purchased for 3235 yuan has almost no diamond diamonds | PTFE | composition
Does it constitute fraud? The trial judge interpreted that the "diamond non stick pot" purchased for 3235 yuan has almost no diamond diamonds | PTFE | composition

Nowadays, many families prefer non stick pots when cooking. Due to the fact that the mainstream non stick pot coatings on the market mostly use polytetrafluoroethylene as the raw material, improper operations such as long-term dry burning in an empty pot may lead to excessive temperatures, which may decompose into carcinogenic substances. So, some merchants use marketing concepts such as "Maifanshi coating," "sapphire coating," and "diamond coating" to promote these so-called new generation healthy non stick pots. After seeing the relevant promotion, Xiao Wang spent more than 3000 yuan to purchase a non stick pot that claimed to use "high hardness diamonds" as a non stick coating. However, he later learned that the so-called diamond non stick coating of this pot only contained trace amounts of diamond components, and the main component was still polytetrafluoroethylene. Therefore, Xiao Wang sued the court and demanded that the merchant "compensate three for one fake". Recently, after the second trial of this case by the Fourth Intermediate People's Court of Beijing

Putin suddenly held a secret meeting in the middle of the night von der Leyen | Ukraine | Putin
Putin suddenly held a secret meeting in the middle of the night von der Leyen | Ukraine | Putin

Looking at the time in this article, it should already be late at night. In a special place, Putin suddenly held a secret meeting. Russian media also felt very sudden, watching the report on "Russia Today" and using a word - this was an "undisclosed" event. On August 19th, the Kremlin publicly announced this event, and in Rostov on the Don River, Putin "listened to reports from Chief of Staff Grasimov and some other military commanders.". The outside world has noticed that General Rutskoy, the Deputy Chief of the Russian Army General Staff, also attended this meeting, but it seems that there is no Deputy Commander in Chief of the Russian Army Front and Commander in Chief of the Aerospace Forces, General Sulawikin. The reason why this is a special place. Because Rostov on the Don River is very special. The name is very special, please note that its full name is not Rostov, but on the banks of the Don River

Robbing a large amount of cash and taking a car! The Chinese Embassy solemnly negotiates, with multiple robbers breaking into Algerian overseas Chinese enterprises for protection | Time | Enterprise
Robbing a large amount of cash and taking a car! The Chinese Embassy solemnly negotiates, with multiple robbers breaking into Algerian overseas Chinese enterprises for protection | Time | Enterprise

According to the official WeChat account of the Chinese Embassy in Algeria, a vicious robbery targeting overseas Chinese enterprises occurred in the province of Boumedes, Algeria recently. Multiple robbers broke into the factory area with knives at night and carried out robbery, looting a large amount of cash and taking away cars and multiple mobile phones. The robbed enterprise suffered heavy financial losses, and personnel were beaten and injured. The nature of this incident is heinous, seriously infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens. The Chinese Embassy has made solemn representations to the Afghan side, urging them to solve the case as soon as possible, recover the stolen goods, and severely punish the criminals. The embassy reminds Chinese citizens and Chinese funded institutions in Afghanistan to be vigilant and take necessary security measures. In case of violent incidents such as theft and robbery, please prioritize ensuring the safety of your own personnel, report to the police immediately while ensuring safety, and report the relevant situation to the Consular Protection Hotline and Consular Business Consultation Email of the Chinese Embassy

Just after falling asleep peacefully, he took the initiative to file a lawsuit: explain his mistake clearly and warn Luo 4 days after the education conference | advertisement | education
Just after falling asleep peacefully, he took the initiative to file a lawsuit: explain his mistake clearly and warn Luo 4 days after the education conference | advertisement | education

"I have violated discipline and law myself, and paid a painful price for it. This lesson is too profound." Recently, Luo, former deputy director of the Comprehensive Management Department of a subordinate unit of Jiangxi Newspaper Media Group, confessed in front of a cadre from the Supervision Office who came to announce the disciplinary decision. In December 2022, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision investigated and punished the former head of the Propaganda Department of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Long and Nan, for serious violations of discipline and law. In order to deepen the use of cases to promote governance, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department assisted the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department in carrying out warning education and "five inspections and five reforms" in the province's propaganda and ideological and cultural system. Subsequently, Jiangxi Newspaper Media Group held a warning education conference to educate people around them through their experiences. "I confess to the organization about my violations of discipline and law." Four days after the warning education conference ended, Luo took the initiative to report to Jiangxi Newspaper Media Group

WeChat Urgent Statement! Never sent a "surprise blind box" express QR code to the user | Express | User
WeChat Urgent Statement! Never sent a "surprise blind box" express QR code to the user | Express | User

Recently, someone received a surprise blind box package sent under the name of the "WeChat team", which contained a card with a QR code printed on it. The WeChat team hereby declares that they have never sent a "surprise blind box" express to users, and the QR code inside the express is a fraudulent QR code. Please do not scan it. WeChat Security Center reminds everyone not to scan QR codes of unknown origin, free gifts are tricky, and not to be deceived by cheap prices. Reminder again: Do not accept these unidentified parcels that you have not purchased before, but inexplicably receive one? At the beginning of this year, police in many places such as Anhui and Shaanxi received reports from citizens claiming to have received unfamiliar parcels. The parcel boxes were ordinary and contained a cup. Accompanying the cup is a promotional flyer with the words "it's for you" printed on it, and also included

Did the North Burma Electric Scammer Get Bounty Arrested? Reporter verification: One of them is indeed Huang, a missing person who went to Myanmar three years ago | Myanmar | Reporter
Did the North Burma Electric Scammer Get Bounty Arrested? Reporter verification: One of them is indeed Huang, a missing person who went to Myanmar three years ago | Myanmar | Reporter

According to Cover News, on August 18th, a set of chat screenshots attracted widespread attention online. Chat screenshots show that Myanmar's cyber fraud gang has issued more than 20 bounties for those fleeing the park, with a maximum bounty amount of 600000 yuan. In the bounty, three individuals have complete identity information. The reporter contacted the registered residence of three people respectively and learned that one of them lost contact after going to Myanmar three years ago and is now one of the "returnees in Myanmar". The situation of the other two people is currently being verified locally. More than 20 people are rumored to have fled the espionage group and have been offered a reward. Multiple netizens have introduced the chat screenshot, which is taken from an overseas chat software called "Aircraft", also known as "Telegram". In the screenshot, since July 21st, people have been posting bounties one after another. The most recent bounty was posted on August 14th, with at least 29 people being offered in total,

Time waits for no one (today's discussion), post disaster recovery and reconstruction conference | funding | disaster relief
Time waits for no one (today's discussion), post disaster recovery and reconstruction conference | funding | disaster relief

The top priority is drainage, strengthening field management, and minimizing losses. During this period, Zhang Tiebing, the head of the Fruit Tree Station of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Raoyang County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, has been deeply involved in the field every day, providing technical guidance for farmers to carry out post disaster agricultural production. In recent days, relevant regions, departments, and units have made every effort to accelerate post disaster recovery and reconstruction, helping the affected people to restore normal production and life order as soon as possible. The recent meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to make good use of disaster relief funds and accelerate recovery and reconstruction. Accelerating recovery and reconstruction is crucial to the production and daily life of the people, as well as the overall economic and social development. We cannot wait or slow down. From accelerating the restoration and reconstruction of disaster damaged farmland and agricultural facilities, to accelerating the restoration and reconstruction of public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes, from quickly initiating the restoration and reconstruction of disaster damaged houses, to

Solving Problems at the Grass-roots Level, Xinhua Times Review, Pujiang Experience | Cadres Visit Xi Jinping More | Masses | Xinhua
Solving Problems at the Grass-roots Level, Xinhua Times Review, Pujiang Experience | Cadres Visit Xi Jinping More | Masses | Xinhua

In my early years working in Ningde, Fujian, I promoted the establishment of a system of petitioning leaders and cadres. During his work in Zhejiang, he adhered to this practice and promoted the formation of the "Pujiang Experience" with the main content of "transforming people's petitions into leaders' petitions, going deep into the grassroots, connecting with the masses, truly visiting the people's situation, and handling affairs with sincerity and sincerity". The leader's visit is a distinctive feature of the Pujiang experience.

Pragmatism and Diligence, Courageous Responsibility in the Great Province | Changes and Unchanged Imports and Exports of Zhejiang People | Zhejiang | Zhejiang People
Pragmatism and Diligence, Courageous Responsibility in the Great Province | Changes and Unchanged Imports and Exports of Zhejiang People | Zhejiang | Zhejiang People

Zhejiang ranks fourth in the country in terms of economic output. In the first half of this year, Zhejiang's GDP was 3871.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%, an increase of 1.9 percentage points compared to the first quarter. Coincidentally, Zhejiang's GDP growth rate in the first half of the year was exactly the same as the full year growth rate in 2019, and the Zhejiang economy is accelerating its recovery. Looking back more than 40 years ago, Zhejiang ranked third to last in the country due to its per capita resource ownership being only slightly over one tenth of the national average, and was known as a typical "three no" province. However, in just a few decades, Zhejiang's total economic output has jumped from over ten in the country to the fourth place today. More importantly, today's Zhejiang is undergoing profound changes in the driving force, efficiency, and quality of economic development, while its total economic output is steadily expanding. One country has one country

Reaching new heights! China has surpassed Greece to become the world's largest shipowner country. Structure | China | Shipowner
Reaching new heights! China has surpassed Greece to become the world's largest shipowner country. Structure | China | Shipowner

Greece has always been the world's largest shipowner due to its renowned ship king and numerous shipping companies. According to the latest data from the world-renowned shipping research firm Clarkson Research, China has surpassed Greece as the world's largest shipowner in terms of total tonnage. At present, the fleet size held by Chinese shipowners has reached 249.2 million tons, accounting for 15.9% of the market share, and the focus of world shipping is shifting. China has surpassed Greece to become the world's largest shipowner at Dalian COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry, and nearly 10 ships ordered by Chinese shipowners are being accelerated in construction. This year, over 80% of all new shipbuilding orders from shipyards come from Chinese shipowners. Wang Yu, Executive Director of Dalian COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.: Currently, the entire shipbuilding market is still quite hot

(New Era China Research Tour - Yangtze River Chapter) Micro documentary: High Quality Yangtze River Tour | Era | Yangtze River Tour
(New Era China Research Tour - Yangtze River Chapter) Micro documentary: High Quality Yangtze River Tour | Era | Yangtze River Tour

"New Era China Research Tour - Yangtze River Chapter" Yangtze River Tour: From June 15th to July 29th, the "Yangtze River Tour" sub team of the "New Era China Research Tour - Yangtze River Chapter" walked down the river from Tanggulashan Town in the Three River Source Area to the Yangtze River estuary, focusing on the historic achievements of the economic and social development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the turning point changes in ecological protection in the Yangtze River Basin in a progressive and integrated way, showcasing the vivid practice of high-quality development in the new era. We use drones, traversers, and cameras to "cross the Yangtze River" and record the stunning scenery and ecological construction achievements of the beautiful source of the Yangtze River, colorful river bays, lush Yibin, majestic Three Gorges, meteorological rivers and lakes, as well as the magnificent estuary. We are face-to-face with researchers along the Yangtze River, witnessing the "technological Yangtze River" through their narratives: they have

Creating a Better Environment for Private Investment Capital | Private | Investment
Creating a Better Environment for Private Investment Capital | Private | Investment

Private investment is an indispensable and important link in expanding effective investment and solidly stabilizing the economy. Currently, factors such as economic downturn pressure and changes in the international environment have led to a decline in profits for private enterprises, a decrease in expectations for private entrepreneurs, and insufficient investment willingness and ability. In the first half of this year, the growth rate and proportion of private investment in the overall investment both decreased. Private investment is sensitive to the external environment and pays more attention to investment returns, with strong volatility and relatively weak risk resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to create a better environment for private investment. Give a sense of fairness. Resolutely break down hidden barriers, prohibit any form of additional access conditions, support private enterprises to enter and invest equally in areas outside the negative market access list in accordance with the law. Continuously investigate and clean up the "hidden rules" that restrict the fair participation of private capital in accordance with the standards of fair competition review

The summer tourism market is booming, with many scenic spots maintaining high passenger flow. Museums | CCTV Network | Market
The summer tourism market is booming, with many scenic spots maintaining high passenger flow. Museums | CCTV Network | Market

CCTV News: In the summer of 2023, the tourism market is very hot. The tourism peak in many parts of the country continues, and the passenger flow in scenic areas remains high. Shandong: Mount Taishan Scenic Area has received more than 6 million inbound tourists this year. In Mount Taishan Scenic Area, it has received more than 50000 inbound tourists every day for several days. As of August 16, Mount Taishan Scenic Area will receive more than 6 million inbound tourists in 2023, creating the highest value of inbound tourists over the years. The scenic area received over 6 million tourists, breaking the record for the shortest time it took to receive one million tourists, from 5 million in just 26 days. 46 museums have cancelled closing on Monday in Beijing, and the museum craze continues to heat up. In order to meet the needs of visitors, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage announced on August 18th that Beijing 4

Various measures are being taken in various regions to promote the sustained recovery of consumption and expand the demand for service consumption, accelerating the release of consumption | society | demand
Various measures are being taken in various regions to promote the sustained recovery of consumption and expand the demand for service consumption, accelerating the release of consumption | society | demand

CCTV News: The Ministry of Commerce of China announced on August 18th that in July, various regions will organize summer consumption season, international consumption season and other activities to boost bulk consumption. Driven by these measures, the total retail sales of consumer goods in July increased by 2.5% year-on-year. The total retail sales of consumer goods in July reached 3.7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%; From January to July, the cumulative amount was 26.4 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.3%, continuing the trend of recovery and development. Seasonal products such as cooling food, refrigeration appliances, and sunscreen products are selling well. In July, the retail sales of grain, oil, food, and beverages in units above the quota increased by 5.5% and 3.1% year-on-year, respectively. New energy vehicle sales maintained rapid growth in July

Implementing detailed measures and making every effort to accelerate post disaster recovery and reconstruction order | River Basin | Region
Implementing detailed measures and making every effort to accelerate post disaster recovery and reconstruction order | River Basin | Region

CCTV News: In recent days, relevant departments across the country have made every effort to accelerate post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and the production and living order in the affected areas is accelerating. Today, the Zhuozhou section of the Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, which was closed due to flooding, opened for operation in the direction of entering Beijing. Zhuozhou, Hebei Province is urgently repairing agricultural facilities and organizing farmers to replant and remedy the situation. In this flood disaster, more than 200 villages in the local area suffered damage to farmland, and the government provided free vegetable seeds. Fangshan District in Beijing has basically completed the identification and evaluation of houses in the disaster stricken areas, involving more than 17000 rural households and 319 urban buildings. A total of more than 900 geological hazard hidden danger points threatening residential areas and important roads have been identified and identified. Relevant departments have classified risk levels based on remote sensing satellite data. Liaoning continues to make every effort to repair flooded road sections and restore the urban and rural road network system as soon as possible. Jilin

China's industrial robot installation accounts for over 50% of the global market share (new data highlights) | Robotics | Global
China's industrial robot installation accounts for over 50% of the global market share (new data highlights) | Robotics | Global

The reporter recently learned from the 2023 World Robotics Conference that in 2022, China's industrial robot installation accounted for over 50% of the world's total, firmly ranking as the world's largest industrial robot market, with a manufacturing robot density of 392 units per 10000 workers. Robots are an important component of the modern industrial system and a key tool for the transformation of economic and social intelligence. They will drive human society to accelerate into the era of intelligence. It is reported that in recent years, the scale of China's robotics industry has continued to grow. In 2022, the operating income of the robotics industry exceeded 170 billion yuan, maintaining double-digit growth. The production of industrial, service, and special robots has grown rapidly; The brand strength continues to strengthen, with 273 specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises in the field of robotics, and 10 robotics enterprises growing into single champions in the manufacturing industry; Market application acceleration