The world

What problems are exposed behind the escalating problem of child labor in the United States and the crying of childhood? Child Labor | Media | USA
What problems are exposed behind the escalating problem of child labor in the United States and the crying of childhood? Child Labor | Media | USA

June 12th is World Day Without Child Labor. In the self proclaimed "lighthouse of human rights" in the United States, the problem of abuse of child labor has long become "black under the lamp". In recent years, the issue of illegal child labor in the United States has been alarming, and related incidents have emerged one after another. According to data released by the US Department of Labor, in the fiscal year 2022, 835 companies illegally employing child labor were investigated, involving over 3800 children, and the number of illegally employed child labor increased by 69% compared to 2018. Among them, the number of child victims engaged in hazardous work increased by 26% compared to the previous year. However, the issue of illegal child labor being investigated is only the tip of the iceberg in the exploitation of child labor in the United States. According to data from the US Department of Labor, in 2022, millions of teenagers in the United States were employed in agriculture, food services, retail

Reporter's note from Taiwan | After the proposal of the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, domestic opposition in Japan continues to be heard on the island of Erfu | Reporter | Water discharge
Reporter's note from Taiwan | After the proposal of the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, domestic opposition in Japan continues to be heard on the island of Erfu | Reporter | Water discharge

According to Kyodo News Agency, Tokyo Electric Power Company began trial operation of the contaminated water discharge equipment at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on June 12th. During the trial operation, fresh water will be used instead of nuclear contaminated water, diluted with seawater, and discharged into the sea through an underwater tunnel. The trial operation is expected to last for about two weeks. Since the Japanese government proposed a plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, journalists from China Central Television have been tracking the events for a long time and have visited Fukushima and various parts of Japan multiple times to interview people of different identities, all of whom hold opposing attitudes towards this decision. Reporter He Xinlei from the headquarters: I have been following up on and reporting on the relevant developments of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan for over 2 years. During this time, more than 100 interviewees were interviewed, and several interviews left a deep impression on me. April 13, 2021

"Fully Expose the Essence of American Hegemony and Bullying" (Deep Observation) War | Syria | United States
"Fully Expose the Essence of American Hegemony and Bullying" (Deep Observation) War | Syria | United States

The ruins of war in the Hajjar Eisward district of Damascus, Syria. The United States has been involved in the Syrian crisis for a long time, frequently intervened militarily, and illegally imposed severe unilateral sanctions, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in Syria, and the process of economic development and reconstruction is facing many difficulties. To this day, the United States still occupies Syria's main oil-producing areas, raiding and plundering more than 80% of the oil production, smuggling and burning Syrian food stocks, making the humanitarian crisis even worse. In May of this year, Syria returned to the Arab League family. The United Nations and many countries welcomed it. The United States not only unilaterally opposed or even warned the Arab League, but also announced that it would extend unilateral sanctions against Syria for another year. This year, the Syrian crisis entered its thirteenth year. At least 350000 people lost their lives.

What did you get? Yu Yuan, Tan Tian | The United States "hits China" | Features | The United States
What did you get? Yu Yuan, Tan Tian | The United States "hits China" | Features | The United States

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has shown a prominent feature in its strategy towards China: hitting the nail on the head. From the "balloon" farce at the beginning of the year, to the meticulously crafted defense minister's "closed door" two weeks ago, and finally to the intensive release of news of his visit to China last week, the United States exerted pressure and sanctions, pretending to be a victim while pretending to be aggrieved, and has been writing a plot of "being proactive but not enthusiastic about China". Faced with the confrontation with the United States, Chinese people inevitably have emotions, giving rise to the idea of not seeing each other at all, and even have questions. What is the use of reasoning with the United States? This kind of mood is completely understandable, but we should further think about what is the most effective way to deal with habitual offenders? During this period, the United States has confidently talked to China about "communication", which has attracted a lot of attention and filled its tone. The latest trend is anonymous US officials revealing information

"A US citizen detained in Moscow" country | citizen | United States
"A US citizen detained in Moscow" country | citizen | United States

According to the website of The New York Times, the US State Department stated on June 11th that a US citizen has been arrested in Russia and is currently being held in Moscow. According to Russian state media reports, the man is charged with drug trafficking. The news office of a court in the Hamovniki district of Moscow told the International News Agency that the man was a former paratrooper and musician, accused of organizing drug trafficking involving young people. According to reports, the US State Department confirmed that the man's name is Michael Travis Lick. The State Council also stated that embassy officials participated in his interrogation on the 10th and "will continue to closely monitor this case" and strive to provide "all appropriate consular assistance.". According to reports, half a year ago, American basketball star Brittany Grinner, who was detained in Russia due to drug involvement, was released during a prisoner exchange. Grinner has been detained for nearly 1 year

Accused of infidelity during divorce! The court ruled that the "lost only" elderly person gave birth to a son on behalf of Chen Gang | husband and wife | court
Accused of infidelity during divorce! The court ruled that the "lost only" elderly person gave birth to a son on behalf of Chen Gang | husband and wife | court

After a couple born in the 1950s suffered the loss of their only child, the man decided to conceive and have a child on behalf of another woman in order to continue their relationship. How to divide property when marriage comes to an end? The woman refers to the man's infidelity within marriage, but the man claims that "surrogacy" is done with the woman's consent. Can the woman share more property as a result? Recently, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court announced the final judgment of this post divorce property dispute case. Having lost his son in old age, he chose to have a son with Chen Gang and Liu Yun, a couple born in the 1950s, through external surrogacy. In 2017, a couple in their sixties suffered the loss of their only son. Afterwards, Chen Gang chose to have a child through surrogacy. Not long after, their marriage was in crisis. In 2018, his wife Liu Yun filed a divorce lawsuit in court. After multiple rounds of litigation, in 2021, the court finally ruled for divorce between the two individuals. Due to Chen Gang not arriving

China will host the first Chain Expo! US companies actively respond and respond to the US technology war. China | International | Actively respond
China will host the first Chain Expo! US companies actively respond and respond to the US technology war. China | International | Actively respond

On June 11th, the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reported that under the "risk reduction" rhetoric of the United States, China will hold the first International Supply Chain Promotion Expo to consolidate its global position. According to reports, as the United States and its allies strengthen trade restrictions with China, China, as the world's second-largest economy, is seeking to protect its crucial role in global manufacturing. In this context, the first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo will kick off on November 28th this year in Beijing. The first Chain Expo was hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. According to Ren Hongbin, President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the 5-day Chain Expo will be themed "Linking the World and Creating the Future Together", aiming to help "Chinese enterprises participate more deeply in global industrial division of labor" and "promote the construction of resilient global industrial and supply chains"

Delayed meeting with NATO Secretary General, toothache kept me up all night! Biden receives root canal treatment, O'Connor | Biden | Secretary General
Delayed meeting with NATO Secretary General, toothache kept me up all night! Biden receives root canal treatment, O'Connor | Biden | Secretary General

According to foreign media reports, on the 12th local time, the White House announced that US President Biden cancelled his scheduled public trip due to toothache and underwent root canal treatment surgery. The Associated Press reported that Biden cancelled the celebration of College Athletes Day originally scheduled for the morning of the 12th, and was chaired by Vice President Harris. He also postponed his meeting with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg. White House spokesperson Caroline Jean Pierre said at the press conference that Biden felt good, but she refused to disclose the reason for Biden's toothache and treatment. According to Reuters and Agence France Presse, this is Biden's second root canal surgery in two days. Biden's dentist O'Connor said that Biden experienced tooth pain on the 11th and underwent examination and root canal treatment on the same day. However, on the morning of the 12th, Biden

Seven county-level party secretaries are undergoing intensive adjustments in two days! Han ethnicity | Henan | Party Secretary
Seven county-level party secretaries are undergoing intensive adjustments in two days! Han ethnicity | Henan | Party Secretary

Yesterday, the secretaries of four county-level party committees in Henan Province made adjustments on the same day. In the past two days, the top leaders of 7 counties, districts and cities in the province have made adjustments. According to the "Henan Daily" WeChat official account, yesterday morning, the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee went to Wugang City and announced the decision of the Henan Provincial Party Committee to adjust the positions of the main leading comrades of the leadership of Wugang City. Zhu Zhiqian was appointed as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Wugang. According to the public resume, Zhu Zhiqian, male, Han ethnicity, was born in January 1974 in Baofeng, Henan. I started working in August 1994. Member of the Communist Party of China Master's degree students. Zhu Zhiqian previously held positions such as Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Mayor of Wugang City. Yesterday morning, the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee went to Zhanhe District to announce the decision of the Henan Provincial Party Committee to adjust the positions of the main leaders of the Zhanhe District leadership team. Chen Bin

Two defendants have been sentenced, and the first instance verdict for the case of "hand drawn map seeker" being abducted constitutes | Economy | Yunnan Province | Defendant | People's Republic of China | Sentence | Crime of human trafficking | Defendant
Two defendants have been sentenced, and the first instance verdict for the case of "hand drawn map seeker" being abducted constitutes | Economy | Yunnan Province | Defendant | People's Republic of China | Sentence | Crime of human trafficking | Defendant

On June 13, 2023, the People's Court of Yanjin County, Yunnan Province, in accordance with the law, publicly announced the first instance verdict on the case of defendants He Moukui and Wang Mouyuan trafficking in human beings. Sentence the defendant He Moukui to eleven years in prison and the defendant Wang Mouyuan to ten years in prison for the crime of human trafficking; The defendants He Moukui and Wang Mouyuan each compensated the plaintiff Li Mouwei for an economic loss of 50000 yuan in the incidental civil litigation; Reject Li Mouwei's other litigation requests. After trial and investigation, it was found that on December 5, 1989, the victim Li Mouwei was lured to Junlian County, Sichuan Province by the defendants He Moukui and Wang Mouyuan while playing at home. Later, it was sold to Chengguan Township, Lankao County, Henan Province. After the incident, Li's relatives were unsuccessful in their search. In January 2022, after DNA comparison, Li Mouwei and his biological mother reunited. The court believes that the defendants He Moukui and Wang Mouyuan

The "insider" of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was "double opened" late at night, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection heavily deployed the post supervision commission | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
The "insider" of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was "double opened" late at night, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection heavily deployed the post supervision commission | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Another "insider" from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has fallen from grace! Last night, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released a message: Liu Ran, Deputy Director and First level Inspector of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, has been expelled from the Party and public office due to serious violations of discipline and law. He is suspected of committing a crime and has been transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law. Shangguan Hui noticed that this was Liu Ran's first official announcement of his downfall. Public reports show that Liu Ran has been serving in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for a long time, serving as a bureau level disciplinary inspector and deputy director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission; As the Deputy Director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, as well as a first level inspector, I participated in various meetings on party conduct and clean governance held by various units. On March 26, 2020, the China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision also published an article titled "The Second Supervision and Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission"

Accompanied by Hua Chunying and others, President Castro of Honduras visited the Tiananmen Square Tower in Beijing
Accompanied by Hua Chunying and others, President Castro of Honduras visited the Tiananmen Square Tower in Beijing

At around 8 pm on the evening of the 12th, Honduras President Castro, who was on a state visit to Beijing, visited the Tiananmen Square Tower after finishing his main day's trip. As night fell and the lights lit up, Honduras President Castro and his delegation, accompanied by Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Hua Chunying and others, climbed the Tiananmen Square to overlook the Tiananmen Square and the skyline scenery of Beijing. The newly renovated Tiananmen Gate Tower was the main entrance of the imperial city of Beijing during the Ming and Qing dynasties. On October 1, 1949, the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China was held here. After visiting an exhibition on the history of Tiananmen Square, President Castro left a message saying, "The first Honduran to visit and get to know New China was left-wing writer Ramon Amaya Amador. He visited China in 1952 and..."

A company once suffered a loss of 1.4 billion yuan due to falsification, and was caught by the minister for "data fraud". The current production | ledger | enterprise
A company once suffered a loss of 1.4 billion yuan due to falsification, and was caught by the minister for "data fraud". The current production | ledger | enterprise

The enterprise was caught by the minister for fraud! According to the news on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on June 11, Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu conducted a surprise inspection on the pollution control of some enterprises in Yinchuan, Ningxia, and found that some enterprises had abnormal operation of pollution control facilities, excessive discharge of pollutants, and automatic monitoring data. Falsified, false reporting of production accounts and other violations of laws and regulations. Chao News reporters combed and found that in the past three years, when the main leaders of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment went to local inspections and unannounced visits, companies were found to tamper with, falsify data, issue false reports, and other violations of laws and regulations. It is not an exception, and some local companies have even tipped off each other. News, group fraud. Huang Runqiu's surprise inspection on pollution control of some enterprises in Yinchuan is not an example. According to the Ministry of Ecological Environment, it will be from the end of 2022

Liang Heping fell from grace and retired 6 years later. Party Secretary | Deputy Secretary | Liang Heping
Liang Heping fell from grace and retired 6 years later. Party Secretary | Deputy Secretary | Liang Heping

On June 13th, according to "Jiangmen Qingfeng" news, Liang Heping, former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the Kaiping Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Jiangmen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Liang Heping: Liang Heping, male, Han nationality, born in July 1957 in Kaiping, Guangdong, with a college degree, started work in December 1976, and joined the CPC in March 1979. Formerly served as the Party Secretary of Longsheng Town and Shuikou Town in Kaiping City, Jiangmen; Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Deputy Mayor of Kaiping Municipal Government; Member of the Standing Committee of the Kaiping Municipal Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government; Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Party Group of the Kaiping Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Deputy Department level Cadre. Retired in June 2017.

Netizens expressed dissatisfaction, with 5.35 million viewers. Messi appeared in a 50 second live broadcast room | Messi | Netizens
Netizens expressed dissatisfaction, with 5.35 million viewers. Messi appeared in a 50 second live broadcast room | Messi | Netizens

At 7:00 p.m. on June 12, Kwai, a short video platform, released the first exclusive interview pilot clip of Lionel Messi, the soccer king, during his trip to China in its official live broadcast room. At the 30th minute and 50th second of the live broadcast, amidst the countless calls from the audience, Messi finally appeared. In the video, Messi answered the host's question about the Champions League final and said, "I've seen it, it's a standard final, played at a very high level." Some netizens found that the so-called live broadcast was actually recorded, and Messi appeared for less than a minute, including the host's question. However, the number of viewers reached 5.35 million. Messi's popularity in China is evident, attracting a large number of fans for both travel and training.

Over 3000 Peruvian women missing, reported within 4 months | Female | Peru
Over 3000 Peruvian women missing, reported within 4 months | Female | Peru

According to Agence France Presse on June 10th, the Office of the Peruvian Prosecutor reported on Saturday that from January to April this year, more than 3400 women in Peru went missing. The office's report titled "What Happened to Them?" states that there were 3406 cases of female disappearances in the first four months of 2023. The report states that only 1902 people have been found, and 1504 people are still missing. Isabelle Ortis, representative of the Peruvian Office of the Prosecutor, said that Peru's situation regarding disappearance will be classified as an urgent and dangerous situation. A woman holding a photo is searching for a missing relative. She said, "The government has not taken action to prevent such incidents from happening. The government has not prioritized the issue of disappearances." In 2022, over 5380 women in Peru went missing, most of whom were young women

The provincial inspection team is here! Deputy District Chief Xiang, born in 1983, surrendered to the Commission for Discipline Inspection Liang Heping | Guangdong | Commission for Discipline Inspection
The provincial inspection team is here! Deputy District Chief Xiang, born in 1983, surrendered to the Commission for Discipline Inspection Liang Heping | Guangdong | Commission for Discipline Inspection

Just now, three officials from Guangdong were investigated simultaneously. At 10 a.m., the website of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision simultaneously released news that Chen Jinhua, member of the Standing Committee of the Dinghu District Committee and Deputy District Mayor of the District Government of Zhaoqing City, Liang Heping, former Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Kaiping City, Jiangmen City, and Liu Sheng, member and Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Pingyuan County, Meizhou City, were investigated. Among them, Chen Jinhua voluntarily surrendered; Dinghu District in Zhaoqing City and Kaiping City in Jiangmen are undergoing inspections by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. According to the open resume, Chen Jinhua, male, Han nationality, who voluntarily surrendered, was born in March 1983 in Sihui, Guangdong, with a bachelor's degree, started work in July 2006, and joined the CPC in June 2011. Chen Jinhua has served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee, Director of the Office, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee in Guicheng Street, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City; Member of the Party Group and Deputy County Mayor of Fengkai County Government in Zhaoqing City,

The injured person has been sent to the hospital. The rolling gate at a station entrance of the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway fell and hit a female passenger. The rolling gate | Changsha
The injured person has been sent to the hospital. The rolling gate at a station entrance of the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway fell and hit a female passenger. The rolling gate | Changsha

On the evening of June 12th, a female passenger was hit by a rolling shutter over her head while passing through the south entrance and exit of Changsha Kaifu Temple Station on the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway. According to authoritative sources, at 21:00 on the day of the incident, the rolling gate at the south entrance and exit of Kaifu Temple Station on the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway accidentally fell, hitting a female passenger who was exiting the station. According to hospital diagnosis, the injured person is 22 years old, with epidural hemorrhage and skull fracture. According to sources, the injured person is not in life-threatening condition and has been transferred to the hospital for treatment. The cause of the incident is still under further investigation. On June 13th, the official Weibo account of Changsha Railway Station of Guangzhou Railway Group announced that at around 21:00 on June 12th, a woman passing by the south entrance and exit of Kaifu Temple Station on the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan intercity railway was scratched and injured by a sliding rolling shutter. The injured person was immediately sent to medical treatment by station staff, and her life was stable. station

"He's talking nonsense!" The two British Prime Ministers engaged in a verbal altercation. Richie Sunak | Johnson | Prime Minister
"He's talking nonsense!" The two British Prime Ministers engaged in a verbal altercation. Richie Sunak | Johnson | Prime Minister

According to Agence France Presse on June 12th, British Prime Minister Richie Sunak was embroiled in a public verbal altercation with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson on June 11th, with the focus on Johnson's controversial nomination for honors over his main political ally. According to reports, Johnson's highly anticipated list of political honors was announced on the 8th, including Brexit loyalists and even those involved in the "Party Gate" scandal that led to his resignation last year. But there were a few expected candidates missing from the final list, which led the Johnson camp to accuse Sunak and Downing Street of intervening before submitting the list. A spokesperson for Sunak told reporters that this accusation - that the Prime Minister and other officials removed Johnson's name before submitting it to the House of Lords Appointment Committee - is "completely untrue.". According to reports, Sunak subsequently became violent

Emphasizing "opposition to hegemony", he opened the first stop of his Latin American tour relationship | countries | Latin America
Emphasizing "opposition to hegemony", he opened the first stop of his Latin American tour relationship | countries | Latin America

According to a report by Efi on June 12th, Iranian President Ibrahim Lehi confirmed during his official visit to Venezuela that Iran's economic and trade cooperation goal with this Caribbean country is to increase the current bilateral trade volume from approximately $3 billion to $20 billion. According to reports, Venezuela is the first stop of Lech's first trip to Latin America during his tenure, followed by visits to Cuba and Nicaragua. Accompanied by a large delegation, including representatives from the political, economic, and scientific fields, was Lai Xi's visit. The report also stated that during a meeting with President Maduro at the Mira Flores Palace in the Venezuelan Presidential Palace, Lech made it clear that "the first step towards our trade and economic cooperation goals is to raise their level to $10 billion, and in the next stage, to increase this number to $20 billion."

The company in question responded that executives were taken away in Germany: currently participating in normal meetings in China | enterprises | attending meetings
The company in question responded that executives were taken away in Germany: currently participating in normal meetings in China | enterprises | attending meetings

On the evening of June 12th, the incident of a Chinese photovoltaic company executive being taken away from a plane in Munich has attracted attention. Multiple media reports indicate that the person assisting in the investigation is Pu Yonghua from Jiangsu Greenball New Energy Co., Ltd. On the 13th, Jiangsu Greenball New Energy Co., Ltd. confirmed this news to reporters and stated that Pu Yonghua did accept an investigation, but is currently attending the meeting normally. The China Photovoltaic Industry Association announced in the early morning of the 13th that regarding media reports that Chinese photovoltaic practitioners were taken away for investigation while attending the Munich International Solar Technology Expo in Germany, it was found that the parties involved only assisted in the investigation and have now returned to their hotels. Only one person assisted in the investigation this time, without involving multiple Chinese photovoltaic companies that were rumored online, and there were no instances of multiple personnel assisting in the investigation. Tianyancha shows that Pu Yonghua holds Jiangsu Greenbow New Energy

Soros retired! 37 Year Old Fourth Son Takeover Family | Foundation | Takeover
Soros retired! 37 Year Old Fourth Son Takeover Family | Foundation | Takeover

Soros, who has been rumored to have passed away repeatedly, has just received the latest update. On June 12th Eastern Time, foreign media reported that 92 year old financial tycoon George Soros announced that he would transfer control of the $25 billion financial empire to his 37 year old son Alexander Soros. According to Bloomberg, billionaire Soros will transfer control of the Open Society Foundation to his fourth son Alexander Soros, who was appointed as the chairman of the foundation's board of directors in December last year. In addition to managing most of the assets of the Soros family worth over $25 billion, this foundation provides approximately $1.5 billion annually to various organizations worldwide and also donates to universities and other educational organizations. According to Xinhua News Agency, the foundation is not popular in some countries, such as

Offshore RMB plummets by 200 points, sudden! The central bank unexpectedly cut interest rates by basis points | interest rates | offshore
Offshore RMB plummets by 200 points, sudden! The central bank unexpectedly cut interest rates by basis points | interest rates | offshore

On June 13th, according to the website of the People's Bank of China, in order to maintain the reasonable and sufficient liquidity of the banking system, the People's Bank of China launched a 2 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase operation through interest rate bidding, with a winning interest rate of 1.90%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points from the 2% interest rate level of the previous day. This is the first adjustment of the 7-day reverse repurchase operation interest rate since August 2022. It is worth noting that the current 7-day reverse repurchase rate level is already the lowest in history. According to an interview with industry experts by First Financial News, today the winning bid interest rate for the 7-day reverse repurchase operation in the open market of the People's Bank of China has decreased by 10 basis points, which is conducive to balancing multiple goals such as maintaining price stability, financial stability, and supporting the real economy. After the news was announced, confidence in the financial market was boosted, and treasury bond bond futures opened higher all over the country. The 30-year main contract rose 0. 5%

Song Tongfa was expelled from the Communist Party of China and treated his tenure in state-owned enterprises as a "personal preserve" and "withdrawal machine" for Anhui Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. | Discipline | Song Tongfa
Song Tongfa was expelled from the Communist Party of China and treated his tenure in state-owned enterprises as a "personal preserve" and "withdrawal machine" for Anhui Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. | Discipline | Song Tongfa

Recently, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision designated the Wuhu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to conduct an investigation into serious violations of discipline and law by Song Tongfa, former member of the Party Committee, director, and deputy general manager of Anhui Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. After investigation, Song Tong, as a leading cadre of state-owned enterprise party members, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, and opposed organizational scrutiny; Greedy tendencies, relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, treating serving in state-owned enterprises as a "private domain" and "ATM", digging up empty mindedness, and recklessly embezzling state-owned assets. Song Tongfa seriously violated the political discipline, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline of the Party, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of corruption crimes. He did not restrain himself or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and his nature was serious and his impact was bad. He should be dealt with seriously. According to the Discipline Division of the CPC

Why doesn't anyone dare to bring their phones into the venue?, Meeting of US allies | Global | United States
Why doesn't anyone dare to bring their phones into the venue?, Meeting of US allies | Global | United States

Ten years ago, Snowden exposed that the Prism Gate incident had caused a huge uproar worldwide, opening up the towering face of the surveillance empire's pervasive presence. Ten years have passed, and under global condemnation, has the United States restrained itself? On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Snowden incident, China Daily's undercover studio has uncovered the "surveillance storm" in the United States from three aspects: astonishing exposure, ten-year evolution, and cyber warfare. A shocking scandal was exposed. In May of this year, the 27 foreign ministers of the European Union held a meeting in Sweden. However, it is worth pondering that none of the attendees brought their phones, iPads, or any electronic devices into the venue. "They are afraid of being monitored by the United States, but they dare not speak out in anger. It can only be said that they are afraid of being monitored by other countries," said Xu Peixi, a professor and cybersecurity expert at Communication University of China. Affected by

Not being able to make it to the list and having no time for dating under 10 million yuan! What is the recent situation in the insurance industry? Life Insurance | Lifetime | Time
Not being able to make it to the list and having no time for dating under 10 million yuan! What is the recent situation in the insurance industry? Life Insurance | Lifetime | Time

"Staying up late to make plans and visiting three to five clients a day, the agents in the team have not had weekends recently," said insurance agent Zhang Qiang. In order to ensure that all clients can catch the last bus with a 3.5% pricing rate, the company held a mobilization meeting and formulated incentive measures. Currently, agents are working like clockwork to achieve their target premium. In March this year, regulatory authorities held discussions and discussions on issues such as product interest rates, investment returns, and liability underwriting for insurance companies. In late April, regulatory authorities successively convened meetings with relevant insurance companies, mainly aimed at adjusting the pricing interest rates of newly developed products for life insurance companies and controlling interest rate spread losses. According to industry sources, insurance products with pricing rates exceeding 3.5% will be centrally taken down by the end of June. After these news spread, the insurance industry sparked a frenzy in promoting increased lifetime life insurance

Grab the opportunity to plant rice seedlings during agricultural season | Farmers | Agricultural season
Grab the opportunity to plant rice seedlings during agricultural season | Farmers | Agricultural season

On June 12th, farmers carried out transplanting work in the high standard farmland demonstration area of Lushan Township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. During the "Three Summers" season, farmers in many areas rush to carry out rice planting operations during the farming season, and the fields are filled with busy farming scenes. On June 12th, Xinhua News Agency reported that farmers in Hongqi Street, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, were driving rice transplanters for transplanting operations. On June 12th, Xinhua News Agency reported that in a rice field in Ganyu District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, farmers were driving rice transplanters to carry out rice transplanting operations. On June 12th, Xinhua News Agency reported that farmers used conveyor belts to transport seedlings at the "Anhui Central Rice" rice planting base in the Huanhu South Bank Modern Agriculture Industrial Park in Huailin Town, Chaohu City, Anhui Province. On June 12th, Xinhua News Agency reported that in Daizhuang Village, Chengbei Street, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, farmers were loading newly raised seedlings onto trucks in a rice field. Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua All Media+| Promoting Industry Integration and Accelerating Industrial Layout - Construction of National Leading Areas for Connected Vehicles Observation of Connected Vehicles | Intelligence | Industrial Layout
Xinhua All Media+| Promoting Industry Integration and Accelerating Industrial Layout - Construction of National Leading Areas for Connected Vehicles Observation of Connected Vehicles | Intelligence | Industrial Layout

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 12 (Xinhua) - Promoting Industry Integration and Accelerating Industrial Layout - Observation on the Construction of National Leading Areas for Connected Vehicles. In April, at the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, new technologies such as connected vehicles became a hot topic of attention; In May, Tianjin held the World Intelligent Conference and set up an intelligent connected vehicle experience area; In June 2023, the Jiangxi Province Internet of Vehicles Security Conference was held... Since the beginning of this year, the attention of society to the Internet of Vehicles industry has been continuously increasing, and various regions have accelerated the layout of related industries. In April, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly supported Hubei, Zhejiang, and Guangxi in creating national level vehicle networking pilot zones. As of now, seven regions across the country have been approved to create national level vehicle networking pilot zones. How is the progress of the construction in the three regions? What other aspects do we need to focus on promoting the application of the Internet of Vehicles industry? The reporter conducted on-site visits. Smarter cars, safer

Each cultural industry park has its own new highlights. Culture | Guitar | Highlights
Each cultural industry park has its own new highlights. Culture | Guitar | Highlights

Art Market Sharing Conference. The Wisdom Mountain Cultural and Creative Industry Park is located in Zheng'an Guitar Cultural Industry Park, where enterprise workers are making musical instruments. Zhao Yongzhang photographed the core area of Da Chuangzhi. Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "Management Measures for National Cultural Industry Demonstration Parks", which aims to improve the construction and development level of demonstration parks and bases by coordinating the naming, construction, and management of demonstration parks and bases. As of now, there are 34 national cultural industry demonstration parks in China. How can cultural industry demonstration parks provide more high-quality cultural products and services? How to promote the integration and innovative development of the cultural industry? Various explorations and practices have been carried out in various regions. Data shows that from 2012 to 2021, China's culture and related industries

Sparkling Photon Detection, Sparkling Afterglow Detection (Technology Independence and Self Strengthening) Lasso | Gamma Ray | Technology
Sparkling Photon Detection, Sparkling Afterglow Detection (Technology Independence and Self Strengthening) Lasso | Gamma Ray | Technology

Imagination of GRB 221009A gamma ray burst detected by Lasso. The core picture provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences reads that "Lasso", a high altitude cosmic ray observatory in China, recorded the whole process of the trillions electron volts gamma ray burst of the brightest gamma ray burst so far for the first time. On this basis, "Lasso" international cooperation group has made a series of observation and research achievements, and related achievements were published online in Science on June 9. The results of this observation are of great significance, enhancing human understanding of the radiation mechanism and jet structure of gamma storms. On June 9th, the journal Science published online the latest observation and research results of China's high altitude cosmic ray observation station, Lasso, on a gamma ray burst named GRB 221009A: Lasso recorded for the first time a complete trillions of electricity at the moment of death of a massive star