The world

French Ministry of Defense official: Negotiations for withdrawal have begun
French Ministry of Defense official: Negotiations for withdrawal have begun

According to Agence France Presse on September 5th, French Ministry of Defense officials stated on the 5th that they are holding talks with the Niger military to withdraw some of the French military personnel stationed in the country. According to the report, the French Ministry of Defense, who declined to be named, told reporters that "negotiations regarding the withdrawal of certain military personnel have begun." He did not disclose details of the negotiations. It is reported that as part of France's efforts to combat extremists in the Sahel region, France has deployed approximately 1500 soldiers in Niger. Some speculate that France will be forced to fully withdraw its troops from Niger after the coup that ousted Niger's President Mohammad Bazum on July 26th. Bazum is an ally of France. The report suggests that Niger became France after successive coups forced France to withdraw from its neighboring countries Mali and Burkina Faso

The investigation into riots in the United States will escalate again! This planner was sentenced to 22 years in prison | time | planner
The investigation into riots in the United States will escalate again! This planner was sentenced to 22 years in prison | time | planner

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, the investigation surrounding the congressional riots in the United States continues to heat up. On September 5th local time, Tario, former chairman of the far right organization Pride Boys, who was suspected of mastermind behind the US Congress riots, was sentenced to 22 years in prison in a federal court in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, multiple sources have also revealed that Jack Smith, the special prosecutor of the US Department of Justice, is still investigating former President Trump's attempt to overthrow the 2020 US presidential election. 22 years in prison! The mastermind of the American Congress riots has been sentenced. According to reports, Tario, former chairman of the far right organization Pride Boys, who was suspected of mastermind the January 6, 2021 congressional riots, was sentenced to 22 years in prison on the 5th local time in a federal court in Washington, D.C., on charges of inciting conspiracy and other charges. Reuters reported that this

This experiment was successful for the first time, with self-developed electromagnetic equipment, at a depth of 4000 meters in the South China Sea
This experiment was successful for the first time, with self-developed electromagnetic equipment, at a depth of 4000 meters in the South China Sea

On the 5th, the reporter learned from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that recently, the researcher Sun Zhen team of the Institute cooperated with the scientific researchers of China University of Geosciences to conduct the first cross ocean mid ridge deep-sea artificial source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric joint exploration profile experiment in China through the self-developed electromagnetic launching and receiving equipment at a depth of about 4000 meters in the central basin of the South China Sea. This experiment marks a further breakthrough in high-power artificial source electromagnetic detection technology in complex deep-sea terrain conditions in China. The first cross ocean ridge ocean electromagnetic method joint detection profile in China. Jiang Feng and Zhu Xiaoxi drew the ocean electromagnetic method, which is an important method for detecting the geological structure of the seabed. At present, only a few units from the United States and Europe have mature technology and equipment to carry out joint detection of artificial sources and magnetotelluric methods in the deep sea

These two countries have resumed navigation and suspended for 30 years
These two countries have resumed navigation and suspended for 30 years

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency on September 6, the Russian Federal Aviation Administration announced that the first regular flight of Myanmar International Airlines arrived in Novosibirsk after 30 years of resumption of navigation between Russia and Myanmar. The announcement stated: "Today, September 5, 2023, the first fixed flight of Myanmar International Airlines on the Yangon Mandalay Novosibirsk route arrived in Novosibirsk. Russia and the Republic of the Federation of Myanmar have successfully resumed direct flights after a 30 year hiatus." The report stated that Myanmar has become the 38th country to open direct flights to Russia. The report mentioned that the Federal Aviation Administration of Russia issued a flight permit to Myanmar International Airlines for the Mandalay Novosibirsk Mandalay route at the end of August. The announcement points out that the opening of direct flights between the two countries will not only provide convenience for Russian tourists to travel to Southeast Asia, but also promote cooperation between both sides

Has the "World Copper King" been ordered to restrict consumption? Zhengwei New Materials: Now released
Has the "World Copper King" been ordered to restrict consumption? Zhengwei New Materials: Now released

Recently, there have been rumors online that Wang Wenyin, the founder and chairman of Zhengwei Group, has been taking measures to restrict consumption, which has attracted attention. On the evening of September 5th, Zhengwei New Materials, a listed company under Zhengwei Group, announced that on September 5th, the company contacted the presiding judge of the Intermediate People's Court of Zaozhuang City by phone and learned that "the restriction order was made against Shenzhen Zhengwei Co., Ltd. According to relevant requirements, if a corporate entity is restricted from consumption, it must be made together with its legal representative, and has now been lifted.". This matter is a consumption restriction order caused by a construction contract dispute between other subsidiaries of Zhengwei Group and others, and has been lifted, which has no significant impact on the operation of our company. It is worth mentioning that yesterday afternoon, Zhengwei Group also issued a statement on its official website, stating that the incident has been properly resolved and the relevant impact has been lifted. No impact on operations

Army Joint Training! Chinese trainees arrive in Singapore
Army Joint Training! Chinese trainees arrive in Singapore

On September 5th, Chinese trainees and equipment who went to Singapore to participate in the Sino Singapore "Cooperation 2023" Army Joint Training successfully arrived at Changi Air Force Base in Singapore through air transportation. In the future, joint training will be conducted in the Singapore Army's 3rd Division Camp and surrounding areas. It is reported that the joint training will be themed "Joint Urban Counter Terrorism Operations", and participants from both sides will conduct joint training around courses such as sniper tactics, close combat, parachute descent, and hostage rescue. Both China and Singapore will deepen the traditional friendship between the two armies through mixed training, and test and enhance the joint urban anti-terrorism combat capabilities of the two countries. The Chinese troops participating in this joint training will be drawn from a certain brigade of the 74th Group Army. Previously, Chinese trainees conducted enhanced training on individual skills of officers and soldiers, as well as tactical coordination of units, with a focus on enhancing the joint urban anti aircraft capabilities of the troops

Vice President of Iran: Iran and China have good cooperation capabilities in the environment
Vice President of Iran: Iran and China have good cooperation capabilities in the environment

Iranian Vice President and Minister of Environment Ali Salajegai stated on the 5th that Iran and China have good cooperation capabilities in preventing and controlling sandstorms and other environmental issues. The International Conference on the Prevention and Control of Sandstorms is about to be held in Tehran. During a press conference held in Tehran, Sarajegai answered questions from Xinhua News Agency reporters and said that both Iran and China attach great importance to environmental cooperation. He expressed appreciation for China's desertification control technology and experience, and stated that climate experts from both countries are engaged in regular exchanges, especially in the field of preventing and controlling sandstorms. Sarajegai said that Iran is willing to share its experience in preventing and controlling sandstorms with other countries. He called for effective environmental governance to address the severe challenges facing the Earth's ecology. United Nations Coordinator in Iran Stefan Prisna said at a press conference that Iran has played a constructive role in preventing and controlling sandstorms, and the United Nations has

15 corporate leaders gave speeches, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a symposium on private enterprises
15 corporate leaders gave speeches, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a symposium on private enterprises

On the morning of September 5th, Wang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, presided over a symposium on private enterprises to understand the development status of private enterprises, listen to opinions and suggestions from enterprises, and study measures to support the development and growth of private enterprises in the field of human resources and social security. At the meeting, the heads of 15 enterprises, including Beijing Jingdiao, Geely Holdings, Hubei Changfei, Yagor, Beijing Qibu Automation, Shenzhen DJI, Dongfang Yuhong, Zhifei Lvzhu Biotechnology, Galaxy Aerospace, Meituan, Meide Group, and Beijing Auntie, gave speeches, introducing the production and operation status of their respective enterprises, as well as the problems and difficulties they face in attracting employment, talent cultivation and introduction, and building harmonious labor relations. They also put forward opinions and suggestions.

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Vice Governor Promoted to Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Vice Governor Promoted to Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee

According to the Liaowang client of Liaoning Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has approved Comrade Jiang Youwei as a member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee. The Liaoning Provincial Party Committee has decided that Comrade Jiang Youwei will serve as the Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, as well as the Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office and the Secretary of the Provincial Government Work Committee. According to the open resume, Jiang Youwei, male, Han nationality, was born in September 1967 in Nong'an, Jilin Province. He started working in July 1989 and joined the CPC in June 1994. He has a university degree, a master's degree in management economics, and an engineer. Jiang Youwei has served in Jilin Province for a long time and has served as a member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Baishan City; Director and Party Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Economic Commission, and Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Government; Director and Party Secretary of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jilin Province; Mayor of Liaoyuan City; Secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee; Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Development and Reform Commission of Jilin Province; Jilin Province

He created a "Fukushima Surfing Show" and after more than half a month of "Ghost Worship"
He created a "Fukushima Surfing Show" and after more than half a month of "Ghost Worship"

"This is really a kind of satire." Author: Xu Ye, after "Prime Minister Eats Broadcasting," Japanese politicians have come up with new tricks. On September 3rd, in order to demonstrate the so-called "safety" of nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea to the outside world, Shinjiro Koizumi caused waves on the coast of Fukushima Prefecture. Shinjiro Koizumi was once Japan's Minister of Environment and the second son of former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. With his prominent family background, handsome appearance, and painstakingly crafted fan image, Koizumi Jinjiro gained a high level of popularity after entering politics. A few years ago, many people predicted that he would become the Prime Minister of Japan in the future. However, as the saying goes, "I thought it was just beginning, but I didn't expect it to be the peak.". After joining the cabinet in September 2019, the words, deeds, and abilities of Shinjiro Koizumi began to be questioned.

People centered Chinese path to modernization (new knowledge and new awareness)
People centered Chinese path to modernization (new knowledge and new awareness)

Realizing modernization has been a dream that the Chinese nation has been striving for since modern times.At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the theory of Chinese path to modernization was put forward and elaborated in depth, and a strategic plan was made to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. On the new journey, we should adhere to the people centered development thought, and strive to promote the realization of human modernization in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization. People's nature is the most distinctive character of Marxism, and the people's position is the fundamental political stance of Marxist political parties. Leading the people to create a happy life is the unwavering goal of our party's struggle. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out, "Why is the problem of human beings a fundamental and principled problem?" Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out, "Without developing productive forces, without improving."

[Looking for Xizang · Gesang Flower Blossom] Time of Picking: Time Journey of Wonderful Tibetan Medicine Tibetan Medicine | Culture | Tibetan Medicine
[Looking for Xizang · Gesang Flower Blossom] Time of Picking: Time Journey of Wonderful Tibetan Medicine Tibetan Medicine | Culture | Tibetan Medicine

According to the editor, Chinese civilization is vast, profound, and has a long history. It is formed by the convergence of excellent cultures from various ethnic groups. A Chinese history is a history of the integration of various ethnic groups into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation. From September 1 to 11, 2023, with the support of the China Internet Development Foundation, the China Tibetology Research Center and Guangming. com jointly planned to launch a series of micro documentaries, "Seeking Xizang · Gesang Blossom", which tells about the important historical events such as Princess Wencheng's entry into Tibet, the defense war of Gyantse, etc., focuses on the crystallization of Tibetan medicine culture, such as Tibetan medicine bathing method and mercury refining method, and explores the emotional ties of the same heart of the Chinese culture with shiny "cultural cards" of Xizang, so as to build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. Episode 6 tells the story of "Picking Time: A Time Journey of Wonderful Tibetan Medicine". Guangming News: In the long river of time,

Optimizing the institutional environment for high-quality development of private economy
Optimizing the institutional environment for high-quality development of private economy

Continuously promoting high-quality development of the private economy is inseparable from a good institutional environment. On the one hand, the current global situation

Chinese enterprises participate in bidding, "the United States is unwilling to provide nuclear technology"
Chinese enterprises participate in bidding, "the United States is unwilling to provide nuclear technology"

According to the report of Nihon Keizai Shimbun on September 5, it is reported that Chinese nuclear industry enterprises are participating in the bidding for the first nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia. China is continuously strengthening political and economic ties with Saudi Arabia, while the United States is unwilling to provide nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Chinese company participated in the bidding for the Saudi Eastern nuclear power plant project. According to reports, Saudi Arabia has long hoped that the United States can provide it with nuclear technology, but the United States is concerned about this as uranium enrichment and other related technologies can also be used to develop nuclear weapons. Moreover, Israel, which has long been in opposition to Saudi Arabia, is highly vigilant about Saudi Arabia's possession of nuclear technology. In December 2022, China and Saudi Arabia reached an agreement on cooperation in areas such as energy and communication technology. In March 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iran, under the coordination of China, resumed 20

International Crisis Research Organization: US sanctions are the biggest source of economic turmoil in the world! Over the past 21 years, the number of sanctions has skyrocketed by 933%
International Crisis Research Organization: US sanctions are the biggest source of economic turmoil in the world! Over the past 21 years, the number of sanctions has skyrocketed by 933%

On September 5th, a report released by the International Crisis Research Organization showed that sanctions have become an important tool in US foreign policy in recent decades. In the 21 years since 2000, the number of sanctions imposed by the United States on foreign countries has skyrocketed by 933%. In recent years, Americans have been building walls and barriers, promoting decoupling and chain breaking. Under the principle of prioritizing the United States, they have introduced large-scale exclusive and discriminatory industrial policies, disrupting the formation of a reasonable division of labor in global industries and disrupting the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains. In addition, the United States abuses its economic and financial monopoly position to impose long-term jurisdiction, unilateral sanctions, and freeze assets of other countries, disrupting the global economic order. In recent years, the United States has frequently included foreign companies in the "physical list", imposed trade embargoes, technology blockades, and implemented unilateral bullying and suppression. among

Latest! The Russian frigate sailed into the Atlantic Ocean via Gibraltar
Latest! The Russian frigate sailed into the Atlantic Ocean via Gibraltar

According to a report by Russia's LiantaNet on September 5th, the Russian Northern Fleet announced that the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" equipped with "Zircon" hypersonic missiles had sailed into the Atlantic Ocean after completing its mission in the Mediterranean. According to the report, it was reported that "today, the frigate" Admiral Gorshkov "of the Northern Fleet, which has been operating in the Mediterranean since April, sailed into the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar under the escort of the medium-sized oil tanker" Viazima "." Admiral Gorshkov "will conduct a series of exercises in the Atlantic.". This 22350 type frigate began service in 2018 and is equipped with the 3S14 universal shipborne launch system, which can launch the "Onyx" supersonic cruise missile, "Caliber NK" cruise missile, or "Zircon" hypersonic missile. ▲

But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"
But at the beginning of the cultural relic "Guijia Road", the ending of "Escape from the British Museum"

"Family, I've been wandering outside for a long time and I got lost." The short drama "Escape from the British Museum" has become a hot topic on the internet, and for a while, topics related to cultural relics protection and recovery have become a hot topic. The last episode of the short drama was released on the 5th, and "The next stop is on Guijia Road." once again drew tears from netizens. "National Treasure Escape" or "National Treasure Returns Home"? The short film uses personification to tell the story of a thin jade teapot with a Chinese entangled branch pattern that escapes from the British Museum. It meets a Chinese media worker working overseas and then embarks on a journey back home together. This short drama, which lasts less than 20 minutes in total, is full of the creator's intentions, and many details have been carefully scrutinized and savored by netizens. When they first met, Little Jade Pot's cheeks were dirty, and he sighed at how the male protagonist and roommate could live in such a large "cabinet". Some netizens posted that they are in college

What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone
What breakthroughs have been made? What are the gaps? CCTV Comprehensively Interprets and Disassembles Huawei's New Mobile Phone

Recently, Huawei's new phone Mate60 Pro, which has not yet been released for sale, has attracted much attention. Although Huawei did not discuss the technical parameters of the phone in many aspects, according to the actual calculations of many digital enthusiasts, its internet speed has reached the 5G standard. Many professionals have discovered through dismantling the new mobile phone that it is equipped with the new Kirin 9000s chip, which also brings infinite imagination space to people. Does the release of Huawei Mate60 Pro mean that the bottleneck issue of Huawei chips has been overcome? In the future, how can we better grasp the initiative of independent innovation? "Amazing" and "Unexpectedly" foreign professionals commented on Huawei's new phones after dismantling them. In recent days, many professionals have dismantled Huawei's new phones, observing, analyzing, and making various dismantling methods

The United States announced that it will test fire the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile! Russia has been notified
The United States announced that it will test fire the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile! Russia has been notified

US Department of Defense spokesperson Patrick Rider stated that the United States will test fire the Militia 3 intercontinental ballistic missile from the evening of the 5th to the 6th local time, which is a conventional test. The US has notified the Russian government in advance of the test launch plan. Ryder stated at a press conference that the US Air Force Global Strike Command will conduct live combat tests of the unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile at North Vandenburg Air Force Base in California from 23:47 on the 5th to 5:47 am on the 6th local time. Ryder stated that the purpose of missile testing is to demonstrate the operational readiness of the United States nuclear power and national nuclear deterrence. This test launch is of a routine nature. I had this plan a few years ago. Ryder also added that the United States has activated this test launch in accordance with the Hague Code of Conduct within the framework of bilateral agreements between the United States and Russia

Will Japan's seafood exports shift towards Europe and America? Japanese media: Difficulty!
Will Japan's seafood exports shift towards Europe and America? Japanese media: Difficulty!

According to the Asahi Shimbun on September 5th, the Japanese government announced assistance measures for seafood practitioners on September 4th, affected by China's complete cessation of imports of Japanese aquatic products. The pillar policies include "changing export destinations" and "strengthening domestic processing systems", with the main purpose of "getting rid of dependence on China". Japan intends to designate Europe, America, and Southeast Asia as new export destinations, but it faces multiple difficulties in achieving them. According to the report, according to statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, China is Japan's largest exporter of aquatic products, and Japan's aquatic product processing industry also heavily relies on China. This aid policy also includes measures to strengthen Japan's domestic processing system. However, the view of the Japanese production line is not optimistic. Toshihiro Motoda, who operates a seafood processing enterprise in Hokkaido, questioned: "Japan built..."

Triggering nationwide anger, two tourists were shot dead at sea
Triggering nationwide anger, two tourists were shot dead at sea

According to the Associated Press on September 4th, the Algerian Ministry of Defense has admitted that members of the country's armed forces recently opened fire on a group of motorboat drivers who mistakenly entered the country's waters from Morocco, resulting in two deaths. This shooting incident has sparked nationwide anger in Morocco, further escalating the long-standing tense relationship between Morocco and Algeria. According to reports, the Moroccan National Human Rights Commission strongly condemned the Algerian Coast Guard's use of live ammunition against unarmed civilians on the 4th, and condemned this incident as a "serious violation of international norms and human rights law.". In addition, dozens of Moroccan human rights activists gathered outside the parliamentary headquarters in Rabat, waving slogans demanding accountability for the incident. Moroccan media claimed that Algerian forces killed two holidaymakers in the incident on August 29th. France claims

Clear Minister level, Deng Xiuming
Clear Minister level, Deng Xiuming

According to the latest information on the "Leadership of the Supreme People's Court" section of the official website of the Supreme People's Court, Deng Xiuming is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Supreme People's Court, the Vice President in charge of daily work, a member of the Judicial Committee, and a first-class judge. Alternate member of the 20th Central Committee. Member of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to public information, Deng Xiuming was born in December 1964 and holds a Doctor of Law degree. He has served as Vice President, Party Member, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Sichuan Provincial Higher People's Court, Deputy Secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Secretary of the Central State Organ Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Member of the Central State Organ Commission for Discipline Inspection. In December 2016, Deng Xiuming was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. In January 2018, he was elected as the Director of the Tianjin Municipal Supervision Commission. In November 2021, Deng Xiuming was transferred to serve as a member of the Standing Committee and Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Jiangsu Province

National Development and Reform Commission: Domestic refined oil prices will not be adjusted on September 6th
National Development and Reform Commission: Domestic refined oil prices will not be adjusted on September 6th

Since the adjustment of domestic refined oil prices on August 23, 2023, the international market oil prices have been fluctuating. According to the current domestic refined oil price mechanism, the average price of the first 10 working days on September 6 is less than 50 yuan per ton compared to the average price of the first 10 working days on August 23. According to Article 7 of the Measures for the Administration of Petroleum Prices, the prices of gasoline and diesel will not be adjusted this time, and the amount not adjusted will be added up or offset in the next price adjustment. The three major companies of PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, and other crude oil processing enterprises should organize the production and transportation of refined oil products, ensure stable market supply, and strictly implement national pricing policies. Relevant departments in various regions should increase their efforts in market supervision and inspection, strictly investigate and punish behaviors that do not comply with national price policies, and maintain normal market order. Consumers can access 123

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by stating that Kerry hopes that China and the United States can jointly address climate change
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by stating that Kerry hopes that China and the United States can jointly address climate change

On September 6th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. A reporter from Agence France Presse asked that John Kerry, the US President's special envoy on climate issues, expressed the hope that China and the United States can jointly address climate change. Climate change is not a bilateral issue, but a universal threat to the Earth. Does the Chinese side agree with Kerry's assessment and do you have any comments on his remarks? Maoning data chart. Mao Ning stated that climate change is a global challenge that requires joint efforts from all countries to address. China's stance on addressing climate change has always been very clear. We are committed to promoting the construction of a fair, reasonable, and win-win global climate governance system. China has also done its utmost to assume responsibilities and obligations that are commensurate with its own national conditions, and has made positive contributions to international cooperation in addressing climate change. Mao Ning stated that China and the United States have jointly promoted the Paris Agreement

Xinhua Finance | The trend of "stable opening and high growth" in cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue despite the "end" of summer and the "tourism fever"
Xinhua Finance | The trend of "stable opening and high growth" in cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue despite the "end" of summer and the "tourism fever"

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th - The scorching summer is gradually fading away, and the heat is cooling off. When visiting popular scenic spots such as Beijing and Hefei, the reporter found that China's tourism consumption market has not "cooled down" due to the end of summer. Industry insiders point out that China's tourism market is expected to maintain a stable and high growth trend this year. The development of new tourism formats such as "lying flat tours" and "group tours" is accelerating, and tourism consumption is showing diversified and personalized characteristics. According to data from cultural and tourism consumption platforms, on August 10th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on resuming travel agencies to operate outbound group tourism business for Chinese citizens to relevant countries and regions, resulting in a significant increase in search volume for outbound tourism products. According to data from Tuniu Tourism Network, as of 13:00 on August 10th, the search volume for outbound tourism products on the platform has increased compared to the same period the previous day

Multiple economic data releases in August have made the trend of China's economy stabilizing and rebounding more apparent
Multiple economic data releases in August have made the trend of China's economy stabilizing and rebounding more apparent

On September 5th, multiple economic data were released in August. The data shows that the trend of China's economy stabilizing and rebounding is more evident. The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced on the 5th that the China Commodity Index for August was 102.7%, up 0.4 percentage points from the previous month. The commodity market continues to develop well, and the market's supply and demand fundamentals are showing a situation of strong supply and demand. The growth rate of most commodity supply has accelerated in August. Among them, the supply of steel, refined oil, and non-ferrous metals increased by 5.2%, 4.2%, and 3.8% respectively compared to the previous month, with growth rates accelerating by 0.6, 0.1, and 2.1 percentage points respectively. In addition, the commodity sales index in August was 103.5%, up 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. The purchasing willingness of the end market and traders has increased, and the market

Make Good Use of Collaborative Innovation to Assist Small and Medium Enterprises (Economic Review)
Make Good Use of Collaborative Innovation to Assist Small and Medium Enterprises (Economic Review)

The role of collaborative innovation platforms is being gradually explored, from gathering scientific research resources, matching production and research supply and demand, to connecting the industrial chain. The exploration of collaborative innovation continues to deepen, and it will definitely provide stronger support for the development and improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises and related industries. Small and medium-sized enterprises are important forces in the real economy, but every time they face technological innovation, the disadvantage of insufficient innovation power of small and medium-sized enterprises is exposed. On one hand, the innovation needs of enterprises are not fully met, and on the other hand, some innovation resources are not fully utilized and utilized. Firstly, there are scientific research talents. Due to limitations in information channels and work radius, some researchers engaged in applied research are far from the production line, and their research routes and achievements are difficult to match production needs; Next is hardware equipment, professional research equipment often

"Tourism+" New Consumption Prosperity - Observation of Gansu Summer Tourism Frontline, "Silk Road Tour" and "Rural Tour" are Popular
"Tourism+" New Consumption Prosperity - Observation of Gansu Summer Tourism Frontline, "Silk Road Tour" and "Rural Tour" are Popular

Gansu is a must pass area along the ancient Silk Road, with rich historical and cultural relics, magnificent natural scenery, and is known as the "Museum of Natural Wonders" and "Grand View Garden of Folk Customs". From midsummer to autumn, the "star" scenic area in the Hexi Corridor has become popular, attracting self driving tourists to venture into the secret realm of the Gannan grassland. The beautiful countryside of "Longshang Jiangnan" blooms with "ancient nostalgia", leaving passersby to welcome them back. Since the beginning of this year, Gansu has integrated high-quality cultural and tourism resources from various regions, continuously held large-scale tourism festivals, increased the supply of tourism market products, combined going out promotion with inviting in promotion, continuously cultivated "internal skills" to promote deep integration of culture and tourism, created new scenes of cultural and tourism consumption, and accelerated the strong recovery of the tourism industry. On July 14th, tourists visited the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. Xinhua Society's Development of the Xiongqi Silk Road

The stable recovery of China's manufacturing industry provides important support for the stable growth of Asian manufacturing industry
The stable recovery of China's manufacturing industry provides important support for the stable growth of Asian manufacturing industry

CCTV News: The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced the Global Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index for August today. The changes in the index indicate that the global manufacturing purchasing managers index has rebounded in August compared to the previous month, but it is still at a relatively low level, and the global economy is showing a weak recovery trend. In August, the global manufacturing procurement manager index was 48.3%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, marking the second consecutive month on month increase. However, the index remains at a low level of around 48%, indicating a weak recovery trend in the global economy. The overall tightening environment has not changed, and demand contraction pressure still exists. Xu Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Policy Science Research Association: The consecutive two month on month increase indicates that the global manufacturing industry is starting to recover, but the overall upward momentum is still weak, and development in various regions is not balanced

In August, the global manufacturing purchasing managers' index was 48.3%, with two consecutive month on month increases
In August, the global manufacturing purchasing managers' index was 48.3%, with two consecutive month on month increases

The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced today the Global Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index for August. The changes in the index indicate that the global manufacturing purchasing managers index has rebounded in August compared to the previous month, but it is still at a relatively low level, and the global economy is showing a weak recovery trend. In August, the global manufacturing procurement manager index was 48.3%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, marking the second consecutive month on month increase. However, the index remains at a low level of around 48%, indicating a weak recovery trend in the global economy. The overall tightening environment has not changed, and demand contraction pressure still exists. Xu Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Policy Science Research Association: The consecutive two months of month on month increase indicates that the global manufacturing industry is starting to recover, but the overall upward momentum is still weak, and the development in various regions is not balanced, resulting in a lack of overall momentum