The world

"The economy here has ushered in rapid development" (co construction of the "the Belt and Road", the first site) Uzbekistan | Industrial Park | Economy
"The economy here has ushered in rapid development" (co construction of the "the Belt and Road", the first site) Uzbekistan | Industrial Park | Economy

The ceramic tile assembly line of Pengsheng Industrial Park. In the precision workshop of Pengsheng Industrial Park Bathroom Factory, workers are processing parts. The above pictures are all taken by our reporter Xing Xue, starting from Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and driving on the national road leading to Syr Darya Oblast. The sunlight outside the window is warm, and the aroma of sand dates is fragrant. About an hour later, the reporter arrived at Pengsheng Industrial Park located in Xi'er River Prefecture. Over the past 10 years, Pengsheng Industrial Park has made positive contributions to promoting local economic and social development. Creating employment opportunities - More and more locals no longer have to go out to work. Pengsheng Industrial Park mainly produces lifestyle products such as tiles, faucets, mobile phones, leather, shoes, etc. It is not only one of the largest private non resource investment projects in Uzbekistan by China, but also a national level overseas economic and trade cooperation zone. In recent years, Pengsheng

Traveling in both directions with smooth traffic (from the observatory) Goods | Country | Observatory
Traveling in both directions with smooth traffic (from the observatory) Goods | Country | Observatory

Recently, with the X8020 China Europe freight train carrying 110 TEUs of exported goods slowly departing from Yiwu West Railway Station to Madrid, Spain, the cumulative number of China Europe freight trains operating in 2023 has reached 10000, exceeding 10000 22 days earlier than last year; Sent 1.083 million TEUs of goods, a year-on-year increase of 27%. The sound of camel bells in ancient times, but now the wheels are rolling. The China Europe freight train, known as the "steel camel caravan," has been running continuously and smoothly since its opening, and has been favored by more and more countries along the route. Since the first successful operation of China EU trains in 2011, especially the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the scale of China EU trains has become larger and larger. As of the end of June this year, the cumulative number of China Europe freight trains has exceeded 73000, reaching 216 cities in 25 European countries. The Steel Camel Team is

China's Economic Resilience Boosts Global Growth Confidence (Harmony) Economy | China | Resilience
China's Economic Resilience Boosts Global Growth Confidence (Harmony) Economy | China | Resilience

The Chinese economy has enormous development resilience and potential, and the long-term positive fundamentals have not changed. "In recent days, more and more global financial institutions have increased or planned to increase their holdings of Chinese assets, demonstrating their confidence in the world's second largest economy achieving recovery under solid support measures." A recent report in the Brazilian magazine "Forum" fully affirms China's intensive release of a series of new measures to stabilize the economy. Many international figures have also pointed out that with the support of macroeconomic policies, positive factors for the overall improvement of the Chinese economy continue to accumulate, and it is expected to further unleash its potential and continuously promote high-quality development. In a complex and severe external environment, China's economic growth rate is significantly faster than that of major developed economies in the world

Our classroom will eventually be empty!, The "teacher shortage" in the United States is escalating again. American media: another year of lack of educational support | teachers | education
Our classroom will eventually be empty!, The "teacher shortage" in the United States is escalating again. American media: another year of lack of educational support | teachers | education

On August 14th, China Daily reported that the phenomenon of "teacher shortage" in the United States is becoming increasingly severe, and many schools in different regions are once again entering a fierce "teacher competition". Vance Warner is the head of a school in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, and as the new academic year approaches, he is desperately searching for teachers. He said that less than a month after leaving school, four teaching positions are still vacant, and he is even prepared to hire some people without teaching experience or training to fill some of the vacancies. "A storm is brewing in the education sector in the United States, especially in rural areas." The article points out that many teachers are at the center of a cultural war. When American politicians repeatedly accuse them of trying to instill children's ideas and turn their teaching syllabus into campaign material

American black youth gun suicide rate exceeds white black for the first time | guns | suicide rate
American black youth gun suicide rate exceeds white black for the first time | guns | suicide rate

On August 14th, according to foreign media reports, the latest data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States on August 10th showed that the number of suicides in the United States in 2022 exceeded 49000, with a suicide rate higher than any period since World War II. According to screenshots from the Al Jazeera website, the suicide rate in the United States steadily increased from the early 21st century to 2018, reaching the highest level since 1941. Although the suicide rate slightly decreased in 2019 and 2020, it increased by 4% in 2021. According to the latest data, the number of suicides in the United States reached 49449 in 2022, an increase of approximately 3% from the previous year. US Secretary of Health and Human Services Javier Bessela said that 90% of Americans believe that the United States is facing

2024 presidential election year is approaching, the threat of political violence in the United States raises concerns about Congress | President | Politics
2024 presidential election year is approaching, the threat of political violence in the United States raises concerns about Congress | President | Politics

Beijing, August 14 (Xinhua) - The United States will hold presidential elections in 2024, and multiple politicians, including former President Donald Trump, have expressed their candidacy positions. The opposition and struggle among political parties, as well as the confrontation and blackmail among politicians, are expected to further intensify in 2024. The tense political atmosphere may lead to more violent threats and attacks. The Associated Press reported on the 13th that FBI agents shot and killed a man in his 70s with a gun in Provo, Utah on the 9th of this month, which is the latest example of the political atmosphere mentioned above. The man claimed to be a supporter of Trump and repeatedly posted on social media threatening to assassinate President Joseph Biden, Vice President Camara Harris, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and others. On April 24th, US President Biden attended the White House in Washington, D.C

China's Poverty Alleviation Experience Inspires Other Developing Countries China | Successful Experience | Experience
China's Poverty Alleviation Experience Inspires Other Developing Countries China | Successful Experience | Experience

"The CPC has led China to make historic achievements, and its successful experience is worth learning from other countries' political parties." In an exclusive interview with reporters a few days ago, Sosiara, the first vice chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Central Committee of the Cambodian People's Party, said that the CPC practices the people centred development idea, effectively responds to the severe and complex international situation and the huge risks and challenges that follow, and constantly advances the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. "In the past decade, the cause of the Chinese party and country has undergone historic changes, successfully promoting and expanding Chinese path to modernization, and also making contributions to world peace and development. I am most amazed by China's achievements in poverty reduction." Sosiara said that China has won the largest battle against poverty in human history, and created a human miracle that has set a record. China's experience in poverty reduction inspires others

Famous Russian philosopher Maslin discusses China's contribution: China is coordinating the relationship between different civilizations in the world as a country | Russia | Contribution
Famous Russian philosopher Maslin discusses China's contribution: China is coordinating the relationship between different civilizations in the world as a country | Russia | Contribution

Global Times Comprehensive Report: Maslin, a renowned Russian philosopher and distinguished professor at Moscow University, specializes in research on Russian national ideological security, Russian ideology, and intellectual history. He is also the earliest scholar in Russia to study the Chinese Dream. Since 2014, he has published multiple related articles and regarded the Chinese Dream as a theoretical tool for understanding the development of China. Recently, the author had in-depth exchanges with Maslin, who came to China to participate in academic activities, on topics such as China's contribution to the world. In the view of the 76 year old Russian scholar, since China proposed and promoted the implementation of the "the Belt and Road" initiative 10 years ago, it has made great contributions to the development of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, and also brought hope to global economic development. The following is an excerpt from the conversation. Moscow University Meritorious Professor Maslin Liu Zuoyuan: Soviet Union's Liberation

Admitted!, The family of the girl who answered questions with her feet in this year's college entrance examination | Yuting | College Entrance Examination
Admitted!, The family of the girl who answered questions with her feet in this year's college entrance examination | Yuting | College Entrance Examination

Haikou's "Folded Wing" girl Liao Yuting completed this year's college entrance examination with her feet. Recently, she was admitted to Hainan Vocational College of Commerce and used her feet to "push open" the university gate. Liao Yuting was from Yunlong Town, Haikou City. In December 2012, at the age of 8, she was unfortunately rolled into the bottom of a large truck and lost her right arm and left arm forever. After removing the gauze above the elbow joint, Liao Yuting almost fainted again when facing her physically disabled body. She began to become irritable, sensitive, and refused to be visited by anyone. Liao Yuting was flipping through the calendar. Her mother saw her in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. She took care of Yuting's hair. The children invited her to chat and play games with her at home. The kindness from peers who took the initiative shone like a beam of sunshine into the cracks in Yuting's heart. She gradually gathered the courage to leave the house and rest at home

The international community must take action, Global Times editorial: Oppose the "New Cold War" in international trade | United States | Society
The international community must take action, Global Times editorial: Oppose the "New Cold War" in international trade | United States | Society

If we look at the recent developments of the United States in the three major fields of political diplomacy, international trade, and military, there will be unsettling findings. This week, the leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea will hold a summit specifically at Camp David, the presidential resort of the United States. This form of summit is the first in the history of the three countries, and its side towards China is no longer concealed; According to Japanese media reports, this week Japan and the United States will also agree to jointly develop anti missile interceptors to counter the hypersonic weapons being developed by China, Russia, and North Korea; The negative impact of Biden's recently signed "investment restrictions on China" administrative order is spreading and fermenting. The above actions and policy measures of the United States are all imbued with a strong "new Cold War" color, and show strong continuity and a trend of continuous escalation and escalation. Is that correct

11 leaders from 9 hospitals in this prefecture level city have fallen from grace! The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has recovered 150 million disciplinary violations from medical system personnel. Party Secretary | People's Hospital | Leaders
11 leaders from 9 hospitals in this prefecture level city have fallen from grace! The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has recovered 150 million disciplinary violations from medical system personnel. Party Secretary | People's Hospital | Leaders

Recently, the confession videos of Xie Mingjun, former Party Secretary and President of Yibin First People's Hospital, and Yang Li, former Vice President, have attracted attention. Among them, Yang Li cried bitterly in the video, "How to retire after serving ten or twenty years in prison?" It even made it to the hot search. According to the "Incorruptible Yibin" WeChat official account, Xie Mingjun and Yang Li were investigated on the same day on January 9 this year, and then on the same day on July 6 this year, they were punished by the party discipline and government affairs, and announced to be transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution. The notice shows that both individuals have taken advantage of their positions to seek benefits and receive property for others in the procurement of medical equipment, with a particularly large amount. "Shangguanhui" noticed that the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published an article yesterday titled "Sichuan Deepens Special Rectification of Outstanding Problems in Key Areas, Comprehensive Implementation of Comprehensive Policies to Promote the" Three Non Corruption "Campaign"

Both domestic and foreign enterprises are treated equally in taxation, and multiple measures have been taken to attract foreign investment by arranging special funds
Both domestic and foreign enterprises are treated equally in taxation, and multiple measures have been taken to attract foreign investment by arranging special funds

In order to attract and utilize foreign investment more vigorously, China recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment". At the routine policy briefing of the State Council held yesterday, relevant authoritative departments gave a specific introduction. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance stated yesterday that policy measures will be introduced from three aspects to actively stabilize foreign investment expectations and boost confidence in foreign investment in China. Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance, introduced that China's tax system treats domestic and foreign enterprises equally. Foreign funded enterprises shall pay corresponding taxes in accordance with tax laws and regulations, and may also enjoy various current tax preferential policies in accordance with regulations. On this basis, in order to attract foreign investment in China, some special tax preferential policies have also been introduced. Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance: For overseas investors

Japanese media: Several Japanese politicians, including Takashi Hayao, visited Yasukuni Shrine Minister | Japan | Hayao
Japanese media: Several Japanese politicians, including Takashi Hayao, visited Yasukuni Shrine Minister | Japan | Hayao

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association, on the morning of the 15th local time, Japan's Minister of Economy and Security, Hayao Takashi, the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Political Consultative Conference, Koichi Ogata, former Minister of Environment, Shinjiro Koizumi, and former Chairman of the National Public Security Commission, Keiji Koya, visited the Yasukuni Shrine for worship. On the morning of the 15th local time, Japanese Minister of Economy and Security, Takashi Hayao, visited the Yasukuni Shrine for worship. According to reports, Takashi Hayao is the first current member of the Kishida Cabinet to visit the Yasukuni Shrine on the occasion of Japan's surrender this year. The Yasukuni Shrine is located in Tokyo, Japan, and houses 14 Class A war criminals, including Hideki Tojo. For a long time, some Japanese politicians have insisted on visiting Yasukuni Shrine, which has been strongly opposed by many peace loving individuals in Japan and the international community.

Taiwan's "Missile Base" Unexpectedly Launches Another "Patriot" Missile, Unexplained Self Explosive Base | Missile | Missile Base
Taiwan's "Missile Base" Unexpectedly Launches Another "Patriot" Missile, Unexplained Self Explosive Base | Missile | Missile Base

According to reports, around 6:30 am this morning, Jiupeng Base launched two "Patriot" missiles, but the first missile was fired into the air with a loud noise, causing sparks to explode in the air for unknown reasons. An hour later, around 7:30 am, another Xiongsan missile was launched.It is understood that the Taiwan Army's Jiupeng Base is located in Pingtung and is under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan "Zhongshan Academy of Sciences"

Li Jian Accepts Examination, Investigation and Supervision | Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Study | Investigation | Brigade | Geology | Geological Mineral Exploration | Hebei Province
Li Jian Accepts Examination, Investigation and Supervision | Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Study | Investigation | Brigade | Geology | Geological Mineral Exploration | Hebei Province

Li Jian, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau of Hebei Province, is undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission of Hebei Province, Li Jian, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau of Hebei Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Hebei Province. Resume of Li Jian: Li Jian, male, Han nationality, born in Tangshan, Hebei Province in May 1968, started working in July 1988, joined the CPC in May 2002, with a college degree. September 1984 to July 1988, studied geology at Changchun Geological School. July 1988 to December 1992, served as a technical cadre in the First Division of the Fourth Geological Brigade of Hebei Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. December 1992 to April 2000

Governor of Hawaii: The number of missing persons has dropped to about 1300, and the Maui Island fire has caused 99 deaths. Maui Island, Hawaii | Fire | Maui Island
Governor of Hawaii: The number of missing persons has dropped to about 1300, and the Maui Island fire has caused 99 deaths. Maui Island, Hawaii | Fire | Maui Island

On August 15th, according to US media reports, as of the afternoon of August 14th local time, the death toll from the Maui Island fire in Hawaii, USA has risen to 99. Hawaii Governor Green stated that the number of deaths will continue to increase significantly in the coming days. According to CNN, as of the afternoon of the 14th local time, Hawaii officials confirmed that 99 people have died in the Maui Island fire. Hawaii Governor Green stated in an interview that the death toll will continue to rise significantly and may double in the next ten days. According to reports, Green said, "This is the most serious natural disaster we have ever experienced and it will take a lot of time to recover." He estimated that the fire will cause nearly $6 billion in damage. According to reports, the Maui Island Fire in Hawaii has been a threat to the United States for over a century

Why are Japanese people unwilling to admit to the crime of invading China? Japanese | War | Invasion of China
Why are Japanese people unwilling to admit to the crime of invading China? Japanese | War | Invasion of China

On August 15th, Japan's surrender day. 78 years ago today, Japan declared unconditional surrender. The Chinese people's fourteen year long War of Resistance Against Japan welcomed the dawn of victory on this day. However, the contemplation and impact brought about by this war still linger around the world today. The initiator of that war now seems to have a different face. Japan, which surrendered unconditionally 78 years ago - a country that launched an aggressive war - has yet to make any official statements, confess or repent. Not only that, they actually use various covert means to worship those war criminals who invaded China, from worshipping ghosts to the people and even to the bureaucrats. Why? Why do they not only have no remorse today, but also take pride in themselves, even though they initiated an aggressive war and caused damage to other countries? Let's start with culture today

Chengdu plans to lower the minimum down payment ratio for second homes! Multiple adjustments to purchase restriction policies | policies | down payment
Chengdu plans to lower the minimum down payment ratio for second homes! Multiple adjustments to purchase restriction policies | policies | down payment

Friends who want to buy a house have noticed that many cities such as Fuzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, and Shenyang are planning to adjust and optimize their purchase restriction policies in the near future to reduce the lower limit of down payment for second homes ↓↓↓ The reporter learned from multiple sources that since the Central Political Bureau meeting on July 24th proposed to "adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner, and make good use of policy toolboxes according to urban conditions", many places have actively studied and adjusted restrictive policies such as purchase and sales restrictions. It is reported that multiple cities such as Fuzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, and Shenyang plan to adjust and optimize their purchase restriction policies in the near future, reducing the lower limit of the down payment ratio for second homes. After the cancellation of purchase restrictions, the minimum down payment ratio for local first and second homes can be further reduced to 20% and 30%, which is expected to activate the demand for rigid and improved housing, and enhance the transaction activity of the real estate market. In the future, there may be other optimization policies introduced. delay

Ren Dai County Magistrate, "80s Generation" Xu Xiaoyan Deputy County Magistrate | Xu Xiaoyan | Ren Dai
Ren Dai County Magistrate, "80s Generation" Xu Xiaoyan Deputy County Magistrate | Xu Xiaoyan | Ren Dai

According to the "Tongbai Integrated Media Release", on the morning of August 8th, the 16th Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Tongbai County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, held its seventh meeting and decided to appoint Comrade Xu Xiaoyan as the Deputy County Mayor and Acting County Mayor of Tongbai County People's Government. On July 28th, the Organization Department of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee issued a public announcement of intended cadres. Among them, Xu Xiaoyan, female, Han ethnicity, born in August 1983, is an in-service graduate student and a member of the Communist Party of China. She is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Sheqi County Committee, Deputy County Mayor of the Sheqi County Government, and a third level researcher. She is proposed to be nominated as a candidate for county mayor. According to public information, Xu Xiaoyan has served as the Deputy Leader of the Education and Rectification Leading Group for the Political and Legal Team in Xixia County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, as well as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee and Minister of Organization. She has also served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Sheqi County Committee and Executive Deputy County Magistrate of the Sheqi County People's Government in Nanyang City, Henan Province. Source/China Women's Daily Comprehensive

National Bureau of Statistics: Residential housing consumption and real estate enterprise investment willingness are expected to gradually improve in the market | real estate | housing
National Bureau of Statistics: Residential housing consumption and real estate enterprise investment willingness are expected to gradually improve in the market | real estate | housing

On the 15th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the National Economy, stated at the meeting that the overall real estate market is in a stage of adjustment, and some real estate enterprises are facing certain difficulties in operation, especially some leading real estate enterprises have exposed debt risks, which has affected market expectations. However, it should be noted that these issues are phased in nature. With the gradual implementation of market adjustment mechanisms and the optimization of real estate market policies, the risks of real estate enterprises are expected to be gradually resolved. Fu Linghui emphasized that recently, first tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen have made intensive statements, expressing their willingness to support and better meet the demand for rigid and improved housing. Some second and third tier cities are also introducing new real estate regulation policies, and the adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various regions will help boost market confidence. As the economy recovers and improves, residents

Can social media recommend HKUST to stay overnight for free? Screenshot of clarification from the school. The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Campus | CUHK
Can social media recommend HKUST to stay overnight for free? Screenshot of clarification from the school. The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Campus | CUHK

On August 15th, according to Hong Kong's "Dian News", someone recently launched a guide on social media platform Xiaohongshu, promoting different "free accommodation" locations in Hong Kong. It mentioned the Chinese University of Hong Kong and pointed out that there are some places on campus where overnight stays are available. The Chinese University of Hong Kong clarified on the 14th that rumors and reports were inconsistent with the facts. Recently, a user of Xiaohongshu posted on the topic of "Free Campus Accommodation Strategy for CUHK", pointing out that the seats in the He Shan Heng Engineering Building of the Chinese University of Hong Kong have charging sockets, while Kangben Park has 24-hour study space for overnight stays, storage cabinets on the 5th floor, shower rooms on the G floor of the Science Museum for bathing, and 24-hour free Wi Fi on campus. The Chinese University of Hong Kong stated that since several years ago, campus access management and security measures have been implemented, and visitors entering the campus must show their identity

What is the origin of the Newton Group that supports Xu Jiayin?, Evergrande Auto acquires $500 million in strategic investment shares from Middle East Capital | Newton Group | Strategy
What is the origin of the Newton Group that supports Xu Jiayin?, Evergrande Auto acquires $500 million in strategic investment shares from Middle East Capital | Newton Group | Strategy

On the night of the 14th, big news came from Evergrande Auto that Newton Group had attracted attention due to a $500 million investment. Evergrande Auto, can we survive this time? On the evening of the 14th, Evergrande Automobile announced that it has received approximately $500 million in strategic investment from Newton Group, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. An additional 600 million yuan of transitional funds will be gradually received within 5 working days after the announcement. All investment funds will be used for the Tianjin factory of Evergrande Automobile to ensure the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the gradual mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7. To support the business recovery and growth of Evergrande Automobile, on August 14, 2023, Newton Automobile Co., Ltd. and Evergrande New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. signed a transitional funding support agreement. According to this agreement, the funding provider should provide funding in three installments, provided that the prerequisites in the agreement are met

China is doing well on its own! The United States cannot stop China | Technology | The United States
China is doing well on its own! The United States cannot stop China | Technology | The United States

According to a report on the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on August 13th, analysts believe that as Beijing promotes the localization of technology, the US's practice of restricting overseas investment to curb China's development of quantum technology will have a "limited" impact. According to reports, the White House recently announced that US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order restricting new US investments that may support China's progress in sensitive technologies, including semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence. Although quantum technology has a lower level of commercialization compared to semiconductors or artificial intelligence, once put into practical application, it may have a significant impact on the civilian and military fields. According to reports, James, Senior Vice President and Director of Strategic Technology Projects at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C

Promoted through contact with the governor and deputy governor!, List of 22 Projects in Anhui | Provincial Government | Governor
Promoted through contact with the governor and deputy governor!, List of 22 Projects in Anhui | Provincial Government | Governor

Recently, the General Office of the People's Government of Anhui Province issued a notice on the issuance of the list of key projects to be promoted by the responsible officials of the provincial government in 2023. People's governments of all cities and counties, departments of the provincial government, and directly affiliated institutions: The "2023 List of Key Projects Contacted and Promoted by Leaders of the Provincial Government" has been approved by the provincial government and is now issued to you for careful implementation. Implementing the communication and promotion of key project work among officials in charge of the provincial government is an important measure to expand effective investment and promote the improvement of project construction quality and efficiency. It is a concrete manifestation of leading cadres taking the lead in improving work style, strengthening investigation and research, and strengthening responsibility. Through on-site visits, thematic scheduling, and other forms, help coordinate and solve the "bottlenecks" and "difficulties" encountered during the project construction process, and promote the early start, early completion, and early production of the project. Various regions

Replacing Wagner? Uncovering Russia's "Tsar's Wolf" Briefing | Wagner Group | Tsar
Replacing Wagner? Uncovering Russia's "Tsar's Wolf" Briefing | Wagner Group | Tsar

On the 13th local time, the UK Defense Intelligence Agency stated in its latest briefing that due to financial pressure, the private military company Wagner Group is attempting to save costs as Russia is likely to no longer fund the organization. The agency wrote, "The Wagner Group may be moving towards a process of downsizing and reconfiguration, mainly to save on employee wages under financial pressure." At the same time, an armed force called the "Tsar's Wolf" is gradually "emerging" on the Ukrainian battlefield. ". This private military force was created by Dmitry Rogozin, former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former General Manager of the Russian Aerospace Group. It is also Russia's first publicly visible volunteer armed force after the Wagner incident. Provide technical assistance to Russian troops? "The Tsar's Wolf" has three branches. On July 15th last year, in Kerry

"Another malfunction": The German Foreign Minister's plane returned to Germany | Australia twice within a day | Foreign Minister
"Another malfunction": The German Foreign Minister's plane returned to Germany | Australia twice within a day | Foreign Minister

According to the German magazine Der Spiegel on August 14th, German Foreign Minister Analena Berber failed her second attempt to fly to Australia with the Air Force Flight Service. According to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur reporter on board, the captain announced the news. According to reports, 15 minutes after takeoff, the Airbus A340 once again deviated from its course and flew back to Abu Dhabi. The plane initially began to climb, but clearly did not accelerate. Bellberg's first reaction was frustration: "Sometimes things can be really annoying." "Mission interrupted! The plane that has already been refueled has malfunctioned again." The German Air Force announced on social media X late on the 14th, "We will now land again in Abu Dhabi." The flight tracker shows that the plane was originally at sea

What signal is being released? Multiple medical insurance directors are being taken away for investigation. Suspected | Reported | Official | Investigation | Field | Director | Medicine | Medical Insurance
What signal is being released? Multiple medical insurance directors are being taken away for investigation. Suspected | Reported | Official | Investigation | Field | Director | Medicine | Medical Insurance

According to a report from China Gansu Network on August 14th, since mid July, regulatory authorities have expressed their actions and determination towards medical anti-corruption three times in a row. The medical anti-corruption storm has been advancing, and not only hospital secretaries and deans have been arrested. In recent information released by disciplinary supervision departments in various regions, several leading cadres from the medical insurance field have been investigated. On August 7th, the anti-corruption storm in the medical insurance field deepened. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Anshan City, Liaoning Province, announced that Zhang Huan, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Haicheng Medical Security Bureau, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Haicheng Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. On August 10th, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Heilongjiang Province released a news citation from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Qitaihe City: Wang Qun, former director of Qitaihe People's Hospital, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation. Public resume display

Right wing politicians attempting to drag Japan into the abyss?, On the day of surrender, the "Ghost Worshipping" Liberal Democratic Party | Yasukuni Shrine | Right Wing
Right wing politicians attempting to drag Japan into the abyss?, On the day of surrender, the "Ghost Worshipping" Liberal Democratic Party | Yasukuni Shrine | Right Wing

August 15th is Japan's surrender day. On the morning of that day, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida offered a sacrificial fee called "jade skewers" to the Yasukuni Shrine. In addition, several Japanese politicians, including Minister of Economy and Security Takashi Hayao and Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Political Consultative Conference, Koichi Ogata, also visited the Yasukuni Shrine for worship. 78 years ago today, Japan declared unconditional surrender. To this day, some Japanese politicians have never reflected or repented. Instead, they are enthusiastic about visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines Class A war criminals of World War II, promoting right-wing thinking and attempting to drag Japan into the abyss once again. On the morning of the 15th, Kishida presented "jade skewers" to the Yasukuni Shrine under the name of "President of the Liberal Democratic Party" at his own expense. The so-called "jade skewer material" refers to visiting a shrine or entrusting others with it

The National Health Commission has released a Q&A on the centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry nationwide
The National Health Commission has released a Q&A on the centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry nationwide

Today, the National Health Commission issued a Q&A on the centralized rectification of corruption in the national pharmaceutical industry. 1、 What is the background and purpose of carrying out centralized rectification work? Answer: The pharmaceutical field is the main battlefield for maintaining the health of the people, and it is related to the most concerned, direct, and practical health rights and interests of the general public. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry and prioritizes the protection of people's health as a strategic priority for development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the medical and health industry has focused on major diseases and major issues that affect people's health, accelerated the implementation of the Healthy China strategy, promoted the sustained high-level development of medicine, medical care, and medical insurance, and promoted the expansion of high-quality medical resources and regional balanced layout. Medical workers bear the sacred responsibility of saving lives, helping the injured, and maintaining the health of the people. For a long time, the vast number of medical professionals

Taiwan expert: "Kill the chicken as a warning to the monkey"!, The Ministry of Commerce's move in Taiwan | News Network | Kill the Rooster as a warning to the Monkey
Taiwan expert: "Kill the chicken as a warning to the monkey"!, The Ministry of Commerce's move in Taiwan | News Network | Kill the Rooster as a warning to the Monkey

According to World News Network on August 14th, according to Reuters, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on the 14th that it will impose anti-dumping duties on polycarbonate imported from Taiwan. The statement on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce stated that from August 15th, importers are required to provide a deposit to customs when importing polycarbonate from Taiwan. According to reports, the margin ratio of Taiwan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. and Taiwan Chuguang Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is 16.9%; The margin ratio of Qimei Industrial Co., Ltd. and Qiling Technology Co., Ltd. is 17.0%; The margin ratio of other companies in Taiwan is 22.4%. According to the announcement, on November 30, 2022, the Ministry of Commerce decided to initiate an anti-dumping investigation into imported polycarbonate originating from Taiwan. The announcement states that,