Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:42 PM

Edinburgh in August is free, abundant, and lively. The most charming old town in Scotland welcomes its annual event - the Edinburgh Art Festival. It is not only one of the oldest and largest international art festivals in the world, but also known as one of the most dynamic and innovative art festivals in the world. More than ten world-class festival events were held during this period, including the Edinburgh International Art Festival, Edge Art Festival, Royal Military Music Festival, International Book Festival, Visual Arts Festival, etc. Artists from all over the world present a colorful cultural feast to a continuous stream of tourists.

The Edinburgh Art Festival opened with a stunning carnival parade held in the city center neighborhood, attracting tens of thousands of visitors every year. Art groups from dozens of countries form various parades, showcasing the diverse cultures of countries around the world through unique art forms and stunning performances. Dance, drum music, stilts, and dolls have all been staged, igniting the streets and alleys of Edinburgh's old town, attracting many tourists to stop and enjoy, cheering and cheering.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Chinese elements are a particularly beautiful scenery during carnival tours, and the Chinese community has been involved in this activity for seventeen years. The lively and festive dragon and lion dances, colorful ethnic dances, traditional Chinese Hanfu shows, graceful and graceful umbrella dance performances, powerful martial arts performances, and flowing Tai Chi performances showcase the unique charm of Chinese civilization, complementing other civilizations around the world.

After the opening ceremony, more than ten festive events began in full swing. The Edinburgh International Art Festival is the origin of the Edinburgh Art Festival and one of the most highly anticipated festivals. It was first held in 1947 to celebrate the end of the suffering of World War II and the restoration of peace to the country. Its purpose is to provide a platform for the flourishing of human spirit, and to heal the wounds of war through the language of art. Numerous world-class art groups have been invited, such as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the British National Theatre, and the Royal Ballet of France. The world's top artists present classic masterpieces of classical music, opera, drama, and ballet. Many Chinese artists and groups have appeared on this stage, such as Yang Liping, the performer of "Spring Festival", the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, the National Ballet of China, and the Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe. The major theaters and concert halls in Edinburgh, such as the Arthur Hall, Queen's Hall, King's Theatre, Royal Orchid Theatre, and Festival Theatre, are all important performance venues for this festival. Appreciating artistic classics in historic and magnificent buildings is undoubtedly an extremely enjoyable spiritual journey.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Edinburgh Art Festival, Drama Program Promotion Card

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, also known as the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, was first held in 1947. It initially existed as a peripheral or auxiliary part of the Edinburgh International Art Festival, and gradually developed into the world's largest performing arts festival. Unlike the Edinburgh International Art Festival, the Edinburgh Fringe Art Festival is highly open and believes in creativity without boundaries. Its vision is to provide a stage for every performer and leave a seat for every audience, rooted in the values of equality and inclusiveness. The important topics widely discussed by the international community, from gender identity to ethnic identity, from political culture to climate change, as well as topics such as mental health and people with disabilities, are all presented in it. Drama, dance, circus, magic, comedy, talk shows, music, musicals, operas, and children's performances take turns to appear, and there are also avant-garde artistic mix ups and bizarre expressions. Independent performers from all over the world, whether they are skilled professional actors and musicians, or imaginative and creative street performers, are all accepted here. From ordinary theaters, multifunctional halls, church halls, to the streets and alleys of Edinburgh, square parks, and even the back seats of taxis and double decker buses, they can all serve as performance venues. Tourists stroll through the streets of Edinburgh's old city, where they can interact with performers at any time and enjoy a free, open, and lively artistic atmosphere.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Street independent performers

The performance in the church hall

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

The Royal Edinburgh Military Music Festival began in 1950 and is also a long-standing component of the Edinburgh Arts Festival. The military music performance takes place in Edinburgh Castle Square, with stands on both sides capable of accommodating 8800 spectators per night, with an average of over 220000 viewers per year. The performers are the Royal Military Band of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth National Military Band, and other invited military bands internationally. Each year's military music performance features a unique theme created for that year, with performances including grand military band performances, bagpipe performances, Scottish traditional song and dance, and military parades. The Celtic dancers wearing Scottish skirts, combined with the performance of Scottish bagpipes, showcase a strong Scottish charm and push the performance to its climax. After the dazzling fireworks display, a solo piper drew the perfect conclusion to the entire performance with a melodious bagpipe solo above the Edinburgh Castle. The entire performance took place at night, set against the backdrop of the ancient and solemn Edinburgh Castle. The outer walls of the castle flickered and changed under the light show, creating a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere. The sound of bagpipes, drums, salutes, and the roar of military jet planes echoed through the night sky of Edinburgh Castle, making the entire audience excited.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival joined the Edinburgh Art Festival in 1983 and is the world's largest literary festival. Edinburgh has also become the world's first literary city. Approximately 800 writers from nearly 40 countries participate in activities every year, engaging in a series of highly intellectual dialogues and debates. The topics discussed are extremely broad, involving climate, ethics, gender, family, culture, politics, character stories, and imagination. In addition to internationally renowned writers and winners of various literary awards, guests with diverse identities such as musicians, cyclists, podcast hosts, and climate activists also participated. There are various forms of activities, including recitations, group discussions, master writing classes, as well as speeches and performances by international writers, poets, playwrights, musicians, illustrators, historians, and philosophers. Parallel to this is a children's program that includes workshops, storytelling, group discussions, author activities, and book signings, making it one of the world's largest youth book and reading activities. The Book Festival takes place at the Charlotte Square Garden at the western end of George Street in Edinburgh, surrounded by classic Georgian style buildings and expansive natural scenery. In various open spaces of the square garden, people can be seen everywhere enjoying reading and thinking in the sunlight.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

The venue of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, Charlotte Square Garden

As the youngest member, the Edinburgh Visual Arts Festival was established in 2004 and has now developed into the largest annual visual arts exhibition in Scotland. Painting, photography, sculpture, installation, and performance art are the main artistic forms of this festival. In addition to holding a series of exhibitions, performances, screenings, and artist lectures, there are also annual series of learning and participation activities arranged. Multiple galleries, museums, and botanical gardens throughout the city, including the National Gallery of Modern Art in Scotland, the National Portrait Gallery of Scotland, the National Museum of Scotland, the Talbotles Gallery, the Jupiter Art Center, the Edinburgh Sculpture Studio, and the Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, are all collaborating institutions for this festival. The Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh also offers botanical garden night tours, where visitors can enter the botanical garden on summer nights and enjoy live music and visual art in the embrace of nature, while tasting fine wines and cuisine from around the world.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Edinburgh Street View

In August, Edinburgh blends art with the ancient city, which is a magnificent backdrop of art. Tourists enjoy the colorful art while experiencing the ancient spirit and monsters of the ancient city. The bustling Royal Mile Boulevard, colorful row houses, mysterious Edinburgh Castle, statues of thinkers standing on the streets, St. Giles Cathedral with its crown spire, the market cross of a horse shaped unicorn, the majestic Hollywood Palace, the majestic Scott Monument, and the classical style National Gallery of Scotland are all worth exploring and savoring slowly. Climbing the summit of Carlton in the twilight, overlooking Edinburgh Castle, Hollywood Palace, Arthur's Throne, Forth Bay, New Town, and Prince Street, the sunset scenery of Edinburgh is breathtaking. Buying works from local artists and craftsmen at the artist's market, hand printed prints with Scottish natural scenery as the theme, may be the best way to commemorate this journey.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Holyrood Palace

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life
Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Edinburgh in August is free, abundant, and lively. The most charming old town in Scotland welcomes its annual event - the Edinburgh Art Festival. It is not only one of the oldest and largest international art festivals in the world, but also known as one of the most dynamic and innovative art festivals in the world. More than ten world-class festival events were held during this period, including the Edinburgh International Art Festival, Edge Art Festival, Royal Military Music Festival, International Book Festival, Visual Arts Festival, etc. Artists from all over the world present a colorful cultural feast to a continuous stream of tourists. The Edinburgh Art Festival opened with a stunning carnival parade held in the city center neighborhood, attracting tens of thousands of visitors every year. Art groups from dozens of countries form various parades, showcasing unique artistic forms

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Berlin Forest Concert: Charming Summer Night Classical Feast New Year Concert; Summer nights; Lang Lang | Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra | Classical Music

The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, as the most well-known band in the world, has brought a rich musical atmosphere to the city of Berlin. The Philharmonic Summer Night Concert held on the last Sunday of June every year at the Forest Theater is one of the most popular and famous large-scale outdoor concerts. I have had the privilege of experiencing this music feast firsthand several times. It began in the lush primeval forest under the sunset, brewing the beauty of nightfall in the Roman Colosseum like basin, captivating countless musicians. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra collaborates with a world-class conductor every year to present this unique and beautiful forest summer night concert to audiences from all over the world, marking the perfect end to the previous season. It has created miracles in the history of classical music performances for decades in a row, and every year at the beginning of the new year, over 20000 tickets are sold at lightning speed

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