The world

Learn first aid knowledge, World First Aid Day - "Save" by your side
Learn first aid knowledge, World First Aid Day - "Save" by your side

The second Saturday of September is World First Aid Day. In daily life, there are always unexpected injuries, such as sudden cardiac arrest, obstruction of tracheal foreign bodies, drowning... How can we provide timely and correct first aid? On the occasion of World First Aid Day, East Shanghai Voice and the Red Cross Society of Pudong New Area jointly launched a radio special program, inviting emergency training teachers from the Shanghai Red Cross Society, Dr. Ma Junjie from the Pudong New Area Medical Emergency Center, and Dr. Chang Yan from the Academy Community Health Service Center to enter the FM106.5 live broadcast room to share emergency skills and self-protection tips. First aid is also known as "emergency rescue". In the event of a sudden emergency, accidental injury, or disaster, one should spare no time and make every effort to save lives and stabilize the injury, in order to save time for subsequent hospital treatment. Dr. Ma first pointed out that most accidents occur outside of hospitals,

The enamel hall of the Guinness World Records complements each other, and the enamel colored porcelain is on display at the top of Shanghai
The enamel hall of the Guinness World Records complements each other, and the enamel colored porcelain is on display at the top of Shanghai

On the 37th floor of Shanghai center Building, there is a special exhibition hall that has won the certification of "the world's largest cloisonne floor" in Guinness World Records. This is the enamel hall with an area of 480.3 square meters. On September 8th, the "Enamel Brilliance - Palace Enamel Inheritor Wang Hui's Works Exhibition and Ice Porcelain Enamel Art Seminar" opened here. Nearly a hundred enamel porcelain works complement the enamel hall, telling the story of the past and present of Chinese palace enamel, showcasing the latest artistic achievements of ice porcelain enamel, and opening a new milestone for the inheritance and development of Chinese enamel. The reporter learned from the exhibition that the enamel color craftsmanship is a further development on the basis of cloisonn é and copper painted enamel. The firing of enamel colored porcelain began in the late Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, with the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties being the most prosperous. The Qing Dynasty palace enamel porcelain was created under the direct influence of the emperor

12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023
12 people from Pudong! Do you have your teacher?, Announcement of the list of Shanghai's top grade teachers in 2023

On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, the Shanghai Municipal Government announced the list of 120 top rated teachers in Shanghai for 2023. This selection is a new round of evaluation in Shanghai, following the selection of special grade teachers in 2020. The selection is issued by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and the Shanghai Education Commission to recognize teachers who have made special contributions to primary and secondary education and teaching, and to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers in teaching and educating. The selection is based on the recommended list from each district, and through the interview and defense evaluation organized by the Municipal Evaluation Office, the evaluation team will comprehensively evaluate the application materials, listen to statements, and ask interview questions to select the recommended candidates for special level teachers, which will be publicly announced. Where are the 12 newly appointed special grade teachers in Pudong? Do you have your teacher? Shi Jionghua, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Shanghai Beicai Middle School, Senior Teacher

Zhang Guimei poured cold water on the reporter for the first interview
Zhang Guimei poured cold water on the reporter for the first interview

How should we write about Zhang Guimei today? On the eve of Teacher's Day, Pang Mingguang, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency Yunnan Branch who had been in contact with Teacher Zhang Guimei, wrote down this question in his notebook. Countless past memories emerge before our eyes, and countless voices echo in our ears. The principal in Huaping, Yunnan, who runs a free high school for girls, is both strict and affectionate. Today, the "I am on site" program of the Chinese Writers Association invited Pang Mingguang to share with us his view of Teacher Zhang Guimei. During my first interview on-site, Zhang Guimei poured cold water on the reporter. The author of this article is Pang Mingguang. In July 2020, before my first interview at Huaping Women's High School, I heard from local officials that Teacher Zhang has a bad temper and dislikes media interviews because she is worried that the interviews will affect students' classroom learning. Previously, there were many media outlets

Led a delegation to visit, with multiple provincial party secretaries
Led a delegation to visit, with multiple provincial party secretaries

Recently, several provincial party secretaries have led delegations to visit. Shandong Provincial Party Secretary Lin Wu led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan from September 2nd to 4th. The delegation extensively interacted with national dignitaries and people from all walks of life in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, and Almaty, conducting multiple foreign affairs activities and conducting economic, trade, and cultural exchanges and cooperation. During the photo interview, Lin Wu met with Kazakhstani Prime Minister Arihan Smilov and Deputy Prime Minister Serek Zhumankharin, as well as with Kazakhstani Minister of Agriculture Yelpol Karashukhyev and Almaty Mayor Elborat Dosayev. On the morning of September 4, the China Kazakhstan Cooperation and Exchange Conference and the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative opened in Astana. At the meeting, a signing ceremony was also held

For the first time in 13 years in the Eurozone! Economist Warning
For the first time in 13 years in the Eurozone! Economist Warning

The Eurozone's money supply has shrunk for the first time in 13 years, according to data released by the European Central Bank. As private sector loans stagnate and deposits decrease, the Eurozone's money supply has shrunk for the first time since 2010. Economists warn that this foreshadows further economic decline in the eurozone in the future. Meanwhile, the upward pressure on inflation has not been eliminated, and the eurozone economy is shrouded in the shadow of stagflation. Data shows that the money supply in the eurozone decreased by 0.4% year-on-year in July this year, mainly due to a decrease in loans. According to statistics, in July, the growth rate of lending to the private sector dropped to 1.6%; Government loans also decreased by 2.7%, the largest decline since 2007. At the same time, due to the increase in loan interest rates, household loans, mainly mortgage loans, are also continuing to decline. The contraction of money supply will bring about

Three Gorges Reservoir starts storing 175 meters of water in 2023
Three Gorges Reservoir starts storing 175 meters of water in 2023

According to the officially approved "Three Gorges Reservoir 2023 Water Storage Plan" by the Ministry of Water Resources, the Three Gorges Reservoir officially began storing 175 meters of water on September 10, 2023. 175 meters is the normal water storage level designed for the Three Gorges Water Conservancy Hub project. The Three Gorges Reservoir stores water at the end of each year's flood season, gradually releasing and freeing up storage capacity from the dry season to the next year's flood season. It is regulated by "storing abundant water and replenishing depleted water" to provide strong support for the navigation, water supply, ecology, power generation and other needs of the Yangtze River Basin in the winter and spring of that year. As of December 2022, the Three Gorges Project has cumulatively replenished over 330 billion cubic meters of water for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. China Three Gorges Corporation stated that it will strictly follow the approval requirements and optimize the water storage process in real time based on the rolling forecast of the spatiotemporal distribution of incoming water, while meeting the needs of all parties, to ensure that the Three Gorges Reservoir is stored to the normal water level

It is difficult to achieve it overnight and there are many obstacles! The United States vigorously mediates to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia
It is difficult to achieve it overnight and there are many obstacles! The United States vigorously mediates to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia

Recently, the United States has increased its mediation efforts in the Middle East, attempting to expedite the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that Israel is "closer than ever to reaching a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.". Analysts point out that the United States has its geopolitical and domestic political considerations in promoting the normalization of Israel Saudi relations. Israel has previously normalized its relations with Middle Eastern Arab countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. If it breaks through its relations with Saudi Arabia, a major Middle Eastern power, it will further change the political landscape in the region. However, establishing diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia still faces numerous obstacles, and it may be difficult to achieve it overnight in the short term. The US is planning to increase its contacts with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine in the near future. According to reports, a senior Israeli diplomatic delegation recently visited the United States to negotiate with Israel

Shanghai Government New Media Communication Influence Ranking Released in August 2023
Shanghai Government New Media Communication Influence Ranking Released in August 2023

In August, Shanghai's new government media focused on its main responsibilities and businesses, focusing on practical issues related to people's livelihoods such as the renovation of the "two old and one village" projects, pushing authoritative information and reflecting progress and effectiveness; Publish theme activities such as the Shanghai Book Fair online, check in city stroll routes, and shape a good city image. The Cyberspace and Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and the News Office of the Municipal Government jointly released the Shanghai Government New Media Communication Influence Ranking for August 2023 today. In the August 2023 ranking list of communication influence, the series of activities such as National Fitness Day and Sports Promotion Week released by the Municipal Sports Bureau have received widespread attention from citizens, and both rankings have entered the top ten. In August, Shanghai's new government media launched optimized government service coverage around urban renewal, summer hotlines, etc., combined with positive publicity for cultural and sports activities planning, achieving good communication and impact effects. Flood control and typhoon prevention

Returning below the 12 meter dry line, the water level of Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, has rapidly declined
Returning below the 12 meter dry line, the water level of Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, has rapidly declined

In recent days, the water level of Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, has rapidly declined. As of 8:00 am on September 10th, the water level at Duchang Station in Poyang Lake has dropped to 11.89 meters, and the water level at Xingzi Station, the iconic hydrological station in Poyang Lake, has dropped to 11.98 meters. The water level in Poyang Lake has returned to below the 12 meter dry line. The local hydrological department analyzed that on July 20th, the water level of Poyang Lake dropped below the 12 meter dry line, making 2023 the earliest year to enter the dry season on record since 1951; Starting from July 22nd, the water level of Poyang Lake slowly rebounded and rose to over 12 meters on July 24th; Afterwards, the water level of Poyang Lake continued to hover around 12 meters and 13 meters for 48 days, and fell below the 12 meter dry line again at 8:00 am on September 10th. It is expected that the rainfall in the province will be 0 to 20% less in September, and Poyang Lake will enter later on

Chairman of COMAC He Dongfeng: The order quantity for C919 has reached 1061, and 2 have been delivered
Chairman of COMAC He Dongfeng: The order quantity for C919 has reached 1061, and 2 have been delivered

On the morning of September 10th, 2023, at the plenary session of the Pujiang Innovation Forum, He Dongfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, shared the innovative development path of China's large aircraft industry. On site of the 2023 Pujiang Innovation Forum Plenary Session. The organizer, He Dongfeng, stated that the development of the aviation industry is a history of human technological innovation. Currently, there are millions of parts for a large aircraft, with 100000 aircraft taking off and landing every day and transporting 4 billion passengers annually. Since its establishment in 2008, COMAC has formed a product line mainly consisting of ARJ21, C919, and C929. He Dongfeng revealed that the current number of C919 orders has reached 1061, and 2 have been delivered. The C929 plans to provide 250 to 350 seats, and the range will reach 120

Azhu! Panda "Huahua" is temporarily suspended from exhibition due to catching a cold
Azhu! Panda "Huahua" is temporarily suspended from exhibition due to catching a cold

According to the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, the common phenomenon of giant pandas catching a cold and runny nose is seasonal change. At present, the situation of the panda "Huahua" is relatively stable. The panda base will suspend its exhibition until "Hua Hua" fully recovers before meeting everyone. Can giant pandas also catch a cold? Giant pandas, like humans or other animals, can also suffer from various diseases. For example, due to seasonal changes, large temperature differences between day and night, and rapid weather changes, their immune system may decline, leading to common cold symptoms such as runny nose, intermittent sneezing, and decreased appetite. During the seasonal transition, the medical team at the Panda Base will promptly diagnose and adjust the dosage of the medication based on the age, weight, and condition of the giant panda. They will then add appropriate sugar according to the shape and taste of the medication, and mix it with beef

The People's Liberation Army conducts coordinated offensive and defensive exercises in multiple sea areas of the South China Sea, connecting with actual combat
The People's Liberation Army conducts coordinated offensive and defensive exercises in multiple sea areas of the South China Sea, connecting with actual combat

Recently, a destroyer detachment of the Southern Theater Command Navy formed a training fleet consisting of multiple warships to carry out coordinated attack and defense exercises in multiple sea areas of the South China Sea under the background of actual combat. The early warning and detection systems of each ship discovered multiple batches of low and slow air small targets in different directions. The commander of the formation ordered each ship to upgrade its combat level and deploy the ships to quickly avoid the mobile combat room under the cover of smoke. The "enemy situation" situation was updated in real-time, and instructions were quickly issued to each ship to quickly transform into a tactical assault formation for air defense against "enemy" targets. The radar captured suspicious signals on the water surface and determined the target's attributes, and then issued orders to each ship to occupy favorable shooting positions. "Prepare, release!" The formation's various systems closely cooperated to receive instructions. Amidst the loud sound of the target's firepower strike, one shell after another roared out of the barrel and headed straight towards the enemy's eyes

Fukushima nuclear contaminated water has been discharged into the sea, exceeding 7100 tons! Multiple areas have become uninhabited due to high radiation risks
Fukushima nuclear contaminated water has been discharged into the sea, exceeding 7100 tons! Multiple areas have become uninhabited due to high radiation risks

As of the 10th, the first round of discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has entered its 18th day. Langjiang Town on the eastern coast of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, is one of the areas most severely affected by the tsunami and nuclear accident caused by the 2011 Japan 3.11 earthquake. Many nearby areas have become uninhabited due to the high radiation risk still present. In late September, details of the second round of emissions were announced. On August 24th, Japan initiated the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. As of 8:00 am local time on the 9th, the cumulative emissions have exceeded 7100 tons. TEPCO announced that approximately 7800 tons of nuclear contaminated water from the first round of discharge will be completely discharged on the afternoon of the 10th, followed by the flushing of residual nuclear contaminated water in the equipment. The first round of discharge is expected to be completed on the 11th, and details of the second round of discharge will be announced later this month. Japan's fisheries and tourism

What signal is being released?, The year-on-year change in CPI from decrease to increase
What signal is being released?, The year-on-year change in CPI from decrease to increase

The year-on-year shift of CPI from decrease to increase releases a signal of economic recovery - Interpretation of August Price Data. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 9th, the national consumer price index in August decreased by 0.3% year-on-year and increased by 0.1% year-on-year; The month on month increase was 0.3%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. The year-on-year increase in prices has turned positive, releasing a signal of economic recovery. "In August, the consumer market continued to recover, and the supply-demand relationship continued to improve. The month on month increase in CPI slightly expanded, and the year-on-year increase turned from a decrease to an increase," said Dong Lijuan, Chief Statistician of the City Department of the National Bureau of Statistics. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. Statistics show that in August, food prices decreased by 1.7% year-on-year, the same as last month; The month on month decrease of 1% has turned to an increase of 0

Menglu's former residence was almost demolished
Menglu's former residence was almost demolished

According to Reuters on September 8th, the Los Angeles City Council voted on the 8th to initiate the process of designating the former residence of the late actress Marilyn Monroe as a historical and cultural relic to avoid its demolition. In 1962, Marilyn Monroe passed away here due to an overdose of medication. According to a spokesperson for female legislator Tracy Parker, the motion was proposed by Parker and passed unanimously on the same day. Monroe's former residence is a Spanish colonial style building located in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. After the Los Angeles City Council passed the motion with a vote of 12-0, the building and safety committee immediately revoked the permit issued a day ago to demolish the building. The motion also prohibits significant changes to it and will examine its potential as a landmark building. ▲ Information image: Marilyn Monroe's former residence

Kiev's "rapid" criticism!, Just "hammered" through
Kiev's "rapid" criticism!, Just "hammered" through

According to the website of Radio France International, Indian Prime Minister Modi, the host of the G20 summit, announced on the 9th that a joint communiqu é was passed after reaching a consensus at the G20 summit in New Delhi. Ukraine criticized the statement regarding Russia's "aggression against Ukraine" as not worthy of pride. Indian Prime Minister Modi said, "Thanks to the hard work of our team and your support, a consensus has been reached on the communiqu é of the G20 summit of heads of state and government held in New Delhi." Then he added, "I announce that the communiqu é has been passed," and immediately struck the ceremonial wooden hammer. It is reported that in recent years, the consensus reached among G20 members has become more and more complex, especially because of differences in positions on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as differences in the funding required for adaptation to climate change. According to reports, Kyiv 9

More than 2000 people were arrested for "resisting extinction"
More than 2000 people were arrested for "resisting extinction"

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur on September 9, Dutch police temporarily arrested about 2400 people during a climate demonstration in The Hague on September 9. Prior to this, climate activists blocked a highway. The police said that many minors were arrested at the gathering organized by the Climate Action Organization's "Resistance Against Extinction" movement. The Dutch news agency reported that the A12 highway was blocked at noon on the same day. The police said they used high-pressure water guns to drive supporters of the "anti extinction" movement off the highway. The authorities said that they had previously approved and called on these individuals to hold demonstrations at the nearby Central Station. On the 9th, climate activists held a demonstration in The Hague, Netherlands. However, even after the police used high-pressure water guns, the protesters remained on the highway and were subsequently attacked by hundreds

Which teachers did the municipal party secretaries visit?, Secretary before Teacher's Day this year | Lijiang Municipal Party Committee | Teachers
Which teachers did the municipal party secretaries visit?, Secretary before Teacher's Day this year | Lijiang Municipal Party Committee | Teachers

According to the news on September 9 on the WeChat official account of the Yunnan media "Lijiang Daily", on the occasion of the 39th Teachers' Day, Pu Hong, secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee, Li Gang, mayor of Lijiang, and others led teams to carry out condolences activities in schools in various counties to send holiday greetings and blessings to teachers and educators in the city. On September 5th, Pu Hong, the Secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee, came to Huaping Women's Senior High School in Lijiang to visit and console Zhang Guimei, the recipient of the July 1st Medal. In Teacher Zhang Guimei's office, Pu Hong had a friendly conversation with Teacher Zhang Guimei to gain a detailed understanding of their recent physical health status, summer home visits, women's higher education and teaching, as well as the existing problems and difficulties. Pu Hong reminded Teacher Zhang Guimei to pay attention to daily life, take good care of her body, and made arrangements and deployments to relevant departments under the municipal government and Huaping County regarding recent work priorities. September 2023, Lijiang

Former Deputy Secretary of Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, Xu Huadong, transferred to Acting Mayor of Taicang City, former mayor | Suzhou | Municipal Government | Display | Hu Weijiang | Release | Xu Huadong | Taicang City
Former Deputy Secretary of Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, Xu Huadong, transferred to Acting Mayor of Taicang City, former mayor | Suzhou | Municipal Government | Display | Hu Weijiang | Release | Xu Huadong | Taicang City

According to the "Taicang Release" WeChat official account, on September 10, the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th Taicang Municipal People's Congress decided to appoint Xu Huadong as the vice mayor and acting mayor of Taicang Municipal People's Government. According to public information, Xu Huadong, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1972, is an in-service graduate student with a master's degree and a member of the Communist Party of China. Xu Huadong has served as the Deputy Secretary General of Suzhou Municipal Government, Deputy Secretary of Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary of Political and Legal Affairs Commission. At the end of August this year, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee released a pre appointment announcement for cadres, which showed that Xu Huadong planned to recommend and nominate him as a candidate for county mayor. Taicang City is a county-level city managed by Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province, with a total area of 809.93 square kilometers, including a land area of 665.96 square kilometers. In 2022, the city will achieve a regional GDP of 165.357 billion yuan

Biden Visits Vietnam Today
Biden Visits Vietnam Today

US President Biden visits Vietnam today. After attending the G20 summit in India, US President Biden will visit Vietnam today. US media stated that the main purpose of Biden's visit is to enhance bilateral relations between the US and Vietnam to a "strategic" level. According to Reuters, during his stay in Hanoi, Vietnam, Biden will hold a meeting this afternoon with Vietnamese leaders such as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, to discuss how to further deepen cooperation between the United States and Vietnam. On the 11th, executives from US technology companies such as Google and Intel will also hold meetings with Vietnamese investors. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will also deliver a speech in Hanoi. In early August this year, the US stated that Biden would soon travel to Vietnam and that Vietnam hopes to change the relationship between the two sides and become a US partner. In March of this year, Biden had a phone conversation with Nguyen Phuc Trong. along with

Li Zaiming is on trial and on the 10th day of hunger strike
Li Zaiming is on trial and on the 10th day of hunger strike

According to China News Agency, on the 9th local time, Lee Jae ming, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, went to the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office again for investigation. Since August 31st, Lee Jae ming has been on a hunger strike and sitting in protest against the South Korean government. According to Global Times, around 9am on the same day, when Li Zaiming arrived at the prosecutor's office, conservative and progressive groups held a demonstration in front of the Suwon local prosecutor's office. Progressive supporters hold up slogans to impeach Yin Xiyue, while conservatives shout slogans to arrest Li Zaiming. These groups have also experienced friction incidents such as mutual insults and conflicts. The Suwon District Prosecutor's Office stated that an investigation into Li Zaiming began at 10:30 am on the 9th, and Li Zaiming requested the end of the interrogation on the grounds of physical health. Considering the situation where Li Zaiming entered the 10th day of hunger strike on the same day, the examination

Family members claim to have not rested for over 190 days! Multiple responses, 48 year old security guard died suddenly in dormitory
Family members claim to have not rested for over 190 days! Multiple responses, 48 year old security guard died suddenly in dormitory

Recently, Ms. Li from Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, reported to reporters that her husband works 12 hours a day and has not been on vacation for more than 190 days. The indoor temperature exceeds 40 ℃, causing her husband to die suddenly at night after returning to his rented house. Family report: Severe overload of work caused her husband's sudden death. It is reported that Ms. Li's husband, Zhao, went out to work in 2008 and joined Lida Knitting Factory Co., Ltd. in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. He resigned two years later. I rejoined the company in March 2010 and signed a labor contract with it in March 2011 until August 2023. Zhao has worked in the company for over 14 years as a security guard. On the morning of August 24th this year, the family received a notice from the company that Zhao had died in the dormitory he rented outside the factory after finishing work on the evening of August 23rd. Ms. Li believes that the death of her husband Zhao

Will the Russian backyard catch fire?, These two countries have announced a joint exercise
Will the Russian backyard catch fire?, These two countries have announced a joint exercise

According to reports, the Armenian Ministry of Defense recently announced that Armenia and the United States will hold joint military exercises within Armenian territory from September 11th to 20th. In response, Russian President's press secretary Peskov stated that the exercise between Armenia and the United States does not contribute to stabilizing the regional situation and strengthening mutual trust. Armenia and the United States Conduct Exercise: Two birds with one stone Data Image: Armenian Prime Minister Nicol Pashniyan According to reports, Armenia and Azerbaijan have recently exchanged fire in the border area, and tensions in the Naqa region have escalated once again. Armenian Prime Minister Nicol Pashnyan recently complained in an interview that Russia has failed to protect Armenia from "ongoing aggression from Azerbaijan.". Military observer Teng Jianqun analyzed that Armenia is

We are all investing in this field and seeing significant donations again! Kweichow Moutai 100 million, Huafeng Chemical 500 million
We are all investing in this field and seeing significant donations again! Kweichow Moutai 100 million, Huafeng Chemical 500 million

Last week, two more A-share companies made big donations - Kweichow Moutai and Huafeng Chemical. Kweichow Moutai is donating to the China Youth Development Foundation. According to the recent announcement of Kweichow Moutai, it is planned to donate 100 million yuan to the China Youth Development Foundation to carry out the 2023 "China Moutai · the pillar of the country" public welfare education activities. It is understood that since 2012, the China Youth Development Foundation, the Communist Youth League of Kweichow Moutai Provincial Party Committee and Kweichow Moutai jointly launched a large-scale public welfare student aid activity of "China Maotai · the pillar of the country", Guizhou Maotai has donated 100 million yuan every year to support college freshmen who participated in the college entrance examination that year and were admitted by full-time ordinary colleges and universities, but whose families have financial difficulties. Huafeng Chemical's donation target is the Education Development Foundation of Rui'an Middle School in Zhejiang Province, planned for 2023-202