US media: "It looks like Mars outside", New York's air pollution "explodes", Canada's wildfires are smoking, New York's air pollution | Canada's wildfires

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:04 PM

Since the beginning of this week, many parts of the northeastern United States have been shrouded in haze due to the impact of wildfires in Canada. On June 6th and 7th, the international metropolis of New York became the world's worst major city in terms of air quality.

Summer wildfires have always been commonplace for people in Canada and the western United States. But this year, why will it evolve into a public health crisis that "disrupts the normal lives of millions of Americans"?

Reminds people of "9.11"

According to American media, there has been no more unforgettable scene in the past two days than in New York City.

The sky presents a faint orange red hue, with haze enveloping the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan's skyscrapers. Flights to LaGuardia Airport are forced to stop, and the sports stadium that was originally filled with matches is cleared. There is a burning smell in the air, and more and more passersby are wearing masks again.

"It looks like Mars outside," said Dennis Scannell, a local baseball training ground operator.

Some residents also claim that the scene in front of them involuntarily reminds people of the thick smoke rising in Manhattan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

On June 6th and 7th, New York recorded the worst air quality index among 100 major cities worldwide. At 5pm on the 7th, the AQI in New York rose to 484, reaching a "dangerous" level, reportedly breaking the city's highest record since the 1960s. Although public schools throughout the city continue to attend classes as usual, outdoor activities such as physical education and off campus teaching have all been cancelled.

Like New York, which has a numerical explosion, in large areas of the Northeast United States, from Minnesota to Massachusetts, from Connecticut to Pennsylvania, authorities have issued air quality warnings covering approximately 75 million American residents.

The meteorological department calls on high-risk groups such as children, the elderly, lung and heart disease patients to reduce outdoor activities. Due to the small particles contained in wildfire haze, inhalation can penetrate deep into lung tissue and enter the bloodstream, causing asthma, heart disease, and other respiratory diseases.

"The current situation is very dangerous, and we are facing a crisis," said New York State Governor Hochul.

According to some American media, the only consolation at the moment is that the source of this public health crisis is not in the United States. It originated from wildfires in Canada hundreds of miles away. Under the influence of sustained north winds, wildfire haze drifts southward and is transported to the Great Lakes region, the northeastern United States, and the central Atlantic.

Who is the "culprit"

In fact, residents in Canada and the western United States are no strangers to summer wildfires.

"Without fire, there is no future." Some biologists argue that wildfires are a natural component of ecosystems. Moderate wildfires can clear old dead leaves in the forest, release seeds, and grow healthier and stronger new plants.

Taking Quebec, Canada as an example, the annual wildfire season usually starts in early May, and the fire area can often be controlled within a certain range.

But this year, summer wildfires seem to have deviated from the familiar trajectory.

Since the beginning of the year, there have been approximately 2300 wildfires across Canada, covering an area of approximately 9.4 million acres, which is 15 times the normal level for the same period; Quebec Province has experienced over 400 wildfires, which is twice the annual average.

In the week ending on the 7th, Canada reported over 400 active wildfires, of which approximately 240 were classified as "out of control". In the hardest hit province of Quebec, at least 154 wildfires have been recorded, covering an area of approximately 600 square miles.

Why is the fire exceptionally fierce this year?

Multiple American media outlets share the common answer: climate change.

According to environmentalists, the occurrence of wildfires requires three factors - lightning or human ignition, fuel provided by vegetation, and hot and windy weather.

This year, unlike before, due to human factors, climate warming has intensified, the weather has become drier, and many areas have experienced rare high temperatures; The forest is very dry, making it easier for fires to spread and difficult to extinguish through conventional means.

"Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of wildfires in Canada, leading to longer fire seasons in Canada." Canadian Forest Service officials say that historical averages are increasingly failing to reflect future trends.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the incidence of such extreme wildfires will increase by 14% in the next 7 years due to the impact of climate change.

"Some people like to call it the new normal," said Michael Frannigan, a researcher at Thompson River University in Canada, when talking about wildfires. "I don't like this word because the normal sounds like a stable state. But in fact, we're on a downhill path."

How long will it continue?

In cities of all sizes on the East Coast of the United States, what people are most concerned about right now is how wildfires can be quelled? How long will the haze take to dissipate?

"Fire and wind create orange haze that engulfs the entire city, something that has never happened in the past 30 years," said Richard McCullough, a 62 year old meteorologist living in Rochester, the third largest city in New York State.

Canadian government officials say that at current rates, the country may experience the worst wildfire season on record.

American media pointed out that wildfires in Canada have no end in sight, and the duration of the haze depends on the wind direction.

From the 7th to the 8th local time, the haze may continue to dissipate with the cold air mass moving from north to south. In Pennsylvania, New York, and several cities along the Atlantic coast, including Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Washington, and others, air quality may be very poor.

However, from the 9th to the 10th, as the wind direction shifts to a slightly northwest direction, although the haze cannot be completely dissipated, the concentration of small particles will show a significant decrease. Visibility and air quality will be improved.

Some comments also point out that due to advanced public transportation and strict emission regulations, major cities in the Northeast of the United States have maintained good air quality. Now, the haze caused by wildfires in neighboring countries further highlights the global climate's "pulling together the whole body".

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