The world

In 10 years, the dark clouds of the "prism" will not disperse! The collusion and misuse of data between US technology companies and intelligence agencies is a profound systemic problem
In 10 years, the dark clouds of the "prism" will not disperse! The collusion and misuse of data between US technology companies and intelligence agencies is a profound systemic problem

On June 5th, China Daily reported that after Edward Snowden exposed that US intelligence agencies had abused their power to monitor their own country and countries around the world for more than a decade, the shadow of global surveillance still lingers. Within the United States, Congress is considering expanding its monitoring power; Outside the United States, Irish regulatory authorities have just imposed a huge fine on Facebook's parent company Meta under EU law, aimed at addressing the issue of government theft of data obtained by private companies. This incident indicates that the days when the United States illegally obtained user personal information through its technology giants are not over. The screenshot of the report on the website of Rational Magazine is like how the 9/11 attacks brought new powers to the US National Security Agency to intercept communications, while the Snowden incident intensified people's concerns about surveillance

Pakistani Expert: Research Center for the Difficulty of US Disturbance in Asia Pacific Attempts | Country | United States
Pakistani Expert: Research Center for the Difficulty of US Disturbance in Asia Pacific Attempts | Country | United States

Khalid Temur Akram, Executive Director of the Pakistan Community with a Shared Future Research Center, wrote in China Daily on June 5th that the United States is creating national divisions around the world under the banner of "promoting democracy", which has led to an escalation of tension in the Asia Pacific region.The actions of the United States are not only aimed at exacerbating tensions in the Taiwan Strait, but also equivalent to direct interference in China's internal affairs. The United States is

Analyst: The United States is involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict from multiple perspectives, intensifying contradictions Alastair Crook | The United States | Analysis
Analyst: The United States is involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict from multiple perspectives, intensifying contradictions Alastair Crook | The United States | Analysis

Recently, many analysts pointed out that since the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States has continued to provide Ukraine with a large amount of funds and weapons. At the same time, the United States has been conducting espionage activities such as surveillance against other countries and so-called domestic allies worldwide, and this intelligence has also been used by the United States to stir up the current situation. Recently, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States released videos recruiting Russians through the internet. At that time, the Russian Embassy in the United States had stated that the CIA's public admission of intention to recruit Russians proved Washington's attempt to weaken Russia's hostile policies from within. This further leads people to believe that the Ukrainian crisis was instigated by the United States behind the scenes, with the aim of strategically crushing Russia. Some former US intelligence sources have stated that for a long time, multiple US intelligence agencies have been monitoring various parts of the world through surveillance

US Debt Crisis Exposes the Drawbacks of US Political and Fiscal Policy -- Interview with Cai Weicai, Senior Vice President of Thailand Kaitai Bank, US | Debt | Fiscal Policy
US Debt Crisis Exposes the Drawbacks of US Political and Fiscal Policy -- Interview with Cai Weicai, Senior Vice President of Thailand Kaitai Bank, US | Debt | Fiscal Policy

Cai Weicai, senior vice president of Kaitai Bank of Thailand, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters in Bangkok a few days ago that the US debt crisis has impacted the world economy and exposed the drawbacks of US domestic politics and fiscal policies. Governments and investors should be alert to the risks it brings. US President Biden signed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget on the 3rd, putting an end to the recent uncertainty surrounding the possibility of the US falling into a government debt default. This bill temporarily suspends the effectiveness of the debt ceiling until early 2025, marking the 103rd time the United States has adjusted its debt ceiling since the end of World War II. "The dispute over the US debt ceiling has been boiling for some time. No matter what kind of agreement the US Congress finally passes, the global economy has been greatly affected," Cai Weicai said. Cai Weicai pointed out that

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It fully demonstrates that the relevant countries have aroused regional vigilance, and many countries have expressed their unwillingness to choose border stations between China and the United States | Asia | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It fully demonstrates that the relevant countries have aroused regional vigilance, and many countries have expressed their unwillingness to choose border stations between China and the United States | Asia | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At the routine press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on June 5th, a reporter asked, "We have noticed that during the recent Shangri La Dialogue, high-level officials from Indonesia, Singapore and other countries expressed their unwillingness to see a" new Cold War "and their unwillingness to be forced to take sides between China and the United States." What is the spokesperson's comment on this? "? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that the statement fully demonstrates that some countries intend to launch a "new cold war" in Asia, forcing them to choose sides, which has aroused widespread vigilance and resolute opposition from regional countries. Adhering to strategic autonomy and maintaining regional stability and development is the common aspiration of regional countries. Some countries claim to be free and open, claiming to maintain regional peace and prosperity, but in reality, they constantly assemble various military groups and try to push NATO eastward into the Asia Pacific. The attitude of most countries in the region is very clear

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Arab League Delegation Visits Xinjiang and Experience the Real Happy Life of Local People Arab | Countries | Arab League
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Arab League Delegation Visits Xinjiang and Experience the Real Happy Life of Local People Arab | Countries | Arab League

On June 5th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, could the spokesperson of the Arab League delegation who recently visited Xinjiang introduce the relevant situation? Wang Wenbin introduced that from May 30th to June 2nd, a delegation from the League of Arab States visited Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with more than 30 officials from 16 Arab countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and the League Secretariat participating. During the visit to Xinjiang, the delegation visited Urumqi and Kashgar, visited mosques, economic colleges, local enterprises, ancient city streets, anti-terrorism and de radicalization themed exhibitions, and worshipped with believers at local mosques, experiencing the real happy life of the local people. Wang Wenbin said that members of the delegation expressed that through this visit, they have seen the prosperous scene of Xinjiang in China and have a positive impact on China

16.4 million people! 21 million tons! China Laos Railway has been in operation for 18 months. "Transcript" is a shining railway | China Laos | Transcript
16.4 million people! 21 million tons! China Laos Railway has been in operation for 18 months. "Transcript" is a shining railway | China Laos | Transcript

The reporter learned from China Railway Kunming Bureau Group that as of June 3, the China Laos Railway had been in operation for 18 months, showing a booming trend of both passengers and goods. It has sent 16.4 million passengers and 21 million tons of goods in total. The safe transportation has remained stable, and the role of the golden transportation channel has become increasingly prominent. It has played a positive role in facilitating the travel of the people of the two countries and promoting trade exchanges, and has also brought new opportunities for countries in the region to share connectivity. The China Laos Railway is a landmark project of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". Since it was put into operation on December 3, 2021, the railway departments of China and Laos have adhered to the goal of high standards, sustainability and benefiting the people's livelihood, and made every effort to maintain and operate the China Laos railway. The passenger and freight transport has continued to grow, the service quality has significantly improved, and the radiation effect has continued to increase. The China Laos railway has become a development path for the people of China and Laos

Changfeng Vigorously Promotes New Journey to China | High Quality | New Journey
Changfeng Vigorously Promotes New Journey to China | High Quality | New Journey

Douzhi is pointing southeast, and the timing is constantly changing; The tide rises in the rivers and seas, gathering like a rainbow. The Yangtze River Delta, this ancient and young land, has witnessed the ups and downs of the times and demonstrated the momentum of development. Here, the Yangtze River, the Grand Canal, the Qiantang River, and the Huangpu River are rushing forward, with rivers connecting to the sea and lakes and rivers; Here, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui embrace and depend on each other, all of them are graceful and beautiful, with abundant resources and people. This is a land full of charm and magic - with an area of 1/26 and a population of 1/6 of the country, it has created nearly 1/4 of the country's total economic output for five consecutive years, forming the world's sixth largest urban agglomeration. Looking at the economic landscape of our country, the Yangtze River Delta is like a dazzling pearl, captivating people. A continuous transmission from ancient to modern times, connected by a river, sharing a common destiny.

Writing Excitement in the Dialogue of Digital Civilization, Walking towards Nishan | Civilization | Numbers
Writing Excitement in the Dialogue of Digital Civilization, Walking towards Nishan | Civilization | Numbers

The Nishan Dialogue is coming one after another. The World Internet Conference Digital Civilization Nishan Dialogue, hosted by the World Internet Conference and hosted by the People's Government of Shandong Province, will be held in Qufu Nishan, Shandong Province, from June 25 to 27. The theme of the dialogue is "The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Communication, Mutual Learning, and Inclusion". Nishan, the birthplace of Confucius, is a place where people and culture gather, and the bell is graceful and graceful; Artificial intelligence is an important driving force for the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. When a cultural highland with profound cultural heritage encounters a groundbreaking technological driving force, what kind of civilization sparks will be ignited is full of curiosity. The dialogue on digital civilization is chosen in Nishan, which can be described as a "perfect match". Previously, Nishan had successfully hosted eight sessions of the World Civilization Forum, which had an increasingly profound impact. In strengthening cultural exchanges, deepening cultural cooperation, and promoting

Nishan Dialogue explores more possibilities of artificial intelligence, where "traditional" and "emerging" meet the world | culture | tradition
Nishan Dialogue explores more possibilities of artificial intelligence, where "traditional" and "emerging" meet the world | culture | tradition

Author: Xie Weifeng's "Gou Ri Xin, Ri Ri Xin, and Ri Ri Xin" is undoubtedly a highly realistic solution to how to continue the spiritual treasure trove of traditional Chinese culture, which is a treasure trove of all humanity, and open it up in a more acceptable way for modern people. From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference will be held in Nishan, Qufu, Shandong. The theme of the dialogue is "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness". Promoting excellent traditional culture and taking over the baton handed over by predecessors is an important task entrusted by the times.

Poster | The Pacific is not Japan's sewer discharge | Japan | Poster
Poster | The Pacific is not Japan's sewer discharge | Japan | Poster

The Japanese government is determined to act recklessly, disregarding opposition from the international community and publicly announcing that it will discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water in the spring and summer of this year. This is irresponsible to the Japanese people and also a transfer of responsibility that should have been borne by oneself to all humanity. As the scheduled discharge date approaches, professionals from Japan, as well as from China, South Korea, Russia, the Philippines, New Zealand and other countries, have expressed opposition and concerns about Japan's unilateral push to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, believing that this move is extremely irresponsible, will damage the marine ecological environment, harm human health, and the degree of harm is unpredictable. The ocean is the common home of humanity, not Japan's sewer. Creative: Xiao Yue Poster Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and five other departments jointly released the "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" behavioral norms | Citizen | Ecological Environment
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and five other departments jointly released the "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" behavioral norms | Citizen | Ecological Environment

In order to lead citizens to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities in ecological environment protection, become active disseminators and model practitioners of the concept of ecological civilization, and work together to build a modern harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, on June 5th, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Central Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All China Women's Federation jointly issued the newly revised Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior. The newly revised "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" includes ten contents, including caring for the ecological environment, saving energy and resources, practicing green consumption, choosing low-carbon travel, sorting and disposing of garbage, reducing pollution, caring for natural ecology, participating in environmental protection practices, participating in environmental supervision, and jointly building a beautiful China. On June 5, 2018, the "Code of Conduct for Citizen Ecological Environment" was released, becoming the first national standard aimed at citizens

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment answered questions from reporters on the "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" | Ecology | Ecological Environment
The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment answered questions from reporters on the "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior" | Ecology | Ecological Environment

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in conjunction with the Central Office for Spiritual Civilization Construction, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All China Women's Federation, issued the newly revised "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior". The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment answered questions from reporters regarding the relevant content. Q: What is the background and significance of this revision? Answer: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that respecting, conforming to, and protecting nature are inherent requirements for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country. We must firmly establish and practice the concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets, accelerate the green transformation of development methods, implement comprehensive conservation strategies, advocate green consumption, and promote the formation of green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. In June 2018, our department, together with the Central Civilization Office, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All China Women's Federation, jointly

The "New Debt Tsunami" in the United States will bury these mines!, The Symbolic End of the Debt Crisis | Debt | United States
The "New Debt Tsunami" in the United States will bury these mines!, The Symbolic End of the Debt Crisis | Debt | United States

[Global Times Special Correspondent in Germany Zhaodong Global Times Reporter Ni Hao Global Times Special Correspondent Chen Xin] "The signing of this bill marks the end of the crisis that has plagued Washington for months in a low-key and symbolic way." British Reuters reported on the 4th that on the 3rd local time, US President Biden signed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, ending the recent uncertainty surrounding the United States that may fall into a government debt default. The bill suspends the debt ceiling until early 2025 and limits spending in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Although the US debt ceiling crisis has temporarily come to an end, in the medium and long term, the US economy and even the global financial market will continue to be affected, and the risks are still difficult to ignore. Fitch Ratings 2

Two teenagers in the United States attended a party and were shot dead. Over 650 teenagers have died in shooting incidents this year. Shooting | Incident | Party
Two teenagers in the United States attended a party and were shot dead. Over 650 teenagers have died in shooting incidents this year. Shooting | Incident | Party

On June 5th, according to CNN, a shooting occurred at a party in Boone County, Missouri, USA on June 4th local time, resulting in the deaths of two teenagers and injuries to four teenagers. The local police said that dozens of people attended the party, and a verbal altercation between the two groups led to a gunfight. The two victims were 16 and 17 years old, respectively. The four injured teenagers are between the ages of 16 and 19 and are not in life-threatening condition. The police have not arrested any suspects yet. According to data released by the Gun Violence Archive website in the United States, the shooting was one of the 275 large-scale shooting incidents that occurred this year. The Gun Violence Archive defines a large-scale shooting incident as an event where at least four people, apart from the gunman, have been shot. This year, there are over 65

Bank of America CEO predicts a recession in the US economy in the second half of this year: unemployment rate will rise to a high of 4%. Federal Reserve | US | Economy
Bank of America CEO predicts a recession in the US economy in the second half of this year: unemployment rate will rise to a high of 4%. Federal Reserve | US | Economy

According to a report by CBS on June 4th, Bank of America CEO Moynihan said on the same day that the US economy may face a mild recession in the second half of this year and the first quarter of next year. Moynihan stated on the CBS program "Facing the People" that the bank's core prediction is that the US economy will enter a mild recession in the third and fourth quarters of this year or the first quarter of next year, and the unemployment rate will rise to a high of 4%. Moynihan stated that due to the Federal Reserve's tightening of monetary policy, consumer spending in the US banking industry has only increased by about 5% so far this year, and consumer spending is slowing down and keeping pace with the inflation rate controlled by the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, Moynihan criticized the Federal Reserve for tightening monetary policy, which led to consecutive bank failures and slowed down the economy. Federal Reserve 3

The US report exposes hundreds of child abuse incidents: rampant sexual assault cases, teachers still being whitewashed after violence | Children | Incident
The US report exposes hundreds of child abuse incidents: rampant sexual assault cases, teachers still being whitewashed after violence | Children | Incident

On June 5th, according to a report released by a conservative think tank in the United States, hundreds of cases of child abuse have been exposed in the United States. Among them, sexual assault cases are rampant, and some teachers can even whitewash their criminal records after committing violence. The report shows that American public school employees suspected of sexually assaulting children are usually able to successfully transfer to different schools three times after committing a crime, and their criminal records are also cleared by the school before transferring. According to hundreds of case data, these criminal teachers are usually arrested only after they have violated as many as 73 victims. The report cites early research from the US Government Accountability Office, stating that dismissing teachers may be a costly behavior for school districts. Therefore, school districts often negotiate confidentiality agreements with unions, under which teachers can resign or

Wang Yi Holds a Phone Call with French President's Foreign Affairs Advisor Bonaparte Wang Yi | Country | Advisor
Wang Yi Holds a Phone Call with French President's Foreign Affairs Advisor Bonaparte Wang Yi | Country | Advisor

On June 5, 2023, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, had a phone conversation with French President Bonaparte as requested. Wang Yi stated that President Macron's visit to China in April was a complete success, and the two heads of state reached a series of strategic consensus. Both sides should accelerate implementation, jointly advance the next important agenda, and demonstrate the high-level comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France. President Macron's recent important statements on international multilateral platforms reflect France's independent diplomatic tradition, and European countries are also more actively engaging in dialogue and contact with China. China appreciates this. I believe that the French side will continue to pursue a rational and proactive policy towards China, and play a constructive role in the healthy and stable development of China Europe relations. As the two major forces in the multipolar process, China and Europe share much greater common interests than differences. Both sides should focus more on cooperation and less on opponents

Parents of candidates can also choose not to work. A hospital has issued a notice stating that during the college entrance examination period, children | parents
Parents of candidates can also choose not to work. A hospital has issued a notice stating that during the college entrance examination period, children | parents

Two days before the 2023 college entrance examination, a notice recently released by the Fifth People's Hospital of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, has attracted widespread attention. According to the Integrated Media Center of Huaiyin District, Huai'an City, the notice stated that the 2023 national college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination are about to begin. Some children of our hospital's employees will carry dreams and go to the examination center. After research, it has been decided that employees of Huai'an City's Fifth Hospital will enjoy flexible work policies during their children's participation in the middle school entrance examination. The flexible work schedule for employees' children during the high school entrance examination is from June 2nd to June 6th. Children of employees can not work during the high school entrance examination. The flexible work schedule for the high school entrance examination is from June 10th to 14th. During the high school entrance examination, they can not work and give way to the high school! Multiple cities in Hubei Province have adjusted their working hours, while cities such as Huangshi, Ezhou, Xianning, and Enshi in Hubei Province have also issued notices in 2022

Can Messi offer a toast for 300000 yuan? Ping An Beijing responds to concerns. Messi Club | Argentina Team | Messi
Can Messi offer a toast for 300000 yuan? Ping An Beijing responds to concerns. Messi Club | Argentina Team | Messi

On June 15th, the Argentine national team will face off against the Australian national team at the Beijing Workers Stadium, and Messi will make an appearance with the Argentine team, which has also attracted great attention. Recently, a paragraph like this has spread online: "On June 15th, Beijing Four Seasons Hotel offers five-star service and meals for ten people, with a seating capacity of 300000 yuan. Messi will come to toast and can take a group photo. 100W charity sponsorship will start, which can promote the brand. Send news reports. Sign up for payment! Guaranteed.". Regarding this, Ping An Beijing debunked the rumor and said, "Will Messi come to toast? If these thirty omnipotent were deceived, then the police uncle would toast you.". Fans also joked, "If you add another 200000, Messi will still fight with you." "Messi: Big brother, I'll do whatever you want.". On the afternoon of June 5th, the first invoice was issued for Argentina's China trip, with six prices available

Is dry eye becoming an epidemic?, Out of every 5 people, there is 1 tear | ocular surface | dry eye
Is dry eye becoming an epidemic?, Out of every 5 people, there is 1 tear | ocular surface | dry eye

June 6th is the 28th National Eye Care Day. According to interviews with multiple ophthalmologists, the number of patients seeking medical treatment for dry eyes has been rapidly increasing in recent years. In this era where the eyes are being kidnapped by screens, dry eyes seem to be becoming an epidemic. Nearly half of the outpatient patients are dry eye patients. In the past two to three years, Han Yuping, the chief physician of the Corneal Disease Department at Shanxi Provincial Ophthalmology Hospital, found that more and more patients are coming to see dry eyes. "Previously, dry eye patients accounted for about 1/4 or 1/5 of our outpatient patients, but now they basically account for 1/3 or even half of our outpatient patients. Previously, they were mainly middle-aged and elderly patients, but now they are present from children to the elderly." Han Yuping said, "In terms of both the number of patients and the population, dry eye has become a very common phenomenon."

Chinese Football Association: Ma Ning Fuming will serve as the referee for the Argentina China Tour. Official website | Chinese Football Association | Argentina China
Chinese Football Association: Ma Ning Fuming will serve as the referee for the Argentina China Tour. Official website | Chinese Football Association | Argentina China

On June 5th, the official website of the Chinese Football Association released a notice on selecting officials related to international competitions. According to the notice, the referees for Argentina's match against Australia are Ma Ning, Shi Xiang, Zhou Fei, and Fu Ming. Notice of the Chinese Football Association on the Selection of Officials for International Competitions: In order to further improve the organization of international competitions at the FIFA match window in June 2023, the list of officials for relevant international competitions is hereby notified as follows: 1. The Chinese Football Association's Chinese team matches the national men's football team. 1. The competition time is June 16, 2023, and June 20, 2023. 2. The participating teams are China, Myanmar, and Palestine. 3. The competition location is Dalian City, Liaoning Province. 4. The competition level is an international A-level tournament. 5. The list of competition officials:

Urgent reminder!, Consulate General of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand
Urgent reminder!, Consulate General of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand

According to the WeChat official account of "Consular Direct Train", Thailand has entered the rainy season, with frequent rainfall, slippery roads, traffic accidents, changeable sea weather, complex sea conditions, and high wading safety risks. The Chinese Embassy in Thailand reminds compatriots to raise their risk awareness and ensure personal safety when traveling in Thailand during the rainy season. Rainfall leads to slippery roads, waterlogging, complex driving conditions, steep slopes and numerous bends in mountainous areas, making traffic accidents more likely to occur during the rainy season. Renting a vehicle, especially a motorcycle, poses a high risk. It is recommended to choose local public transportation or charter a car for travel. Mountain areas are prone to flash floods during the rainy season, and projects such as outdoor hiking, jungle flying, and cave exploration pose extremely high risks. Please make sure to assess your own condition and potential risks in advance and choose carefully. During the rainy season, the sea areas have high winds and waves, and the sea conditions are complex. Swimming, diving, or going out to sea are necessary

Cui Tiankai Talks about the US Navy and Air Force's provocation: They are too close to our territory. Permission | Deployment | Military Power | Territory | Dialogue | China | Cui Tiankai | United States
Cui Tiankai Talks about the US Navy and Air Force's provocation: They are too close to our territory. Permission | Deployment | Military Power | Territory | Dialogue | China | Cui Tiankai | United States

According to media reports, former Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, recently stated in an interview with the media during the Shangri La Dialogue that if high-level defense negotiations between China and the United States are to resume, the United States should reduce its deployment of military forces near China in good faith. "Why do they have to cross the sea? To our doorstep?" Cui Tiankai said of the deployment of military forces by the US Navy and Air Force near China. "They are too close to our territory, too close to our territorial waters." Cui Tiankai said that the deployment of military forces by the US near China "is of course a disrespect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries." However, Cui Tiankai still maintains an optimistic attitude towards the relationship between the two countries. "I hope the situation will improve in the coming months and years," he said. As a matter of principle, we are always ready to engage with other countries, including the United States

Stir fried pebbles cost 16 yuan per serving! Netizen: "Can this be eaten?" Local | Reporter | Pebble
Stir fried pebbles cost 16 yuan per serving! Netizen: "Can this be eaten?" Local | Reporter | Pebble

Recently, a video of "stir frying pebbles for 16 yuan per serving" has been circulating online and attracted attention. In the comments section, some people questioned, "Is stone also a snack?" Others said, "If you accidentally swallow it, it will be terrible." On June 5th, the reporter called the Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Catering Association in Hubei Province, and the relevant person in charge of the association told the night market to sell stir fried pebbles for 16 yuan per serving/ Video screenshot: Recently, a man posted a video claiming to have discovered an interesting snack - stir fried pebbles - while strolling through the Yangfan Night Market in Changsha. The video shows that there are many small pebbles in the frying pan. The boss recommends a serving for 16 yuan, and the way to eat it is to "take a bite and throw it away". The production process is as follows: first pour chili oil, then add dried chili and garlic, and then add rosemary. You can take it out of the pot and pack it away. The reporter noticed that the above

Ouyang Xiadan became an art exam teacher after leaving CCTV? Institutional response agency | CCTV | Ouyang Xiadan
Ouyang Xiadan became an art exam teacher after leaving CCTV? Institutional response agency | CCTV | Ouyang Xiadan

According to media reports, CCTV recently updated the "CCTV Host Encyclopedia". Among them, many well-known names such as Haixia and Ouyang Xiadan have withdrawn from the ranks of CCTV hosts. Haixia previously made a public appearance as the Deputy Director of the Broadcasting and Hosting Management Center in the Editorial Office of China Central Television, while Ouyang Xiadan has been absent from her position as a CCTV host for a long time. It is understood that on January 1, 2023, Ouyang Xiadan officially settled in Tiktok, and wrote in the first video that "body and mind, both must be on the road. Come on 2023!" Up to now, 83 short videos have been released in nearly half a year. In the video released by Ouyang Xiadan, there is a section called "Xiadan Classroom" that provides relevant training for art exam students. A netizen left a message below pointing out that Ouyang Xiadan is currently taking an art exam at a company

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian investigates the disaster reduction of wheat "rotten field rain" in Henan | Agriculture | Henan
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian investigates the disaster reduction of wheat "rotten field rain" in Henan | Agriculture | Henan

From June 1 to 2, Tang Renjian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, went to Zhumadian, Luohe, Xuchang and other places in Henan Province where the "bad rain" disaster was severe to investigate and guide disaster relief and disaster reduction, and went to Hebei to supervise and guide the harvest of summer grain management. He emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, pay close attention to key links such as "cutting, drying, protecting, and harvesting", take extraordinary measures to grab wheat, and make every effort to harvest and sow in summer., And strive to achieve "Longkou grab grain" to ensure that summer grain should be collected and summer sowing should be sown. Since May 25, there has been a large-scale continuous rainfall in Henan, which coincides with the mature harvest period of wheat, and the wheat in the field has suffered serious "bad rain". Tang Renjian worked with grassroots cadres, grain farmers, wheat experts and agricultural machinery to study and judge the disaster situation.

Passed the acceptance!, Help the world travel back and forth! This major project is a wind tunnel | ultra high speed | major project
Passed the acceptance!, Help the world travel back and forth! This major project is a wind tunnel | ultra high speed | major project

The JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has recently passed the acceptance test, which can effectively support the development of China's space and space transportation system and ultra high speed aircraft. The JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has passed the acceptance test and is at the international leading level. Recently, the National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project "Explosive Driven Ultra High Speed High Enthalpy Shock Wave Wind Tunnel" concluded the acceptance meeting. The acceptance expert group unanimously agreed to pass the acceptance and evaluated that the wind tunnel is at the international leading level in comprehensive performance indicators such as effective experimental time, total temperature, total pressure, and nozzle flow field size. The JF-22 ultra high speed wind tunnel project is a national major scientific research instrument development project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and undertaken by the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was officially launched in 2018, with a development cycle of five years. Project leader Jiang Zonglin proposed a challenge

Argentina China travel tickets are available in seconds, rationality cannot compete with emotion! Just now, 4800 yuan commercial | ticket | Argentina China
Argentina China travel tickets are available in seconds, rationality cannot compete with emotion! Just now, 4800 yuan commercial | ticket | Argentina China

On the evening of June 15th, Argentina hosted Australia at the Beijing Workers' Stadium. The first round of tickets went on sale today, but the ticket grabbing took place in two time periods. Tickets from various levels on Ticket Planet and DamaiNet were sold out instantly. According to the arrangement of the event organizer, there will be another round of ticket grabbing on June 8th at 13:00. The first round of ticket grabbing on the afternoon of the 5th started at 13:00 on the ticket planet. As a result, tickets of different prices were sold out in just a few minutes. After 10 minutes, all tickets were sold out. The second round of ticket grabbing took place at 14:00 on Due to the popularity of this ticketing platform, it was even more popular. Some people specifically counted that tickets in various levels were sold out within 14 seconds. According to the officially announced ticket prices by the organizers, there are a total of 6 levels, from high to low, which are 4800, 3800, 3200, 2800, and 1 respectively

Prism Gate 10th Anniversary: The "Listening Addiction" in the United States is Growing Heavy Employees | Contractors | United States
Prism Gate 10th Anniversary: The "Listening Addiction" in the United States is Growing Heavy Employees | Contractors | United States

On June 5, 2013, The Guardian was the first to expose a US secret surveillance project codenamed "Prism" through an exposure by former US defense contractor employee Edward Snowden. Its monitoring targets not only include the American people, but also political figures and civilians from European countries such as France and Germany. Ten years have passed, and Snowden, who was wanted by the US government, now resides in Russia and has obtained Russian citizenship. The Prism Gate incident has sparked strong global condemnation of large-scale surveillance activities by the United States, but the United States has not repented. Over the past decade, various scandals of surveillance in other countries have been continuously exposed, with many of the affected countries being allies of the United States. These events repeatedly prove that the United States is a true "listening empire" by any means necessary to maintain its hegemony. The shocking scandal was reported by German magazine Der Spiegel, citing information provided by Snowden