The world

"Chinese doctors bring us hope for recovery" (co building the "the Belt and Road" · the first scene) Expert | Doctor | Hope
"Chinese doctors bring us hope for recovery" (co building the "the Belt and Road" · the first scene) Expert | Doctor | Hope

Chinese doctors are conducting ophthalmic examinations for patients in Uzbekistan. Outside the surgical building of the Samarkand branch of the Uzbekistan Ophthalmic Microsurgery Professional Practical Medicine Center, a plaque with the flags of China and Ukraine is hanging. Not long ago, the medical expert group of Peking University People's Hospital launched an 18 day "Health Express International Bright Tour" in Uzbekistan, with Samarkand being one of the stops. In recent years, the "Health Express International Brightness Trip" has brought Chinese medical teams, equipment and technology abroad, and cooperated with hospitals in countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road" to provide medical services for local people. Last September, China announced at the Samarkand Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that it would provide free implementation for the people of the Organization's countries in the next three years

Worldweek | Accusation of "Whispers" | Remembrance of Navajo People Suffering from Nuclear Tests | Uranium Mine | Accusation of Navajo People in the United States
Worldweek | Accusation of "Whispers" | Remembrance of Navajo People Suffering from Nuclear Tests | Uranium Mine | Accusation of Navajo People in the United States

August 6th and 9th, respectively, are the 78th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The United States, which had dropped atomic bombs on Japan, is the only country to have used nuclear weapons in war so far. Recently, director Nolan's first biographical film "Oppenheimer" is being released in North America, with the protagonist being the "father of atomic bombs" in the United States, Oppenheimer. When people immerse themselves in the heroic aura of the movie protagonist, they seem to forget that in another "American blockbuster" called "The Whisperer," the Navajo people, as communication soldiers, used the Navajo language to weave a new set of codes that the Japanese could not decipher, making a special contribution to the victory on the Pacific battlefield. After the release of Oppenheimer, it was accused by the Navajo people, and a little-known "dark history" outside of a film by the US government was also revealed. Ao

World Weekly | Kanagawa's "Puzzle" Nagasaki | Japan | Kanagawa
World Weekly | Kanagawa's "Puzzle" Nagasaki | Japan | Kanagawa

On August 15th, we are about to celebrate the anniversary of Japan's defeat. And this year happens to be the 170th anniversary of the Black Boat Incident. 170 years ago, Rear Admiral Perry of the United States Navy opened Japan's doors with a strong ship and cannons, and later forced Japan to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa. Nearly 100 years after the Black Boat Incident, the US military landed at the Houki Naval Airport in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan during World War II. The highest commander of the US Far East, MacArthur, stepped off the plane from Kanagawa Houki Airport, marking the beginning of taking over the defeated Japan. Equally dramatic is that at the ceremony when Japan signed the surrender agreement, MacArthur specially hung the 31 star American flag on the Perry ship back then. From the American Black Ships to the battleship Missouri, the name "Kanagawa" is also seen as Japan's submission to the United States

Multiple measures are being taken in various regions to strengthen field management of autumn crops. Farmers | autumn crops | crops
Multiple measures are being taken in various regions to strengthen field management of autumn crops. Farmers | autumn crops | crops

CCTV News: Currently is a critical period for the formation of autumn crop yields. The latest agricultural situation dispatch from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that, except for local floods, the growth of autumn crops in most parts of the country is generally normal. At present, corn and rice in the northern region are beginning to bear fruit and fill, while soybeans are bulging; Southern mid season rice is booting and heading, and late season rice planting is basically over. This year, Jiangsu, a major rice growing province, has a rice planting area of approximately 33.38 million mu, a slight increase of 63000 mu year-on-year. In Sihong County, the local government promotes more efficient agricultural socialized service models to reduce costs and increase efficiency for farmers. Currently, over 7 million acres of corn and soybeans are growing well in Fuyang City, Anhui Province. In Funan County, through the local smart agricultural management platform, farmers can more scientifically mix insecticides, fungicides, and crop growth regulators, and achieve precise results

Guarding the Lights of Every Family with Loyalty and Responsibility | People | Guarding
Guarding the Lights of Every Family with Loyalty and Responsibility | People | Guarding

In recent times, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other regions, resulting in severe geological disasters such as floods and waterlogging.Continuously fighting and resolutely completing the Party's peace

The concept deeply rooted in people's hearts and the practice is a long way to go - From the perspective of the Chengdu Universiade, we can see the integration of sports and education in universities | projects | Universiade
The concept deeply rooted in people's hearts and the practice is a long way to go - From the perspective of the Chengdu Universiade, we can see the integration of sports and education in universities | projects | Universiade

Chengdu, August 13th (Xinhua) - The Chengdu Universiade concluded on August 8th. As the "Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Healthy Development of Youth" have been released for nearly three years, Chinese university athletes who have fought at home have demonstrated the phased achievements of sports and education integration with their excellent results. The public's understanding of sports and education integration is gradually deepening, while the construction of high-level sports teams in universities and the practice of sports and education integration to promote the construction of a sports powerhouse still have a long way to go. On July 28th, the Chinese university sports delegation entered the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade. Zhao Zishuo, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, photographed the interplay between student athletes and athlete students. In the field of sports in universities, people often refer to high-level athletes who grew up in ordinary schools and mainly participate in training in their spare time as student athletes, while those who have achieved success are often referred to as student athletes

China's "wind" exports provide green kinetic energy for economic development globally | China | The world contributes to the economy
China's "wind" exports provide green kinetic energy for economic development globally | China | The world contributes to the economy

In the first half of this year, China's wind power construction developed rapidly, with a year-on-year increase of 20% in cumulative power generation. A series of original and breakthrough achievements emerged, accelerating the formation of a globally leading wind power industry system while providing more green momentum for China's economic development. Since the beginning of this year, from the blue sea to the snowy plateau and then to rural areas, large wind turbines have emerged and rotated against the wind, achieving new breakthroughs one by one. In the waters of Fujian, the world's largest wind turbine, a 16 megawatt wind turbine, has been successfully connected to the grid for power generation; In the Qinghai Tibet Plateau,

"Village Super" has a new gameplay! Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendship Tournament kicked off football | Guizhou Rongjiang | Food
"Village Super" has a new gameplay! Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendship Tournament kicked off football | Guizhou Rongjiang | Food

On August 13th, as a continuation of the "Village Super" football tournament, the Guizhou Rongjiang Food Football Friendship Tournament began in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province. On that day, 8 teams from various regions competed fiercely and presented 4 exciting matches to the audience. On August 13th, actors performed during the break of the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu took a photo of Guangdong Guizhou cooperation on a new road, and Rongjiang integrating into the Greater Bay Area. At 2:35 pm, accompanied by the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, the Rongjiang Villagers Team and the Hong Kong Star Team jointly staged their first football match, kicking the first ball. This is the emotional and emotional match of Rongjiang County in building Guizhou into the main battlefield of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and integrating with the development of the Greater Bay Area. According to the event arrangement, the second game will be played by the ecological tea team of Guizhou University against the Sugar cane juice team of Guangxi University. according to the understanding of

Dredging and obstacle removal officers and soldiers fight hard to rebuild the frontline river after the disaster | engineers | obstacle removal officers and soldiers
Dredging and obstacle removal officers and soldiers fight hard to rebuild the frontline river after the disaster | engineers | obstacle removal officers and soldiers

CCTV News: In recent days, in Fangshan, Mentougou, Changping and other places, a certain engineering brigade of the 82nd Group Army of the Central Theater Command has actively invested in post disaster reconstruction work after completing the predetermined tasks of early rescue. In Sanfu Village and Cijiawu Village, Hebei Town, Fangshan District, officers and soldiers fought tirelessly for three days and three nights, deploying more than ten machinery and more than 200 personnel to rebuild the front line after the disaster. Cadres were at the forefront of the battle, and party members rushed forward. A total of more than 20 rural roads and more than 2000 earthwork were cleared. Local resident: Thank you to your army. If it were just us ordinary people, we wouldn't be able to handle it. You said that the mud in the streets and alleys is so thick, and it was all the help of the military. Thank you to the people's soldiers. In the direction of Mentougou District, the officers and soldiers collaborated with Beijing Maintenance Group to open up Qianjuntai in Datai Town

Welcome to "Check in" Yangtze River Butterfly Transformation, Dingdong Protection | Yangtze River | Welcome
Welcome to "Check in" Yangtze River Butterfly Transformation, Dingdong Protection | Yangtze River | Welcome

The Yangtze River surges over 6300 kilometers from the top of the snow capped mountains towards the sea, nourishing the ancient Chinese civilization, connecting the economic artery of supporting the development of the river, and leaving behind a rich historical context. Look at the picture below. Experience the ecological priority and green development of the surging Yangtze River. A golden waterway stretches for thousands of miles, depicting new scenery. We will jointly focus on major protection and not engage in large-scale development to solve problems. "The Yangtze River is sick, and it is not light." "Ten years of fishing ban." We will carry out river and lake shoreline improvement... The ecological environment protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt has undergone a turning point. Fishermen come ashore, re employment, and restart a new life. "I live at the head of the Yangtze River, you live at the tail of the Yangtze River." Throughout history, countless literati and writers have been... The traces of history left on both sides of the Yangtze River, spanning for thousands of years, extend from the Bashan and Shu rivers to the water towns of Jiangnan, where the clear waters of the river not only give birth, but also extend endlessly

Zhuozhou, Hebei: Enterprises are resuming work, production, and daily life, accelerating the restoration of infrastructure | Transportation | Enterprises
Zhuozhou, Hebei: Enterprises are resuming work, production, and daily life, accelerating the restoration of infrastructure | Transportation | Enterprises

CCTV News: With the gradual restoration of water, electricity, transportation and other infrastructure in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, multiple local enterprises have resumed work and production, and the production and life of the people have gradually entered the right track. In recent days, more than 20 caravans loaded with supplies from the Hebei supply and marketing system have arrived in three townships in Zhuozhou, which have been severely affected by the disaster, providing local residents with welfare and supply guarantee services. Affected people can receive free vegetables, fruits and other food, and can also purchase agricultural inputs and daily necessities at low prices. In addition, 4 shopping malls and 29 chain supermarkets in Zhuozhou have resumed operations, and most agricultural wholesale markets have also resumed transportation conditions. Local industrial enterprises are also gradually resuming work and production. A new material technology company located in Songlindian Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province, quickly organized flood prevention and rescue teams to inspect enterprises, construction sites, and roads as the flood gradually receded

Various regions and relevant departments take multiple measures to accelerate the restoration of production and living order, rescue | living | regions
Various regions and relevant departments take multiple measures to accelerate the restoration of production and living order, rescue | living | regions

CCTV News: In recent days, various regions and relevant departments have made every effort to do a good job in emergency rescue, ensuring the livelihoods of disaster affected people, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction, accelerating the restoration of production and living order in disaster stricken areas. Currently, the post disaster reconstruction work in the disaster stricken areas of Hebei is accelerating. In response to the situation of farmland being flooded, Hebei Province has organized experts and technical personnel to go deep into the front line of disaster resistance, implement classified policies, and guide post disaster agricultural production. At the same time, we will urgently adjust 1.06 million kilograms of seeds for short growing crops such as Chinese cabbage and spinach to prepare for replanting and minimize losses for farmers. Today, two more bus routes have resumed operation in Zhuozhou, Hebei. In recent days, the supply and marketing system of Hebei has dispatched material caravans to arrive in Zhuozhou one after another, providing local people with welfare and supply guarantee services. Production and life in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing have been restored in an orderly manner. Currently, Fangshan District

Six A-level scenic spots in Fangshan, Beijing have resumed opening recently | Reporter | Scenic spots
Six A-level scenic spots in Fangshan, Beijing have resumed opening recently | Reporter | Scenic spots

CCTV News: Today, the reporter learned from the Fangshan District Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Beijing that six A-level scenic spots have been reopened in the scenic spots closed due to the extremely heavy rainstorm disaster some time ago. The first batch of A-level scenic spots to be opened include Zhoukoudian National Archaeological Site Park, Longmen Ecological Park, Hancun River Scenic Village, Pofengling, etc. This morning, the reporter came to the Pofengling Scenic Spot located in Mount Huangshan Village, Zhoukoudian Town. The stones, mud, trees, and other debris that were previously washed down by mountain floods on the road leading to the scenic area have been cleared, and the damaged road surface has also been repaired. The homestays in the village welcomed the first batch of tourists to stay after the disaster. Mr. Liu, a tourist: The mud on the road has been cleared, and the facilities destroyed by the river have been repaired. I think the environmental hygiene is still quite good now, and the restoration is still quite good. The person in charge of the operation of Fangshan Pofengling Scenic Area (continued)

13 key projects in the urban area of Mentougou, Beijing have resumed work on foundation pits | Problems | Resumption of work
13 key projects in the urban area of Mentougou, Beijing have resumed work on foundation pits | Problems | Resumption of work

CCTV news: Affected by the rainstorm, key construction projects in Mentougou, Beijing, went into a shutdown state on July 29. Recently, with the recovery of production and life in Mentougou urban area, 13 key projects that had been suspended due to rainstorm have been resumed. The reporter saw at the construction site of the new construction project of Yuyuan Primary School in Mentougou District that the project is currently in the underground main structure construction stage, with a deep foundation pit covering an area of over 4500 square meters. During the previous rainfall process, the accumulated water in the deep foundation pit reached a depth of 1.5 meters, and 16 pumping pumps were equipped to rush to discharge the accumulated water. At present, the accumulated water has been drained, and more than a hundred workers are carrying out operations such as binding steel bars on the foundation slab. Wang Wei, Executive Manager of the New Construction Project at Yuyuan Primary School: We mainly focus on key areas such as tower crane foundations, verticality, safety monitoring, and the third aspect

Heilongjiang accelerates the restoration of production and living order in disaster stricken areas. Well Water | Epidemic Prevention | Heilongjiang
Heilongjiang accelerates the restoration of production and living order in disaster stricken areas. Well Water | Epidemic Prevention | Heilongjiang

CCTV news: In recent days, Heilongjiang Province has accelerated the work of draining waterlogged water, epidemic prevention and disinfection and sterilization, drinking water safety, infrastructure repair and other work in the affected areas, and accelerated the restoration of production and living order of the masses. In Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province, agricultural technicians went deep into flooded corn fields to guide farmers in carrying out post disaster self rescue. Qian Chunrong, a researcher at the Agricultural Cultivation Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences: For plots that have been submerged for more than four or five days, after the water recedes, it is recommended to apply some growth regulators to restore the function of roots and leaves. At the same time, apply some fungicides based on the occurrence of field diseases. In Wuchang City, Yanshou County, and Xi'an District of Mudanjiang City in Heilongjiang Province, after the water receded, villagers gradually returned home. In recent days, technical personnel have been visiting villages and households to guide villagers on the environment and drinking water sources in the village

The former tailings pond has now become a green field (beautiful China) mining | ecology | tailings pond has now become
The former tailings pond has now become a green field (beautiful China) mining | ecology | tailings pond has now become

The former tailings pond has now become the Gupo Mountain football base. People's Daily reporter Yan Lizheng took a core reading of Hezhou City in Guangxi, which has a thousand year history of mineral mining. Abandoned mines once caused serious water pollution. In recent years, the local government has vigorously promoted the comprehensive management and ecological restoration of abandoned mines, transforming tailings ponds into football bases, achieving a win-win situation in terms of ecological, economic, and social benefits. Recently, the first National Student Games Football Project Test Tournament was held at the Gupo Mountain Football Base in Qingmian Village, Huangtian Town, Pinggui District, Hezhou City, Guangxi Province. Multiple participating football teams from various regions competed here. This football base, surrounded by green mountains and covering an area of about 2000 acres, was an abandoned tailings pond 10 years ago. After comprehensive management and ecological restoration, we have introduced social capital to build professional football training bases,

Looking at the truth through data: Is Wuchang Rice severely affected by the disaster? Will it have an impact on the dining table? Labin | Stage | Rice
Looking at the truth through data: Is Wuchang Rice severely affected by the disaster? Will it have an impact on the dining table? Labin | Stage | Rice

CCTV News: Wuchang City in Heilongjiang Province has entered the stage of post disaster recovery and reconstruction. Previously, Wuchang City suffered from continuous heavy rainfall and floods. We know that Wuchang City is an important commodity grain production base in the country, so how much impact will this flood disaster have on the production of rice in Wuchang? How much does it affect the dining table? The impact of floods on rice production in Wuchang is currently being evaluated. According to local data released on the 10th, preliminary statistics show that the rice planting area in Wuchang City is about 2.5 million mu, with over 1 million mu affected to varying degrees. According to staff from the Agricultural Technology Center of Wuchang City, the flooded land this year is mainly concentrated along several major rivers, and a large area of rice is still growing normally. The degree of damage to flooded plots also varies: some are severely affected, soaking for a long time, and may go out of production; Some have been submerged in floods

Youth in the New Era Shines in the Wind and Rain Flood Control | Volunteer | Era
Youth in the New Era Shines in the Wind and Rain Flood Control | Volunteer | Era

Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other regions since the end of July, resulting in severe geological disasters such as floods and waterlogging.As of now, the entire Youth League has organized more than 19000 youth assault teams, mobilized 2.34 million young volunteers, and raised more than 160 million yuan in funds and materials, interpreting the mission and responsibility of youth in the new era through practical actions.

Focus Interview | Dream of Building a Big Ship Exploring New Trails - Running on a New Track in China | Shipbuilding Industry | Dream of Building a Big Ship Exploring New Trails
Focus Interview | Dream of Building a Big Ship Exploring New Trails - Running on a New Track in China | Shipbuilding Industry | Dream of Building a Big Ship Exploring New Trails

A giant ship named "Aida Magic City" is the first domestically built large cruise ship in China. It completed its first sea trial on July 24th and docked at the Waigaoqiao Port in Shanghai. It is expected to conduct a second trial in the third quarter of this year. The construction of large cruise ships is a concentrated display of a country's equipment construction capacity and comprehensive technological level. Today's program, let's first follow this giant ship and experience the latest pulse of China's shipbuilding industry. At around 7am on July 17th, with a long whistle, China's first large cruise ship, "Aida Modu", built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Corporation, slowly sailed out of Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Terminal 4 and began its first sea trial. During the 8-day and 7-night voyage, this building is 24 stories tall and has a total tonnage of 13

In the first half of this year, cold chain logistics continued to stabilize and recover, and positive factors supporting industry development continued to increase
In the first half of this year, cold chain logistics continued to stabilize and recover, and positive factors supporting industry development continued to increase

CCTV News: The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced today the operational data of cold chain logistics in the first half of this year. Data shows that in the first half of the year, the industrial environment, market demand, and enterprise competitiveness of cold chain logistics in China continued to stabilize and recover, and there were increasing positive factors supporting the development of the industry. According to statistical data, the total amount of cold chain logistics in China in the first half of this year was 3.1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%; The scale of the cold chain logistics market is 268.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.3%. The total demand for cold chain logistics in China is 210 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%, maintaining stable growth. As the cold chain circulation rate of various categories in China gradually increases, the size of the cold chain market is steadily expanding. Cui Zhongfu, Vice President of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing: The development of cold chain logistics is still continuing and steadily rising. this

Baoding, Hebei: Opening emergency windows to facilitate the handling of loss reporting and other business by the public | Public | Baoding, Hebei
Baoding, Hebei: Opening emergency windows to facilitate the handling of loss reporting and other business by the public | Public | Baoding, Hebei

CCTV News: In response to the situation where some people lost their ID cards, household registration books, and vehicle licenses during the flood disaster, the Baoding Public Security Bureau has requested local police stations and traffic management departments to open temporary emergency and convenient service windows and "green channels" to facilitate the handling of lost and replacement documents, replacement of license plates and other services. The reporter saw at the Shuangta Police Station of Zhuozhou Public Security Bureau that while actively restoring post disaster reconstruction, the police station arranged for police officers to register and sort out the lost documents of residents at the resettlement site, and guided them to apply for them. Li Bin, a police officer of the Public Security Detachment of Baoding Public Security Bureau: We require all police stations to extend their working hours to ensure that the victims can provide quick and convenient services when they apply for ID cards and relevant registered residence certificates. The traffic management department in the severely affected areas of Baoding City has also opened

More than 9.8 million mu of rice in Chongqing is gradually maturing and mechanization is helping the autumn harvest department | Rice | Autumn Harvest
More than 9.8 million mu of rice in Chongqing is gradually maturing and mechanization is helping the autumn harvest department | Rice | Autumn Harvest

CCTV News: During this period, over 9.8 million acres of rice in Chongqing have gradually matured, and relevant departments are organizing personnel and machinery to harvest them to ensure that the rice grains are returned to the warehouse. In Anfu Street, Rongchang District, Chongqing, grain grower Liu Daoguo drove a harvester to shuttle through the fields, harvesting, threshing, and crushing straw in one go. Grain grower Liu Daoguo: I have planted about 900 acres of rice this year, and now I have started harvesting it. I have put two harvesters into use and can receive over 60 acres in a day. The plan is to harvest it within half a month. The rice planting area in Rongchang District this year is nearly 300000 mu. In addition to mobilizing 200 local harvesters, relevant departments have also mobilized 300 harvesters from other places, and they are currently arriving one after another. Jiangsu Province Agricultural Mechanist Zhang Yu: We have produced thirty to forty harvesters together this year, and the prices are reasonable

The first sea area operation task of China's 13th Arctic Scientific Expedition has been completed. Scientific Expedition | Arctic Ocean
The first sea area operation task of China's 13th Arctic Scientific Expedition has been completed. Scientific Expedition | Arctic Ocean

CCTV News: China's 13th Arctic Ocean Scientific Expedition is currently underway. Recently, the inspection team boarded the "Snow Dragon 2" polar research icebreaker and completed their first sea area operation task in the Chukchi Sea. In the Chukotchi Sea area, the scope of the inspection team's operations extends from 74 degrees north latitude to around 80 degrees north latitude, with a focus on water environment, biological ecology, and other aspects. Scientific research projects such as ocean optics, mid-level fish, and hydrological water body surveys have all been completed as planned. In this stage of scientific investigation, new technological means such as aerosol scattering lidar and sea ice multi band radar have also been applied. At present, the "Snow Dragon 2" is heading towards the mid ocean ridge area near 85 degrees north latitude, and upon arrival, it will carry out geological and geophysical investigations related to the mid ocean ridge.

The "Iron Cavalry Elite" (the most beautiful revolutionary soldier of the new era) who gallops towards war guarantees | squad leader | era
The "Iron Cavalry Elite" (the most beautiful revolutionary soldier of the new era) who gallops towards war guarantees | squad leader | era

The squad leader of a certain automotive regiment of the Joint Logistics Support Force, Xiang Yuedong, explained the lesson techniques to his comrades at the training ground. Liu Yu took photos of the snowy plateau, with a faint morning dew. A long-distance transportation support drill was launched by a certain automotive regiment of the Joint Logistics Support Force. This drill is set in a complex and unfamiliar area. As the convoy passes through a winding mountain road, the road suddenly collapses. A semi-trailer heading towards it suddenly turns sharply to avoid falling rocks and is about to collide with a transport vehicle driven by Sergeant Xiang Yuedong. At this point, towards the east side of the leap is the cliff, and the front wheel of the transport vehicle is close to the edge of the roadbed. At a critical moment, he accurately judged the turning range of the semi-trailer, adjusted the body posture, and safely disposed of the meeting with only a few centimeters apart, turning the danger into safety. Xiang Yuedong, the squad leader of a certain automobile regiment in the Joint Logistics Support Force, is a joint logistics support worker who is striving on the front line of transportation and delivery

Global Connection | "Foreign Students" Visit Kongtong to Explore the Culture of the "Silk Road Important Town" | International Students | Foreign Students
Global Connection | "Foreign Students" Visit Kongtong to Explore the Culture of the "Silk Road Important Town" | International Students | Foreign Students

Over the past two days, more than 20 international students from Pakistan, Algeria, Bangladesh and other countries have come to Kongtong Mountain in Gansu to practice martial arts and calligraphy, and cultivate Chinese sentiment. Kongtong Mountain is located in Pingliang City, Gansu Province, at the intersection of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia provinces. It is known as the ancient "Silk Road" and the "First City of Chang'an in the West". Here, foreign students immerse themselves in the world of Kongtong martial arts, each move with its own style, attracting applause from onlookers. In addition, international students also experienced traditional Chinese culture such as calligraphy in Kongtong Mountain, and learned about the unique natural scenery and cultural landscape of the area. It is understood that this series of activities is planned and implemented by Pingliang Culture and Tourism Investment, hoping that young people from various countries will have a better understanding of Kongtong culture and the Silk Road, and showcase open, diverse, and inclusive Chinese culture to foreign students. Reporter: Wang Liang

China's Contribution to Global Cyberspace Governance (International Arguments) Website | Internet | Global
China's Contribution to Global Cyberspace Governance (International Arguments) Website | Internet | Global

From August 9th to 12th, the 2023 Commercial Password Conference kicked off at the Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, including themed exhibitions, science popularization exhibitions, achievement exhibitions, commercial password product expos, online exhibition halls, and other activities. The conference organized a high-end password summit and more than 10 hot topic forums, inviting experts, scholars, and industry leaders to jointly discuss the latest achievements and trends in the field of password applications, accelerate the construction of a security protection system centered on commercial password technology, highlight cutting-edge password applications in artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, and safeguard the security development of the digital economy. The picture shows an audience visiting the Cryptography Science Exhibition Area. With the rapid development and wide application of the Internet, cyberspace governance has increasingly become an important area of global governance. China has always been committed to promoting mutual benefit

The "Digital Silk Road" has great appeal (Ambassador said) China | One Belt | Ambassador
The "Digital Silk Road" has great appeal (Ambassador said) China | One Belt | Ambassador

The "the Belt and Road" initiative originates from China and belongs to the world. It is very inclusive and is one of the most important ideas to promote world prosperity and stability. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, and its importance is becoming increasingly prominent in today's world. Infrastructure interconnectivity is a prerequisite and foundation for the development of various countries. The concrete results of Serbia's participation in the "the Belt and Road" initiative are reflected in many projects, especially in the field of transportation infrastructure and energy. Currently, projects such as new roads along the Pan European Corridor 10 and Corridor 11, as well as modern railways connecting Serbia and Hungary, are receiving much attention. Because Serbia participated in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", the Chinese and even the global business community saw the potential of Serbian enterprises. Hebei Iron and Steel Group acquires Smederevo Steel Plant and Zijin Mining takes over the operation of Boer Copper

"An Important Platform for Promoting International Cooperation and Global Sustainable Development" Cooperation | Belt | Global
"An Important Platform for Promoting International Cooperation and Global Sustainable Development" Cooperation | Belt | Global

"Over the past 10 years, the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road' has promoted economic growth and friendly exchanges around the world, and these achievements have given strong vitality to the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road' initiative." Guinea's Ambassador to China Aminata Koita recently said in an exclusive interview with our reporter that Guinea is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with China in the joint construction of the 'the Belt and Road' to achieve sustainable development. Koita said that the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road" has become a popular global public product and international cooperation platform, which has greatly promoted the cooperation in economic and trade fields, infrastructure investment, etc., and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. In the process of promoting the co construction of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation, China has always adhered to an open and inclusive attitude, and worked together with the co construction countries for common development. Especially for developing countries such as Guinea, the initiative has brought about

Affected over 20000 people, Typhoon "Lann" will make landfall in Japan: Hundreds of flights cancelled in Japan | Time | Lann
Affected over 20000 people, Typhoon "Lann" will make landfall in Japan: Hundreds of flights cancelled in Japan | Time | Lann

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese meteorological agency predicts that Typhoon "Lan En" will make landfall in Japan from the west on the 15th local time, bringing widespread heavy rainfall. As of 9:00 pm local time on the 13th, Typhoon "Lan En" is located 300 kilometers southwest of Hachijo Island in the Izu Islands, about 100 kilometers south of Tokyo, and is moving northwest. The Japan Meteorological Agency stated that the pressure in the area is 965 hectopascals, with wind speeds reaching up to 198 kilometers per hour. According to experts from the Japan Meteorological Agency, "due to the slow movement of the typhoon, its impact may be prolonged." In the Kinki region in western Japan, including Osaka, and the East Sea region around Nagoya in central Japan, the rainfall brought by this typhoon may exceed the usual total rainfall for the entire month of August. According to reports, it is expected to start at 18:00 local time on the 14th

But I'm sorry for my family. Colleagues reminisce about the water conservancy expert Ni Feng who sacrificed his life in flood control. He deserves to be a work expert | Ni Feng | water conservancy expert
But I'm sorry for my family. Colleagues reminisce about the water conservancy expert Ni Feng who sacrificed his life in flood control. He deserves to be a work expert | Ni Feng | water conservancy expert

In the flood, the figure of a scientific researcher - remembering the water conservancy expert Ni Feng who sacrificed himself on the front line of flood control - covered half of the table with design drawings; A yellowed, curled and missing cover of the Hydraulic Calculation Manual was spread out on the desk, and the open chapter was titled "Hydraulic Calculation of Protective Engineering and River Structures"... Ni Feng's desk. The owner of this table, photographed by Yang Lun, a journalist from Science and Technology Daily, is a hydraulic engineer named Ni Feng. Before each business trip, Ni Feng and his colleagues would walk by the Songhua River - the Jilin Water Resources and Hydropower Planning Institute where they are located stands by the bay. But this time, Ni Feng will not come back. Ni Feng. On August 3rd, Ni Feng was on his way to Qingsong Forest Farm in Kaiyuan Town, Shulan City to organize the rescue of workers trapped by floods when he encountered a catastrophic mountain flood and sacrificed himself on duty. print