The world

US legal professionals accuse the US government of abusing its power to illegally monitor the situation of its citizens | US | US government
US legal professionals accuse the US government of abusing its power to illegally monitor the situation of its citizens | US | US government

Recently, retired judge Lillian Singh of the California High Court and former assistant federal prosecutor Brian Sun of California Central stated on an online forum that the US government is abusing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to illegally monitor US citizens. Lillian Singh stated that according to the law, individuals suspected of committing crimes can only be monitored on reasonable grounds. But in fact, some law enforcement agencies in the United States often obtain data information from Americans without authorization through Section 702. Singh stated that in the past few years, Section 702 has been used by the US government to monitor Americans, especially Asian Americans working in science and academia, and has become an important target of unauthorized surveillance, which has led to many erroneous and unfair prosecutions. Brian·

International Sharp Review | What is the Real Xinjiang Like? Listen to what these Japanese tourists say about the media | Xinjiang | International
International Sharp Review | What is the Real Xinjiang Like? Listen to what these Japanese tourists say about the media | Xinjiang | International

"Goodbye, Xinjiang!" On the afternoon of the 27th, Japanese girl Meimei Watanabe and her companions reluctantly concluded their trip to Xinjiang. During the 9-day period, this Japanese tour group consisting of 20 people visited Urumqi, Turpan, Korla, Kashgar, and other places to deeply experience the local customs and ethnic culture of Xinjiang. "It's so beautiful!" "It's really amazing!" "The people here are very friendly"... The members live streamed the entire process on social media, sharing their Xinjiang experiences with global netizens and receiving many likes. What exactly does Xinjiang look like in the picture? The Chinese Embassy in Japan has previously launched a recruitment campaign to visit Xinjiang, and Japanese people have enthusiastically signed up and participated at their own expense, including Meimei Watanabe and her delegation. In this Japanese tour group visiting Xinjiang, there are both elderly people in their seventies and eighties, as well as elementary school students; Existing

Public opinion observation room | American scholars reiterate that NATO's eastward expansion is the root cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict | profits | United States
Public opinion observation room | American scholars reiterate that NATO's eastward expansion is the root cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict | profits | United States

Since the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO, led by the United States, has not only failed to promote peace and talks, but has constantly increased its military support for Ukraine, adding fuel to the conflict. This move has sparked public criticism. Jeffrey Sachs, an economics professor at Columbia University, pointed out again recently that the eastward expansion of NATO is the root of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Jeffrey Sachs, an economics professor at Columbia University in the United States: If you are interested in the many details of the documents, go to the National Security Archive at George Washington University and you will understand that NATO's eastward expansion is a betrayal of the United States' promise at that time. NATO's eastward expansion is seen by Russian leaders as a great threat to Russia's national security, but the United States is unwilling to discuss it at all. This is an issue for the United States. Some netizens agree: "The root of the problem lies in NATO's eastward expansion.". There are also netizens @ NATO

Overseas Online Review: Summer Davos Forum Releases Open Cooperation Signal Economy | Recovery | Forum
Overseas Online Review: Summer Davos Forum Releases Open Cooperation Signal Economy | Recovery | Forum

On June 27th, the 14th Summer Davos Forum opened in Tianjin. On June 27th, the 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum, which lasted for three days, opened in Tianjin. This is the first time that the Summer Davos Forum has been held offline after the epidemic. This forum will effectively boost the confidence of all parties in the prospects of world economic development, move towards each other, gather the maximum joint force of development, and promote global sustainable development. The theme of this summer's Davos Forum is "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", which can be said to be quite meaningful in light of the current international situation. Enterprises and entrepreneurs are the main force of innovation and change, and an important driver of global economic development. At present, the world needs the power of innovation more than ever, especially increasing investment in new fields such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, and new energy to accelerate progress

Dealing with global challenges requires unity and cooperation. The world | economy | unity and cooperation
Dealing with global challenges requires unity and cooperation. The world | economy | unity and cooperation

Currently, the world economy is facing multiple challenges such as geopolitical conflicts, weak growth, energy and food crises, and climate change. How can the government and private sector respond to these challenges? How to leverage the opportunities brought by transformation to restart global growth? At the 14th Summer Davos Forum's "Facing Challenges: Restarting Growth in a Fragile Environment" sub forum, dignitaries and heads of international organizations from multiple countries stated that decoupling and de globalization are not conducive to the long-term interests of countries around the world, and no country can solve global problems through a single force. Restarting growth in a fragile environment requires joint efforts from all countries. New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hopkins stated that trade is crucial for New Zealand's economic development. In order to fully tap into the potential of the international market, New Zealand is vigorously expanding multilateral and bilateral cooperation. two thousand and eight

From topic setting to off-site display of technological elements at the Summer Davos Forum, with a strong sense of future. Forum | Dock | Technology
From topic setting to off-site display of technological elements at the Summer Davos Forum, with a strong sense of future. Forum | Dock | Technology

At this summer's Davos Forum, the futuristic technological elements, from topic setting to off stage displays, have attracted widespread attention. CCTV reporter Dong Bin: "Innovation" is one of the six main themes of this forum. We found in the entire agenda of the forum that out of about 170 events, there were dozens of events related to new technologies and innovation. David Kabin, head of Kartaks in Germany: One of my main areas of interest is healthcare and digital healthcare, as well as how we can truly improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare through digitization and artificial intelligence. Marten Mitchelson, the head of Ivano in Belgium: What we are truly concerned about is sustainable development and energy issues, especially in China. On the forum, I also did a discussion on energy myself

Exploring Global Energy Transformation Solutions Global | Energy | Solutions
Exploring Global Energy Transformation Solutions Global | Energy | Solutions

Energy transformation is one of the six core themes of the 14th Summer Davos Forum. At the multi-stakeholder dialogue forum on "Working Together to Promote Energy Transformation", how countries can take action to accelerate energy transformation and provide safe, just, sustainable, and affordable energy has become a focus of attention. Simon O'Connell, CEO of the Dutch Development Organization, stated that global energy transformation should be sustainable, safe, inclusive, fair, and inclusive. The transformation cannot be completed in the short term and requires phased steps to accelerate the transformation process. He used his work experience in South Sudan as an example to introduce: "Currently, only 7% of the population in South Sudan has access to electricity. From 7% to 100%, from energy to clean energy, this popularization process cannot be achieved overnight and requires' climbing the stairs'."

Gathering Consensus, Facing Challenges, Mutual Benefit, and Win Win Development Forum | Economy | Promoting Development
Gathering Consensus, Facing Challenges, Mutual Benefit, and Win Win Development Forum | Economy | Promoting Development

"Facing the Challenge: Restarting Growth in a Fragile Environment" dialogue event on-site. The 14th Summer Davos Forum was specially established as a "New Leader Village" to facilitate communication and communication among participants in a comfortable and natural space. On June 27th, the Tianjin Summer Davos Forum welcomed its opening day. At the time of this forum, multiple challenges such as geopolitical tensions are plaguing the world, and the old wounds of the world economy are not healing, adding new worries. Accelerating economic recovery has become one of the most urgent tasks faced by countries. This sense of urgency can be felt from the agenda of the forum on the first day. "Facing Challenges: Restarting Growth in a Fragile Environment" "Actively Responding to Pressure, Maintaining Financial Stability" "Maintaining Asian Prosperity"“

470 people compete for an administrative position, and the end of the top students is PetroChina? Multiple PhD candidates from Qingbei participated in job applications | PetroChina | Administration
470 people compete for an administrative position, and the end of the top students is PetroChina? Multiple PhD candidates from Qingbei participated in job applications | PetroChina | Administration

During the graduation season of universities, the issue of career selection has once again been put on the table. Red Star Capital Bureau has noticed that the degree of internal competition in recruitment positions of well-known central and state-owned enterprises is also increasing. Recently, screenshots circulating online show that 224 master's and doctoral students from world-renowned universities are applying for a comprehensive administrative position at PetroChina, with only one person required for this position. On June 27th, Red Star Capital Bureau sent a screenshot and relevant school recruitment to China Petroleum, but as of publication, no effective response has been received. But the competition among hundreds of master's and doctoral students from prestigious universities for an administrative position at PetroChina is not unfounded. The 2023 Autumn Recruitment of CNPC Headquarters requires the top ten universities in the country with a master's degree or above. I have participated in universities such as CNPC, Sinopec, Tobacco, State Grid, China Mobile, Telecom, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, CITIC, Pudong Development Bank, Minsheng, etc

Police arrested for shooting, 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by Paris police for failing to comply with parking orders, causing riots and death | Release | Display | Shooting | France | Youth | Police | Police
Police arrested for shooting, 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by Paris police for failing to comply with parking orders, causing riots and death | Release | Display | Shooting | France | Youth | Police | Police

The French police shot and killed a 17-year-old boy who did not comply with parking orders, causing riots. Recently, a 17-year-old boy in the suburbs of Paris, the capital of France, was shot and killed by police for failing to comply with parking orders, sparking public anger. Protesters clashed with the police. According to Al Jazeera, prosecutors reported that earlier on the 27th, the teenager was driving a rented car in the western suburbs of Paris when the police stopped him for violating several road rules. A video confirmed by Agence France Presse on social media shows that two police officers attempted to stop the car, with one of them pointing a weapon at the teenager on the car through the window and shooting at close range while the teenager was driving. The car crashed after moving several tens of meters. Emergency personnel were on the scene, but the young man unfortunately died. After the event, when

Helmets priced below 50 yuan are mostly "three no" products, and the "new national standard" for helmets will be implemented from July 1st. Helmets | Wearing | National standard
Helmets priced below 50 yuan are mostly "three no" products, and the "new national standard" for helmets will be implemented from July 1st. Helmets | Wearing | National standard

The new national standard for helmets will come into effect on July 1st. The newly formulated "Motorcycle and Electric Bicycle Passenger Helmets" have made clear provisions on the stability of fixed devices, strength of wearing devices, absorption of collision energy, penetration resistance, goggles, and other aspects. On June 26th, the Institute of Public Communication at Renmin University of China held a media seminar on interpreting the new national standard for helmets, titled "Top priority, new helmets for safety". The reporter learned from the meeting that the number of motorcycles in China is nearly 100 million, and the number of electric bicycles exceeds 300 million. Motorcycles and electric bicycles are becoming important means of transportation for people's travel and business distribution. In traffic accidents involving motorcycles and electric bicycles, the number of deaths caused by traumatic brain injury accounts for over 80% of the total number of deaths. How to travel safely, choosing and wearing qualified helmets has become a concern for the safety of people's lives

New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins Talks about "Decoupling": Ultimately, We Need to "Look Outside" the World | Hopkins
New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins Talks about "Decoupling": Ultimately, We Need to "Look Outside" the World | Hopkins

The 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum, with the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: Driving Forces of the World Economy," opened in Tianjin. On the morning of June 27th, the Prime Ministers of New Zealand, Barbados, and Vietnam, along with the Director General of the World Trade Organization, made a joint appearance at the "Facing Challenges: Restarting Growth in a Fragile Environment" event. New Zealand and China are important partners in cooperation with each other. The China Singapore Free Trade Agreement signed in 2008 was the first free trade agreement signed between China and developed countries. Next year, the two countries will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Singapore. In this sub forum, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins is undoubtedly the most attended speaker. Hopkins just took over as Prime Minister of New Zealand from Aden in January this year. This is his first visit to China since taking office and also the first visit of a New Zealand Prime Minister to China since the outbreak of the pandemic

The "2023 Bay Area Rising Moon" Gala will be held in Hong Kong on June 29th. The "Rising Bay Area" Song Festival will be held in Hong Kong
The "2023 Bay Area Rising Moon" Gala will be held in Hong Kong on June 29th. The "Rising Bay Area" Song Festival will be held in Hong Kong

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 28th (Xinhua) - I saw the rising moon in the Bay Area again, and this place of peace is my hometown. In 2021, a concert will gather starlight, ignite the night in the Greater Bay Area, and inspire emotional resonance among the people. Two years later, the "2023 Bay Area Rising Moon" is about to make its debut: over a hundred filmmakers, musicians, and representatives from the cultural, sports, and technology industries will gather in Hong Kong on the 29th to sing for the Greater Bay Area. On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return, the 2023 Greater Bay Area Film and Music Festival, hosted by the Film Channel Program Center, Bauhinia Culture Group, Phoenix TV, hosted by Television Broadcasts Limited and Shenzhen Broadcasting Film and Television Group, and co organized by Emperor Entertainment Group, will be held in Hong Kong, China on the 29th. It is reported that this evening party will have a higher perspective and layout, richer program content, and more innovative artistic context

The "New Expectations" of "Old Friends" for Entering the Expo | China | Reasons for Choosing to Enter the Expo
The "New Expectations" of "Old Friends" for Entering the Expo | China | Reasons for Choosing to Enter the Expo

The 6th China International Import Expo will be held this autumn, and more and more exhibitors, known as "old friends," will arrive on time every year, demonstrating their firm determination to continuously cultivate the Chinese market and share development opportunities in China. Along the way, exhibitors and old friends have gained new expectations through participating in exhibitions. As one of the first companies to participate in the CIIE, Johnson Controls has reached multiple cooperation agreements with the entire industry and ecosystem over the past five years through the CIIE platform. And in these five years, the new economy that the entire Chinese society has spawned has also pointed the way for the development of Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls Asia Pacific President Lang Zhiwen said, "Every CIIE is exciting and will make us truly feel the benefits of attending. Our business has grown, our cooperation areas are constantly expanding, and we also have an understanding of the Chinese market."

A "two-way journey" of mutual growth!, Foreign funded enterprises | National Economic Development Zone series | Germany | Foreign funded enterprises
A "two-way journey" of mutual growth!, Foreign funded enterprises | National Economic Development Zone series | Germany | Foreign funded enterprises

The Ministry of Commerce has designated this year as the "Year of Investment in China" and held a series of investment promotion activities. Yesterday, the special promotion event of the National Economic and Technological Development Zone for the "Year of Investment in China" was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. At the event, foreign-funded enterprises showed a strong interest in investing in China. As the head of the German investment inspection team, Stephen Zander led a team of over 20 German entrepreneurs who traveled thousands of miles to Nanjing to participate in this event. Stephen Zander, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Aiztech Berlin, Germany: In April of this year, a investment promotion team from Nanjing went to Germany. This trip took the opportunity to participate in the event, and we came to see the investment environment and opportunities in person. As an advanced manufacturing enterprise, this event allows us to quickly understand various resources, platforms, and factors for investing in China. Many generations

Experts discuss the progress of global development initiatives: injecting a "strong shot" into sustainable development with action as the guide. Global | Development | Initiative
Experts discuss the progress of global development initiatives: injecting a "strong shot" into sustainable development with action as the guide. Global | Development | Initiative

Beijing, June 27 (Xinhua) - "The Global Development Initiative responds to global challenges and the development needs of developing countries, playing a 'booster' role in further focusing on major development issues by the international community." Wang Luo, director of the International Development Cooperation Research Institute of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, pointed out in an interview with China News Agency reporters in Beijing on June 26 that the Global Development Initiative adheres to action oriented approach and injects a 'strong shot' into promoting the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Progress Report on the Implementation of Global Development Initiatives was recently released, which is the first progress report on global development initiatives. The report states that since China proposed the Global Development Initiative in September 2021, the concept and connotation of the initiative have been continuously enriched, the implementation mechanism has been continuously improved, the promotion path has been clearer, and practical cooperation has gradually been implemented. When

What is the "Top Stream Code" that has been used for over 2000 years for circular square hole coins in Dao Zhonghua? Coins | China | Password
What is the "Top Stream Code" that has been used for over 2000 years for circular square hole coins in Dao Zhonghua? Coins | China | Password

The characteristics of the coin system, marked by the "circular square hole", are politically regarded as symbols of Chinese orthodoxy and unique symbols of Chinese culture, becoming an important symbol of cultural identity, political belonging, and self perception of Chinese orthodoxy. Which dynasty is the most inconvenient for life to travel to? I thought it was pre Qin: cloth coins were used in the Central Plains region, knife coins were circulated in the northern and Shandong regions, and ant nose coins were used in the Chu state... Just calculating the "exchange rate" of these types of coins can burn the CPU dry. So if possible, it would be best to travel back to the time when Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified the currency, because from the Qin Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the shape of the round square hole coin remained unchanged, making it the "top stream" of the millennium long red coin. In the history of the Chinese nation, coins have served as a material carrier for political relations, economic and trade exchanges, and cultural exchanges among various ethnic groups, like rings, recording and witnessing

"The Belt and Road" Opportunities Co., Ltd. | Thailand | Opportunities behind the price change of a durian
"The Belt and Road" Opportunities Co., Ltd. | Thailand | Opportunities behind the price change of a durian

Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing, June 27: The "the Belt and Road" opportunity behind the price change of a durian reporter Zhao Yufei and Wang Jiaxuan of Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing citizen Kang Lili, were surprised to find that the price of Thailand's golden pillow durian, which was nearly 100 yuan per kilogram in April, had dropped to more than 40 yuan per kilogram in June, and she bought a whole durian with only 120 yuan. "Now the price of durian is not only more than double that of April, but also much cheaper compared to the same period in previous years. 'Durian Freedom' is getting closer and closer to us," said Kang Lili, a durian enthusiast. Durian is known as the "king of fruits" in Southeast Asia. In China, durian is increasingly recognized and loved by consumers due to its rich taste and unique flavor, but its high price also makes some people hesitate. The picture shows the work of Hong Jiu Fruit's Thailand factory

Take two sips and finish! Who is paying for the "small economy"?, A "small jar of wine" consumer for 20 yuan | Definition | Economy
Take two sips and finish! Who is paying for the "small economy"?, A "small jar of wine" consumer for 20 yuan | Definition | Economy

"Do you want to drink alcohol?" "Drink, but only want to drink a little." Have you noticed that this generation of young consumers who push cups and change cups but don't want to get drunk suddenly have a crush on the "small can of wine" that comes in small quantities. In the recent 618 liquor industry battle report, the growth rate of small canned liquor with exquisite figures was particularly significant. It has to be said that the smaller "small jar of wine" has grown on the tip of consumers' hearts again. How did they catch fire? From "not getting drunk and not returning" to "drinking lightly" and "not being able to sleep at night, a small bottle is enough." Habituated with the "C in the morning and A in the evening" lifestyle, Longlong, a 95s girl from Hangzhou, cannot do without a glass of "good night wine" before going to bed. "During the day, coffee is refreshing, but at night, you have to have a drink for peace." Longlong said, choosing a single bottle of red wine with a capacity of "restrained" below 200ml,

Trump's poll approval rating surpasses Biden's, intensifying competition for the 2024 US presidential election. Trump | Poll | Presidential Election
Trump's poll approval rating surpasses Biden's, intensifying competition for the 2024 US presidential election. Trump | Poll | Presidential Election

According to foreign media reports, a poll released by American morning consulting firm on the 27th local time showed that former US President Trump leads President Biden by 3 percentage points. This is the first time since the poll began tracking in December 2022 that Trump's approval rating has surpassed Biden's. According to reports, a survey by American morning consulting firm showed that 44% of respondents said they would support Trump, while 41% said they would choose Biden. In addition, assuming Biden and Florida Governor De Santis face off in the presidential election, 42% of respondents said they would support Biden and 40% said they would support De Santis. When asked about Trump's second choice, 42% of registered Republican voters said they would support De Santis. 14% of respondents stated that the second choice is former Vice President Peng

Behind NATO's unusual generosity lies another plan, with increasingly advanced weapons in aid to Ukraine | Ukraine | NATO
Behind NATO's unusual generosity lies another plan, with increasingly advanced weapons in aid to Ukraine | Ukraine | NATO

According to a report by the Russian Free Media Network on June 26th, NATO's provision of increasingly advanced weapons to Ukraine has been a clear trend in the past six or seven months. Unlike supplying flagship drones, M777 howitzers, and Hamas rockets, the delivery of these more advanced weapons has not been widely promoted. The article excerpt is as follows: There are at least two reasons behind the unusual generosity of the West, combined with deliberate low-key measures. Firstly, the quantity of supply is very small. Secondly, in our view, the key reason is the urgent desire to test the most advanced weapons in actual combat. Now there are a few examples to illustrate that Ukrainian territory is being used as a free testing ground for NATO. For example, France delivered the recently installed Akron anti tank system to the Ukrainian armed forces. This anti tank missile can hit 5 kilometers

Also related to China, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has implemented this action mechanism. Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Diplomat | China
Also related to China, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has implemented this action mechanism. Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Diplomat | China

According to the report of Nihon Keizai Shimbun on June 28, the Japanese government has set the goal of increasing the number of diplomats to 8000 by 2030, 20% more than the current number. The government will focus on increasing the number of "professional positions" diplomats who are responsible for specific country and regional affairs for a long time, and establishing mechanisms similar to those in the UK and France. Considering China, Japan will share values such as the rule of law with more countries in the Indo Pacific region. According to reports, according to the categories of diplomatic positions, there are "comprehensive positions" and "ordinary positions" that have passed the national civil service examination, as well as "professional positions" in various languages that have passed separate tests by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to statistics from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the staff quota for the year 2023 is 6604, including 900 to 1000 for comprehensive positions, over 2000 for regular positions, and approximately 1 for professional positions

The Taiwan Affairs Office says that at the end of Taipei Road is "Liberation Avenue" Zhu Fenglian | Taiwan | Avenue
The Taiwan Affairs Office says that at the end of Taipei Road is "Liberation Avenue" Zhu Fenglian | Taiwan | Avenue

On the 28th, the Taiwan Affairs Office held a regular press conference, and spokesperson Zhu Fenglian answered questions from reporters on recent hot topics across the Taiwan Strait. A reporter asked that for a period of time, the US has been continuously advocating for the improvement of Taiwan's so-called "defense capabilities and reserve forces." Recently, the US Senate Military Commission passed the "2024 Fiscal Year Defense Authorization Act," proposing the "establishment of a training plan for Taiwan's military.". There are also reports from foreign media that the US has shown a trend of semi public localization in recent years in its joint training with the Taiwan military. The DPP authorities have recently introduced measures such as the "3+1 plan" for male college students to serve in the military and lowering the threshold for Hong Kong and Macao residents to serve in Taiwan. What are your comments on the military collusion between the United States and Taiwan?

Wenchuan Banzigou, repeatedly ravaged by mudslides: Life is disrupted and keeps restarting G317 | Banzigou | Life
Wenchuan Banzigou, repeatedly ravaged by mudslides: Life is disrupted and keeps restarting G317 | Banzigou | Life

On June 27th, seven or eight excavators were clearing the river on both sides of the Banzigou Bridge in Mianyang Town, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. They were searching for missing villagers after a mudslide, while also protecting the Duwen Expressway Tunnel Bridge and the G317 Banzigou Bridge. The water from Banzigou flows through the Duwen Expressway and the Banzigou Bridge on the G317 line to join the Minjiang River. In the early morning of that day, Wenchuan County was affected by short-term heavy rainfall in uninhabited areas, resulting in sudden flash floods and mudslides at Banzigou in Mianzhong Town and Xinqiaogou in Weizhou Town. At 17:30 on the same day, the local authorities reported that the disaster had caused 3 people to lose contact and 4 people to die. A reporter from Pengpai News learned during an on-site interview that five of them went missing or died in Banzigou, Mianyang Town. On the 27th, emergency personnel were restoring power facilities. Banzigou is a place repeatedly ravaged by mudslides

Zhang Fusheng, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, was "Double Opened" by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission | Discipline | Party Committee Member
Zhang Fusheng, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, was "Double Opened" by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission | Discipline | Party Committee Member

News from the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission conducted a case review and investigation on the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhang Fusheng, a member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the former Emergency Management Department. After investigation, Zhang Fusheng lost his ideals and beliefs, betrayed his duties and missions, had no sense of discipline and law, and opposed organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, illegally accepted gifts and gifts, and accepted banquets that may affect the fair performance of official duties; violated organizational principles, used his authority to select and appoint cadres Seek benefits for others, fail to report personal matters in accordance with regulations; illegally own shares in unlisted companies; long-term gambling; engage in power and money transactions, taking advantage of his position to seek profits for others in terms of job promotion, project contracting, etc., and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Zhang Fusheng Seriously Violates the Party's Politics

Li Chunsheng Was "Double Opened" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Question | Li Chunsheng
Li Chunsheng Was "Double Opened" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Question | Li Chunsheng

With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission have launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Li Chunsheng, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress. After investigation, Li Chunsheng lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally received gifts and gifts, organized public funds for food and drink, accepted private clubs provided by private entrepreneurs, and accepted banquets and tourism that may affect the fair execution of official duties; Violating organizational principles, using power to seek benefits for others in cadre personnel work, failing to truthfully explain issues during organizational inquiries, and concealing or not reporting personal matters; Arrange for others to pay the fees that should be paid by individuals and engage in rights and interests transactions; Violating regulations and interfering in judicial, law enforcement, and market economy activities; Utilize the convenience of one's position to promote others in business operations and projects

Fu Zhongwei Was "Double Opened" in Liaoning Province | Discipline | Fu Zhongwei
Fu Zhongwei Was "Double Opened" in Liaoning Province | Discipline | Fu Zhongwei

With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission have launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Fu Zhongwei, former Party Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of the Shenyang Municipal People's Congress in Liaoning Province. After investigation, Fu Zhongwei lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the organization, and opposed organizational censorship; Violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations by accepting gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Violating organizational principles, concealing and not reporting personal matters, seeking benefits for others and accepting property in the personnel work of cadres; Using one's authority for the benefit of others, relatives accepting the other's property, allowing relatives to use their own authority for personal gain, arranging for others to pay or waive fees that should be paid by individuals; Intervention in audit work; Lack of awareness of discipline and law, acting recklessly, using public power as a tool for personal gain, and taking advantage of his position to benefit him

Which cities are the most popular?, This year or the hottest summer vacation in the past five years for parent-child travel, customer flow, and cities
Which cities are the most popular?, This year or the hottest summer vacation in the past five years for parent-child travel, customer flow, and cities

The Dragon Boat Festival has just passed and is about to enter the peak summer tourism season. In the past few years, due to the impact of the epidemic, summer tourism programs have always come to an end. However, this year, as consumer recovery enters, after the May Day and Dragon Boat Festival tourism markets exploded, the summer market is undoubtedly more anticipated by the industry. According to current statistics from tourism companies such as Ctrip, Tongcheng, Tuniu, Lvmama, Feizhu, Qunar, and Chunqiu, the heat of the summer market in 2023 is expected to fully surpass that of the same period in 2019, with parent-child tourism becoming the absolute mainstay. The Ctrip platform's summer parent-child orders have increased by more than 7 times year-on-year. Summer tourism has reached its peak ahead of schedule, and parent-child tourism has fully recovered during this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The tourism market has shown a strong recovery momentum. The end of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday also marks the official arrival of the summer tourism season. On June 16th just now, Tuniu "6.16"

Zhao Jiangming is a member of the disciplinary review and supervision investigation | Party group | Supervision
Zhao Jiangming is a member of the disciplinary review and supervision investigation | Party group | Supervision

Zhao Jiangming, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Chengdu Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation. Zhao Jiangming's resume: Zhao Jiangming, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1966 in Xichong, Sichuan, holds a master's degree. He started working in July 1991 and joined the CPC in June 1995. From July 1991 to December 1998, worked at the Chengdu Real Estate Management Bureau; From December 1998 to August 2010, he served as the Deputy Director of the Property Management Department and the Director of the Market Management Department of the Chengdu Real Estate Management Bureau; From August 2010 to January 2019, he served as the Director of the Market Management Department, Director of the Property Rights Management Department, Chief Engineer, Party Member, and Deputy Director of the Chengdu Urban and Rural Real Estate Management Bureau; January 2019

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress establishes a Representative Working Committee
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress establishes a Representative Working Committee

The third meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee voted on June 28 to establish the National People's Congress Standing Committee Representative Working Committee. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made important arrangements for deepening the reform of party and state institutions, and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and approved the Plan for the Reform of Party and State Institutions. Deepening the institutional reform of the National People's Congress is an important task of the Party and state institutional reform, with a focus on establishing the Representative Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is the working body of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Its main responsibilities are: responsible for the allocation of quotas, qualification review, and liaison services for National People's Congress deputies; Undertake centralized inspections by representatives, specialized research, contact with the masses, formulation of relevant systems, and guidance and coordination work