The world

Belgian Analyst: NATO's Expansion Ambition Disrupts World Security and Stability | World | NATO
Belgian Analyst: NATO's Expansion Ambition Disrupts World Security and Stability | World | NATO

Belgian academia and peace organizations recently stated in an interview with CCTV reporters that the expansion trend of NATO has become increasingly apparent in recent years. NATO's approach of extending its reach to the world will only undermine world security and stability, and all parties need to remain highly vigilant about this. Professor of International Political Science at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, Sa ú l, believes that NATO's continued expansion on the European continent in the past has undermined peace and stability in Europe, and now NATO should not extend its tentacles to the distant Asia Pacific region. Professor of International Political Science at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, Sa ú l: NATO was originally an organization in the North Atlantic region, and other developing countries around the world would not agree, and many Europeans would not agree to NATO becoming a global police force. The head of the Belgian Peace Organization, Brabandel, stated that in recent years, NATO has continued to expand

Visiting Enterprises and Expanding Posts, Accurately Assisting and Escorting Graduates on the Employment Path | Graduates | Employment Path
Visiting Enterprises and Expanding Posts, Accurately Assisting and Escorting Graduates on the Employment Path | Graduates | Employment Path

CCTV News: For fresh college graduates, participating in training can improve their job search abilities, but if they don't find a job for a day, they can't feel at ease. For schools, it is not only necessary to have a good training plan and employment guidance, but also to provide more services for unemployed graduates. Huang Huali, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at Wuhan University of Technology: This is our ledger for each unemployed student, and we have set up several menus in it. We will calculate later, and one item is what is your own employment willingness? What are the employment expectations? Where is the employment area? In order to help graduates find jobs as soon as possible, schools not only need to keep a good information ledger, but also the Employment Guidance Center and various colleges are trying their best to contact enterprises and explore more job demands. Right here with Lei Yang and her classmates

News Observation | NATO's Black Hand Exposes Ugly Intentional malice to the Asia Pacific | Poison. Canada | NATO
News Observation | NATO's Black Hand Exposes Ugly Intentional malice to the Asia Pacific | Poison. Canada | NATO

The NATO summit was held in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius from the 11th to the 12th. As a product of group confrontation during the Cold War, NATO has continued to expand in recent years and has extended its black hand to distant Asia Pacific regions, seeking to strengthen military security cooperation with some Asia Pacific countries. Analysts point out that NATO's move has exposed its ugly intentions of undermining stability in the Asia Pacific region to maintain US hegemony. As early as 2006, the United States advocated for establishing partnerships with countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand before the NATO summit in Riga. Although this move did not receive recognition from the summit participants, public opinion believes that it is actually NATO's "Asia Pacific" process. In recent years, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand have been regarded by NATO as part of their so-called "global partners". In 2022, the NATO Madrid Summit invited Japan and South Korea for the first time

Doing a Good Job in Science Education and Improving the Level of Science Education (Deep Reading) for Adolescents | Science | Level
Doing a Good Job in Science Education and Improving the Level of Science Education (Deep Reading) for Adolescents | Science | Level

"Tiangong Classroom" and "Science Class in Science Museum" sow the seeds of science in children's hearts; A group of backbone teachers from primary and secondary schools have entered research institutes to participate in training classes, improving the level of science education and teaching... Nowadays, science education has been integrated into various stages of basic education, becoming a "fundamental curriculum" that helps students develop comprehensively and healthily. How to cultivate a fertile ground for early cultivation of innovative talents and narrow the gap in science education between urban and rural areas? What positive explorations have been made since the release of the new curriculum standard for science education over a year ago? Our reporter conducted an interview. Emphasis on Thinking Cultivation - Scientific Arrangement

Hot review | The 15 minute time scale is also a comfortable feeling around residents | Ministry of Commerce | The time scale is also
Hot review | The 15 minute time scale is also a comfortable feeling around residents | Ministry of Commerce | The time scale is also

The "minor repairs" near the community have returned, with a 15 minute walk to buy groceries, exercise, see a doctor, and more... The subtle changes around us have become a topic of increasing concern for residents. On July 12th, the Ministry of Commerce and 13 other departments jointly issued the "Three Year Action Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a 15 Hour Convenient Living Circle in Cities", which provides a more detailed plan for a better life within the circle. In the past two years, many regions have already carried out pilot construction of convenience circles. From "advancing" to "comprehensively advancing", the "expanding circle" action has launched a new version. How to build a convenient service circle? Are these "circles" just concepts? What is the difference from the small shop and stall at my doorstep before? Let's first explore the convenience circle in Beijing's alleys. Renovation of Hutongs: The Vegetable Market is Not as Simple as Selling Vegetables Two years ago, in the Hutongs of Dongcheng District, Beijing

Industrial upgrading and technological innovation drive a piece of coal towards the "Star Ocean" in China | Materials | Ocean
Industrial upgrading and technological innovation drive a piece of coal towards the "Star Ocean" in China | Materials | Ocean

Pingdingshan, Henan, is famous for its coal, but it has changed because of coal. The largest coal enterprise here achieved a production value of 120 billion yuan last year, of which less than a quarter was earned from selling coal raw materials, and the remaining 90 billion yuan came from the extension industry of coal. How did this actually happen? Come and see the journalist's frontline research. Pingdingshan is known as the "Central Plains Coal Warehouse". At China Pingmei Shenma Group, what reporters see are products unrelated to coal, such as clothing, bags, car tires, and solar panels. The locals told us that they were all transformed from coal. Sun Wenping, an employee of China Pingmei Shenma Group Nylon Technology Co., Ltd.: Coal is the mother of chemical raw materials. After a series of physical and chemical reactions such as coking and heating, various extracts are generated. This bottle of nylon 6

AR Video Interview: C919 Feitian Road Peak | C919 | AR
AR Video Interview: C919 Feitian Road Peak | C919 | AR

Jinyun News: Independent innovation is the only way for China to climb the world's technological peak. On May 28, 2023, the domestically produced large aircraft C919 successfully completed its first commercial flight, marking the comprehensive integration of research and development, manufacturing, certification, and operation of the C919. From the establishment of the State Council's Major Special Leading Group for Large Aircraft in 2006, to the completion of all airworthiness approvals and delivery of the first C919 large passenger aircraft in 2022. Over the past 16 years, through the unremitting efforts of scientific researchers, a series of new technologies and standards have emerged, such as the safety design and evaluation technology system for civil aircraft systems and the air quality control system for civil aircraft cabins, enabling China's large aircraft to soar into the blue sky. What is the definition of domestically produced large aircraft? How to ensure the safety of thousands of components after assembly? Why does the research team in Tianjin want to buy a plane

Using acquaintances and connections can help children attend prestigious schools? Be wary of academic fraud ->Lv Mou | Child | Relationship
Using acquaintances and connections can help children attend prestigious schools? Be wary of academic fraud ->Lv Mou | Child | Relationship

Encouraging children to attend prestigious schools is the wish of many parents. And some criminals have set their sights on this, using the guise of allowing children to enter prestigious schools to commit fraud. Recently, the police in Nan'an District, Chongqing City announced a fraud case like this. In March of this year, the Huayuan Road Police Station of the Nan'an District Public Security Bureau in Chongqing received a report from Mr. Lv, a citizen, stating that he had been defrauded of over 400000 yuan due to his child's enrollment issues. After inquiry, it was found that Mr. Lv's child's academic performance was not ideal. In order to help his child attend prestigious schools, he sought help from so-called "capable people" through friends. Zhou Yangfeng, a police officer from Huayuan Road Police Station of Nan'an District Public Security Bureau: Lv met a person named Wang through a friend's introduction. Wang claimed that he had acquaintances and connections and could help his child solve their education problems. Lv believed it to be true, and Wang used various reasons, such as

Travel by train! The new high-speed rail line provides new options for summer travel. Summer transportation | railways | options
Travel by train! The new high-speed rail line provides new options for summer travel. Summer transportation | railways | options

The national railway summer transportation in 2023 will start on July 1st and end on August 31st, with an estimated 760 million passengers sent by the national railway. Since the start of the summer vacation, with the arrival of summer vacation in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools, the tourism flow has overlapped with the student flow. As of July 12th, the railway summer vacation has sent an average of 13.15 million passengers per day. During the summer vacation, many newly opened or accelerated railway lines have made their debut. What new choices does the new route bring to passengers? Let's take a look together ↓ "One Place, Two Inspections" takes 3 seconds to enter the station, 8 seconds to exit, and 14 minutes to arrive in Hong Kong. With the resumption of operation of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High Speed Rail Hong Kong section, starting from July 1st, 9 pairs of round-trip trains will be added daily from West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong to mainland stations. This summer, Ms. Li and her family, who live in Shenzhen, chose to take the high-speed train to Hong Kong Ocean Park to play. At Shenzhen North Station, she uses the Hong Kong Macau Express

Take measures to prevent heatstroke when going out in hot weather. Not long | man | weather
Take measures to prevent heatstroke when going out in hot weather. Not long | man | weather

The high temperature and heat in summer can easily trigger diseases. If you have a need for travel, remember to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down. In addition, if suffering from underlying diseases, it is also necessary to prepare relevant drugs to avoid accidents. Recently, police officers from the Qiyang Station Police Station in Hunan Province discovered an elderly person lying on the road without anyone accompanying him while carrying out a mission outside. Wang Han, a police officer from the Qiyang Station Police Station of the Hengyang Railway Public Security Department, said: "At noon, the temperature was approaching 40 degrees Celsius, and the ground was scorching hot. The elderly person had rapid breathing, fever, and blurred consciousness. We determined that the elderly person may be suffering from heatstroke, so we immediately dialed 120 emergency hotline and untied the elderly person's sleeve and collar to relieve symptoms.". The police found cardboard to cushion the elderly person's body to prevent burns, and also used the police cap as a pillow to cushion the elderly person's head, providing an umbrella to block the sunlight and alleviate his discomfort. Inconsistent

Get a plane with the admission letter? Netizen: After reading the details, I don't think about summer vacation anymore. Three chief engineers | chief engineers | details
Get a plane with the admission letter? Netizen: After reading the details, I don't think about summer vacation anymore. Three chief engineers | chief engineers | details

On the 12th, Northwestern Polytechnical University's undergraduate admission notice style was released. The cover of the admission notice features "Xi'an University of Technology Blue" as the background color. The triangle representing the aircraft in the school emblem, the dotted circle representing the atmosphere, the waves representing the ocean, and the characteristics of the school's aviation, aerospace, and navigation. The school motto is "Honesty, Courage, and Perseverance". The school spirit is "Three Realities and One New". On the top right side of the cover is the content of the notice. The traditional Chinese style pattern and the school emblem are placed above. Along with the notice comes "From One to infinity". The school hopes to open up students' interest in science, strive to grow into "chief teacher type" talents, and strive to make "infinite" contributions to society and the country. In addition to these, there are also surprises for undergraduate freshmen. The admission notice can be selected as an exclusive blind box at the registration site. The blind box content includes:

Hainan strives to promote high-quality development of free trade ports (High Quality Development Research Tour) Annual | Commercial | High Quality
Hainan strives to promote high-quality development of free trade ports (High Quality Development Research Tour) Annual | Commercial | High Quality

At the beginning of the year, a group of data refreshed and boosted morale: 180 projects with a total investment of 36.6 billion yuan! On June 29th, the second batch of construction projects for Hainan Free Trade Port in 2023 began construction. From 2.23 square kilometers to 114.7 square kilometers! Starting from April, the 11 policies that were originally only applicable to Yangpu Bonded Port Area were expanded to the entire Yangpu Economic Development Zone, and stress testing was steadily advancing. 504.48 billion yuan! From the release of the overall plan for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port in June 2020 to May this year, the total import and export value of Hainan's goods trade increased by 101.4% compared to the previous three years

How to continuously activate the innovation capability of enterprises? Hebei Presents This Answer Paper for Innovation | Hebei | Enterprises
How to continuously activate the innovation capability of enterprises? Hebei Presents This Answer Paper for Innovation | Hebei | Enterprises

Hebei Province is deeply implementing the innovation driven development strategy, vigorously promoting technology research and development, achievement transformation, innovation platform construction, and scientific and technological talent cultivation, and accelerating the construction of an innovative province. Not long ago, a specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province successfully developed an ultra-thin and high-temperature resistant optical glass. The thickness of this glass is only 0.009 millimeters, which is one tenth of the diameter of a hair. Lu Yilin, General Manager of Xingjian Special Glass Co., Ltd. in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province: It not only needs to be ultra-thin, but also has a certain degree of flexibility, and needs to be used for a long time at a high temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. Fan Chaohui, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province: This technology is currently a very important breakthrough in the glass industry and is being verified by users in related fields.

Take you to check in for breakfast without repeating the sample, come to Tianjin multiple-choice questions | Tourists | Tianjin
Take you to check in for breakfast without repeating the sample, come to Tianjin multiple-choice questions | Tourists | Tianjin

At this moment, many Tianjin residents are struggling with the first "multiple-choice question" of the morning - do they want to have some breakfast this morning? Citizens and tourists are having breakfast in Tianjin. Sun Fanyue, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, photographed that Tianjin is a city that loves food. From the old saying of local people - "It's not impossible to eat seafood when you eat it", we can see that its "obsession" with food is so deep that you can never get tired of the delicacies. As the beginning of the day, "having a good breakfast" is one of the major events in the minds of Tianjin people, such as fried rice noodles, old tofu, noodles, tea soup, water chestnut soup rolls, fried cakes, dried cakes, beef cakes, deep-fried dough sticks sticks, pancakes and fruits. Fruit grate, sugar peel, egg

A first-class ancient tree, rare! Sichuan's millennium old lychee trees bear new fruits after 11 years by the Jinsha River | lychees | lychee trees
A first-class ancient tree, rare! Sichuan's millennium old lychee trees bear new fruits after 11 years by the Jinsha River | lychees | lychee trees

"Riding on a horse, the Empress in the mortal world smiles, and no one knows it's lychees..." At present, it is the season when lychees are ripe in the Yibin area of Sichuan. Two thousand year old lychee mother trees on the banks of the Jinsha River, which are over 1500 years old, bloomed and fruited again in 2012, after 11 years, attracting the attention of netizens. These two thousand year old lychee trees, Litchi Gully, are located in Dingkua Mountain, Dali Community, Zhaochang Street, Xuzhou District, Yibin City. They grow in the high mountain canyon by the Jinsha River, hence the name "Litchi Gully". According to official information, these two lychee trees were identified by experts from Southwest Agricultural University as planted before the Tang Dynasty in 1958 and have been passed down as tribute lychees from generation to generation. Thousands of years have passed, and they are still lush with branches and leaves, like pavilions and roofs. The largest tree has a circumference of 5.6 meters around its trunk and a height of 16 meters. In 2019, it was recognized by the People's Government of Sichuan Province and

Formerly working in national security, the newly established functional department of the Party Central Committee has added another deputy minister. Former Minister | Party Central Committee
Formerly working in national security, the newly established functional department of the Party Central Committee has added another deputy minister. Former Minister | Party Central Committee

According to the "Leadership Introduction" section on the official website of the National Bureau of Letters and Visits, Li Wenwen is currently the Deputy Minister of the Central Department of Social Work, Director of the Office of the Central Joint Conference on Letters and Visits Work, Director and Party Secretary of the National Bureau of Letters and Visits. This news shows that the identity of another deputy minister of the Central Social Work Department, which has just been established for four months, has been disclosed. Previously, Wu Hansheng, who was the Deputy Secretary in charge of daily work of the Central and State Organ Working Committees, had been appointed as the first Minister of the Central Department of Social Work; The former Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs has been appointed as the Deputy Minister. According to public information, Li Wenwen, male, Han ethnicity, was born in January 1963. He started working in July 1983 and joined the CPC in December 1984. Graduated from the Department of Political Science and Law of Ningxia University, with a graduate degree from the Central Party School. Li Wenwen has rich work experience and has held positions at both local and central levels. early

No casualties caused, explosion improvement during Japanese rocket engine testing | Rocket | Engine
No casualties caused, explosion improvement during Japanese rocket engine testing | Rocket | Engine

The engine of Japan's new rocket Epsilon S exploded and caught fire during testing on the 14th, causing no casualties. Multiple Japanese media reported that around 9am on the same day, the above-mentioned rocket engine exploded during ignition testing at the Nengdai Rocket Test Site located in Akita Prefecture, northern Japan by the Japan Aerospace Exploration and Development Agency. The report stated that the rocket's second stage engine underwent ignition testing, which was originally planned to last for 119 seconds, but combustion abnormalities occurred 57 seconds after ignition. The fire truck quickly dispatched without any casualties. The Epsilon S is an improved version of the Epsilon rocket, planned for its first launch in 2024. Epsilon is a solid fuel rocket with a total length of 26 meters and a weight of approximately 96 tons. It has low cost, strong launch maneuverability, and is considered to have the potential to develop into a ballistic missile. go

And then he ran away in a flash, "China caught the relay rod rare earth | United States | China"
And then he ran away in a flash, "China caught the relay rod rare earth | United States | China"

On June 23rd, the website of the bimonthly issue of Foreign Policy published an article titled "The United States Lost the Relay Rod in the Rare Earth Race" by Christina Lu. The full text excerpt is as follows: If the global competition for rare earths - F-35 fighter jets and missile guidance systems cannot do without rare earths - is a relay race, then China grabbed the baton in the 1980s and ran away quickly. The United States, which used to be a leader in the industry, and other countries around the world have been left behind. The deterioration of US China relations has once again stimulated the United States' efforts to return to this game. In order to reduce dependence on Beijing, Washington has intensified efforts to revitalize its rare earth industry. Even with such momentum, experts believe that lawmakers are struggling with how to counter China's economies of scale and fill in enormous expertise

The People's Daily explained on the whole page: Deeply understand and grasp the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization and realize the essence of high-quality development
The People's Daily explained on the whole page: Deeply understand and grasp the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization and realize the essence of high-quality development

"Achieving high-quality development" of People's Daily is one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization summarized in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Development is the top priority of the Party's governance and national rejuvenation, and high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country. China is a developing country still in the primary stage of socialism. Only by adhering to the theme of promoting high-quality development, prioritizing quality and efficiency, and promoting changes in the quality, efficiency, and driving force of economic development, can we continuously strengthen China's economic, technological, and comprehensive national strength, and comprehensively build a socialist modernized strong country. This observation edition focuses on this theme—— Editors promote Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development, Hong Yinxing, Chinese path to modernization is a wellspring for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation

Make every effort to provide post harvest services for grain production (talking about new rural areas). Grain | drying | service
Make every effort to provide post harvest services for grain production (talking about new rural areas). Grain | drying | service

To ensure food security, we need to focus on both improving production capacity and building post production services. While implementing measures to increase production, we should also focus on post harvest grain services, reduce post harvest losses, and ensure that China's rice bowl is more secure and stable. This summer's harvest, Chen Guangzhong, a major grain grower in Jinguang Village, Dianjiang County, Chongqing, encountered rainy and cloudy weather just after harvesting 40 acres of wheat, making it difficult for him to dry it. Coincidentally, a new grain post production service center integrating cleaning, drying, storage, processing, and sales has been built in the town. Chen Guangzhong directly pulled the new wheat from the ground into the drying room and sold it to the purchaser at a price of 1.45 yuan per kilogram just after drying. When it comes to postpartum service, Old Chen candidly said, "Previously, due to weather, location, and other constraints, drying grains was a major challenge. With a postpartum service center, wheat can be harvested, dried, and sold in a timely manner."

Creating a Clear Network Space for Teenagers (People's Review) Network | Teenagers | Review
Creating a Clear Network Space for Teenagers (People's Review) Network | Teenagers | Review

Promote functional departments, online platforms, parents, etc. to fulfill their responsibilities, form a complete and effective closed loop of responsibility, create a more healthy and safe online environment, and online fraud against young people often occurs. Some short videos, game platforms induce addiction, and use new technologies to spread bad information to young people... Because of immature minds, more Internet access, and other reasons, minors have been harassed by harmful information on the Internet for a long time. How to effectively protect the physical and mental health of young people and provide them with a clear and healthy Internet environment has always been a topic of public concern. Summer vacation is approaching, and teenagers are spending more time online. In order to protect the internet environment for minors, the Central Cyberspace Administration recently issued a notice to launch a two month "Clear and Clear 2023 Summer Internet Environment Improvement for Minors" special action, focusing on improving the internet environment

Energy security and security are the "giants of the country" (commentator observation) Development | Technology | Energy
Energy security and security are the "giants of the country" (commentator observation) Development | Technology | Energy

As the world's largest energy consuming country, how to effectively ensure national energy security and effectively safeguard national economic and social development has always been the primary issue for China's energy development. Promoting high-level self-reliance and self-improvement in energy technology has become the only way to seize the opportunities of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, win the initiative in innovative development, and ensure national energy security. This summer, some regions have experienced continuous high temperatures, and the electricity load continues to rise. At the ± 800 kV Yanmenguan converter station of State Grid Shanxi Electric Power, there are five to six thousand large equipment and countless small parts in groups inside the station. It usually takes three days to conduct a complete inspection. Since the heavy load operation, in order to timely identify hidden dangers, the inspection cycle has been shortened by more than half. "Welcoming the peak summer is a protracted battle, and the hotter the heat, the more we need to muster up our spirits."

Better care for the healthy growth of children and adolescents (let's talk about it together, think about it, and work together to achieve new goals in the new era). Shanghai | City | Era
Better care for the healthy growth of children and adolescents (let's talk about it together, think about it, and work together to achieve new goals in the new era). Shanghai | City | Era

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to "safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children." Children are the future of our country and the hope of the Chinese nation. The healthy growth of children requires the joint protection of the whole society. In this issue, we have selected three articles to discuss with readers how to strengthen the protection of children's rights and create more favorable conditions for the healthy growth of young children—— The editor strengthens physical exercise for young children in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Wu Yue's body is the capital of all life's struggles and success, and physical exercise is the most effective way to enhance the physical fitness of young children. In family education, parents should guide children to make scientific use of their spare time and engage in appropriate physical exercise based on the laws and characteristics of their physical and mental development. On campus, it is important to have good physical education classes to help students enjoy the fun of physical exercise

One of them died and has been executed! Kindergarten teachers poisoning 25 young children | Jiaozuo City, Henan Province | Intermediate People's Court | poisoning
One of them died and has been executed! Kindergarten teachers poisoning 25 young children | Jiaozuo City, Henan Province | Intermediate People's Court | poisoning

On July 14th, a reporter from Huashang Daily's Dafeng News confirmed from the Intermediate People's Court of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province that Wang Yun, who had poisoned 25 young children, was taken to the execution ground and executed on July 13th. The kindergarten female teacher had previously poisoned her husband Wang Yun, also known as Wang Jingyun, at home. She was born on October 11, 1983, in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. On March 27, 2019, a suspected food poisoning incident occurred in Mengmeng Kindergarten in Jiefang District, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. After investigation by the police, it was learned that the incident was caused by Wang Yun, a teacher of the kindergarten, who dropped sodium nitrite. The incident resulted in a total of 25 children being poisoned, and one of the poisoned children died after 10 months of treatment, but rescue efforts were unsuccessful. The investigation by the investigating agency confirmed that the criminal Wang Yun was dissatisfied with her husband Feng and wanted to retaliate due to trivial matters in his life. two thousand and seventeen

The Cultural Connotation of Civilization of "Persisting in Embracing the World" | China | Embracing the World
The Cultural Connotation of Civilization of "Persisting in Embracing the World" | China | Embracing the World

Among the "six must adhere to", "adhere to the mind of the world" embodies the CPC's big country mind and world responsibility of seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, progress for mankind, and great harmony for the world. The essence of this kind of mind and responsibility is that the CPC organically combines the Marxist theory of human liberation with the view of the world in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The Chinese nation has always had a sense of civilization and aspirations that embody the excellent traditional culture of China. The Book of Rites - Li Yun describes

The Life Value of "Doing One Thing for a Lifetime" in Jiangsu | Era | Life Value
The Life Value of "Doing One Thing for a Lifetime" in Jiangsu | Era | Life Value

Throughout history, many who have made achievements have created remarkable achievements and left behind immortal legends that amaze the world by adhering to the belief of one person, one lifetime, and one thing. Completing something in one's lifetime represents a steadfast commitment to one's original aspiration. My whole life is just about doing

Contemporary Chinese Political System Rooted in the Soil of Excellent Traditional Culture | Culture | Politics
Contemporary Chinese Political System Rooted in the Soil of Excellent Traditional Culture | Culture | Politics

The socialist political system with Chinese characteristics is an advanced political system created by the broad masses of the people under the leadership of the CPC, which has been proved to have strong advantages in practice.

Running the Best Achievements of Contemporary Youth on the Track of Youth: National Revival Youth
Running the Best Achievements of Contemporary Youth on the Track of Youth: National Revival Youth

Author: If the youth is strong, then the country is strong.The accelerated evolution of the unprecedented great changes in the world today is accompanied by an increase in unstable, uncertain, and unpredictable factors. It is a long and arduous task to comprehensively build a socialist modernized country and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Each generation has its own Long March path, and each generation must walk their own Long March path well.New Era and New Journey

【 Guangming Forum · Reflections 】 Adhering to Two Principles and Adhering to Harmony - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ⑨ Methods | Culture | China
【 Guangming Forum · Reflections 】 Adhering to Two Principles and Adhering to Harmony - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ⑨ Methods | Culture | China

Among them, the thinking method of "adhering to the principles of dual use and maintaining harmony" contains simple dialectical wisdom, embodies lofty value pursuits, and carries a beautiful moral vision. It has always been an excellent traditional Chinese cultural element worth inheriting and developing, and is highly consistent with the basic principles of Marxism. The thinking method of "adhering to both ends and using it for the people" is mainly elaborated in the book "The Doctrine of the Mean". The original text is "grasping its two ends and using it for the people" and "achieving harmony, the position of heaven and earth, and the nurturing of all things". The main idea is to grasp the extremes of over and under when doing things, and to reconcile them and adopt a moderate approach

Shouldering the New Era and New Cultural Mission, Building the Modern Civilization Era of the Chinese Nation | Culture | The Chinese Nation
Shouldering the New Era and New Cultural Mission, Building the Modern Civilization Era of the Chinese Nation | Culture | The Chinese Nation

1. Deeply understand and grasp the prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization. Chinese culture has a long history and is vast and profound.Deeply understand and grasp the essence of Chinese civilization