The world

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Strike Hard at the Review of Scientific Research Projects | Review | National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Natural Science Foundation of China: Strike Hard at the Review of Scientific Research Projects | Review | National Natural Science Foundation of China

Recently, the evaluation of the 2023 National Outstanding Youth Science Fund and Outstanding Youth Science Fund projects, which have attracted much attention from researchers, has been completed. With the comprehensive promotion of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's "greeting" stubborn disease as a theme education special rectification issue, some evaluation experts have personally felt the effect. "I have reviewed more than 30 notebooks this year and did not receive a greeting phone call." Wang Xuefeng, a communication review expert at the Management Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China and a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, felt that the phenomenon of being asked "whether the notebooks are in your hands" has changed in previous years. "Everyone is very cautious this year.". A young scientific researcher who is both an outstanding applicant for the Youth Science Foundation project and a communication review expert for the Youth Fund project this year said, "I did not ask anyone else for help in the fund application and review."

Former Standing Committee Member and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee were arrested, and two Municipal Party Secretary were investigated before becoming the Director | Nanjing City | Nanjing Municipal Party Committee
Former Standing Committee Member and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee were arrested, and two Municipal Party Secretary were investigated before becoming the Director | Nanjing City | Nanjing Municipal Party Committee

On August 7th, another former leading cadre from Nanjing was reported to have been arrested. The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Hua Jing, former member of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, is undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. Hua Jing is a female cadre who has served in Nanjing for a long time. She has served as the Assistant Director, Deputy Director, and Party Committee Member of the Nanjing Foreign Economic and Trade Commission; In June 2001, he was appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Committee Member of the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; In December 2003, appointed as the Vice Chairman and Party Member of Jiangsu Women's Federation; In August 2005, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and Acting District Mayor of Pukou District, Nanjing, and the Director of the Management Committee of Nanjing High tech Industrial Development Zone; In January 2006, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Pukou District, Nanjing, and the Director of the Management Committee of Nanjing High tech Industrial Development Zone; Ren Nan in June 2008

A franchise store's lamb was found to be pig and duck! Famous brand urgently apologizes: all ingredients removed from shelves | stores | lamb meat
A franchise store's lamb was found to be pig and duck! Famous brand urgently apologizes: all ingredients removed from shelves | stores | lamb meat

On August 7, Zhang Liang Spicy Hot Pot official micro blog reported the progress of a franchise store where mutton was found to be pig and duck@ Zhang Liang Spicy Hot Pot said: Recently, Zhang Liang Spicy Hot Pot has been involved in store related issues, which has had a huge impact on society and consumers. We apologize. This incident has damaged the rights and interests of consumers, and has also raised a warning for the management and operation of headquarters franchise stores. As a franchised catering brand, we bear the main responsibility for some franchise stores purchasing ingredients without proper supervision. After the incident, the headquarters promptly checked the relevant details. The involved franchise store purchased a total of 20 kilograms of lamb rolls in three batches at a price of 25 yuan/kilogram in July and sold them. According to the authoritative department's inspection report, the lamb roll has detected pork ingredients. Based on the fact that the store is based on the real lamb market

Is the "August Curse" Coming Again for US Stocks? Warren Buffett and other investment giants are singing short of the S&P index | Buffett
Is the "August Curse" Coming Again for US Stocks? Warren Buffett and other investment giants are singing short of the S&P index | Buffett

Since the beginning of this year, the US stock market has shown a sharp trend, with the S&P 500 index up 18%, recording its best performance for the same period since 1927. The Nasdaq index has risen by 34%, and the Dow Jones index has also risen by 6%. However, based on the historical trend of the past 35 years, the "August curse" has always been a nightmare that US stock investors cannot shake off. Analysts say that US stocks typically perform poorly in August, especially before the election year. Wall Street institutions, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, as well as investment giants such as Warren Buffett and John Hirschman, have also started to short the US stock market. What is the future trend of US stocks? According to data compiled by the US Stock Traders Yearbook, August has been the second worst performing month for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices in the past 35 years, and also the worst performing month for the Dow Jones Industrial Average

Volunteers bring pots and vegetables to help disaster stricken villagers eat hot rice in Xici Village, Zhuozhou, Hebei Province. August 6th | Volunteers
Volunteers bring pots and vegetables to help disaster stricken villagers eat hot rice in Xici Village, Zhuozhou, Hebei Province. August 6th | Volunteers

CCTV News: Xici Village in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province was one of the villages severely affected by the flood this time. At present, the water level there is gradually falling, and the villagers are also starting to rebuild their homes. On August 5th and 6th, several volunteers from Zhengding, Shijiazhuang, traveled over 200 kilometers with cookstoves and ingredients to provide a warm meal for the affected villagers. On the afternoon of August 6th, at the entrance of Xici Village in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, several volunteers were preparing dinner, and many villagers were also helping to peel and cut vegetables. In front of him, this quick working young man named Fan Da opened a restaurant in Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang. On the evening of August 4th, he saw from the news that the disaster in Zhuozhou was severe, and decided to go and do his part. Fan Da subsequently released a short video preparing to depart, which quickly received feedback from many kind-hearted people

China Railway Group: Urgent Repair of Water Damaged Lines, Stopped Trains Continuously Restoring Upward Lines | Shacheng | Trains
China Railway Group: Urgent Repair of Water Damaged Lines, Stopped Trains Continuously Restoring Upward Lines | Shacheng | Trains

CCTV News: Recently, multiple railway lines in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Northeast regions have been flooded, resulting in some trains being suspended. The reporter learned from China Railway Group that currently, water damaged lines are being urgently repaired, and suspended trains are continuing to recover. Affected by water damage, 27 passenger trains were suspended from Beijing West Station on August 7th, mainly from Beijing West to Handan, Yinchuan, Urumqi and other directions. Beijing Fengtai Station suspended 46 passenger trains, a decrease of 6 from August 6th. The suspended trains are mainly from Beijing Fengtai to Handan, Baotou, Wuhai West and other directions. The Lalin River in Jilin Province began to flood at 6pm on August 6th. From August 7th to August 9th, the railway department temporarily adjusted the operation of trains passing through the Caijiagou to Lanling Station section of the Beijing Harbin high-speed railway for three consecutive days. China Railway Shenyang Bureau has suspended and bypassed a total of 48 pairs of passenger trains, ensuring the smooth operation of the railway

More than a thousand officers and soldiers are fighting on the front line of disaster relief in Shulan, Jilin to restore the transportation capacity of main roads between townships. Follow up | Roads | Towns
More than a thousand officers and soldiers are fighting on the front line of disaster relief in Shulan, Jilin to restore the transportation capacity of main roads between townships. Follow up | Roads | Towns

CCTV News: Recently, continuous rainfall in Shulan City, Jilin Province has caused damage to some bridges and roads. The officers and soldiers of a certain composite brigade of the 78th Group Army of the Northern Theater Command are fighting on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, fully ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. Affected by continuous heavy rainfall and upstream floods, the flood control situation in Shulan, Jilin is severe, with continuous risks such as flooding, bridge collapse, and road damage in Kaiyuan Town, Qili Township, and other areas. On the afternoon of August 6th at 2 o'clock, a certain composite brigade of the 78th Army Group received orders and urgently dispatched more than 1000 officers and soldiers, equipped with more than 100 types of construction machinery vehicles, to rush to the disaster relief site in three echelons. After each team arrived at the task area, due to road collapse, traffic obstruction, damage to village houses, and severe mud accumulation, large machinery could not directly enter. More than a thousand officers and soldiers had

Bloomberg Survey: Most Investors Worried about US Economic Recession Survey Results | Investors | US
Bloomberg Survey: Most Investors Worried about US Economic Recession Survey Results | Investors | US

The latest survey results released by Bloomberg News on August 6th show that most investors expect the US economy to enter a recession by the end of 2024. The survey conducted by Bloomberg's research agency "Market Dynamics Pulse" from July 31 to August 4 received responses from 410 investors. About two-thirds of investors expect the US economy to decline by the end of next year, and about 20% of investors even believe that the US economy will decline this year. Despite current data showing that the US economy is resilient, these investors expect the cumulative effect of the Federal Reserve's continued interest rate hikes over the past year to further cause destructive fallout. Bloomberg stated that the survey results are consistent with traders' expectations reflected in the pricing of federal fund futures, namely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates multiple times next year, by more than one percentage point, in order to

International Sharp Review | What is the Real Xinjiang Like? Foreign envoys find answers and doubts | Report | Sharp review
International Sharp Review | What is the Real Xinjiang Like? Foreign envoys find answers and doubts | Report | Sharp review

"The Xinjiang we witnessed with our own eyes is completely different from what Western media said." Recently, Dominic Ambassador to China Martin Charles reluctantly concluded his first trip to Xinjiang. During the 5-day period, he and other ambassadors from 24 countries visited Kashgar, Kuche, Urumqi and other places, experiencing the local customs and economic and social development of Xinjiang on the spot. "The scenery is very beautiful, the people are very enthusiastic, the economy is very dynamic, and every stop is impressive... During the trip, envoys from multiple countries shared their experiences in Xinjiang with commentators from" International Sharp Review ", and they said," People should come and see the real Xinjiang. ". Many foreign envoys visited the famous ancient city of Kashgar in Xinjiang. Like Martin Charles, many foreign envoys visited Xinjiang for the first time. they

Part of the professional forces in the Central Theater Command have stepped forward to scientifically coordinate and orderly promote post disaster reconstruction and reconstruction | life | profession
Part of the professional forces in the Central Theater Command have stepped forward to scientifically coordinate and orderly promote post disaster reconstruction and reconstruction | life | profession

CCTV News: Currently, post disaster reconstruction work has begun in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing and Hebei. The Central Theater Command scientifically plans and organizes various forces to orderly promote rescue work in response to the current overall situation and possible future climate change. At present, we are facing an important stage of simultaneous flood control and disaster relief, as well as post disaster reconstruction. In order to ensure the basic living standards of the people, prevent and control epidemics, and restore production, the Central Theater Command has adjusted some professional forces to actively cooperate with local governments in their work. In Wangping Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the Central Theater of War has intensified its efforts in environmental disinfection and sterilization. Since the afternoon of August 6, it has gone to Dongshiguyan Village and Dongmagezhuang Village to carry out environmental disposal work. Due to road interruption, the epidemic prevention team wore protective clothing and walked 6 kilometers to the mission site. At present, nearly 100000 square meters of disinfection and sterilization area has been completed.

Efforts should be made in various regions to seize accumulated temperature and promote early ripening of grain crops. In flooded areas, timely measures should be taken to reduce waterlogging levels throughout the province
Efforts should be made in various regions to seize accumulated temperature and promote early ripening of grain crops. In flooded areas, timely measures should be taken to reduce waterlogging levels throughout the province

CCTV News: August 8th will usher in the Liqiu solar term, which is the first solar term of autumn and also the active period of typhoons. What are the impacts of recent heavy rainfall in Northeast China on local autumn crops and major crops? Jiang Shulin, a reporter from CCTV, said that the water levels of major rivers in Heilongjiang Province are relatively stable. However, due to early rainfall, as of 8:00 am on August 7th, 18 rivers in Heilongjiang Province, including the Lalin River, Ant River, and Mudan River, have exceeded the warning water level. Among them, 2 large reservoirs and 21 small and medium-sized reservoirs have exceeded the flood control limit. Chief forecaster of Heilongjiang Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Fang Lijuan: In the past two days, the weather in Heilongjiang Province has been mainly characterized by showers and thunderstorms, with moderate rain in the central region on August 8th. The southern part of Harbin, including the Mudanjiang area

"Passenger safety first" - The three of them urgently stopped 7 trains when an earthquake struck | Earthquake | Passengers

On August 6th at 2:33, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, with a depth of 10 kilometers. At that time, in the train operation room of Pingyuan County Railway Station, duty officers Shi Qiang, Ren Jizhen, and Ma Yifei, three railway workers, felt a strong earthquake and urgently picked up their duty phones to cooperate with each other to stop the Z176 passenger train from Hangzhou to Harbin West and six other trains running through Pingyuan Station. "At that time, there was a violent shaking of the desks, chairs, and computers in the cab. We realized it was probably an earthquake and didn't have time to think about it. We quickly contacted the dispatch to brake the train." Shi Qiang told People's Daily that within two minutes of the earthquake, they completed the braking of seven trains passing through Pingyuan Station and tried their best to do so

Expert on Policy Benefits for the Development of Private Economy: Guiding More Financial Resources to Flow towards Small and Medium sized Banks in Private Economy | Economy | Resources
Expert on Policy Benefits for the Development of Private Economy: Guiding More Financial Resources to Flow towards Small and Medium sized Banks in Private Economy | Economy | Resources

The private economy is an important achievement of the development of socialist market economy, and an important force in promoting economic and social development. It plays an irreplaceable role in stabilizing growth, promoting innovation, increasing employment, and improving people's livelihoods. Supporting the development of the private economy is the responsibility of the financial sector. Since July this year, relevant national departments have introduced a series of financial measures to support the development of the private economy. The Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy clarifies the need to improve the financing support policy system; The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange held a work conference for the second half of 2023, calling for the effective optimization of the financing environment for private enterprises; The People's Bank of China held a symposium on financial support for the development of private enterprises, studying measures to strengthen financial support for private enterprises. At the symposium on financial support for the development of private enterprises, the People's Bank of China

The logistics operation in our country is showing a trend of stabilization and improvement, providing important support for the smooth economic circulation industry | Logistics | Improvement
The logistics operation in our country is showing a trend of stabilization and improvement, providing important support for the smooth economic circulation industry | Logistics | Improvement

Transportation and logistics are connected to production at one end and consumption at the other, which is an important foundation for maintaining the normal production and living order of the people, promoting the stability of the industrial and supply chains, and serving economic and social development. In the first half of 2023, with the comprehensive restoration of normal operation of the social economy, the overall logistics demand in China showed a mild recovery. In the second quarter, upstream production and sales have slightly recovered, social destocking has continued to optimize, logistics service supply capacity has improved, and the circulation of various links in the supply chain has gradually become smooth. Social logistics costs have steadily decreased, providing strong support for promoting economic recovery and improvement. The logistics operation is showing a trend of stabilization and improvement. In the first half of the year, the total social logistics volume in China exceeded 160 trillion yuan. According to data released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the total social logistics volume in the first half of the year was 160.6 trillion yuan. Calculated at comparable prices

Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods
Loyalty to the people and loyalty to the people, fighting against floods by officers and soldiers | reinforcement | floods

On August 5th, officers and soldiers of a certain brigade of the 78th Group Army reinforced the embankment in the Nianzishan area of Qiqihar City. Recently, heavy rainfall has occurred in many areas of Heilongjiang and Jilin, causing frequent flooding and causing critical situations. Disaster is a command. The Party Committee of the Army of the Northern Theater Command immediately dispatched a command group for flood control and disaster relief, organizing the 78th Army Group to quickly carry out flood control and disaster relief in multiple areas. As of August 7th, more than 3400 officers and soldiers from 5 units have been dispatched, with 421 vehicles and equipment of various types. More than 3600 people have been searched and rescued, 35 kilometers of roads have been cleared, 5.3 kilometers of embankments have been reinforced, and 34 pipes have been blocked. In this life and property defense battle against time and the demon, the vast army of the Northern Theater Command gave the best return with the most beautiful "retrograde" technique

Using heart and effort to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses (Jintai Vision · Focus on Formalism ③), reducing burden | problems | difficulties
Using heart and effort to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses (Jintai Vision · Focus on Formalism ③), reducing burden | problems | difficulties

In recent years, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has combined solving prominent problems of formalism with reducing burdens at the grassroots level, as an important part of the Party's work style construction, and has coordinated and promoted it as a whole. For five consecutive years, it has specifically deployed and promoted the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy to reduce burdens at the grassroots level. However, the problem of formalism is stubborn and repetitive, with some old problems not yet eradicated and some new variants breeding again. Especially in terms of serving the people, there are still some areas where there are still problems such as passive coping and shifting blame. This fully indicates that the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy still needs to be persistent and continuously deepened. Not only do we need to make it easy to enter and have a good face, but we also need to help the people get things done. First, we need to go to the street social security office, then to the government center, then to the county social security bureau, and then run back to the street... In order to refund social security fees, we have traveled back and forth more than 10 times, but still haven't solved the problem

And reasoning | American bullying is not worth it, it harms others, it harms oneself, it traps teammates, South Africa | America | It's not worth it, it harms others
And reasoning | American bullying is not worth it, it harms others, it harms oneself, it traps teammates, South Africa | America | It's not worth it, it harms others

Not satisfied with the vested interests brought by economic hegemony, the United States is willing to maintain its hegemony and advantage through blatant bullying and coercion. The US government banned the import of new Huawei telecommunications products and prohibited American companies from selling chips and other advanced products to China in November 2022. Not only that, Washington is still unsatisfied and is pressuring other countries not to use Chinese equipment. Under pressure from the United States, the German government is considering whether to ban Huawei and ZTE products in telecommunications networks. The German magazine Der Spiegel recently revealed that if Huawei's equipment is replaced, the German national railway operator will have to spend 400 million euros. This is not a small amount. In a speech at KwaZulu Natal University, South Africa's BRICS coordinator for affairs, Sukrar also

UNESCO Representative to China: China Proves that World Heritage Protection can complement Tourism Development | World Heritage | China
UNESCO Representative to China: China Proves that World Heritage Protection can complement Tourism Development | World Heritage | China

On August 7, Xia Zehan, representative of the UNESCO Representative Office in China, wrote on the China Daily website that as of July 2023, there are a total of 1157 World Heritage sites in the world, distributed in 167 countries, and many of them have become tourist destinations. China has a long history and rich cultural heritage, making it a UNESCO World Heritage treasure trove. The article points out that World Heritage and tourism complement each other, and World Heritage is highly recognized for its outstanding value to all humanity. They can create employment, increase income, and promote sustainable development of the tourism industry. World Heritage and tourism complement each other. World Heritage is a major tourist attraction, and the tourism industry can showcase World Heritage to the public and enhance awareness of its importance, thereby achieving economic benefits. In a world of continuous development and growth

French guy tells you: What does it feel like to live with a Chinese "green card" | China | France
French guy tells you: What does it feel like to live with a Chinese "green card" | China | France

Pan Boliang from France is a manager of a biotechnology company and has been living in China for 15 years. He is proficient in Chinese and even obtained a Chinese "green card" a few years ago. Pan Boliang said that the "green card" has given him a sense of security in his long-term life in China, allowing him to settle down and focus on his career. For the changes in China over the past decade, he believes that two aspects are particularly prominent. One is the construction of infrastructure such as highways and high-speed trains, and the other is the ubiquitous Internet, which allows him to share the daily outdoor exploration on the Chinese social media platform and make many like-minded friends. Having lived in Kunming for seven years, Pan Boliang believes that it is the most livable city in China. He is also full of confidence in China's future. "Even if there will be many challenges in the future,",

Say "Xie Xie" to Chengdu and become an "internet celebrity" at the Universiade: Audience's sports enthusiasm exceeds imagination | Athletes | Chengdu
Say "Xie Xie" to Chengdu and become an "internet celebrity" at the Universiade: Audience's sports enthusiasm exceeds imagination | Athletes | Chengdu

On August 7th, China Daily reported that the Chengdu Universiade will bring together university athletes from around the world. Many athletes have gained a lot of attention and fans during the event, becoming true "internet celebrities". Chengdu has allowed them to experience a passion they have never experienced before. The 24-year-old Estonian middle and long distance runner Dennis Salmianov has more than 2 million fans on the Chinese social media platform Tiktok, and his posts about the Universiade have attracted thousands of praise and comments. After the semi-finals of the 800 meter race, he posted on social media, saying, "I am very satisfied with my performance in the competition, and I really enjoy the competition. The enthusiasm of the Chengdu audience is incredible. Now I can't wait to explore this city, taste the food, and go see giant pandas!"

I also learned it in the Chengdu Universiade Museum!, Secretary General of the Swedish Sports Federation: Impressive Event Preparation Sports | Chengdu | Preparation
I also learned it in the Chengdu Universiade Museum!, Secretary General of the Swedish Sports Federation: Impressive Event Preparation Sports | Chengdu | Preparation

On August 7th, China Daily reported that Stefan Berg, Secretary General of the Swedish Sports Federation and Honorary Member of the International University Sports Federation, visited the Chengdu Universiade Museum located in the multifunctional sports park of Dong'an Lake in Chengdu. He expressed his deep impression of the exhibition of the early history of the International University Sports Federation. As an honorary member, Berg is well aware of the International Federation of Grand Histories, but he admits that he still benefited greatly from visiting the museum with his wife. Stefan Berg and his wife visited the Universiade Museum for a photo. The picture was provided by the interviewee, and Berg also shared his feelings about coming to Chengdu on his social media. He said, "As an honorary member of the International Sports Federation, I had the privilege of participating in the Universiade held in Chengdu. This sports event had a large number of participants, was organized in an orderly manner, and the opening ceremony was wonderful."

[Li Xiang China | Strong "Li" · Party School Open Course Season 7] Adhere to Problem oriented Problem | Thought | Open Course
[Li Xiang China | Strong "Li" · Party School Open Course Season 7] Adhere to Problem oriented Problem | Thought | Open Course

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed scientific methods to continue promoting theoretical innovation, namely "we must adhere to the principle of putting the people first", "we must adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance", "we must adhere to the principle of upholding integrity and innovation", "we must adhere to problem orientation", "we must adhere to a systematic concept", and "we must always have a broad mind".

The debt ceiling crisis highlights the flaws in the US system. Debt | Problems | The United States
The debt ceiling crisis highlights the flaws in the US system. Debt | Problems | The United States

[International Observation · Legislative Chaos of the US Council] Author: Liu Weidong, the US debt ceiling problem is a "common disease" and "frequently occurring disease" that plagues the US government and society. Many governments have been recruited, and the incidence has become more frequent in recent years. Not long ago, the debt ceiling of the United States faced another crisis. After a long period of repeated games, the Democratic and Republican parties finally reached a compromise before the default. The Republicans agreed to raise the debt ceiling again, but forced the Democrats to make concessions in terms of reducing expenditure on defense and non defense accounts, including the recovery of COVID-19's anti epidemic assistance funds, the reduction of the allocation to the National Tax Administration, and the improvement of the minimum number of years to receive food stamps without work. However, the compromise between the two parties is temporary, with both lawmakers dissatisfied with the outcome, and due to unresolved issues, the next round of crisis will soon come. debt

Typhoon Chasers | Flood Control in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei | Sichuan Blue Leopard Rescue Team Side Note Rescue Team | Typhoon | Sichuan Blue Leopard
Typhoon Chasers | Flood Control in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei | Sichuan Blue Leopard Rescue Team Side Note Rescue Team | Typhoon | Sichuan Blue Leopard

Chengdu, August 7th - Since July 29th, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region has been hit by continuous heavy rainfall due to the impact of Typhoon Du Suri. The flood control and disaster relief situation in Fangshan District, Mentougou District, and Zhuozhou City in Hebei Province has been severe. The Sichuan civilian rescue force, the Blue Leopard Rescue Team, raced against the typhoon and rushed all the way from Xiamen to Beijing, Hebei and other places for rescue. A rescue force of 10 people, safely transferring hundreds of people, has become one of the important forces in civilian rescue. A reporter from CCTV connected with the Secretary General of the rescue team, Yang Chuanjiang, to restore the rescue process. The Blue Leopard Rescue Team is racing against time to rescue on site and heading north. Sometimes, it takes less than 2 hours to rest in a day. On July 26th, experts analyzed that Typhoon Du Suri was predicted to make landfall in Xiamen, and Yang Chuanjiang received a request for assistance from the Xiamen side. Teammates who usually work in their respective positions

Zhuozhou Post disaster Reconstruction "On going" disinfection and sterilization Epidemic Prevention Urgent Rescue Team | Zhuozhou City | Zhuozhou
Zhuozhou Post disaster Reconstruction "On going" disinfection and sterilization Epidemic Prevention Urgent Rescue Team | Zhuozhou City | Zhuozhou

Baoding, the central broadcasting network, reported on August 7 that as the flood receded, Zhuozhou City was carrying out waterlogging drainage, dredging, disinfection and sterilization and other work in an all-round way to effectively promote post disaster reconstruction. In order to prevent bacteria from breeding and ensure that there is no epidemic after the disaster, on the morning of August 7, the reporter followed the mobile brigade directly under the forest prevention detachment of Baoding Emergency Management Bureau to Baichigan Town, Zhuozhou City to carry out post flood disinfection and disinfection and sterilization to protect the health and safety of the masses. The mobile brigade directly under the Forest Prevention Detachment of Baoding Emergency Management Bureau carried out disinfection and sterilization work at the disinfection and sterilization operation site. The team members carried very heavy disinfectant in various communities and streets, carefully disinfected and disinfection and sterilization key parts and areas in an all-round way to ensure that there were no dead corners, blind areas and full coverage. In the process of disinfection and sterilization, the team members cooperated in an orderly manner, and carried out publicity along the way to

Communication: "Pakistani Iron Girl" brings the story of China Pakistan friendship to the Pakistani big screen: China Pakistan | Islamabad | Friendship
Communication: "Pakistani Iron Girl" brings the story of China Pakistan friendship to the Pakistani big screen: China Pakistan | Islamabad | Friendship

Islamabad, August 7th (Xinhua) - "Pakistan Iron Girl" brings the story of China Pakistan friendship to the big screen of Pakistan. Xinhua reporter Jiang Chao and Wang Huan watched the China Pakistan co production film "Pakistan Iron Girl" at the National Art Council Theater in Islamabad, Pakistan on August 3rd. On the 3rd, the National Arts Council Theater in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, was fully packed. "I am deeply moved by the profound friendship and sportsmanship of the Pakistani and Chinese people demonstrated in this movie. It is a wonderful movie!" Xinhua News Agency reported. Rashid Jahn, who came with his entire family to watch the film, told Xinhua News Agency reporters. On this day, the premiere of the first feature film co produced by China and Pakistan, "The Pakistani Iron Girl," was held here. The entire film was filmed in Pakistan and tells the story of participating in the construction of hydropower stations in Pakistan

Eating Full and Living Warm - Stories from the Relocation and Resettlement Site of the Disaster stricken People in Shulan, Jilin Province Reporter | People | Resettlement Site
Eating Full and Living Warm - Stories from the Relocation and Resettlement Site of the Disaster stricken People in Shulan, Jilin Province Reporter | People | Resettlement Site

Changchun, August 7th (Xinhua) - Eating Full and Living Warm - News from Xinhua News Agency reporters Ma Xiaocheng, Yan Linyun, and Wei Meng at the relocation and resettlement site of the disaster stricken population in Shulan, Jilin Province. On the 6th, near lunchtime, staff were distributing mineral water, instant noodles, and rice to the disaster stricken population. This is the scene that the reporter saw at the temporary resettlement site of No. 26 Middle School in Shulan City, Jilin Province. Continuous heavy rainfall has caused severe flooding in Shulan City, Jilin Province. In order to ensure the safety of the people's lives, Shulan City carried out two preventive and emergency transfers, with a total of 18916 people transferred. On August 5th, search and rescue team members carried out search and rescue work in the disaster stricken area of Qili Township, Shulan City, Jilin Province. When a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Yan Linyun, saw Sun Cai, a villager from Xinkai Village, Kaiyuan Town, Shulan City, he and his family were resting on the bed. Not in all these years

A "race" for disaster reduction, Xinhua News Agency commented: earthquake warning video | earthquake | warning
A "race" for disaster reduction, Xinhua News Agency commented: earthquake warning video | earthquake | warning

At 2:33 am on August 6th, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, with multiple areas experiencing tremors. Many people have received earthquake warnings on their phones. "The countdown suddenly rang in the middle of the night, thinking that the phone was about to explode." "This warning was very accurate, and after the countdown ended, I immediately felt the house shaking." "Although it was only a few seconds, it could save lives in critical moments." Many experienced people left messages on social media, writing down their feelings after receiving the earthquake warning. ". Earthquake warning is a race against seismic waves. It refers to the rapid issuance of a danger warning to areas where destructive seismic waves have not yet reached after an earthquake occurs, usually only a few seconds to a few tens of seconds. A netizen left a message asking what can be done in just a few seconds. In fact, during this brief interval of outperforming seismic waves, use

The Beauty of Seasons - Beginning of Autumn | Does Beginning of Autumn also have a distinction between "early" and "late"? Season
The Beauty of Seasons - Beginning of Autumn | Does Beginning of Autumn also have a distinction between "early" and "late"? Season

On August 7th, Tianjin, Xinhua News Agency reported that "the clouds have turned summer, and the leaves of trees are moving with the sound of autumn." At 2:23 am Beijing time on August 8th, the beginning of autumn, one of the twenty-four solar terms, will usher in. From this season on, the yang energy gradually decreases, and all things become introverted, starting to grow from prosperity to maturity. Tianjin folk customs expert and columnist introduced by National Day that although the name of this solar term carries the word "autumn", the beginning of autumn is only the arrival of autumn in the astronomical sense, not the beginning of autumn in meteorology. The division of seasons in terms of climate is mainly based on the variation of "average temperature", that is, if the average temperature of the local area is below 22 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days, it can be considered as autumn in terms of climate. After the beginning of autumn, it takes time for the heat to dissipate and the temperature to decrease. Many parts of China are still in the hot summer season, and there is a folk saying that "the beginning of autumn is actually hotter than the heat of summer, and it feels like a fire before and after noon.". seven

High Quality Development Research Tour | Yichang, Hubei: Developing Green Shipping to Protect the Beautiful Yangtze River Operation and Maintenance | Personnel | Yangtze River
High Quality Development Research Tour | Yichang, Hubei: Developing Green Shipping to Protect the Beautiful Yangtze River Operation and Maintenance | Personnel | Yangtze River

Wuhan, August 7th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - Yichang, Hubei: Developing Green Shipping to Protect the Beautiful Yangtze River. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Zichen and Cui Junjie have lit up the lanterns, and the two sides of the Yangtze River in Yichang, Hubei are shining brightly. Taking the "Yangtze River Three Gorges 1" ferry for a night tour of the Yangtze River, one cannot smell the pungent smell of oil fumes or hear the noisy roar, only the gentle river breeze and picturesque night. On August 4th, tourists went to take the Yangtze River Three Gorges 1 ferry. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Zhizun photographed that the "Three Gorges 1" is a pure electric cruise ship with a range of over 100 kilometers on one charge. According to data from State Grid Yichang Power Supply Company, the total electricity consumption of this cruise ship reached 690000 kilowatt hours from January to July this year. Compared to conventional fuel powered ships of the same type, it is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by over 500 tons. Related to Yichang Transportation Yangtze River Cruise Co., Ltd