The world

Intended to be promoted to the position of Zhengchu, born in 1988, he is a Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University. He is also a working department of the Municipal Government of Tsinghua University
Intended to be promoted to the position of Zhengchu, born in 1988, he is a Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University. He is also a working department of the Municipal Government of Tsinghua University

On August 21, the Organization Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice for cadres, and Liu Hui, who is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Dongshan County Party Committee and a third level researcher, was proposed to serve as the head of the Zhangzhou Municipal Government Work Department. Liu Hui was born in March 1988 in Wuping, Fujian Province. He started working in August 2015 and joined the CPC in May 2010. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a master's degree in civil engineering and a doctor's degree in engineering. It is reported that Liu Hui was admitted to Tsinghua University from Fujian in 2006, and was deeply influenced by Tsinghua's employment philosophy of "setting great goals, entering the mainstream, entering the big stage, and achieving great success". He aspired to return to Fujian and build his hometown. At that time, he stated that work was imminent and responsibility lay on his shoulders, and he would always strictly demand himself with the standards of "loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility"

Ukraine issues an ultimatum!, Agreement on Israel | Israel | Ukraine
Ukraine issues an ultimatum!, Agreement on Israel | Israel | Ukraine

According to a report by Russian news agency on August 20th, the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel issued a statement stating that if Tel Aviv continues to expel Ukrainians, Jewish pilgrims will not be able to enter the Ukrainian town of Uman. According to reports, the statement from the Ukrainian embassy stated, "If Israel does not stop expelling Ukrainians, Israeli residents will not be able to enter Ukraine. Ukraine will suspend its visa free agreement with Israel." On the 18th, Ukrainian President Zelensky heard a report from the Ukrainian intelligence agency on the problems faced by Ukrainian refugees entering different countries. Zelensky stated that the rights of Ukrainian citizens must be guaranteed. Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgeny Kornychuk stated that Zelensky's words were mainly aimed at the Israeli government. Kornychuk said, "The Ukrainian government will not tolerate its citizens entering Israel."

Local police responded that reporters interviewed fake central enterprises threatened to "kill" or "kill" them | Project | Police
Local police responded that reporters interviewed fake central enterprises threatened to "kill" or "kill" them | Project | Police

According to a report by Southern Weekend, after a super hydrogen project was disclosed, the bidding party Zhongguangtong Technology Co., Ltd. was publicly cracked down on by state-owned enterprise State Power Investment Corporation. The investigation by reporters found that "Zhongguangtong" is not just one of the above-mentioned companies, but there are dozens of companies with names containing "Zhongguangtong" and equity relationships. In the official WeChat account of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), there are six companies including Zhongguangtong in the "List of Counterfeit State Owned Enterprises Announced by Central Enterprises". According to the report, on July 20th, when a reporter from Southern Weekend went to Zhongguangtong Technology Co., Ltd. for an interview, after showing his identity as a journalist, he was brutally treated by several people, including the company's head. The reporter's phone was seized and he was trapped at one point, and he was threatened several times to "kill" or "kill". Southern Weekend later reported the case to the local public security organs. August 7th, 18 days after the incident

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announces a plan to transfer power
Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announces a plan to transfer power

According to foreign media reports, on the evening of the 20th local time, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated in his national television speech at the 2023 National Day Mass Conference that his plan to transfer power has now returned to the right track, and more and more decision-making power has been delegated to the fourth generation leadership team. Meanwhile, he denies that recent "controversial events" will delay this process. According to Singapore Asia News, on the same day, Lee Hsien Loong stated in his speech that his initial plan was to transfer power and step down as prime minister before his 70th birthday in 2022. However, the COVID-19 epidemic disrupted this plan. At that time, he promised the Singaporean people that he would work with the current and fourth generation leadership teams to lead the country "through difficulties". But now that the COVID-19 epidemic is over, his handover plan is back on track. Former leader of the fourth generation leadership team in Singapore

Can we turn the tide?, "Anti Corruption Fighter" Arevalo Elected as Guatemala's Presidential Candidate | President | Guatemala
Can we turn the tide?, "Anti Corruption Fighter" Arevalo Elected as Guatemala's Presidential Candidate | President | Guatemala

On the evening of August 20th local time, Bernardo Arevalo, the presidential candidate of the "Seed Movement" party, known as the "anti-corruption fighter" in Guatemala, announced his victory in the country's presidential election, which was an unexpected result for many people. His anti-corruption stance earned him a lot of support in two rounds of voting. Arevalo, currently 64 years old, is the son of Juan Jose Arevalo, the first democratically elected president of Guatemala, and has served as the ambassador to Spain. According to Reuters on August 20th, out of the 99% of the votes counted, Arevallo leads former First Lady Sandra Torres by 58% to 37%. Previously, many experts were not optimistic about Arevalo. However, in the first round of elections in June, he rebelled against the poll results and unexpectedly won the second highest vote, singing all the way to win the final round

Every seven people in Zhejiang have one boss entity | economy | boss
Every seven people in Zhejiang have one boss entity | economy | boss

Market entities are the "cells" of economic operation and an important indicator for measuring economic activity. Since the beginning of this year, the number of market entities in multiple regions has achieved new breakthroughs. Among them, Zhejiang Province recently became the fifth province in China with a total market operating entity exceeding 10 million households. Data shows that in Zhejiang, one out of every seven people is a boss. According to Zhejiang media reports, Yiwu became the first county in Zhejiang Province to have a registered market entity exceeding one million at 9:00 am on August 16th. The number of registered market entities accounted for one tenth of the province and five thousandths of the country, ranking second in the country. Tang Hairu, Vice Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Hangzhou Planning Committee, analyzed the First Financial Times that Yiwu is the capital of small commodities with a complete range of product categories and a wide coverage. Therefore, the individual

Multiple European countries are experiencing a new wave of heatwaves invading countries | Warning | Invasion
Multiple European countries are experiencing a new wave of heatwaves invading countries | Warning | Invasion

Recently, several European countries such as Spain, Italy, and France have been hit by a new wave of heat waves. In France, 50 provinces are currently in a high-temperature orange warning state. 50 provinces in France are in a high-temperature orange warning state. On the 21st, the French meteorological department updated the high-temperature orange warning map. On that day, the meteorological department included the coastal province of Charente Maritime. At present, a total of 50 provinces in France are in a high-temperature orange warning state. The meteorological department stated that it is not ruled out that the warning level may be upgraded in some provinces, and it is expected that this round of high temperature weather will continue until at least the 23rd. Lyon resident Fran ç ois: I think the next few days will also be very hot, which is what climate change brings. We are doing our best to cope and have to adapt. Lyon resident Natalie: We went to the swimming pool, which is both cheap and simple

Second time within the year! Shenzhen issues another notice: Lowering the application threshold for talent housing - Commercial housing | Talent | Notice
Second time within the year! Shenzhen issues another notice: Lowering the application threshold for talent housing - Commercial housing | Talent | Notice

This article has a word count of 1848 and a reading time of approximately 3 minutes. Introduction: Lowering the subscription threshold will accelerate the pace of talent housing conversion. On August 21, Zhang Huimin, the Shenzhen Housing and Social Security Bureau issued the third batch of talent housing allocation notices for 2023, which drew attention to information about the reduction of educational qualifications for applicants and the relaxation of the selection range for three family layouts. Specifically, previously, the applicants for talent housing in Shenzhen were divided into two queues, and the applicants from both queues selected the housing in sequence. This allocation has added two queues of subscribers on the original basis. In the first queue, the applicant has a full-time undergraduate degree or above, or is a technician who meets the needs of Shenzhen's industrial development, or is recognized by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security as having a high degree

Behind the Water Shortage in Maui Island, Hawaii, USA: A Battle for Water Rights: West Maui Land Company | Company | Water Rights
Behind the Water Shortage in Maui Island, Hawaii, USA: A Battle for Water Rights: West Maui Land Company | Company | Water Rights

In the Maui Island fire in Hawaii, the lack of water has become an unavoidable major issue in fire rescue efforts. Why is there no water to extinguish the fire? Behind the "water shortage" is a prolonged battle between the Hawaiian indigenous people of Maui and new "colonizers" over local water rights. On the 17th, The Guardian of the UK raised a question: Throughout the island of Maui, there are lush golf courses everywhere, luxury hotels are filled with swimming pools, and businesses hoard water to sell to luxury estates. But why did the water pipe dry up when it was time to put out the fire? Can't squeeze out a drop of water? The report states that for over a century, the water in the western region of Maui Island has been exploited by outsiders for profit: initially the owners of large sugarcane plantations, now large enterprises have become their successors, among which

From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries
From a victim to a perpetrator, typing and chatting can earn you a high salary? Young people who have encountered telecommunications fraud | jobs | high salaries

Nowadays, many young people are familiar with the internet, which is a major advantage for them when looking for jobs. A company located in a high-end office building in the city center, with an office job mainly focused on online chatting and making phone calls, is also quite attractive to many young people, but easy money can lead to problems. The job advertisement claims to be extravagant and seemingly easy, but in reality, it may be a trap that leads people on a path of no return, deceiving them without discussion. If one steps in, they will be used as a knife. In 2019, Wang Yang, a young man from Guangzhou who had just graduated a few years ago, wanted to change his job. Proficient in computers and familiar with the internet, he wants to find a job in an office. Defendant Wang Yang: I just went online to look for job postings. A company was located in Tianhe District, the city center, and I felt it was quite reliable at the time. Then I submitted a resume,

Cannot be a multiple-choice question for local cultural heritage preservation. Media: Is it "poor to death" or "commercial disability"? Excessive commercialization makes cultural relics and ancient buildings "unrecognizable". Ancient buildings | cultural relics | local
Cannot be a multiple-choice question for local cultural heritage preservation. Media: Is it "poor to death" or "commercial disability"? Excessive commercialization makes cultural relics and ancient buildings "unrecognizable". Ancient buildings | cultural relics | local

Is it "poor death" or "commercial disability"? It cannot be a multiple-choice question for local cultural heritage preservation, and excessive commercialization and disorderly development are not allowed to cause damage to cultural relics, ancient buildings, and historical landscape. Absorbing social forces to enhance grassroots cultural heritage preservation capabilities is a necessary attempt to expand the path of cultural heritage protection. To some extent, exploring the participation of social forces in the protection and utilization of cultural relics and forming sustainable mechanisms is also a way of guarding civilization. According to a CCTV report on August 19th, Tianshui City in Gansu Province has a relatively large and well preserved residential courtyard complex from the Ming and Qing dynasties in the northwest region. In order to rescue these ancient buildings, Tianshui City allocated over 888 million yuan in protection funds from 2015 to 2021. Many citizens and tourists have found that after renovation and commercial operation, many ancient buildings have been renovated and detached from their original appearance, and some have even been renovated

Is it wine or ice cream? Do minors buy too much? Journalist investigation: Alcohol ice cream minors | Alcohol | Ice cream
Is it wine or ice cream? Do minors buy too much? Journalist investigation: Alcohol ice cream minors | Alcohol | Ice cream

Manga/Gao Yue [Investigation Motivation] "Is alcohol ice cream considered alcohol? Can children eat it?" Recently, Ms. Zhao, a Beijing resident, called to inquire. Ms. Zhao said that her child is in the second grade of junior high school, which is the age when she is curious about new things. This summer, the child bought a lot of alcoholic ice cream to eat, with various brands and flavors available. Some were bought from nearby small shops, while others were bought online. "I'm worried that alcohol ice cream may have an impact on a child's health, but the child said it only has a slight taste of alcohol, and it still tastes like ice cream rather than alcohol. Many classmates are eating it, so it's not a problem. I don't know if I should stop him from eating it," Ms. Zhao said in confusion. Does alcohol ice cream belong to alcohol or not? Do minors buy too much? Is it edible? Can merchants sell alcoholic ice cream to customers without authorization

Who else is their "prey", besides public officials Japan | CIA | public officials
Who else is their "prey", besides public officials Japan | CIA | public officials

Inviting guests to eat, giving gifts, and paying "royalties"... During my study abroad in Japan, I was infiltrated by personnel from the Central Intelligence Agency's Tokyo station and gradually recruited as a spy. Dining outings, watching operas, emotional temptations... During my study abroad in Italy, a staff member of a certain military industry group was infiltrated by personnel from the Central Intelligence Agency's Rome station, developing a psychological dependence on the other party and gradually falling into a spy network. Recently, national security agencies have successively cracked down on espionage cases by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, which has attracted widespread attention. Counting them in detail, such cases are not isolated. In recent years, foreign spy and intelligence agencies, especially the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, have been increasingly rampant in their intelligence infiltration activities targeting our country, which can be said to be pervasive. Public officials, veterans, and defense research personnel who have conditional access to state secrets

China calls for: to prevent the situation between Palestine and Israel from completely spiraling out of control | action | situation
China calls for: to prevent the situation between Palestine and Israel from completely spiraling out of control | action | situation

On the 21st, Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, spoke at the open meeting of the Security Council on the Middle East Palestinian issue, calling on the international community to use firm political will, effective diplomatic action, and decisive collective efforts to prevent the situation between Palestine and Israel from completely spiraling out of control and promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue. Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, pointed out in the document that we must firmly oppose violence and violent incitement, and effectively uphold international law. For a period of time, the situation on the ground between Palestine and Israel has been feverish and negative, with a continuous escalation of the cycle of violence, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties. China is deeply concerned about this. China condemns all violence against civilians, killings and violations against children, and opposes the excessive use of force by security forces. All parties involved must maintain calm and restraint, and the occupying party should effectively fulfill international legal obligations

Related to China, Three Good News, Special Moments Guatemala | Good News | China
Related to China, Three Good News, Special Moments Guatemala | Good News | China

This article is reprinted from the American manga by Niu Danqin, which may be politically incorrect, but it's quite interesting to read. In 2023, it's a bit of a bad time. To be frank, what we have seen and heard recently are mostly bad news, such as the wildfires in the United States, floods in China, conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, turmoil in Africa, as well as the bad water in Japan and the poor economies of many countries... The more times we are like this, the more we need some good news. In my personal opinion, there have been at least three interesting pieces of good news recently. Good news one, Guatemala has a little surprise. The political changes in this Central American country have now made some politicians in Taiwan province very nervous. Because the latest election statistics show that the son of the former president and the general secretary of the "Seed Movement" party, Arevalo, won the election. This Ali

Revealing the itinerary of a "celebrity" and triggering a police investigation? Several students have been deceived and recruited! Primary School | Group. Chat | Students
Revealing the itinerary of a "celebrity" and triggering a police investigation? Several students have been deceived and recruited! Primary School | Group. Chat | Students

Xiaoli, a 13-year-old from Haining Xucun, Jiaxing, is a student who has just graduated from elementary school. On the afternoon of August 15th, while browsing short videos at home, she suddenly received a private message saying, "Scan the code to join the group, call Song Yaxuan from the Times Youth Group!" Upon hearing that it was a call for Ai Dou, Xiao Li did not hesitate to scan the code to join the group. However, not long after, a "Officer Zhang" suddenly appeared in the group, saying that someone had leaked the artist's privacy. Everyone in the group had to cooperate with the investigation, otherwise they would directly contact their guardian to pay a fine of 20000 yuan. Xiao Li immediately panicked and kept sending messages to "Officer Zhang" all afternoon, saying that the leakage of privacy had nothing to do with her before she joined the group, but "Officer Zhang" never replied. Xiao Li was constantly on tenterhooks until the evening, and finally stopped

Banks refute rumors of billions of loans, nearly 50 A-share companies are asked about risks related to Country Garden: the establishment of specialized teams by suppliers | Country Garden | Risks
Banks refute rumors of billions of loans, nearly 50 A-share companies are asked about risks related to Country Garden: the establishment of specialized teams by suppliers | Country Garden | Risks

Since August 8th, Country Garden has been exposed for failing to pay US dollar bond interest. According to statistics from The Paper, as of August 21st, at least 49 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been questioned by investors about their business dealings and accounts receivable with Country Garden. 49 listed companies are involved in upstream and downstream real estate industry companies such as design companies, home appliance suppliers, precision decoration companies, building material suppliers, as well as real estate development enterprises and banks cooperating with Country Garden. Some suppliers claimed that they had "stopped supplying directly to Country Garden Company" before the debt issue of Country Garden surfaced; There are also rumors that banks are taking the opportunity to refute the rumor of a "hundred billion loan", and more companies are saying they will increase their collection efforts through means such as work to housing loans. Supplier: Establish a dedicated response team to organize and display information on the investor interaction platform of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets,

What is the prospect of autonomous driving?, After consecutive car accidents, the usage of autonomous taxis in California, USA has been halved. Cruise | Shuttle | California, USA
What is the prospect of autonomous driving?, After consecutive car accidents, the usage of autonomous taxis in California, USA has been halved. Cruise | Shuttle | California, USA

On August 10th, California regulatory authorities allowed General Motors' Cruise and former Google owned Waymo to operate autonomous taxis in San Francisco, making it the first city in the United States to have two autonomous driving fleets. But recently, due to two consecutive accidents involving autonomous vehicles, the California Motor Vehicle Administration has begun to impose restrictions on them, raising concerns in American society about the safety of autonomous driving. Nevertheless, major companies and governments around the world are still persistently promoting the development of autonomous driving and building bridges for its future transportation. According to the Associated Press on August 20, the Cruise autonomous vehicle division of General Motors agreed to cut its fleet of autonomous taxis in San Francisco in half. Greg, General Manager of Cruise in San Francisco

Thailand's re election of Prime Minister today: risking everything for the Thai Party and remote-controlled Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra | Candidate | Thailand
Thailand's re election of Prime Minister today: risking everything for the Thai Party and remote-controlled Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra | Candidate | Thailand

Since the general election was held on May 14th, the political situation in Thailand has been dark and unclear, and there is no definite who will be appointed as the 30th Prime Minister. Recently, the Thai parliament announced that it will hold another session of the House and Senate on August 22 to vote for the Prime Minister. The second ranked candidate in the general election is the Thai party, which has nominated the famous real estate tycoon Sota Ta, who has only been in politics for 175 days, as the candidate for prime minister. He has also formed a coalition government led by the Thai party, with the participation of major political parties other than the Democratic Party in the original ruling coalition. At the same time, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who had been in exile since being overthrown by the military in 2006, announced loudly that he would return to his home country on the same day. Can he fulfill his wish to ascend to the throne of Prime Minister? What is the relationship between Thaksin's return to China and the ruling party for Thailand? Where will Thai politics develop again? Far Progressive Party Dreams of Breaking Parliament, Bringing Thailand's Party Up from Behind

Proposed new position, four post-85 graduate students | Unit | New position
Proposed new position, four post-85 graduate students | Unit | New position

Zhang Huan, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1987, is proposed to serve as the head of a municipal unit. He holds a graduate degree from the Provincial Party School and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the Deputy County Magistrate of Dongzhi County Government and is proposed to serve as the head of a municipal unit. According to the public resume, Zhang Huan, from Qingyang, Anhui, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He graduated from Chuzhou University with a major in Chinese Language Education, and from the Anhui Provincial Party School with a graduate degree in Economic Management. Formerly served as the Deputy Director of the Organization and Comprehensive Department of the Organization Department of Qingyang County Committee, Secretary and Secretary of the Party Group of the Youth League County Committee, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of the Township Party Committee, Member of the Party Group of the County Government, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the County Government Office, and Member of the Party Group and Deputy County Mayor of Dongzhi County Government. Liu Hui intends to be appointed as the head of the Municipal Government Work Department. Liu Hui, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1988, is a graduate student with a doctoral degree in engineering and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently serving as the Dongshan County Party Committee

The Taiwan authorities used the "mango weapon", and as expected mango | mainland | Taiwan authorities
The Taiwan authorities used the "mango weapon", and as expected mango | mainland | Taiwan authorities

After pineapple, lotus mist, and avocado, mango has also been included in the list of fruits temporarily suspended from entering the mainland, while the Taiwan authorities have stated that the impact is not significant. On August 21st, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, Zhu Fenglian, stated that since the beginning of this year, mainland Chinese customs have intercepted the quarantine pest, the ocean buttocks striped mealworm, from mangoes imported from Taiwan. Once introduced, this harmful organism will pose a serious threat to agricultural production and ecological security in the mainland. In order to prevent risks from the source, the General Administration of Customs has decided to suspend the import of mangoes from Taiwan to the mainland from August 21, 2023. It has also notified Taiwan through the Cross Strait Agricultural Product Quarantine and Inspection Cooperation Agreement, requesting Taiwan to further improve its plant quarantine management system. The above measures are normal biosafety prevention measures, scientifically reasonable, and comply with relevant laws in mainland China

Too disgusting! Famous Shampoo Squeezes Over 50 Insect Eggs with One Pump | Official | Insect Eggs
Too disgusting! Famous Shampoo Squeezes Over 50 Insect Eggs with One Pump | Official | Insect Eggs

Recently, some netizens reported that a large amount of brown insect eggs were squeezed out of two bottles of Haifeisi shampoo purchased from the official flagship store of Tmall Procter&Gamble, which attracted attention. On August 21st, Ms. Zhao, a citizen from Huangshi, Hubei, told Hubei Economic Television reporters that during this year's "618" event, she spent 76.72 yuan to purchase two bottles of 680g Haifei Silk shampoo at the official flagship store of Tmall Procter&Gamble. On August 19th, the child swam home to take a shower. She gave the child an unopened bottle of 680g Hibiscus to use, but the child screamed loudly in the bathroom. It turned out that the child had squeezed out a large amount of brown insect eggs in this bottle of Hibiscus. Ms. Zhao said that she will also take out another bottle of Haifei Silk that she purchased at the same time for inspection, and squeeze out the same brown insect eggs. Extremely thick, about 50-60 pieces squeezed by a pump, looking like cockroach eggs

Russian media: Moscow's three airports temporarily closed TASS | Vnukovo | Moscow
Russian media: Moscow's three airports temporarily closed TASS | Vnukovo | Moscow

Latest news: On the 22nd local time, TASS quoted the Russian aviation management department as saying that Moscow Vnukovo Airport has resumed normal operations after being temporarily closed. Previously reported: According to TASS, on the 22nd local time, the airspace of three airports in the Russian capital Moscow, Vnukovo, Domodedovo, and Seremetevo, was temporarily closed and flights were suspended. According to reports, after the airspace of the three airports was closed, some flights were diverted to other cities, and some flights were diverted to Moscow Zhukovsky Airport. Sources told TASS that the airports of Domodedovo and Sheremetevo have resumed operations after a brief closure, while the airport of Vonukovo is still closed. TASS reported that more than ten flights were delayed during the temporary closure period.

The broken diamonds in Zhang Yuqi's mouth become sweet cakes. Qixi's "hot gold and cold diamonds": there are big carat diamond rings in stores and no one cares about marriage | newlyweds | Zhang Yuqi
The broken diamonds in Zhang Yuqi's mouth become sweet cakes. Qixi's "hot gold and cold diamonds": there are big carat diamond rings in stores and no one cares about marriage | newlyweds | Zhang Yuqi

"Diamonds are timeless, one is forever passed down." In the last century, diamond giant De Beers' marketing advertisement associated diamonds with "eternity", giving them a special meaning that symbolizes love. Once upon a time, wearing a "pigeon egg" diamond ring became a beautiful aspiration for countless brides. But with the gold fever, combined with multiple factors such as artificially cultivated diamond supplements and low-priced recycling in the secondary market, the expected purchase of diamonds in the market is gradually shrinking. Originally considered a scarce commodity, diamonds have gradually fallen from the high priced altar. According to CCTV News, citing CNBC, the recently released global rough diamond price index shows that diamond prices have fallen by 6.5% since the beginning of this year, an 18% drop from the historical high in February 2022. Global diamond prices have fallen for 15 consecutive months, according to the official website of the International Diamond Exchange

12306 New features: push notifications for delays, change of ticket checking location, and other information | Passengers | Location
12306 New features: push notifications for delays, change of ticket checking location, and other information | Passengers | Location

Starting from August 22nd, the railway department will further optimize and improve the 12306 passenger information service function, providing travel information services covering ticket purchase, boarding, ticket refund and rescheduling, suspension notices, and delay reminders, better meeting the needs of passenger information services and improving the travel experience.One is to enrich service scenarios. On the basis of pushing information on ticket purchase, refund, rescheduling, train suspension, and restoration to passengers, a new push has been added for temporary passenger trains, delayed reminders, and ticket checking locations in the same direction as waiting passengers

Special rectification!, TV "nesting doll" fee | TV | nesting doll
Special rectification!, TV "nesting doll" fee | TV | nesting doll

On the 21st, the State Administration of Radio and Television, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant units, held a mobilization and deployment meeting in Beijing to address the complex charging and operation of television "nesting dolls". Require pilot work and special rectification to be carried out by the end of this year, focusing on solving the problems of "multiple fee packages, multiple fee subjects, and opaque fees", and the phenomenon of TV "dolls" charging has been significantly improved; Vigorously improve the user experience of watching TV when turning on, and basically achieve the ability to watch live TV channels immediately after turning on cable TV and IPTV. According to the requirements of the conference, it is necessary to coordinate the three major systems of cable TV, IPTV and Internet TV, grasp the ideological attribute, public service attribute and technical industry attribute of large TV screens, overcome difficulties, coordinate and link

American political critics criticize the United States, which has long been immersed in a culture lacking moral education and has become a despicable national culture | morality | America
American political critics criticize the United States, which has long been immersed in a culture lacking moral education and has become a despicable national culture | morality | America

On August 21, China Daily reported that American political commentator David Brooks recently wrote on the website of the Atlantic Monthly that in a culture lacking moral education in the United States, generations have grown up in a world of moral aphasia and self talk. And these factors have exacerbated the political dysfunction and democratic crisis in the United States in areas such as demographics and economy. Brooks pointed out that the fundamental reason is that the United States has done very poorly in moral education! According to a screenshot from Atlantic Monthly, Brooks has been plagued by two issues for over eight years. Firstly, why do Americans become so sad? It is well known that the incidence rate of depression has increased, as well as the number of desperate deaths caused by drugs, alcohol and suicide. But other data

Reporter's direct question: How was the wildfire in Hawaii caused? 100000. Hawaii | Governor | Reporter
Reporter's direct question: How was the wildfire in Hawaii caused? 100000. Hawaii | Governor | Reporter

Maui Island is the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, with a population of over 100000. The town of La Haina, with about 13000 residents, is a famous tourist town and was once the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Hawaii. The Maui County wildfire began on the 8th and is the deadliest wildfire in over a century in the United States. Hawaii Governor Green stated that the current losses are approaching $6 billion. Whether it is the survivors of the disaster, or many American media and netizens who have been questioning in recent days: how did the "deadliest" wildfire in the United States over the past century be caused? From a natural perspective, multiple factors such as strong winds, drought, and flammable vegetation have jointly created conditions for the explosive spread of wildfires. Meteorological experts point out that global climate change has led to more severe extreme weather disasters, including wildfires. Hurricane Dora, although only from

Direct Attack on the Scene: The Sorrow, Anger, and Expectations of Disaster Victims - Direct Attack on the Severe Wildfire Disaster Area of La Haina, Hawaii, 20th | Tan Jingjing | Wildfire | Anger
Direct Attack on the Scene: The Sorrow, Anger, and Expectations of Disaster Victims - Direct Attack on the Severe Wildfire Disaster Area of La Haina, Hawaii, 20th | Tan Jingjing | Wildfire | Anger

On August 20th, Xinhua News Agency reported that the air in the famous tourist town of La Haina, Hawaii, which was hit by wildfires, was still filled with a burnt smell. The reporter saw charred ruins and broken walls everywhere, and the areas where the fire occurred have been isolated by obstacles such as wire mesh. The entrances and exits are also strictly controlled by the military and police, and some charitable organization personnel are busy moving materials in relatively intact areas of the building. This is a post wildfire scene taken on August 20th in La Haina, Maui Island, Hawaii, USA. On the afternoon of the 20th, Xinhua News Agency reported that Deborah, a haggard resident of La Haina, was sitting in front of a remaining shop holding a simple meal that had just been received from a charity organization

Xinhua News Agency reporter visits the wildfire stricken area of Lahai, Maui Island, Hawaii | Wildfire | Reporter
Xinhua News Agency reporter visits the wildfire stricken area of Lahai, Maui Island, Hawaii | Wildfire | Reporter

After the wildfire disaster, the famous tourist town of La Haina on Maui Island in Hawaii, USA, was still filled with a burnt smell on August 20th. Everywhere are charred ruins and broken walls, and the areas where the fire occurred have been isolated by obstacles such as barbed wire. The entrances and exits are strictly controlled by military and police, and some charitable organization personnel are busy moving materials in relatively intact areas of the building. The residence and clothing store of local resident Deborah are located in one of the earlier areas in Lahaina town that were engulfed by the fire. At noon on the 20th, she recalled to reporters, "When thick smoke rolled in the distance, my neighbors and I stood at the door, no one knew what exactly happened, nor did anyone notify us." As the thick smoke and flames approached, she hastily packed two small bags and drove to the beach, but the street was already in chaos