The world

Ren 985 Vice President!, Former well-known CCTV host
Ren 985 Vice President!, Former well-known CCTV host

Recently, an update in the "School Leaders" section of the official website of Central University for Nationalities showed that Wang Zhi, who had previously served as the host of CCTV, has now become a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Central University for Nationalities. Previously, Wang Zhi held positions such as Assistant to the President of Communication University of China. According to public information, Wang Zhi was born in May 1965 in Hengyang, Hunan. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Hunan Normal University in 1986 and pursued a master's degree in literary aesthetics at the university in 1989. In the year of graduation, I was assigned to work as a news reporter on a news program at Hunan Television Station. During this time, I worked at a television station in Chenzhou for a year and a half, and was seconded to Shenzhen Cable TV Station as a journalist. Starting from February 1994, he joined CCTV and served as a journalist and host on the program "The Son of the East"; In February 1996, he joined the News Review Department of CCTV

Clear ministerial level, approved by the central government: Two provinces welcome new standing committee members of provincial committees! Central alternate committee member who enters Beijing to assume new positions
Clear ministerial level, approved by the central government: Two provinces welcome new standing committee members of provincial committees! Central alternate committee member who enters Beijing to assume new positions

In the past week, Liaoning and Guangdong provinces have welcomed new members of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee; The State Council also appointed and dismissed several national staff members. Last week, Deng Xiuming, a central alternate member who took office in Beijing in July this year, was clearly appointed as a ministerial level official; The new positions of the two leading cadres have also been clarified. Last week, Zhuhai and Heyuan in Guangdong welcomed new city party secretaries, and Yulin in Guangxi welcomed a new mayor. The two provinces have welcomed new members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee just one week ago, and the two provinces have welcomed new members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Liaoning Daily · Liaowang Client announced last Wednesday that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has approved Comrade Jiang Youwei as a member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee. The Liaoning Provincial Party Committee has decided that Comrade Jiang Youwei will serve as the Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, as well as the Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office and the Secretary of the Provincial Government Work Committee. According to the public resume, Jiang Youwei, male, Han ethnicity, was born in September 1967 in Nong'an, Jilin

Restrictions on Exiting Ukraine, Military Registration for Women with Medical Background Russia | Ukraine | Medicine
Restrictions on Exiting Ukraine, Military Registration for Women with Medical Background Russia | Ukraine | Medicine

Officials from the United States and Europe have stated that the United States is about to approve the provision of an army tactical missile system to Ukraine. The range of the Army Tactical Missile System is approximately 190 miles, equivalent to 305 kilometers, and can be launched by the Hamas rocket launcher, which is sufficient for the Ukrainian army to strike Russian targets behind the front lines. US President Biden did not approve the provision of this missile to Ukraine earlier, partly due to concerns among US officials that Ukraine may use missiles to attack Russian territory, escalating the conflict into a large-scale war between the West and Russia. At the same time, the Ukrainian side announced that Ukrainian women with a medical education background should undergo military registration and obtain reserve military status from October 1st, thus being restricted from leaving the country. Ukraine has begun to mobilize patients with tuberculosis and viral hepatitis, HIV infected people and

The reservoir is temporarily suspending flood discharge! 13 tourists camping and barbecue trapped
The reservoir is temporarily suspending flood discharge! 13 tourists camping and barbecue trapped

Dandong police urgently contacted the reservoir to temporarily suspend flood discharge! Because there are 13 camping tourists trapped downstream due to the sudden rise of the river water! Police and firefighters rescued stranded tourists at the scene. Fang Chao, an instructor at the Dandong Kuandian Hushan Border Police Station, told reporters that to their disappointment, the reservoir had notified them to discharge the flood, but these 13 people knew nothing about it. Fang Chao introduced that they received a 110 call on the evening of September 2nd at around 7pm, stating that 13 tourists were camping and barbecuing on the riverbank more than 100 meters downstream of the Yinhe Bridge in Hushan Town. Due to the flood discharge from the upstream reservoir and the sudden rise of the river water, the roads were flooded and tourists were trapped. The police quickly rushed to the scene with rescue equipment. "The tourists were on a relatively flat slope that was usually higher than the river, but after the river surged, the road leading to the slope was submerged and could not return," Fang Chao said

Member of Parliament: Those who oppose changing the country's name can leave!
Member of Parliament: Those who oppose changing the country's name can leave!

According to the website of the Hindu Daily on September 11th, Dilip Ghosh, a senior official and member of the People's Party of India, stated on the 10th that India will change its name to "Bharat" and opponents "can leave the country.". According to reports, the former chairman of the West Bengal People's Party also said, "When our party takes power in West Bengal, we will remove all foreign statues in Kolkata." Gao Xi has made several controversial remarks in the past, not only targeting his political opponents, but also targeting party leaders. The report pointed out that Gao Xi made the above remarks after the Modi government used the new country name "Ballat" at the G20 Leaders' Summit in New Delhi. The opposition party, consisting of 26 political parties, the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance, has raised doubts about this move. Leadership of the National Congress Party

Lavrov: Guterres was "exploited"
Lavrov: Guterres was "exploited"

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized the UN Secretary General Guterres' proposal on the resumption of the Black Sea food export agreement on September 10 as "unrealistic". Lavrov stated in New Delhi on the 10th that after reading a letter from Guterres to him, he believed that Guterres had been exploited by some interested party. According to reports, Guterres had previously written to Lavrov, suggesting that the Russian side establish a subsidiary of the Agricultural Bank of Russia, and then connect this subsidiary to the system of the Global Interbank Financial Communications Association for relevant settlement. However, Lavrov said that the seed company of Agricultural Bank of Russia does not have the relevant license. He also stated that there has been no response regarding the issue of Russia obtaining relevant insurance services. Lavrov reiterated that as long as Russia's demands are met,

Central Bank: The RMB exchange rate has a solid foundation for maintaining basic stability at a reasonable and balanced level
Central Bank: The RMB exchange rate has a solid foundation for maintaining basic stability at a reasonable and balanced level

On September 11, 2023, the National Conference on Self discipline Mechanisms in the Foreign Exchange Market was held in Beijing. The meeting discussed the recent situation of the foreign exchange market and the issue of the RMB exchange rate. Representatives from the relevant guidance department and eight core member institutions of the foreign exchange market self-discipline mechanism attended the meeting. The meeting believes that although the Chinese yuan has depreciated against the US dollar in recent times, it has maintained basic stability against a basket of currencies and relatively strong against non US major currencies. The foreign exchange market is operating steadily, and market expectations are generally stable. With the gradual introduction and implementation of domestic policies to stabilize the economy and expectations, the year-on-year growth rate of prices has bottomed out and turned positive, the import and export data has been better than expected, the effect of real estate policies has gradually become apparent, consumption has significantly rebounded, technological innovation continues to break through, high-quality economic development continues to advance, and the potential for economic growth is accumulating

Dismissed from positions of Wen Minggang and Fu Jiangjing, Guangdong's latest personnel appointment and removal: Zhu Xiaojun appointed as Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Commerce
Dismissed from positions of Wen Minggang and Fu Jiangjing, Guangdong's latest personnel appointment and removal: Zhu Xiaojun appointed as Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Commerce

Appointment and dismissal of staff by the People's Government of Guangdong Province. Appoint Zhu Xiaojun as the Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, with a one-year probationary period. Dismiss Wen Mingang from his position as Vice President of Southern Medical University and retire; Fu Jiangjing was relieved of his position as Vice Dean of Foshan University of Science and Technology and retired. According to the official websites and relevant reports of various municipal governments in Guangdong Province, from September 4th to 10th, 2023, personnel appointments and dismissals were announced in many parts of Guangdong Province. The following are the details of each region 👇👇👇On April 7, 2023, the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government decided to dismiss Comrade Huang Yun from his position as Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Municipal Finance Bureau; Dismiss Comrade Shen Hualiang from his position as Deputy Director of Shenzhen Medical Security Bureau and retire; Dismiss Comrade Luo Langping from his position as Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Rural Revitalization and Cooperation Exchange Bureau and retire; Exempt Comrade Chen Jianmin from Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration

Li Maorong, Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, voluntarily surrendered to the case
Li Maorong, Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, voluntarily surrendered to the case

According to the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Li Maorong, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City Government in Jiangxi Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He has voluntarily surrendered and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Li Maorong: Li Maorong, male, Han nationality, born in December 1968 in Jinxian, Jiangxi Province, with a postgraduate degree, started work in August 1990, and joined the CPC in October 1991. From August 1990 to February 2007, he served as the Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Pengtian Township, Linchuan County, a cadre and deputy section level organizer of the Organization Department of the Linchuan Municipal Party Committee, the Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wenquan Town, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, the Deputy District Mayor of the District Government, the Deputy Secretary General of the Fuzhou Municipal Government, and a member of the Office Party Group; From February 2007 to February 2011, served as the Party Secretary and Director of the Fuzhou Urban Planning Bureau;

The International Forum on Legal Services was held in Shanghai
The International Forum on Legal Services was held in Shanghai

On the morning of September 5th, the International Forum on Legal Services with the theme of "Deepening Legal Service Cooperation to Assist Regional Economic and Trade Development" was successfully held in Shanghai, China during the 10th Meeting of Ministers of Justice of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states. Vice Minister of Justice Wang Zhenjiang attended the forum and delivered a speech.Wang Zhenjiang stated that legal services are an important guarantee for high-quality promotion of international economic and trade development. China is willing to work with other countries to fully

The most popular digital technology positions include algorithm engineers, and about 40 companies are recruiting talents on the same platform
The most popular digital technology positions include algorithm engineers, and about 40 companies are recruiting talents on the same platform

On September 9th, the first Bund Conference · Technology Talent Recruitment Fair was held under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, co hosted by the Shanghai Talent Service Center and Ant Group. About 40 high-quality enterprises from science and technology, Internet, finance and research institutions, such as Youkede, VoiceNet, Fanwei, Daguan Data and Ant Group, have provided more than 1000 social recruitment and school recruitment posts, providing a platform for communication between science and innovation enterprises and talents. It is understood that from the pre appointment registration situation, undergraduate and master's degrees account for 97%, and doctoral degrees account for 3%; The highest demand on site is for digital technology positions, accounting for over 50% of the total number of positions. Among them, algorithm engineers, development engineers, and system engineers are the top three most popular recruitment positions. Related to the Human Resources Development and Market Management Department of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security

Women account for 11.11% of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering in Shanghai! Highlighting the agglomeration effect of high-level female technological talents
Women account for 11.11% of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering in Shanghai! Highlighting the agglomeration effect of high-level female technological talents

At the 2023 Pujiang Innovation Forum, the Shanghai Women's Federation, the Shanghai Science and Technology Work Party Committee, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission jointly released the Shanghai Women's Science and Technology Talent Development Report. The report points out that the proportion of female R&D personnel in Shanghai ranks among the top in the country. In 2021, the total number of female R&D personnel in Shanghai was 98300, accounting for 28.49% of the total R&D personnel in the city. From 2016 to 2021, the growth rate of female R&D personnel was higher than that of all R&D personnel. From a field perspective, the engineering science and technology field has the highest proportion of female scientific and technological talents, while the medical science field has the highest proportion of women. In natural science research and technology development institutions, the number of female scientific and technological personnel in the field of engineering science and technology in 2021 was 9229, with a relatively large total scale; From female technology activity personnel to science and technology professionals

Cross talk, fast-paced storytelling, and celebrity forums... The Pudong Employee Reading Club vividly portrays "traditional culture on new media"
Cross talk, fast-paced storytelling, and celebrity forums... The Pudong Employee Reading Club vividly portrays "traditional culture on new media"

On the afternoon of September 9th, the theme activity of the "Joy and Thoughts · Meeting the Thirty Six Rows" Pudong Workers' Reading Club, sponsored by the District Federation of Trade Unions and organized by the District Workers' Cultural Palace, was held: "Traditional Culture on New Media". This event combines exciting performances such as cross-talk and fast-paced storytelling, in-depth dialogues on forums by experts, and live online presentations, vividly and from multiple perspectives, to tell how traditional culture can be revitalized when encountering new media. Cross talk works such as "Learning the Four Elements", "Lost in Shanghai", clapper talk "The Biography of Confucius", and "The Historical View of the 20th National Congress" have been praised by the live audience, marveling at the intricacies and fun of traditional Chinese opera. The "Traditional Culture Dialogue New Media" forum invited Pan Cong, Vice President of Dragonfly FM, Speaker of "Old Pan Talks about Shanghai", and Rotating President of the Pudong New Area New Social Strata Association, as well as Tian Yun Society

"Crowdfunding Research" helps to jointly tackle common technological challenges in the industry, targeting the leading area! Pudong unveiling and commanding platform adds new practices
"Crowdfunding Research" helps to jointly tackle common technological challenges in the industry, targeting the leading area! Pudong unveiling and commanding platform adds new practices

"Although we develop new varieties every year, the factory, as a single link in the supply chain, is relatively weak in research and development capabilities. This time, under the leadership of the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center, through crowdfunding mode, we are working together to solve problems and connect upstream and downstream enterprises, which greatly helps the industrial chain to produce more functional products." On September 8th, Chen Yiren, the assistant to the president of Jiangsu Zhongyuan Industrial Group Co., Ltd., specially rushed to the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center located in Zhangjiang, Pudong to participate in an important signing. On the Pudong Public Service Platform, the Yangtze River Delta National Technology Innovation Center has organized crowdfunding research to help four upstream and downstream enterprises in the textile industry find technological solutions. On September 8th, the Yangtze River Delta National Innovation Center Alliance

Three thousand years of unparalleled cultural heritage... The "Beautiful and Beautiful" Guqin Culture Exhibition Appears at the East Hall of the Picture
Three thousand years of unparalleled cultural heritage... The "Beautiful and Beautiful" Guqin Culture Exhibition Appears at the East Hall of the Picture

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Guqin's inclusion in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Recently, a "nice and beautiful" Guqin culture exhibition opened on the 7th floor of the East Building of the Shanghai Library. At the opening ceremony of the "Looking at the SH à ng Guqin - Echoes of Three Thousand Years" Guqin Culture Exhibition and the launch ceremony of the new book "Traditional Chinese Guqin Production Art", the reprinted and original versions of five precious Guqin pieces were publicly presented to readers, playing back the timeless legacy of three thousand years. The historical prototypes of the famous Tang Dynasty qin "Jiuxiao Huanpei", the Southern Song Dynasty qin "Qinglai", and the late Ming Dynasty qin "Emei Song" can be seen in the exhibition, which are the famous qin from the Forbidden City that have been passed down for generations. They are usually "hidden in seclusion" and most viewers do not have the chance to see them. In this exhibition, viewers can achieve a perfect 1:1 replication technique with the famous qin from the Forbidden City by the qin maker

Pudong uses high-quality ecological environment to serve high-quality economic and social development, and supports the construction of the Golden Central Development Belt
Pudong uses high-quality ecological environment to serve high-quality economic and social development, and supports the construction of the Golden Central Development Belt

Zhangjiabang, Yinjiabang, Chuanyang River, Sanba River, Majiabang... These rivers form the water environment network within the "Golden Central Development Belt" of Pudong New Area. On July 9, 2020, Pudong New Area officially launched the construction of the "Golden Central Development Belt", creating a demonstration model for high-quality development in Pudong. In the process of constructing various industrial facilities in the "Golden Central", the construction of green ecology cannot be ignored. In recent years, the Ecological Environment Bureau of the New Area has focused on the construction plan of the "Golden Middle Ring" and created a good ecological environment for this demonstration model area through measures such as river improvement and water environment creation, serving high-quality economic and social development with high-quality ecological environment. Multiple river engineering projects serve economic development. Chuanyang River is the "mother river" of Pudong New Area and the planned main river channel, as well as the inland area of Pudong New Area

Community residents skillfully dress up their lives! Immersive "Green Classroom for Flower and Horticulture" Enters the Community
Community residents skillfully dress up their lives! Immersive "Green Classroom for Flower and Horticulture" Enters the Community

Recently, the Pudong New Area Greening Committee Office and the New Area Greening Management Affairs Center collaborated with the Zhangjiang Town Cultural Service Center to bring an immersive "green classroom" to the community residents of Zhangjiang through flowers as a medium. More than 40 participants experienced DIY of horticultural handmade plant pots, simulating the arrangement of green plants in home spaces. Through scene based display, they presented the aesthetic education concept of "horticulture into the home, greening and beautifying life" to everyone. Window balconies are a great place for office and home flower enthusiasts to showcase their talents. However, is it only based on the beauty of the flowers and plants, rather than understanding their growth habits? How can different types of windows and balconies create horticultural spaces? Besides flowers and plants, what are the considerations for creating balconies in fruit and vegetable gardens? With these practical topics in mind, the "2018 Shanghai Citizen Flower Arrangement Competition Gold Award" won

The relevant measures are about to be implemented, which is related to the integration of transportation organization in the Shanghai Suzhou water area
The relevant measures are about to be implemented, which is related to the integration of transportation organization in the Shanghai Suzhou water area

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration that in order to further enhance the dynamic coordination and control capabilities of water transportation between Shanghai and Jiangsu, continuously optimize the business environment, support the high-quality development of port and shipping economy, release the navigation efficiency of the 12.5 meter deep water channel of the Yangtze River, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of integrated transportation organization for ships entering and exiting the Yangtze River, the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration and the Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration jointly issued a notice on several measures for the integration of water transportation organization in Shanghai and Jiangsu. The relevant measures will be officially implemented at the end of this month. The water bodies of Shanghai and Jiangsu have been at the intersection of rivers and seas since ancient times, with dense ship flows. The level of busy shipping, support for the economy and society, safety risks, and regulatory difficulties all rank among the top in the country. According to data from the maritime department, the daily average ship flow in the Wusongkou area of Shanghai is 3300, and the proportion of ships from the Shanghai section of the Yangtze River to the Jiangsu section accounts for about 60%. In recent years, with the

Awarded the honor of "Shanghai Education Merit", she uses her "parental heart" to provide education that satisfies the people
Awarded the honor of "Shanghai Education Merit", she uses her "parental heart" to provide education that satisfies the people

Yesterday was the 39th Teacher's Day, and the list of the fifth "Shanghai Education Heroes" was announced. Li Baiyan, the director of Pudong Education Development Research Institute, was honored with the "Shanghai Education Heroes" award. The "Shanghai Education Heroes" are selected every 5 years to recognize outstanding educators who have made significant innovations and contributions in education, teaching, research, and management, and have a high reputation throughout the city, the country, and even internationally. This honorary title system was commended by the municipal government in a document and was first awarded in 2003. In the fifth edition of this year, a total of 10 outstanding educators were awarded "Shanghai Education Meritorious Figures", and another 10 were nominated for awards. Follow Xiao Bu to approach this Pudong female teacher who uses her parents' heart to provide education! In the summer of 2000, Li Baiyan came to Shanghai as a talent introduction

How to alleviate "school start anxiety"? Specially invited experts from Shanghai Science Popularization Lecture Hall present the "Opening Brocade"
How to alleviate "school start anxiety"? Specially invited experts from Shanghai Science Popularization Lecture Hall present the "Opening Brocade"

Before and after the start of school, some students may experience tension, anxiety, and palpitations, commonly known as "start of school anxiety". How to deal with children's "start of school anxiety"? Meanwhile, in daily learning and life, hidden dangers that endanger children's lives are everywhere. How to protect children's physical and mental health and make them happy and healthy to go to school? On the afternoon of September 9th, the 201st session of the Shanghai University of Science Popularization Lecture invited Dr. Sun Jinhua, a psychologist from the Affiliated Pediatric Hospital of Fudan University, and Dr. Gong Hairong, a doctor from the Department of Critical Care Medicine, to hold a special "parent teacher meeting" to provide guidance on mental health and prevent accidental injuries, and to cope with various troubles during the start of the school season. On site, Yuan Xuejia, the vice principal of Shanghai Weiyu Junior High School, was also invited to participate in the discussion, and together they presented the "opening bag" to help children adapt to the new semester's learning and life faster and better. Psychological health

This park in Pudong is so beautiful! Take your child for a walk now
This park in Pudong is so beautiful! Take your child for a walk now

The blue sky of Heqing Country Park is as blue as a gemstone, with clouds flowing leisurely. The sunlight passes through the gaps in the leaves and falls on the ground in the mottled light and shadow, allowing the soul to fly in the vast sky. Let's take a look at the beautiful moments here! Entering from the main entrance of the park, the first thing that catches your eye is a blooming area of Persian chrysanthemums. At the same time, in the children's activity area, a large area of about 5000 square meters of Persian chrysanthemums is also in its prime. The purple red and white colors make visitors feel like they are in the midst of oil paintings, attracting everyone to take photos and take photos. Entering the park, walking under the blue sky and white clouds, the fragrance of grass permeates my nostrils, and wild flowers bloom everywhere in front of me. Summer flowers such as Xuancao, Wuse Mei, Cuilu Li, Orchid Sanqi, Sage, Peach Blossom Grass, Water Lilies, etc. are competing to bloom. Red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, and one can always be found in the park

Elegant music blooms! Let's experience the charm of this "butterfly orchid" together, butterfly dancing in the east
Elegant music blooms! Let's experience the charm of this "butterfly orchid" together, butterfly dancing in the east

The Oriental Art Center is very familiar to many friends, and this butterfly orchid located on the east bank of the Pujiang River may be the first step for many citizens to enter the theater and approach art. The program team of Oriental Finance Pudong Channel's "Direct Attack Leading Zone" specially invited Liu Aihua, Deputy General Manager of the Oriental Art Center, to introduce this butterfly orchid, which has been blooming for 18 years. The Oriental Art Center officially opened in 2005 and has been in operation for 18 years until 2023, with nearly 9000 performances. Before the construction of Dongyi, there were no professional music halls in Shanghai, so symphonies became Dongyi's flagship product and core brand. The slogan "Listening to Symphony to the East" was born from this. Dongyi has made significant contributions to the public welfare and inclusiveness of art

The Chinese yuan skyrocketed over 700 points against the US dollar in response, and the central bank shouted "take action when it's time"
The Chinese yuan skyrocketed over 700 points against the US dollar in response, and the central bank shouted "take action when it's time"

After the financial regulatory authorities shouted "take action when necessary, and resolutely correct unilateral and pro cyclical behavior," the RMB/USD exchange rate rose in response. The People's Bank of China announced on the afternoon of September 11, 2023 that a special meeting on the self-discipline mechanism of the national foreign exchange market discussed the recent situation of the foreign exchange market and the issue of the RMB exchange rate. The meeting emphasized that the financial regulatory authorities have the ability, confidence, and conditions to maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate. They should take action when necessary, resolutely rectify unilateral and pro cyclical behavior, resolutely dispose of behavior that disrupts market order, and resolutely prevent the risk of exchange rate overshoot. The exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar has risen in both onshore and offshore markets. On September 11th, the offshore RMB to US dollar exchange rate broke through 7.36, 7.35, and 7.34 in a row

Both of them can't see their faces clearly when facing each other! " The passengers on the burning flight recounted the thrilling moment, "There is a lot of thick smoke."
Both of them can't see their faces clearly when facing each other! " The passengers on the burning flight recounted the thrilling moment, "There is a lot of thick smoke."

Yesterday, Air China Flight CA403, flying from Chengdu, Sichuan to Singapore, caught fire in the air and made an emergency landing at Changi Airport in Singapore around 16:15. A total of 146 passengers and 9 crew members on board have been safely evacuated. Early this morning, Air China responded that it was preliminarily determined that the incident was caused by a mechanical failure of the engine, and further investigation is currently underway. After the incident, the China Voice reporter at the headquarters immediately contacted Mr. Bian, the passenger of the flight, to recreate the thrilling moment he had personally experienced. "There is a lot of thick smoke, feeling chest tightness and spicy eyes," the witness reviewed the thrilling moment inside the cabin. "I was sleeping, but when I woke up, I found a strong smell of aviation kerosene in the cabin, and my first reaction was cargo

Did the county chief ignore the villagers blocking the way and file a complaint during the inspection? Response from the Propaganda Department of Hengyang County Committee in Hunan Province
Did the county chief ignore the villagers blocking the way and file a complaint during the inspection? Response from the Propaganda Department of Hengyang County Committee in Hunan Province

On September 6th, Sun Hao, Deputy Secretary and County Mayor of Hengyang County, Hunan Province, led a team to supervise ecological and environmental protection work in Jingtou Town. While driving, he encountered villagers blocking the town government's vehicles and reported problems. On September 9th, the incident was spread online. This morning, the reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Hengyang County Committee that after the public opinion occurred, the Hengyang County Committee attached great importance to it and immediately organized relevant departments to investigate the incident. The situation is reported as follows: On the afternoon of September 6th at 3 o'clock, Sun Hao led the county government office, the county ecological and environmental protection bureau, the county natural resources bureau, the county forestry bureau and other relevant personnel to Jingtou Town to supervise ecological and environmental protection work. At around 4 o'clock, Sun Hao left Zhongyi Mining to supervise Xinwang Company. When passing through the Jinlaowu group in Leifeng Village, the person involved, Dai, stopped the first car and requested to report the situation. After parking on the left, sitting in the first car, the Party Secretary of Jingtou Town

There is a new job, "75 Generation" Long Xiaohong
There is a new job, "75 Generation" Long Xiaohong

According to the official website of the Hubei Provincial Grain Bureau, on the afternoon of September 4th, the Provincial Grain Bureau held a cadre meeting. Comrade Ling Huimin, Director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and a first level researcher, announced the decision of the Provincial Party Committee to appoint Comrade Long Xiaohong as a member of the Party Group of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, as well as the Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Provincial Grain Bureau. Long Xiaohong, female, Han ethnicity, born in March 1976, holds a master's degree and a master's degree in literature. She is a member of the Communist Party of China. From September 1995 to July 1999, studied Broadcasting and Television Journalism at Central China Normal University and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree; From July 1999 to December 2000, worked by the Yicheng Municipal Government Office; From December 2000 to March 2002, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League Yicheng Municipal Committee and member of the Party Group; 2002.03-2005.07 Secretary of the Communist Youth League Yicheng Municipal Committee

Prosecutor's Office: No prosecution!, Father beat the vice dean who molested his daughter to level two minor injuries
Prosecutor's Office: No prosecution!, Father beat the vice dean who molested his daughter to level two minor injuries

Abstract: 15-year-old Xiaobei is a student from a vocational and technical college in Hunan. On the evening of May 8, 2021, she was sexually assaulted by the vice president of the college, Xie. On May 9th, Xiaobei's father, Li, came to the college in a fit of anger and assaulted Xie, causing him to suffer a nasal bone fracture and facial soft tissue contusion. He was identified as a minor injury of level 2. After examination, the Wangcheng District Procuratorate of Changsha City, Hunan Province believes that although Li's act of injuring Xie is suspected of intentional injury, it was an act of injury committed out of anger during the process of claiming the legitimate rights and interests of his daughter to the school. And it is a first-time offender or an occasional offender, whose behavior is justified and the circumstances are relatively minor, with lenient or lenient punishment such as voluntary surrender, and there is no need to impose punishment on him according to law. On August 24, 2022, the court held a private hearing, and three hearing members unanimously supported the prosecution

The county mayor ignored the villagers blocking the way and reported it? Response from Hengyang, Hunan
The county mayor ignored the villagers blocking the way and reported it? Response from Hengyang, Hunan

On September 6th, Sun Hao, Deputy Secretary and County Mayor of Hengyang County, Hunan Province, led a team to supervise ecological and environmental protection work in Jingtou Town. While driving, he encountered villagers blocking the town government's vehicles and reported problems. On September 9th, the incident was spread online and attracted widespread attention. On the morning of September 11th, CCTV reporters learned from the Propaganda Department of the Hengyang County Committee that after the public opinion incident, the Hengyang County Committee attached great importance to it and immediately organized relevant departments to investigate the incident. The response is as follows: On the afternoon of September 6th at 3:00 pm, Sun Hao led relevant personnel from the County Government Office, County Ecological and Environmental Protection Bureau, County Natural Resources Bureau, County Forestry Bureau, etc. to Jingtou Town to supervise ecological and environmental protection work. At around 4 o'clock, Sun Hao left Zhongyi Mining to supervise Xinwang Company. When passing through the Jinlaowu group in Leifeng Village, the person involved, Dai, stopped the first car and requested to report the situation. After parking on the left side

Taiwanese media: The Shandong ship was only 60 nautical miles away from Taiwan at one point
Taiwanese media: The Shandong ship was only 60 nautical miles away from Taiwan at one point

▲ Materials and images: According to reports, the People's Liberation Army's Shandong ship has closely monitored the dynamics of the relevant sea and air areas using joint intelligence monitoring methods, and dispatched mission aircraft, shipborne, and shore mounted missile systems to appropriate locations.

"Or deprived of everything", Russians entering the country
"Or deprived of everything", Russians entering the country

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta on September 11, almost all personal belongings of Russian citizens may be confiscated when they transit the EU. The European Commission has provided an explanation for this provision in the recommendations issued to the customs of member states. The report states that the detailed regulations are related to the EU's previous sanctions against Russia, which prohibit the flow of goods such as cars, smartphones, laptops, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. across the Russian border, but are targeted at goods that can bring significant income to Russia. However, vehicles with Russian license plates have been seized several times in Germany. The report stated that ultimately, the EU provided the following explanation, stating that the ban also involves personal items, which means that Russians may be deprived of everything upon entering the EU. Driving into EU countries with a certain carrying value

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