The world

Possible criminal investigation, Royal Canadian Mounted Police established an investigation team on a sightseeing submarine accident news | Submarine | Accident
Possible criminal investigation, Royal Canadian Mounted Police established an investigation team on a sightseeing submarine accident news | Submarine | Accident

The US Coast Guard confirmed on June 22 that the deep-sea sightseeing submarine Titan experienced a catastrophic implosion near the wreckage of the Titanic cruise ship. According to Fox News on June 24th, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated on the same day that they had established an investigation team and did not rule out a criminal investigation into the accident. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated at a press conference that they have established an investigation team to decide whether to conduct a comprehensive criminal investigation into the submarine accident. Previously, they had a conversation with the crew of the mother ship "Polar Prince", which was involved in the submarine accident. "Our mission is to investigate the deaths and determine if there are any factors that may be related to crime that led to their deaths." The "Titan" submarine of the US "Ocean Gate" exploration company sank on the 18th

To promote the prosperity and development of China Europe relations, Ambassador Fu Cong hopes that the EU and member states will stand on the side of common sense and common interests
To promote the prosperity and development of China Europe relations, Ambassador Fu Cong hopes that the EU and member states will stand on the side of common sense and common interests

On June 20, 2023, Ambassador Fu Cong, the head of the Chinese Embassy in the European Union, attended the China Europe Relations Dialogue held by the Swiss Stars Foundation and had a dialogue with Chen Ruihua, a member of the Stars Foundation's board of directors and co-founder and general manager of China Macro Group. Chen Ruihua: The European Council will be held at the end of this month, and the 2019 EU China Strategic Outlook has formulated EU policies towards China. Do you think some EU policies will change in the coming weeks? Fu Cong: Do you mean the EU's policy towards China? This should be decided by EU member states, and we will closely monitor it. Since the end of last year, China Europe relations have maintained a good momentum of development, with many European leaders visiting China, including German Chancellor Scholz, European Council President Michel, French President Macron, and European Commission members

"Dragon Boat Festival Economy" Unleashes Consumption Vitality. Many regions take advantage of the situation to stimulate new consumption potential activities | consumption | economy
"Dragon Boat Festival Economy" Unleashes Consumption Vitality. Many regions take advantage of the situation to stimulate new consumption potential activities | consumption | economy

CCTV News: According to monitoring by the Ministry of Commerce, the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the graduation season, with an increase in consumer promotion activities, an increase in residents' willingness to travel, and a strong festive consumption atmosphere. Carefully organized by various regions, the consumption of festive goods has significantly increased, and leisure travel, catering and other consumption have heated up. The popularity of folk cultural tourism, summer vacation and other activities has gradually become apparent. The bustling "Dragon Boat Festival economy" has become a microcosm of the upgrading of consumer vitality. On the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Shanghai received over 3.24 million tourists and many scenic spots launched diverse folk activities, becoming a new hotspot driving the growth of the tourism market. Ocean Park launched a folk custom experience activity. Tourists can wear Han suits and experience traditional folk custom projects such as wrapping Zongzi, lighting cinnabar, fighting eggs, painting round fans, and throwing pots. The scene is full of national style. avoid

"New Witness to Deepening Pragmatic Cooperation between Science and China" Information | Project | Witness
"New Witness to Deepening Pragmatic Cooperation between Science and China" Information | Project | Witness

Ward of ahmadi provincial branch of kuwaiti medical insurance hospital. This reporter Shen Xiaoxiao photographed the Kuwaiti Medical Insurance Hospital Project. Since its trial operation in February this year, all mechanical and electrical and medical equipment have been operating normally, laying the foundation for the formal operation of the hospital. "Kuwait Medical Insurance Hospital is a real project that benefits the people, which is conducive to promoting urban development and improving people's livelihood." Fawoz Bahar, editor-in-chief of Kuwait's Arab newspaper, said, "Chinese enterprises have completed this project with high efficiency and high quality, which is a new witness to the deepening of practical cooperation between Kuwait and China." Kuwait Medical Insurance Hospital is a large-scale comprehensive hospital project in Kuwait that specializes in opening medical insurance services to foreigners. It was constructed by China Metallurgical Science and Industry Co., Ltd., including the design, construction and maintenance of two hospitals located in Ahmadi and Jehrah provinces respectively.

International financing cooperation should focus on global development issues. Developing countries | Africa | Global
International financing cooperation should focus on global development issues. Developing countries | Africa | Global

Paris, June 24th (Xinhua) - International financing cooperation should focus on global development issues. Xinhua reporter Liu Fang and Qiao Benxiao concluded the two-day New Global Financing Contract Summit in Paris, France on June 23rd. Leaders from multiple participating countries and international organizations pointed out that the current Western led international financial management rules and structures are not in line with the current global development situation, and it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a fair and efficient global financial governance pattern. International financial cooperation should focus on global development issues and address development challenges for developing countries. The call for reform is endless. In recent years, multiple global crises have dealt a heavy blow to developing countries, and issues such as climate change continue to hit fragile economies. At the same time, major developed countries are tightening their financial policies, increasing debt risks for low - and middle-income countries, weakening their economic recovery capabilities, and making it even more difficult to invest in climate action and

Vigorously Promoting Poverty Reduction and Development in Africa (New Era China Africa Cooperation) Africa | China | Process
Vigorously Promoting Poverty Reduction and Development in Africa (New Era China Africa Cooperation) Africa | China | Process

During this year's harvest season, Hu Yuefang, a Chinese hybrid rice technology expert, exchanged ideas with local farmers in the experimental field of the African branch of the National Hybrid Rice Engineering and Technology Research Center in the town of Mayiqi near the capital of Madagascar, Tananarivo. Sitaka Rajonari's development is an eternal theme of human society and a common aspiration of people from all countries. China fully promotes the implementation of global development initiatives, actively aligns with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union's 2063 Agenda, and the development strategies of African countries, with a focus on helping Africa cultivate endogenous growth capacity, innovates development cooperation concepts and methods, and vigorously promotes poverty reduction and development in Africa. In May of this year, Madagascar ushered in a bumper harvest season to help increase rice production in Africa. In the town of Mayiqi near the capital city of Tananarivo

This French entrepreneur supports China and is free to debate the comparison of systems between the East and the West | in the United States | debate
This French entrepreneur supports China and is free to debate the comparison of systems between the East and the West | in the United States | debate

Beijing, June 24th (Xinhua) - In early April, a debate on the comparison of systems between the East and the West was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, where Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are located. The video of French entrepreneur Arnold Bertrand supporting China and ultimately winning has sparked heated discussions on social media, and has also attracted more attention and understanding of this "Chinese expert" who loves traditional Chinese medicine. In the debate on whether China's governance model is superior to that of Europe and America, Bertrand engaged in a 150 minute debate with German anti China scholar Zheng Guoen, and ultimately won. In the debate, Bertrand first explored what freedom is. He said that former US President Franklin Roosevelt mentioned in his 1941 discourse on the "Four Freedoms" that the United States should achieve "exemption from"

Skilled Hands Create a "Splendid" New Life - Observation on the Development of Guizhou's Characteristic Miao Embroidery Industry | Miao Embroidery | Life
Skilled Hands Create a "Splendid" New Life - Observation on the Development of Guizhou's Characteristic Miao Embroidery Industry | Miao Embroidery | Life

It is said that Miao embroidery, with bold and lively color schemes and vivid patterns, was born during the migration of the Miao ethnic group. For thousands of years, Miao people have used needles as pens and threads as ink to embroider natural things and ethnic history on their clothing. Miao embroidery is also known as the "living fossil" worn on their bodies. Wrinkle embroidery, broken thread embroidery, and seed embroidery... In Guizhou, there are more than 20 types of Miao embroidery methods. For thousands of years, the Miao people have paid tribute to their predecessors with a pair of skillful hands, and outlined the nation's endless life with colorful silk threads. In 2006, Miao embroidery was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. In Guizhou, where the Miao ethnic group resides, this cultural treasure has been vigorously promoted as an industry in recent years. Women carry their children, embroider flowers, and support themselves and their families. Not only do they create a "beautiful" new life with every stitch, but they will also contain ancient culture

Hani Terraced Fields 10th Anniversary of World Heritage Application, Creating a "Live" Inheritance New Style Hani | Ecology | Style
Hani Terraced Fields 10th Anniversary of World Heritage Application, Creating a "Live" Inheritance New Style Hani | Ecology | Style

The Duoyi Tree Terraced Fields in the core area of Hani Terraced Fields in Yuanyang, captured on May 8th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Shiping, Kunming, June 24th - Planting rice, raising fish, and feeding ducks... This is Li Zhengfu, a villager from Dayutang Village, doing his daily farming in terraced fields. This "rice fish duck" farming method has been passed down for thousands of years for the Hani people. Li Zhengfu's terraced fields are located in Dayutang Village, Yuanyang County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, which is also the core area of Hani terraced fields. The Hani terraced fields of Honghe State is distributed in Yuanyang, Lvchun, Honghe and Jinping counties in the south of Ailao Mountain. In June 2013, the the Hani terraced fields of Honghe State cultural landscape was included in the The World Heritage List, becoming the first world heritage named after a nation in China. For thousands of years, the Hani people have utilized complex water canal systems to transport water from the lush mountaintops of trees

106 million people traveling! Domestic tourism revenue during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is 37.31 billion yuan. Activities | Tourism | Dragon Boat Festival
106 million people traveling! Domestic tourism revenue during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is 37.31 billion yuan. Activities | Tourism | Dragon Boat Festival

During the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the cultural and tourism industries have shown strong recovery momentum, and the overall holiday market in China is safe, stable, and orderly. According to comprehensive calculations by the Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourism trips in China reached 106 million, a year-on-year increase of 32.3%, and has recovered to 112.8% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards; Realized a domestic tourism revenue of 37.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.5%, and restored to 94.9% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards. The supply of cultural and tourism products is abundant. The national cultural and tourism system enriches the supply of cultural and tourism products and services, deepens the connotation and atmosphere of festivals. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched special tourism promotion activities such as "Traveling to China with the Seasons", "City Tour Notes", and "My Hometown Has Treasures", and has launched activities such as the Beginning of Summer and Dragon Boat Festival

Focus Interview | Mianmianjia National Poetry Society on Dragon Boat Festival Day | Activities | National Conditions
Focus Interview | Mianmianjia National Poetry Society on Dragon Boat Festival Day | Activities | National Conditions

In 2009, the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. The content of applying for the World Heritage includes the Dragon Boat Festival cultural customs in Zigui and Huangshi, Hubei, Miluo, Hunan, and Suzhou, Jiangsu. In addition to dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi, these customs also include various contents such as poetry festival, Shenzhou Festival, dragon lantern dance, and sacrificial ceremonies. So how has the inheritance and development of these Dragon Boat Festival cultures been in recent years? Lepingli in Zigui, Hubei is the birthplace of patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, a poetry festival is held here to commemorate the immortal spirit of Qu Yuan. The Saotan Poetry Society originated in the Ming and Qing dynasties, with its members mainly consisting of peasant poets, hence it is also known as the "Mud legged Poetry Society".

Xinhua Media | President Xi's Letter Delivers Deep Friendship-Interview with Famous Belgian Friendly People Dong Bo Development | Dong Bo | Friendly People
Xinhua Media | President Xi's Letter Delivers Deep Friendship-Interview with Famous Belgian Friendly People Dong Bo Development | Dong Bo | Friendly People

This reply letter is full of warm memories and sincere hopes, conveying a profound friendship that spans time.During the event, the heads of state and their spouses jointly planted new soil on a magnolia tree symbolizing friendship.The magnolia tree is planted in the center of the Chinese Garden of the Paradise Zoo, and there stands a stone road leading from here to the Giant Panda Park

Advocate for "new food trends" to make frugality another "increased production" main production area | dishes | packaging
Advocate for "new food trends" to make frugality another "increased production" main production area | dishes | packaging

CCTV News: Currently, the large-scale machine harvest in the main wheat producing areas of China has basically ended, and China's grain production has continued to yield and harvest. However, there has always been a phenomenon of loss in the harvesting, storage, and processing of grain. Saving and reducing grain losses is equivalent to increasing grain production, and it is an intangible good field for increasing grain production. Harvesting, storage, and processing of grain are essential links for saving grain and reducing losses, and advocating for "new food habits" and establishing a civilized concept of advocating grain conservation is also crucial. In recent years, China has taken many effective measures to address the issue of food waste, and the concept of "practicing thrift and opposing waste" has emerged in various regions. At 12:00 noon, customers flocked to a restaurant in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. In order to avoid waste as much as possible, the restaurant has set up separate dining areas and self-service packaging points, and the merchants have also launched services such as

Appreciate Folk Customs, Appreciate Culture, Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival Tradition | Folk Customs | Appreciate Culture Celebration
Appreciate Folk Customs, Appreciate Culture, Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival Tradition | Folk Customs | Appreciate Culture Celebration

CCTV News App News: During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, people go out to appreciate the scenery and experience folk customs, relax and enjoy happy times in a variety of activities. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the custom of making Zongzi and eating Zongzi is indispensable. From south to north, zongzi is fragrant, which is a good wish for people to pray for health. In Genzhu Town, Guigang, Guangxi, community residents form groups of four to participate in a rice and zongzi making competition, comparing their skills and speed to see who can pack more and more evenly within half an hour. In the Tujia Diaojiaolou in Jianshi, Hubei Province, villagers and tourists made Zongzi and tasted delicious food together. The cured hoof zongzi they wrapped was 1 meter high, and after five hours of steaming, it was fragrant. In Luoyuan, Fujian, the Zongzi made by the She people is called "Five Festival Zongzi". In the past two years, the life of the villagers has been better, and their Zongzi has become longer. Dragon Boat Festival holiday, intangible cultural heritage, transmission

Realizing the Youth Dream on the Journey of Building a Strong Army (Jintai Dianbing) Education Policy | Era | Dream
Realizing the Youth Dream on the Journey of Building a Strong Army (Jintai Dianbing) Education Policy | Era | Dream

Every year during the high recruitment season, military academies attract the attention of a large number of students. This year, more than 30 military academies are recruiting students from ordinary high school graduates and soldiers. The total enrollment of military academies has reached 17000, an increase of more than 2000 from last year. The professional category has added "finger technology integration", providing young students with broader opportunities for growth and development. The way to strengthen a military is to win people. Talents are a key factor in promoting the high-quality development of our military, winning military competition, and taking the initiative in future wars. They have significant practical and far-reaching historical significance in achieving the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new era and building our military into a world-class one. From establishing the Jinggangshan Red Army teaching team to shaping a new pattern of colleges and universities, from formulating the Anti Japanese University education policy to establishing the new era military education policy, our army has embarked on its own path in military talent cultivation

Let farmers live a modern civilized life on the spot Xi Jinping | Rural | Modern Civilization
Let farmers live a modern civilized life on the spot Xi Jinping | Rural | Modern Civilization

The courtyard is clean, the village alleys are tidy, and the village has a completely new appearance; The cultural square is joyful and lively, and the cultural life of farmers is rich and colorful; Featured cultural and tourism projects are brilliant and diverse, and new forms of rural tourism are flourishing... On the land of Zhijiang, the mountains and towns have undergone tremendous changes and are moving towards beauty, witnessing the remarkable results of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project.For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has persistently implemented the "Ten Million Project", exploring a scientific path to strengthen rural living environment improvement, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and build a beautiful China. It has created countless beautiful villages, benefited countless farmers, and promoted beautiful ecology and economy

Model Practitioner of Ecological Civilization Concept Civilization | Ecological Environment | Concept
Model Practitioner of Ecological Civilization Concept Civilization | Ecological Environment | Concept

Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and five other departments jointly released the newly revised "Ten Norms for Citizen Ecological Environment Behavior", which includes ten contents such as caring for the ecological environment, saving energy and resources, practicing green consumption, choosing low-carbon travel, sorting and disposing of garbage, and participating in environmental protection practices. This grounded and highly actionable new "Ten Principles for Citizens" provides practical standards for regulating citizens' ecological and environmental behavior, and also deepens the concept of ecological and environmental protection into people's hearts. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that nature is the basic condition for human survival and development. Respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature is essential for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. Ecological environment protection is a complex and systematic project, and relying solely on the efforts of the government and enterprises is not enough. It requires the cohesion of social consensus and the participation of the general public

Enhancing Cultural Confidence in Traditional Festivals (People's Forum) Chinese Nation | History | Culture
Enhancing Cultural Confidence in Traditional Festivals (People's Forum) Chinese Nation | History | Culture

Making sachets, wrapping Zongzi and other parent-child activities are popular, and diversified water activities such as dragon boats, paddles, kayaks and so on are popular... The Dragon Boat Festival just passed, with sufficient supply of cultural and tourism products, rich and colorful folk activities, and rich festival atmosphere, people not only feel the profound historical and cultural heritage, but also promote healthy and civilized festivals to become a new trend. Chinese culture has a long and rich history, and Chinese civilization is vast and profound.

Jin Guanping: Unswervingly Adhere to the Protection of the Red Line of Farmland | Farmland | Red Line
Jin Guanping: Unswervingly Adhere to the Protection of the Red Line of Farmland | Farmland | Red Line

June 25th is the 33rd National Land Day, and this year's theme is "Conserve and Intensive Land Use, Strictly Adhere to the Red Line of Cultivated Land". It once again emphasizes the importance of conserving and intensive land use, especially using "long teeth" hard measures to protect cultivated land. Why is farmland protection so valued? The people do not eat unless they have grain, and the grain does not grow unless it is on the land. Cultivated land is the lifeblood of food production. China's grain production has achieved nineteen consecutive abundant harvests, and the grain output has remained above 1.3 trillion kilograms for many consecutive years. Preliminary data from the National Land Change Survey shows that the trend of decreasing total arable land over the years has also been initially curbed. In 2022, there was a net increase of 1.3 million mu of arable land in China, marking another net increase after the total amount of arable land increased in 2021. It should be noted that in terms of quantity, the total amount of arable land in China is still tightening, and the contradiction between more people and less land is still very prominent

China Economic Review: How Artificial Intelligence Responds to Climate Change Disasters | Global | Review
China Economic Review: How Artificial Intelligence Responds to Climate Change Disasters | Global | Review

The summer solstice has arrived. Last summer's heatwave is still vividly remembered by many people, as it was the hottest summer in China since 1961. Nowadays, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather such as high temperature rainstorm around the country makes people worry: will this summer be hotter than last year? From a data perspective, the trend of global temperature rise is quite evident. Although the La Ni ñ a phenomenon in the previous three years temporarily put a brake on global temperatures, the past eight years remain the hottest on record. Among them, 2016 was the hottest year on record worldwide. Currently, multiple institutions predict that 2023 or 2024 is highly likely to surpass 2016, setting a new global record for the warmest weather. How should humans respond to climate change? Some scientists are hoping for the current booming artificial intelligence. To address climate change, first

"China takes a revolutionary step", Western media: Molten salt | Reactor | Revolutionary in this field
"China takes a revolutionary step", Western media: Molten salt | Reactor | Revolutionary in this field

According to the website of the Spanish newspaper "The Economist" on June 22, China has taken a revolutionary step in nuclear power generation. The country has given the green light to build a nuclear reactor that will use thorium instead of uranium as its main fuel. This important measure may mark a turning point in the nuclear industry and provide a safer and more sustainable solution to meet China's growing energy needs. On July 14, 2022, engineering and technical personnel from the Shanghai Nuclear Power Equipment Testing and Verification Center installed and maintained equipment in the test plant. According to reports, the operation of the reactor will be based on the use of thorium based molten salts. The experimental reactor will be located in the desert area of Gansu Province and operated by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Operation permit issued by the National Nuclear Safety Administration of China on June 7th

Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa
Journey to the Sea: Entering Africa ④ | One Channel Clear Water Diversion Project | Cooperation | Africa

Both sides should enhance political mutual trust, improve dialogue mechanisms, and build strategic partnerships; Taking production capacity cooperation as the starting point, promoting the alignment of development strategies between China and Africa, and supporting Africa to prioritize solving the two major development bottlenecks of lagging infrastructure and insufficient talent; Strengthen exchanges in disease prevention and control, humanities and other fields, and create new highlights of China Africa cooperation——The coastal city of Cotonou in Benin, with an average elevation of only 1 meter, enjoys the generous gifts of nature, but also suffers from long-term waterlogging problems. China's infrastructure strength is here! They came to this West African coastal city, targeting the outdated and backward river network, dredging and dredging, competing with water for the city, and benefiting the people, bringing green shores to Cotonou

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has laid the 24th "tiger" of this year!, Central inspection has just ended. Deputy General Manager | Xu Wenrong | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has laid the 24th "tiger" of this year!, Central inspection has just ended. Deputy General Manager | Xu Wenrong | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

On the morning of June 25, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Xu Wenrong, the former deputy secretary of the party group and deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission. According to the public resume, Xu Wenrong was born in June 1961, served as assistant to the general manager of CNPC in January 2004, and successively served as the leader and deputy general manager of China Shipping discipline inspection team since May 2011. In January 2016, he returned to PetroChina as deputy general manager and served as deputy secretary of the group's party group in November of the same year. In September 2020, Xu Wenrong was appointed as a full-time external director of central enterprises, and was removed from his post in February this year. Ten days ago, from June 15 to 16, 2023, the second Council of the sixth session of the China Petroleum Federation of Literature and Art

Russian media: Putin signs a law stipulating that "non felons who join the military can be released early" federal | Case | Putin
Russian media: Putin signs a law stipulating that "non felons who join the military can be released early" federal | Case | Putin

According to TASS on June 24th, Russian President Putin signed a law that stipulates that criminals can be released in advance if they sign a service contract with the Russian Armed Forces. The relevant documents have been published on the official website of legal information. The report states that the initiative will be submitted to the National Duma at the end of May. The lower house of parliament passed this law on June 20th, and the federal commission approved it the following day. Subsequently, the document was immediately submitted to the head of state for signature. Newly added provisions in Russian criminal law. According to the new regulations, citizens who are recruited during mobilization or war and have signed contracts with the military will have the opportunity for early release. For this purpose, the penalty execution agency must receive an application from the military command center or the offender. The report states that there are some restrictions on serving in this type of military service. Prisoners can only sign contracts during mobilization, martial law, and war. Committed serious and particularly serious crimes

Is it the beginning of the summer when it's so hot?, Many parts of the country are facing high temperatures | Geng Day | Weather
Is it the beginning of the summer when it's so hot?, Many parts of the country are facing high temperatures | Geng Day | Weather

Since mid June, many parts of the country have experienced high temperatures, with some areas breaking historical records for extreme high temperatures during the same period. Is this scorching heat entering the summer heat? Astronomical science popularization experts have clearly stated that there is still some time before the onset of the lunar eclipse. The official start of the summer solstice began on July 11th, and this year's three solstices are still 40 days. This is also the ninth consecutive year since 2015 when the dog days have lasted for 40 days. The Sanfu period can be divided into the initial, middle, and final periods. As the saying goes, "heat occurs during the Sanfu period.". Xiu Lipeng, a member of the Chinese Astronomical Society and an expert in astronomy popularization, introduced that the date of Fu was calculated by ancient Chinese people according to the Ganzhi Jiri method. Gan is the heavenly stem, namely A, B, C, D, V, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Gui; Zhi is the earthly branch, namely Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. The ancients used a combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to represent

Almost becoming a major concern for Putin, he went from his confidant Russia | Wagner Group | Putin
Almost becoming a major concern for Putin, he went from his confidant Russia | Wagner Group | Putin

According to foreign media reports, for Prigoren, he is more well-known than the founder of the Wagner Group and used to be Putin's cook. However, now he has almost become "Putin's big trouble". On June 24th local time, Prigoren announced that the Wagner Armed Forces had taken control of military facilities in the Rostov region of Russia, including the airport. After Russian President Putin delivered a national television speech, he released an audio stating that Putin's remarks about Wagner's "treason" were incorrect and aimed to "rescue Russia from corruption and other phenomena.". Surprisingly, after Belarusian President Lukashenko personally communicated with him, he changed his mind and said that in order to avoid bloodshed in Russia, Wagner decided to turn around and return to the camp. A famous photo

Why is the mediator Lukashenko? Peskov: He knows Prigo as President for about 20 years | Belarus | Lukashenko
Why is the mediator Lukashenko? Peskov: He knows Prigo as President for about 20 years | Belarus | Lukashenko

According to Russian media reports, on the evening of the 24th local time, the founder of the Wagner organization, Prigoren, accepted the suggestion of Belarusian President Lukashenko to stop the organization's operations in Russia and take further measures to ease the tension, and all armed personnel of the Wagner group were evacuated from the headquarters of the Southern Military Region of Russia. "You may ask me, why is it President Lukashenko? Lukashenko personally knew Prigo for a long time, about 20 years, and this was his personal proposal to coordinate with President Putin." According to reports, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov described the incident on that day as "tragic" and "there is a possibility that this situation can be resolved without further losses or escalation of tension". According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, when

Is the square shaped legal director prosecuted by a fraud gang? He used to love watching beautiful women go viral due to his unique hairstyle | Xiao Hongfei | gang
Is the square shaped legal director prosecuted by a fraud gang? He used to love watching beautiful women go viral due to his unique hairstyle | Xiao Hongfei | gang

In August 2022, Xiao Hongfei, a native of Hengshan County, Hengyang, Hunan, became popular on his social media account "Guobang Legal Services" due to his unique hairstyle, legal director, a love for watching beautiful women mistakenly enter the pig killing plate and being scammed for over 6 million yuan, and his love for collecting beautiful women's posts. On the evening of June 23rd, Xiao Hongfei released a video claiming that he was sued by the fraud gang for infringing on his reputation rights. If he loses the lawsuit, he will face large compensation. On the 24th, he told the Xiaoxiang Morning Post reporter that the legal representative who had previously defrauded him of investing in a wealth management company and the company's overseas parent company were the ones suing him. Mr. Xiao, the director of the Four Square Legal Department in Shenzhen, was sued. According to Xiao Hongfei, on June 12th and 14th, he received two court subpoenas, both of which were related to reputation infringement disputes. The plaintiff is a deregistered company, Shenzhen Information Technology Co., Ltd

Does Putin still trust Shoigu? K Palace responds to Shoigu | aspect | Putin
Does Putin still trust Shoigu? K Palace responds to Shoigu | aspect | Putin

According to Russian media reports on the 24th, when asked about whether Russian President Putin still trusts Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, Russian President's press secretary Peskov said he is unaware of any changes in this regard. According to a report by Russian satellite network, the press secretary of the Russian President, Peskov, stated that the criminal case against the head of the Wagner Group, Prigoren, who is a mercenary, will be terminated and he will travel to Belarus. Peskov stated that interested parties from Wagner can sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense. According to the Russian news agency, regarding personnel adjustments, Peskov also stated that "according to the constitution, these issues belong to the exclusive privilege and authority of the Supreme Commander, so it is almost impossible to discuss these topics in the aforementioned contacts." The report stated that when asked whether Russian President Putin still trusts Russian Defense Minister Shoigu

India will not be the "new Japan" for the United States
India will not be the "new Japan" for the United States

On June 22, the Spanish website "World Order" published an article titled "India's Geopolitical Strategy: A Partner for All, But Not an ally for Anyone" by Rodrigo Castellanos. The article excerpt is as follows: Indian Prime Minister Modi told Ukrainian President Zelensky at the last G7 meeting that India will do its best to help end this war, which is a "big problem for the world". For several months, India has been criticized for not following the West to isolate Moscow. India did not condemn Russia at the United Nations General Assembly, increased energy imports from Russia, and did not join international sanctions against Russia. On the 22nd, Modi attended a dinner hosted by Biden at the White House. The position on the conflict in Ukraine is that India does not end up with the West