The world

89500 flights delayed! Over 1300 flights have been cancelled! US government and airlines respond to aircraft | airlines | US government
89500 flights delayed! Over 1300 flights have been cancelled! US government and airlines respond to aircraft | airlines | US government

July 4th is a traditional holiday in the United States, and the American Automobile Association had previously predicted that approximately 4.17 million people would travel by plane on the weekend before this statutory holiday. However, during the weekend of July 1st to 2nd, flights to major airports in the United States experienced significant delays or cancellations. The US Department of Transportation attributes this situation to severe weather, while some airlines have stated that improper management by the Federal Aviation Administration is one of the main reasons for widespread flight delays and cancellations. According to statistics from flight tracking websites, from July 1st to 2nd, a total of 89500 flights were delayed in the United States, and over 1300 flights were cancelled. The numbers from the previous few days were also astonishing: from June 26th to 28th, a total of 24000 flights were delayed and 5600 were cancelled; On June 29th,

But it will be difficult for Sweden to enter the treaty this summer, even though the United States really wants Sweden, NATO, and the United States
But it will be difficult for Sweden to enter the treaty this summer, even though the United States really wants Sweden, NATO, and the United States

From July 11th to 12th, NATO will hold a meeting of member state leaders in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, and the United States urgently hopes that Sweden will join this military alliance before or during the summit. However, from the current situation, as Türkiye and Hungary are unable to change their opposition positions, it is unlikely that the United States will realize its aspirations. On January 24th, Swedish Prime Minister Christsson attended a press conference in Stockholm. Xinhua News Agency reported that the United States is strongly pushing for US President Biden to meet with Swedish Prime Minister Christsson at the White House on July 5th. It is expected that Sweden's accession to NATO will be an important issue for both sides. The White House has repeatedly emphasized that Sweden has fulfilled its commitments to join NATO and hopes that Sweden can join NATO as soon as possible. On June 28, Deputy Spokesperson Patel of the US State Department also called on Türkiye and Hungary to

Claiming that his mainland PhD business was intended for bribery, a professor from the University of Macau reported his real name to the Public Office | PhD student | University of Macau
Claiming that his mainland PhD business was intended for bribery, a professor from the University of Macau reported his real name to the Public Office | PhD student | University of Macau

According to the Macau Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on July 4th, the ICAC received a real name report from a professor at the University of Macau accusing him of bribing a PhD student in an attempt to obtain approval for the proposal required before writing his thesis and ensure smooth graduation. On July 4th, the ICAC released a bribery case against a PhD student at the University of Macau. After investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), it was found that after being admitted to the Law School of the University of Australia, the mainland doctoral students involved in the case were unable to submit a thesis proposal that met the academic requirements of the supervising professor on time. According to the university's regulations, if the students fail to complete the proposal before the end of their third year of enrollment, they will be ordered to withdraw from school. Before the deadline expired, the supervising professor found in his personal mailbox that there was a red envelope containing a stack of cash in the book he had gifted to the doctoral student. The supervising professor immediately contacted the school's administrative personnel to meet with the doctoral student

China's National Atomic Energy Agency has spoken out on the issue of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea
China's National Atomic Energy Agency has spoken out on the issue of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea

On July 4th, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Grossy, officially released the IAEA's comprehensive assessment report on the issue of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea in Tokyo, Japan. In response, Deng Ge, Secretary General of the Chinese National Atomic Energy Agency, told the media that the IAEA invited experts from multiple countries to participate in the review and evaluation of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water disposal issue, but the report did not fully reflect all expert opinions, and the relevant conclusions have limitations and one-sidedness. China regrets the hasty release of the report by the IAEA. Firstly, the Japanese side has not proven the legitimacy and legality of the decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. After unilaterally making a decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, the Japanese government, under domestic and international pressure, requested the IAEA to conduct a review and evaluation. The Japanese side deliberately restricted the authorization of the IAEA Technical Working Group, limiting the review and evaluation to only one option of discharging into the sea and limiting it to

Will involve the border between these two countries, new exercises of the Russian Northern Fleet | Fleet | Border
Will involve the border between these two countries, new exercises of the Russian Northern Fleet | Fleet | Border

According to a report on the website of the Russian newspaper "Shimbun" on July 3, "Shimbun" learned from sources that the Ministry of National Defense has made a decision to build a new composite army of various branches of the Northern Fleet. The new group army will guard the northern border of Russia, including the borders with Finland and Norway. Defending the Kola Peninsula is a crucial task for Russia, partly due to the deployment of strategic nuclear submarines there. Experts point out that in the context of Finland and Sweden joining NATO, establishing this new army is particularly realistic. The new composite group army of various branches will be deployed at the group army base, including motorized infantry brigades, regiments, and divisions. Its members will receive polar combat training. Ina Vitlenko, Director of the Management and Social Technology Teaching and Research Office at the Northwest Research Institute of the Russian National Institute of Economics and Public Management, said, "The situation in Europe is not..."

Emergency evacuation!, White House discovers unknown powder | United States | White House
Emergency evacuation!, White House discovers unknown powder | United States | White House

According to the Washington Post on the 4th, on the evening of the 2nd local time, the US Secret Service discovered some suspicious white powdery substances inside the White House, which were preliminarily identified to contain cocaine. According to reports, US officials familiar with the matter stated that in preliminary tests, the white powder substance tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride. Anthony Gulemir, spokesperson for the US Secret Service, stated that the white powdery substance is undergoing further testing to determine what it truly is. Although Gulemir claimed that the substance did not pose a threat, this discovery prompted an escalation of security alerts. According to Fox News, as a preventive measure, personnel inside the White House complex were temporarily evacuated, and the Washington D.C. Fire Department's hazardous materials team responded. A hazardous material handling team was subsequently dispatched to the 1st

The largest military operation in 20 years! The Controversy between Two Countries Rises Again, Israel | Action | Two Countries
The largest military operation in 20 years! The Controversy between Two Countries Rises Again, Israel | Action | Two Countries

According to reports from the Associated Press and Agence France Presse, Israel launched its largest military operation in nearly 20 years in the West Bank region on July 3, deploying hundreds of soldiers and launching a series of drone attacks. The conflict resulted in 9 Palestinian deaths and hundreds of injuries. According to reports, during this operation, gunfights and explosions shook the Jenin area on the West Bank of the Jordan River and adjacent refugee camps, which serve as strongholds for various Palestinian armed groups and have repeatedly become targets of Israeli operations. The Deputy Mayor of Jenin, Kamal Abu Rub, said that evening that "approximately 3000 people have left the refugee camp.". It is reported that approximately 18000 Palestinians live in refugee camps. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated in a communique: "Our troops have entered the terrorist lair in Jenin, are destroying the command center, and are paying taxes."

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: "Soft connectivity" under the "the Belt and Road" will blow a breeze for the "New Cold War"
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: "Soft connectivity" under the "the Belt and Road" will blow a breeze for the "New Cold War"

Since the implementation of the "the Belt and Road" initiative ten years ago, it has attracted many countries and people to participate in it, especially the investment and construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative in Central and Eastern Europe, which has improved the quality of hard infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe, and further promoted international relations and cooperation between all parties. Today, the "the Belt and Road" initiative needs to be adjusted to strengthen "soft connectivity" and carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture and scientific research. Soft connectivity will also bring positive feedback to hard connectivity, promoting higher quality cooperation and development among participating countries. It is estimated that more than 150 countries have joined the "the Belt and Road" initiative, with the total population of the participating countries accounting for about 75% of the world's total population and GDP accounting for more than half of the world's total. Some countries are actively considering joining the "the Belt and Road" and are likely to formally join

In the first half of the year, the transportation of the western land sea new channel increased by 20.9%, and regional trade became more frequent
In the first half of the year, the transportation of the western land sea new channel increased by 20.9%, and regional trade became more frequent

Since the beginning of this year, the pace of Chongqing's construction of the Western Land Sea New Corridor has significantly accelerated. From January to June, the Western Land Sea New Channel trains transported a total of 66000 TEUs of goods, a year-on-year increase of 20.9%. Recently, a western land sea new channel train carrying electronic components and 150 Chongqing made cars and other goods departed from the Jiangjin Luohuang Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center in Chongqing and headed overseas. Yuan Li, Director of the Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee in Chongqing: The Luohuang Xiaonanya Railway Logistics Center, as an important gateway for western Chongqing, southern Sichuan, and northern Guizhou to go abroad, has a transportation network that radiates to 18 provinces, regions, cities, 61 cities, and 120 stations in China, reaching 393 ports in 119 countries and regions worldwide. As an important node of the "the Belt and Road" and the highland of western inland opening up to the outside world, Chongqing, with the increasing transportation channels

This foreign guy has engraved the image of China in his heart, "Generation Z" depicts China | One Thing Matu | China | Little Boy
This foreign guy has engraved the image of China in his heart, "Generation Z" depicts China | One Thing Matu | China | Little Boy

Beijing, July 4th (Xinhua) - "It's been 4 years now, and I still remember this thing." The Equatorial Guinea boy Tu, who usually enjoys joking, suddenly softened his voice. On July 2nd, the "Generation Z Portrait of China" online interactive activity in Jiangsu ended all trips. Ma Tu, who took on the role of team leader all the way, is the most fluent Chinese among several international young bloggers. Having been in China for nearly 6 years, he has been constantly updating his impressions and feelings about China. Ma Tu experiences traditional intangible cultural heritage. In 2019, Ma Tu took a 29 hour train to Guangzhou, where he was warmly helped by Nanjing Broadcasting and Television Group. As he had not bought a ticket, he felt very tired standing all the way. At this moment, a Chinese woman with a few children invited Matu to sit down

British media: The United States deals with border immigrants through "threats and fraud", with a large number of asylum seekers stranded in Mexico, feeling desperate and helpless. Mexico | Officials | United States
British media: The United States deals with border immigrants through "threats and fraud", with a large number of asylum seekers stranded in Mexico, feeling desperate and helpless. Mexico | Officials | United States

On July 4th, China Daily reported that US border officials have promised some asylum seekers that if they agree to be sent to Mexico and make an appointment for re entry there, they will have a greater chance of staying in the United States, otherwise they will be deported, citing immigration activists on the website of The Guardian. However, when these immigrants were sent to the inland areas of Mexico far from the US Mexico border, they were unable to enter the US asylum system and could only stay there, desperate and helpless. The Guardian website reported screenshots. According to reports, some people reported being pressured by federal investigators in the United States to sign so-called "voluntary repatriation" documents, forcing them to choose between "returning to the US Mexico border" and "returning to their country of origin.". The report states that the US government has taken measures such as "Huluo"

【 1 minute quick question to experts 】 Former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan: Great Powers Need to Propose Solutions to Global Challenges Forum | International | Secretary
【 1 minute quick question to experts 】 Former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan: Great Powers Need to Propose Solutions to Global Challenges Forum | International | Secretary

International Online News: The 11th World Peace Forum will be held in Beijing from July 1st to 3rd. The theme of this forum is "Seeking Consensus, Promoting Cooperation, Stabilizing Order, and Protecting Peace". More than 400 ambassadors, former politicians, experts, and scholars from some countries attended to discuss various international hot topics, including the construction of a new international order, multilateralism in development, adjusting major country relations, and changing regional cooperation. Suhail Mahmoud served as the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan from 2019 to 2022 and currently serves as the Director of the Strategic Research Institute in Islamabad, Pakistan. He, with rich experience in foreign affairs, participated in the group discussion on "Major Power Coordination and Global Crisis Response" at this forum. He stated that there are currently many global challenges and threats that require the entire international community

Chasing Light | How to determine the winner of this new Asian Games project? Asian Games | Breakdance | Victory or defeat
Chasing Light | How to determine the winner of this new Asian Games project? Asian Games | Breakdance | Victory or defeat

As a test project of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Asian Breakdance Championships recently concluded at the street dance competition venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games. This new project of the Asian Games has also revealed its true appearance to the public. As the "new face" of the Asian Games, what kind of dance is breakdance? Meng Changqing, the technical operation director of the breakdance competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games, introduced that the main forms of street dance include TopRock DownRock and Freeze, which combine these three elements into one dance. The breakdance competition adopts a form of alternating performances between the red and blue sides in the venue, with each side completing one duel. The performance time of each performance should not exceed 60 seconds. What's more exciting is that the contestants do not know in advance what music the DJ will play on site, so the competition has a strong sense of flexibility

The Asian Games Test Tournament is in full swing, and the old venue is undergoing "micro renovation" to rejuvenate "new vitality". Volleyball | Hangzhou | Zhenghan Old Venue
The Asian Games Test Tournament is in full swing, and the old venue is undergoing "micro renovation" to rejuvenate "new vitality". Volleyball | Hangzhou | Zhenghan Old Venue

The first Asian U16 Women's Volleyball Championship in Hangzhou is showcasing exciting matches in batches at four venues in three cities: Hangzhou, Huzhou, and Shaoxing. As an important test event for the volleyball event at the Hangzhou Asian Games, this tournament will also be tested in all venues according to the standard requirements of the Asian Games during the competition. The reporter found that some old venues have undergone "minor renovations" to rejuvenate "new vitality". On July 3rd, the Chinese U16 women's volleyball national team arrived at the Deqing Sports Center Gymnasium in Huzhou. After a simple familiarization with the venue, the team members immediately immersed themselves in the tense and orderly pre match training. The Deqing Sports Center Sports Center in front of us has hosted the 2015-2019 Chinese Professional Volleyball League and the 2017 National Games Men's Volleyball Preliminary. But as the venue for the volleyball event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

[World Report] American Media: More and More Minors in the United States Are Victim from Gun Violence, Parents Worry About Children's Safety | America | Country | Firearms
[World Report] American Media: More and More Minors in the United States Are Victim from Gun Violence, Parents Worry About Children's Safety | America | Country | Firearms

On July 4th, local time, a large-scale shooting occurred in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, resulting in 2 deaths and 28 injuries, including 14 minors. Gun violence has become a common occurrence in American life, and an increasing number of minors are being caught up in it, making American parents increasingly concerned about their children's safety. On the 1st, the website of USA Today published a commentary article by American journalist and host Rachel Kelly. In the article, Kelly expressed her doubts and concerns as a mother - what should she do to ensure the safety of her children in a country full of gun violence like the United States? Kelly wrote in a screenshot of a commentary article on the website of USA Today that "grief and prayer" are repeated after each large-scale shooting incident

The young man driving a luxury car has attracted over 400 million yuan in cash over two years, and if he says he doesn't want a deposit of 1.5 million yuan, then he doesn't want it! Using this as bait, luxury car | deposit | young man
The young man driving a luxury car has attracted over 400 million yuan in cash over two years, and if he says he doesn't want a deposit of 1.5 million yuan, then he doesn't want it! Using this as bait, luxury car | deposit | young man

Wenzhou native Yang wanted to sell his 16 million yuan worth of commercial housing when he met a wealthy young man driving a luxury car. He not only paid a deposit happily, but later gave up with a 1.5 million yuan deposit. What kind of business is this guy doing when he can buy a house for 16 million yuan with just one move? Yang thought curiously. But what he never expected was that he would fall into a Ponzi scheme as a result. In August 2020, a young and promising young man named Yang tried to sell his over 300 square meter commercial house located in Lucheng District through an intermediary. Qu approached him. After seeing the house, Qu was very pleased and immediately signed a purchase contract, paid a deposit of 1.5 million yuan, and agreed to complete the property transfer procedures within 1-2 months. While Yang was happy, he was also curious: "This 199..."

The Chinese Society for Human Rights held a side meeting on the theme of "China's Human Rights Philosophy and Practice" in Geneva, Xinjiang | China | Human Rights
The Chinese Society for Human Rights held a side meeting on the theme of "China's Human Rights Philosophy and Practice" in Geneva, Xinjiang | China | Human Rights

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, July 3 On the occasion of the 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies held a side meeting on the theme of "China's Human Rights Concept and Practice" at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on the 3rd. At the meeting, relevant experts gave presentations on topics such as China's human rights education, the rights and interests of women in Xizang, the reincarnation system of living Buddhas in Tibet and freedom of religious belief, Chinese path to modernization and the development of China's human rights cause, the so-called "forced labor" Xinjiang related lies, the protection and development of language in Xizang, and the historical truth of local and motherland relations in Tibet. On July 3rd, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, the Chinese Society for Human Rights held a themed side meeting on "China's Human Rights Philosophy and Practice". Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Yi photographed Wang Yanwen, Deputy Secretary General of the China Association for Human Rights, presiding over the border meeting. In her opening speech, she said that global human rights

Foreign media: The achievements of the Expo highlight the enormous potential of China Africa cooperation in economy and trade | Expo | Achievements
Foreign media: The achievements of the Expo highlight the enormous potential of China Africa cooperation in economy and trade | Expo | Achievements

According to the Traditional Times website on July 2nd, the third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, held in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, came to an end on July 2nd. At least 120 projects with a total amount of 10.3 billion US dollars were signed at this expo. This year's expo also released 99 docking and cooperation projects with a total amount of 8.7 billion US dollars, of which 11 African countries released 74 docking projects, the largest number in history. Nearly 1600 categories of goods from 29 African countries participated in the exhibition, an increase of 166% compared to the previous edition. In addition, there were 1500 exhibitors, an increase of 70% compared to the previous edition. The Namibian Ambassador to China Elia George Kayamo spoke highly of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and stressed the importance of cooperation with China in infrastructure, connectivity, economy and trade. Kayamo said, "We attended the meeting."

Minister of Commerce Meets with Yohei Kono and His Delegation: China's Open Door Will Not Close Cooperation | Association | Yohei Kono and His Delegation
Minister of Commerce Meets with Yohei Kono and His Delegation: China's Open Door Will Not Close Cooperation | Association | Yohei Kono and His Delegation

On July 4th, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with the visiting delegation of the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade led by President Yohei Kono in Beijing. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on China's reform and opening up policy, Sino Japanese economic and trade relations, cooperation in emerging fields, and stability of industrial and supply chains. Wang Wentao positively praised the contributions made by the Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade in promoting economic and trade cooperation between the two countries over the years, stating that the door to China's opening-up will not be closed, but will only open wider and wider. He hopes that the association will continue to uphold the concept of "promoting politics through economy and promoting officials through the people" and promote stronger economic dialogue and exchanges between China and Japan. Wang Wentao stressed that China is promoting Chinese path to modernization and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, which will bring more development opportunities for enterprises from all countries, including Japan, to invest in China. Welcome the Japanese side to expand green and low-carbon, medical and elderly care, and digital technology

What are the special signals of this disease?, I'm only 30 years old! Famous fitness internet celebrity suddenly passes away in the brain | aneurysm | fitness website
What are the special signals of this disease?, I'm only 30 years old! Famous fitness internet celebrity suddenly passes away in the brain | aneurysm | fitness website

Today, the topic of # fitness internet celebrity Lasi Ge's passing # has surged on the hot search. On July 1st local time, Jo Linder, a German fitness internet celebrity known as "Rasco" by domestic netizens, passed away at the age of 30 due to a sudden arterial aneurysm. According to Metro, Jo Lindner complained of neck pain before falling down and losing consciousness. He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with an aneurysm, a protrusion in a blood vessel that could rupture and cause cerebral hemorrhage. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, they were unable to save Jo Lindner's life and he ultimately died in the arms of his girlfriend. Shortly after the incident, his fitness partner and friend Noel Deyzel confirmed his death on Instagram and published an article

Soros's fourth son takes the first shot! Global layoffs of no less than 40% Foundation | Society | Global
Soros's fourth son takes the first shot! Global layoffs of no less than 40% Foundation | Society | Global

Recently, legendary investor George Soros, known as the "financial giant," announced that his $25 billion non-profit organization, the Open Society Foundation, has agreed to make significant changes to the fund's operating model in the coming months, including measures such as layoffs of no less than 40% globally and restructuring of various executive positions. It is worth noting that only a few weeks ago, 92 year old Soros officially decided to hand over control of the Open Society Foundation and other businesses to his fourth son Alexander Soros. According to public information, the $25 billion "Financial Empire" was founded by Soros in 1979. According to The Wall Street Journal, in December last year, members of the Open Society Foundation's board of directors quietly elected Alexander to succeed them

Early Reading | SAIC Announces Construction of Production Base in Europe | Sales | Europe
Early Reading | SAIC Announces Construction of Production Base in Europe | Sales | Europe

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the 18th of the 5th lunar month, Shanghai was cloudy to overcast, with short showers or thunderstorms in some areas, turning cloudy to cloudy around noon, sometimes showers or thunderstorms in southern areas, 27~33 ℃ Today's Concern ▌ SAIC announced that it would build a production base in Europe. ※ yesterday, SAIC released overseas business sales data for the first half of the year. In the first half of 2023, SAIC sold 530000 vehicles in overseas markets, up 40% year-on-year. Among them, independent brand sales accounted for more than 70%,MG in the first half of the global sales totaled 370000 vehicles. On the same day, SAIC announced that it will build a production base in Europe and is currently in the process of site selection. Europe has grown into the first 200,000-car market for SAIC's overseas business. This is SAIC's decision

The Chinese Association for Science and Technology has issued the "Ten Prohibitions" to strictly enforce the selection of academicians by boycotting inappropriate behaviors such as soliciting Tora votes
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology has issued the "Ten Prohibitions" to strictly enforce the selection of academicians by boycotting inappropriate behaviors such as soliciting Tora votes

Beijing, July 4th (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Association for Science and Technology is currently organizing the selection of candidates for academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023. In order to make the selection process open, fair, and just, and maintain the academic, honorary, and pure nature of the academician title, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology issued the "Ten Prohibitions" for recommending academician candidates on the 4th, proposing 10 requirements for relevant parties in the Association for Science and Technology system to recommend academician candidates. Among them, national academic organizations strictly follow the selection process to organize selections and are not allowed to carry out any activities that may affect or interfere with the selection work; Individuals who have been dealt with due to moral misconduct, academic misconduct, and violations of technological ethics are not allowed to be selected as candidates for academicians. Candidates and their units are not allowed to directly or indirectly, express or imply, or entrust others to engage in petitioning, lobbying, soliciting votes, assisting in elections, or bribery

China and Honduras official announcement! Launching Free Trade Agreement Negotiations | Honduras | Official Announcement
China and Honduras official announcement! Launching Free Trade Agreement Negotiations | Honduras | Official Announcement

On July 4th, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Minister of Economic Development of Honduras Serato, representing the governments of both countries, announced the launch of negotiations on the China Honduras Free Trade Agreement through video conferencing. On March 26, 2023, China established diplomatic relations with Honduras, marking a new stage of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.Launching negotiations on the China Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement is conducive to deepening practical cooperation in the economic and trade fields between the two countries, providing assistance for further improving the quality and level of bilateral trade, strengthening investment and cooperation in various fields.

Wang Gongcheng takes office as Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Tobacco | General Manager | National Tobacco Monopoly Administration | China | CSR | Party Committee | Wang Gongcheng | Group
Wang Gongcheng takes office as Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Tobacco | General Manager | National Tobacco Monopoly Administration | China | CSR | Party Committee | Wang Gongcheng | Group

On July 4th, the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released information on the appointment and dismissal of national staff members by the State Council. Among them, Wang Gong was appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Tobacco Monopoly Administration. Before taking office, Wang Gongcheng served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of CRRC Corporation Limited, as well as a member and Vice President of the Party Committee of CRRC Corporation Limited. According to publicly available information, Wang Gongcheng, born in 1972, holds a university degree and is a senior engineer. Wang Gongcheng has served as the Deputy General Manager of CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd., Director of the Office of CRRC Group, Deputy Chief Economist and Director of the Board of Directors Office of CRRC Group, and Minister of the Party Committee Propaganda Department. He has also served as the Executive Director, General Manager, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CRRC Luoyang Locomotive Co., Ltd., Director of Safety Production of CRRC Group, and Assistant to the General Manager of CRRC Group. In 2015, the former North South Car Group was restructured and merged, and the palace was established

Police report: Female auxiliary police officers who insult citizens have been transferred from their positions and cooperate with the investigation! Electric vehicle | law enforcement | auxiliary police
Police report: Female auxiliary police officers who insult citizens have been transferred from their positions and cooperate with the investigation! Electric vehicle | law enforcement | auxiliary police

On July 2nd, in Liaocheng, Shandong, it was rumored online that a female "traffic police officer" in Dong'a County insulted citizens, threatened to "kill you", and even prepared to kick and kick a woman riding an electric bike. She was then taken away by colleagues. On the early morning of July 4th, the Dong'a Brigade of the Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of Liaocheng Public Security Bureau issued a situation report: On the afternoon of June 23rd, 2023, the police officers of the urban squadron of the brigade led auxiliary police to carry out a special rectification action on non-standard helmet wearing when riding electric bicycles at the intersection of Wenhua Street and Fuqian Street. At around 16:00, auxiliary police officer Shi discovered that He was riding an electric bicycle without a helmet, so he went forward to remind and advise him. He refused to cooperate with persuasion and had a dispute and physical conflict with Shi, resulting in a scratch on Shi's hand. Shi lost control of his emotions and acted aggressively, but was promptly stopped by colleagues on duty. Currently, Mr. Shi has

Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria announced on the same day!, About Crude Oil Release | Measures | Crude Oil
Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Algeria announced on the same day!, About Crude Oil Release | Measures | Crude Oil

Saudi Arabia announced a one month extension of its daily reduction of 1 million barrels of crude oil. On July 3rd local time, the Saudi Ministry of Energy announced that the voluntary additional daily reduction of 1 million barrels of crude oil, which began in July, will be extended for one month until the end of August, and may be further extended. Starting from May this year, Saudi Arabia voluntarily reduced its daily crude oil production by 500000 barrels, and in July, it voluntarily reduced its daily crude oil production by an additional 1 million barrels. After two production cuts, Saudi Arabia's daily crude oil production has decreased to 9 million barrels since July this year. It is reported that Saudi Arabia's move is aimed at jointly maintaining the stability of the international crude oil market with OPEC+countries. Russia will reduce its oil exports by 500000 barrels per day in August. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak announced on July 3rd local time that Russia will reduce its oil exports by 500000 barrels per day in August

NASA's latest satellite image: Canadian wildfire smoke has drifted to Europe, USA | Wildfire | Canada
NASA's latest satellite image: Canadian wildfire smoke has drifted to Europe, USA | Wildfire | Canada

In recent times, due to the "most severe" wildfires in Canadian history, air pollution has been severe in many parts of Canada and the United States, and the scope of this impact is still expanding. According to the Associated Press, the latest satellite images from NASA show that smoke from wildfires in northern Quebec, Canada has drifted across the sea to parts of Europe. Satellite images released by NASA on July 3 show that the haze generated by wildfires in northern Quebec, Canada has crossed the North Atlantic and spread to parts of the Iberian Peninsula and Western Europe. Canadian officials have stated that Canada is experiencing the worst wildfire season in its history. As long as wildfires continue to burn, air quality throughout the summer will be a serious problem. Officials from the fire and environmental departments said that due to this year's gas shortage

Strict statement!, CITIC Group Name | Company | CITIC Group
Strict statement!, CITIC Group Name | Company | CITIC Group

China Fund News Dawn: Once again, central enterprise groups have taken action to crack down on counterfeits! The protagonist this time is CITIC Group. On July 4th, the official website of CITIC Group issued a stern statement stating that there were illegal elements using the name of a subsidiary of CITIC Group to establish a company, and a list of 18 "fake CITIC" companies was listed. CITIC Group claims that the criminals registered its subsidiaries Beijing CITIC Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Beijing CITIC Enterprise Project Management Co., Ltd. as shareholders by forging official seals, submitting false materials with signatures, and concealing facts through fraudulent means. Recently, there have been numerous "Li Gui" companies that impersonate the identity of central enterprises for external business, and the number of state-owned enterprises and central enterprise groups that have taken measures to crack down on counterfeits continues to increase. Since June, multiple companies including State Power Investment Corporation, China Railway Group, and COMAC have issued similar statements, exposing“

New film starts, Zhang Yimou officially announces the movie | Lei Jiayin | official announcement
New film starts, Zhang Yimou officially announces the movie | Lei Jiayin | official announcement

73 year old Zhang Yimou still maintains a strong creative ability. His new film "Article 20", directed by him, recently premiered in Langfang, Hebei. According to relevant information, the film stars Lei Jiayin and Ma Li and is a "new realism" film with comedic elements. It is reported that the film is expected to be released in next year's Spring Festival season. According to netizens, director Zhang Yimou's "New Realism" legal themed film "Article 20" was officially launched on the morning of July 1st at a high school in Langfang, Hebei. The opening ceremony was held in an indoor basketball court, and Director Zhang Yimou was dressed in white summer clothes and in good condition. Several leading actors, including Lei Jiayin, Ma Li, Gao Ye, Liu Yaowen, etc., all appeared at the filming site in Langfang. At the opening ceremony of Article 20, the plot of the film has already been exposed online: Prosecutor Han Mingren arrives in China