The world

Bringing these changes, the Science Popularization V "Ji Thirteen" has been rated high! Beijing Professional Title Reform Talents | Professional Titles | Changes
Bringing these changes, the Science Popularization V "Ji Thirteen" has been rated high! Beijing Professional Title Reform Talents | Professional Titles | Changes

In Beijing, the mode of professional title evaluation is changing. In the past, the hard indicators of English, computer science, and academic papers in professional title evaluation have limited the development of talents. In 2018, Beijing implemented the requirements of the central government's deepening of the reform of the professional title system and began to establish classification evaluation standards and mechanisms that meet the characteristics of different talents. In five years, Beijing has successfully completed the implementation measures for the reform of 25 professional titles in higher education institutions, including teachers, engineering and technology, economics, and journalism, involving more than 1100 professional titles and majors. The baton has changed, and there has been a gratifying change in talent evaluation, with more talents standing out. "Ji Thirteen" has been rated as a senior professional title, and those who pay attention to science popularization are definitely familiar with the name "Ji Thirteen". "Ji Thirteen" was originally named Ji Xiaohua, and he successively founded a number of popular science products such as the Science Squirrel Club and Guoke Net

The United States is deceiving others too much in this matter, and Hua Chunying has repeatedly launched 7 drug recommendations | US side | government | drugs | China | problem | drug control | United States
The United States is deceiving others too much in this matter, and Hua Chunying has repeatedly launched 7 drug recommendations | US side | government | drugs | China | problem | drug control | United States

Fentanyl, it's fentanyl again. In recent years, this once unfamiliar drug name has become no longer unfamiliar, due to the United States repeatedly accusing China of inadequate control over the abuse of fentanyl in its domestic market. Americans are becoming increasingly addicted to fentanyl, and the US government is playing the same "fentanyl card". The US Department of Justice recently announced the prosecution of Chinese companies and citizens on suspicion of producing and selling fentanyl chemical precursors. PART.01 First check "is it" and then ask "why". Is it true that China is responsible for the United States persistently blaming China for the fentanyl issue? Of course not. China has been deeply affected by opium in the past and has always implemented strict drug control measures. Moreover, in a humanitarian spirit, China has been doing its best to help the US address and resolve the fentanyl issue. In May 2019, the Chinese side conducted a comprehensive investigation in China

Economic observation: Further interaction between China and Germany, China and France, promising prospects for China Europe economic and trade cooperation, environmental protection | Green | China Germany
Economic observation: Further interaction between China and Germany, China and France, promising prospects for China Europe economic and trade cooperation, environmental protection | Green | China Germany

Chinese Premier Li Qiang has returned to Beijing from his visit to Germany and France. As previously expected, the high-frequency interaction between China and Germany and China and France has injected new impetus into the close economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe. Strengthening cooperation in green environmental protection Green environmental protection is a major area of the China-EU "hit it off. In the seventh round of Sino-German government consultations, the two sides agreed to establish a dialogue and cooperation mechanism on climate change and green transformation, and signed a number of bilateral cooperation documents in areas such as climate change. In addition, when Chinese leaders met with French President Macron, Prime Minister Borné and European Council President Michel, cooperation in the field of green or environmental protection was also a high-frequency word. Macron made it clear that Chinese companies are welcome to invest in France and expand cooperation in emerging fields such as green environmental protection and new energy. Medium

Pakistani Media: "China Model" Becomes a Model Province for Promoting Prosperity and Development | GDP | Model
Pakistani Media: "China Model" Becomes a Model Province for Promoting Prosperity and Development | GDP | Model

On June 24, the website of the Pakistan Observer published an article entitled "Try the Chinese Model". The author of the article is Hawar Abbas Sandu, a researcher of Pakistan's "the Belt and Road" initiative and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The article is compiled as follows: Chinese civilization has practiced time and time again on how to respond to new challenges. Today, a rising China has established a multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC. Those countries that accuse China of implementing a one party system are lagging behind China in terms of economy, technology, and even tourism, but their related propaganda is endless. The CPC is in power with the support of eight democratic parties. These democratic parties include the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Nationalist Party, the Chinese Democratic League, the Chinese Democratic Founding Association, and the Chinese Democratic Promotion

Japan's forced push to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea has sparked widespread questioning and strong opposition from the international community towards fishermen | South Korea | Society
Japan's forced push to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea has sparked widespread questioning and strong opposition from the international community towards fishermen | South Korea | Society

This month, Tokyo Electric Power Company of Japan began trial operation of the nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. According to Japanese sources, the tritium containing wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will be officially discharged into the sea this summer, which has sparked widespread questioning and strong opposition from the international community. On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the northeast Pacific region of Japan, followed by a tsunami, which severely affected the Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. The Japan Atomic Power Safety and Security Agency has designated the Fukushima nuclear accident as the highest level of nuclear accident, at level 7, equivalent to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. It is reported that at that time, with the explosion of nuclear power plant units and the leakage of radioactive materials, more than 1.3 million cubic meters of seawater were sprayed onto the overheated reactor core

Summer Davos Outlook: Exploring the World's Path to Restart Growth at a Critical Moment of Change | World | Economy | Key
Summer Davos Outlook: Exploring the World's Path to Restart Growth at a Critical Moment of Change | World | Economy | Key

The 14th annual meeting of new leaders of the world economic forum will be held in Tianjin from June 27 to 29. This is the first time that the summer Davos forum has resumed offline holding in four years. At the critical moment of world economic recovery and change, this forum will bring together global leaders and enterprise innovation forces to explore the way to restart the growth of the world economy. Since the new crown epidemic, the global economy has faced many tests and challenges, and at present, restoring the global economy has become a common task facing all countries in the world, which urgently requires solidarity and cooperation. As a global dialogue platform for politics, business and other sectors in the world, the World Economic Forum has always been a weather vane for all sectors of the world to observe world political and economic trends, and to provide suggestions for world economic development and response to global challenges. 2

Francis Fukuyama: The Political Tear in the United States Resulting in a Decline in Diplomatic Ability | The United States | Politics
Francis Fukuyama: The Political Tear in the United States Resulting in a Decline in Diplomatic Ability | The United States | Politics

On June 25th, the Yomiuri Shimbun in Japan published an article titled "The Decline in Diplomatic Ability Caused by American Political Tears" by American political scientist Francis Fukuyama. The recent power struggle between the United States and China has spread to the South Pacific region. China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands last year, which raised concerns about China's acquisition of military bases in the country. In order to counter this, the United States signed a bilateral defense cooperation agreement with Papua New Guinea in late May this year. At first, Biden planned to visit Papua New Guinea on his way back after attending the G7 summit in Hiroshima, but due to the US debt crisis, he had to hurry back to his home country to negotiate with Republican House Speaker McCarthy. Although both parties ultimately reached an agreement at the end of May, avoiding a government debt default, this incident truly reflects

"Take risks"? Foreign executives oppose "illusory concerns" in China | Enterprises | Foreign companies
"Take risks"? Foreign executives oppose "illusory concerns" in China | Enterprises | Foreign companies

Tianjin, June 26th, Xinhua News Agency - Question: "Eliminating Risks"? Foreign executives oppose "illusory concerns". Recently, Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Rui replaced "decoupling" with "de risk", becoming a new tone for some Western politicians to discuss China policies. Like their attitude towards decoupling, many foreign executives also hold a negative stance on the so-called "de risk" approach, believing that China is an "opportunity" rather than a "risk" and calling it a "illusory concern". "China is an opportunity for me. China is my second hometown," said Shen Yinzhi from South Korea. From studying abroad in China in 1993, to settling in Tianjin in 2002 and establishing Aitemei Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., engaged in the production and sales of water treatment equipment and related accessories, Shen Yinzhi has been expanding his business in the vast opportunities provided by the Chinese market. Today

[World Theory] US Media: Gun violence in the United States is closely related to its government's foreign war policy. Violence | US | Government
[World Theory] US Media: Gun violence in the United States is closely related to its government's foreign war policy. Violence | US | Government

According to a report by Black Star News on June 25th, gun violence in the United States has become out of control. The US government promotes violence abroad and advocates violence domestically, and all wars seem to be America's new "pastime". It's strange that a country doing such evil things in another country wants to know why its children would shoot at schools and classmates, and why NBA champions and fans would celebrate with large-scale shootings. According to the latest data from the Gun Violence Archive website, as of June 25th local time, there have been 326 large-scale shooting incidents in the United States this year, with over 20000 deaths due to various gun related incidents. The promotion of violence has already had an impact

African American women are helpless in the face of a surge in pregnancy mortality rates. [World Report] British media: The Post Roy Era in the United States Roe v. Wade The Era
African American women are helpless in the face of a surge in pregnancy mortality rates. [World Report] British media: The Post Roy Era in the United States Roe v. Wade The Era

According to the Guardian website on June 22nd, for a long time in the United States, pregnancy has been at a higher risk than abortion. Approximately 650-750 women die during pregnancy in the United States each year, making it the country with the highest maternal mortality rate among industrialized countries. Relatively speaking, there are very few women who die from abortion or suffer from complications. Therefore, when the Roe v. Wade case in the United States was overturned last year, people were concerned that pregnancy related deaths and complications would surge, especially among women of color. According to the analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, in 2021, African American women are 2.6 times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth than white women. Structural racism, inadequate coverage of medical assistance programs, and failure to invest reasonably in maternal health are all contributing factors

The Ministry of Commerce responds that the US is suing Chinese companies on the grounds of involving fentanyl: a typical issue of unilateral bullying | Titanic | China
The Ministry of Commerce responds that the US is suing Chinese companies on the grounds of involving fentanyl: a typical issue of unilateral bullying | Titanic | China

The person in charge of the Meida Department of the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters regarding the US's lawsuit against Chinese companies on the grounds of involving fentanyl issues. A reporter asked: Recently, the US has announced the prosecution of some Chinese companies on the grounds of involving fentanyl. What is China's comment on this? Answer: China has always strictly enforced drug control and, in a humanitarian spirit, has taken the lead in categorizing and controlling fentanyl substances globally, playing an important role in preventing the illegal production, trafficking, and abuse of fentanyl. The US's use of "fishing law enforcement" to illegally obtain so-called "evidence" and sue Chinese companies is a typical unilateral bullying behavior. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this, and will firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Some global issues cannot be solved, Macron: If China and the United States cannot reach a consensus on the global agenda | Macron
Some global issues cannot be solved, Macron: If China and the United States cannot reach a consensus on the global agenda | Macron

On the 25th local time, CNN released a video of its anchor Zakaria's interview with French President Macron. Macron stated in the interview that he believes cooperation between the United States and China is crucial for solving some global issues.Do you think this result confirms the correctness of your viewpoint? Macron said, "No, I'm always very cautious about polls because sometimes people..."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States should stop politicizing the issue of COVID-19 traceability COVID-19 | Virus | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States should stop politicizing the issue of COVID-19 traceability COVID-19 | Virus | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular press conference today. On the issue of COVID-19 traceability, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said that China has always advocated respecting scientific facts, actively supporting and participating in global scientific traceability, and firmly opposed any form of political manipulation on the issue of COVID-19 traceability. So far, China is the only country that has invited the WHO international expert group to carry out traceability cooperation with COVID-19 in China for many times, and also the only country that has organized experts to share the progress of traceability with the advisory group for many times. On the issue of COVID-19 traceability, China has shared the most data and research results and made the greatest contribution, which fully reflects China's open, transparent and responsible attitude. "Laboratory leakage is highly unlikely" is the result of a joint expert group from China and the World Health Organization visiting relevant laboratories in Wuhan on site and engaging in in-depth communication with relevant scientific researchers

World Report Survey: Approximately 30 million children in the United States live in households with guns, but nearly half of them are not properly guarded by gun organizations | Incident | Children
World Report Survey: Approximately 30 million children in the United States live in households with guns, but nearly half of them are not properly guarded by gun organizations | Incident | Children

On June 25th, China Daily reported that a 7-year-old child in Jackson County, Kentucky, USA, shot and killed a 5-year-old child at home, which was an accident and there is no suspicion of murder. Children's accidental shooting incidents like this are frequent in the United States, and the proper preservation of firearms has become a major issue. Fox 56 News, a subsidiary of Fox TV in the United States, reported that a recent nationwide survey by the Rand Corporation's Gun Policy Initiative showed that approximately 30 million children in the United States live in households with firearms. The survey also found that nearly half of the households did not properly lock their firearms. On the 20th, Fox 56 News reported that Kentucky Democratic Congressman Morgan McGovery stated in a screenshot that last year

And reasoning | Worried about the "China threat" is just an excuse for the United States and India to use each other. World | United States | China
And reasoning | Worried about the "China threat" is just an excuse for the United States and India to use each other. World | United States | China

Indian Prime Minister Modi recently made a state visit to the United States, which may seem like an endless show on the surface, but in fact, he had mutual requests and exploitation with US President Biden. Both sides attempted to put China out of the spotlight, but were unable to conceal their thoughts and even hinted at China in the joint statement. From Modi's visit to the United States, it can be seen that both sides have seriously deviated from reality in their views on the world situation, and even unilaterally and shamelessly claim that the US India relationship will "define the next century". This is truly a pipe dream and ridiculous. As a temporary measure, Washington and New Delhi, separated by thousands of miles, are exchanged as "closest partners". Little do they know that today's world is no longer the same as it was decades ago, nor is it a unipolar world where the United States leads its friends to give orders globally, dictate to other countries, and accuse them recklessly

German anti war activists hold camping activities to boycott NATO military bases and air bases | Ramstein | NATO
German anti war activists hold camping activities to boycott NATO military bases and air bases | Ramstein | NATO

From June 18th to 25th, a camping event with the theme of "boycotting the Ramstein Air Force Base" was held in the town of Ramstein in southwestern Germany. This camping activity is also known as the "Peace Camp", where anti war activists from all over Germany gathered to voice their resistance against the US military presence. "Peace Camp" is a camping activity aimed at boycotting Ramstein Air Force Base, located approximately 4 kilometers north of Ramstein town, and lasting for about a week. The organizers arrange various forms of activities such as peace seminars and concerts every day to discuss how to promote peace. This year's "Peace Camp" focuses on the role of Ramstein military base in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Anti war activists believe that Western countries made the decision to provide tanks for Ukraine at this military base

Death report during detention of 8-year-old immigrant girl in the United States: Lack of security facilities in US border detention facilities | Immigration | Detention
Death report during detention of 8-year-old immigrant girl in the United States: Lack of security facilities in US border detention facilities | Immigration | Detention

US Border Patrol Soldiers Monitor Large Numbers of Immigrants Overseas Network, June 26 (Xinhua) -- According to reports from The Capitol Hill and The Washington Post, the recent investigation by the US Department of Homeland Security into detention facilities for illegal immigrants at the US Mexico border shows that these facilities are resource scarce and poorly operated, unable to ensure the safety of the lives of illegal immigrants. On May 17th, an 8-year-old illegal immigrant girl died while being detained by the US border patrol on the US Mexico border. After the accident, the US Department of Homeland Security began investigating illegal immigration detention facilities at the border. In a memo this month, investigators wrote that the facilities that detained the girl and her family "lack medical services and accountability mechanisms to provide safe, effective, humane, and evidence-based medical care.". According to reports, this girl is

Biden's "oversized" reception of Modi, the differences behind it are difficult to bridge India | Modi | Biden
Biden's "oversized" reception of Modi, the differences behind it are difficult to bridge India | Modi | Biden

On June 26th, according to foreign media reports, Indian Prime Minister Modi ended his four-day official visit to the United States on the 24th local time. Some media pointed out that US President Biden received Modi with "super standard" treatment that only his "closest ally" could enjoy. However, behind the surface gloss, there are still huge differences between the two countries in many areas. According to reports, on the 21st local time, the Bidens hosted a private dinner for the Modi couple at the White House. Before the dinner, both parties watched a specially prepared Indian dance by the US. The White House stated that as an official gift from the President and First Lady, Modi will receive a handmade antique bookshelf made in the early 20th century. In addition, Biden also presented Modi with an old-fashioned American camera, an archival photo of George Eastman's first Kodak camera patent, and a

IMF Russia Executive Director: The West uses trade and the US dollar as weapons to cause world economic division | International Trade | Trade
IMF Russia Executive Director: The West uses trade and the US dollar as weapons to cause world economic division | International Trade | Trade

On June 26th, according to a report by the Russian satellite news agency, Alexei Morin, Executive Director of Russia at the International Monetary Fund, stated that the West's use of international trade and the US dollar as weapons has caused inevitable division in the world economy. Mo Ren said, "Western countries openly use international trade, finance, as well as the US dollar and euro as weapons, making the division of the world economy not only inevitable but also irreversible." He pointed out that representatives of Western countries in the International Monetary Fund are working hard to avoid this problem, but the leadership of the International Monetary Fund cannot ignore the pressure exerted by Western countries on it. Mo Ren mentioned that the consequences of Western sanctions against Russia are an example of the division of the world economy. According to previous reports, IMF President Georgieva 1, 2022

Xinhua News Review | World Economic Recovery Calls for Entrepreneurial Spirit Recovery | World | Economy
Xinhua News Review | World Economic Recovery Calls for Entrepreneurial Spirit Recovery | World | Economy

Tianjin, June 26 (Xinhua) -- World economic recovery calls for entrepreneurial spirit. Xinhua reporter Xu Supei and Wang Ning are accelerating economic recovery, which is one of the most urgent challenges facing the world at present. The 14th Summer Davos Forum, to be held in Tianjin on the 27th, will be themed "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", calling for an entrepreneurial spirit based on innovation, responsibility, and cooperation, stimulating the vitality of enterprises as innovative entities, providing impetus for the recovery of the world economy, and contributing to social progress. The world economic recovery cannot be achieved without the pioneering and innovative spirit of entrepreneurs. Conceptual and technological innovation has always been an important driving force for economic and social development, and innovative development is an inevitable choice to lead the sustainable development of the world economy. At present, the world needs the power of innovation more than ever, especially in artificial intelligence

"This is a joyful moment that brings people together and helps them reach consensus" - Swiss Eglissau Dragon Boat Race Sight International | Dragon Boat | Eglissau Dragon Boat Race
"This is a joyful moment that brings people together and helps them reach consensus" - Swiss Eglissau Dragon Boat Race Sight International | Dragon Boat | Eglissau Dragon Boat Race

"This is a joyful moment that brings people together and helps them reach consensus," said Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Qibing and Chen Junxia at the Eglissau Dragon Boat Race in Switzerland. On the surface of the Rhine River, shimmering blue waves, the sound of paddles and figures, and dragon boat races. On June 24th and 25th, 80 racing teams and 1680 athletes participated in the 31st Eglissau International Dragon Boat Race held in Eglissau, Zurich, Switzerland. On the dragon boat race, the drummer beats the drum at the bow of the boat, and the leading oarsman steers at the stern. The 20 oarsmen sitting in the dragon boat move in unison, working together and moving forward with all their might. By the Rhine River, the band cheered up. In order to watch the dragon boat race, nearby residents and tourists gathered in Eglisho. When the city council approved the organization of the first dragon boat race, the organizers

Talking about New Opportunities in the Chinese Economy | Professor Zhao Suisheng from the University of Denver in the United States: The Chinese Concept Helps to Bridge the Global Development Gap | Global | China
Talking about New Opportunities in the Chinese Economy | Professor Zhao Suisheng from the University of Denver in the United States: The Chinese Concept Helps to Bridge the Global Development Gap | Global | China

Denver, June 26 (Xinhua) - Professor Zhao Suisheng from the University of Denver in the United States stated in a recent interview with Xinhua that the concepts and initiatives proposed by China at last year's Global Development Summit played an important role in bridging the global development gap, promoting common prosperity among countries, and promoting global economic recovery. In June 2022, China held a high-level dialogue on global development, proposing to jointly create a development pattern of inclusive balance, coordinated inclusiveness, win-win cooperation, and common prosperity, and announced a series of practical measures to implement global development initiatives. According to the "Progress Report on the Implementation of Global Development Initiatives" compiled by the China International Development Knowledge Center, as of now, half of the 32 practical measures in the "List of Results of the Global Development High Level Dialogue" released in June 2022 have been completed or achieved early implementation

This Prime Minister is not too cold, his first visit to China during his tenure | New Zealand | Prime Minister
This Prime Minister is not too cold, his first visit to China during his tenure | New Zealand | Prime Minister

Author: Wang Zhening Zheng Aotian Mao Yufei On June 25, New Zealand Prime Minister Hipkins led a delegation to Beijing and started a five-day trip to China. The itinerary of Hipkins's visit to China is very rich. In addition to high-level meetings with Chinese leaders, he will also participate in a series of corporate partnership activities, deliver a keynote speech at Peking University, attend the 14th Summer Davos Forum, and launch the tourism partnership project. This is the first visit to China by the Prime Minister of New Zealand since 2019, and it is also the first visit to China by Hipkins as prime minister. On 19 January 2023, Ardern abruptly announced his resignation as Prime Minister and Hipkins took over. At that time, he stressed that visiting China was one of his "priorities". "The scheduled visit to China shows that Hipkins himself is looking forward to the trip.

Wang Yue Talks | When Confucius Meets Digital Dialogue | Confucius | Wang Yue
Wang Yue Talks | When Confucius Meets Digital Dialogue | Confucius | Wang Yue

When you encounter Confucius, what questions will you ask him? How would you ask questions? If Confucius had WeChat, would connecting conversations no longer be imagination? In the hometown of Confucius - Qufu, the Confucius Museum has registered a WeChat account for Confucius and designed an interactive exhibition area called "Confucius Answering Questions" imitating the WeChat interface. Simply touch the content in the screen dialog box, click send, and you can have a conversation with Confucius "crossing time and space". In an immersive experience, listen to Confucius answering questions and solving doubts for you. At present, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference is being held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong. The theme of the dialogue is "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness". The Waterfall Wall of the Analects is here, where you can experience more digital projects similar to "Master Answering Questions". such as

What? I heard you have a small train at home! Rural | Anji | Train
What? I heard you have a small train at home! Rural | Anji | Train

On September 27, 2018, the United Nations awarded the highest level environmental honor, the "Earth Guardian Award", to Qiu Liqin, the director of the Lujia Village Committee in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. As a representative of Zhejiang farmers, she told the story of a small village's comeback on the podium at the United Nations headquarters. What is Lujia Village like now? You see ↓↓↓ The small train here is not just a means of transportation. Every morning, the "Arua Family" internet famous small train in Lujia Village departs with the melodious whistle! This "Arua Family" sightseeing train, with a total length of 4.5 kilometers, can travel the entire Lujia Village with just one ticket. The benefits generated by the small train are shared by all the villagers of Lujia Village. The modern small train is fully loaded with tourists who come from afar

Healthy life, green and non-toxic knowledge. June 25th | Student | Life Green
Healthy life, green and non-toxic knowledge. June 25th | Student | Life Green

On June 25th, prosecutors from Huangping County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, explained drug control knowledge to students at the Third Primary School in Xinzhou Town. June 26th of this year is the 36th International Anti Drug Day, according to Xinhua News Agency. Recently, various regions have launched anti drug propaganda activities with the theme of "healthy life, green and non-toxic" to enhance the awareness and ability of the public to prevent drugs, and create a social atmosphere for everyone to participate in anti drug work. On June 25th, police officers explained drug related knowledge to students at the Anti Drug Propaganda and Education Base in Anshun City, Guizhou Province. On June 25th, Xinhua News Agency reported that police officers were explaining anti drug knowledge to students at the anti drug park of the Second Primary School in Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province. On June 25th, high school students learned about the harm of drug use to the human body at the Anti Drug Education Base in Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province. Xinhua News Agency, June 25th

Xinhua News Review: World Economic Recovery Calls for Entrepreneurial Spirit Recovery | World | Economy
Xinhua News Review: World Economic Recovery Calls for Entrepreneurial Spirit Recovery | World | Economy

Tianjin, June 26 (Xinhua) -- World economic recovery calls for entrepreneurial spirit. Xinhua reporter Xu Supei and Wang Ning are accelerating economic recovery, which is one of the most urgent challenges facing the world at present. The 14th Summer Davos Forum, to be held in Tianjin on the 27th, will be themed "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", calling for an entrepreneurial spirit based on innovation, responsibility, and cooperation, stimulating the vitality of enterprises as innovative entities, providing impetus for the recovery of the world economy, and contributing to social progress. The world economic recovery cannot be achieved without the pioneering and innovative spirit of entrepreneurs. Conceptual and technological innovation has always been an important driving force for economic and social development, and innovative development is an inevitable choice to lead the sustainable development of the world economy. At present, the world needs the power of innovation more than ever, especially in artificial intelligence

Cultivating "Invisible Grain Fields" - Looking at the Path of "Whole Chain Grain Saving and Loss Reduction" from the Main Summer Grain Production Areas in Shandong | Wheat | Chain
Cultivating "Invisible Grain Fields" - Looking at the Path of "Whole Chain Grain Saving and Loss Reduction" from the Main Summer Grain Production Areas in Shandong | Wheat | Chain

Everything is leisurely, and eating is important.Summer grain accounts for 40% of China's annual grain production, while abundant summer grain ensures stability throughout the year. At the end of summer grain harvest, major wheat producing areas in Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, and other regions have overcome the impact of low temperature weather and pests in the early stages, striving to achieve high yields. On the basis of this, they have focused on mechanical harvesting, drying, warehousing, processing, and other links, focusing on cultivating the "invisible grain field" of saving grain and reducing losses. In the wheat harvest season of Diantou Town, Linshu County, Shandong Province, the 2023 Shandong Wheat Machine Harvest Loss Reduction Skills Competition kicked off, turning "harvest in sight" into "harvest in hand". 10 agricultural machinery operators driving agricultural machinery

He chose to... and graduated from Tsinghua University with a "wheelchair doctor"
He chose to... and graduated from Tsinghua University with a "wheelchair doctor"

Recently, at the graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University, there was a special doctoral graduate who sat in a wheelchair and received his degree certificate. He was Zhu Xiaopeng in 2011. Just one year after being admitted to Tsinghua University, Zhu Xiaopeng suffered from a sudden illness and paralysis, and had to temporarily take a two-year leave of absence. With strong perseverance, he returned to campus and continued his studies in a wheelchair. Now, after graduating with a doctoral degree, he has found his future direction: to travel to the western border of China to the most needed place in the country to bloom his youth. 01. At the age of 13, Zhu Xiaopeng's father passed away unexpectedly. To shelter his family from wind and rain, he must first make himself strong. From then on, he made up his mind to study hard and use knowledge to change his and his family's destiny. He has a passion for chemistry,

Building a Secure and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, Focusing on the Principles of Digital Civilization Development | Models | Focus
Building a Secure and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, Focusing on the Principles of Digital Civilization Development | Models | Focus

In today's world, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and processes of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of human civilization progress. At the same time, if digital technology loses its norms and constraints, it may become a "Pandora's Box" and pose a certain threat to the real society. On June 26, the main forum of Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong Province. During the conference, Chinese and foreign guests made suggestions on the topic of "building safe and reliable artificial intelligence". Artificial intelligence will reshape the digital world. "The opportunities for artificial intelligence are enormous. However, with the accelerated global application of artificial intelligence, it is necessary for governments and organizations to consider how to best utilize this technology for the benefit of humanity and the earth." said Hong Yaozhuang, CEO of the Global Mobile Communications Systems Association