The world

German media: Putin accepts Erdogan's invitation to visit Türkiye | Putin
German media: Putin accepts Erdogan's invitation to visit Türkiye | Putin

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Moscow, on June 15, Russian President Putin accepted the invitation of Turkish President Erdogan and planned to visit Türkiye. According to Interfax News Agency, Russian Presidential Assistant Yuri Ushakov said on the 15th that "the President of Türkiye has confirmed his invitation to our President to visit Türkiye." He added that the visit plan is in progress, but the specific date has not yet been determined. The report points out that the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Putin, accusing him of ordering an unfounded war against Ukraine. Due to South Africa's recognition of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, this Russian leader is considered unlikely to attend the annual BRICS summit held in Johannesburg this summer. According to the report, Türkiye is not a party to the International Criminal Court and will almost certainly not implement it

Returning to pre pandemic levels, the Civil Aviation Administration of China predicts that the daily average number of flights guaranteed for summer transportation is 16500. Aviation | Market | Summer Transportation
Returning to pre pandemic levels, the Civil Aviation Administration of China predicts that the daily average number of flights guaranteed for summer transportation is 16500. Aviation | Market | Summer Transportation

How to arrange domestic and international transportation capacity deployment as the civil aviation market will enter its first peak summer season after the implementation of Class B and Class B management? Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Aviation Safety Office of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, stated at the monthly routine press conference held by the Civil Aviation Administration on June 16 that this year's summer travel is the first summer travel after the "Class B and Class B management". The travel of passengers is relatively concentrated, and there is a strong demand for tourism, vacation, visiting relatives and friends. It is expected that nearly 1.95 million passengers will travel by air every day during the summer travel period, with an average of 16500 guaranteed flights per day, returning to the level of the same period before the epidemic. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has arranged and deployed various units to prepare for summer transportation support. In terms of the transportation market for popular domestic aviation routes, Li Yong stated that the Civil Aviation Administration of China has recently issued a notice supporting airlines to work overtime on popular routes during summer travel, optimize domestic routes for summer travel, and support

The Generating Logic and Theoretical Connotation of the New Form of Human Civilization Socialism | China | Logic
The Generating Logic and Theoretical Connotation of the New Form of Human Civilization Socialism | China | Logic

The Chinese path to modernization road has created a new form of human civilization. Understanding Chinese path to modernization and the new form of human civilization from the perspective of Marxist social formation theory is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to build a powerful socialist modernization country in an all-round way. The Historical Generation of Human Civilization from the Perspective of Materialist Historical View reveals the basic laws of the evolution of human social forms, highlighting the logic and development trend of human civilization forms

Focus on "Digital Villagers" in Rural Revitalization Digital | Technology | Rural
Focus on "Digital Villagers" in Rural Revitalization Digital | Technology | Rural

Author: Song Qingyu, Fu Wei. Through the use of digital technology, more and more people have overcome the constraints of physical space on themselves, using digital tools to complete various tasks online. They no longer rely on traditional office work modes or fixed working hours, increasing the flexibility of work forms and the freedom of personal development. These people are called "digital vagrants". In recent years, more and more "digital vagrants" have settled in rural areas, transforming from "digital vagrants" to "digital villagers". Currently, many artists, technology workers, and entrepreneurs have established studios, training bases, and entrepreneurial towns in rural areas, becoming a beautiful scenery in rural revitalization. The new characteristics of talent mobility in the digital age have changed the way talents enter rural areas, providing a new possibility for the revitalization of rural talents. Livable rural residents

Chinese path to modernization embodies the advanced essence of scientific socialism Science | society | socialism
Chinese path to modernization embodies the advanced essence of scientific socialism Science | society | socialism

Chinese path to modernization not only adheres to the basic principles of scientific socialism, but also combines the basic principles of scientific socialism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture, realizing the innovation and development of the theory and practice of scientific socialism, opening up a new realm for the development of scientific socialism, and embodying the advanced nature of scientific socialism. Adhering to the leadership of the CPC and reflecting the progressiveness nature of Marxist political parties requires that the proletariat is the "class that holds the future", and the Communist Party is a party based on the working class and the vanguard of the working class. Marx and Engels pointed out that“

The Unique Cultural Value of Labor Education Labor | China | Culture
The Unique Cultural Value of Labor Education Labor | China | Culture

The great cause nurtures the great spirit, and the great spirit promotes the great cause. Labor, as an important source of vitality for the Chinese nation, will undoubtedly contribute more wisdom and strength to the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Hainan Sansha Meteorological Worker - Adhering to the Island for 66 Years (Green Home) Reporter | Ocean | Meteorology
Hainan Sansha Meteorological Worker - Adhering to the Island for 66 Years (Green Home) Reporter | Ocean | Meteorology

The scorching sun makes people almost unable to open their eyes. Under the strong ultraviolet rays, if you don't pay attention, your skin will blister, peel off, and burn... As soon as you land on Yongxing Island in Sansha City, southern Shanghai, the reporter has a firsthand experience of the year-round "four highs" environment here: high temperature, high humidity, high salt content, and high sunlight radiation. "We have a high temperature of '30+' degrees Celsius all year round here during the day. Such sunshine intensity lasts for about 300 days a year in Sansha," said the local meteorological staff. Sansha is the southernmost city in China, located over 300 kilometers from Hainan Island. In July 1957, the Xisha Meteorological Station was established on Yongxing Island. On the harsh island conditions, generations of meteorologists have persisted for 66 years, observing clouds and measuring rain every day, transmitting meteorological data, and issuing weather forecasts and warnings. On the new journey, the meteorological personnel of Sansha insist on "every day..."

In terms of promoting cost reduction work this year | enterprises | costs
In terms of promoting cost reduction work this year | enterprises | costs

This paper, Beijing, June 15th. A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and other four departments issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Cost Reduction in 2023", proposing 22 tasks in 8 areas. Enhance the accuracy and pertinence of preferential tax policies and improve preferential tax policies. Before the end of 2023, small-scale taxpayers with monthly sales of less than 100000 yuan will be exempted from value-added tax, and the taxable sales income of small-scale taxpayers with a 3% levy rate will be reduced by 1%. Taxpayers in the service industry implement 5% and 10% VAT plus deduction respectively. Improve the quality of financial services to the real economy. We will continue to give full play to the effectiveness of the reform of interest rates quoted in the loan market and the important role of the market-oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates, so as to promote a steady decline in the financing costs of business entities. Make good use of inclusive small and micro loans.

Ministry of Commerce: It is expected that the consumer market will continue to maintain a stable growth trend in the second quarter. News | Consumer | Consumer Market
Ministry of Commerce: It is expected that the consumer market will continue to maintain a stable growth trend in the second quarter. News | Consumer | Consumer Market

People's Daily, Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua) - Shu Jueting, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, stated at a regular press conference on June 15th that with the arrival of the summer consumption peak season, residents' consumption needs for holidays, leisure shopping, travel and tourism will be further released. With the support of relevant consumer promotion policies, it is expected that the consumer market will continue to maintain a stable growth trend in the second quarter. To further stimulate market vitality, restore and expand consumption, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on the following tasks: firstly, continue to improve consumption policies, strengthen departmental coordination, and promote the introduction of a series of policy measures to support the restoration and expansion of consumption. At the same time, based on the positioning of business functions, targeted supporting measures will be introduced to promote high-quality development of the automotive, home furnishings, brand consumption, and catering industries, enhance the combination, coordination, and effectiveness of policies, and focus on promoting high-quality development

The Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Public Security jointly deploy the "National Anti Fraud Action" concentrated publicity month activity nationwide. Telecommunications | Activity | All People
The Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Public Security jointly deploy the "National Anti Fraud Action" concentrated publicity month activity nationwide. Telecommunications | Activity | All People

The theme of this year's publicity month is "Don't ignore warning and dissuasion, and pay attention to property safety.". According to the activity schedule, various regions and departments will organize nationwide efforts to prevent telecommunications network fraud crimes, including entering communities, rural areas, households, schools, and other areas

Chinese Story "Heroine Netizen" Ye Jingjing: Taking sisters Villagers to Get Rich by "Internet plus" | Women's Federation | Ye Jingjing
Chinese Story "Heroine Netizen" Ye Jingjing: Taking sisters Villagers to Get Rich by "Internet plus" | Women's Federation | Ye Jingjing

On June 16th, Beijing, China Youth Network reported that "I can earn 1300 yuan a month by making maltose. Without the help of Jingjing, the maltose I make would not be worth any money." Jingjing not only works diligently, but also sets an example in the village. "In Xiayuan Village, Qianzhen Town, Nanping City, Fujian Province, when it comes to Ye Jingjing, the villagers all praise her. Under her lean appearance, many people do not realize that she is a post-90s generation. In July 2015, at the call of the Xiayuan Village Party Branch, Ye Jingjing, who had graduated for two years, transferred her clothing store in the county town and returned to the village to participate in the election of the village committee. "At that time, I didn't think too much, just thought that I was a child from the countryside, born, raised, and dedicated. After being elected, I made up my mind to do my best to serve the villagers of Xiayuan Village." Ye Jingjing said. Because of the year

UNESCO warmly responds that a girl from Changsha wants to work at the United Nations and rushes out | Follow | Gender | UNESCO
UNESCO warmly responds that a girl from Changsha wants to work at the United Nations and rushes out | Follow | Gender | UNESCO

Recently, Peng Zhouyarou, a high school student from Yali Middle School in Changsha, Hunan, received widespread attention online. After rushing out of the exam room, Peng Zhouyarou said that she hopes to work for UNESCO in the future and contribute her efforts and hard work to the cause of education equity and gender equality for humanity. Many netizens were moved by the ideals of young girls. On June 14th, UNESCO responded positively to human resources officials and welcomed Peng Zhouyarou to continue paying attention. We pay attention to the international distribution of employees and gender equality when recruiting, and we look forward to aspiring professionals joining us. We look forward to working with you in the future. Young professionals from the Department of Gender Equality in Education expressed great anticipation that gender equality is one of the two global priorities of UNESCO and runs through all business areas. We are committed to empowering

Is China's economic recovery weak? Response from the National Development and Reform Commission: The trend of economic growth remains stable. Policy | Macroeconomics | Economy
Is China's economic recovery weak? Response from the National Development and Reform Commission: The trend of economic growth remains stable. Policy | Macroeconomics | Economy

In recent times, there has been a rise in social views regarding the weak recovery of the Chinese economy, particularly in regards to data such as manufacturing PMI and industrial profits. In response to this, at the June regular press conference of the National Development and Reform Commission on the morning of the 16th, spokesperson Meng Wei responded that in the long run, the positive trend of China's economy remains stable. With the continuous manifestation of macroeconomic policy effects, gradual recovery of market demand, and continuous adjustment of supply structure, it is believed that China's economic development momentum will continue to strengthen, the structure will continue to improve, and the situation will continue to improve. "From the perspective of domestic and international development, it is normal for some areas to experience temporary fluctuations during the process of economic recovery." Meng Wei said, in fact, when looking at China's economic situation, we need to not only see the current "shape" accurately, but also the long-term "trend" clearly. Overall, the economic operation is maintaining a recovery trend. service

Response: Pricing is still under negotiation and coordination. Some villagers in Chengjiang, Yunnan have reported that the water fee is 6 yuan per ton. Coordination | Villagers | Residents | Chengjiang City | Water Fee | Village/Town | Water Supply | Group
Response: Pricing is still under negotiation and coordination. Some villagers in Chengjiang, Yunnan have reported that the water fee is 6 yuan per ton. Coordination | Villagers | Residents | Chengjiang City | Water Fee | Village/Town | Water Supply | Group

In response to the issue raised by netizens in Chengjiang City, Yuxi, Yunnan, that "the Longtan Village Committee of Jiucun Town is facing difficulties in drinking water due to the need to reinstall water meters, with a water fee of 6 yuan per ton", the Jiucun Town Government replied on June 14th that currently, the town has taken measures such as coordinating industrial park water supply, searching for other water source points for water supply, providing water in different time periods, and emergency water delivery by tank trucks to ensure the drinking needs of the people; Each household self raises 150 yuan to install smart water meters, in order to urge the public to save water. The pricing of water fees is determined by Chengjiang Zeyu Water Supply Co., Ltd. based on operating costs, and is still under negotiation and coordination. On May 17th, the aforementioned netizen reported on the "Leadership Message Board" of People's Daily that he is a villager of the Xiaolan Tian group and has been without water for almost half a month. I used to eat tap water for decades. Last year, the government's livelihood project reinstalled a water pipe, which has already arrived

Up to 60 years in prison, the Pentagon's "leak gate": 21-year-old suspect charged with 6 charges. Pentagon | jury | suspect
Up to 60 years in prison, the Pentagon's "leak gate": 21-year-old suspect charged with 6 charges. Pentagon | jury | suspect

According to a report by ABC on June 15th, Jack Tesla, the suspect of the Pentagon's "leak gate," has been charged by a federal grand jury and faces six charges of leaking confidential documents. The US Department of Justice has claimed that Tesla abused security licenses to obtain confidential documents and posted them on social media websites, suspected of intentionally retaining and transmitting defense confidential information, and therefore faces six related charges. If convicted, each charge can result in a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment, with a cumulative sentence of up to 60 years. At present, it is unclear when the federal court will summon Teixeira. At the age of 21, Tesla from the US Pentagon served as a network transmission system technician in the Massachusetts Air Force National Guard. In April, he released a batch of confidential information from the US Department of Defense

Reversing black and white, Chinese Embassy in the European Union: The European Parliament's so-called resolution deliberately distorts facts. China | Hong Kong | Resolution
Reversing black and white, Chinese Embassy in the European Union: The European Parliament's so-called resolution deliberately distorts facts. China | Hong Kong | Resolution

Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the European Union: Regarding the European Parliament's Hong Kong related resolution, on June 15th, the European Parliament passed a resolution criticizing the erosion of Hong Kong's basic freedoms, rule of law, and judicial independence. They called on China to abolish Hong Kong's National Security Law and demanded that the Hong Kong SAR government release Lai Chi ying and others. What is China's comment on this? Answer: The so-called resolutions of the European Parliament deliberately distort facts, distort black and white, rudely interfere in China's internal affairs, and openly violate the principles of international law and basic norms of international relations. China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this. Since the return of Hong Kong, the Chinese government has always comprehensively, accurately, and steadfastly implemented the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", and a high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong residents enjoy rights and freedoms far beyond those before 1997 in accordance with the law. After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong's development has returned to the right track, with the rule of law in place

Sent by US military aircraft to Germany, Russian side: Ukrainian intelligence senior officer seriously injured department | Intelligence | US military
Sent by US military aircraft to Germany, Russian side: Ukrainian intelligence senior officer seriously injured department | Intelligence | US military

According to Russian Sputnik News Agency on June 15, a staff member of Russia's powerful department said that Kirilo Budanov, director of the General Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of National Defense of Ukraine, was injured in the missile strike carried out by Russian forces against the headquarters of the Agency in Kiev on May 29. According to reports, Budanov was injured and transported by US military aircraft to Germany via Poland. He is currently receiving treatment at a German Federal Defense Forces hospital in Berlin. Kirilo Budanov, Director of the Intelligence Agency of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, stated on May 29th that the Russian military launched a missile cluster strike on Ukrainian airports, hitting Ukrainian military command posts, radar stations, and aviation equipment. There are reports that the location of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Intelligence Office has been hit. According to the report, the staff of the Russian powerful department said, "According to the Russian powerful department, the Ukrainian state..."

Intended to be recommended to Tsinghua University! Su Yiming posts a response to the Winter Olympics | athletes | Su Yiming
Intended to be recommended to Tsinghua University! Su Yiming posts a response to the Winter Olympics | athletes | Su Yiming

On June 15th, the Science and Education Department of the General Administration of Sport of China released a public announcement on the recommended list of outstanding athletes for undergraduate recommendation in 2023, from June 15th to 21st, 2023. The list shows that snowboarder Su Yiming is recommended for recommendation to Tsinghua University. In 2022, Su Yiming, who won one gold and one silver medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics, replied to everyone's blessings by asking track and field athlete Wang Yu, who had studied at Tsinghua University, "Is it difficult to take the exam?" Subsequently, Tsinghua University spoke on its official blog, "@ Su Yiming, welcome everyone to apply. I am waiting for you at Tsinghua!" At the age of 17, Su Yiming mentioned his three wishes at the age of 18 in an interview: "My first wish is to qualify for the Winter Olympics and participate in the 2022 Winter Olympics in my own country. The second wish is to stand on the podium and win."

A big fire broke out on site!, At least 15 people die in a serious car accident in Canada | Capri Town | Car accident
A big fire broke out on site!, At least 15 people die in a serious car accident in Canada | Capri Town | Car accident

On the 15th local time, a semi-trailer truck collided with a bus carrying numerous elderly passengers near the town of Capri in the southwestern province of Manitoba, causing at least 15 deaths. According to Agence France Presse, Canadian police reported that they are responding to a "collision accident that caused large-scale casualties" near the town of Capri, with emergency personnel and Royal Canadian Mounted Police present at the scene. Manitoba police officer Rob Hill stated that a bus carrying approximately 25 people collided with a semi-trailer truck at an intersection, with at least 15 confirmed deaths and approximately 10 others taken to the hospital. Hill added that the majority of passengers on the bus are elderly. Reuters quoted local police as saying that the drivers of the two cars survived. The police refused to disclose who may be responsible for the accident. Agence France Presse Assistance

Causing 1 death and 1 injury, foreign media: An attack on two tourists at a tourist attraction in Germany | Germany | tourist attraction
Causing 1 death and 1 injury, foreign media: An attack on two tourists at a tourist attraction in Germany | Germany | tourist attraction

According to the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, a man who sexually harassed two female tourists in a tourist attraction in southern Germany met resistance and threw them into a ravine in anger, killing one woman and injuring the other. At present, the man involved in the case has been arrested. According to a report by German newspaper Bild on June 15th local time, the incident occurred near Neuschwanstein Castle at the foot of the Alps in Bavaria, Germany. Two women met a man on a bridge that provided a distant view of the castle. They clashed physically with him due to the man's harassment. The man then pushed the two women over the railing of the bridge and threw them into a 50 meter deep mountain ditch below. German television reported that among the two victims, a 21-year-old woman died in the hospital, and her 22-year-old companion was injured and hospitalized. Based on comprehensive reports from German media,

The pilot's face was covered in blood, but he remained calm while driving. A giant bird shattered glass and crashed into a cabin in Ecuador, leaving bloodstains on the plane
The pilot's face was covered in blood, but he remained calm while driving. A giant bird shattered glass and crashed into a cabin in Ecuador, leaving bloodstains on the plane

Video screenshot: According to the New York Post on June 15th, a plane in Ecuador was flying when a giant bird suddenly smashed the windshield and crashed into the cockpit. The unexpected impact left the pilot with bloodstains on his face, but he remained calm and continued to pilot the plane. This video circulating on social media shows a pilot tightly gripping the control stick while piloting an airplane, with the wreckage of a large bird hanging directly above him, and the bird's huge claws visible. The screen then turned to the pilot, and he could be seen with bloodstains on his face and uniform, but he continued to pilot the plane with a calm expression. American media reported that the bird that collided with the plane died a few minutes after the impact. Its species is not yet clear, but some speculate that it is an Andean bald eagle,

The work is well-known to everyone, and this veteran actor has passed away
The work is well-known to everyone, and this veteran actor has passed away

According to online sources cited by multiple Hong Kong media on the 14th, Zhang Yingcai, a young Cantonese filmmaker, passed away alone in a nursing home on the afternoon of the 14th, without any family to accompany him, at the age of 88. Subsequently, senior voice actor Ding Yu confirmed the death of Zhang Yingcai, and Hong Kong writer Shen Xicheng also posted on social media, saying, "Zhang Yingcai has also left." This has attracted a large number of netizens to mourn. Perhaps young audiences may be a bit unfamiliar with this name, but when they see this familiar face, they will think of Tai Bai Jin Xing in Journey to the West, Huang Mei Master in Tianlong Babu, Fang Zheng Fang Zhang in Xiaoao Jianghu, and those chivalrous dreams of wandering the world that were built by sitting in front of fans in childhood summers. Zhang Yingcai played the role of Master Huang Mei in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and filmed nearly 200 films for the young master of the Shaw family. In 1934, Zhang Yingcai was born in Hong Kong

Apologize to the fans who rushed into the infield and hugged Messi! What punishment will you face? Match | Stadium | Messi
Apologize to the fans who rushed into the infield and hugged Messi! What punishment will you face? Match | Stadium | Messi

On the evening of June 15th at 8 o'clock, the Argentine team led by Messi made their debut at the new team, but they easily defeated the Australian team 2-0 in an international friendly match. The highly anticipated Meiqiu King has sparked public opinion in China these days, grabbing all the attention. During the game, Messi celebrated his goal. During the game, a fan broke into the field, causing the game to be interrupted for over a minute before being carried off the field by security guards. Afterwards, the fan involved, Mr. Di, stated in an interview that he started liking Messi at the age of 9 and had a cramp and sprain in his foot after jumping in the stands. He apologized for his behavior. Some netizens questioned the carelessness of the on-site security. In response, the security company stated that our people have been chasing after us and held a work meeting overnight after the game. What punishment will fans face if they break into the stadium and hug Messi, causing the game to be interrupted? Lawyers have stated that, taking into account the circumstances of the violation and the age of minors

The Ministry of Commerce responds to the US Treasury Secretary's statement that the US hopes to cooperate with China in the economy | the world | the US
The Ministry of Commerce responds to the US Treasury Secretary's statement that the US hopes to cooperate with China in the economy | the world | the US

On the 15th, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jueting, stated at a regular press conference that China and the United States, as the world's largest developing and developed countries, complement each other's economies and blend their interests, benefiting from each other's development. Bilateral economic and trade cooperation not only concerns the vital interests of the two peoples, but also plays a crucial role in promoting global economic growth and enhancing the well-being of people in all countries. Both sides should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and strive to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral economic and trade relations, injecting more stability and positive energy into the world economy. At the press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: US Treasury Secretary Yellen recently met with the board of directors of the National Committee on US China Trade and other US business leaders, emphasized the importance of trade and investment with China, and told them that the United States hopes to cooperate with China

More than 20000 people evacuated, and hot lava flowed down the mountain! Persistent volcanic activity in Mount Mayon, Philippines | Mayon | Volcanic activity
More than 20000 people evacuated, and hot lava flowed down the mountain! Persistent volcanic activity in Mount Mayon, Philippines | Mayon | Volcanic activity

On June 16th, the Philippine Institute of Volcano Seismology announced that from 5:00 am on the 15th to 5:00 am on the 16th, Mount Mayon recorded a total of 4 volcanic earthquakes, 307 rockfalls, and 13 volcanic debris density flows. On the 15th, 826 tons of sulfur dioxide gas were discharged, a significant increase compared to before. The volcano has a slow outflow of magma, with plumes reaching a height of 750 meters, and the mountain continues to expand. On June 15th local time, in Liyashibi, Alba Province, Philippines, the activity of Mount Mayon intensified, with hot lava meandering down the mountain. According to the Philippine National Disaster Reduction Commission, as of 8:00 am on June 16th, the intensified activity of Mount Mayon has affected over 38000 people, and currently more than 20000 people have been evacuated to 27 resettlement centers

15000 job fairs released job demands, 11.39 million graduates | universities | demands
15000 job fairs released job demands, 11.39 million graduates | universities | demands

Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua) --15000 job fairs released job demands of 11.39 million people - Spring scan of joint recruitment of college graduates in large and medium-sized cities. Xinhua reporter Jiang Lin learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on June 15th that the more than two month spring joint recruitment of college graduates in large and medium-sized cities has recently ended. During the event, various regions extensively explored employment opportunities to bridge the gap for graduates. A total of 15000 online and offline job fairs were held nationwide, with 635000 employers posting job demands for 11.39 million people. The number of graduates who participated in job hunting reached 11.53 million. According to the person in charge of the National Talent Mobility Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in order to help graduates find employment early and secure good jobs, since the launch of the activity in March, people from all over the country have

How about external investment? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports Ministry of Commerce responds to recent hot economic and trade news | China | Export
How about external investment? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports Ministry of Commerce responds to recent hot economic and trade news | China | Export

Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua News Agency) Question: How is foreign investment going? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports How has China's foreign investment and cooperation since the beginning of this year been? How will the consumption trend in the second quarter go? What challenges and opportunities do exports face? The Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference on the 15th to respond to recent economic and trade hotspots. In the first five months, China's outward non-financial direct investment increased by 24.2% year-on-year, according to Shu Jueting, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, at a press conference. From January to May this year, China's outward investment continued to grow, with non-financial direct investment of 356.46 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%. From January to May this year, non-financial direct investment of Chinese enterprises in countries along the "the Belt and Road" 630

Viewing Economic Leap News through Data | CCTV | Economy
Viewing Economic Leap News through Data | CCTV | Economy

CCTV News: Looking at the Economy through Data. Data 1: Growth of 11.7%. The National Bureau of Statistics released data today, showing that in May, China's service industry production index increased by 11.7% year-on-year, maintaining rapid growth. Among them, the contact aggregation service industries such as accommodation and catering, leasing, and business services continued to improve. Data 2: 3780.3 billion yuan. According to data released today by the National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China reached 3780.3 billion yuan in May, a year-on-year increase of 12.7%. Market sales continued to recover, while sales of upgraded goods such as communication equipment, gold and silver jewelry, and sports and entertainment products grew rapidly. Data three: 209 million households. According to data released by the State Administration of Taxation, 209 million households have been accurately promoted with tax and fee preferential policies this year

Be careful of these "tricks" scams, Xinhua All Media+| College Entrance Exam Candidates | College Entrance Exam Candidates | tricks
Be careful of these "tricks" scams, Xinhua All Media+| College Entrance Exam Candidates | College Entrance Exam Candidates | tricks

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, June 15th - They falsely claimed to hold "internal quotas" and were able to help candidates achieve "low scores and high admission"; Claiming to be able to "check scores in advance"... After the college entrance examination fell behind the scenes, some informal institutions and criminals took advantage of the opportunity to "circle money" and even commit fraud, frequently "riding on the heat" and setting "traps". The language and methods were innovated, not only disrupting social order, but also easily causing economic losses to candidates and parents. The reporter found that there are several common "tricks": lying about "unplanned enrollment". According to Lou Jinjun, a police officer from the Tianjin Anti Telecom Network Fraud Crime Center, some criminals use methods such as creating fake documents to claim to hold "internal indicators" and "flexible indicators" under the pretext of independent enrollment and targeted enrollment in universities. They can recommend candidates to key universities and allow those who have not reached the undergraduate admission line to undergraduate institutions

Xinhua All Media+| Grasp the Key Period and Assist All Parties in the Employment of College Graduates Series | Universities | Graduates
Xinhua All Media+| Grasp the Key Period and Assist All Parties in the Employment of College Graduates Series | Universities | Graduates

At present, it is the graduation season for universities. During interviews in Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning and other places, it was found that relevant departments in various regions are seizing the critical period before college graduates leave, making every effort to expand employment opportunities, and striving to use high-quality and efficient employment services to promote the smooth employment of college graduates. Detailed guidance services are more considerate. During the graduation season, the employment director of Shenyang Engineering College has become the "favorite" of graduates. Fan Jiapeng, Deputy Director of the Enrollment and Employment Office of Shenyang Institute of Engineering, told reporters that the Graduate Employment General Instructor established by the college is specifically responsible for the employment work of graduates. The main workplaces of the Employment General Instructor are job fairs and lecture classrooms. It is the daily work of the Employment General Instructor to discuss recruitment needs with enterprises, resume production with graduates, and teach interview skills to graduates. Through precision