The world

The Organization Department of the Central Committee allocated 44 million yuan from the party funds managed by the central government to support flood control and disaster relief in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other areas
The Organization Department of the Central Committee allocated 44 million yuan from the party funds managed by the central government to support flood control and disaster relief in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other areas

Recently, the Central Organization Department allocated a special fund of 44 million yuan from managing party fees on behalf of the central government to Beijing, Hebei, and Tianjin provinces and cities to support flood prevention and disaster relief work.Leaders and cadres at all levels should strengthen emergency duty and forward command, closely monitor key flood control areas, and implement detailed flood control measures; Grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres should charge ahead, defend their positions well, and fully play the role of battle fortresses and vanguard models in flood prevention and disaster relief. The Central Organization Department emphasizes that this party fee should be promptly disbursed to the grassroots, mainly used to console those who are fighting on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief

"Suddenly unconscious last month", famous director passed away TVB | Classic | Director
"Suddenly unconscious last month", famous director passed away TVB | Classic | Director

According to Hong Kong media reports on August 1st, renowned Hong Kong director and TVB gold medalist producer Kwong Yee passed away in July this year at the age of 63. His eldest son Kuang Chengfeng announced his father's death and funeral arrangements on social media. Kuang Yesheng has created classic TV series such as "Daqiang Senior Sister", "The Four Great Talented Men in Golden Clothes", "The Roar of the Lion in the East of the River", "Drunk Strike on the Golden Branch", "Empress Flower", etc. He has made famous artists such as Guan Yonghe, Ouyang Zhenhua, Teng Liming, and Wei Junjie. Kuang Yesheng's poster for "The Four Great Talented Men in Gold". Kuang Yesheng suffered a severe stroke in 2013 and had to leave his beloved career. At the age of 30, Kuang Chengfeng said in an interview with Hong Kong media that his father "suddenly fell unconscious last month and passed away naturally, which is a relief for his father. Please don't feel sad," Kuang Yesheng said

The center of gravity of rainfall in the north will shift to the northeast! Red warning of rainstorm will be issued here. Rainfall | center of gravity | warning in the next few days
The center of gravity of rainfall in the north will shift to the northeast! Red warning of rainstorm will be issued here. Rainfall | center of gravity | warning in the next few days

In the next few days, the center of gravity of rainfall in the north will be shifted to the northeast. Today, there will be rainstorm or heavy rainstorm in the southeast of Heilongjiang and the middle east of Jilin. The center of gravity of rainfall in the north will be shifted to the northeast for a long time. In the next few days, with the transportation of warm and wet air flow around the subtropical high, and the cooperation of cold air, the center of gravity of rainfall in the north will be shifted to the northeast. The rainfall in the northeast will last for a long time, and the local area or accompanied by severe convective weather. The Central Meteorological Station continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning at 10:00 on the 2nd. It is estimated that from 14:00 on the 2nd to 14:00 on the 3rd, there will be heavy to rainstorm in parts of northeast Inner Mongolia, southern Heilongjiang, western and northern Jilin, southwest Sichuan Basin, western Guizhou, central and southern Yunnan, central and western Hainan Island, northern Taiwan Island, etc

Heartbreak! Beijing Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Female Team Member Wang Hongchun Sacrifices Team Member in Disaster Relief | Rescue | Wang Hongchun
Heartbreak! Beijing Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Female Team Member Wang Hongchun Sacrifices Team Member in Disaster Relief | Rescue | Wang Hongchun

On August 2nd, the reporter learned from the Beijing Blue Sky Rescue Team that Wang Hongchun, a female member of the Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Team who lost contact during the heavy rainfall rescue, was found on the afternoon of August 1st. Wang Hongchun unfortunately died and made a heroic sacrifice. Wang Hongchun, female, Han ethnicity, was born in March 1982 in Guashi Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. Prior to her death, she was the head of a real estate company in Beijing. Joined the volunteer team of Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Team in March 2013. At around 20:00 on July 30, 2023, the Fangshan Blue Sky Rescue Team received a woman from Baicaowa Village, Doudian Town, seeking help. She claimed that the water in her home was about 2 meters deep, and she was very scared with a child under 3 years old. The rescue team immediately organized members including Wang Hongchun to go for rescue, but due to the deep water on the way, all members withdrew. Around 22:00 that evening, Wang Hong

Polish Prime Minister tweets expressing anger, ambassador summoned by Ukraine to President | Poland | Ukraine
Polish Prime Minister tweets expressing anger, ambassador summoned by Ukraine to President | Poland | Ukraine

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, on August 1, Ukraine and Poland summoned each other's ambassadors because of the controversy over the remarks of the Polish President's foreign policy adviser. According to reports, Polish President's Foreign Policy Advisor Marchin Pzdach defended Poland's import ban on Ukrainian agricultural products on television on July 31 and called on Kiev to show more gratitude. He said, "Ukraine should start to appreciate everything Poland has done for it." On August 1st, the Ukrainian side summoned the Polish ambassador and called Przydach's remarks "unacceptable.". The report points out that since the beginning of the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, Poland has actually been regarded as one of Ukraine's most important supporters and closest partners. After the country's ambassador was summoned, Poland responded angrily. According to reports, Poland has also summoned Ukraine's presence in China and Saudi Arabia

Hunan Provincial Department of Education refutes rumors: Criminals impersonate department leaders to release program viewing notices Hunan Province | Criminals | Release | Notice | Education Department | Watch | Education | Parents
Hunan Provincial Department of Education refutes rumors: Criminals impersonate department leaders to release program viewing notices Hunan Province | Criminals | Release | Notice | Education Department | Watch | Education | Parents

On August 1st, the Education Department of Hunan Province issued a statement on its official WeChat account "Xiangwei Education", stating that the recent program viewing notice received by some education departments and schools in certain cities, counties, and districts was released by criminals impersonating department leaders. The screenshot statement of the debunking news released by the Education Department of Hunan Province stated that recently, some education administrative, scientific research departments, and schools in certain cities and counties have reported that some illegal elements have impersonated the leadership of the Provincial Education Department to release a notice to watch the relevant program "The Direction of Basic Education Reform and Development in the New Era and Teacher Professional Development", requiring all units and schools to organize and arrange designated publicity activities. In this regard, the Education Department of Hunan Province solemnly declares as follows: 1. Our department has never requested any unit or school to arrange to watch programs related to "The Direction of Basic Education Reform and Development in the New Era and Teacher Professional Development". 2. Our department's documents

Is the informant a former daughter-in-law?, President's Son Arrested in Money Laundering | Nicolas Petro. In Gustavo | President
Is the informant a former daughter-in-law?, President's Son Arrested in Money Laundering | Nicolas Petro. In Gustavo | President

Author: Yu Qiyao and Feng Lu. Recently, a new entry appeared on Wikipedia - Nicolas Petro. He is the eldest son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. In public photos, he has stylish slightly curled black short hair, a square face, thick and thick eyebrows, and a "good young man" image with thick eyebrows and big eyes. But the reason why he made the Wikipedia entry is not honorable - he was arrested in the capital of Atlantic Province, Barankilia, on suspicion of money laundering and earning illegal income, and was escorted to the plane by security personnel in an armored vehicle and motorcycle. He will soon be tried in Bogot á· Nicolas Petro. At the first hearing on July 30th, the prosecutor's office announced that the arrest of Nicholas and his ex-wife Desoulis Basque was "completely legal" and will continue in the future

China Railway Group responded by suggesting the launch of "High speed Rail Elderly Annual Tickets". Netizens | High speed Rail | Elderly
China Railway Group responded by suggesting the launch of "High speed Rail Elderly Annual Tickets". Netizens | High speed Rail | Elderly

According to the Chinese government website on August 1st, China Railway Group recently responded to a suggestion from netizens to "research and launch high-speed rail and high-speed train annual tickets for elderly people aged 60 and above.". A netizen from Xiamen, Fujian proposed that it is possible to study the purchase of annual tickets for high-speed rail and high-speed trains by elderly people aged 60 and above. In response, China Railway Group stated that passengers traveling on high-speed trains have significant differences in ticket prices due to differences in route, mileage, train level, and speed, making it difficult to determine the final price of annual tickets. At present, the railway department is promoting the market-oriented reform of high-speed rail ticket prices. Most high-speed rail lines in the country have implemented differentiated price fluctuations, and the minimum discount for some lines has reached 5.5%. Passengers can choose according to their actual needs. In addition, the railway department has launched counting tickets and regular tickets on multiple lines, and will continue to implement them on some lines in the future

How to adjust it?, The central bank has made it clear! The interest rate of existing housing loans really needs to be adjusted. Bank | Commercial | Housing Loan Interest Rate
How to adjust it?, The central bank has made it clear! The interest rate of existing housing loans really needs to be adjusted. Bank | Commercial | Housing Loan Interest Rate

The central bank once again talks about adjusting the strength of existing housing loans, releasing a heavyweight signal! On August 1st, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange held a work meeting for the second half of 2023, which clearly stated in the deployment of work for the second half of the year that commercial banks should be guided to adjust the interest rates of existing personal housing loans in an orderly manner in accordance with the law. Analysts have calculated that the current scale of existing housing loans is as high as 38.8 trillion yuan. How should interest rates be adjusted in the face of such a large-scale mortgage? At a press conference in July this year, Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, stated that in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, we support and encourage commercial banks and borrowers to independently negotiate changes to contract agreements, or to issue new loans to replace existing loans. Why adjust the interest rate of existing housing loans? The reason for adjusting the interest rate of existing housing loans is that the interest rate is relatively too high. Zou

More than 100000 people urgently transferred! Where is the rescue difficulty in Zhuozhou, Hebei? Trains have been suspended and many areas have been flooded with rams | Rescue | Trains
More than 100000 people urgently transferred! Where is the rescue difficulty in Zhuozhou, Hebei? Trains have been suspended and many areas have been flooded with rams | Rescue | Trains

From 8:00 on July 29th to 6:00 on August 2nd, Zhuozhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province, experienced a significant precipitation process. The precipitation in four townships in the city exceeded 400 millimeters. Currently, Zhuozhou City has established 28 emergency rescue teams with a total of 8755 people, making every effort to provide rescue and support. The flood prevention situation in Zhuozhou is severe, and rescue teams from Shanxi, Henan and other places are reinforcing the situation. Due to the continuous heavy rainfall and upstream floods, the flood prevention situation in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province is severe. Local authorities have successively launched the Xiaoqinghe Flood Diversion Area and the Langouwa Flood Storage and Detention Area, transferring over 100000 people. At present, Zhuozhou City has established 28 emergency rescue teams with a total of 8755 people, working together with professional rescue teams such as the stationed troops and the Blue Sky Rescue Team to fully provide rescue support. In addition, rescue teams from Shanxi, Henan and other places have reinforced Zhuozhou. Currently, located in Hebei

Arriving in China to make a high-profile gesture of goodwill, this French minister of electric vehicles | Le Mer | France
Arriving in China to make a high-profile gesture of goodwill, this French minister of electric vehicles | Le Mer | France

On July 31st, the website of the French newspaper "Le Figaro" published a report titled "From Beijing to Shenzhen, Bruno Le Maire Showcases Goodwill to Chinese Investors". According to reports, during his visit to China, French Minister of Economy, Finance, Industry, and Digital Sovereignty Le Maire plans to meet with the head of electric vehicle company BYD in Shenzhen. The purpose is to persuade Tesla China to believe that France has a "significant competitive advantage". At present, BYD is planning to establish factories in Europe and hopes to start manufacturing vehicles of this brand in Europe by 2025. In addition to France, Germany and Spain are also considering it. The report also stated that during his four-day visit to China, Le Maire wanted the interlocutors to firmly believe that "France welcomes you" and emphasized "especially in the areas of electric vehicles, batteries, and energy transformation.". Le Maier's visit to China this time has continued the dual

If you don't listen, you'll get scolded! The China Consumers Association has announced eight major consumer complaint hotspots in the first half of the year, and tourism has been forced to attend promotional lectures on products | consumers | lectures
If you don't listen, you'll get scolded! The China Consumers Association has announced eight major consumer complaint hotspots in the first half of the year, and tourism has been forced to attend promotional lectures on products | consumers | lectures

On August 2, the China Consumers Association released an analysis of the complaints received by the National Consumers Association in the first half of 2023. According to statistics on the complaints received by the National Consumers Association, a total of 615365 consumer complaints were received and 497142 were resolved, with a complaint resolution rate of 80.79%. This helped consumers recover an economic loss of 590.64 million yuan. The hot issues of complaints mainly involve industries and fields such as tourism, performance ticketing, education and training, food safety, and home decoration and building materials. Analysis of eight complaint hotspots in the proportion chart of complaint nature: 1. Significant growth in tourism travel complaints - The hotel industry takes advantage of holidays to significantly increase prices - Some hotels lack integrity and unilaterally breach contracts or cut orders - Poor consumer experience in tourist attractions - Frequent shopping problems in tourist attractions - Tour guides forcefully promote and force orders

United States: Russia may be interested in returning to Black Sea food export agreement negotiation ports | United Nations | Black Sea
United States: Russia may be interested in returning to Black Sea food export agreement negotiation ports | United Nations | Black Sea

According to Reuters, on August 1st local time, Linda Thomas Greenfield, the Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, stated that the United States has been informed that Russia is preparing to return to negotiations on the resumption of agreements for the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports, but no evidence has been seen so far. According to reports, Thomas Greenfield emphasized on the same day that if Russia wants to push its fertilizers to the global market and promote agricultural transactions, then the Russian side "will have to return to this agreement." We have seen signs that Russia may be interested in returning to negotiations. Therefore, we will wait and see if this really happens. "Thomas Greenfield did not disclose more details, but pointed out that UN Secretary General Guterres is continuing to work to find ways for Russia to rejoin the agreement. Putin

Pentagon: North Korea provides a brief response to US soldiers crossing the border into North Korea. United Nations Command Soldiers
Pentagon: North Korea provides a brief response to US soldiers crossing the border into North Korea. United Nations Command Soldiers

According to Reuters, the US Pentagon stated on August 1st that North Korea has provided a very brief response to the US led "United Nations Command" regarding the situation of a US soldier. This soldier crossed the military demarcation line between North and South Korea on July 18th and was immediately detained by the North Korean side. However, Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Reid said that North Korea only confirmed its knowledge of the United Nations Command's request to obtain US Private Travis King and did not provide detailed information about the soldier. During a press conference, Reid said, "I can confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has responded to the United Nations Command, but I have no substantive progress to report." Under questioning, Reid stated that North Korea's response to the United Nations Command was only a "confirmation" of its request

One is a female cadre, and the two are planning to take on new positions in the main office! One is Wang Xuejun, the National Excellent County Party Secretary | Cadre | County Party Secretary
One is a female cadre, and the two are planning to take on new positions in the main office! One is Wang Xuejun, the National Excellent County Party Secretary | Cadre | County Party Secretary

Wang Xuejun, the "National Excellent County Party Secretary", is proposed to be appointed as a new cadre in the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. On August 1st, a pre appointment public announcement was issued, in which Wang Xuejun, the current Deputy Secretary of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, is proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of a prefecture level city. Wang Xuejun was born in January 1968 in Zhongning, Ningxia. He graduated from the in-service postgraduate class of Ningxia Party School with a major in political science and a postgraduate degree in Ningxia Party School. He started working in September 1990 and joined the CPC in July 1992. Wang Xuejun worked in Zhongwei City in his early years and held various positions including Deputy County Magistrate of Zhongning County, Standing Committee Member of Haiyuan County Committee, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission, Deputy County Magistrate, Director of Haiyuan New Area Management Committee, and Deputy Secretary of County Committee. In 2010, he was appointed as the Director of the Culture, Sports, Radio and Television Bureau of Zhongwei City. Later, he also served as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the bureau. In 2013, he was transferred to Zhongwei City for development and reform

US chip giants cooperate with China! We will build a new chip innovation center in Shenzhen | China | Chip
US chip giants cooperate with China! We will build a new chip innovation center in Shenzhen | China | Chip

According to the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on July 31st, Intel is partnering with Shenzhen to establish a new chip innovation center to deepen its relationship. Despite increasing pressure from Washington on semiconductor companies to reduce transactions with China, American chip giant Intel will still strengthen its business relations with China by establishing a new innovation center in Shenzhen. This center aims to assist domestic startups in China. According to a post posted on the official WeChat account of the center, this American chip giant and the Nanshan District Government of Shenzhen launched the Intel Greater Bay Area Technology Innovation Center on July 29th. The center will focus on artificial intelligence, chip application development, edge computing, digital development and other fields. According to the statement, the innovation center relies on the location, industry, and policy resource advantages of Nanshan District

Two officials in Guangdong have been expelled from the Party and from public office | Guangdong Province | Guangdong
Two officials in Guangdong have been expelled from the Party and from public office | Guangdong Province | Guangdong

According to the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision's "Nanyue Qingfeng Network" on the 2nd, Zhong Li, former member of the Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Chen Hongyu, former secretary of the Lechang Municipal Party Committee in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, have been expelled from the Party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law. Zhong Li, male, Han nationality, was born in January 1966 in Lianjiang, Guangdong Province, with an on-the-job postgraduate degree. He started working in July 1985 and joined the CPC in June 1996. Formerly served as the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Finance Bureau of Zhanjiang City; Secretary of the Xuwen County Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress in Zhanjiang City; Secretary of Suixi County Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress in Zhanjiang City; Member of the Standing Committee of the Zhanjiang Municipal Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference; Member of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zhanjiang City. Recently, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation on Zhong Li's serious violations of discipline and law

The court has ruled!, Hero of Collecting Wealth in the Name of Lei Feng | Lei Feng | Court
The court has ruled!, Hero of Collecting Wealth in the Name of Lei Feng | Lei Feng | Court

On August 2nd, the Supreme People's Court released a typical case of people's courts practicing socialist core values with fairness and efficiency. Among them, the case of the People's Procuratorate of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, suing a network technology company in Hangzhou for the protection of heroic martyrs in a civil public interest lawsuit has attracted attention. Hangzhou Network Technology Co., Ltd. is building an information intermediary and resource sharing platform for its members. The paid members are called "Lei Feng Members", the platform providing services is called "Lei Feng Community", the WeChat public registered and operated by them is called "Lei Feng Brother", and the propaganda posters and articles with the words "Lei Feng Member", "Lei Feng Community", "Lei Feng Bookshelf" and "Lei Feng Resources" are published on the WeChat official account, and the text logo "Lei Feng Community" is hung at the company's residence, and the annual fees are charged according to the level. According to the article on "Brother Lei Feng" WeChat official account

Gu Jiangang Accepts Review, Investigation and Supervision Commission | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | Investigation
Gu Jiangang Accepts Review, Investigation and Supervision Commission | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | Investigation

According to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Gu Jiangang, former general manager of the Asset Management Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, as well as supervision and investigation by the Dingxi City Supervision Commission in Gansu Province. Although the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Gu Jiangang was the former General Manager of ICBC's Asset Management Department, Gu is more familiar with another identity in the market. He was once the Chairman of ICBC Wealth Management and in charge of 3 trillion yuan in wealth management funds. According to publicly available information, Gu Jiangang was born in 1965 and worked at the Shanghai Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, serving in the Nanshi Branch and the Planning and Finance Department. He later served as the General Manager of the Finance and Accounting Department and Director of the Financial Accounting Center of the Shanghai Branch, Vice President of the Beijing Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and General Manager of the Asset Management Department of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Continuously composing a new chapter in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. Development | Era | Marxism
Continuously composing a new chapter in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. Development | Era | Marxism

Great ideas have a powerful power to lead human progress. The birth of Marxism is like a magnificent sunrise, illuminating the path for humanity to explore historical laws and seek its own liberation. The CPC insists on taking Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology for building the party and the country, and perseveres in promoting the modernization of Marxism in China, providing the correct ideological guidance for China's revolution, construction and reform.

Outlook | How to accelerate the release of technology | Internet | economy
Outlook | How to accelerate the release of technology | Internet | economy

The advantages of China's digital economy platform, such as massive data accumulation, intelligent analysis and judgment, enabling enterprise development, and creating more demand, need to be fully released. It should coordinate the coordinated promotion of four types of platforms, namely, industrial Internet, consumer Internet, artificial intelligence, and cross-border e-commerce, promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and inject new momentum into the economic recovery. Industrial Internet is a huge blue ocean. It is estimated that the introduction of digitalization only in the five fields of aviation, power, health care, railway, and oil and gas. By expanding 10% of the industrial value space through digitalization, it can increase the value of more than $200 billion every year. In recent years, China has added more than 10 million new college graduates every year. They are indigenous people of mobile Internet, and have the ability to innovate and use intelligent technology Ability Article | Hu Meijuan

"The Tale of Two Cities in Beijing and Tianjin" Sings a New Melody in Urban Agglomeration | Beijing | Beijing and Tianjin
"The Tale of Two Cities in Beijing and Tianjin" Sings a New Melody in Urban Agglomeration | Beijing | Beijing and Tianjin

On August 1, 2023, the Beijing Tianjin intercity train departed from Beijing South Station. On August 1st, Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Jianhua, Li Kun, and Kong Xiangxin announced that China's first high-speed railway, the "Beijing Tianjin Intercity", with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour, celebrated its 15th birthday. The long-standing "Twin Cities" between Beijing and Tianjin are also singing a new melody. In the mid-19th century, Tianjin, located over 100 kilometers southeast of Beijing, was opened up as a trading port and gradually grew into an important industrial, financial, and commercial center. Since then, the "Twin Cities" of Beijing and Tianjin have gradually become known to the world. In 2013, "composing the 'Twin Cities' of Beijing and Tianjin for socialist modernization in the new era" became a new direction for the development of these two cities.

Building a Cultural Strong Country, People's Daily Review: Telling a Good Story of China | Online | Culture
Building a Cultural Strong Country, People's Daily Review: Telling a Good Story of China | Online | Culture

From July 24th to July 31st, the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Exhibition Event, hosted by the Central Cyberspace Administration, officially entered the online exhibition and voting stage, inviting netizens to vote online. Previously, after preliminary selection, about 1100 works stood out from the submitted online boutiques and entered the final selection. The results of online exhibition voting will become an important reference for the final selection of high-quality Chinese positive energy networks. The 2022 China Positive Energy Network Excellence Collection, Selection, Exhibition and Broadcasting Event, with the theme of "Unity, Striving for a New Journey, Working Together to Create Great Achievements," has played an important role in guiding public opinion and guiding billions of netizens to form correct worldviews, outlooks on life, and values. The highlights of the exhibition are divided into online positive energy text, online positive energy images, online positive energy audio and video, online positive energy special columns, and online positive energy themes

What are the considerations behind it?, The US will expand its military presence in Australia | Minister of Defense | Military
What are the considerations behind it?, The US will expand its military presence in Australia | Minister of Defense | Military

On July 29 local time, US Defense Minister Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken held an annual ministerial dialogue with Australian Defense Minister Mars and Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian in Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia. After the meeting, the two countries announced that the United States would expand its military presence in Australia and assist in the production of guided multiple rocket systems developed by the United States. The United States: Grabbing Arms Interests On July 29 local time, U.S. Defense Minister Austin, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian, and Australian Defense Minister Mars attended a press conference in Brisbane. U.S. Defense Minister Austin said that the United States promised to help Australia produce guided multiple rocket systems by 2025. He also stated that the United States will simplify the procurement process to enable Australia to

For a period of two months, the Hainan Department of Business Environment will collect clues on the issue of "eating and taking cards". Announcement | Clues | Collection | Reflection | Problems | Business Environment | Subject | Operation
For a period of two months, the Hainan Department of Business Environment will collect clues on the issue of "eating and taking cards". Announcement | Clues | Collection | Reflection | Problems | Business Environment | Subject | Operation

On August 1st, the Hainan Provincial Department of Business Environment Construction announced on its official website that in order to seriously investigate and deal with prominent problems that harm the interests of business entities and damage the business environment, create a good development environment for business entities, and promote the continuous optimization of the business environment in the whole province, the department has publicly solicited clues on issues related to "eating cards" from various sectors of society. According to the announcement of Pengpai News, the main collection of "food and card" questions is from 7 aspects. The public collection of clues will last for two months and will end by the end of September 2023. The announcement from the Hainan Provincial Department of Business Environment shows that the content of the public solicitation includes the following behaviors of various levels of units and public officials exercising public power in Hainan Province: illegally adding pre-approval conditions, increasing approval processes, delaying approval, multiple approvals, not implementing a one-time notification system, and limited time

The upgrade plan for hypersonic missiles has been postponed, and the US "Jumwalt" has encountered another problem to strike | hypersonic | US | destroyers | missiles | Jumwalt | navy | plan
The upgrade plan for hypersonic missiles has been postponed, and the US "Jumwalt" has encountered another problem to strike | hypersonic | US | destroyers | missiles | Jumwalt | navy | plan

The US Navy's Zhumwalt missile destroyer has delayed its hypersonic missile upgrade plan due to maintenance issues. According to the news website of the American Naval Society on July 31, the USS Jumwalt destroyer set sail from the San Diego Naval Base on the 27th and headed to the Huntington Ingalls Shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi for modification, with a focus on installing a conventional fast strike hypersonic missile. However, due to a sudden malfunction, repairs had to be carried out at the shipyard in San Diego. The Zhumwalt destroyer was launched in 2013 at a cost of approximately $4.4 billion, making it the most expensive destroyer by the US Navy to date. According to reports, once it arrives at Ingalls Shipyard, the ship's 155mm advanced artillery system will be dismantled for the installation of four diameters of approximately 2

Supreme Law: Resolutely prevent those who cause trouble, those who act recklessly, those who are injured, and those who are reasonable. These are the values and practices of "harmony". | People's Courts | Practices
Supreme Law: Resolutely prevent those who cause trouble, those who act recklessly, those who are injured, and those who are reasonable. These are the values and practices of "harmony". | People's Courts | Practices

On August 2nd, the Supreme People's Court held a press conference to release typical cases of people's courts practicing socialist core values with fairness and efficiency. At the meeting, Duan Nonggen, Director of the Research Office of the Supreme People's Court, stated that in order to deepen the practice of socialist core values, fulfill the important responsibilities and missions of the People's Court in distinguishing right from wrong, stirring up turbidity and promoting justice, and punishing evil and promoting good, in accordance with relevant work arrangements, the Supreme People's Court closely revolves around the theme of "fairness and efficiency", practices socialist core values, releases this batch of typical cases, uses "small cases" to explain "great principles", actively spreads truth, goodness, and beauty, conveys positive energy, and tells the story of China's rule of law well. It is reported that these 15 typical cases are excellent judicial cases collected from courts across the country to promote socialist core values. After careful research and collection

Set a new historical high for many years! The daily power generation of the five southern provinces and regions has exceeded 50 million kilowatt hours for the first time
Set a new historical high for many years! The daily power generation of the five southern provinces and regions has exceeded 50 million kilowatt hours for the first time

As August approaches, with the overall tight balance between electricity supply and demand during the peak summer season nationwide, pumped storage, as a green, low-carbon, clean, and flexible regulating power source in the power system, plays an increasingly prominent role in ensuring energy and electricity supply. Recently, seven pumped storage power stations in the five southern provinces and regions generated 50.43 million kilowatt hours of electricity per day, breaking the 50 million kilowatt hour mark for the first time in history. "Da Jiao" is also a "big exam". Seven pumped storage power stations are actively "competing" at the Yangjiang pumped storage power station in Guangdong. China's three largest operating 400 MW pumped storage units are facing the first peak summer "big exam" after the anniversary of safe operation. The power station starts and stops an average of 9 times a day, operates at full load for more than 9 hours, pumps 7.45 million kWh of electricity, generates 6.17 million kWh of electricity, and has a comprehensive utilization rate

Three people were rescued after floating at sea for nearly 4 hours, and a small boat in Lianyungang overturned. | Maritime | Small boat
Three people were rescued after floating at sea for nearly 4 hours, and a small boat in Lianyungang overturned. | Maritime | Small boat

The reporter learned from the maritime department of Lianyungang that on the early morning of August 2nd, a small boat capsized in the Ganyu area of Lianyungang, causing three people to fall into the water. After multiple emergency rescue efforts, all three people were rescued and in good physical condition. At around 3am on the 2nd, the Lianyungang Maritime Search and Rescue Center received an alarm from the departing ship "Runji 6" from Ganyu Port, stating that when it was sailing near Ganyu No. 319, it found three people drowning on the sea surface and urgently needed rescue. After receiving the report, the search and rescue center immediately coordinated with multiple departments such as maritime, port, rescue, agriculture and rural areas to send boats for rescue. At around 4:40, all three people who fell into the water were successfully rescued by the maritime ship "Haixun 06107" and were in good physical condition. According to the recollection of the rescued personnel, three people piloted a newly purchased fiberglass boat out to sea at around 8 pm on the 1st, and overturned during the voyage. All three people were injured

More than 180 government officials arrested! What was the impact of the Niger coup?, President arrested in Niger | Region | Government
More than 180 government officials arrested! What was the impact of the Niger coup?, President arrested in Niger | Region | Government

According to a report from CCTV News on August 1st, on July 31st local time, Hamid Engad, spokesperson for the ruling party for Democracy and Socialism in Niger, announced that since the coup on July 26th, the military has arrested over 180 elected government officials, including Fumachoye Gado, chairman of the ruling party for Democracy and Socialism, Usseini Hadizatu, Minister of Mines, and Mahaman Sani Muhammadu, Minister of Oil. Among them, Mahaman Sani Muhammadu served as the Minister of Oil, Energy, and Sustainable Energy of Niger from April 2021, and was appointed as the Minister of Oil after the restructuring in April 2022. He is the son of former Nigerian President Isuf. According to previous reports, on July 26th local time, some soldiers of the Niger Presidential Guard detained the country's President Ba