The world

Innovative service trade development mechanism year-on-year | China | Mechanism
Innovative service trade development mechanism year-on-year | China | Mechanism

For a period of time, China's service trade has continued to maintain a growth trend and developed well. Data shows that China's total import and export of services in the first quarter of this year was 1584.01 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.7%. Among them, exports amounted to 680.51 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.7%, which is 7.1 percentage points narrower than the period from January to February; Imported 903.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.6%; The service trade deficit is 222.99 billion yuan. In the future, service trade will play a more important role in China's economic and social construction process, further expanding development space. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's service trade has developed rapidly and has consistently ranked second in the world for many years. At present, the volume of China's service trade can match the relevant domestic and foreign markets as well as upstream and downstream industries, and it covers a range of

Zhang Runzhi: Using the Great Self Revolution to Solve the Unique Difficulties of the Party and Innovate | Essence | Zhang Runzhi
Zhang Runzhi: Using the Great Self Revolution to Solve the Unique Difficulties of the Party and Innovate | Essence | Zhang Runzhi

To govern a country, we must first govern the Party, and only when the Party is prosperous can the country be strong. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that "we must always maintain a clear and firm determination to solve the unique problems of the major party.".The comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the way, and the Party's self revolution is always on the way. Solving the unique difficulties of the major Party is a long-term and arduous process. Brave of self revolution

Our Party's exploration of Chinese path to modernization and its historical enlightenment New China | China | history
Our Party's exploration of Chinese path to modernization and its historical enlightenment New China | China | history

[Party History] Author: General Secretary Han Zhenfeng Xi Jinping emphasized in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "Based on the long-term exploration and practice since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Innovative breakthroughs, our party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese-style modernization." "From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to build a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization." The party's exploration of Chinese-style modernization has experienced a long historical development process. It is very important to review and summarize this exploration process and its valuable experience for the new era and new journey to continue to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. Present

Consolidate the foundation to meet the needs of agriculture and rural areas, upgrade agriculture | infrastructure | demand
Consolidate the foundation to meet the needs of agriculture and rural areas, upgrade agriculture | infrastructure | demand

Agricultural and rural infrastructure is an important material foundation for building a strong agricultural country and promoting comprehensive rural revitalization. It plays an important role in enhancing food supply capacity, driving the development of basic industries, and facilitating urban-rural economic circulation. Currently, China is continuously increasing investment in this area, accelerating the pace of agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, and gradually improving production and living conditions. However, there are still some shortcomings and weak links in the construction of related infrastructure, which need to be addressed from the supply side. When natural ecosystems and socio-economic systems undergo changes, the spatial layout of agricultural and rural infrastructure will also change accordingly, in order to maximize the role of infrastructure in resisting natural disasters and boosting industrial development. For example, timely adding drainage ditches or adjusting the position of drainage ditches based on changes in the water system

Drawing the Power of Identity from Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture in Society | Tradition | Culture
Drawing the Power of Identity from Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture in Society | Tradition | Culture

The core function of culture is to shape identity, which is the deepest level of identity and a solid foundation for political identity. The excellent traditional culture formed by the Chinese nation in the long-term development process contains rich ideological elements that enhance emotional identity and national confidence, as well as a powerful force to unite people's hearts and integrate society. To comprehensively build a socialist modernized country and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to deeply explore the ideological resources that promote cultural and political identity in the excellent traditional culture of China, and draw the power of identity from it. The ideal of the Great Harmony of "the world is for the public" and the Great Harmony society is centered around

Firmly grasp the strategic initiative (ideological and political) ideology | socialism | strategy
Firmly grasp the strategic initiative (ideological and political) ideology | socialism | strategy

Strategic issues are fundamental issues for a political party or a country. Accurate strategic judgment, scientific strategic planning, and winning the initiative in strategy provide great hope for the cause of the Party and the people.Strategy is a judgment and decision made from a global, long-term, and overall perspective. For over 100 years, an important reason why our party has been able to overcome countless risks and challenges, and continuously move from victory to victory is that our party has always been able to strategically understand, analyze, and judge major historical issues at major historical junctures, and formulate correct political strategies

Truly mastering the skills of Marxism as a family
Truly mastering the skills of Marxism as a family

Author: Liu Guangming's ability to judge a family is a unique skill that only I possess, and a superb skill. For a long time, Marxism has been the key skill for us to do all our work well, and it is also the key skill that leading cadres must generally master in winning work.1. Deeply understand the importance of learning and mastering the skills of Marxism as a family

Bolivian President calls on South American countries to reduce their dependence on the US dollar
Bolivian President calls on South American countries to reduce their dependence on the US dollar

On July 4th local time, Bolivian President Ars é, who attended the 62nd summit of the Southern Common Market in Argentina, called on South American countries, including members of the city, to reduce their dependence on the US dollar. In his opening speech at the conference, Bolivian President Arce Ars é stated that Bolivia supports promoting regional integration and expanding international cooperation through the development of economic and political independence, as well as inclusive multilateralism. He pointed out that without economic independence, a country cannot have political sovereignty and independence, and therefore cannot participate in regional and international affairs. Meanwhile, due to long-term influence from the US financial system and policies, South American countries are severely restricted in terms of external financing and access to international markets. Alsace called on South American countries to expand international cooperation and promote regional integration,

Building the Modernization of the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation in Promoting Chinese path to modernization | China | the Chinese Nation
Building the Modernization of the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation in Promoting Chinese path to modernization | China | the Chinese Nation

The core reading of Chinese civilization accumulates profound cultural heritage for Chinese path to modernization, provides strong spiritual support, and accumulates rich experience and wisdom. The promotion and expansion of Chinese path to modernization is determined by China's historical heritage and cultural traditions, and by China's unique national conditions, which reflects the deepening understanding of the laws of socialist modernization by our Party.

Adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform (new knowledge and new perception) Socialism | System | Market economy
Adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform (new knowledge and new perception) Socialism | System | Market economy

The socialist market economy system is a significant theoretical and practical innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the promotion of high-quality development have put forward higher requirements for improving the socialist market economy system. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform and build a high-level socialist market economy system. To implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to continuously promote market-oriented reform, build a high-level socialist market economy system, and further stimulate market vitality and development momentum. Promote the construction of a unified national market. Building a unified national market is the fundamental support and inherent requirement for building a new development pattern, and is an inevitable choice for building a high-level socialist market economy system. We need to start with institutional rules and strengthen the unity of market basic institutional rules

Experience Chinese Culture from "One Grain of Rice" | Development | Culture
Experience Chinese Culture from "One Grain of Rice" | Development | Culture

The past and present lives of "one grain of rice" embody the wisdom and sweat of the Chinese people, reflect the diverse atmosphere of Chinese culture, and engrave the magnificent picture of Chinese civilization moving forward. Rice plays an important role in the development of human civilization. Today, rice remains one of the main foods in the world. The origin of rice farming in our country is very early, and the rice culture has a long and rich history. It not only shapes many living habits of the Chinese people today, but also affects their spiritual temperament. Starting from June 17th, the 2023 key project and large-scale food and cultural exploration program "China Rice Festival" of China Central Television will be broadcasted on the prime time slot of CCTV Finance and Economics Channel. Through "one grain of rice", viewers can experience the depth and length of Chinese culture and offer high-quality cultural meals. China's rice farming has a long history of development. November 2000

The United States should show sincerity, overseas online reviews: China US Economic and Trade "Reconstruction Connection" Hearing | Yellen | United States
The United States should show sincerity, overseas online reviews: China US Economic and Trade "Reconstruction Connection" Hearing | Yellen | United States

Data chart: US Treasury Secretary Yellen and another senior US official will visit China. From July 6th to 9th, US Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China. The New York Times, The Associated Press, The Guardian, Reuters and many other foreign media outlets immediately followed up on the report, and the high attention from foreign media indirectly indicates the world's expectation for "improved relations between the world's two largest economies.". A healthy and stable relationship between China and the United States is in line with the common interests of both countries and is also a common expectation of the international community. The United States should strengthen dialogue and cooperation with sincerity, and promote the stabilization and return of China US relations to the right track. This is Yellen's first visit to China as finance minister and the second Biden cabinet member to visit China after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. As early as January this year, American media repeatedly hinted that Yellen would visit China. Yellen himself has also repeatedly discussed

Arab people are increasingly losing trust in the United States | Arab | United States
Arab people are increasingly losing trust in the United States | Arab | United States

According to the 15th Arab youth poll recently released by Middle East consulting firm ASDA'A BCW, over 60% of Arab youth hope to reduce US intervention in Middle East affairs. The poll was conducted from March to April this year. Staff conducted face-to-face interviews with 3600 Arab youth aged between 18 and 24 in 18 Arab countries and 53 cities. This is also the largest similar poll conducted in the Arab region. The survey results show that most Arab youth believe that Türkiye and China are the most important friends of Arab countries. 61% of respondents stated that they strongly or to some extent support the withdrawal of the United States from the Middle East region. This survey has been ongoing for 15 years, and based on recent survey results, China's influence on Arab youth

SCO's "Moments" | China's "Smart" Manufacturing Assistance for a Better Life Software | Format | A Better Life
SCO's "Moments" | China's "Smart" Manufacturing Assistance for a Better Life Software | Format | A Better Life

The five colors complement each other and complement each other; An eight tone ensemble, ultimately harmonious and peaceful. Since its inception in 2001, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always adhered to the Shanghai Spirit, which is based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations, and the pursuit of common development. In the world changing situation where international organizations find it difficult to cope with new situations and problems, leading to the withdrawal of member states, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) draws on the wisdom of the "Shanghai Spirit", enhances its "magnetic attraction" through cooperation and win-win cooperation, actively and steadily expands its "circle of friends", and continuously injects positive energy and creates new vitality for regional coordination and prosperous development. From the beginning of action, knowledge is achieved through action. From indispensable small household appliances in daily life to assistance

"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has strong attraction and appeal" Tajikistan | Development | Appeal
"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has strong attraction and appeal" Tajikistan | Development | Appeal

"Since its establishment 22 years ago, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always upheld the 'Shanghai Spirit' and made positive contributions to regional stability and development." Gavrzoda, Dean of the Tajikistan Presidential Academy and Director of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Center for Friendship and Cooperation, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have deepened cooperation in various fields, promoted regional economic and social development, and worked together to build a closer community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, playing an important and constructive role in regional and international affairs. Gavrzoda stated that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is focusing on strengthening cooperation in the political, security, economic, and cultural fields. Among them, cooperation in the field of humanities is particularly noteworthy. "Integrating through communication and advancing through integration," he said, simulating the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states' college students and primary and secondary school students to form a joint group

Open up a broad space for promoting the progress of human civilization (International Forum, Understanding China, Understanding the CPC) Road | Modernization | Forum
Open up a broad space for promoting the progress of human civilization (International Forum, Understanding China, Understanding the CPC) Road | Modernization | Forum

China has proven through its own successful practice that the modernization path of Western capitalist countries is not the only path for humanity to move towards modernization. This has provided important enlightenment for developing countries to avoid defining their own modernization by Western standards, and to stick to exploring a modernization path that is in line with their own reality. The CPC is good at drawing wisdom from the long history of China's excellent traditional culture, and is striving to build a strong, innovative, and inclusive modern country. Under the leadership of the CPC, China adheres to the path of peaceful development, promises never to seek hegemony and never to expand, seeks its own development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, and better maintains world peace and development with its own development, and has embarked on a new road of modernization. China has achieved tremendous development achievements, making the world eager to understand its success code. China does not have a simple reply

The United States coerces other countries to contain and suppress China, but will not succeed globally | Semiconductor | China
The United States coerces other countries to contain and suppress China, but will not succeed globally | Semiconductor | China

The Netherlands recently announced that some semiconductor related products such as lithography machines will be included in export controls. This is another heinous case of the United States coercing other countries to contain and suppress China. It not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also causes losses to Dutch enterprises, disrupting the stability of the global semiconductor industry and supply chain. For a period of time, the United States has repeatedly generalized the concept of "national security", abused export control measures, maliciously blocked and suppressed Chinese enterprises, and coerced other countries to take sides and participate in containment against China. Due to their mastery of key technologies in global high-end chip manufacturing, the Dutch government and Dutch lithography machine manufacturer Asma have been key targets of lobbying, persuasion, and pressure from the United States. Previously, under pressure from the United States, the Dutch government had banned Asma from exporting its most advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machines to China, but they could still be sold

Russian media: US China Intelligence Agency recruits foreigners to participate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict US Central Intelligence Agency | Ukraine | US Central Intelligence Agency
Russian media: US China Intelligence Agency recruits foreigners to participate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict US Central Intelligence Agency | Ukraine | US Central Intelligence Agency

On July 2nd, the website of the Russian newspaper "Viewpoint" reported that the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States has recently started recruiting foreign mercenaries for the Ukrainian military in countries such as Syria and Iraq. On the same day, Ukrainian President Zelensky revealed in an interview with US media that Ukraine maintains close cooperation with US intelligence agencies and has "no secrets" to the US Central Intelligence Agency. According to reports, Russian military and diplomatic sources stationed in Damascus have stated that the US is negotiating with the Syrian Kurdish armed "People's Protection Forces" and several Arab tribal leaders to recruit mercenaries for a monthly amount of approximately $2000. The report also mentioned that at the end of May this year, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency revealed that the Tanfu military base in southern Syria had been used by the US military to train armed militants and planned to be sent to Russia later

100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launched 4 online recruitment sessions | Engineer | Action
100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launched 4 online recruitment sessions | Engineer | Action

From July 3 to 7, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched four special online recruitment sessions, including energy conservation and environmental protection, intelligent manufacturing, information technology, and state-owned enterprises, with a total of more than 32000 employers participating and recruiting more than 466000 people. A total of 184 companies participated in the energy-saving and environmental protection industry special session, focusing on industries such as electricity, heat production and supply, gas production and supply, providing water environmental protection engineers, environmental monitoring, energy-saving consulting and design positions, and recruiting 7353 people. A total of 168 companies participated in the special session of the intelligent manufacturing industry, providing positions such as system integration engineers, production planning engineers and electrical engineers, with a recruitment demand of more than 3000 people. A total of 32000 enterprises participated in the information technology special show, focusing on the digital age.

They pay tribute to their youth with their singing, and graduation season is stubborn | singing | youth
They pay tribute to their youth with their singing, and graduation season is stubborn | singing | youth

"Nearly 7000 people sang in chorus. This graduation ceremony was too burning!" Recently, Huazhong University of Science and Technology undergraduate graduation ceremony scene, nearly 7000 graduates live chorus "stubborn" "rice fragrance" "star sea" ...... singing, the breath of youth, youth power surging, youth story in the song opened a new chapter. Another year of graduation season. At this time, those songs about youth will always resound at the graduation ceremony of major colleges and universities. Young students pay tribute to their youth with songs and stride towards a new journey of life. Graduates sing the graduation song, they sincerely express their love; they bravely chase their dreams; they use their struggle to write youth. Love in heart, youth without regrets "in March 1951, he left his hometown, too late to say goodbye, but his steps were firm."

"Showcasing the vitality and sharpness of youth" (People's Forum) China | Youth | Forum
"Showcasing the vitality and sharpness of youth" (People's Forum) China | Youth | Forum

Is it to earn high salaries in large southern enterprises, or to return to hometown towns that require more talent? Wen Zhu, Deputy Mayor of Mohe City and Party Secretary of Beiji Town in Heilongjiang Province, resolutely chose the latter at the age of 24 and returned to his hometown to become a college student village official. Over the years, she led the villagers to utilize the local geographical advantages and develop sightseeing agriculture, creating popular events such as the Northern Lights Festival and the "Polar Day Marathon". Bravely pursuing light and striving forward, a large number of young people in the new era, like Wen Zhu, shine and radiate their youth in their respective positions with vigorous vitality and high spirit. Youth move forward, the country moves forward. Youth is the hope of a country and a nation.

Li Zhiming: Realizing high-quality and full employment is of great significance to the people | pattern | significance
Li Zhiming: Realizing high-quality and full employment is of great significance to the people | pattern | significance

Employment is the greatest livelihood. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to strengthen the priority policy for employment, improve the employment promotion mechanism, and promote high-quality and full employment. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's employment work has achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes. The total employment volume has continued to grow, the employment structure has been adjusted and optimized, and the quality of employment has significantly improved. At the same time, it should be noted that compared with the people's need for a better life and the objective requirements for high-quality economic and social development, the structural contradiction in employment in China still exists, and the quality of employment needs to be further improved. High quality and full employment is an important manifestation of high-quality population development, which is of great significance for improving people's quality of life, increasing potential economic growth rates, building a new development pattern, and achieving common prosperity for all people. In the new era and new journey, we need to deeply implement the employment priority strategy and promote

【 Guangming Forum 】 Leaving Regretless Striving Footprints on the New Era and New Journey Magazine | Qiu Shi | Forum
【 Guangming Forum 】 Leaving Regretless Striving Footprints on the New Era and New Journey Magazine | Qiu Shi | Forum

The article emphasizes that "the healthy growth of young cadres is closely related to the successors of the Party and the people's cause." "We must temper our political character of loyalty to the Party, establish a patriotic sentiment that does not disappoint the people, pursue a noble and pure ideological realm, develop strong skills that are worthy of heavy responsibilities, strive and contribute to the cause of the Party and the people, and leave unforgettable footprints of struggle on the new journey of the new era!" Each generation has its own experiences, and each generation has its own mission. A hundred years ago, during the awakening era, Chinese youth held high the torch of Marxist thought and explored the future of national independence and people's liberation. During the construction period over half a century ago, China

【 Guangming Forum · Review 】 Putting the People at the Foundation and Governance with Virtue - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ② Chinese | Culture | Governance with Virtue
【 Guangming Forum · Review 】 Putting the People at the Foundation and Governance with Virtue - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ② Chinese | Culture | Governance with Virtue

[Guangming Forum · Wengui] Author: Qiao Qingju Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended a symposium on cultural inheritance and development. When talking about a profound grasp of the characteristics of Chinese civilization, he listed many important elements in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, including the people. The governance thought of being the foundation of the country and governing by virtue. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has deeply promoted the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, and created Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The'second combination' is another emancipation of the mind, allowing us to make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space and explore the future. Theory and

High Quality Construction, High Level Management, and High Quality Relief Development - Hebei Xiong'an New Area Construction and Development Frontline Observation Headquarters | Construction | New Area
High Quality Construction, High Level Management, and High Quality Relief Development - Hebei Xiong'an New Area Construction and Development Frontline Observation Headquarters | Construction | New Area

In the summer, the start-up area of Xiong'an New Area in Hebei Province is bustling with hanging towers and roaring machines. A number of key project construction sites are in full swing, and tens of thousands of builders are busy and orderly constructing. Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of large-scale construction and undertaking non capital functions in Beijing, with a focus on high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality development. Implementing the requirements of high-quality development, creating "Xiong'an Quality", and becoming a model for promoting high-quality development in the country, Xiong'an New Area is steadily moving towards building a "City of the Future" that is "inexplicable and ambitious". The high-quality construction is steadily advancing. The headquarters building of China National Chemical Corporation (Sinochem) located in the start-up area of Xiong'an New Area is growing rapidly. This "golden reed" shaped building with Baiyangdian characteristics is one of the landmarks of the start-up area. Project related responsibilities

Flood prevention is responsibility! Various regions and departments actively respond to heavy rainfall and flood prevention | relevant | departments
Flood prevention is responsibility! Various regions and departments actively respond to heavy rainfall and flood prevention | relevant | departments

CCTV News: Heavy rainfall affecting multiple regions is still ongoing, and relevant parties are actively responding. The National Flood Control Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood prevention in multiple provinces and cities. At 13:00 on July 3, the Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood prevention in provinces and cities such as Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, and Shaanxi, deploying relevant regions to prepare for heavy rainfall. On the same day, the General Office of the People's Republic of China dispatched a working group to Henan to guide flood control and disaster relief work. On the evening of the 3rd, the National Flood Control Office held a special meeting to coordinate the flood situation in Henan Province point-to-point. The Emergency Management Department of the National Disaster Reduction Commission launched the national level IV disaster relief emergency response. Today, the National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Emergency Management Department launched the national level IV disaster relief emergency response in response to the severe rainstorm, flood and geological disasters in Chongqing, and sent a working group to the disaster area to check the disaster situation on the spot

Long term Merit in Building Ecological Civilization
Long term Merit in Building Ecological Civilization

The third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress has decided to establish August 15th as National Ecological Day. We should take this as an opportunity to carry out ecological civilization propaganda and education activities in various forms, further enhance the public's awareness of ecological protection, work hard for a long time, and continue to make efforts to promote the construction of ecological civilization with the spirit of perseverance, continuously achieving new results.Establishing August 15th as National Ecological Day is in line with the basic principle of determining the timing of commemorative and activity days, and can fully reflect its originality, iconic and unique features.

Innovation promotes high-quality development of China's aerospace industry | Space Station | High quality
Innovation promotes high-quality development of China's aerospace industry | Space Station | High quality

CCTV News: The space station welcomes new passengers, the Beidou Navigation adds new stars, and the one arrow multiple stars break records. In the first half of this year, China's space launches reached 25 times, with a success rate of 100%, setting a new historical high for the same period. Driven by innovation, China's aerospace industry is steadily moving towards the goal of building a strong aerospace country. At the Chinese space station, the Shenzhou-16 crew has been in orbit for over a month, and the application and development phase of the Chinese space station is being carried out in an orderly manner. In the first half of the year, among the two manned spaceflight missions completed by China, the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft completed over a hundred component modifications and reliability improvements, making the spacecraft more intelligent. The Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft has also been upgraded. In the first half of this year, China launched over a hundred satellites of various types, including communication, remote sensing, and navigation. On June 7th, China's highest

New Employment Choices for College Graduates, New Careers for the Party and Government | Issues | Occupations
New Employment Choices for College Graduates, New Careers for the Party and Government | Issues | Occupations

The new profession has opened up new employment opportunities for college graduates. A large number of promising new professions such as corpus annotators, robotics engineering technicians, and homestay butlers are becoming new employment choices for college graduates. These new professions are the most popular. Xiaowei is an AI corpus annotator for a large home appliance enterprise in Qingdao. Her daily work is to collaborate with AI algorithm engineers to train intelligent devices for deep learning in multiple languages, in order to control the entire house's smart home appliances and smart scenes, providing users with a more comfortable and convenient experience during use. At present, this company has recruited 8 AI corpus annotators. The emergence of new professions stems from technological progress, industrial development, and the continuous refinement of social division of labor. Behind the emergence of new professions is the constant exploration of new experiences and consumer demands.

100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launches a new batch of recruitment special sessions | manufacturing | a batch
100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launches a new batch of recruitment special sessions | manufacturing | a batch

Beijing, July 4th (Xinhua) - From July 3rd to July 7th, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched a new batch of four online recruitment sessions, including energy-saving and environmental protection, intelligent manufacturing, information technology, and state-owned enterprises. More than 32000 households and units participated, and the recruitment demand exceeded 466000 people. The special session for energy conservation and environmental protection industry was undertaken by the State Council, focusing on the power, heat production and supply industry, gas production and supply industry and other industries. A total of 184 enterprises, including China Resources Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., middling coal Science and Engineering Intelligent Storage and Loading Technology Co., Ltd., and State Power Investment Group Power Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd., participated in the recruitment, providing water environmental protection engineers, environmental monitoring, energy conservation consulting and design and other posts, with a recruitment demand of 7353 people. The intelligent manufacturing industry special session is organized by Zhilian Recruitment, with a total of China Electronics Industry