The world

The second reserve requirement reduction within the year has arrived! What impact does it have on you and me? Interpretation of Financial Institutions | Loans | Impact
The second reserve requirement reduction within the year has arrived! What impact does it have on you and me? Interpretation of Financial Institutions | Loans | Impact

According to the official website of the People's Bank of China, currently, China's economic operation continues to recover, endogenous momentum continues to strengthen, and social expectations continue to improve. In order to consolidate the foundation of economic recovery and maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, the People's Bank of China has decided to lower the reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions by 0.25 percentage points on September 15, 2023. After this reduction, the weighted average reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions is about 7.4%. The People's Bank of China stated that it will accurately and effectively implement a prudent monetary policy, maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, maintain reasonable credit growth, match the growth rate of money supply and social financing scale with the same economic growth rate, better support key areas and weak links, balance internal and external factors, maintain basic exchange rate stability, firmly support the sustained recovery and improvement of the real economy, and promote economic growth

Dalian Ocean University Vice President Feng Duo is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and has been investigated
Dalian Ocean University Vice President Feng Duo is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and has been investigated

According to the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Feng Duo, Vice President of Dalian Ocean University, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Feng Duo: Feng Duo, male, Han nationality, born in August 1970, started working in July 1992, joined the CPC in January 1994, with an on-the-job postgraduate degree, a doctor's degree, and a professor. Formerly served as the Minister of the Youth Work Department of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, a member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Minister of the Urban Youth Work Department, as well as a member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Minister of the School Department. In October 2009, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Dalian Fisheries College; In May 2010, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Dalian Ocean University; In April 2011, he was appointed as the Vice President of Dalian Ocean University.

US police ridicule: Her life is not worth it. A 23-year-old Indian girl was hit and killed on the road by a police car in the United States | Seattle | United States
US police ridicule: Her life is not worth it. A 23-year-old Indian girl was hit and killed on the road by a police car in the United States | Seattle | United States

On the evening of January 23rd this year, in Seattle, USA, 23-year-old Indian female graduate student Janavi Candura was killed by a speeding police car while crossing the road. After the investigation, it was found that the police car was seriously speeding and did not continuously sound the siren. Now, nearly 8 months have passed since the incident, and the police officer Kevin Dave has not been charged with any charges. On September 11th local time, the Seattle City Police released a law enforcement recorder video of Daniel Odrell, Vice Chairman of the Seattle Police Association, who went to the scene after the incident. From this video, it can be heard that after watching the scene, Audrey is on the phone with the chairman of the Seattle Police Association to introduce the situation. When talking about the victim, Odrell burst out laughing and said, "She's just an ordinary person. She wrote a check and paid $11000. She..."

Why is it difficult for inflation in the United States to decline?
Why is it difficult for inflation in the United States to decline?

The US Department of Labor released the latest inflation data on the 13th. Its subsidiary, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, announced that the US Consumer Price Index has risen for the second consecutive month, with a year-on-year increase of 3.7% in August, an acceleration from July's 3.2% growth rate. Although the core CPI, excluding volatile items such as food and energy, slowed down to 4.3%, the month on month increase was higher than expected, at 0.3%. Previously, another inflation indicator that the Federal Reserve was more concerned about - the Personal Consumer Expenditure Price Index - was also released by the latest data on the last day of August by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Commerce. According to the bureau's statistics, the PCE index in July increased at an annual rate of 3.3%, higher than the previous month's 3%; Excluding volatile commodities such as food and energy, the core PCE price index has increased year-on-year

Where do the remains and fossils of Mexican aliens come from? Is it true?
Where do the remains and fossils of Mexican aliens come from? Is it true?

Mexico has announced the exhibition of remains and fossils related to "extraterrestrial beings", and recent incidents of suspected "unidentified flying objects" in the country have sparked a new round of heated discussions about the existence of "extraterrestrial organisms". What do experts in aircraft development, astronomy, and industry professionals who have long been interested in this field think? China News Agency interviewed multiple professionals on a direct train, and their interpretations were beyond imagination. The characteristics of unidentified flying objects! Shanghai, Liaoning, Shandong, Gansu, Sichuan... unidentified flying objects appeared in the shape of fireballs, resembling bright lights, emitting black smoke, and suddenly turning, extremely mysterious and unpredictable... Recently, there have been circulating videos of unidentified flying objects captured by netizens on the internet, some of which were recorded by the observatory's firefly monitoring system. After careful sorting, the most concerning and suspected UFO unidentified flights are probably

Is there a property in Changchun that can be purchased with a down payment of 81 yuan? The reporter verified and found that
Is there a property in Changchun that can be purchased with a down payment of 81 yuan? The reporter verified and found that

"With a down payment of 81 yuan, you can buy a house in Changchun." Recently, a netizen posted that a Changchun agent calculated for him: "In the Fanjiatun area of Changchun, as long as you pay 81 yuan first, the developer will help you transfer the remaining down payment to the loan. The entire project only has more than 200 units, which opened in 2019 and have been sold until now." What is the real situation? On September 15th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News · Morning Video dialed the contact phone numbers of multiple real estate projects in the Fanjiatun area of Changchun to verify and understand the situation. According to the Anjuke platform, there are 20 properties located in this area. Jiahui Yanjing Shili, with a platform reference price of 6900 yuan/square meter, is available for 2/3 bedroom units with a building area of 65-115 square meters. "We can now offer a low down payment of around 20000 yuan," said its real estate consultant. The specific monthly supply depends on the number of units available

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Strive to be a new era youth model for "seeking hard work" | China | Youth
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Strive to be a new era youth model for "seeking hard work" | China | Youth

You said in your letter that it is only by delving into the depths of rural China that you can deeply understand what it means to seek truth from facts and how to connect with the masses. Young people should "seek hardship on their own", which is very good. In the new era, Chinese youth should have this spirit and spirit——In January of this year, according to the organizational arrangement, I came to Beixin Village, Xidu Street, Fengxian District, Shanghai to exercise in the village. Grassroots work has great knowledge, and the vast rural areas

The Spear of Adhering to and Developing Marxism

【 Li Xiang China 】 High quality promotion of the construction of a strong online country
【 Li Xiang China 】 High quality promotion of the construction of a strong online country

With the rapid development of information technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, the Internet has been integrated into all levels of production and life in modern society, which has had a significant impact on economic construction, social development, national governance and people's life. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important strategic arrangements for accelerating the construction of a strong online country, which has become an important part of the construction of a socialist modernized country. In the new journey, we must firmly grasp the historical opportunity of the information revolution, strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership over the construction of a strong online country, establish a goal orientation, focus on prominent problems, adhere to systematic thinking, and promote the construction of a strong online country with high quality. Strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party in building a strong online country. The leadership of the Party is the essential characteristic of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and also the greatest advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics in various fields and sectors of society

Deeply understanding and grasping the four dimensions of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace | Community
Deeply understanding and grasping the four dimensions of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace | Community

The cyberspace is a shared spiritual home for billions of netizens around the world.The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in cyberspace is a concrete manifestation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. Countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, conscientiously implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, achieve common development, security maintenance, governance participation, and sharing of achievements, and jointly build a community with a shared future for cyberspace that benefits all mankind. Expanding cooperation in the digital economy and building a community for network development. With the accelerated innovation of digital technology and the rapid integration of the digital economy and the real economy, China actively promotes digital economy among countries

Injecting "Youth Power" into the Construction of a Cyber Strong Country
Injecting "Youth Power" into the Construction of a Cyber Strong Country

The construction of a strong online country is an important way to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and it is also the historical mission and responsibility of young people in the new era. Strive to be the guardian of the cyberspace. Cybersecurity and cyberspace are important foundations and guarantees for the construction of a strong cyber nation. Youth in the new era should play the following roles well: ensuring network security and preventing network risks

Theoretical Roundtable Conference: Focusing on Promoting High Quality Development of Internet Information Industry
Theoretical Roundtable Conference: Focusing on Promoting High Quality Development of Internet Information Industry

Collect theoretical ideas and gather everyone's words. The "Theoretical Roundtable" column closely follows theoretical hotspots and pays attention to theoretical dynamics. Theme of this issue: Currently, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and informatization is rapidly advancing.

Expert: To make excuses for the increasingly obvious aggressiveness, the US has released a network strategy to render the "China threat"
Expert: To make excuses for the increasingly obvious aggressiveness, the US has released a network strategy to render the "China threat"

On September 12, the US Department of Defense released a non confidential summary of its 2023 Cyber Strategy. The document claims that the United States will use offensive cyber actions to "defeat and dismantle foreign forces and criminals who threaten US interests.". Multiple US media outlets have stated that based on this document, China has been identified by the US Department of Defense as the biggest threat to US cybersecurity. The office of the US Department of Defense is located at the Pentagon in Virginia. In May of this year, the US Department of Defense submitted its 2023 Cyber Strategy to Congress. At that time, the strategic report only released a 2-page manual to the public. The unclassified abstract released this time, although only 16 pages long, still reveals new priorities and directions of the US cyber strategy. The United States has

Bird's-eye View of the City of Asian Games | Huzhou: Experience the "Green" Asian Games in Green Waters and Mountains
Bird's-eye View of the City of Asian Games | Huzhou: Experience the "Green" Asian Games in Green Waters and Mountains

A bird's-eye view of the city of the Asian Games, today we will see Huzhou from the air. Huzhou, located in the north of Zhejiang Province, is a city in the area around the Taihu Lake Lake named after the lake. It is known as "the most beautiful city in the world, and the trees are ten miles deep". Huzhou, with its green mountains and clear waters, continues to promote the improvement of ecological environment quality and promote high-quality development. Let's experience the ecological beauty and development beauty of Huzhou together. CCTV reporter Zhao Jing: Huzhou, an ancient city in Jiangnan with a history of over 2300 years, is one of the co hosting cities of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Today, let's take a look at the Asian Games venues located in the Huzhou competition area from the air. CCTV reporter Zhao Jing: The Deqing Sports Center Gymnasium, located in Deqing County, Huzhou City, will hold some volleyball competitions for the Asian Games. In accordance with the principle of frugality in organizing competitions, this gymnasium has been renovated from the old one and will be the venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games

Kuwaiti UFO shooter father and son prepare for the Hangzhou Asian Games in high temperatures
Kuwaiti UFO shooter father and son prepare for the Hangzhou Asian Games in high temperatures

UFO shooting is a traditional advantage event in Kuwait. Since the 2006 Doha Asian Games, the gold medals in the men's individual skeet event have been won by the Kuwait team for four consecutive Asian Games. At present, although the highest temperature in Kuwait exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, the CCTV reporter saw at the training ground that Kuwaiti athletes participating in the Hangzhou Asian Games are still persevering in training, hoping to continue their excellent performance in Hangzhou. CCTV reporter Wang Yin: I am currently located at the training base of the Kuwait Shooting Team, where athletes participating in this year's Hangzhou Asian Games are undergoing their final sprint training before the competition. It's 10:30 in the morning now. I can show you that the outdoor temperature has already reached 42 degrees Celsius. We just took a picture here for only ten minutes, and the camera showed an alarm and turned off. But even in such hot weather

"Indo Pacific Economic Framework" Disrupts Regional Cooperation
"Indo Pacific Economic Framework" Disrupts Regional Cooperation

Recently, the Biden administration has been vigorously promoting the "Indo Pacific Economic Framework" under the pretext of responding to the so-called "China threat", attempting to introduce the disaster of Cold War thinking and camp confrontation into the Asia Pacific region, thereby establishing US led trade rules and restructuring the industrial chain system. This seriously endangers the prosperity and stability of the Asia Pacific region, and goes against the trend of actively embracing open and inclusive development. The Indo Pacific Economic Framework, on the surface, claims to strengthen regional cooperation and promote regional economic openness and prosperity, but in reality, it is forming small circles and deliberately excluding China, one of the largest and most dynamic economies in the Asia Pacific region. Several US government officials have publicly claimed that the Indo Pacific Economic Framework is an "independent arrangement from China" aimed at enhancing US regional economic leadership. The "Indo Pacific Economic Framework" inherently contains

What are the new highlights of the Huanglong Sports Center venue group, which has upgraded the assembled swimming pool runway into an Asian Games venue
What are the new highlights of the Huanglong Sports Center venue group, which has upgraded the assembled swimming pool runway into an Asian Games venue

By the West Lake in Hangzhou, the Huanglong Sports Center, with a history of more than 20 years, has recently undergone upgrading and renovation, with its old appearance replaced by a new one. During the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Huanglong Sports Center venue cluster will undertake the tasks of football, gymnastics, and water polo in three categories and five competitions. CCTV reporter Wang Li: The glass curtain wall on the exterior looks like ripples caused by athletes entering the water. The swimming and diving hall at Huanglong Sports Center is the venue for the water polo competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games. A standard swimming pool measuring 50 meters in length and 25 meters in width, where water polo matches are held every day from the second competition day after the opening of the Asian Games. The swimming pool, which bears such a dense competition task, is actually a suspended "assembled swimming pool" in the air. Pan Jiahua, Deputy Commander of the Facilities of the Huanglong Sports Center Venue Cluster Operations Team: For this Asian Games, we have adopted a modular swimming pool

Gasoline prices soar, US inflation rate rises for the second consecutive month
Gasoline prices soar, US inflation rate rises for the second consecutive month

According to ABC News on September 13th, the latest data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the US inflation rate experienced a second consecutive month of increase in August. The Consumer Price Index report shows that the average cost of basic goods for the American public increased by 0.6% from July to August, and has risen by 3.7% since August last year. The fundamental reason driving growth is related to the significant increase in energy costs, with gasoline costs in August increasing by 10.6% compared to July and fuel costs increasing by 9.1% compared to July. Experts say that the surge in oil prices is related to OPEC countries reducing production. Inflation is a topic that the US media continues to pay attention to. The latest data released by the US Census Bureau on the 12th shows that due to factors such as high inflation, the child poverty rate in the United States has seen its largest annual increase on record in 2022,

[Most Chinese] Life | Story of Sister Ma, an overseas Chinese on the "the Belt and Road". In Kyrgyzstan | Overseas Chinese
[Most Chinese] Life | Story of Sister Ma, an overseas Chinese on the "the Belt and Road". In Kyrgyzstan | Overseas Chinese

Ma Wenying, an overseas Chinese over the age of 70, came to Central Asia from Xinjiang, China, more than 20 years ago. After years of hard work, he finally wrote his own life story in Kyrgyzstan, a country along the "the Belt and Road". She worked diligently at the largest Chinese wholesale market in Central Asia, Dordogi Market, for more than ten years, and finally made a name for herself and her two sons. In the overseas Chinese community in Kyrgyzstan, she is known as "Sister Ma" and is respected by everyone. In addition to her career success, what she is most proud of is her education of her son and grandchildren, insisting that they learn the local language and culture while also inheriting Chinese culture. Ma Jie also actively participates in local charity and social activities, contributing her efforts to enhancing friendship and exchanges between China and Kyrgyzstan. responsibility

Cuban Ambassador to China: The Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China will strengthen the unity group of countries | China | Ambassador to China
Cuban Ambassador to China: The Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China will strengthen the unity group of countries | China | Ambassador to China

Beijing, September 13 (Xinhua) - The summit of the Group of 77 and China will be held in Havana, the capital of Cuba, this week. At a media conference held by the Cuban Embassy in China on the 13th, the newly appointed Cuban Ambassador to China, Bai Shide, stated that this summit will focus on discussing the development challenges facing humanity, which will help strengthen unity among countries and better defend their common interests and development rights. Bai Shide said that the theme of this summit is "The Challenges Facing Current Development: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation.". He stated that since Cuba assumed the rotating presidency of the Group of 77 and China in January this year, it has advocated for solving the most pressing problems of humanity based on knowledge, academia, and science. Bai Shide stated that scientific and technological progress is the key to achieving sustainable development, and the order between South South countries is crucial

China Thailand strengthens cooperation in the new energy vehicle industry
China Thailand strengthens cooperation in the new energy vehicle industry

Recently, a batch of MG brand cars were assembled in the final assembly workshop of SAIC Zhengda Co., Ltd. in Hemeile Industrial Zone, Chumphuri Province, Thailand. After undergoing multiple quality inspection procedures, they are waiting to be taken offline. In recent years, Chinese automotive brands such as SAIC Zhengda MG, Great Wall, BYD, and Nezha have successively invested in and established factories in Thailand to achieve overseas production of electric vehicles. In April this year, SAIC Zhengda New Energy Industrial Park laid the foundation. An industrial park covering an area of 120000 square meters, focusing on localized production of key components for new energy vehicles, and creating a new energy vehicle ecosystem. It is understood that the first phase of the project will be completed within this year, and the overall project will be completed in the first half of 2024. In May, SAIC Zhengda Co., Ltd. launched the first batch of pure electric business model "New MG Datong 9" in the Thai market, which is currently the only high-end model in the Thai market

Global @ China | Pakistani Scholar Mingzhu: "The China Pakistan Economic Corridor brings transformative impacts!"
Global @ China | Pakistani Scholar Mingzhu: "The China Pakistan Economic Corridor brings transformative impacts!"

Ming Zhu, a Pakistani scholar and researcher of the globalization think tank, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and the launch of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. Over the past 10 years, China and Pakistan have maintained a steadfast friendship and achieved fruitful results. Recently, Mingzhu, a Pakistani scholar and researcher of the globalization think tank who has made many field visits to projects under the framework of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, received an exclusive interview on www. overseas. com and shared her deep affinity with China. She praised the "transformative impact" of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor for Pakistan, and expressed her expectation for the "the Belt and Road" initiative to further improve global governance. Having a Chinese name that symbolizes friendship between China and Pakistan is fortunate to have been influenced by his father, and Mingzhu has been associated with China since childhood. Her father used to work for Pakistan International Airlines and frequently traveled between China and Pakistan, often using Chinese decorations

"I will bring the news of my day trip to China to our President and Premier." Reporter | China | Premier
"I will bring the news of my day trip to China to our President and Premier." Reporter | China | Premier

"I will bring the experience of this trip to China to my President and Prime Minister. It is a rare opportunity and a great honor. I will become a living witness, telling the story of the warm hospitality and friendly treatment of the Chinese people, and passing on a unique China." Mary Noel Huayani, Director of Broadcasting Production at Vanuatu National Broadcasting and Television Corporation, said towards the end of the five-day "Day Study of China" event. The Chinese and foreign online media exchange activity of "Day Reading China" is guided by the Network Communication Bureau of the State Internet Information Office, and co sponsored by the China Public Diplomacy Association and Global Network. From September 7th to 12th, "Day Reading China" invited 17 media reporters from 13 countries, including Pakistan, East Timor, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, to conduct in-depth visits

China is a staunch defender of cybersecurity, taking multiple measures to continuously strengthen personal information protection
China is a staunch defender of cybersecurity, taking multiple measures to continuously strengthen personal information protection

CCTV News: Recently, multiple media outlets have reported various incidents of network data leakage, involving personal information of citizens. At the beginning of this year, the World Economic Forum released a report showing that widespread cybercrime and cybersecurity are one of the top ten most serious risks globally in the next decade. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated at today's regular press conference that China is a staunch defender of cybersecurity. China is willing to continue working with the international community to build a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative, and orderly cyberspace. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning: The Chinese government has always attached great importance to network and data security, and has introduced a series of laws and regulations to continuously strengthen the protection of personal information. This week coincides with the 2023 China National Cybersecurity Awareness Week, and carrying out this activity itself reflects the Chinese government's commitment to promoting cybersecurity

Building a Solid Network Security Barrier and Deepening Collaborative Governance of Security | Network | Barrier
Building a Solid Network Security Barrier and Deepening Collaborative Governance of Security | Network | Barrier

On September 12th, the 20th China Cybersecurity Annual Conference and National Cybersecurity Propaganda Week Cybersecurity Collaborative Governance Sub Forum, with the theme of "Deepening Collaborative Governance and Building Security Barriers Together", was held in Fuzhou, Fujian. More than 200 experts and representatives from competent departments of network security, scientific research institutes, and enterprises in relevant industries participated in the meeting, and carried out exchanges and discussions around network security threat governance, emergency response, vulnerability governance, mobile Internet security governance, and other contents to promote the healthy and standardized development of network security related industries. Zhang Hong, Deputy Director of the National Computer Network Emergency Technology Coordination Center, stated that in recent years, China's network legal construction has been continuously improved, data security and personal information protection work has continued to deepen, network security threat detection and disposal capabilities have steadily improved, and cyberspace security barriers have been further improved

Tianjin's various departments in various forms carry out cybersecurity publicity week activities in line with the people's hearts and grounded atmosphere
Tianjin's various departments in various forms carry out cybersecurity publicity week activities in line with the people's hearts and grounded atmosphere

"When you see a part-time job advertisement with a monthly salary of tens of thousands without leaving home, have you ever been tempted?" "I am tempted, but I don't take action! If money is really easy to earn, why don't people go part-time and look for jobs? I prefer to work hard and earn some peace of mind money." "Grandpa, have you participated in those activities that allow elderly people to receive eggs for free, register in online shopping malls, and purchase products?" "We have received eggs, but we don't do anything about spending money. Don't look at us getting older, we still have anti fraud awareness!"... Relevant staff from Xiqing District, Tianjin walked into the community and answered security questions. "Interact with residents in a formal manner and promote knowledge of cybersecurity. Faced with tricky questions from various angles, residents answered with witty words. 2023 National Cybersecurity Promotion Sunday

The number of casualties in campus shootings in the United States has reached a new historical high for two consecutive years. Gun control organizations criticize the government for inaction
The number of casualties in campus shootings in the United States has reached a new historical high for two consecutive years. Gun control organizations criticize the government for inaction

On September 14th, Americans pray for victims of gun violence. According to a report by American media "USA Today" on the 13th, the latest data shows that there were 188 shooting incidents in public and private schools in the United States from 2021 to 2022, resulting in 57 deaths. The number of campus shootings in the United States has reached a historic high for two consecutive years. According to the annual Crime and Safety Report of the National Center for Education Statistics, the number of campus shootings involving casualties in the United States from 2020 to 2021 was 93, the highest number in 20 years, while the data for the 2021-2022 academic year doubled. The data shows that although the COVID-19 has ended, the number of school shootings in the United States is still increasing significantly. The data also shows that in the past 20 years, the perpetrators of school shooting incidents in the United States

State Administration of China: 12 "Prohibitions" for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs
State Administration of China: 12 "Prohibitions" for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs

On September 14th, Xinhua News Agency reported in Beijing that according to the State Administration of State Organs, in order to standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles for public institutions affiliated with central state organs, and consolidate the achievements of the reform of the official vehicle system, the State Administration recently issued the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles for Public Institutions Affiliated with Central State Organs", which will come into effect on October 1, 2023. The method clarifies that the management of official vehicles in public institutions should follow the principles of total amount control, economic applicability, energy conservation and environmental protection, and standardization and efficiency. Official travel should adhere to the direction of socialization and marketization, emphasizing the implementation of the requirement of adhering to diligence and frugality in all aspects of official vehicle management throughout the entire process and every link, in order to save and efficiently ensure the needs of public services and public welfare undertakings. The method adheres to the principles of unified system and hierarchical management, highlights the requirements of strict and standardized management, and provides guidance to the public

Why is Tsai Ing wen so cruel?, Collaborating with the United States to persecute Chinese people
Why is Tsai Ing wen so cruel?, Collaborating with the United States to persecute Chinese people

According to American media reports, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have used their agencies in the United States to persecute Chinese people. They have actively cooperated with anti China forces in the United States and seek political gain by sponsoring anti China politicians, think tanks, and media. What kind of collusion did the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities and the United States engage in privately, reaching out to the Chinese? Why is Tsai Ing wen's heart so sinister? "Borrowing a knife to kill, with malicious intentions." This disclosure was obtained by an independent left-wing media in the United States, who received some internal materials from the Democratic Progressive Party authorities regarding the persecution of Chinese people in the United States. Professor Yu Qiang from Beijing University of Business and Technology stated that the details of using aggressive or even deadly methods to attack Chinese Americans in the materials are chilling. For example, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States collects materials and hands them over to the FBI, asking them to persecute Chinese in the United States. "Isn't this just a case of using a knife to kill people? How could one have such malicious intentions?"?

The phenomenon of breaking contracts is beginning to emerge, and prices of popular hotels are rising. Be vigilant! The Golden Week PLUS Edition is Coming
The phenomenon of breaking contracts is beginning to emerge, and prices of popular hotels are rising. Be vigilant! The Golden Week PLUS Edition is Coming

This year's Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are superimposed, and the public has an 8-day "PLUS version of the Golden Week", and various long-term trips have also been arranged in advance. But when people planning to travel prepare to book hotels, many are stabbed by the doubled prices. Up and up! "The prices of popular hotels during the National Day holiday have doubled." If you want to visit Luoyang during the National Day holiday, you can see that the hotel prices have increased by four times. You might as well stay on a park bench. "" On September 27th, it was still over 200 yuan, but the next day it skyrocketed to over 1600 yuan. Staying overnight is even more expensive than my rent, so it's still suitable to lie at home. "Opening various social media platforms, many netizens reported that during the National Day holiday, the hotel prices are increasing. According to big data from Qunar, as of September 11th, the top three popular cities for air ticket bookings during the National Day holiday are

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research