The world

Vucic: Serbia will demand an emergency meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Kosovo. Vucic | Serbia | Situation
Vucic: Serbia will demand an emergency meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Kosovo. Vucic | Serbia | Situation

On July 6th, Serbian President Vucic delivered a speech, stating that he would request an emergency dialogue with the NATO Secretary General. He also said, "Serbia will request an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council for the first time. Considering the threat to the lives and safety of Serbs, we demand the demilitarization of Albanian armed forces." Vucic said that he may sign a decision next week to ban the export of weapons and ammunition, as Serbia's major national interests are currently at maximum risk. When answering whether the reporter is preparing for war, Vucic emphasized that Serbia is not preparing for war, but advocates peace and stability, hoping to ease the situation.

Li Qiang: We need to implement a series of targeted, combined, and collaborative policy measures as soon as possible
Li Qiang: We need to implement a series of targeted, combined, and collaborative policy measures as soon as possible

On the afternoon of July 6th, Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, presided over an expert symposium on the economic situation, listening to the opinions and suggestions of experts and scholars on the current economic situation and doing a good job in economic work. Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended. At the symposium, experts and scholars such as Liu Shangxi, Luo Zhiheng, Tian Xuan, Huang Xianhai, Yuan Haixia, Qin Hailin, Lu Ming, and Zhao Wei delivered speeches successively. Everyone believes that in the complex and severe external environment, China's economic development has shown tremendous resilience, and we should be full of confidence in the prospects of China's economic development. Everyone also put forward opinions and suggestions on solving the problems in economic operation.

Silent dedication to safeguarding national security - National security organs fighting on the hidden front People's police sketch security | National | People's police
Silent dedication to safeguarding national security - National security organs fighting on the hidden front People's police sketch security | National | People's police

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 6 (Xinhua) - Silent dedication to safeguarding national security - fighting on the hidden front of the national security organs. People's police. Xinhua News Agency reporter Feng Jiashun. In April 2023, the second meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee voted to pass the newly revised Anti Espionage Law of the People's Republic of China, which will come into effect on July 1, 2023. This provides important guarantees for accelerating the construction of a new pattern of work for national security organs on the track of the rule of law, and is of great significance for deepening the anti espionage struggle of national security organs in the new era and new journey, and building a strong national security barrier. The vast number of national security officers of the national security organs always bear in mind their instructions and bravely shoulder their missions, fighting on the front lines of anti infiltration, anti subversion, anti separatism, and anti terrorism struggles, faithfully fulfilling their duties, and using their youth and passion to build a strong steel wall to safeguard national security. one

Gongshi Evaluation | Give Cool to Every High Flame Value You! High temperature | Union | Cool
Gongshi Evaluation | Give Cool to Every High Flame Value You! High temperature | Union | Cool

At present, it has not officially entered the summer solstice, and many parts of the country have already started the "steaming and baking mode", with the highest temperature in some areas exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. However, facing the scorching sun, there are still many outdoor workers who, in order to ensure the orderly operation of urban production and life, are not afraid to "bake" and stick to their posts. Looking at the streets, construction workers sweat and contribute to urban construction; The delivery guy is busy under the scorching sun, providing meal delivery services for the citizens; Environmental sanitation workers braved high temperatures to clean the streets and polish the city's appearance; Electric workers rush to repair power lines and make every effort to ensure the normal use of electricity by residents... Every perseverance under high temperatures is the best interpretation of "love for work and dedication", and also the most beautiful "burning" responsibility in this summer. For these workers with high "inflammation" values, we not only need to be grateful, but also need to use practical care

CCTV Financial Review | Taking advantage of the situation to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles in China | New Energy | Financial Review
CCTV Financial Review | Taking advantage of the situation to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles in China | New Energy | Financial Review

The development of the new energy vehicle industry is running at a "Chinese speed" - Recently, China's 20th millionth new energy vehicle was taken offline in Guangzhou. According to data, in September 2020, the cumulative production of new energy vehicles in China exceeded 5 million, and in February 2022, it exceeded 10 million. This means that in just three years, the production of new energy vehicles in China has achieved a leap from 5 million to 20 million. In fact, China's production and sales scale of new energy vehicles has ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years. Data shows that from January to May this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles completed 3.05 million and 2.94 million respectively, with year-on-year growth of 45.1% and 46.8%, respectively. The sales of new energy vehicles accounted for 27.7% of the total sales of new vehicles, continuing to maintain a good development momentum. New energy vehicles

The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse held a grand celebration lunch. Today, the Group | Trade | Lunch
The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse held a grand celebration lunch. Today, the Group | Trade | Lunch

On the noon of the 6th, a grand celebration lunch was held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, 48 British group clubs, and the Anglo China Trade Association. Ren Hongbin, President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, presided over the event and delivered an opening speech. Stephen Perry, Chairman of the 48 UK Group Clubs, Michael Owen, Vice Chairman of the China UK Trade Association, Liu Jin, President of Bank of China, and Du Jiaqi, Chairman of HSBC Group, attended the event and delivered speeches. British Ambassador to China Wu Ruolan was invited to attend the event. The banquet attended by about 100 representatives from the Chinese and British business communities is aimed at celebrating a challenging and significant "ice breaking journey" 70 years ago. 70 years ago, in 1953, China was still in the midst of the Western economic blockade. Jack Perry, then Chairman of the London Export Company, led more than 10

International Observation | Turning Counter Terrorism into a "Business" - Uprising US Overseas "Black Jails" for Human Rights Violations and Arrests | US | Human Rights
International Observation | Turning Counter Terrorism into a "Business" - Uprising US Overseas "Black Jails" for Human Rights Violations and Arrests | US | Human Rights

Havana, July 5th (Xinhua) - Walking out of the gate of Guantanamo Prison, Afghan Haji Ghalib finally saw the light of day again. A sentence echoed incessantly in his mind: "Sorry, you have been proven innocent and pose no threat to the United States." That day was March 1, 2007. After four years of unjustified imprisonment, Galileo only received this light apology and nothing else. The US military prison at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba has been exposed to scandals for over 20 years. On June 26th this year, United Nations Special Rapporteur Fiona Ni Ilan, after being granted permission to inspect the prison for the first time, told the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York that detainees in the prison are still being subjected to "cruel, inhumane, and insulting" treatment, and there are structural deficiencies and systematic arbitrary detention practices in the prison. many years

Interview: "We are very optimistic about the prospects of China's economy" - Interview with OPEC Secretary General Hussein Gates China | Reporter | Economy
Interview: "We are very optimistic about the prospects of China's economy" - Interview with OPEC Secretary General Hussein Gates China | Reporter | Economy

Vienna, July 6th (Xinhua) - "We are very optimistic about the prospects of China's economy." - Interview with OPEC Secretary General Hussein Gates, Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xinyu. "China is one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia... We are very optimistic about the prospects of China's economic recovery!" OPEC Secretary General Hussein Gates said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency during the 8th OPEC International Symposium. Gais, as the head of the Beijing office of Kuwait Oil Company, lived in China for 3 and a half years. This experience made him feel that the Chinese economy is so dynamic. Gais said that China's expected GDP growth target for 2023 is around 5%, ranking among the top global economies. On July 5th, in Vienna, Austria, the Secretary General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Haysai

Communication: The White Angel and Friendly Messenger at the westernmost point of the African continent - A Record of the Surgery of China's Aid to Senegal Medical Team | Huang Jianbin | China
Communication: The White Angel and Friendly Messenger at the westernmost point of the African continent - A Record of the Surgery of China's Aid to Senegal Medical Team | Huang Jianbin | China

Dakar, July 6 (Xinhua) - The westernmost angel in white and a friendly envoy on the African continent - China's aid to Senegal medical team - Xinhua reporter Prince is "thanking China!" After an emergency surgery to save the lives of a 3-year-old child, a Senegalese doctor pointed his thumb at Chinese doctor Huang Jianbin. One day in late July 2022, a child in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, accidentally inhaled a foreign object that blocked his airway. When he was taken to the Diamnia Ju Children's Hospital, his face turned blue and his condition was extremely urgent. Emergency surgical anesthesia was implemented by Huang Jianbin, a member of the 19th batch of Chinese medical teams assisting Serbia and the deputy chief physician of the anesthesia department at Fujian Mindong Hospital. Huang Jianbin administered intravenous inhalation combined with general anesthesia to the patient, but during the surgery, the chief surgeon of the Saifang side encountered difficulties and attempted multiple times but was unable to remove the hard tissue

Maintaining the momentum of improvement in Sino US relations and evaluating it | The Biden administration should take practical actions | The United States | China | Government
Maintaining the momentum of improvement in Sino US relations and evaluating it | The Biden administration should take practical actions | The United States | China | Government

US Treasury Secretary Yellen will begin a three-day visit to China on the 6th, which is expected to help maintain the momentum of the two countries' efforts to prevent the US China relationship from spiraling out of control. Yellen is the second senior White House official to visit Beijing in just three weeks after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. During Antony Blinken's visit to China, the two sides reached agreement on the necessity of stabilizing China US relations. According to reports, Yellen will meet with senior officials in the Chinese financial and economic field to discuss how to manage bilateral economic relations and explore global challenges that China and the United States can "jointly address.". Yellen has been calling for the United States to maintain healthy economic relations with China and supporting the two countries to strengthen dialogue and cooperation. In April of this year, Yellen attended a congressional hearing in the United States and talked about the importance of maintaining relations with China, stating that decoupling from China would be a big mistake

Palestinian politicians: China's initiative benefits the world and is highly welcomed in politics | China | Welcome
Palestinian politicians: China's initiative benefits the world and is highly welcomed in politics | China | Welcome

On July 6th, Ahmed Majidarani, General Secretary of the Palestinian People's Struggle Front, wrote in China Daily that China's economic and political influence in the international community has been continuously increasing in recent years, and a series of important initiatives have been put forward, which are crucial for maintaining world peace and development. The article points out that China has proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, advocating respect for cultural diversity, promoting the common values of all mankind, valuing the inheritance and innovation of civilization, and strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation. The Global Civilization Initiative is based on mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and common development, and is therefore highly welcomed by Palestinians. Under the US led world order, regional and even global issues are difficult to resolve fairly and justly. The Global Civilization Initiative is undoubtedly a visionary initiative that fully aligns with the vision of the Palestinians.

From "decoupling" from China to "de risk" - The "risk control" lies of the "political fraudsters" in the United States at the bottom: economy | risk | politics
From "decoupling" from China to "de risk" - The "risk control" lies of the "political fraudsters" in the United States at the bottom: economy | risk | politics

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 5th (Xinhua) - In the era of economic globalization, there are occasional counter current obstacles; Under the main theme of win-win cooperation, there is often noise and noise. "We do not seek to 'decouple' from China, but rather seek to 'de risk'. When the 'decoupling theory' encounters bankruptcy, some politicians in the United States and the West have recently talked about the so-called 'de risk' towards China, selling new rhetoric on their policies towards China.". "Decoupling" is a blatant anti China political instigation, while "de risk" hides a malicious intent, attempting to package and contain China's political intentions with economic concepts that have been exchanged and generalized. The essence of the so-called "risk reduction" in the United States and the West is to achieve selective "decoupling" through customized "risks", both coveting China's dividends and attempting to curb China's development. Its purpose is to bring more countries into the water,

Jiangsu Climbs for High Quality | Innovation | Jiangsu
Jiangsu Climbs for High Quality | Innovation | Jiangsu

Our reporter Liu Kang, Ling Junhui, Chen Gang, Yang Dingmiao, the lighthouse stands tall, illuminating a journey of thousands of miles. To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.Mission urging requires dedication and dedication. Leading in technological self-reliance and self-improvement, building a new development pattern, advancing agricultural modernization, strengthening grassroots governance and ensuring people's livelihoods... Jiangsu conducts in-depth research and formulates special action plans

Normal operation has been restored. Tesla is not allowed to enter some toll gates on Shanxi Expressway? Official: Temporary Traffic Control Investigation Suspected Vehicle Tesla | Shanxi | Official
Normal operation has been restored. Tesla is not allowed to enter some toll gates on Shanxi Expressway? Official: Temporary Traffic Control Investigation Suspected Vehicle Tesla | Shanxi | Official

On July 6th, a netizen posted a message on an online platform stating that Tesla vehicles are not allowed to enter certain toll gates on Shanxi Expressway, which immediately drew widespread attention. According to information released by netizens, Tesla vehicles are prohibited from entering toll stations on highways such as the Shuoshen section of G59 Hubei Expressway, S5512 Yuanshuo Expressway, G59 Hubei Expressway, and S5901 Shuozhou Ring Road due to work needs or traffic control. The reporter of New Yellow River noticed that the information released by the above netizens came from the WeChat official account "Shanxi Expressway Public Service Platform", and the account subject of the WeChat official account was Shanxi Expressway Information Monitoring Center. On the afternoon of June 6, the reporter from New Yellow River called Shanxi Provincial Transportation Operation Monitoring and Emergency Response Center, and the relevant staff responded that the WeChat official account was "Shanxi high-speed public service platform"

Flood and geological disasters in Wanzhou, Chongqing have caused 17 deaths and 2 missing. Excavation | Rescue | Wanzhou, Chongqing
Flood and geological disasters in Wanzhou, Chongqing have caused 17 deaths and 2 missing. Excavation | Rescue | Wanzhou, Chongqing

On July 6th, in Linchang Village, Changtan Town, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, search and rescue personnel carried out a search and rescue operation. Xinhua News Agency reporter Tang Yi photographed the scorching heat and scorching waves. With just a slight wave of his shovel, beads of sweat as big as beans would flow down. In Shatan Village, Changtan Town, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, rescue forces are racing against time to excavate the landslide and make every effort to search for missing persons. "Due to the hot weather, we divided the rescue team into four groups and took turns excavating. To ensure operational safety, we adopted a method of excavating one section, supporting one section, and advancing one section, ensuring that search and rescue operations were carried out without stopping." The on-site rescue personnel told reporters. In the early morning of the 4th, a sudden extremely heavy rainstorm hit, and Changtan Town fell to Wanzhou District in 1956

Early Reading | Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan's Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea is an Unprecedented Adventure Japan | International | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Early Reading | Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan's Nuclear Sewage Discharge into the Sea is an Unprecedented Adventure Japan | International | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Friday, July 7, 2023, on the 20th day of the fifth lunar month, it will be cloudy in Shanghai. There will be short-term showers or thunderstorms from afternoon to evening, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 ℃. Today's attention will be paid. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea is an unprecedented adventure. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, stated on the 6th that China once again urges Japan to stop forcefully promoting nuclear contaminated water discharge plans in a responsible attitude towards the marine environment and human health, and not to impose unpredictable risks on the international community. At the regular press conference that day, a reporter asked: After the International Atomic Energy Agency released the comprehensive assessment report on the disposal of nuclear contaminated water in Fukushima, there has been a continuous surge of opposition to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea in Japan, both domestically and internationally. The Japan Fisheries Association and others are preparing to submit approximately 33000 more visas to Tokyo Electric Power Company

Exposed by Taiwanese media! How much does it cost for Truss, Pompeo and other people to "stand up"? Company | Democratic Progressive Party | Pompeo
Exposed by Taiwanese media! How much does it cost for Truss, Pompeo and other people to "stand up"? Company | Democratic Progressive Party | Pompeo

How much did these "political shows" actually cost the people of the island? Several Taiwanese media outlets have recently taken stock of their accounts.This high bill, with a total amount of approximately NT $3.5 million, will be paid by the Taiwan government's peripheral think tank, the Vision Foundation, and the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Department. In fact, it is not just this British politician who went to Taiwan to seek gold.According to "China Times News Network", 20

Fu Zhenghua, a ministerial level official who fell from grace, will be fined for confiscating property and will be auctioned! Starting auction price of nearly 20 million yuan for properties
Fu Zhenghua, a ministerial level official who fell from grace, will be fined for confiscating property and will be auctioned! Starting auction price of nearly 20 million yuan for properties

On July 6th, a French auction house located in Dongcheng District, Beijing, with a starting price of nearly 20 million yuan and an area of over 200 square meters, attracted social attention. According to insiders, the former owner of the property was Fu Zhenghua, former deputy director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. On September 22, 2022, Fu Zhenghua, who took bribes of more than 117 million yuan, was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve, deprived of political rights for life, and sentenced to confiscation of all personal property. After his death sentence was suspended for two years and was reduced to life imprisonment in accordance with the law, he was sentenced to life imprisonment without commutation or parole; The proceeds and fruits of Fu Zhenghua's bribery crime shall be recovered in accordance with the law and turned over to the national treasury. Screenshots of relevant auction information on the real estate agency platform, combined with introductions from multiple real estate agency websites, indicate that the property to be auctioned soon is Building 1 of the Temple of Heaven Mansion

25 to 30 countries express strong intentions!, Joining the BRICS family South Africa | BRICS | countries
25 to 30 countries express strong intentions!, Joining the BRICS family South Africa | BRICS | countries

According to today's Russian television website on June 30th, Anil Sukrar, the coordinator of BRICS affairs in South Africa, said that multiple countries are interested in joining the BRICS group composed of major emerging economies because the group is firmly committed to supporting developing countries, including Africa. Sukrar explained in an interview with today's Russian television website that the BRICS countries have become the main voice of developing countries and have been pushing for reforms to the Western led global governance structure. He said, "Our records over the past 15 years indicate that we have been consistent and we have been calling for comprehensive reforms to the global governance architecture... This architecture is outdated and completely inconsistent with the global reality of 2023." The BRICS countries are composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and the South

Russia expresses dissatisfaction, Zelensky's first visit to the country's Prime Minister | Bulgaria | Zelensky
Russia expresses dissatisfaction, Zelensky's first visit to the country's Prime Minister | Bulgaria | Zelensky

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the Bulgarian government announced that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zerensky arrived in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on the 6th, starting his first official visit to the country. Zelensky is expected to meet with Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov and Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel. The Bulgarian government and the location of the Presidential Office have implemented strict security measures and blocked traffic. The report states that it is currently unclear whether Zelensky will still meet with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev during his visit to Bulgaria. Radev was once a fighter pilot and former commander of the Bulgarian Air Force, and he is considered a "pro Russian faction". Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov welcomed Zelensky at the government building on the 6th. Recently, Radev refused to allow Bulgaria to participate in the EU and provide ammunition to Ukraine

Changsha has the highest growth rate in 5 years, with 32 primary school students in 32 cities. Big data shows that Chongqing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu rank in the top three cities | City | Chengdu
Changsha has the highest growth rate in 5 years, with 32 primary school students in 32 cities. Big data shows that Chongqing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu rank in the top three cities | City | Chengdu

In recent years, with the accelerated development of central cities and the concentration of population towards them, the number of primary school students in many central cities has shown a rapid growth trend. The first financial reporter sorted out the changes in the number of primary school students in 32 key cities over the past five years and found that overall, strong provincial capital cities have experienced rapid growth; The growth rate of primary school students in Changsha, Xi'an, Wuhan, Nanjing, and Guiyang ranks among the top. The 32 key cities include municipalities directly under the central government, cities specifically designated in the national plan, provincial capitals with a population of over 30 million, and some major economic cities. However, some cities have not yet been included in the statistics due to the fact that data from compulsory education stage has not been released or published. It should be noted that some cities have made adjustments to their administrative divisions since 2017, for example, in early 2019, the prefecture level city of Laiwu was merged into Jinan. Therefore, when calculating changes in the number of primary school students,

China Ordnance Industry Group: Reported to the public security organs! CITIC Group | Statement | Public Security Organs
China Ordnance Industry Group: Reported to the public security organs! CITIC Group | Statement | Public Security Organs

Recently, there have been a lot of "Li ghosts", and the Ordnance Industry Group has been affected. China Ordnance Industry Group: Reported to the public security organs. On July 6th, China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd. issued a statement stating that recently, it was discovered that illegal elements had used the identity of leaders of China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd. to engage in fraudulent activities through SMS, WeChat, and other means. China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd. has reported the situation to the public security organs as soon as possible after mastering the situation, and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for fraudulent activities in accordance with the law. Previously, China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited issued a solemn statement on the 5th that China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited provides centralized registration, custody and settlement services for securities transactions, does not carry out relevant securities investment business, and has never authorized or used other websites, APP, WeChat official account and other forms to

Two major economies around the world resume economic and trade dialogue, US Treasury Secretary visits China | Yellen | Global
Two major economies around the world resume economic and trade dialogue, US Treasury Secretary visits China | Yellen | Global

On the afternoon of the 6th Beijing time, US Treasury Secretary Yellen arrived in Beijing by plane. Some analysts believe that Yellen's visit this time is based on the overall hard policy of the Biden administration towards China, seeking contact and communication. Following US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China from the 6th. The US Treasury Department announced on the 2nd that Yellen will discuss with Chinese officials the management of China US relations, engage in direct communication in areas of concern, and explore joint responses to global challenges. The host of CBS, US Treasury Secretary Yellen, is visiting China in an attempt to ease tensions between the two countries on a series of economic and security issues. The sanctions imposed on Chinese imports during the Trump era remain effective. At the same time, the United States is currently working to limit China's access to semiconductors required for artificial intelligence technology. Yellen:

How is Zibo barbecue going? The Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded that "cool" hot search market | overall situation | Zibo
How is Zibo barbecue going? The Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded that "cool" hot search market | overall situation | Zibo

In the first half of this year, the "internet celebrity" tourist city of Zibo once created a traffic myth and continued to be popular in the public opinion field with related topics such as specialty barbecue. After nearly three months, the current hot search keyword for Zibo barbecue is actually "cool". Have people really forgotten about it? Red Star News reporters have noticed that before and after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the topic of "Zibo barbecue cooling down and declining traffic" has attracted social media attention. Many netizens claim that eating barbecue locally no longer requires long queues. In addition, China News Weekly reported that Tiktok's massive calculation also showed that the search index for the keyword "Zibo BBQ" reached its first small peak on April 9, reaching 2.4767 million, and then reached a peak of 11.0579 million on April 29. However, after the May Day holiday, the value showed a decline

US military releases video footage of Russian and US military planes engaging in friction in Syria. International Alliance | Leading | US military forces
US military releases video footage of Russian and US military planes engaging in friction in Syria. International Alliance | Leading | US military forces

According to TASS, the Russian military announced on July 5th that the US led international alliance has repeatedly violated regulations by using drones in military exercises in Syria and Russia Syria. The US military, on the other hand, accuses Russian fighter jets of harassing so-called US drones carrying out missions in Syria. On the 5th, Gurinov, Deputy Director of the Russian Mediation Center for Conflict Parties in Syria, stated that in the past day, the United States led International League drones have flown illegally 12 times, of which 5 have occurred in areas in northern Syria that have been banned due to joint military exercises between Russia and Syria. According to a statement released by the US Air Force Central Command, on the 5th, three US MQ-9 Reaper drones were disrupted by Russian fighter jets. US media reports that this is at least the second time a US drone has occurred this year

What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency
What do you think? What should we do? Xinhua News Agency's Five Discussions on Handling China US Relations | Issues | Xinhua News Agency

China and the United States have entered into an interactive mode, and both sides have made progress and reached consensus on certain issues, sending positive signals of easing relations to the world. But "Rome was not frozen in a day", how do you think about the various problems that have arisen in China US relations over a period of time? What should be done? Xinhua News Agency recently broadcasted five consecutive comments, elaborating in depth and systematically on the fallacies of the current US policy towards China, pointing out the key to improving US China relations and the global trend, urging the US to reflect on its own policies and form a positive understanding of promoting US China relations back on track. The Five Discussions on China US Relations have attracted widespread attention from domestic and foreign public opinion. Bill Bishop, a well-known American media figure and China expert, said in promoting this set of comments that these views are important to domestic audiences, important to global audiences, and have also gained more support in the United States

The police in Jiaxian County, Pingdingshan, reported that "a man pulled out a police officer's certificate to allow traffic police to release": the person involved was dismissed and given | notification | punishment | dismissal | situation | investigation | law enforcement | traffic police
The police in Jiaxian County, Pingdingshan, reported that "a man pulled out a police officer's certificate to allow traffic police to release": the person involved was dismissed and given | notification | punishment | dismissal | situation | investigation | law enforcement | traffic police

On the evening of July 5th, our bureau immediately established a working group to investigate and verify the interference of a passenger in the traffic police's normal law enforcement video that was circulated online. It has been confirmed that the online video transmission is true, and the passenger in question is Xu, the head of our bureau's communication department. At present, Xu has been dismissed from his position and given a disciplinary action of a major administrative demerit. On duty traffic police officer Zhang failed to strictly fulfill his legal duties and was given a disciplinary action of administrative demerit. After investigation and visits, it was found that the driver Wang was driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and administrative penalties have been imposed on him in accordance with the law. Our bureau will take this as a warning, strictly strengthen team management, regulate law enforcement behavior, and prevent similar problems from occurring. Sincere thanks to all sectors of society and the general public for their concern and support for the public security work in Zheng County. We sincerely accept and welcome everyone's supervision. Jiaxian Public Security Bureau July 6, 2023

Two cars crashed into a gap and caught fire, the reason is announced! The high-speed bridge suddenly collapsed in Dazhou | Bridge deck | Key
Two cars crashed into a gap and caught fire, the reason is announced! The high-speed bridge suddenly collapsed in Dazhou | Bridge deck | Key

According to CCTV News, at around 0:38 on July 6th, the surrounding rocks of the No. 6 bridge at K230+679 in the direction of Wanzhou to Dazhou on the G5012 En Guang Expressway section suddenly collapsed. The huge rocks washed away the bridge piers and columns, causing some bridge decks to collapse. This disaster caused 2 damaged vehicles to self ignite, and 3 people were lightly injured. The injured have been promptly sent to the central hospital of the state for treatment. After the announcement of the cause of the collapse of the car and van into the gap, the relevant units rushed to the scene for disposal as soon as possible. Rescue personnel from the Dazhou Comprehensive Emergency Rescue Detachment rushed to the scene of the accident with rescue equipment and conducted life detection on the collapsed area. No vehicles were found buried or showing signs of life. According to preliminary on-site investigation, the cause of the incident was a sudden collapse of the surrounding mountains at the location of Bridge No. 6, with boulders washing away a single bridge from Wanzhou to Dazhou

US media: Sweden's accession to the treaty this summer may be difficult to achieve, as neither country has agreed to NATO | Sweden | Both countries
US media: Sweden's accession to the treaty this summer may be difficult to achieve, as neither country has agreed to NATO | Sweden | Both countries

On the eve of the NATO summit, Swedish Prime Minister Christsson's visit to the United States to urge Sweden to join NATO as soon as possible is a key topic of discussion between Christsson and the United States. Although the US does not conceal its urgent desire for Sweden to join, due to internal differences within NATO, this wish may not be realized in the short term. On July 5th local time, US President Biden held talks with visiting Swedish Prime Minister Christian Song at the White House, focusing on promoting Sweden's accession to NATO as soon as possible. Biden said that the United States is eager for Sweden to become a member of NATO. It is widely analyzed that the NATO led by the United States is trying to promote Sweden's entry into NATO, hoping to gain the so-called "great symbolic significance" against the background of the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, according to the analysis of American media, Türkiye, as a member of NATO, strongly opposes

Can't they sit still?, Important raw material items for chips under China's export control | China | Export
Can't they sit still?, Important raw material items for chips under China's export control | China | Export

Starting from August 1st, China will implement export controls on gallium and germanium related items. As is well known, gallium and germanium related items have obvious dual-use properties, and implementing export controls is also an international practice. However, some people cannot sit still with the completely legitimate and reasonable export controls that China is about to implement. In the past two days, the United States, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, the European Union and other parties have responded one after another, with different language and tone. Special commentator Liu Yang from Changjiang News will provide you with in-depth interpretation. Changjiang News: After China announced that it will implement export controls on gallium and germanium related items, Western countries such as the United States and the Netherlands, as well as the European Union, have responded more fiercely, while Japan and South Korea have shown relatively restrained responses. Why is there such a contrast? Liu Yang: Firstly, the main users of gallium and germanium