The world

Focusing on the common interests of China and the United States, and maintaining smooth communication channels
Focusing on the common interests of China and the United States, and maintaining smooth communication channels

In 1973, on the eve of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and the beginning of a decades long honeymoon period, the National Committee on US China Trade was established under the auspices of the White House, the US Department of State, and the Department of Commerce. For half a century, China and the United States have become the two largest economies in the world. As a private non-profit and non partisan business association, the National Committee on US China Trade has been committed to economic and trade exchanges between the two countries, playing an important role. This year, the National Committee on US China Trade celebrated its 50th anniversary, but the association found that what needs to be addressed now is the already changing and constantly changing pattern of bilateral economic and trade relations between China and the United States, rather than promoting further expansion of economic and trade ties between the two countries. Nowadays, the Biden administration is strengthening its control over US technology exports and investments in China, and the US government's "Indo Pacific strategy" has caused a shock wave, both of which are causing damage

World Theory: US Media: Unprepared for Frequent Climate Disasters, Hawaii Wildfires Reflect Backward Governance Capability of US Federal and State Governments
World Theory: US Media: Unprepared for Frequent Climate Disasters, Hawaii Wildfires Reflect Backward Governance Capability of US Federal and State Governments

According to foreign media reports, it has been two weeks since the wildfire on Maui Island in Hawaii, and the wildfire has almost destroyed the historic town of La Haina. According to the latest report released by the Maui County government in Hawaii, USA on the 21st, the fire has caused 115 deaths and approximately 850 people are missing. In a report on the 20th, American Politician News Network pointed out that in the face of the deadliest wildfire in modern American history, US senators have stated that the inability to respond to disasters should not become the "new normal" for the country. Other lawmakers and climate organizations have also urged the White House to take more measures to prevent future climate related disasters. They couldn't help but wonder, if such an environmental disaster cannot prompt the US President to take action, what else can it be? This is not the first time the White House has faced such a measure

The New Education Policy in Florida, USA has angered teachers! Florida Teachers: Both teachers and students are victims
The New Education Policy in Florida, USA has angered teachers! Florida Teachers: Both teachers and students are victims

On August 23, China Daily News reported that Florida has approved a new set of standards on how public schools in the state teach African American history. Teachers in the state are now very concerned that the new policy will result in unemployment or even imprisonment. With the arrival of the new semester, teachers in Florida are struggling to figure out how to teach without violating the new policies. They lack confidence in their teaching plans and are puzzled by changes in state laws. The once gentle instructions may now become new charges. Richard Judd, a social research teacher at Nova High School in Broward County, said, "I don't know how to prepare for the new semester! The insidious aspect of the new policy is that it sets up many different 'traps' that can get you in trouble." Judd gave an example of how they created it

Chicago's crime rate has increased by 34%! The city councilor attempted to call on the criminals to "only shoot after 9 pm"
Chicago's crime rate has increased by 34%! The city councilor attempted to call on the criminals to "only shoot after 9 pm"

On August 23, China Daily reported that the violent incident that occurred in Chicago last weekend resulted in at least 40 people being shot, including at least 4 teenagers and 7 deaths. The youngest victim was only 14 years old. A survivor exclaimed in shock, "We dare not go to the park, the park is not safe!" According to the website of the Daily Mail in the UK, so far this year, the total number of crimes in Chicago has increased by 34% from 2022 and 82% from 2021. In the same period of 2022, Chicago had a total of 35186 crimes, but according to the city's own statistics, this number reached a staggering 47141 by 2023. According to reports, a politician and a community organization in Chicago are eager to slow down the city's continuous deterioration

No border violations have occurred, Russian Ministry of Defense: A Norwegian Air Force patrol aircraft approached the Russian border
No border violations have occurred, Russian Ministry of Defense: A Norwegian Air Force patrol aircraft approached the Russian border

On August 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that on that day, Russian airspace monitoring equipment detected an aerial target approaching the Russian border over the waters of the Barents Sea. A MiG-29 fighter jet on duty from the Russian Northern Fleet's air defense forces immediately took off to identify the aforementioned targets and prevent them from violating the Russian border. After confirmation, the aerial target is one P-8A "Sea God" patrol aircraft of the Norwegian Air Force. The statement stated that as Russian military aircraft approached, the aforementioned Norwegian military aircraft turned around and flew away from the Russian border, without any violations of the Russian border. Russian fighter jets strictly abide by international rules regarding the use of neutral waters over the airspace during their flight, and did not enter foreign aircraft routes or approach them in a dangerous manner.

Leaders of BRICS countries call for joint response to challenges, common development, and prosperity worldwide | BRICS | Countries
Leaders of BRICS countries call for joint response to challenges, common development, and prosperity worldwide | BRICS | Countries

Johannesburg, August 23 (Xinhua) - The BRICS Business Forum was held on August 22 at the Thornton Convention and Exhibition Center in Johannesburg, South Africa. Leaders of the BRICS countries delivered speeches at the closing ceremony, focusing on common development and prosperity, addressing risks and challenges, and building a better world together. South African President Ramaphosa, the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries, first delivered a speech. He said that the changes in the economies of the BRICS countries over the past decade have played an important role in changing the global economic landscape, and the BRICS countries have become a powerful engine of global economic growth. However, the impact of a new wave of protectionism and subsequent unilateral measures has undermined global economic growth and development. He called on the business community to work together to find solutions and address various challenges. Ramaphosa also stated that Africa is a country full of tremendous industrialization in various fields

Minister of Economy of Bolivia: looking forward to better use of RMB business under the "the Belt and Road" cooperation framework | RMB | Minister of Economy
Minister of Economy of Bolivia: looking forward to better use of RMB business under the "the Belt and Road" cooperation framework | RMB | Minister of Economy

Xinhua News Agency, Havana, August 22, La Paz news: In a video interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters on August 22, the Minister of Economy and Public Finance of Bolivia, Marcelo Montenegro, said that the country's RMB trading business had started well and expected to use the RMB better under the "the Belt and Road" cooperation framework. Montenegro stated that the Bolivian government supports the use of RMB for international trade settlement, which will expand the country's foreign trade space. He hopes to further promote exports to China in areas such as food and energy, and promote trade balance between the two countries. Montenegro also said that more and more countries have started RMB business, and the internationalization of the RMB is rapidly developing. It is expected that the participation of the RMB in future international trade activities will be higher. According to data released by the Bolivian government, as of the end of July, Bolivia has been trading in Chinese yuan

Pacific island country politicians and anti nuclear activists urge Japan to withdraw its decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Japanese government | Japan | politicians
Pacific island country politicians and anti nuclear activists urge Japan to withdraw its decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Japanese government | Japan | politicians

On August 23, Xinhua News Agency reported that the Japanese government will launch a decision to discharge contaminated water from Fukushima on August 24. Pacific island politicians and anti nuclear activists strongly condemned Japan's plan to discharge contaminated water into the sea and urged the Japanese government to withdraw this decision. Vanuatu's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Matteo Serimaya, called for strong action in the Pacific region to resist Japan's actions at the 22nd Melanesian Vanguard Group Leaders Meeting held in the capital city of Port Vila on the 23rd. "Unless it can be proven without controversy that nuclear contaminated water is safe, Japan cannot discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea.". Selimaya urged Japan to withdraw its decision to discharge contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea and seriously consider alternative options. James Baghwan, Fiji's anti nuclear activist and Secretary General of the Pacific Church Conference

South Africa continues to maintain China's position as the largest trading partner in Africa. China | Africa | China
South Africa continues to maintain China's position as the largest trading partner in Africa. China | Africa | China

On August 23, the General Administration of Customs released data showing that in 2022, China's imports and exports to South Africa reached 377.13 billion yuan, an increase of 8.6% compared to the previous year; Since the beginning of this year, the bilateral trade between China and South Africa has further accelerated, with a total of 226.15 billion yuan in the first seven months, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%. South Africa continues to maintain China's position as the largest trading partner in Africa. According to customs statistics, in the first seven months of this year, bilateral trade between China and South Africa accounted for 19.9% of China's total imports and exports to Africa, driving an overall growth of 2 percentage points in China's imports and exports to Africa. During the same period, Nigeria and Angola were China's second and third largest trading partners in Africa, with imports and exports of 95.29 billion yuan and 82.63 billion yuan respectively, accounting for 8.4% and 7.3% of the total trade value between China and Africa. At the same time, facing a severe and complex country

Hawaii wildfire has caused over 1100 missing persons | Wildfire | Hawaii
Hawaii wildfire has caused over 1100 missing persons | Wildfire | Hawaii

Beijing, August 23 (Xinhua) - According to a report from the US government on August 22, since the wildfire broke out in Maui County, Hawaii two weeks ago, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has recorded over 1100 people missing, and this number may further increase. This is a repair vehicle taken on August 22nd in La Haina, Hawaii, USA. Xinhua News Agency reported from multiple media outlets that local police, the Red Cross, and shelters have listed missing persons. FBI agent Steven Merrill told media reporters that the agency is currently cross checking the list of missing persons with local governments to determine the true whereabouts of those who are missing. According to Merrill, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has established a dedicated hotline and called on relatives of missing persons to contact this agency through the hotline. "We urgently need public help," he said

Xinhua News Review: "Global South" breathes the same breath and shares a common destiny. BRICS | Developing Countries | Global
Xinhua News Review: "Global South" breathes the same breath and shares a common destiny. BRICS | Developing Countries | Global

This is the scene of the BRICS Business Forum filmed on August 22nd in Johannesburg, South Africa. The BRICS Business Forum was held on the 22nd at the Thornton Convention and Exhibition Center in Johannesburg, South Africa. "Global South" originates from "Southern countries" and is a combination of emerging market countries and developing countries. Independent from

South Korean people gather in front of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea to strongly protest against Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea
South Korean people gather in front of the Japanese Embassy in South Korea to strongly protest against Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea

On the 22nd, a large number of South Korean citizens and opposition party members gathered in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, strongly condemning the Japanese government's announcement that it will launch the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan on August 24th, and urging Japan to immediately withdraw the plan Protesters said that although several experts have raised concerns about the safety of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea and demanded that Japan come up with a clear alternative plan, the Japanese government insists on promoting the most cost-effective and labor-saving discharge plan. The gathered crowd held slogans such as "Resolutely oppose Fukushima nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea!" "Demanding Japan to withdraw its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea!" and "The sea is not a garbage bin for Fukushima nuclear wastewater!", condemning the Japanese government's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the ocean. Protesters: Koreans are very anxious because we do not know that nuclear contaminated water will have an impact on human health

US real estate developer wants to acquire the disaster stricken island of Pimaoi at a low price. Local residents: will not leave
US real estate developer wants to acquire the disaster stricken island of Pimaoi at a low price. Local residents: will not leave

A large fire broke out on Maui Island, Hawaii, USA on the 8th of this month. Currently, the fire has caused 115 deaths and about 850 people are missing. Search work is still ongoing. Shortly after the fire broke out, many residents of La Haina, especially those who had previously lived in coastal areas, constantly received calls or emails from real estate agencies to purchase land at low prices. These residents angrily expressed that some people are extremely greedy and are determined to use this disaster to plunder land and profit from it As a seaside tourist destination, Lahaina's real estate has always been favored by investors, with high housing prices, and many indigenous people have been resisting excessive development of their communities. After the fire broke out, real estate developers took advantage of the situation and disregarded the physical and mental harm suffered by the disaster victims, constantly harassing them through phone or email, offering extremely low prices to acquire the land. local

Crossing the Red Line! This is the Japanese government's "stinginess" and "generosity"
Crossing the Red Line! This is the Japanese government's "stinginess" and "generosity"

Amidst widespread questioning and opposition both domestically and internationally, the Japanese government boldly decided on the 22nd to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean starting from the 24th. On the same day, Tokyo Electric Power Company, responsible for operating the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, announced that it had started preparations for discharging into the sea. According to its established plan, the process of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea will continue for at least 30 years, with impacts affecting the entire Pacific and even global waters. Washington Post: Just as the Kishida government announced the date for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, hundreds of Japanese citizens spontaneously gathered in front of the Prime Minister's residence in Tokyo, holding up slogans such as "Listen to the voice of fishermen" and "Polluting into the sea will affect future generations" to protest against the government's irresponsible decision. The day before, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had previously held a meeting with the National Fisheries Association of Japan at the Prime Minister's residence

San Francisco, USA is deeply embroiled in the "fentanyl wave". The number of drug overdose deaths this year may reach a new high. San Francisco Forensic Office | Statistics | Fentanyl
San Francisco, USA is deeply embroiled in the "fentanyl wave". The number of drug overdose deaths this year may reach a new high. San Francisco Forensic Office | Statistics | Fentanyl

On August 23rd, the New York Post reported that San Francisco, USA has been deeply embroiled in the "fentanyl" wave. More than 75% of respondents stated that the city is on the "wrong path". According to statistics released by the San Francisco Forensic Office, out of 71 deaths from drug overdose in July, 62 died from fentanyl overdose in San Francisco, according to American media. The number of drug overdose deaths in San Francisco this year may break the record set in 2020. The San Francisco health department once spent tens of millions of dollars to establish a "health center" to provide treatment for drug users, but critics say that the internal treatment model of the health center will only bring more problems and criminal behavior. Former senior agent of the US Drug Enforcement Agency, Michael Brown, bluntly stated that liberal politics

Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea has raised concerns among American experts: harmful radioactive elements may cross the entire Pacific Ocean | Fukushima | United States
Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea has raised concerns among American experts: harmful radioactive elements may cross the entire Pacific Ocean | Fukushima | United States

Activists participate in protests outside the Japanese Prime Minister's residence. Overseas website, August 23 (Xinhua) -- According to the website of National Geographic magazine on August 22, the Japanese government claims that Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is safe to discharge into the sea. However, American scientists are concerned that harmful radioactive elements in nuclear contaminated water may cross the entire Pacific Ocean, threatening the health of several generations and affecting the entire North American ecosystem. Robert Richmond, director of the Kevalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, said, "This is a cross-border, intergenerational event, and anything released into the ocean near Fukushima will not stay in one place." Richmond said that research results showed that after the Fukushima nuclear accident, radioactive elements and debris released from the accident were quickly detected 5500 miles off the coast of California.

BRICS Leaders Meeting | Russian Experts: China's Development Path Worth African Countries to Learn from BRICS | International | Countries
BRICS Leaders Meeting | Russian Experts: China's Development Path Worth African Countries to Learn from BRICS | International | Countries

International Online Report: The 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from the 22nd to the 24th. The BRICS Summit has once again entered Africa after five years, and related issues have attracted widespread attention from the international community. Dtyev, a professor at the People's Friendship University of Russia and head of the Department of International Relations Theory and History, said in an interview with International Online reporters that this summit will help to speak up for the vast majority of the world's population in Asia and Africa. He also pointed out that China's unique development path will provide reference for developing countries, including African countries. Professor and Director of the Department of International Relations Theory and History at the People's Friendship University of Russia, Detyev Detyev, stated that Africa's population is maintaining rapid growth, and according to relevant institutions, the total population of Africa and Asia may rise to the world level by around 2100

A private plane crashes in Russia. Wagner founder Prigoren is on the boarding list. Russia | Death | News | Passengers | List | Prigoren | Report | Aircraft
A private plane crashes in Russia. Wagner founder Prigoren is on the boarding list. Russia | Death | News | Passengers | List | Prigoren | Report | Aircraft

On the 23rd local time, according to TASS citing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, a private plane crashed in the Rostyville Oblast of Russia, causing 10 deaths. TASS quoted the Russian Aviation Administration as reporting that the founder of the Wagner Group, Prigoren, a private military contractor in Russia, was on the passenger list of the crashed plane. But it cannot be confirmed whether Prigoren himself will board the plane. According to the footage displayed by Flight Radar24, another plane belonging to Prigoren originally took off after the crashed plane, but later turned around over Moscow and landed at other Russian airports. There are reports that Prigoren is skilled at confusing others, and he may have used personal information to check in on a crashed plane, but he was on another plane. The news department of the Russian government in Rostyville stated that on August 23rd

Prigo is still on the list, early reading | Russian private plane crash private | plane | list
Prigo is still on the list, early reading | Russian private plane crash private | plane | list

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Thursday, August 24, 2023, on the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, it will be cloudy to overcast in Shanghai. There will be short-term showers in the southern region, and some areas will experience short-term showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon. The temperature will be between 25-33 ℃. Today, we will pay attention to a private plane crash in Russia, with Prigoren on the list. On the 23rd, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations said that a private plane crashed in the Tver Oblast of western Russia, killing all 10 people on board. The Federal Air Transport Agency of Russia stated that the passenger list includes Yevgeny Prigoren, founder of the Wagner organization, a private military entity in Russia. TASS quoted the news agency of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations as saying that the private plane took off from the Sheremetevo Airport in the capital Moscow and was scheduled to travel to St. Petersburg. There are a total of 10 people on board, including 3 crew members

Putin: Russia has surpassed Germany
Putin: Russia has surpassed Germany

According to a report on the website of today's Russian television station on August 22nd, Russian President Putin cited a recent report released by the World Bank on August 22nd, stating that despite Western sanctions against Russia and predictions that the Russian economy will collapse, Russia has surpassed Germany and other countries to become one of the top five economies in the world based on purchasing power parity. According to estimates released by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund based on official data from various countries, Russia's gross domestic product calculated at purchasing power parity reached $5.51 trillion at the end of last year. Their report indicates that this number is 38% higher than the official estimate of $3.993 trillion. On July 29th, Russian President Putin attended a press conference after the Second Russia Africa Summit in St. Petersburg. The data also shows that according to the purchase

What happened to Japanese officials who claimed to drink nuclear contaminated water 12 years ago?
What happened to Japanese officials who claimed to drink nuclear contaminated water 12 years ago?

According to Japanese media reports, the Japanese government will initiate the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea at 1pm on the 24th. Based on CCTV news and reading news reports, as early as the year of the Fukushima nuclear accident, which was at the end of October 2011, then Japanese Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Arada, in order to prove that the treated Fukushima nuclear contaminated water was "drinkable and problem free", he drank half a cup of treated nuclear contaminated water from Units 5 and 6 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in front of media reporters. Although the radioactive substances in the water have been removed, Yasuhiro Arada's hands have been trembling as he pours water into the cup, and his lips feel nervous when they touch the cup. Afterwards, the media believed that Yasuo Arada's move was a show, and it was exposed that his behavior was forced by journalist pressure. Afterwards, Yasuhiro Yuantian became famous by drinking

The police have found three bags, and the female doctor has been missing for a month while traveling in Tajikistan
The police have found three bags, and the female doctor has been missing for a month while traveling in Tajikistan

According to the WeChat official account of the Chinese Embassy in Tajikistan on August 16, a Chinese citizen surnamed Zheng disappeared during his "free travel" in the dangerous Batang River area of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Prefecture of Tajikistan. After receiving the report, the embassy in Tajikistan immediately notified the tower side and requested immediate search and rescue. On August 19th, the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan released information on the investigation of Ms. Zheng's disappearance case. According to the announcement translated by China Overseas Chinese Network, on July 22, Kosimov Doniyar Zamirovich, a Tajik citizen who worked as a driver at Visit Alay Tourism Company in the Kyrgyz Republic, reported Ms. Zheng's disappearance to the police. The driver is married, has 5 children, and has no criminal record. According to the announcement, Ms. Zheng, a Chinese citizen, was born in 1

Releasing signals of readiness for a full-scale war, the United States and South Korea initiate large-scale military exercises
Releasing signals of readiness for a full-scale war, the United States and South Korea initiate large-scale military exercises

On August 21st local time, South Korea and the United States officially launched the "Shield of Freedom" joint military exercise. According to a report by Yonhap News Agency, this year's "Yizhi Freedom Shield" joint military exercise aims to enhance the joint response capability of the South Korean US alliance and enhance the ability to win a full-scale war. In the increasingly sensitive and complex situation on the peninsula, where will the continued escalation of military actions by the United States and South Korea lead the situation on the peninsula? "Yizhi Freedom Shield": An unusual military exercise. Since the beginning of this year, South Korea and the United States have continuously carried out joint military exercises to escalate the situation on the peninsula. In March, the armies of the United States and South Korea conducted a joint military exercise called "Shield of Freedom"; In May, the two armies of South Korea and the United States held a live fire exercise called "Joint Collaborative Firepower Destruction Training" in the city of Baochuan, Gyeonggi do, South Korea, not far from the military demarcation line between North and South Korea. On August 21st, South Korea and the United States conducted a joint exercise on the "Shield of Freedom"

Mom stealing admission letters to obstruct daughter's enrollment? The latest news is coming! Netizens got into a quarrel
Mom stealing admission letters to obstruct daughter's enrollment? The latest news is coming! Netizens got into a quarrel

Recently, the incident of a mother stealing an admission letter and obstructing her daughter's enrollment has sparked heated discussions. According to reports, on August 23rd, the reporter contacted the person involved, Jia Jia, who claimed that her mother has now agreed for her to go to China Academy of Drama. "My mother lost contact with my admission letter," Jia Jia is a 17-year-old from Chongqing. Jia Jia scored 563 points in the college entrance examination. When filling out her application, her mother hoped that she would apply for a targeted teacher training program. Although Jia Jia initially filled in the targeted teacher training program and local schools in Chongqing according to her mother's instructions, she later secretly changed her preferences and applied for more than 20 majors she wanted to study, none of which were located in Chongqing. Jiajia yearns for big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. After my mother learned that Jiajia had changed her preferences and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, she had a few big fights. My mother doesn't want me to read Chinese opera,

Cross disciplinary employment, Zeng Pai, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee
Cross disciplinary employment, Zeng Pai, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee

According to the official website of China Resources Finance, China Resources Finance recently held a business analysis meeting for the first half of 2023. Zeng Pai, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Resources Financial Holding, emphasized in his speech that in the face of severe and complex external situations, each business unit should improve its position, enhance work foresight, hold the bottom line of avoiding systemic risks, and spare no effort to achieve the annual target tasks; To strengthen confidence, maintain strategic composure, and take the mid-term review of the 14th Five Year Plan as an opportunity to assist in the high-quality development of industrial finance; We must work together, highlight the clear guidance of "emphasizing practice and building new achievements", promote the deep integration of theme education and business development, and contribute financial strength to the promotion of China Resources' "1246" model. The above news shows that Zeng Pai, who was previously a member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Qianhai Cooperation Zone, and Secretary of the Nanshan District Party Committee, has now served as a member of the China Resources Financial Holding Party

Can you really enjoy the "hydrogen blessing" by inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking hydrogen water, taking hydrogen baths?
Can you really enjoy the "hydrogen blessing" by inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking hydrogen water, taking hydrogen baths?

Recently, a man surnamed Liu complained to the media about a health store falsely promoting information to the elderly, which has attracted widespread attention. According to Mr. Liu, his father suffered from hypertension and diabetes. The store used this to promote to his father that hydrogen absorption can reduce blood pressure, blood sugar and inflammation, and scars on his body can get better after soaking in hydrogen water. Therefore, his father spent 19800 yuan to buy a hydrogen machine in the store. He inhaled hydrogen in the store during the day, went home at night, and bathed in hydrogen water. Mr. Liu even suspected that his father's death was related to inhaling hydrogen gas. We don't know the exact cause of Mr. Liu's father's death, but there are many elderly people like Mr. Liu's father who are passionate about inhaling hydrogen gas at present. For a period of time, hydrogen therapy centers, hydrogen clubs, and some stores have emerged one after another

Good news! The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission deploys this action
Good news! The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission deploys this action

The China Securities News reporter learned that a package of policies supporting the development of strategic emerging industries by central enterprises is expected to be accelerated, and the establishment of a special fund for the development of strategic emerging industries is also being accelerated. At present, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is actively deploying the central enterprise industry revitalization action and the future industry launch action. As a national team in the automotive industry, central enterprises are accelerating their layout. Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. is accelerating the development of strategic emerging industry integration clusters, actively implementing a new round of "state-owned enterprise reform deepening and upgrading actions", and gathering the strength of the entire company to develop the independent passenger vehicle new energy industry. On August 16th, Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. announced the implementation of the Dongfeng Passenger Car New Energy "Leap Action", a major management system adjustment for the independent passenger car new energy industry - the group's "upgrade" integrated management of Dongfeng Fengshen and Dongfeng under the "Dongfeng" brand

Lawyers interpret the four major controversies, with the mother claiming to have been detained for over a hundred days. A man in Shanxi is accused of rape for having sexual relations with his wife after being engaged to a marriage
Lawyers interpret the four major controversies, with the mother claiming to have been detained for over a hundred days. A man in Shanxi is accused of rape for having sexual relations with his wife after being engaged to a marriage

According to a report by Huashang Daily's Dafeng News on August 18th, Ms. Zhen from Yanggao County, Datong, Shanxi Province, said, "At the engagement banquet, the bride was given a dowry of 100000 yuan. After one year of marriage, the bride's name was added to the property certificate of the marriage house. The next day, they had a relationship in the marriage house, and the expectant mother-in-law talked to my son and recorded a conversation, demanding that the name be added and the remaining 100000 yuan be added. As a result, due to not being processed in time, the bride reported a rape case on the fourth day." According to reports, Ms. Zhen stated that her 27 year old son had been detained for 105 days, and the case was prosecuted by the prosecutor's office and will start on August 24th in court. Court, the evidence referred to is the woman's confession and a recorded conversation between her mother and Ms. Zhen's son. Ms. Zhen introduced that on May 2nd, the mother of the female party once individually called her son to the child's car for a conversation and even recorded it on her phone. Afterwards, the woman's mother called again

An Guiwu, former Secretary General of Jilin Provincial Government, has been appointed as Secretary of the Party Committee of Northeast Securities. Jilin Provincial Government | Former Secretary of the Party Committee
An Guiwu, former Secretary General of Jilin Provincial Government, has been appointed as Secretary of the Party Committee of Northeast Securities. Jilin Provincial Government | Former Secretary of the Party Committee

According to the official website of Dongwu Securities, on the afternoon of August 18th, Fan Li, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Dongwu Securities, led a team to visit Northeast Securities in Changchun, Jilin. Li Fuchun, Chairman of Northeast Securities, An Guiwu, Party Secretary, and He Junyan, President, received Fan Li and his delegation, and the two sides had discussions and exchanges. The above news shows that An Guiwu, who was originally the Secretary General of the Jilin Provincial Government, has been appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Northeast Securities. According to public data, An Guiwu, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1967 in Linghai, Liaoning Province. He joined the CPC in May 1985 and started working in July 1992. He has a master's degree in system engineering from the School of Management of Harbin Institute of Technology and a senior master's degree in business administration from Changjiang Business School. An Guiwu once held positions such as Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Youth League Central Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Youth League Central Committee

Formerly a member of "Hongtong", Hubei entrepreneur Lan Shili applied for national compensation and was filed after being acquitted. Hubei | Guangzhou People's Procuratorate National Compensation Work Office | Applying for National Compensation
Formerly a member of "Hongtong", Hubei entrepreneur Lan Shili applied for national compensation and was filed after being acquitted. Hubei | Guangzhou People's Procuratorate National Compensation Work Office | Applying for National Compensation

On the afternoon of August 22nd, 63 year old Lan Shili, the former richest man in Hubei, received a notice of criminal compensation filing issued by the National Compensation Office of the Guangzhou People's Procuratorate. On March 3, 2016, Lan Shili was detained and placed under residential surveillance by the Guangzhou police for involvement in a contract fraud case. On July 9th of the same year, he left his designated residence and went to Singapore, but also became a "Red Cross member" on suspicion of contract fraud. In November 2019, Lan Shili was arrested in Singapore and escorted back to his home country. On December 20, 2021, Lan Shili was acquitted by the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court and released. Image: On August 23, 2023, Lan Shili was interviewed by multiple media outlets in Beijing, including Red Star News. He stated that he has submitted a national compensation application totaling over 500000 yuan