The world

South Korea's largest opposition party rallies against Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge plan | Japan | Plan
South Korea's largest opposition party rallies against Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge plan | Japan | Plan

Seoul, June 3 (Xinhua) - The largest opposition party in South Korea, the Democratic Party of Korea, held a rally in Busan on June 3 to oppose the Japanese government's discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, while criticizing the South Korean government for letting Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea go unchecked. According to Yonhap News Agency, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, Lee Jae ming, attended the "condemnation conference against Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the southern ring" held in Busan on the same day, with about 5000 people attending the rally. Lee Jae myung said at the rally that South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol should clearly state his position that Japan will never be allowed to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea and strongly protest against it. Lee Jae ming urged the South Korean government to conduct a thorough safety verification of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge plan into the sea. The Japanese government officially decided on April 13, 2021 to filter and dilute millions of tons of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

And then. , Sino-US Defense Secretary shook hands with the head of State | relationship | China and the United States
And then. , Sino-US Defense Secretary shook hands with the head of State | relationship | China and the United States

The 20th Shangri La Dialogue opened in Singapore on the 2nd. The scene of US Secretary of Defense Austin shaking hands with Chinese State Councilor and Secretary of Defense Li Shangfu before the opening dinner of the incense ceremony on the evening of the 2nd has attracted widespread attention from foreign media and analysts. The video released by foreign media reporters on social media shows that Austin and Li Shangfu smiled, nodded, and shook hands for nearly 10 seconds. Numerous officials and journalists present took out their phones to record this scene. On the evening of the 2nd, Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Reid said in a statement that Austin and Lee Shangfu had a brief conversation and shook hands at the opening dinner of the incense ceremony, but the two sides did not engage in "substantive exchanges". The statement also stated, "The Ministry of National Defense advocates maintaining open channels of communication between the military and China, and will continue to seek meaningful discussions between the military at multiple levels.",

What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States
What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States

The United States has been wronged again. Recently, the US Department of Defense has been complaining everywhere, saying that China has rejected the US request for a meeting between the US and China defense ministers. Subsequently, American media intervened and claimed that the US had made several weeks of efforts to ensure this meeting, Barbara... At first glance, it seems that China is not giving the US the opportunity and face, but since it is the US who is complaining, the matter needs to be pondered. At present, the 20th Shangri La Dialogue is being held in Singapore, with Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu invited to attend. The proposed "China US Defense Ministers Meeting" by the US aims to have US Defense Ministers Austin and Lee Sang fu meet in Singapore. Originally, the debut of the newly appointed Chinese Defense Minister's "Xianghui" was highly anticipated. But the Chinese side hasn't said much yet, and the United States has taken advantage of the heat first - on May 30th, the United States

American research: Americans have lower life expectancy compared to dozens of countries, further exacerbating their disadvantage in life expectancy | Americans | United States
American research: Americans have lower life expectancy compared to dozens of countries, further exacerbating their disadvantage in life expectancy | Americans | United States

On June 4th, according to a report by the U.S. Congressional Hill on June 2nd, a latest study shows that in the past few decades, the growth in average life expectancy among Americans has slowed down, and the average life expectancy of Americans lags behind that of dozens of countries. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health on the 1st found that the disadvantage of American life expectancy began in the 1950s, and over the past 40 years, as dozens of countries performed better, the disadvantage of the United States further intensified. Steven Woolf, director of the Center for Social and Health at the Federal University of Virginia in the United States, said that the problem is "more serious than we imagine," and there are far more countries performing better than the United States than we imagine. Research shows that from 1950 to 1954, the increase in life expectancy among Americans was 0.21 years; one

What kind of "moral values" does Chinese culture cultivate? Morality | Life | Education
What kind of "moral values" does Chinese culture cultivate? Morality | Life | Education

Editor's note: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China points out that China's excellent traditional culture has a long and profound history, and is the wisdom crystallization of Chinese civilization. It contains values such as serving the public, the people as the foundation of the country, governing with virtue, reforming the old and promoting new, appointing people with merit, integrating nature and humanity, striving for self-improvement, carrying material with virtue, promoting trustworthiness and harmony, and being kind to neighbors. It is an important embodiment of the Chinese people's accumulated worldview, worldview, social view, and moral view in long-term production and life, and is highly consistent with the values of scientific socialism. The Chinese people's "outlook on the universe, the world, society, and morality" reflects the long history and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization, and is an important dimension for the world to understand China, the Chinese people, the CPC, and the Chinese nation. The "East West Question" column of China News Agency has launched a series of plans to interpret the "Four Views"

Sudanese people worry about escalating war and worsening humanitarian crisis. Ceasefire agreement | People | Sudan
Sudanese people worry about escalating war and worsening humanitarian crisis. Ceasefire agreement | People | Sudan

On the evening of June 3rd local time, the temporary ceasefire agreement signed by both parties in the Sudan conflict expired. Many Sudanese people are concerned that the war may escalate, and they will face further humanitarian crises such as deteriorating security, food shortages, and water and power outages. Khartoum resident Yusuf Mohammad: This ceasefire agreement has not been fully implemented, so it is not a true ceasefire. The ceasefire agreement should provide convenience for humanitarian aid to enter, but during the ceasefire period, many people fled Khartoum. Khartoum resident Mirjani Diyab: We hope the conflict ends as soon as possible, but we see that many armed individuals do not want the conflict to end, they only want to rob and steal. This is a human tragedy, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated to the extreme, no one has taken moral standards into consideration, and bandits are rampant. We dare not speak out in anger. six

British photographer Lijiang launches: Promoting Cross border Cultural Exchange through Photography | Yunnan | Cultural Exchange
British photographer Lijiang launches: Promoting Cross border Cultural Exchange through Photography | Yunnan | Cultural Exchange

"I have been pursuing the goal of using photography to promote mutual recognition and understanding between different countries and cultures," said British photographer Mike Freeman in an interview with China News Agency on June 3. On that day, Mike Freeman's personal photography exhibition "Yunnan under the lens, reluctant Lijiang" was held in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, showcasing more than 30 photography works taken by Mike over the years in various parts of Yunnan. In his over 50 year career in photography, Mike has traveled around the world and contributed to multiple international magazine publishers. He has published over 150 books and sold nearly 5 million copies in total. In 2008, Mike began exploring and filming the Tea Horse Trail in China. After the publication of his book "The Tea Horse Road" in 2011, he continued to delve into the tea horse road

The latter is not allowed to fill the market in China yet, the calculation is too loud! US lawmakers want the US government to pull Japan and South Korea to retaliate against China for US glory. US | China | US government
The latter is not allowed to fill the market in China yet, the calculation is too loud! US lawmakers want the US government to pull Japan and South Korea to retaliate against China for US glory. US | China | US government

Last month, Chinese authorities announced that Micron's products sold in China had not passed cybersecurity inspections, and operators of critical information infrastructure in China should stop purchasing Micron's products. According to reports from Reuters, Bloomberg, and others on June 2nd, Michael McCall, Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Gallagher, Chairman of the U.S. China Strategic Competition Committee, urged the Biden administration to unite with U.S. allies, including Japan and South Korea, to retaliate against China's ban on Micron Corporation. It is ridiculous that while seeking help from allies, these two lawmakers also claimed that the United States must ensure that Japanese and South Korean companies cannot fill the gap left by Micron in the Chinese market. According to Bloomberg, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives, Michael McCall, these two Republican lawmakers are communicating with the United States

Centennial Echo, Global Connection | One of Canada's "Internet Celebrities" Experience Chinese path to modernization · Listen to Cultural Relics | Cultural Heritage | China
Centennial Echo, Global Connection | One of Canada's "Internet Celebrities" Experience Chinese path to modernization · Listen to Cultural Relics | Cultural Heritage | China

In recent years, China has vigorously strengthened the protection of cultural heritage. On the one hand, it has continuously inherited, innovated, and introduced cultural relic protection and restoration technologies, carried out international cooperation, and restored and protected cultural relics; On the other hand, we will continue to pay attention to the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage, and promote the continuation of traditional Chinese culture through innovation. Wang Kai, a Canadian writer and teacher in China, came to Chongqing Dazu Rock Carvings, a world cultural heritage, to feel the charm of the peak works of cave art in southern China, learn from cultural relics restoration workers about cultural relics restoration technology, and experience the challenges and feelings of craftsmanship; Learn from the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage in Banan District, Chongqing, playing traditional instruments and experiencing the charm of Chinese folk music. This demonstrates China's protection and inheritance of traditional historical and cultural heritage. Producer: Zhang Qin, Chen Dongyan, Jiang Yangyi

Media Review: RCEP's Full Effectiveness Will Revitalize Asia Pacific Economic Enterprises | Philippines | Economy
Media Review: RCEP's Full Effectiveness Will Revitalize Asia Pacific Economic Enterprises | Philippines | Economy

According to Taiwan's Economic Daily on June 3rd, RCEP will officially enter into force for the Philippines from June 2nd, which means that all 15 signatory countries have completed the effective procedures. In 2022, multiple members achieved year-on-year growth in intermediate goods trade within the RCEP region. Among them, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines all saw a growth rate of over 10% in intermediate goods trade within the RCEP region; The growth rate of intermediate goods trade between Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines in the RCEP region exceeds that of global intermediate goods trade. Now, all 15 members of RCEP are in place, and all walks of life assess that RCEP has entered a new milestone after its full entry into force, which will revitalize the economy of the Asia Pacific region frustrated by trade conflicts and the COVID-19 epidemic, and will also promote the opening of the markets of China, Japan and South Korea, and open up Northeast Asia and

Media attention: China Argentina promotes high-quality economic and trade cooperation in the Belt and Road | Argentina | China Argentina
Media attention: China Argentina promotes high-quality economic and trade cooperation in the Belt and Road | Argentina | China Argentina

Latin American News Agency reported on June 2 that China and Argentina signed a cooperation plan on jointly promoting the construction of the "the Belt and Road" on June 2. The the Belt and Road Initiative aims to connect this Asian giant with the rest of the world through a huge infrastructure and cooperation network. The National Development and Reform Commission of China announced that the cooperation plan fully implements the important consensus of the leaders of China and Argentina on high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", follows the principles of consultation, joint construction and sharing, adheres to the concept of openness, green and integrity, and aims at high standards, sustainability and people's well-being. The cooperation plan aims to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides in areas such as infrastructure, energy, economy and trade, finance, and culture. The National Development and Reform Commission of China stated that the signing of the cooperation plan is of great significance for deepening political mutual trust and strategic docking between the two countries

Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations
Grasp these points | Gaokao gas station, exercise to relieve stress and welcome the Gaokao milestone. In addition, sports and gas stations

The college entrance examination is a crucial milestone for every candidate and their family. During the pre exam period, candidates bear a great deal of mental pressure. Many candidates and parents are concerned that sports will not only squeeze their review time, but also pose certain risks. In case of muscle and bone injuries, it will also affect the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable exercise plan before the exam can not only improve the body's immune system and enhance disease resistance, but also regulate the candidate's tension, improve their physiological and psychological state, and be beneficial for pre exam review and exam performance. Here are some suggestions for exercising before exams, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The selection of suitable exercise methods before the exam varies from person to person, and each candidate's actual situation is different. The selected exercise items, amount of exercise, and exercise methods should also be different

This school uses rock climbing to relieve stress for students and pursue glory. The high school and college entrance exams are about to be reviewed. Students
This school uses rock climbing to relieve stress for students and pursue glory. The high school and college entrance exams are about to be reviewed. Students

This year's college and middle school entrance exams are coming soon. While reviewing and preparing for the exams, high school and junior high school students in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, took some time to play rock climbing together. After a tense day of study, the sunset shone on the campus. Graduates arrived at the climbing wall on campus, with nervousness, timidity, and anticipation in their eyes. Physical education teacher Zhu Baoyang began to explain the key points and demonstrated the "ultimate skill" of climbing the 15 meter race track in 10 seconds. The children exclaimed and applauded. Encouraged by the teacher, the students were eager to try on protective gear and safety ropes. According to their actual situation, they chose different difficulty tracks. The more students climbed up, the harder it became for them to climb. Some routes still require turning, maneuvering, and pulling upwards. If one chooses to give up during these stages, they will not be able to reach the top, but in the end, everyone overcomes the difficulties and shakes loudly

People's Daily Review: Creating a Better Business Environment with a Clear Network Environment | Network | Doing Business
People's Daily Review: Creating a Better Business Environment with a Clear Network Environment | Network | Doing Business

Recently, the Central Cyberspace Administration held a special symposium to listen to the opinions and suggestions of some enterprise representatives on optimizing the business network environment and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of enterprise networks. Against the backdrop of an unstable foundation for economic recovery, with significant triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakened expectations, optimizing the business network environment is of great practical significance for promoting sustained economic improvement and achieving high-quality development. A clear online environment is an important component of the business environment. A good business network environment is like sunshine, water, and air, which are essential for business entities. For a period of time, from fabricating facts and subjectively assuming false information, to distorting interpretations and deliberately hyping unbearable remarks... There have been occasional bizarre discussions on the internet that affect economic development and smear the business environment. These illegal and irregular behaviors

Typical case announcement! The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination: Be cautious of being deceived in the integrity exam | candidates | warning
Typical case announcement! The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination: Be cautious of being deceived in the integrity exam | candidates | warning

As the 2023 college entrance examination approaches, a large number of candidates are actively adjusting their state, calmly and orderly preparing for the exam. However, some illegal elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even carry out fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments and based on some typical cases that have emerged in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in exams. Organizing Cheating in the College Entrance Examination, Unable to Escape the Recovery of the French Open [Case] Before the 2020 college entrance examination, candidate Zhu and Wen discussed organizing cheating in the exam. Zhu provided the test questions, and Wen was responsible for finding the "gunman" and jointly funded the cost of the "gunman" doing the test questions. During the exam, Zhu brought his mobile phone into the examination room to take photos of the exam papers and pass them on

Global Connection | Chinese "Zizi" Flavor in the Eyes of Foreigners - Fun Cuju Spring and Autumn Warring States | Barbecue | Connection
Global Connection | Chinese "Zizi" Flavor in the Eyes of Foreigners - Fun Cuju Spring and Autumn Warring States | Barbecue | Connection

Since March this year, Zibo, Shandong Province has become a top tier online restaurant due to its barbecue, attracting tourists from all over the country to rush to Zibo for barbecue. In fact, Zibo not only has barbecue, but as the hometown of Qi during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, there are also many unique Eastern "Zizi" flavors here. Ian, a South African, worked at a foreign language training institution in Linzi for nine years. Recently, he received a gift - Cuju, which made him realize that his city, Zibo and Linzi, is the birthplace of world football. Therefore, he decided to experience Cuju and learn about its history. Director: Zheng Yugang Translated and Reviewed: Zheng Qingbin New Media Xinhua News Agency Shandong Branch China Xinhua News and Television Network Joint Production Xinhua News Agency International Communication Integration Platform Production

Is the "miracle drug" for blood pressure actually starch? How much does it cost! The police have seized a large number of counterfeit drugs involved in the case | counterfeit drugs | cost
Is the "miracle drug" for blood pressure actually starch? How much does it cost! The police have seized a large number of counterfeit drugs involved in the case | counterfeit drugs | cost

Recently, the police in Nanzhang, Hubei Province successfully dismantled a counterfeit drug production and trafficking gang, involving a total amount of over 50 million yuan; These people mixed starch and citric acid to make colorful capsules and put them into the medicine boxes printed with various miraculous efficacy descriptions, which became the so-called "magic medicine" for treating diabetes, hypertension and other diseases. Previously, Hubei police discovered drugs such as Qiangli Bao that claimed to have lipid-lowering and blood pressure lowering effects in a pharmacy. After identification, these were all fake drugs. Subsequently, the police investigated and arrested the dealers of counterfeit drugs, and seized a large number of counterfeit drug products and packaging materials. After investigation, the police locked a suspect who made fake drugs under the online name of "red envelope". Zhang Peng, Deputy Commander of the Public Security Brigade of Nanzhang County Public Security Bureau in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province: We have formulated many contingency plans, and where he is going, I will

Someone almost disfigured or lost their sight, don't take pictures of such insects! Venom is comparable to sulfuric acid. Cryptoptera | Netizens | Sulfuric acid
Someone almost disfigured or lost their sight, don't take pictures of such insects! Venom is comparable to sulfuric acid. Cryptoptera | Netizens | Sulfuric acid

On the 4th, the topic # My face was disfigured by a caterpillar # topped the trending list and sparked a discussion. If you encounter this type of insect, don't slap it off again! Be careful it will cause skin to ulcerate! Cryptoptera, what's the origin? Cryptoptera, also known as "flying ants". It is yellow and black, looking like an ant with wings. From June to September each year, a large number of cryptopters appear. After the rain in summer and autumn, it is the active period for cryptopters, which usually appear in damp grasslands. Cryptoptera have phototaxis and fly towards light at night. The various segments of the body of the hidden winged insect contain toxins, are highly acidic, and highly corrosive, known as the "flying sulfuric acid.". There is an anus at the end of the insect's abdomen, which secretes venom, leading to cryptoptera dermatitis. This refers to contact dermatitis caused by skin contact with the venom inside the body of cryptoptera

Looking at the decline of artificial intelligence? Rothschild Family's "Reduction" of NVIDIA Analysts | AI | Family
Looking at the decline of artificial intelligence? Rothschild Family's "Reduction" of NVIDIA Analysts | AI | Family

Amman, a Chinese fund newspaper, is quietly reducing its position at a time when the world is crazy about AI. According to a June 2 Bloomberg report, BenjaminMelman, the global chief investment officer of the capital management agency EdmonddeRothschild, revealed that the company has been over-matching Nvidia since the end of 2020, but has now partially taken profits and now holds a "much smaller position". It is understood that this Geneva, Switzerland-based asset management institution is owned by the Rothschild family, a veteran European financial family with a history of more than 200 years, and currently manages assets of 79 billion Swiss francs. Holding the Edmondd of "stepping on the right" rhythm during the 8-year period, according to Fintel.

The United States has failed to process radioactive nuclear waste | Radioactive | United States
The United States has failed to process radioactive nuclear waste | Radioactive | United States

According to the New York Times website on May 31, from 1950 to 1990, the US Department of Energy produced an average of four nuclear bombs per day, which were produced in hastily built factories with few environmental measures, leaving behind a large amount of toxic radioactive waste. The report states that the most serious problem is undoubtedly in the Hanford factory area in Washington state. Engineers sent there to handle radioactive waste after the Cold War discovered 54 million gallons of highly radioactive sludge, which was produced during the production of plutonium in American atomic bombs, including the atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. Underground storage tanks filter out toxic waste into the Columbia River just 6 miles away, clean up these tanks and stabilize them in some way for permanent disposal, which is the most encountered in history

Is the true culprit of the "Beixi" incident? Germany is tracking his witnesses | Germany | the incident
Is the true culprit of the "Beixi" incident? Germany is tracking his witnesses | Germany | the incident

According to a report on the website of the Spanish newspaper "Pioneer" on June 3, a spokesperson for the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe, southwestern Germany, confirmed on June 2 that German police searched the residence of a person suspected of being involved in the destruction of natural gas pipelines "Nord Stream 1" and "Nord Stream 2" in May. According to multiple media reports, the house that was searched at the end of last month is located in Frankfurt on the banks of the Oder River, a municipality in the state of Brandenburg, only a few kilometers from the Polish border. According to the above-mentioned media reports, the female tenant of the house was questioned as a witness. She is the former partner of Ukrainian citizen Stefan M, who is currently the main suspect under German investigation. This suspect is a member of the Ukrainian armed forces and is currently participating in combat operations on the front line. ▲ Data images

A woman with a window and a person falling down from the 24th floor? Police report! Window | Community | Police
A woman with a window and a person falling down from the 24th floor? Police report! Window | Community | Police

On June 3, 2023, at 11:14 am, our bureau received a report stating that a resident of Tiantai Yuyuan Community had fallen from a building and died. After receiving the report, the public security organs immediately took action. After investigation, Jia jumped off a building and died after igniting gas at home. We express our deep sorrow and regret for the loss of life. To respect the deceased and their relatives, please do not spread live videos or pictures. On June 4, 2023, the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of Binzhou Public Security Bureau reported that a woman fell from the 24th floor with a window and a person, and the gas company ruled out the possibility of a gas explosion. The Safety Supervision Bureau stated that it was not a safety production accident. On the morning of June 3, according to media reports, a woman fell from the 24th floor in a residential area of Binzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone in Shandong Province, and the window also fell along with her. It is suspected that gas had occurred

Taiwan media pays close attention to the "Incense Gathering": Taiwan related issues and speeches by the defense ministers of China and the United States are the focus of attention. China | Minister of National Defense | Incense Gathering
Taiwan media pays close attention to the "Incense Gathering": Taiwan related issues and speeches by the defense ministers of China and the United States are the focus of attention. China | Minister of National Defense | Incense Gathering

The 2023 Shangri La Dialogue will conclude in Singapore today, with representatives and scholars from more than 40 national defense departments, including Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu and US Defense Secretary Austin, attending the dialogue to explore ways to maintain peace and stability in the region. The speeches of the defense ministers of China and the United States and their movements at the conference have attracted attention from all parties, and the focus of Taiwan media has been on the Taiwan Strait issue. Taiwan media has been closely following the "Incense Gathering". Several Taiwanese media outlets have continued to report on the event, and Taiwan's United Daily News has focused on China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu's speech titled "China's New Security Initiative". The article cites the speech content and emphasizes that if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate at all and will not fear any opponents. No matter how much the cost is, they will resolutely uphold it

Pressing down grades and prices, and violating fees can be reported... Henan takes multiple measures to ensure the weather for summer grain procurement | wheat | summer grain
Pressing down grades and prices, and violating fees can be reported... Henan takes multiple measures to ensure the weather for summer grain procurement | wheat | summer grain

The continuous rainy weather has put the summer grain procurement work to the test. In order to conscientiously carry out the summer grain procurement work in 2023, on June 2, the reporter learned from the Henan Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau that, in accordance with the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, excessive wheat that can only be used as feed and industrial grain will be classified and purchased by the local government to strictly prevent unqualified grain from flowing into the grain market and maximize the protection of the interests of grain farmers. At present, the grain and material reserve departments in the province are actively organizing market-oriented procurement, strengthening monitoring, early warning, and information dissemination of the wheat market, guiding local state-owned grain enterprises, government reserve rotation enterprises at all levels, and other market entities that have signed collection and storage agreements to enter the market for procurement, ensuring smooth and orderly procurement activities. Build a purchasing and sales docking platform, actively connect with large grain consuming enterprises inside and outside the province, and achieve production and sales cooperation

Statement of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association: a statement made out of thin air that two mages were reported to have embezzled charity money online | a statement made out of thin air | monks | spread | articles | Buddhism | release | Mount Mount Wutai
Statement of Mount Wutai Buddhist Association: a statement made out of thin air that two mages were reported to have embezzled charity money online | a statement made out of thin air | monks | spread | articles | Buddhism | release | Mount Mount Wutai

Recently, users of several Internet and short video platforms released an article entitled "Monks of Mount Wutai Jinge Temple report Changshan, Wuchao embezzle charity money and seize temple property in real name", which quickly spread on the Internet and caused heated discussion. On June 1, the Mount Wutai Buddhist Association of Shanxi Province issued a solemn statement, saying that the content of the article was untrue. The statement said that the content of the article was that the monk Beile fabricated the facts out of thin air, reversed black and white, and maliciously discredited Master Changshan and Master Wuchao, which seriously violated the reputation of the two wizards and had a very bad negative impact on the image of Mount Wutai, the Buddhist holy land. This behavior is suspected of being illegal or even criminal. Starting from today, any individual or platform who publishes or disseminates such false information should immediately delete and stop infringing. Otherwise, the Mount Wutai Buddhist Association will cooperate with relevant units to take legal measures seriously

He used "it's okay" self anesthesia, and after receiving the money, Xie Qiyi | technique | relationship
He used "it's okay" self anesthesia, and after receiving the money, Xie Qiyi | technique | relationship

"I regret it very much. I hope everyone can learn from me and never touch the bottom line of discipline and law..." After the court ruling came into effect, Xie Qiyi, former director of the Teaching Department of Yuhuan Vocational and Technical School in Zhejiang Province, came to the Gangnan Community Correctional Law Enforcement Squadron of the Municipal Bureau of Justice for a conversation. In September 2012, Xie Qiyi was promoted to serve as the Director of the Teaching Department of Yuhuan Vocational and Technical School, with student enrollment management and procurement of teaching materials and auxiliary materials becoming his main focus. Many textbooks and teaching aids suppliers are trying their best to attract orders for the new semester by promoting teaching aids written by their own companies. Yan, the legal representative of a cultural company in Hangzhou, is the most active one. "You don't have to worry, this is an industry unwritten rule." "Don't worry, this is our industry rule, and we will handle the accounts properly."

The doctor of the "post-85" Peking University has served as the deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee, doctor | Fujian | Municipal Party Committee | Peking University | Introduction | Mount Wuyi | Nanping City | Yu Zhou
The doctor of the "post-85" Peking University has served as the deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee, doctor | Fujian | Municipal Party Committee | Peking University | Introduction | Mount Wuyi | Nanping City | Yu Zhou

Yu Zhou, a "post-85" cadre who was introduced by Nanping, Fujian Province, as a doctor of Peking University eight years ago, has recently gone to Mount Wuyi City to take office. According to the news of "Mount Wuyi News" on the WeChat official account, on June 1, a meeting of Mount Wuyi City's leading cadres was held, announcing that the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Nanping Municipal Party Committee had decided that Yang Qingjian would serve as a member of the Standing Committee of Nanping Municipal Party Committee and continue to serve concurrently as the Secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee; Yu Zhou is a member, standing member and deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee. The surging news noticed that the official website of Mount Wuyi Municipal Government had been updated recently, and Yu Zhou's resume appeared in the column of "Municipal Government Leaders". According to publicly available information, Yu Zhou, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1987 in Luoshan, Henan, is a member of the Communist Party of China, holds a graduate degree, and holds a Ph.D. in philosophy. Yu Zhou entered the Philosophy Department of Peking University in 2006 and served as the head of the Peking University Student Union in 2009

Famous economist posts: Hurry up and report to the police! Stock Recommendation | Fund Company | Economist
Famous economist posts: Hurry up and report to the police! Stock Recommendation | Fund Company | Economist

Recently, the fraudsters have been a bit rampant. They cheat under the banner of well-known economists and ten billion level fund managers. From the perspective of fraud techniques, they fabricate fake official account, spread false information in QQ groups, and conduct illegal stock recommendation activities. Renowned economist Guan Qingyou posted helplessly, "Who could have imagined that someone would impersonate me to recommend stocks to everyone? This makes me feel embarrassed, and I don't even know the specific stocks." Recently, several well-known figures were impersonated. Renowned economist Guan Qingyou posted, "Who could have imagined that someone would impersonate me to recommend stocks to everyone. This makes me feel embarrassed. I don't even know the specific stocks, how can I recommend them to others? Moreover, this is a serious compliance issue and also a bottom line issue. I hope everyone will be vigilant and not be deceived. If found, report to the police as soon as possible." Guan Qingyou "

The District Commission for Discipline Inspection responded that the fallen officials threatened the media with Jiang Moufan | Video | Commission for Discipline Inspection
The District Commission for Discipline Inspection responded that the fallen officials threatened the media with Jiang Moufan | Video | Commission for Discipline Inspection

Recently, some media reported that the official video account of China Youth Network, Qingfengxia, received a "magical call". A person claiming to be "Jiang Moufan" demanded that Qingfengxia delete a video report of an anti-corruption warning on the grounds of infringing on his portrait rights, and stated that if it was not deleted, he would entrust a lawyer to sue the media in court. After comparison and confirmation, the person who claimed to be "Jiang Moufan" over the phone is Jiang Moufan, former Party Secretary, Chairman and General Manager of Ouhai Construction Group Co., Ltd. in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. The video he requested to delete was released by Green Hornet three years ago, titled "Alarm Clock 60 Seconds | They Are Not Afraid of Me Not Taking the Second Time". Jiang Moufan is a fallen state-owned enterprise executive who repents in the video. In May 2020, according to a report from the Wenzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Jiang was previously suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation

Injured in Indian train derailment collision accident: The train made a sound like firecrackers during the incident to treat | daughter | accident
Injured in Indian train derailment collision accident: The train made a sound like firecrackers during the incident to treat | daughter | accident

Recently, according to official news from the Indian state of Orissa, a large number of injured people are currently receiving treatment in hospitals. They told the media about the scene of the accident. Train derailment collision injury: When the incident occurred, the train made a sound like firecrackers. The train collided with the train, and we were thinking about what happened, making such a loud noise. We started shaking, my daughter and I started shaking together. After a while, we heard a loud noise and the carriage began to roll. As we tumbled along with the carriage, my daughter was trapped there, buried under a heavy iron block right in front of me. I tried to stand in the corner, but my head was hit by something like an iron rod. I thought about how to save my daughter, but I didn't know how to move such a heavy iron block. My daughter has been crying all along, right in front of me