The world

Let more people appreciate the beautiful scenery (on-site comments)
Let more people appreciate the beautiful scenery (on-site comments)

From gathering popularity to emphasizing service, and then to ensuring safety, the development of the cultural and tourism industry cannot be separated from a common theme: providing high-quality cultural and tourism products to the people, bringing a high-level cultural and tourism experience. Park the car, open the door, find the right position, select the right angle, and quickly press the "shutter"... a series of continuous actions are only to capture the beautiful scenery that cannot be missed. Some people hold long guns and short cannons, while taking photos and lamenting that they are too beautiful; Some people took out their phones and took a few photos in both horizontal and vertical screens, looking at the photos and exclaiming, "It's too pleasing to the eye.". The impulse of tourists to take photos is a compliment to the scenery. This scene in Bomi County, Nyingchi, Xizang, reflects the charm of the plateau scenery. Go to the geological park, see the spruce forest, admire the Midui Glacier... Tourists immerse themselves in the mountains and waters, it's really lively. "This is a lively year," a tourist bus driver told me

Leap down and sink to the front line (with thoughts crisscrossing), organize | problem | front line
Leap down and sink to the front line (with thoughts crisscrossing), organize | problem | front line

Conducting investigations and research throughout the Party is an effective way to transform work style, closely connect with the masses, improve performance skills, and strengthen responsibility. How to do a good job in investigation and research? This involves the attitude and methodology of investigation and research.To group

Guangming Forum: Schools that Make Children Grow Strong and Practice Well | Children | Forum
Guangming Forum: Schools that Make Children Grow Strong and Practice Well | Children | Forum

The body is the capital of revolution, and a healthy body is the foundation of all things.A strong youth makes a strong country. Children are the future of our country and the Chinese nation

Fully promote the scale of rejuvenation of a powerful country with Chinese path to modernization | Modernization | China
Fully promote the scale of rejuvenation of a powerful country with Chinese path to modernization | Modernization | China

Chinese path to modernization deeply reflects the fundamental political position of the CPC and the essential requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has distinctive Chinese characteristics. It is a modernization with a huge population, a modernization with common prosperity for all people, a modernization with coordinated material and spiritual civilization, a modernization with harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and a modernization with peaceful development. The Chinese path to modernization was formed by the CPC by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture

Escort the Struggle and Dreams of Students (People's Current Review) Society | College Entrance Examination | Dreams
Escort the Struggle and Dreams of Students (People's Current Review) Society | College Entrance Examination | Dreams

Only by ensuring a fair starting point for the college entrance examination can we achieve the goal of selecting talents without any restrictions and maintain social fairness and justice. A college entrance examination selection mechanism that better meets the requirements of building a high-quality education system and better serves to improve the quality of independent talent cultivation will enable more people to enjoy the opportunity to excel in life. The 2023 college entrance examination will arrive as scheduled. Millions of candidates from across the country walked into the exam room, facing challenges and pursuing their dreams. In order to achieve a safe college entrance examination, the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice deploying various regions to carry out the "2023 College Entrance Examination Escort Action", taking practical and effective measures in exam organization, exam safety, policy promotion, and candidate services. Public security and traffic management departments in various regions are also on high alert, strictly managing the traffic order around the examination venues, actively serving the travel of candidates, parents, and examination staff, and fully ensuring the safety and timely response of candidates. One year

Relying on one's own strength to secure the production of rice bowls | agriculture | rice bowls
Relying on one's own strength to secure the production of rice bowls | agriculture | rice bowls

Author: when General Secretary Ouyangqi Xi Jinping systematically discussed the Chinese characteristics of an agricultural power at the Central Rural work Conference held in December 2022, he will "rely on his own strength to hold the rice bowl." China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion, must protect its rice bowls on its own at all times, and insist on grasping both output and production capacity, quantity and quality, and production ecology. "enhancing the resilience and stability of the agricultural industrial chain supply chain" is explained as the primary content. During his inspection tour of Guangdong in April 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed that China is a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, and further proposed that "solving the problem of food and ensuring food security" should attach importance to the construction of offshore pastures and "blue granaries." General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition is on how to consolidate the foundation of food security of big countries in the new era.

The United States learned about it three months ago, American media reported that Ukraine was plotting to attack the North Stream. The CIA | Pipeline | United States
The United States learned about it three months ago, American media reported that Ukraine was plotting to attack the North Stream. The CIA | Pipeline | United States

According to the Washington Post on June 6th, three months before the underwater explosion of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline in June 2022, the United States had intelligence on Ukraine's plot to launch an attack on the pipeline. According to the report, a European intelligence agency collected details about the plan and shared them with the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States in June last year. Intelligence shows that the Ukrainian military plans to use a six member team from the Ukrainian special forces to carry out a secret attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, which will report directly to the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. These details provide some of the most concrete evidence to date linking the Ukrainian government to the North Stream attack. According to reports, this European intelligence report was published on the social media platform Discord, allegedly by a US Air Force national

China will be a trendsetter. [What's happening in China] British media: The next wave of industrialization in Europe | Shenzhou | A trendsetter
China will be a trendsetter. [What's happening in China] British media: The next wave of industrialization in Europe | Shenzhou | A trendsetter

China Daily, June 6th (Xinhua) - Recently, the domestically produced large aircraft C919 completed its commercial maiden flight, and the launch of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft was a complete success. Chinese automotive companies surpassed Japan in terms of export quantity in the first quarter of this year and won the world's first place. In the eyes of foreign media, this series of news officially indicates that China is going to be a trendsetter in the second wave of industrialization. "Pretending that Britain can still catch up with China is ridiculous - because China is already far ahead of us," commented a column in The Daily Telegraph. The article states that on May 28th, China's domestically produced large aircraft C919 successfully made its commercial debut. Although the flight distance from Shanghai to Beijing is only 1000 kilometers, this is an important milestone. China already has domestically produced large aircraft that can compete with Boeing and Airbus. The progress China has made is not

"Joining Hands to Build a Better Future" Tatopani | China | Construction
"Joining Hands to Build a Better Future" Tatopani | China | Construction

Nepal is located at the southern foot of the the Himalayas, bordering the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. In recent years, China and Nepal have continuously strengthened practical cooperation in areas such as connectivity, economic and trade investment, and energy development, achieving fruitful results. Our reporter recently went to Nepal to interview and witness the tangible convenience and benefits that China's aid in building roads, schools, sports fields and other livelihood projects have brought to the local people. Various sectors in Nepal have expressed to reporters that the prospect of deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between Nepal and China is promising, and they look forward to continuously writing new chapters of friendship across the Himalayas. "Let this lifeline connecting the two countries glow with new vitality" The high peak of the the Himalayas passes through the clouds and is particularly spectacular under the sunshine. Traveling north from Kathmandu surrounded by mountains, after exiting the city center, you enter the Anigo Highway. This road is bustling with cars and horses, creating a bustling scene

Why is the "Latin American fever" of China's initiative constantly rising? Collaboration | China | Ruiping
Why is the "Latin American fever" of China's initiative constantly rising? Collaboration | China | Ruiping

Roses from Ecuador are in short supply in Guangzhou, the "flower city" of China. Countries such as Cuba are opening stores on Chinese e-commerce platforms, and beef from Latin America is constantly expanding the Chinese market... Why is China Latin America cooperation so "hot"? Perhaps the answer can be found from the statement made by former Colombian President Ernesto Sampel in a recent interview: "We are at this end of the Pacific, and we hope that there will be an initiative for common development across the Pacific." This initiative for common development is the the Belt and Road initiative proposed by China. In Latin America, the enthusiasm for jointly building the "the Belt and Road" with China is growing. A recent representative event is that the Argentine Minister of Economy Massa visited China a few days ago, and China and Argentina signed a cooperation plan to jointly promote the construction of the "the Belt and Road". This is after Argentina joined in February last year

CCTV reporter observation | Saudi Arabia and Iran increase trust and dispel doubts. Bilateral relations continue to improve. Saudi Arabia | Embassy | Relations
CCTV reporter observation | Saudi Arabia and Iran increase trust and dispel doubts. Bilateral relations continue to improve. Saudi Arabia | Embassy | Relations

On the evening of June 6th Saudi time, the Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia officially reopened. The embassy is located in the embassy district of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia held a reopening ceremony, with representatives from Saudi Arabia and representatives from multiple embassies, including China, invited to attend. What impact will the resumption of diplomatic relations and reopening of embassies between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as two major regional powers, have on their future development and cooperation? Let's take a look at the observation report sent back by the CCTV reporter from Iran. The interaction between the two countries has increased. Middle Eastern media are actively looking forward to the future. First of all, on the political level, since the official resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries in April, ministerial level officials have begun official visits and meetings. Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal also stated on the 2nd that he will officially visit Iran in the near future. With the resumption of diplomatic relations with Yisha

Injecting Strong Power into Regional Economic Integration (New Economic Direction) Philippines | ASEAN | Economy
Injecting Strong Power into Regional Economic Integration (New Economic Direction) Philippines | ASEAN | Economy

The total population, GDP, and trade value of goods in the RCEP region all account for about 30% of the global proportion. The full implementation of the RCEP will greatly promote the free flow of production factors such as raw materials, products, technology, talent, capital, information, and data within the region, play an important role in stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, and bring tangible dividends and benefits to enterprises. On June 2, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement officially came into effect for the Philippines, marking the full implementation of the RCEP for the 10 ASEAN countries and 15 signatory countries including Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand. What is the significance of RCEP's full implementation? How to make good use of the policy dividends set by the Football Association? The reporter conducted an interview. On November 15, 2020, the 10 ASEAN countries, as well as Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, entered a new stage of comprehensive implementation

The issue of child labor in the United States is alarming, but many states have further relaxed restrictions on child labor laws
The issue of child labor in the United States is alarming, but many states have further relaxed restrictions on child labor laws

The United States has a long and brutal history of exploiting child labor. The United States, which considers itself a "human rights defender" and frequently accuses other countries of violating human rights, is the only country among the 193 members of the United Nations that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Public Broadcasting Corporation News program recently reported that many states in the United States have passed or are considering relaxing legal restrictions related to child labor. According to reports, Iowa and Arkansas have passed multiple legal restrictions related to child labor this year to relax. In addition, four states, Minnesota, Nebraska, Missouri, and Ohio, are promoting the relaxation of relevant legal restrictions. Among them, the relevant laws passed by Iowa have the widest coverage. For example, allowing minors to engage in previously prohibited work areas, including blasting, excavation, rooftop operations, etc. Other states are also considering extending the extension period

American style "justice" shattered the ground, "Looking Back at Shi Hai: Invasion of Panama, USA | Panama | Justice
American style "justice" shattered the ground, "Looking Back at Shi Hai: Invasion of Panama, USA | Panama | Justice

At the end of 1989 to the beginning of 1990, the United States invaded Panama under the guise of human rights and drug control, and fought a blitzkrieg called "Justice Cause". The US military defeated the defending forces of the Panamanian army in just 15 hours, overthrew the Panamanian government, and spent another 15 days arresting former Panamanian government leader Noriega and bringing him back to the United States for trial. Despite the withdrawal of the US military from Panama, this invasion still brought shame to the term "justice". On a material level, war left Panama with tens of thousands of refugees and dilapidated cities. On a spiritual level, the US military controls news and public opinion, glorifying the aggressive war... The Panamanian people have endured years of pain and deception. Powell's calculation: On the early morning of December 20, 1989, the United States sent nearly 30000 soldiers to invade Panama, in addition to attacking military facilities

CEO of Merck Group in Germany, Ge Lihe: Decoupling from China will incur huge economic costs. Executive Board | China | Economy
CEO of Merck Group in Germany, Ge Lihe: Decoupling from China will incur huge economic costs. Executive Board | China | Economy

According to Reuters, the Chairman and CEO of Merck Group in Germany, Greihe, stated at a press club event in Frankfurt on Monday evening that lifting trade relations with China would come at a huge economic cost. She hopes to ease tensions between China and Western powers through dialogue. On the evening of the 5th, Ge Lihe, Chairman and CEO of the Executive Board of Merck Group in Germany, took photos at a press club event. The report states that for several months, lawmakers in the United States and Germany have been calling for a reduction in trade with China to reduce dependence on China. Ge Lihe said, "When I hear politicians say we must decouple, I think it's not feasible... decoupling will take 20 years to achieve, and for what?" "Globalization is bringing welfare and innovation to the world."

The Chinese side refutes it!, The United States accuses China of being "aggressive" and falsely accuses China of being "aggressive"
The Chinese side refutes it!, The United States accuses China of being "aggressive" and falsely accuses China of being "aggressive"

According to Bloomberg on the 6th, the White House claimed on the 5th that the interception actions of Chinese ships and fighter jets against the US military indicate that Beijing is becoming increasingly "aggressive" and that this may lead to accidents and cause casualties. On the 6th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the hegemonic actions of the United States are the root cause of maritime and air security risks. Experts interviewed by the Global Times believe that the US accusing China of being "aggressive" and other false accusations is to find "legitimate reasons" for political mobilization. Recently, the US military has frequently dispatched military planes and ships to provoke and cause trouble in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea, and China has intercepted them in accordance with the law and regulations. On June 3rd, the US destroyer "Zhong Yun" and the Canadian frigate "Montreal" sailed through the Taiwan Strait, and the People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command organized sea and air forces to closely monitor the entire process.

Essay: The "Divine Logic" of America's "Freedom of Navigation" Provoking | China | The United States
Essay: The "Divine Logic" of America's "Freedom of Navigation" Provoking | China | The United States

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 6 (Xinhua) - "The Divine Logic of the United States' Freedom of Navigation" - Gao Wencheng, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, recently held a Shangri La dialogue. Faced with the question of "Chinese military aircraft and warships intercepting American military aircraft and expelling American warships," Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu asked in response, "Why are these events happening near Chinese airspace and territorial waters, rather than near the airspace and territorial waters of other countries?" The questioners came aggressively to cooperate with their recent accusation of the Chinese military's handling of US provocation as "creating danger.". Li Shangfu's rhetorical question reveals the essence of the incident: If the United States manages its own military aircraft and ships well and does not cause trouble everywhere, where does the "danger" come from? Who is the creator of danger? Who is the victim? The answer is self-evident. Americans are not far away

She, born in the 1970s, fell from grace, and another "spy" from the discipline inspection commission was investigated. Leader | Supervision Commission | Discipline Inspection Commission
She, born in the 1970s, fell from grace, and another "spy" from the discipline inspection commission was investigated. Leader | Supervision Commission | Discipline Inspection Commission

On the evening of June 6th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission simultaneously released two news reports of the commission's "insider" falling from power. According to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Ma Fengxia, the director of the Third Supervision and Inspection Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to public information, Ma Fengxia, female, born in February 1970, holds a graduate degree from Inner Mongolia Party School and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Served as the Deputy Director of the Third Supervision and Inspection Office of the Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and a Level 1 Researcher. Cao Xing, who fell from grace on the same day as her, also had many years of experience serving as a discipline inspection commission. According to the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Cao Xing, former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee and former Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government in Guangdong Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently under investigation in Guangdong Province

Zhao Xintong apologizes! The Chinese Billiards Association speaks out with great weight, and snooker players Liang Wenbo and Li Xing are banned for life. The Snooker Association | China | Lifetime
Zhao Xintong apologizes! The Chinese Billiards Association speaks out with great weight, and snooker players Liang Wenbo and Li Xing are banned for life. The Snooker Association | China | Lifetime

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association officially announced on the 7th Beijing time the ruling on 10 Chinese snooker players who were previously accused of manipulating matches in the UK. Liang Wenbo and Li Xing were suspended for life, and other related players were also suspended for different periods of time. The China Billiards Association has stated that it will strictly punish the players involved and carry out industry wide warning education. Starting from the second half of 2022, 10 players, including Zhao Xintong, Zhang Jiankang, Chen Zifan, Yan Bingtao, Lu Ning, Li Xing, Zhao Jianbo, Bai Langning, Chang Bingyu, and Liang Wenbo, are suspected of manipulating game results for gambling purposes and have been suspended by the World Taiwan Federation and the China Billiards Association. On June 7th at midnight Beijing time, the World Taiwan Federation announced that the independent World Taiwan Federation Disciplinary Committee had made a ruling on the 10 players, prohibiting Leung Man bo and Lee Hang from participating in snooker matches for life,

Qingdao's new policies comprehensively cover new and second-hand houses, and optimize the real estate market in cities such as Qingdao and Suzhou. Policy | New Houses
Qingdao's new policies comprehensively cover new and second-hand houses, and optimize the real estate market in cities such as Qingdao and Suzhou. Policy | New Houses

In the short term, real estate policies in various regions may continue to be optimized, and there are still expectations of policy relaxation in first - and second tier cities. Overall, the expectation of subsequent policy easing will be strengthened, and new policies are expected to be introduced in June. Some policy tools may go beyond the scope of conventional tools in the past. Securities Daily reporters have found that since June, many regions have introduced real estate optimization policies, mainly focusing on reducing down payment ratios, optimizing housing provident fund, and optimizing purchase restrictions. The policy content is broader and stronger than in previous years. Yan Yuejin, Research Director of E-House Research Institute, told Securities Daily that the current period is crucial for real estate companies to focus on sales, especially with poor sales data from April to May. Therefore, more support should be given to the home purchase policy in June. Overall, the expectation of subsequent policy easing will strengthen,

Our embassy has issued a safety reminder that a Chinese citizen's vehicle was smashed and slightly injured, and a violent riot occurred in the capital of Angola to protect the public | China
Our embassy has issued a safety reminder that a Chinese citizen's vehicle was smashed and slightly injured, and a violent riot occurred in the capital of Angola to protect the public | China

On the 5th, due to the significant increase in gasoline prices by the An government, which caused public dissatisfaction, a demonstration occurred in the capital city of Wanbo Province, which escalated into violent riots, resulting in casualties and public property damage. A Chinese citizen's vehicle was smashed and suffered minor injuries. On the 6th, the local security situation has eased somewhat. Due to the impact of this oil price adjustment on the lives of Angolan people, there is still a risk of deterioration in the security situation in the future. The Chinese Embassy in Angola reminds all Chinese citizens and institutions in Angola to closely monitor the latest trends in local social security and safety situation, effectively improve safety awareness, and protect personal lives and property from infringement. At the same time, strictly abide by the law in business operations, work legally, comply with traffic regulations, reduce unnecessary travel, and avoid going to, passing by, or observing various demonstrations or group riots. In case of emergency, please do so promptly

Yang Hua has been expelled from the party! False rotation discipline of leading cadres in the jurisdictional unit | Supervisory Commission | Unit
Yang Hua has been expelled from the party! False rotation discipline of leading cadres in the jurisdictional unit | Supervisory Commission | Unit

According to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed in China Life Insurance and the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed in China Life Insurance and the Jinzhou Municipal Supervisory Commission in Liaoning Province recently conducted a disciplinary review and supervision investigation into Yang Hua, former Party Secretary and President of Guangfa Bank Shenyang Branch, for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, Yang Hua lost her ideals and beliefs, abandoned her original mission, disregarded party discipline and national laws, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, and deliberately opposed organizational censorship; Violating regulations by accepting gifts and cash, and using it to organize weddings for children before retirement to accumulate wealth recklessly; When organizing inquiries, it is not advisable to truthfully explain the issues to the organization, provide assistance to others in employee recruitment, and accept property; Improper performance of duties and false rotation of leadership cadres in the jurisdiction unit; Relying on loans to take out loans, willing to be "hunted" or even actively seeking rent, taking advantage of one's position

Please check it!, The national scholarship has been received, please pay attention to the retired soldiers on campus. Students | country | soldiers
Please check it!, The national scholarship has been received, please pay attention to the retired soldiers on campus. Students | country | soldiers

Have you received the national scholarship for undergraduate and junior college students who retired full-time soldiers in school in 2023? A screenshot provided by a retired college student from Hunan Normal University is what's going on. Let's explore the situation. The subsidy amount is about 71.99 billion yuan. Previously, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Ministry of Education issued a notice on the budget for student aid subsidies in 2023. The data shows that the student aid subsidy amount for 2023 is about 71.99 billion yuan. The notice mainly involves retired soldiers, including: ① Provincial finance, education departments, and relevant universities must strictly follow policy regulations to take effective measures in a timely manner to compensate tuition fees for eligible military service university students and retired soldier students, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Ministry of Education has issued a notice on the reimbursement of tuition fees for national student aid loans

This matter needs attention... a plate of cold cucumber almost cost him his life! Expert reminder: extremely high mortality rate cucumbers | hospitals | experts
This matter needs attention... a plate of cold cucumber almost cost him his life! Expert reminder: extremely high mortality rate cucumbers | hospitals | experts

In the hot summer weather, the refrigerator seems like a survival tool. Whether it's fresh vegetables, fruits, or leftovers that don't want to be thrown away, everything is stuffed into it. Recently, 67 year old Uncle Huang suffered from septic shock due to a plate of cold cucumber that was refrigerated overnight. He almost stepped into Guimen Pass and refrigerated the cold cucumber overnight. After finishing the shock, he went to the hospital for treatment the night before yesterday. Due to the arrival of guests at home, the food was more abundant than usual, and there was still more than half of the plate of cold cucumber left. After dinner, Uncle Huang casually put it in the refrigerator. The next morning, before he went out to work, he habitually took out this plate of cold dishes from the refrigerator and ate them with rice porridge. Unexpectedly, two hours later, Uncle Huang began to experience symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. In the evening, he suddenly developed a high fever, followed by critical symptoms such as blackening in front of his eyes and trembling all over his body.

Deeply concerned, the United Nations Security Council is urgently meeting! Chinese representative: Seriously concerned about the damage to the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam | Dam | Destruction
Deeply concerned, the United Nations Security Council is urgently meeting! Chinese representative: Seriously concerned about the damage to the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam | Dam | Destruction

On June 6th local time, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on the damage to the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam. The Chinese representative expressed serious concern over the damage to the hydroelectric dam and called on all parties to maintain rational restraint and resume peace talks. Martin Griffith, Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations, gave an on-site briefing. Griffith said that the destruction of the dam of the Kakhovka Hydropower Station is the most serious civil facility destruction event since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which will have a profound impact on both banks of the Dnieper River in the coming days. Griffith stated that the United Nations is urgently responding by providing assistance to over 16000 affected civilians. Representatives from multiple countries called on all parties to ensure the safety of civilian facilities in military operations. Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun stated in his speech that China has a strong interest in Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power

Creating a "New Sample" of High Quality Development in the Shipbuilding Industry, Focusing on Finance and Economics | First Domestic Large Cruise Ship Docking System | Cruise Ship | Domestic
Creating a "New Sample" of High Quality Development in the Shipbuilding Industry, Focusing on Finance and Economics | First Domestic Large Cruise Ship Docking System | Cruise Ship | Domestic

On the 6th, on the golden coastline of the East China Sea, a large cruise ship with a white painted, streamlined hull and a "Dunhuang Flying Sky Ribbon" on its body sounded its whistle and slowly sailed out of the No. 2 shipyard of China Shipbuilding Corporation Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. towards the East China Sea... This was the first domestically produced large cruise ship, the "Aida Modu". The departure from the dock marks the transition of the first domestically produced large cruise ship from static construction to dynamic commissioning, bringing it closer to delivery to the market and operation. 25 million components, over 20000 sets of equipment, 136 systems, and over 500 global suppliers... The first domestically produced large cruise ship is not only another peak for China's shipbuilding industry, but also a landmark product driving the development of China's cruise industry. The "giant system" project with 25 million components is 323.6 meters long,

Clear water and clear waves reflect the way of water governance in China - Observation of China's ecological civilization practice | Water quality | China
Clear water and clear waves reflect the way of water governance in China - Observation of China's ecological civilization practice | Water quality | China

On June 6th, Beijing, Xinhua News Agency reported that China has achieved a series of significant achievements in water management practices, from the first full water supply of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal in a century, the first multiple water systems in North China to be connected to the sea in decades, and the entire Yangtze and Yellow River main streams reaching Class II water quality. From the return of the peach blossom jellyfish, known as the "water quality monitor," to the reappearance of water bodies in multiple regions. According to Li Lei, the director of the Institute of Watershed Ecology and Environment at the Beijing Institute of Water Science and Technology, whether it is large-scale ecological restoration and protection of watersheds or the functional improvement of small and micro habitats, they all demonstrate the historic changes that are happening in China's water conservancy industry from different dimensions. Since entering a new era, China has adhered to the water management concept of "prioritizing water conservation, balancing space, systematic governance, and dual efforts", and written the answer sheet of the era of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The cruise ship sailed past Tongzhou, Beijing

Undertaking the Youth Mission and Praising China · Theme Education Youth Comic Review ④ | Continuing the Modernization of Historical Context | China | Youth
Undertaking the Youth Mission and Praising China · Theme Education Youth Comic Review ④ | Continuing the Modernization of Historical Context | China | Youth

This requires us to place cultural inheritance and innovation in a more prominent position, continuously combine new era conditions to inherit and innovate excellent traditional Chinese culture, and truly achieve confidence, self-reliance, and self-improvement. If it weren't for the 5000 years of Chinese civilization, where would there be any Chinese characteristics? If it weren't for Chinese characteristics, where would there be

The 2023 Hundred Day and Ten Million Recruitment Special Action Launches Recruitment | Services | Action
The 2023 Hundred Day and Ten Million Recruitment Special Action Launches Recruitment | Services | Action

Beijing, June 6 (Xinhua) - In order to smooth job search and recruitment channels and strengthen youth employment services, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2023 100 day and 10 million recruitment special action on June 6. It will use 100 days to provide over 10 million job positions for college graduates and other groups, and help college graduates and various types of workers find employment. According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the action aims to expand job channels with the theme of "career guidance for future dream building youth". The relevant measures include: innovating the launch of the "Employment Director Visiting Enterprises, Entering Parks and Expanding Jobs" activity, actively connecting with key enterprises, government investment projects, industrial parks, etc., and collecting a batch of urgently needed job information; Timely grasp the vacancy situation of positions in grassroots government agencies, public institutions, grassroots service projects, grassroots management, and social services, and widely collect a batch of recruitment position information; Mobilize operations

The "compensatory leave" for the college entrance examination is here! During the college entrance examination, working people should pay attention to these things ->Office | Working Day | Working People
The "compensatory leave" for the college entrance examination is here! During the college entrance examination, working people should pay attention to these things ->Office | Working Day | Working People

The 2023 college entrance examination will be held from June 7th to 9th. All three days of this year's exam are working days, and many places have adjusted their working hours to encourage staggered travel. What are the precautions for going to work during the college entrance examination? Let's take a look together ↓ Don't make a mistake with the alarm clock! In order to reduce traffic pressure and create a good exam environment, many parts of the country have issued notices to adjust the working hours of government agencies and public institutions, and encourage enterprises to arrange staggered commuting. The working hours of government agencies and public institutions in Shenyang, Liaoning Province will be postponed by one hour, and the lunch break time will remain unchanged. The working hours of Hunan Lianyuan public institutions have been delayed to 9pm, and the working hours in the afternoon have been delayed to 15:00. The working hours in the morning and afternoon remain unchanged. The working hours of government agencies and public institutions within the Huangshi urban area of Hubei Province have been temporarily adjusted to 9:30 am. If there is an urgent need to handle it