The world

China will host the first Chain Expo! US companies actively respond and respond to the US technology war. China | International | Actively respond
China will host the first Chain Expo! US companies actively respond and respond to the US technology war. China | International | Actively respond

On June 11th, the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reported that under the "risk reduction" rhetoric of the United States, China will hold the first International Supply Chain Promotion Expo to consolidate its global position. According to reports, as the United States and its allies strengthen trade restrictions with China, China, as the world's second-largest economy, is seeking to protect its crucial role in global manufacturing. In this context, the first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo will kick off on November 28th this year in Beijing. The first Chain Expo was hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. According to Ren Hongbin, President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the 5-day Chain Expo will be themed "Linking the World and Creating the Future Together", aiming to help "Chinese enterprises participate more deeply in global industrial division of labor" and "promote the construction of resilient global industrial and supply chains"

Accused of infidelity during divorce! The court ruled that the "lost only" elderly person gave birth to a son on behalf of Chen Gang | husband and wife | court
Accused of infidelity during divorce! The court ruled that the "lost only" elderly person gave birth to a son on behalf of Chen Gang | husband and wife | court

After a couple born in the 1950s suffered the loss of their only child, the man decided to conceive and have a child on behalf of another woman in order to continue their relationship. How to divide property when marriage comes to an end? The woman refers to the man's infidelity within marriage, but the man claims that "surrogacy" is done with the woman's consent. Can the woman share more property as a result? Recently, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court announced the final judgment of this post divorce property dispute case. Having lost his son in old age, he chose to have a son with Chen Gang and Liu Yun, a couple born in the 1950s, through external surrogacy. In 2017, a couple in their sixties suffered the loss of their only son. Afterwards, Chen Gang chose to have a child through surrogacy. Not long after, their marriage was in crisis. In 2018, his wife Liu Yun filed a divorce lawsuit in court. After multiple rounds of litigation, in 2021, the court finally ruled for divorce between the two individuals. Due to Chen Gang not arriving

"A US citizen detained in Moscow" country | citizen | United States
"A US citizen detained in Moscow" country | citizen | United States

According to the website of The New York Times, the US State Department stated on June 11th that a US citizen has been arrested in Russia and is currently being held in Moscow. According to Russian state media reports, the man is charged with drug trafficking. The news office of a court in the Hamovniki district of Moscow told the International News Agency that the man was a former paratrooper and musician, accused of organizing drug trafficking involving young people. According to reports, the US State Department confirmed that the man's name is Michael Travis Lick. The State Council also stated that embassy officials participated in his interrogation on the 10th and "will continue to closely monitor this case" and strive to provide "all appropriate consular assistance.". According to reports, half a year ago, American basketball star Brittany Grinner, who was detained in Russia due to drug involvement, was released during a prisoner exchange. Grinner has been detained for nearly 1 year

What did you get? Yu Yuan, Tan Tian | The United States "hits China" | Features | The United States
What did you get? Yu Yuan, Tan Tian | The United States "hits China" | Features | The United States

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has shown a prominent feature in its strategy towards China: hitting the nail on the head. From the "balloon" farce at the beginning of the year, to the meticulously crafted defense minister's "closed door" two weeks ago, and finally to the intensive release of news of his visit to China last week, the United States exerted pressure and sanctions, pretending to be a victim while pretending to be aggrieved, and has been writing a plot of "being proactive but not enthusiastic about China". Faced with the confrontation with the United States, Chinese people inevitably have emotions, giving rise to the idea of not seeing each other at all, and even have questions. What is the use of reasoning with the United States? This kind of mood is completely understandable, but we should further think about what is the most effective way to deal with habitual offenders? During this period, the United States has confidently talked to China about "communication", which has attracted a lot of attention and filled its tone. The latest trend is anonymous US officials revealing information

"Fully Expose the Essence of American Hegemony and Bullying" (Deep Observation) War | Syria | United States
"Fully Expose the Essence of American Hegemony and Bullying" (Deep Observation) War | Syria | United States

The ruins of war in the Hajjar Eisward district of Damascus, Syria. The United States has been involved in the Syrian crisis for a long time, frequently intervened militarily, and illegally imposed severe unilateral sanctions, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in Syria, and the process of economic development and reconstruction is facing many difficulties. To this day, the United States still occupies Syria's main oil-producing areas, raiding and plundering more than 80% of the oil production, smuggling and burning Syrian food stocks, making the humanitarian crisis even worse. In May of this year, Syria returned to the Arab League family. The United Nations and many countries welcomed it. The United States not only unilaterally opposed or even warned the Arab League, but also announced that it would extend unilateral sanctions against Syria for another year. This year, the Syrian crisis entered its thirteenth year. At least 350000 people lost their lives.

Reporter's note from Taiwan | After the proposal of the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, domestic opposition in Japan continues to be heard on the island of Erfu | Reporter | Water discharge
Reporter's note from Taiwan | After the proposal of the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, domestic opposition in Japan continues to be heard on the island of Erfu | Reporter | Water discharge

According to Kyodo News Agency, Tokyo Electric Power Company began trial operation of the contaminated water discharge equipment at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on June 12th. During the trial operation, fresh water will be used instead of nuclear contaminated water, diluted with seawater, and discharged into the sea through an underwater tunnel. The trial operation is expected to last for about two weeks. Since the Japanese government proposed a plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, journalists from China Central Television have been tracking the events for a long time and have visited Fukushima and various parts of Japan multiple times to interview people of different identities, all of whom hold opposing attitudes towards this decision. Reporter He Xinlei from the headquarters: I have been following up on and reporting on the relevant developments of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan for over 2 years. During this time, more than 100 interviewees were interviewed, and several interviews left a deep impression on me. April 13, 2021

What problems are exposed behind the escalating problem of child labor in the United States and the crying of childhood? Child Labor | Media | USA
What problems are exposed behind the escalating problem of child labor in the United States and the crying of childhood? Child Labor | Media | USA

June 12th is World Day Without Child Labor. In the self proclaimed "lighthouse of human rights" in the United States, the problem of abuse of child labor has long become "black under the lamp". In recent years, the issue of illegal child labor in the United States has been alarming, and related incidents have emerged one after another. According to data released by the US Department of Labor, in the fiscal year 2022, 835 companies illegally employing child labor were investigated, involving over 3800 children, and the number of illegally employed child labor increased by 69% compared to 2018. Among them, the number of child victims engaged in hazardous work increased by 26% compared to the previous year. However, the issue of illegal child labor being investigated is only the tip of the iceberg in the exploitation of child labor in the United States. According to data from the US Department of Labor, in 2022, millions of teenagers in the United States were employed in agriculture, food services, retail

The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a central investment of 7.3 billion yuan in 2023 to attract more than 200000 people to work and find employment at their doorstep in rural areas
The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a central investment of 7.3 billion yuan in 2023 to attract more than 200000 people to work and find employment at their doorstep in rural areas

In order to implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, the Rural Work Conference, and the National "Two Sessions", accelerate the implementation of work for relief projects, and early drive the employment and income increase of disadvantaged groups, the National Development and Reform Commission has jointly approved a central special investment of 7.3 billion yuan for work for relief in 2023, accounting for more than 90% of the annual planned investment scale. It supports more than 20 provinces in the central and western regions to implement more than 2000 rural small and medium-sized infrastructure construction projects. The proportion of labor remuneration for investment projects in the central budget of work for relief will be comprehensively increased to over 30% of central funds. Based on the projects, new relief models such as labor skills training, public welfare job development, and asset equity based quantitative dividends will be widely carried out to attract more disadvantaged groups. Especially for rural poverty-stricken populations, vulnerable groups, and migrant workers returning to their hometowns

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched a pilot project for the development of credit economy in the cultural and tourism market. Culture | Credit | Market
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched a pilot project for the development of credit economy in the cultural and tourism market. Culture | Credit | Market

On June 12th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that the Ministry will select a number of pilot areas nationwide to carry out a one-year pilot project for the development of credit economy in the cultural and tourism market, establish and improve multiple credit system construction supporting systems, cultivate a group of honest enterprises, and develop a number of credit economy pilot areas. It is reported that the pilot work was launched in June, and the selection of pilot areas is mainly based on cities, districts, and counties. The pilot areas should have a good foundation for the construction of cultural and tourism market credit systems, attach importance to the development of credit economy, provide relevant policy guarantees, and have a relatively complete credit supervision system. The pilot work encourages cultural and tourism related units to explore the use of credit means to unleash consumption potential, launch products and services based on credit, promote credit benefits for the people and enterprises, optimize consumption experience, and promote credit

China Africa Capacity Building Cooperation to a New Level (New Era China Africa Cooperation) Workshop | China | Capacity Building
China Africa Capacity Building Cooperation to a New Level (New Era China Africa Cooperation) Workshop | China | Capacity Building

In the Horn of East Africa, the first batch of 24 students completed 3 years of learning and practice at the Luban Workshop in Djibouti, and then took up job positions on the Addis Ababa Djibouti Railway; On the shores of the Red Sea, young people who have emerged from the Egyptian vocational schools jointly constructed by China and Egypt are highly welcomed by relevant enterprises; In the highland water towns, drawing on China's poverty reduction experience, more and more Ugandan people are beginning to engage in the bamboo industry The Capacity Building Project is one of the nine projects jointly implemented by China and African countries. In recent years, China Africa cooperation has continuously developed towards all-round, multi-level, and high-quality development. Both sides have achieved fruitful cooperation in areas such as capacity building, providing a large number of talents for African countries and demonstrating the high-level development of a community with a shared future between China and Africa in the new era. "Help students master new knowledge and skills" Recently, a 22-year-old Djibouti youth

Deepening Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning, Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Goes Abroad to China and Abroad | China | Exchange
Deepening Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning, Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Goes Abroad to China and Abroad | China | Exchange

Figure 1: Young people in the ancient village of Yan'ejie in Tongxihe Town, Xupu County, Huaihua, Hunan Province sell non-heritage products overseas by means of bilingual live broadcast. Photo by China News Agency reporter Yang Huafeng ②: Actors perform Peking Opera at the Spring Festival Gala for Chinese students in London, England. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ying ③: In a Yuhang paper umbrella workshop in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, German designer Chris learned wet paste technology from Liu Wei, the inheritor of Yuhang paper umbrella making skills. Photo by Liu Zhen ④: On May 27, the "Tea and World · Yaji" event was held in Freedom Square in the center of Minsk, the capital of Belarus. The picture shows people experiencing Bai three-way tea at the event site. The outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization by Ren Kov fundamentally determines the historical value of the exchanges and integration of the Chinese nation.

Opening up the China Arab Modern Silk Road! Representatives of Chinese and Arab enterprises sign large orders in Saudi Arabia Entrepreneurs | Conference | Enterprises
Opening up the China Arab Modern Silk Road! Representatives of Chinese and Arab enterprises sign large orders in Saudi Arabia Entrepreneurs | Conference | Enterprises

[Global Times Special Correspondent in Egypt Huang Peizhao, Global Times Correspondent Ding Yazi] "On the first day, 30 agreements worth 10 billion US dollars were signed!" Saudi Arabia's "Arab News" reported on the 12th that in order to strengthen trade relations between Arab countries and China, Saudi Arabia held a business event at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in the capital Riyadh on the 11th and 12th. The 10th Entrepreneur Conference and the 8th Investment Seminar of the Arab Cooperation Forum. More than 3000 delegates from more than 20 countries attended the meeting. ▲On June 11, 2023, local time, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the 10th China-Arab Cooperation Forum Entrepreneurs Conference was held there. Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Abdul-Aziz bin Salman spoke. It is reported that China and Arab countries

The leadership of the Party gathers the great power to build Chinese path to modernization The Chinese nation | China | Great
The leadership of the Party gathers the great power to build Chinese path to modernization The Chinese nation | China | Great

Chinese path to modernization is a grand cause related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the cause of hundreds of millions of people. We must give play to the people's spirit of ownership and creativity. Keeping in mind the original mission of working for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, our party not only achieves unity and step by step, but also unites the people of all ethnic groups in the country and the Chinese people at home and abroad through the leadership of the party, and gathers a strong force to work together to promote Chinese path to modernization. Since the launch of theme education, the whole party has vigorously promoted the trend of investigation and research. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shizong County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, closely focuses on prominent issues in the field of rural revitalization, lowers supervision forces, organizes discipline inspection and supervision cadres to visit the fields and listen to the voices of the people, and uses practical actions to do practical things and solve problems for the people. The picture shows April 21, 2023

State owned assets and central enterprises shine the ecological background of high-quality development, moving towards green. State owned assets | egrets | background color
State owned assets and central enterprises shine the ecological background of high-quality development, moving towards green. State owned assets | egrets | background color

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Moving towards greenery, state-owned assets and central enterprises polish the ecological background of high-quality development. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Xi and Liu Yujia rely on water and grass, with green trees and shade. Many egrets or branches inhabit or dance, adding vitality to the factory with dense pipe galleries and storage tanks... In the factory area of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, there is a natural habitat for egrets. Every spring and summer, thousands of egrets breed and thrive here. The "egret flying in petrochemical enterprises" has become a beautiful business card for the ecological protection of Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Industry, and also reflects the exploration and practice of state-owned enterprises with overseas investment moving towards greenery. In recent years, state-owned and central enterprises have steadfastly taken the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development, and the "gold content" and "green content" of development have been continuously increasing. Zhenhai Refining and Chemical launches global slow live streaming, showcasing birds in the park in real time

These pictures show the scene of the Three Gorges Dam catching fire and breaking the embankment? Fake professional | Mingcha | Three Gorges Dam
These pictures show the scene of the Three Gorges Dam catching fire and breaking the embankment? Fake professional | Mingcha | Three Gorges Dam

The pictures of the so-called "fire" and "breach" of the Three Gorges Dam circulating on the Quick View website have multiple details that violate common sense and do not match the actual scene of the Three Gorges Dam. AI image detection tools show that there is a probability of over 99% of the images circulating online being drawn by AI. The image circulating online that "thousands of people were stranded due to the breach of the Three Gorges Dam" was actually taken in 2021. It is a scene of cadres, masses, and rescue teams working together to fight the flood in Xixue Village, Jifeng Town, Jishan County, Shanxi Province. Pengpai Mingcha has verified professionals in Yichang, Hubei, and confirmed that online rumors are not true. According to the latest photos taken on June 11th of the Three Gorges Dam, there have been no recent incidents of dam breaches. Background of the incident: Recently, several pictures about the Three Gorges Dam were circulating on Twitter, with accompanying articles claiming "Three Gorges Dam on fire" or "Three Gorges Dam breach". The online image appears to be of thick smoke billowing near a bridge, and

National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity
National Plan Connected to People's Livelihoods - High Quality Stories of Zhejiang Grassroots in Promoting Common Prosperity | Zhejiang Province | Common Prosperity

On June 10, 2021, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the High quality Development and Construction of Demonstration Zones for Common Prosperity in Zhejiang Province" were officially released, proposing a "two-step" development goal: "By 2025, Zhejiang Province will make significant and substantial progress in promoting high-quality development and construction of demonstration zones for common prosperity", and by 2035, Zhejiang Province will achieve greater achievements in high-quality development and basically achieve common prosperity. ". As of June 2023, almost half of the development goal of "taking the first step" is approaching, what stage progress and landmark achievements have been made in the construction of the Zhejiang Demonstration Zone for Common Prosperity? What are the people's experiences of deep happiness and sense of gain? The vivid answer lies at the grassroots level. From the bustling workshops of private enterprises, from the busy figures of people in the "Gongfu Workshop", from the dreams ignited by children in mountain villages, from

Put away this policy gift pack!, [YOUNG Sailing Employment Gas Station] @ Enterprise: Attracting College Graduates for Employment | Graduates | Enterprises
Put away this policy gift pack!, [YOUNG Sailing Employment Gas Station] @ Enterprise: Attracting College Graduates for Employment | Graduates | Enterprises

Enterprises are the main channel for employment of college graduates. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the main battlefield for employment of college graduates. What policy benefits can enterprises enjoy when absorbing college graduates for employment? How to apply? Quickly collect this policy gift package! A one-time employment subsidy can be issued to enterprises that hire college graduates who have not been employed within the graduation year or 2 years after leaving school, or young people aged 16-24 who have registered unemployment and signed a labor contract for more than 1 year. The implementation deadline of the policy is as of December 31, 2023. The subsidy standards and application process shall be determined by the provincial human resources and social security and finance departments. Qualified enterprises can apply to the local human resources and social security department. 2. Social insurance subsidies for small and micro enterprises recruiting students who have not completed their studies within 2 years after leaving school

Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Shaoxing: The Road to Green Development in Urban and Rural Areas is Expanding and Widening Blood Pressure | Green | Shaoxing
Research Tour of "Ten Million Projects" | Shaoxing: The Road to Green Development in Urban and Rural Areas is Expanding and Widening Blood Pressure | Green | Shaoxing

Hangzhou, June 12 (Xinhua) - Shaoxing: The road to green development in urban and rural areas is expanding wider and wider. Xinhua reporter Fang Wenyu wakes up early every morning, and 90 year old Tangdi Village villager Liu Ajin walks along the lush Lanze Road to the "Health Cabin" at the village party and mass service center to measure blood oxygen and blood pressure, and then takes a walk back home. "If he doesn't leave home for a day, his son can receive messages on his phone and will call to care in a timely manner." Liu Ajin said that he prefers to stay in the village for retirement because the environment is good, the popularity is strong, and life is convenient, so the children can rest assured. Scenery of Tangdi Village, Lizhu Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Xinhua News Agency reporter Caiyang photographed the progress of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, from initiating the "toilet revolution" to building a "beautiful countryside", and then becoming a "National Rural Revitalization Demonstration Village"“

Eight departments jointly issued opinions on accelerating the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture. Technology | Key | Departments
Eight departments jointly issued opinions on accelerating the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture. Technology | Key | Departments

Beijing, June 12 (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, and the China Coast Guard recently jointly issued opinions on accelerating the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture, proposing key tasks to accelerate the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture throughout the entire industry chain. This is the news that the reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the 12th. It is understood that the opinion adheres to the principles of market leadership, scientific layout, technology leadership, green ecology, and safe development, and proposes key tasks to accelerate the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture around key areas and links. It is China's first guiding opinion on the development of deep and distant sea aquaculture. Suggestions are proposed to optimize the layout of aquaculture space and develop deep and distant sea aquaculture in accordance with national land space

The development of large-scale variable speed pumped storage units in China has entered the stage of engineering application. Variable speed pumped storage units
The development of large-scale variable speed pumped storage units in China has entered the stage of engineering application. Variable speed pumped storage units

The reporter learned from Southern Power Grid that today, the procurement and manufacturing contracts for China's first domestically produced 300 MW and 400 MW variable speed pumped storage units were signed in Guangzhou, marking a new stage in the development and application of large-scale variable speed pumped storage units in China. Variable speed pumped storage units can change the rotor speed and flexibly adjust the power, allowing fluctuating new energy sources such as wind and photovoltaic power to be more stably connected to the grid. With the increasing proportion of wind and photovoltaic installed capacity in the power system in China, the development of variable speed pumped storage units has been synchronized and accelerated. At the end of 2022, the complete set of equipment for 300 MW variable speed pumped storage units will be domestically produced, relying on the Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station project, as well as the first ultra large capacity variable speed pumped storage project in China, the Huizhou Zhongdong Pumped Storage Power Station, which will be purchased and manufactured

Sun Hong: Female Agricultural Mechanist in charge of galloping in the fields | Sun Hong | Agricultural Mechanist
Sun Hong: Female Agricultural Mechanist in charge of galloping in the fields | Sun Hong | Agricultural Mechanist

CCTV News: Summer is the best season. In the fields of hope, there are many agricultural machinery workers. Sun Hong, a female agricultural machinery worker from Xiuwen County, Guizhou, understands technology and loves agriculture, becoming a scenic spot in the field. In Xiuwen County, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, there are layers of high standard mountainous fields with undulating terrain, and a large number of mechanized equipment shuttles through the fields. Sun Hong, a female agricultural mechanic, skillfully operates a rice transplanter loaded with seedling trays in the field. Sun Hong, the person in charge of Guizhou Chunhai Agricultural Machinery Service Farmers Professional Cooperative: This is called a high-speed riding bowl seedling transplanting machine, which adopts three stages of pushing, delivering, and inserting to plant. This machine currently has good results in transplanting rice seedlings in Guizhou. Sun Hong, born in the 1980s, has worked in passenger vehicle services and also worked as a clothing salesperson. As most young people in the village choose to go out

Running in the "Three Summers" - Overlooking the Harvest Shrimp Pond | Harvest. Rice fields | Harvest
Running in the "Three Summers" - Overlooking the Harvest Shrimp Pond | Harvest. Rice fields | Harvest

CCTV News: Running San Xia, continue to observe the harvest from an aerial perspective. If there are colors in the harvest, which one do you prefer the most? Is it the golden yellow in the wheat fields, the deep green in the rice waves, or the azure in the ocean pastures? Watch the harvest colors of the land of China and appreciate the aesthetic development behind the colors. This is Huanghua, Cangzhou, Hebei. The combine harvester shuttles back and forth, changing colors wherever it passes. The earth is a canvas, and labor is the most magical brush. This place is bordered by the Bohai Sea to the east, with high soil salinity. Once, wheat was harvested by hand, but during bad times, the wheat seeds could not be harvested. In the past 10 years, the Bohai Grain Warehouse Science and Technology Demonstration Project has been accelerated, and drought resistant and salt alkali resistant varieties have taken root. Saline alkali land bears abundant fruits, and labor and creation depict a bountiful harvest scene. Sowing and harvesting, year after year. This field in Suixian County, Hubei Province

5750 courses have been recognized as covered by the second batch of national first-class undergraduate courses | courses | undergraduate courses
5750 courses have been recognized as covered by the second batch of national first-class undergraduate courses | courses | undergraduate courses

On June 12th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that it has recently announced the second batch of national first-class undergraduate courses, with a total of 5750 courses recognized. 5750 national first-class undergraduate courses include 1095 online first-class courses, 472 virtual simulation experimental teaching first-class courses, 1800 mixed online and offline first-class courses, 2076 offline first-class courses, and 307 social practice first-class courses. Compared with the first batch of national first-class undergraduate courses launched by the Ministry of Education in 2020, the second batch of courses has three significant characteristics: first, a wider coverage, with courses from 804 undergraduate universities, achieving full coverage in all provinces. Secondly, the curriculum structure is better, with 5750 courses covering not only all subject categories but also all professional categories. The third is the classroom

Boldly explore (ideological and political) modernization in practice | China | in practice
Boldly explore (ideological and political) modernization in practice | China | in practice

Practical development is never-ending, and reform and innovation are also never-ending. Only by boldly exploring in the grand practice of the new journey and constantly pioneering and innovating in the spirit of never slacking off, can we continue to make new achievements in promoting Chinese path to modernization. History will only favor those who are determined, striving, and fighting. After the founding of the CPC, the important task of exploring the path of China's modernization has historically fallen on our party. In a poor and backward Eastern country

To achieve high-quality economic development, several relationships should be handled well
To achieve high-quality economic development, several relationships should be handled well

Author: Lou Jifang's report on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way." High quality economic development is the core and key to high-quality development, and also an important foundation for promoting Chinese path to modernization. The development of China's socialist market economy has created two rare miracles, namely rapid economic growth and long-term social stability. A market economy is essentially an "efficiency economy", and a "good" market economy should be an economy with a "high input-output ratio", that is, under the same input, the more output is better, or under the same output, the less input is better. Therefore, improving quality and efficiency is also an essential requirement of a market economy. In the process of promoting high-quality economic development, we must adhere to the overall tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and

China's Harvest Map: A Summer Warehouse with Wind Blowing Wheat Waves. This week | Wheat | Map
China's Harvest Map: A Summer Warehouse with Wind Blowing Wheat Waves. This week | Wheat | Map

CCTV News: Summer grain harvest is busy, and all grains are returned to the warehouse. Let's continue to open this week's China Harvest Map and visit farmland in various places to experience the joy and busyness of summer harvest. This week, the wheat harvest in various regions continues to be in full swing. As of 17:00 on June 10th, a total of 224.42 million mu of winter wheat has been harvested nationwide, with a harvest progress of 73.71%. The wheat harvest in Anhui has basically ended, and the wheat harvest in Henan is coming to an end. The progress in Jiangsu is nearly 80%, Shaanxi is over 50%, Shandong is over 40%, Hebei is over 20%, and Shanxi is over 10%. Let's take a practical look at the current Central Plains land. In each wheat harvest area, the wind blows and the wheat waves turn golden everywhere, becoming the most beautiful scene in the summer. After a moment of wheat ripening, the value lies in the competition. The meaning is that the wheat ripens very quickly, and it can take up to noon

Building More New Granaries (People's Current Review), Empowering China with Technology | Food | Technology
Building More New Granaries (People's Current Review), Empowering China with Technology | Food | Technology

Practise the concept of big food, develop food resources in an all-round and multi-channel way, gather the power of scientific and technological innovation, and transform resource advantages into industrial advantages in the East China Sea. The world's first 100000 ton smart fishery large-scale breeding factory ship "Guoxin No.1" is anchored here. Almost all the processes from fish fry entering the cabin, feeding and breeding, catching to processing can be completed on this ship. Under the shipborne cabin farming mode, "Guoxin 1" can raise 3700 tons of fish per year, more than twice the total winter catch in Chagan Lake each year, making it a mobile marine ranch. There is data indicating that China is the first major fishing country in the world to achieve a production of aquaculture products exceeding the total catch. In recent years, from wind wave resistant deepwater cages, offshore ecological fences to aquaculture factory ship, along with information and intelligent technologies, various types of marine aquaculture equipment have been enabled

Continuously Making New Contributions to the Development and Progress of Human Civilization Modernization | China | Human Civilization
Continuously Making New Contributions to the Development and Progress of Human Civilization Modernization | China | Human Civilization

After arduous exploration and hard struggle, the CPC has led the Chinese people to successfully walk out of the path of Chinese path to modernization and create a new form of human civilization. The report of the 20th CPC National Congress listed the creation of a new form of human civilization as one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization.As a person

Promote the construction of a modern industrial system towards "practicality" in finance | entity | system
Promote the construction of a modern industrial system towards "practicality" in finance | entity | system

This major strategic deployment has pointed out the direction for high-level planning and promoting the construction of a modern industrial system, and provided fundamental guidance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's real economy has grown vigorously, with a more sound industrial system and a more complete industrial chain. The overall strength, quality and efficiency, innovation, competitiveness, and risk resistance of the industry have significantly improved, forming the world's most outstanding industrial system with the most complete categories and supporting facilities. Data shows that the added value of China's manufacturing industry has increased since 2012