The world

Breaking through long-term foreign blockades, inspection fees will gradually decrease! This technology instrument in our country | Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute | China
Breaking through long-term foreign blockades, inspection fees will gradually decrease! This technology instrument in our country | Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute | China

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) instruments are known as the "jewel on the crown of cutting-edge medical equipment" and have significant imaging diagnosis for various major diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, nerves, and tumors. However, their production technology has long been blocked by foreign countries. Not long ago, China's independently developed nuclear magnetic resonance instrument was successfully developed and began mass production. Bringing nuclear magnetic resonance instruments onto the production line is not an easy task, as it not only involves solving the technical problem of being stuck, but also how to transform scientific and technological achievements. CCTV reporter saw in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute that what is produced on the production line is the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument independently developed in China, and the white cylinder in the picture is the instrument in production. After a series of complex and precise procedures, it will appear in the examination room of the hospital. Peking University Shenzhen Hospital Medicine

National Museum: Wearing slippers is strictly prohibited from entering! Dressing | History | National Museum
National Museum: Wearing slippers is strictly prohibited from entering! Dressing | History | National Museum

Recently, the "museum craze" has continued to heat up, and more and more people are choosing to check in museums to experience the context of human history and civilization. However, some uncivilized phenomena are also quietly increasing. On July 22, the National Museum of China released the "Notice on Civilized Visits to the National Museum of China", which includes the requirement that visitors must consciously undergo safety checks when entering the museum. Drunken individuals with irregular appearance are prohibited from entering the museum without approval. Lectures, performance interviews, commercial self media live broadcasts, recordings, and other non visiting activities are also prohibited. The rule that individuals with irregular appearance are not allowed to enter the museum has caused countless discussions among netizens. Some netizens believe that museums have always required to wear neat clothes and consciously not wear slippers, which is the most basic common sense. Some netizens also believe that museums are very solemn. When we wear clothes, we must

How is it different from that shantytown renovation?, Multi city intensifies layout of urban villages for urban transformation | Inventory | Urban villages
How is it different from that shantytown renovation?, Multi city intensifies layout of urban villages for urban transformation | Inventory | Urban villages

The real estate industry is once again facing a heavyweight policy adjustment. On July 21st, the Executive Meeting of the State Council approved the Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Renovation of Urban Villages in Super Large and Mega Cities. Under the economic situation of stable growth and expanding domestic demand, the new round of urban village renovation has attracted much attention. In addition to revitalizing existing urban assets and updating the urban landscape, to what extent will the real estate industry benefit? The industry believes that the renovation of urban villages is an inevitable choice for restoring domestic demand and consumption potential, which helps to build a new model of renting before buying, gradually upgrading housing consumption for new citizens, and creating conditions for the sustainable development of the commodity housing market. The policy not only drives some construction opportunities, but also creates a large number of operational service opportunities, which is beneficial for enterprises with comprehensive asset operation capabilities. It is worth noting that this round of urban village renovation cannot be equated with

Good news after emergency alternate landing of Sichuan Airlines 3U8985: Organ transplant patients can breathe autonomously in Wuxi City | People's Hospital | Good news
Good news after emergency alternate landing of Sichuan Airlines 3U8985: Organ transplant patients can breathe autonomously in Wuxi City | People's Hospital | Good news

The topic of "Sichuan Airlines 3U8985 emergency alternate landing in Yangzhou" made headlines today. According to a reporter from Jiangsu Yangzhou Taizhou International Airport, on the evening of the 21st, Sichuan Airlines 3U8985 was originally scheduled to fly from Chengdu to Wuxi, carrying 251 passengers and randomly transporting live human organs awaiting transplantation. Due to the rainstorm, the plane could not land as planned, so the plane made an alternate landing at Taizhou International Airport in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. On one side is the nearby airport where the plane made an emergency landing, while on the other side is a patient in urgent need of organ transplantation, a heart wrenching rescue relay unfolds. What are the stories behind the relay? What is the latest situation of the patient? On the morning of July 23rd, the Chao News reporter contacted various forces involved in the life relay. It is understood that the surgery has been successfully performed, and the patient is now able to breathe independently. They will be transferred out of the ICU tomorrow. Patient Tomorrow

Previously enthusiastic about public welfare and rescuing many people, Secretary General of Panzhihua Swimming Association jumped into the river to save people, but unfortunately fell into the water | Incident | Rescue | Association | Falling into the water | Red Star News reporter | Swimming | Cheng Shuhun
Previously enthusiastic about public welfare and rescuing many people, Secretary General of Panzhihua Swimming Association jumped into the river to save people, but unfortunately fell into the water | Incident | Rescue | Association | Falling into the water | Red Star News reporter | Swimming | Cheng Shuhun

At Cheng Shuhui's home, there are multiple honorary certificates for participating in swimming competitions and voluntary blood donation posted on the wall, as well as a swimming lifeguard certificate. Li Rong told a Red Star News reporter that her husband has good water skills. "I didn't think much about him because he had saved people in the water many times before, so I let him go." "Someone fell into the water, I want to go save someone." This is the last sentence left by Cheng Shuhui for his wife Li Rong when he left. Li Rong told Red Star News reporters that her husband had been in trouble for less than an hour since leaving the house. Upon hearing the news of her husband's death, she couldn't believe it was true. "She was completely devastated!" "He had said before that we couldn't turn a blind eye to death. If we could save a person, it would also save a family." Li Rong said that her husband Cheng Shuhun had hoped to use his skills to save more people before his death. For him saving people, I still

Ma Ying jeou: This is just the beginning. The itinerary of mainland Chinese teachers and students visiting Taiwan has been successfully completed. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait | mainland | have been successfully completed
Ma Ying jeou: This is just the beginning. The itinerary of mainland Chinese teachers and students visiting Taiwan has been successfully completed. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait | mainland | have been successfully completed

Regarding this, Ma Ying jeou stated that this is just the beginning, and in the future, he hopes to hold annual visits between young students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so that young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait can exchange ideas and get to know each other more. According to reports, Ma Ying jeou hosted a banquet on the evening of the 22nd to bid farewell to the visiting delegation of teachers and students from mainland China. Hao Ping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University, expressed great gratitude to Mr. Ma Ying jeou and the Ma Ying jeou Foundation for their invitation. It is believed that this will be an unforgettable journey for mainland students. During these days of travel, they have also felt the welcome and goodwill of their Taiwanese compatriots, making them deeply feel that the two sides have the same roots and roots, blood is thicker than water, and their emotions cannot be separated. Ma Ying jeou stated that this visit to Chengchi University and Culture

Accompanied by Youth and Going Together in the Future - Mainland University Student Union Visits Baodao Documentary University | Wuhan University | Mainland China
Accompanied by Youth and Going Together in the Future - Mainland University Student Union Visits Baodao Documentary University | Wuhan University | Mainland China

Taipei, July 23 (Xinhua) - In the scorching summer, the fragrance is scorching. In a vibrant season, a youthful date crossing the strait, a personal return visit, a future oriented spiritual dialogue, building a "rainbow bridge" that connects the two sides and conveys hope.This is the first time in over three years that mainland universities have formed a delegation to Taiwan, which is of positive significance in promoting the resumption of two-way exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and has attracted much attention. For 9 days and 8 nights, mainland Chinese teachers and students visited Taiwan Chengchi University, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan University, and Donghua University to discuss and exchange ideas with Taiwanese students

Foreign media predicts that Hong Sen's eldest son will win, leading to Cambodia's Prime Minister election today
Foreign media predicts that Hong Sen's eldest son will win, leading to Cambodia's Prime Minister election today

According to Agence France Presse in Phnom Penh on July 23rd, Cambodians began voting for legislative elections on the 23rd. The outside world believes that this election will have no suspense. It is expected that the eldest son of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will win the election victory. The polling station will open at 7 pm local time and close at 15 pm local time. According to the report, due to the absence of any significant opposition party running, the Cambodian People's Party led by Hun Sen is expected to win all 125 seats in parliament, just like in 2018. According to a reporter from Agence France Presse, a few minutes after the polling station opened, Hun Sen cast his own vote at the Dak Mau polling station in the suburbs of Phnom Penh. This is the 7th national election since the signing of the 1991 Paris Peace Accords, which marked the end of the Khmer Rouge era. More than 9.7 million voters were called to vote. Report again

Mount Wutai police 89 hours of life and death rescue, 66 year old donkey friend lost contact with tourists in the mountains | rescue | Mount Wutai
Mount Wutai police 89 hours of life and death rescue, 66 year old donkey friend lost contact with tourists in the mountains | rescue | Mount Wutai

"Got it! Come on! Here!" "Lao Yang? Lao Yang! Wake up!" With the cheers that resounded through the valley, the curtain finally came to an end after more than 130 rescue workers and 89 hours of life and death rescue... Mount Wutai Scenic Area in July was a peak tourist season, with a surge of tourists, and many outdoor enthusiasts also came. At 17:10 on July 13, the 110 Command Center of Mount Wutai Public Security Branch of Xinzhou Public Security Bureau in Shanxi Province received a call for help: six tourists came from Beijing to Mount Wutai to walk towards the platform. On the way from the top of Dongtai to Wuyin Valley, 66 year old Yang Mousen was exhausted, unable to move forward, and had a rest on the spot. Due to the lack of signal in the rest area, the alarm could not be triggered. Therefore, the team negotiated and the rest of the group continued to move forward, searching for a location with a signal to call for help. Wait until everyone reports to the police and return to search

The report released by the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference shows that the comprehensive network governance system has been basically established, with enterprises | platforms | networks
The report released by the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference shows that the comprehensive network governance system has been basically established, with enterprises | platforms | networks

The recently held 2023 China Network Civilization Conference released the "China Network Civilization Development Report 2023", which shows that the ecological environment of China's cyberspace is becoming increasingly clear, and a comprehensive network governance system has been basically established. Various problems and chaos have been effectively rectified, and mechanisms for refuting rumors and reporting online have been continuously improved. The online ecosystem continues to improve. According to the Report, with the continuous emergence of new technologies, applications and formats of the Internet, the problem of network integrity has become increasingly prominent. Especially when it comes to illegal and dishonest issues such as online rumors, online fraud, false advertising, and the leakage of personal privacy, it seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of netizens and disrupts the online ecological environment. How to better strengthen the construction of network integrity, create a civilized network ecosystem, and share a beautiful digital life has become an important issue. The attending guests believe that integrity is essential for enterprises

This "food guide" leads a new trend and offers new insights into summer consumption | Searching for "Flavors" in Tianjin | Breakfast | Food
This "food guide" leads a new trend and offers new insights into summer consumption | Searching for "Flavors" in Tianjin | Breakfast | Food

Tianjin, July 22 (Xinhua) - In the early morning, the city gradually woke up, but the northwest corner of Hongqiao District in Tianjin was already bustling. Many tourists dragging their suitcases have formed long queues, vying to appreciate the magical charm of "delicious food". The crispy pancakes and fruits leave a lingering fragrance on one's lips and teeth, while the mellow Guoba dishes make one's tongue skip a beat. Fresh, salty, spicy, sour, sweet, bitter, and juicy, with a variety of flavors converging on the tongue. Creating a business card: The old flavor gathers new popularity, and the sliced mung bean noodles are delicious. They are topped with two spoonfuls of thick special sauce and garnished with coriander. The shop owner, Mr. Mu, divides them into two parts and hands over a bowl of authentic Tianjin Guoba cuisine to the diners. "In the past, it was just for the neighbors. In the past two years, the number of tourists from other places has gradually increased, and I can't get busy anymore." As I left the northwest corner subway station in Tianjin, what caught my eye was a painting of "beauty"

A Comprehensive View of the "City of Universiade" | Joining the "Qingyang" in the Universiade Chengdu | Global | Universiade
A Comprehensive View of the "City of Universiade" | Joining the "Qingyang" in the Universiade Chengdu | Global | Universiade

Chengdu, July 22 (Xinhua) - "Twenty miles of incense keeps flowing, from Qingyang Palace to Huanhua Creek," many poets have left famous poems here, making it a pilgrimage destination in the hearts of poetry enthusiasts... This is Qingyang District, Chengdu. Ancient and modern, youth is also fashionable. During the 31st Summer Universiade, the volleyball venue center of Southwest University of Finance and Economics located in Qingyang District will host approximately 20 volleyball matches. Riding the east wind of the Universiade, Qingyang District will present the integration and symbiosis of ancient Shu civilization and modern culture to the world, showcasing the unique charm of "Humanistic Qingyang · Aviation New City". The volleyball venue center of Southwest University of Finance and Economics located in Qingyang District. Context is the soul of a city. Qingyang District gathers about 70% of the historical and cultural landscapes in the urban area, including Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Jinsha Site Museum, and Wenshu Square

The best season in the world is the Great Heat: Today it is advisable to remain calm and empty. Producer | Liangsheng | Human
The best season in the world is the Great Heat: Today it is advisable to remain calm and empty. Producer | Liangsheng | Human

During the hot summer season, how can the heat wave dissipate heat? Only by calming down can Bai Juyi write a poem: "Heat dissipates from the calm of the heart, and coolness becomes the emptiness of the room." Let's watch several elegant things in ancient summer together. Burning incense, smoking in the furnace, calming the mind, and clearing the mind. Ink fragrance dispels summer, nourishing the heart, expressing tranquility and contemplation. Let's stay away from troubles and play games. Life is like a chess game, with no regrets, fishing by the water, sitting still, waiting for the moon to rise on the lake. The heat dissipates, waiting for the moon to float on the lake. The tranquility and coolness of the mind make people feel peaceful and refreshing in the scorching summer. If it rains, it's best to listen to the rain. "The body is free, poetry is vast, and the heart is calm, and dreams are peaceful." This is the best season in the world Shan Producer, Zhang Ou, Wu Guangqiu, Yan Bo Producer, Wang Weishen Editor in Chief, Li Ying Planner, Chen Ningze Expert Consultant, Deputy Editor and Reviewer of People's Fine Arts Publishing House

380000 yuan Rolex lost! Latest response, SF Express is involved! Men send packages that are not insured and lost | insured | men
380000 yuan Rolex lost! Latest response, SF Express is involved! Men send packages that are not insured and lost | insured | men

According to the official Weibo account of "Xiaoli Helps" on Henan TV's Minsheng Channel on July 22nd, Mr. Shi from Jilin recently sought help from @ Xiaoli, claiming that nearly 380000 yuan Rolex he sent through SF Express was lost, and provided videos of the delivery and reception. On July 22nd, SF Express contacted Mr. Shi and requested a 10 day search period. If there were no results, the purchased watch would be fully compensated. If the watch is retrieved in the future, Mr. Shi will return the compensation. At present, the police have retrieved fingerprints and the case is under investigation. A man sent an uninsured Rolex with a value of 380000 yuan, but lost it. Earlier on the 22nd, "Xiao Li Helps" published an article stating that recently, Mr. Shi from Yanbian, Jilin, sought help and claimed that he had sent a Rolex watch worth nearly 380000 yuan to Guangzhou through SF Express. However, when the recipient opened the box, they found nothing inside.

Is it not an exception in Yunnan, where lawyers and journalists are prohibited from participating in delegations? Practitioner: This situation has been relevant for thirty years | Yunnan | Practitioner
Is it not an exception in Yunnan, where lawyers and journalists are prohibited from participating in delegations? Practitioner: This situation has been relevant for thirty years | Yunnan | Practitioner

According to media reports, recently, Yunnan, which is relatively cool compared to other regions in the country, has become the preferred summer destination for many people. In addition to overcrowded airports and train stations, reporters have found that Yunnan tourism groups sold live by travel agencies on some short video platforms are also very popular. Although most tour prices exceed thousands of yuan, there is still a price advantage compared to trips lasting more than 4 days. In the live broadcast room, when asked about the price by reporters, the hosts all stated that this price belongs to the "pure play group", but some travel agencies also stated that they may charge a certain price difference based on the different peak and off seasons. After registering, the relevant personnel of the travel agency immediately contacted the reporter. When they learned that the reporter was still traveling with a lawyer friend, the staff clearly stated, "In principle, it is not recommended for reporters and lawyers to participate in the group, such as..."

Change to "X", Musk: Considering switching to Twitter's Little Bluebird logo for social | call | Bluebird
Change to "X", Musk: Considering switching to Twitter's Little Bluebird logo for social | call | Bluebird

According to the Lianhe Zaobao website of Singapore on July 23, citing Reuters, the billionaire Mask who acquired the social media platform Twitter said that he was considering changing the Twitter logo and gradually saying goodbye to "all birds". According to reports, Musk tweeted on the morning of the 23rd to announce this news, stating that "if the 'X logo' released tonight is good enough, we will launch it globally tomorrow.". According to reports, since Twitter's launch in 2006, the blue and white "bird" has been its exclusive trademark, and the name of the tweet is derived from a bird's call. The founder believes that the bird's call belongs to a short and fast frequency, which is consistent with the platform's connotation, so the platform is named Twitter.

Causing 3 deaths and multiple injuries, violent shooting cases reappear in multiple parts of the United States over the weekend | Incident | United States
Causing 3 deaths and multiple injuries, violent shooting cases reappear in multiple parts of the United States over the weekend | Incident | United States

Gun violence has always been a persistent problem in American society. On the 22nd local time, gunfire erupted in many parts of the country, causing three deaths and multiple injuries. On the morning of the 22nd, a shooting occurred at a hospital in the northwest of Portland, Oregon, USA, resulting in one death. At the time of the incident, the gunman opened fire in the hospital and hit a hospital security guard, who was later declared dead. After the shooting incident, the suspect fled the hospital. The police eventually stopped the suspect's vehicle in Gresham, east of Portland, and shot him during the arrest process. In the early hours of the same day, a shooting occurred in a park in Houston, Texas, USA, resulting in the death of a pregnant woman, four injuries, and the arrest of two suspects. The police said that a birthday party was being held locally at the time of the incident, and during the party, someone had a dispute, which led to a shooting,

The former dean and vice dean of this college have both been investigated and punished by the disciplinary inspection commission, supervisory commission, and college
The former dean and vice dean of this college have both been investigated and punished by the disciplinary inspection commission, supervisory commission, and college

According to the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Xi Hongjian, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, has been expelled from the Party for serious violations of discipline and law. Recently, with the approval of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into Xi Hongjian, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, who is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and took detention measures against him. After investigation, Xi Hongjian betrayed his original intention and mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and opposed organizational censorship; Accepting banquets that may affect the fair execution of official duties in violation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations; Using public power for personal gain, withdrawing without rest, seeking benefits for others in engineering project contracting, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Xi Hongjian seriously violated political discipline and integrity discipline, constituted serious violations of official duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes. He even committed corruption after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and even

Airline response: Passengers stranded for 7 and a half hours on a flight from Shanghai to Phuket | Time | Flight
Airline response: Passengers stranded for 7 and a half hours on a flight from Shanghai to Phuket | Time | Flight

On July 22nd, several passengers posted videos claiming that a flight of Lucky Air from Shanghai to Phuket, Thailand, flew to Penang, Malaysia midway and finally arrived at its destination, more than ten hours later than planned. "Lucky Air suddenly took off just as it was about to land. Its original destination was Thailand, but it ended up in Penang, Malaysia, waiting for several hours." A passenger said that there were elderly people, children, and even infants on board who waited in a confined space for more than ten hours; There was no signal or network on the plane, and the connection was lost for more than ten hours, which made the family very worried. From the video it released, it can be seen that many passengers on the plane stood up, and the onboard staff were explaining. Some passengers were excitedly saying to the staff, "It's been 10 hours! We've been waiting for 10 hours!" On July 23rd, Upstream News

Does "Er Chuang" really count as infringement?, Announcement on Bilibili's Further Infringement Dispute | Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. | Erchuang
Does "Er Chuang" really count as infringement?, Announcement on Bilibili's Further Infringement Dispute | Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. | Erchuang

Recently, the video barrage website Bilibili's affiliated companies Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Huandian Information Technology Co., Ltd. have added multiple court hearing announcements. According to Tianyancha, Bilibili has been sued by Hangzhou NetEase Cloud Music Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing iQiyi Technology Co., Ltd., and others for infringement of work information network dissemination rights, copyright ownership, and infringement disputes. In recent years, Bilibili has repeatedly been embroiled in infringement disputes. Among them, the "second creation" video is the most controversial content. What exactly constitutes infringement in "second creation" videos? Bilibili is embroiled in another infringement dispute. Hangzhou NetEase Cloud Music Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. have announced the addition of a new court hearing for the infringement of work information network dissemination rights. The plaintiff is Hangzhou NetEase Cloud Music Technology Co., Ltd. The case will be held in Shanghai on September 5th

Police: Under investigation, one of the women is still holding a child, and a man is sexually assaulting two women on the street
Police: Under investigation, one of the women is still holding a child, and a man is sexually assaulting two women on the street

On July 22nd, a netizen posted a video revealing that a man had violently assaulted two women on the streets of Dongming County, Shandong Province, with one woman still holding a child in her arms. On July 23rd, police officers from Dongming County told reporters that they were dealing with the matter. Live video shows a man pulling and tugging at two women in a shop on the street. One woman wearing black and white striped short sleeves repeatedly reminded the other woman holding a child to leave as soon as possible. In another video, the man pinched the neck of a woman wearing black and white striped short sleeves, pushed her to the ground, and then went out and roughly grabbed the hair of the woman holding the child, pulling her hair all the way. It is understood that the incident occurred near Wusi Road in Dongming County, Heze, Shandong. Some media reported that the incident occurred around 10am on the 22nd. Near the incident site

Running out of the Hebei Acceleration Park for Technological Innovation | Center | Acceleration
Running out of the Hebei Acceleration Park for Technological Innovation | Center | Acceleration

On July 20th, Li Yuan, Liu Ruiyi, and Chen Yuanqiu, reporters from Guangming Daily, walked into the Haval Technology Center Park, which covers an area of 250000 square meters. More than 10000 engineering and technical personnel were busy in the research and development main building, trial production center, styling center, testing center, and data center. Over the past decade, at the largest vehicle research and development center in China, the domestic brand Great Wall Motors has achieved a leapfrog development from technology introduction, joint venture cooperation to independent innovation, exporting its products to more than 170 countries and regions. How was the "National God Car" created? How many more "miracles" are there in Hebei? How is the fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship cultivated? The bustling modern "smart" manufacturing scenes on the land of Yan and Zhao are all the best answers. Technological self-reliance and self-improvement, enabling

Grasping Early Rice Harvesting and Implementing Multiple Measures to Stabilize Area, Promote Yield Increase, and Improve Efficiency Fujian | Early Rice | Harvesting
Grasping Early Rice Harvesting and Implementing Multiple Measures to Stabilize Area, Promote Yield Increase, and Improve Efficiency Fujian | Early Rice | Harvesting

CCTV News: This year, the planting area of early rice in Fujian is 1.455 million mu, and various regions in Fujian have also been focusing on early rice harvesting recently. The latest agricultural scheduling shows that the current harvesting area exceeds 630000 mu, and the early rice harvest has exceeded 40%. In the early rice fields of Zhongdu Town, Shanghang County, Fujian Province, harvesters are shuttling back and forth, cutting, threshing, and crushing rice straw in one go. This year, while promoting high-quality rice fields, Fujian Province has also taken measures such as supporting large-scale grain cultivation, reclaiming abandoned land for grain cultivation, and encouraging dry grain production to stabilize the planting area of grain and achieve increased production and income. Qiu Fengxiu, the director of the Seed Station in Shanghang County, said that through the use of high-quality seeds and methods, the potential for increased rice production can be further enhanced. At the same time, by introducing high-quality rice varieties, the quality of high-quality rice in our county has been further improved, and the quality rate has been further increased.

269229100... A set of colored passwords to open the Chengdu Universiade region | Universiade | password
269229100... A set of colored passwords to open the Chengdu Universiade region | Universiade | password

Five days before the opening of the Chengdu Universiade, college students from 170 countries and regions will gather in Chengdu to make this historic city more youthful. Let's decode the Universiade together! 🔍🔍🔍The Chengdu Universiade consists of 18 events, including archery, gymnastics, athletics, badminton, basketball, diving, fencing, judo, artistic gymnastics, rowing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, water polo, and martial arts. There are a total of 269 events, with over 10000 athletes and officials from 170 countries and regions participating in Chengdu. The average age of 22.9 years old. The Chinese delegation to the Chengdu Universiade consists of over 700 people, and 411 athletes from over 100 universities in 25 provinces, regions, and cities will participate in the Chengdu Universiade

In the first half of the year, China's foreign exchange market demonstrated strong resilience and economic operation | foreign exchange market | China
In the first half of the year, China's foreign exchange market demonstrated strong resilience and economic operation | foreign exchange market | China

"In the first half of 2023, the domestic economy rebounded and improved. China's foreign exchange market had strong resilience, with stable expectations for the RMB exchange rate, stable and orderly cross-border capital flows, and basic balance between supply and demand in the foreign exchange market." Wang Chunying, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and spokesperson, gave a detailed explanation of the foreign exchange balance in the first half of the year at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 21st. According to data showing a net inflow pattern of cross-border funds, in the first half of this year, China's banks generated foreign revenue of 3025.9 billion US dollars, made foreign payments of 2979.2 billion US dollars, and had a foreign payment surplus of 46.7 billion US dollars; The bank's foreign exchange settlement was 1132.5 billion US dollars, the foreign exchange sales were 1130.7 billion US dollars, and the foreign exchange settlement and sales surplus was 1.8 billion US dollars. Wang Chunying Jie

Expand employment opportunities, school social cooperation organizations | society | employment
Expand employment opportunities, school social cooperation organizations | society | employment

Promoting employment, the whole society is taking action. Zhang Wenxiao, a journalist from Guangming Daily, and Chen Youbiao, a graduate of Zhejiang Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce, have now become the backbone of the company's business. From an initial intern to a document clerk, construction worker, and technical leader, and now serving as a project leader in Taizhou, Zhejiang, Chen Youbiao's rapid growth was due to his initial enrollment in the Lily Shenghua Order Class. In 2018, Baihe Shenghua Construction Technology Co., Ltd., the executive chairman unit of Ningbo Home Furnishing Industry Association, cooperated with Zhejiang Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce to establish an order class, and Chen Youbiao became the first student of the order class. "There is a significant shortage of versatile talents in the transformation of enterprises, and the majors that students study are not particularly in line with our needs." Zhang Liangwu, Chairman of Baihe Shenghua, said that order classes are designed to solve the difficulties of enterprise education and students' needs

Multiple departments have introduced measures to promote the informatization of automobile and electronic product consumption | Automobile | Department
Multiple departments have introduced measures to promote the informatization of automobile and electronic product consumption | Automobile | Department

Beijing, July 22 (Guangming Daily) - The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and other departments issued "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" on July 21, requiring further stabilization and expansion of automobile consumption, optimization of the management system and market environment for automobile purchase and use, and greater efforts to promote the sustainable and healthy development of new energy vehicles. The Measures propose to optimize the management policy of automobile purchase restrictions. Encourage restricted purchase areas to issue annual car purchase targets as early as possible, implement differentiated policies for urban and suburban targets, and increase annual car purchase targets according to local conditions. Support the renewal and consumption of old cars. Encourage all regions to accelerate the elimination and scrapping of passenger cars and non-standard commercial vehicles with national emission standards of Class III and below. Encourage various regions to comprehensively use economic, technological and other means to promote the exit of old vehicles, and regions with conditions can carry out car trade ins. Local implementation

It's important to do this, as a woman riding an electric bike will die from a "door opening kill"! Avoiding tragic accidents | drivers | electric vehicles
It's important to do this, as a woman riding an electric bike will die from a "door opening kill"! Avoiding tragic accidents | drivers | electric vehicles

The seemingly simple action of getting off the car and opening the car door, if the driver and passengers are not careful, is highly likely to cause accidents and endanger their own and others' safety. This is commonly known as "opening the door to kill". Recently, in Zhongshan, Guangdong, a woman was driving an electric car when the driver of a small car on the roadside opened the door and got off without paying attention to the outside of the car. The woman couldn't dodge and collided with the car door, causing both the driver and the car to fall to the ground. Unfortunately, the woman suffered a head injury due to landing on the ground, and ultimately died despite rescue efforts. In recent years, incidents of casualties caused by "opening doors to kill" have occurred frequently. In March of this year, on a road in Kunming, Yunnan, a parked car suddenly opened its door, causing an electric car passing by to collide directly. Fortunately, the three people on the electric car were only slightly injured. This year in April

What's going on?, Shandong Lanxiang has been included in the list of abnormal business operations. What's going on
What's going on?, Shandong Lanxiang has been included in the list of abnormal business operations. What's going on

Recently, Shandong Lanxiang Education Technology Group Co., Ltd. was listed on the list of abnormal operations by the Tianqiao District Market Supervision Administration of Jinan City due to failure to disclose its annual report within the prescribed time limit, causing online attention. According to the Qichacha APP, the company was established in April 2021 with a registered capital of 25 million RMB. Rong Lanxiang, Chairman and Dean of Shandong Lanxiang Technician College, serves as the legal representative and major shareholder. Rong Lanxiang, Rong Xiaolong, and Zhang Qiuxia jointly hold shares, and their business scope includes education consulting services, enterprise headquarters management, and investment activities with their own funds. The Research Institute of Rule of Law Network called Lanxiang Technician College regarding this matter, and the other party stated that they do not understand the specific situation and will forward the interview request to relevant personnel. As of the time of publication, no response has been received. In February 2014, the State Council issued the National Development and Reform Commission [20]

"Global food prices continue to rise"?, India issues another ban on India | exports | globally
"Global food prices continue to rise"?, India issues another ban on India | exports | globally

According to Reuters in New Delhi on July 20th, India ordered the suspension of its largest export category of rice on Thursday. This move will reduce the shipment volume of the world's largest rice exporting country by about half, which has raised concerns that global food prices will further increase. The Modi government said it will implement an export ban on white rice that is not Indian fragrant rice. Previously, the late but heavy rainy season rainstorm caused serious damage to crops, and the retail price of rice rose by 3% in a month. India accounts for over 40% of global rice exports, and other exporting countries have lower inventories. This means that any decrease in Indian rice exports could lead to an increase in grain prices. Due to Russia's deployment to Ukraine last year and unpredictable weather, grain prices have been pushed up. In a statement, the Indian Ministry of Food stated, "To ensure that India..."