The world

Japanese media criticizes the United States for providing cluster ammunition to Ukraine: it will bring nightmare like consequences to civilians Ukraine | United States | civilians
Japanese media criticizes the United States for providing cluster ammunition to Ukraine: it will bring nightmare like consequences to civilians Ukraine | United States | civilians

On July 16th, the English version of Asahi Shimbun in Japan published an editorial criticizing the United States for providing cluster ammunition to Ukraine, which would have nightmarish consequences for civilians. The beginning of the article states that cluster ammunition may cause indiscriminate harm to civilians, especially children, for a long period of time after the end of the conflict. "The international community has been committed to eliminating this inhumane weapon, and the decision of the United States to provide cluster ammunition to Ukraine goes against this will. We urge the US government to abandon this controversial and morally questionable decision." The editorial later mentioned that during the Vietnam War, the United States dropped a large amount of cluster ammunition in Laos. Nearly half a century after the end of the war, the remaining unexploded small bombs continue to cause casualties. Local children accidentally picked up a small ball shape

Local police: Initial investigation found that it was caused by improper operation by the driver, resulting in a van overturning and causing 5 deaths and injuries | accident | van
Local police: Initial investigation found that it was caused by improper operation by the driver, resulting in a van overturning and causing 5 deaths and injuries | accident | van

On the evening of the 16th, @ Leibo Public Security reported a van overturning accident: Preliminary investigation shows that the accident was caused by improper operation by the driver. The report is as follows: On July 14, 2023, around 11:00 am, a civilian van overturning accident occurred in Kahalo Township, Leibo County, resulting in 5 deaths and 3 injuries. The injured are currently receiving treatment. After the accident, relevant departments such as public security, fire protection, emergency response, transportation, and health immediately dispatched personnel to the scene to carry out personnel search and rescue, wounded treatment, accident investigation, and other work. After preliminary investigation, the accident was caused by improper operation by the driver. The investigation of the cause of the accident and related aftermath work are being carried out in an orderly manner. Police reminder: It is currently the rainy season and flood season. Drivers are advised to check their vehicle safety before traveling, and pay attention to weather forecasts and road traffic conditions in a timely manner

Morning Reading | Shanghai's "Impossible" Reflection After the Establishment of Special Windows... Government Affairs | Service Center | Shanghai
Morning Reading | Shanghai's "Impossible" Reflection After the Establishment of Special Windows... Government Affairs | Service Center | Shanghai

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Monday, July 17, 2023, on the 30th day of the fifth lunar month, there will be scattered showers or thunderstorms in Shanghai, ranging from cloudy to overcast, with temperatures ranging from 27 to 32 ℃. Today, we will pay attention to the establishment of the "impossible" special window in Shanghai... ※ Walking into the first floor lobby of the Jiading District Administrative Service Center, a row of service windows is neatly arranged, integrating more than 600 government service matters from 31 functional departments in the entire district. At the prominent entrance of this "one door" comprehensive hall, there is a regionally independent and novel named window - the "Can't Do It" reflection window. Since the beginning of this year, government service halls in various districts and towns in Shanghai have opened windows to report that "things cannot be done". Why is this window specifically designed? What has been accomplished after the establishment of the dedicated window? How does this window force government affairs

How big is the spillover effect?, Extreme high temperatures "grill" global economic weather | power grid | effects
How big is the spillover effect?, Extreme high temperatures "grill" global economic weather | power grid | effects

The hot weather is testing the electricity bills of factories, power grids, and the public worldwide. In North America, Canada is suffering from a new round of wildfires, which is the most severe wildfire season in its history. Timber factories in Quebec have been forced to close, and Alberta has also reduced its oil production. More than 100 million people in the United States are shrouded in high temperatures, and the huge demand for electricity has increased the burden on the grid. North American Power Reliability Group said that most parts of the United States may face power outages this summer. The temperature in Mexico soared in June, and the country's National Energy Control Center issued an alert, stating that the power grid briefly entered a state of emergency with less than 6% of operating reserves remaining. During the European heatwave, regulatory rates in the Spanish electricity market jumped by 20%, and Greece's tourism industry and France's agriculture were threatened by the hot climate. In India, Asia, the scorching heat has caused many people

Also showcasing Hunan dialect, Ma Ying jeou received the best birthday gift for 73 years old. Ma Ying jeou | student | birthday gift
Also showcasing Hunan dialect, Ma Ying jeou received the best birthday gift for 73 years old. Ma Ying jeou | student | birthday gift

Ma Ying jeou is writing about the history of friendly student exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, which is both brilliant and warm.On the evening of the 15th, Ma Ying jeou held a banquet to welcome visiting delegations of young students from five universities in mainland China. Ma Ying jeou stated that this visit by the visiting delegation is the most important cross-strait youth exchange activity in recent years, and also the best birthday gift for him at the age of 73. According to a report from China Central News Agency, Chen Shihua, a first-year student at Peking University, said in an interview today that Ma Ying jeou was very enthusiastic, greeting and interacting with his classmates one by one, and even showed off Hunan dialect on the spot, making people feel warm and friendly. He sincerely hopes that cross-strait relations will clear up after the rain. Ma Ying jeou pointed out that this time, the Ma Ying jeou Foundation invited Lu Sheng to visit, which is also his visit to the mainland at the end of March and early April

Fried pot! Don't you need to pay off your mortgage in advance? Interest rate | stock | fryer
Fried pot! Don't you need to pay off your mortgage in advance? Interest rate | stock | fryer

Over the weekend, a piece of news from China Fund News Taylor flooded the screen, and everyone was discussing the statement made by Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, on the reduction of interest rates on existing housing loans at the recent press conference of the State Council Information Office. Let's take a look at what the director said first. Zou Lan stated that although the quoted interest rate in the loan market has decreased by 0.45 percentage points, the interest rate on existing housing loans issued in previous years is still at a relatively high level due to the fixed amount of additional points stipulated in the contract during the contract period, which is closely related to the significant increase in early repayment. Early repayment objectively has a certain impact on the profits of commercial banks. According to the principles of marketization and rule of law, we support and encourage commercial banks and borrowers to negotiate independently to change contract agreements, or to issue new loans to replace the original ones

Many people have been injured! Who should take responsibility?, Smash people! Smash the car! Multiple high-rise residential buildings have experienced external wall detachment | incident | high-rise residential buildings
Many people have been injured! Who should take responsibility?, Smash people! Smash the car! Multiple high-rise residential buildings have experienced external wall detachment | incident | high-rise residential buildings

As buildings gradually age, a prominent issue is the detachment of external walls. With the recent extreme weather such as high temperature and rainstorm, the frequency of external wall falling off has increased, which not only seriously interferes with the normal life of residents, but also poses a serious threat to public safety. On July 5th, insulation materials for the exterior walls of a high-rise residential building in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province fell off extensively. The next day, a high-rise building in Xinhua, Hunan also experienced the peeling of exterior tiles, resulting in multiple injuries. The reporter found that this year, there have been cases of external wall detachment in high-rise buildings in various places. In early June, in Hualan Jiayuan Community, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, an 80 year old homeowner was hit by falling exterior wall tiles and was injured and hospitalized. At present, multiple warning lines and wire protection nets have been set up in areas that are easily hit by falling tiles in the community.

Official announcement: fined 5000 yuan, scenic area merchants splashing water to drive away tourists on the steps
Official announcement: fined 5000 yuan, scenic area merchants splashing water to drive away tourists on the steps

On the 16th, Lushan Cultural and Tourism Holdings Group announced the situation of "splashing water on the steps of scenic spot merchants". On July 15, 2023, it was reported online that there was a situation in the Sandaiquan Scenic Area where merchant staff drove away tourists. After the incident, Lushan Culture and Tourism Holdings attached great importance to it and immediately launched an investigation into the situation. After verification, the incident occurred on the path from the operating area of a teahouse operating point in the Sandaiquan Scenic Area to the warehouse area of the operator. On the day of the incident, the merchant was replenishing the warehouse goods, and the picking master was traveling back and forth on the steps of the incident. In order to avoid collisions and injuries between goods, carrying poles, etc. and tourists, the merchant communicated with tourists sitting on the steps, requesting avoidance. However, due to disagreements between the two parties, a dispute arose, and both parties were emotionally agitated. The merchant poured water on the steps while the tourist spilled bottled water in their hands. Due to the parties involved

Can China US climate cooperation "heat up"?, "The Hottest Season" China Kerry Ambassador to Beijing | Climate | China Kerry
Can China US climate cooperation "heat up"?, "The Hottest Season" China Kerry Ambassador to Beijing | Climate | China Kerry

John Kerry, the US President's special envoy on climate issues, arrived in China on July 16th. Starting from the 17th, China and the United States will exchange in-depth views on cooperation in addressing climate change. The resumption of climate change talks between China and the United States has received high attention from the outside world. What are the expected contents of the talks between the two sides? What impact will the current status of bilateral relations between China and the United States have on climate cooperation? International media has analyzed and interpreted this. According to Agence France Presse, this is Kerry's third visit to China since serving as the climate envoy. At present, the impact of climate change is deeply felt around the world, and many regions are suffering from heat waves. It is reported that in recent months, the number of visits from Washington has been increasing. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China in June, followed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen in early July. These two largest economies in the world have not had a positive impact for nearly a year

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been discharged from the hospital and sent for medical treatment due to high temperature dehydration | Prime Minister | Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been discharged from the hospital and sent for medical treatment due to high temperature dehydration | Prime Minister | Israel

On July 16th local time, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office stated that Prime Minister Netanyahu underwent multiple examinations at Sheba Hospital, all of which showed normal results, and was discharged on the same day. The hospital implanted a heart monitoring device for him to further track his health status. On the 15th, Netanyahu suddenly felt unwell at home, fell and hit his head, and was then taken to the emergency room of Sheba Hospital. Medical evaluations indicate that dehydration during hot weather is the main factor contributing to fainting. On the 15th, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office issued a statement stating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu felt dizzy due to dehydration and was taken to the emergency room for examination and overnight observation. According to The Israel Times, 73 year old Netanyahu was picked up by a vehicle during a weekend in the Mediterranean coastal city of Caesarea. Several Hebrew media outlets have reported that

Announcement! Two deputy mayors were investigated on the same day. Deputy mayors | News | Mayor
Announcement! Two deputy mayors were investigated on the same day. Deputy mayors | News | Mayor

According to the report from the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on July 16th, Han Jiazheng, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Public information shows that Han Jiazheng was born in August 1966 in Yuxian County, Shanxi Province, with a bachelor's degree. He joined the CPC in June 1986 and started working in July 1986. Formerly served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy County Magistrate of Yuxian County, Yangquan City, Deputy Secretary and District Magistrate of the Suburban District Committee of Yangquan City, Deputy Secretary and County Magistrate of Pingding County Committee of Yangquan City, and Secretary of the Urban District Committee of Yangquan City. In February 2022, appointed as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of Yangquan City People's Government. Lai Huaping, member of the Standing Committee of the Fuxin Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, was investigated according to the Liaoning Commission for Discipline Inspection

The viewpoint is that it will take about 10 years to truly "get rid of China", and the United States is rebuilding its rare earth magnet supply network
The viewpoint is that it will take about 10 years to truly "get rid of China", and the United States is rebuilding its rare earth magnet supply network

According to the report of Nihon Keizai Shimbun on July 16, the United States is rebuilding its supply network of rare earth magnets. According to reports, in order to reduce dependence on China in the field of strategic goods, some production processes with a higher share held by China will be transferred to the United States, and American companies supported by the US government are accelerating their investment speed. According to reports, the world's few rare earth production site, the Mountain Pass Mine, which was put into operation in the 1950s, is only a little over an hour's drive from downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. On approximately 8.9 square kilometers of land, there are numerous mining equipment and processing facilities. This place was once abandoned around 2015, but now it has ushered in a wave of large-scale investment. Matt Slocher, Senior Vice President in charge of government and foreign affairs at the American Mangting Mountain Pass Materials Company, which owns the mine, told the Daily News in early May

Netizens are cheering, can 9000 yuan alleviate the anxiety of "only child retirement"? Zhejiang Province Releases Subsidy Units | Government | Anxiety
Netizens are cheering, can 9000 yuan alleviate the anxiety of "only child retirement"? Zhejiang Province Releases Subsidy Units | Government | Anxiety

On July 15th, the topic of "Can a subsidy of 9000 yuan alleviate anxiety about elderly care for only children" topped the trending list on Weibo. This topic originated from a report by Chao News about subsidies for hospitalization and accompanying parents of only children in Zhejiang province. Behind this lies the sighs and expectations of China's 260 million only children - who struggle between the elderly, children, and work, struggling between family ties and responsibilities, as well as their future and dreams. The anxiety of elderly care for only children is completely amplified at the moment when their parents fall ill. Five years ago, a photo titled "The Only Child" flooded the internet. In the photo, a man wearing blue short sleeves squats between two hospital beds, with his mother and father lying on both sides. what

Facing the so-called "debt trap" in American media, the real culprit has been found! Journalist Visits Overseas Project Countries of Chinese Enterprises | China | Reporter
Facing the so-called "debt trap" in American media, the real culprit has been found! Journalist Visits Overseas Project Countries of Chinese Enterprises | China | Reporter

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the western media held the "hell filter" to discredit it. A few days ago, the Associated Press produced a long article titled "China's Loans Pushing the World's poorest Countries to the brink of collapse", which once again slandered China's "the Belt and Road" initiative and plunged countries along the route into a "debt trap". What is the truth? Xinhua News Agency's multi country reporters in Africa and the Asia Pacific region visited Chinese enterprises' overseas projects on the spot. Through research, they not only falsified the so-called "China's debt trap theory", but also found out that the real culprit that has led developing countries into debt difficulties is precisely the high interest loans of western countries. This is the Mansehra Tacot second-class highway section of Pakistan Karakoram Highway Phase II Project photographed on July 28, 2020. Xinhua News Agency releases data to reveal the truth. The Associated Press article accuses China of

Why be so sexy and exposed? Investigation on the phenomenon of adult children's clothing: Girl's clothing protection | Related | Parents | Exposure | Children's clothing | Minors | Children | Children
Why be so sexy and exposed? Investigation on the phenomenon of adult children's clothing: Girl's clothing protection | Related | Parents | Exposure | Children's clothing | Minors | Children | Children

On July 10th, a calligraphy class in Beijing welcomed the first batch of students this summer. Most of them were 6 to 8 years old and had just started elementary school. One of the little girls caught the attention of Teacher Zhu in the calligraphy class for her attire. "Black stockings, backless clothing, and a half exposed front chest, these overly sexy outfits for adults, appeared openly on a primary school girl. She even told me that wearing them this way can make her legs look slender and long. How old does a child need to do this?" Seeing this situation, Teacher Zhu immediately called the parents, hoping that they could change their child's outfit, but to their surprise, the parents didn't take it seriously. "Is overly revealing children's clothing really suitable for children? Maybe I'm outdated, but I still think it's not appropriate for children to wear such sexy clothes," sighed Teacher Zhu. recent years

What are the results of the 2023 China Economic Mid term Examination? Frequent highlights of modern industrial system in mid-term exam | China | Results
What are the results of the 2023 China Economic Mid term Examination? Frequent highlights of modern industrial system in mid-term exam | China | Results

What is the score on the 2023 China Economic Middle School Entrance Examination transcript? How to do it in the future? This episode focuses on accelerating the development of modern industrial systems. In the first half of this year, China's automobile enterprises exported 2.14 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 75.7%, and are expected to become the world's largest exporter this year; First in the import and export of new energy vehicles; The first large aircraft made its maiden flight in the first half of the year. On the 16th, China Eastern Airlines officially took over the second domestically produced C919 large passenger aircraft in Shanghai, accelerating commercial operations. The 2023 China Economic Middle School Entrance Examination will focus on the achievements of accelerating the development of China's modern industrial system in the first half of the year. Focus on three aspects: 1. Why are there frequent highlights in multiple fields? What are the new characteristics of the new changes? 3. In what areas will we focus on in the future? First, let's take a look at the first half of 2023 together

What topics are worth paying attention to?, African Head of State Visits China Today | Algeria | Head of State
What topics are worth paying attention to?, African Head of State Visits China Today | Algeria | Head of State

The traditional friendship between China and Afghanistan is profound, and the two countries have always respected each other, treated each other equally, and supported each other.What are the highlights of President Ben's first visit to China? What opportunities and growth points has the "the Belt and Road" initiative created for Algeria? In an exclusive interview with the program "Great Power Diplomacy" by China Central Television's Voice of China

Multiple parties believe that Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is improper, illegal, and unsafe. Assessment | Fukushima | Treatment | Nuclear contaminated water | International | Nuclear wastewater | Discharge | Japan
Multiple parties believe that Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is improper, illegal, and unsafe. Assessment | Fukushima | Treatment | Nuclear contaminated water | International | Nuclear wastewater | Discharge | Japan

Recently, the issue of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea in Japan has attracted international attention. Despite opposition from the international community, the Japanese side is preparing to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea as early as August. This news caused a public uproar, especially with criticism from fishing professionals in China, South Korea, several Pacific island countries, and Japan regarding the plan. Analysts say that after the discharge of Fukushima nuclear wastewater from Japan, the ocean current circulation will have the fastest and most direct impact on Pacific island countries. The Secretary General of the Pacific Island Forum previously stated that the discharge of Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea will pose a serious impact and long-term threat to Pacific island countries. South Korean citizen groups are calling for the abolition of Japan's request for the International Atomic Energy Agency to "endorse" its assessment report on nuclear wastewater discharge. The largest opposition party in South Korea, the Democratic Party of Korea, has stated that its comprehensive evaluation report has been released

Who is harvesting myopia?, A pair of glasses can easily reach thousands of reporters | brands | myopia
Who is harvesting myopia?, A pair of glasses can easily reach thousands of reporters | brands | myopia

Summer vacation is approaching, and it is once again the peak period for students to get glasses. However, in recent years, the frequent spending of thousands of yuan on glasses has led parents to include nearsightedness, orthodontics, and growth hormone therapy as part of the "three items" for raising children. There was a saying in the eyewear industry that said, "If you sell a 20 yuan frame for 200 yuan, it's a favor; if you sell a 300 yuan frame for 300 yuan, it's a friendship; if you sell a 400 yuan frame for 400 yuan, it's a quotation." Although it's a roast, it also reveals the "depth of water" in the eyewear market to a certain extent. What is the cost of a pair of glasses that can easily cost thousands? Who is making "huge profits"? A few hundred yuan frame, wholesale price only 50 yuan? At that time, I chose the most expensive pure titanium frame in the store, priced at over 600 yuan. I chose a lens with a refractive index of 1.74, priced at over 2000 yuan. In the end, the store made a six point offer

More than a thousand flights have been cancelled, and the northeast of the United States has been hit by a strong storm. New Hampshire | New York | United States
More than a thousand flights have been cancelled, and the northeast of the United States has been hit by a strong storm. New Hampshire | New York | United States

On July 16th local time, according to a report by the National Broadcasting Corporation, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States reported that due to the continued impact of strong storms on the northeast of the United States, flights to Kennedy International Airport in New York, LaGuardia Airport, and Newark Airport in New Jersey were grounded, and over 1000 flights were cancelled. According to FlightAware, a flight tracking website, as of the afternoon of the 16th, more than 1160 flights in the United States have been cancelled. It is reported that some areas of New York and Connecticut have issued flash flood warnings. The National Weather Service has also issued tornado warnings for certain areas in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island.

The Yangtze River and Yellow River shake hands! The Century Project of diverting water from the Han River to the Wei River to achieve early water diversion, "piercing" the Qinling Mountains and diverting water to Huangchigou | Project | Water Diversion
The Yangtze River and Yellow River shake hands! The Century Project of diverting water from the Han River to the Wei River to achieve early water diversion, "piercing" the Qinling Mountains and diverting water to Huangchigou | Project | Water Diversion

The peaks and ridges are like clusters, verdant and dripping, and the surging river flows through the Qinling Mountains. On July 16th, the national major water conservancy project - the Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei River - achieved initial water supply. The river water drawn from the Han River, the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, will pass through the nearly 100 kilometer Qinling water conveyance tunnel and ultimately supply the Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River, thereby achieving a successful handshake between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in Guanzhong. Digging the Qinling Mountains, digging tunnels, and fighting fiercely for more than 10 years. Behind the clear water lies the century long project of moistening Guanzhong, quenching thirst in northern Shaanxi, and driving southern Shaanxi; It is the first super project for humans to cross the Qinling Mountains from the bottom, and the construction difficulty is rare in the world; It is also an ecological project that cultivates roads for fish and makes way for animals. On the morning of the 16th, in Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, at the foot of the Qinling Mountains, the century project to alleviate the water shortage in Guanzhong was carried out along with the inlet gate of the Yellow Pool Gully of the Han to Wei Water Diversion Project

People's Forum: Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Relationship between superiors and subordinates | Leaders | Organizations | Formation | Discipline | Relations | Party Members
People's Forum: Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Relationship between superiors and subordinates | Leaders | Organizations | Formation | Discipline | Relations | Party Members

Adhering to rules is an important test of the party spirit of party members and cadres, and an important test of their loyalty to the party.Theme education

Restaurant owner: During peak season, we sell four to five hundred kilograms a day, which costs 400 yuan per kilogram? Zhejiang Lishui eats cicadas and sells exorbitant vegetation | Video | Restaurant owner
Restaurant owner: During peak season, we sell four to five hundred kilograms a day, which costs 400 yuan per kilogram? Zhejiang Lishui eats cicadas and sells exorbitant vegetation | Video | Restaurant owner

"Catching cicadas sells for 260 yuan per kilogram and earns 10000 yuan in 10 days!" Recently, Lishui, Zhejiang has once again reached the season of eating cicadas every year. Some netizens have started posting videos of catching and eating cicadas on short video platforms. It is said that pure meat cicadas in the local market even sell for 400 yuan per kilogram. Upstream news reporters interviewed several local merchants in Lishui, and it was reported that the current price is not as high, but it still costs around 160 yuan per kilogram, and can only be purchased from other places. A restaurant owner introduced that during peak season, processed cicadas can sell four to five hundred pounds a day. The cicada dishes sold at Ms. Mao's restaurant. According to Zhejiang media reports, in southwestern Zhejiang, such as Jinhua, Quzhou, and Lishui, cicadas have always been a popular delicacy on local summer dining tables, even more popular than crayfish,

Zhejiang Private Giant Meets 36 Years Old "Second Generation" Female Leader | Chairman | Leader
Zhejiang Private Giant Meets 36 Years Old "Second Generation" Female Leader | Chairman | Leader

On July 12th, Tongkun Group Co., Ltd., a domestic chemical fiber private giant located in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, known as the "world's largest production capacity of polyester filament", held its first extraordinary shareholder meeting of the year and reviewed and passed the proposal for the integrated project of Taikun Petrochemical Co., Ltd.'s North Canada Refining and Chemical Industry in Indonesia. According to the previous announcement, the total investment of the project is 8.624 billion US dollars, equivalent to approximately 61.5 billion yuan, to extend the industrial chain and ensure the supply of raw materials. On June 21st, founder Chen Shiliang stepped down as the chairman of the listed company and handed it over to his daughter Chen Lei, but he still served as the chairman of Tongkun Holdings Group, the controlling shareholder of Tongkun Group. Left: Chen Shiliang, Right: Chen Lei Data Image: When Chen Lei took over, Tongkun Group was facing the problem of continuous decline in performance. Nowadays, industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and expanding production

How many "hard technologies" have been achieved with an average of 152 invention patents per household? More than 260 national level specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises, demonstrating the strength of the Science and Technology Innovation Board
How many "hard technologies" have been achieved with an average of 152 invention patents per household? More than 260 national level specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises, demonstrating the strength of the Science and Technology Innovation Board

Recently, the Science and Technology Innovation Board celebrated its 4th anniversary of opening. As the first "experimental field" of China's stock issuance registration system reform, the Science and Technology Innovation Board has made supporting and encouraging "hard technology" enterprises to go public as its primary task in the past four years, promoting profound changes in the structure and ecology of the capital market, and also strongly supporting the transformation and upgrading of the real economy. How can the Science and Technology Innovation Board continue to reform and innovate to promote the development and growth of "hard technology"? The reporter walked into enterprises on the Science and Technology Innovation Board and felt the innovative pulse formed by the virtuous cycle of technology, capital, and industry. "The preferred listing location for" hard technology "enterprises highlights the agglomeration and demonstration effect of high-tech industries." The Science and Technology Innovation Board is the preferred listing location for "hard technology" enterprises. Since landing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, we have grown with the growth of the board and achieved breakthroughs in multiple core technologies of semiconductor silicon wafers. "Shanghai Silicon Industry Group Co., Ltd

Why did the defending champion of the Chinese team suddenly face a comeback? Decrypting the New Rules of Figure Swimming: Swimming Between Heaven and Hell Action | Ernst&Young | Defending Champion
Why did the defending champion of the Chinese team suddenly face a comeback? Decrypting the New Rules of Figure Swimming: Swimming Between Heaven and Hell Action | Ernst&Young | Defending Champion

Fukuoka, Japan, July 16 (Xinhua) - From finishing 12th in the preliminary round to winning the gold medal in women's synchronized swimming at the Fukuoka Swimming World Championships, the Japanese duo Bijiameng/Zhenbai An smiled brightly. However, the defending champions Wang Liuyi and Wang Qianyi from the Chinese team, who ranked first in the preliminary round, were penalized points in the final and unfortunately ranked fourth. What is the reason for such a disruptive reversal? The answer is: new rules. On July 16th, Wang Liuyi/Wang Qianyi participated in the competition. At the beginning of 2023, the World Swimming Federation implemented a new version of the synchronized swimming rules with the aim of making each movement and its combination more standardized and standardized, and promoting quantitative scoring. The technical manual has been increased from the original one to the current four thick ones. However, the rules are constantly changing, and they were updated two weeks before the start of the Fukuoka World Championships

Who has been tricked by the fake internship certificate that is booming in business?, The graduation season for college students is approaching. College students | provide | discover | employment | major | certificate | student | internship
Who has been tricked by the fake internship certificate that is booming in business?, The graduation season for college students is approaching. College students | provide | discover | employment | major | certificate | student | internship

Recently, a reporter from Workers' Daily found in an interview that the graduation season for college students is approaching, and the buying and selling of false internship certificates is becoming increasingly popular. The reporter searched on a certain social media platform using internship proof as a keyword and found more than 100000 related posts, covering topics such as "purchase of internship proof" and "is internship proof included in the file". Many people also left comments in the comment section to find ways to obtain an internship seal. Internship can help college students test their skills, understand society, and clarify their employment direction. Why do these students choose to spend money on fake internship certificates? The reporter conducted an interview on this. The business of "opening internship certificates" in online stores is booming. A reporter found on a certain online shopping platform that, under the prohibition of such transactions on the platform, some merchants opened stores under the cover of "completing professional services for leaving school" and "university student practical trial contract agreements". Provide at one company

Last year, he won the Nobel Prize in the field of geology. Famous Chinese geologist Yin An passed away at the Institute of Geology | University | Earth | Geologist | China | United States | Geology | Professor
Last year, he won the Nobel Prize in the field of geology. Famous Chinese geologist Yin An passed away at the Institute of Geology | University | Earth | Geologist | China | United States | Geology | Professor

On July 15th, the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University issued an obituary stating that Professor Yin An, an outstanding alumnus of Peking University and a Chinese geologist, passed away on July 12th while guiding students during an internship in the North American wilderness. Yin An, male, born in June 1959 in Harbin, was admitted to the Department of Geology at Peking University from Tianjin in 1978. In 1982, he became a graduate student in his department and studied under the renowned pre Cambrian geologist Professor Qian Xianglin. In 1983, he self funded his studies at the University of Southern California in the United States. Under the guidance of renowned tectonic geologist Professor Gregory G. Davis, he obtained his doctoral degree in 1988. In the same year, he stood out from over 80 applicants and was successfully appointed as an assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was promoted to associate professor in 1993 and 199

What signal is being released?, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: State owned Assets and Central Enterprises Continuously Increase Anti Corruption Efforts Supervision Commission | Enterprises | Anti Corruption
What signal is being released?, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: State owned Assets and Central Enterprises Continuously Increase Anti Corruption Efforts Supervision Commission | Enterprises | Anti Corruption

Recently, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that 9 management personnel of central enterprises are undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. Prior to this, multiple batches of management personnel from state-owned enterprises and central enterprises had reported being investigated. Since the beginning of this year, the anti-corruption efforts of state-owned assets and central enterprises have continued to increase, releasing a strong signal of continuously deepening the rectification of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises, increasing efforts in investigating and handling cases, and being strict to the end. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection listed state-owned enterprises as a key area for anti-corruption and strengthened deployment, emphasizing the resolute cleaning up of industry, systematic, and regional corruption with high risks and hidden dangers. At all levels of disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, while deepening special rectification in key areas and continuously increasing the intensity of investigating and handling cases, they adhere to the integrated promotion of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, and integrate enterprise anti-corruption with risk prevention, deviation correction, loss recovery, and repair

Some companies try their best to force employees to resign voluntarily, transfer positions and reduce salaries without reason, and neglect the company on the edge | labor contract | enterprise
Some companies try their best to force employees to resign voluntarily, transfer positions and reduce salaries without reason, and neglect the company on the edge | labor contract | enterprise

【 Reading Tip 】 In order to reduce labor costs, some employers try their best to force employees to resign voluntarily through methods such as unjustified job transfers, salary reductions, and marginal neglect. The reporter interviewed several workers who were forced to resign and told the story of their "game" with employers. Recently, Lin Fang, who has been working at a hotel in Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province for 5 years, was sent two resignation certificates for an afternoon. One of the resignation certificates is a template provided by the hotel's HR department. The reason for resignation column reads: "Due to personal reasons, I voluntarily resigned." If Lin Fang submits resignation materials on this basis, the hotel will give her an additional three months of salary because she voluntarily gave up her rights protection. The other resignation certificate was filled out by Lin Fang herself, and the reason for resignation was handwritten as follows: "Due to the hotel's unjustified transfer and salary reduction, I was forced to resign." Lin Fang knew that