The world

Meteorological department warning or occurrence of strong earthquake, with over 320 earthquakes occurring in this area of Japan in 5 days
Meteorological department warning or occurrence of strong earthquake, with over 320 earthquakes occurring in this area of Japan in 5 days

According to the Daily News of Japan, from September 8th to 12th, earthquakes continued to occur in the Togara Islands of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, with over 320 earthquakes occurring within 5 days. The Japanese meteorological department has warned that there may be a strong earthquake in the area and called on local people to pay attention. From September 8th to 12th, earthquakes continued to occur in the Togara Islands of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, with over 320 earthquakes occurring within 5 days. According to a report by the Japan Meteorological Agency, the mass earthquake mainly occurred in the waters near Kobayashi Island in the Togara Islands. As of 9:00 am local time on the 12th, there have been 329 felt earthquakes observed in the local area within 5 days. According to reports, 146 earthquakes have been observed in the sea area 100 kilometers north of the earthquake prone area since April. Chairman of the Japanese Government Earthquake Investigation Committee, Naoto Hirata, called on nearby residents to support

【 Colorful Ethnic Groups Have Colorful Colors 】 The passionate and unrestrained Lisu ethnic group in the depths of the Nujiang Canyon | Song and Dance | Nujiang River
【 Colorful Ethnic Groups Have Colorful Colors 】 The passionate and unrestrained Lisu ethnic group in the depths of the Nujiang Canyon | Song and Dance | Nujiang River

Fugong County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is located in the hinterland of the Nujiang Grand Canyon, with towering cliffs and surging river water. It is known as the "Stone Moon Secret Canyon Blessing Land", with simple folk customs and rich and colorful ethnic culture. On September 8th, the Nujiang characteristic song and dance performance was held at the live inheritance exhibition venue on the second floor of the cultural learning point in Labudi Village, Shangpa Town, Fugong County. Ethnic minority song and dance performances with Nujiang characteristics, such as "Leading Russia," "Turning Around Dance," "Guoguang Mailan," "Biluo You," and "Scraping Ke," were staged alternately. Under the stage, the well-known "Teacher Ache" in the county watched the performance of the students with appreciative eyes. He was a national first-class actor and the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, Che Siheng, who produced the pipa and flute. At the end of the performance, he also joined in and danced with everyone, experiencing the charm of passionate and unrestrained Lisu ethnic song and dance together. Ah

The destination is not northern Myanmar, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences doctor, who is suspected to be trapped in Myanmar, spoke out: has returned to China
The destination is not northern Myanmar, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences doctor, who is suspected to be trapped in Myanmar, spoke out: has returned to China

On September 11th, the person involved, @ Dubitabam, who was previously concerned about the "Dr. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences being scammed to Myanmar" incident, posted: "I have returned to China on September 5th, but due to cooperating with the investigation and personal illness and discomfort, I have not been able to post a message.". In a responsible attitude towards the public and myself, I will explain some of the issues that everyone is concerned about in the future. From the fermentation of the incident to a smooth return, I overcame numerous obstacles, which were inseparable from the dedication of my family and friends, as well as the attention and support of government departments, news media, and enthusiastic individuals in society. Due to limited energy, I am unable to express my gratitude one by one. I hope to do my best to repay society in the future and avoid more people suffering the same hardships. Subsequently, the parties involved sent another Weibo account stating that they were not going to northern Myanmar, but to Miaowadi. The location of the incident, Miaowa Di, is located at

Boost efficiency and implement proactive fiscal policies
Boost efficiency and implement proactive fiscal policies

We strive to complete the issuance of new special bonds by the end of September, use up the funds for project construction special bonds by the end of October, and continue to optimize and improve a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies. Recently, a series of "high value" measures have been intensively introduced, indicating that positive fiscal policies continue to be strengthened and improved. Currently, China's economic operation is facing new difficulties and challenges. The Politburo meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to make good use of policy space, find the right direction for development, implement precise and effective macroeconomic regulation, strengthen countercyclical regulation and policy reserves. As one of the main tools of macroeconomic regulation, the trend of fiscal policy has attracted much attention. After the central government made clear requirements, the State Council made a series of specific deployments in its report on budget implementation since the beginning of this year, conveying clear policy signals. It can be said that in promoting economic operation

Ensure the firmness of modern leadership (ideological and political)
Ensure the firmness of modern leadership (ideological and political)

Political parties are an important force in leading and promoting the process of modernization.Modernization is the historical trend of world development, and achieving modernization is the common aspiration of people of all countries. Instead of following others and copying the Western modernization model, we found the path of Chinese path to modernization through long-term practice and exploration under the leadership of the CPC. The reason why China's modernization drive can form such a good situation today is that our modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. the Communist Party of China

Make employment services more convenient and accessible (Minsheng View)
Make employment services more convenient and accessible (Minsheng View)

Enriching the forms of grassroots employment services and helping to achieve more comprehensive and high-quality employment. This supermarket is not ordinary: "goods" are job information, "suppliers" are employers, "customers" are job seekers, and "salespersons" are service specialists arranged through public welfare positions. The employment supermarket in Xingfu Community, a resettlement community in Gangbei District, Guigang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, not only achieves the communication and connection of recruitment and job seeking information, but also provides public services such as policy consultation, entrepreneurial guidance, and skill training. At present, 268 households and 609 individuals with employment intentions in the Happy Community have achieved employment. At present, the structural contradiction between the difficulty of enterprise employment and the difficulty of job seeking for the masses still exists, one of the reasons being information asymmetry. Insufficient distribution channels, high job search costs for job seekers, poor policy transmission mechanisms, and obstacles to employment

Holding onto the "bull's nose" of bulk consumption
Holding onto the "bull's nose" of bulk consumption

As the largest and most industry driven part of consumption, bulk consumption is not only the main engine driving consumption growth, but also the main battlefield leading industry upgrading through consumption upgrading. To expand household consumption, we must grasp the "bull's nose" of bulk consumption. The central government attaches great importance to boosting bulk consumption and has recently issued multiple positive policy signals. The Political Bureau meeting of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on July 24th made important arrangements to boost bulk consumption in automobiles, electronic products, home furnishings, and other industries. The second plenary session of the State Council held on August 16th once again emphasized the need to boost bulk consumption. Mass consumption has become an important policy focus to promote consumption, and relevant functional departments have also introduced a series of policy measures to support the growth of mass consumption. For example, at the end of July, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the National Development and Reform Commission's report on restoring and expanding

It is the solemn historical responsibility of the contemporary CPC people to open up a new realm of sinicization and modernization of Marxism.Adhering to and utilizing the ideas of "two combinations" and "six must be adhered to" is strength.

[Guangming Forum] Adhere to the Foundations of Building the Party and the Country, Revitalizing the Party and the Country, Unswerving China | Marxism | Forum
[Guangming Forum] Adhere to the Foundations of Building the Party and the Country, Revitalizing the Party and the Country, Unswerving China | Marxism | Forum

Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for establishing the Party and the country, as well as the soul and banner of our Party. Adhering to and consolidating the guiding position of Marxism is the fundamental ideological guarantee for the Party and the people to unite and always move forward in the right direction,

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Actively Play the Role of Teaching Masters in Demonstrating and Leading Teaching | Struggle | Famous Teachers
【 Guangming Current Review 】 Actively Play the Role of Teaching Masters in Demonstrating and Leading Teaching | Struggle | Famous Teachers

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Author: Ma Mingchong Recently, the Beijing Higher Education Teaching Master Award and the Youth Teaching Master Award were announced. 78 teachers including Chen Xiangqun from Peking University were awarded the 19th Beijing Higher Education Teaching Master Award, and 64 teachers including Peng Jianmin from Tsinghua University were awarded the 7th Beijing Higher Education Young Teaching Master Award. This move aims to encourage universities to further strengthen the construction of their teaching staff and actively play the exemplary and leading role of renowned teachers. If education prospers, the country will prosper, and if education is strong, the country will be strong. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, China's higher education has gone through an extraordinary journey from small to large and from weak to strong, with a historic leap in the scale of education, quality of training, and service capabilities.

Regulations on Integrating Political Training into the Full Cycle of Cadre Education and Training in the Guangming Forum | Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Politics
Regulations on Integrating Political Training into the Full Cycle of Cadre Education and Training in the Guangming Forum | Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Politics

On August 31st, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to review the "Regulations on Cadre Education and Training Work" and the "National Cadre Education and Training Plan". The meeting pointed out that cadre education and training is a pioneering, fundamental, and strategic project for building a high-quality cadre team, and plays an irreplaceable important role in promoting the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the new great project of party building.

Cultivate more excellent museum interpretive talents (commentator observation)
Cultivate more excellent museum interpretive talents (commentator observation)

While blocking the door for museum interpretation services, it is also necessary to open the door to various high-level explanatory talents in society, ensuring the diverse cultural experience needs of visitors. One tooth contains the earliest evidence of human activities in a certain region; A copper coin records the trade between the two regions; A golden hairpin records the aesthetic style and level of craftsmanship at that time... Recently, "visiting museums" has become a way of life for more and more people, and "listening to explanations" has also become a popular visiting choice. Cultural relics are not mentioned, but explanations can replace them in telling the profound history. The motivation for many people to visit museums comes from engaging in conversations about time and space, exploring knowledge, and enhancing their historical and cultural confidence from the depths of their hearts. As far as museum interpretation services are concerned, uncovering texts that are shrouded in historical documents and cultural relics

Gather the consensus and strength of Chinese path to modernization
Gather the consensus and strength of Chinese path to modernization

To comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization is the grand blueprint of the 20th CPC National Congress. On a new journey, how to understand that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country? How to understand that education, technology, and talent are the fundamental and strategic support for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country? How to understand and promote the modernization of the national security system and capabilities Recently, the book Face to face with Chinese path to modernization, organized by the Theory Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, was published and released, which focused on answering and explaining these questions. One important purpose of popularizing theory is to build a bridge between scientific theory and the people, arm the mind with the Party's innovative theory, guide practice, and promote work. As the latest reading material in the "Face to Face Theory Hot Spots" series, "Chinese Style Realism"

Strengthening the Education of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture (Let's Talk)
Strengthening the Education of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture (Let's Talk)

In this issue, we have selected three articles to discuss how to do a good job in educating excellent traditional Chinese culture, focusing on cultivating people and gathering their souls—— The editor plays a campus role, and Wang Xinyue from Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing guides students to recite stories such as "Filial Son Encounters Tiger" at Zouma Primary School in Zouma Town, Chongqing High tech Zone, which has been included in the teaching plan. The folk stories of Zouma Town are a national intangible cultural heritage. Zouma Elementary School sets up a weekly class specifically for learning folk stories, ballads, or proverbs, allowing children to listen to and tell stories,

Resolutely Punish "Micro corruption" that infringes on the interests of the masses (Jin Tai Chao Sheng)
Resolutely Punish "Micro corruption" that infringes on the interests of the masses (Jin Tai Chao Sheng)

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission recently released a message, stating that "in the first half of this year, more than 36000 cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of people's livelihoods were investigated and dealt with nationwide, and more than 52000 people were criticized, educated, helped, and dealt with." We will crack down on misconduct in the field of people's livelihoods and resolutely punish "micro corruption" that infringes on the interests of the people, so that the general public can truly feel that things around them are managed and their own interests are protected. Grassroots cadres are the bridge and link between the Party and the government and the masses. They are the closest to the masses, and their words and actions directly affect the people's perception of the Party's and political conduct. The public has a genuine feeling of the "near present" unhealthy trend, and "micro corruption" may also become a "major disaster". The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has made arrangements to focus on employment and entrepreneurship, education and medical care, elderly care and social security, ecological and environmental protection, safety production, and food and medicine

Tell the story of China well (new language) and make good use of short videos
Tell the story of China well (new language) and make good use of short videos

A famous creator starts from his unique perspective, making the narrative closer to life and the expression more down-to-earth, so as to create empathy and stimulate resonance among the audience. In the current era of abundant media and artistic forms, how can short videos tell good stories and attract audiences? Recently, the large-scale integrated media program "China Short Video Conference" jointly launched by China Central Television, Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, and Hangzhou Municipal Government has sparked heated discussions among netizens. The related topic Weibo has a reading volume of nearly 600 million and a video playback volume of over 780 million on the entire network... The popularity of the program has made people feel the excitement of "watching China in short videos" and also shown people the surging energy of telling good Chinese stories in short videos. To tell the story of China well through short videos, it is first necessary to leverage the diverse advantages of short video creators. Short videos as the era of social media

Build the "the Belt and Road" into a green road (people's view) Development | green | view
Build the "the Belt and Road" into a green road (people's view) Development | green | view

The joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" green development has made positive progress, the concept guidance has been strengthened, the exchange mechanism has been improved, and practical cooperation has been deepened to further coordinate and promote cooperation in key areas of green development, coordinate and promote the green development of overseas projects, and coordinate and improve the green development support and security system. "How to explain his work to his daughter?" Lidiani Diotti, who works for CGN Brazil Energy Holding Co., Ltd., once faced such problems. One day, Diotti and her family passed by a wind turbine. She pointed to the white tower standing in the green jungle and said to her daughter, "This is my job. I can create clean energy, help everyone take hot baths, and light up their homes." Having worked in the new energy field in Brazil for many years, Diotti witnessed the contribution of Chinese companies to Brazil's sustainable development

Geely pays the most taxes, and among the top 500 private enterprises in China,, Alibaba, and Hengli rank in the top three
Geely pays the most taxes, and among the top 500 private enterprises in China,, Alibaba, and Hengli rank in the top three

On September 12th, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce released the "2023 Top 500 Private Enterprises in China" list and the "2023 Top 500 Private Enterprises in China Research and Analysis Report.". JD Group, Alibaba Co., Ltd., and Hengli Group Co., Ltd. rank in the top three on the list. This year is the 25th consecutive survey of large-scale private enterprises organized by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, with a total of 8961 enterprises with annual revenue of over 500 million yuan participating. The entry threshold for the top 500 private enterprises reached 27.578 billion yuan, an increase of 1.211 billion yuan from the previous year; The entry threshold for the top 500 private manufacturing enterprises reached 14.516 billion yuan, an increase of 1.944 billion yuan from the previous year; The entry threshold for the top 100 private enterprises in the service industry reached 31.404 billion yuan, an increase of 1.289 billion yuan compared to the previous year

Chen Maobo: Hong Kong will make positive contributions to the "the Belt and Road" green infrastructure project
Chen Maobo: Hong Kong will make positive contributions to the "the Belt and Road" green infrastructure project

People's Daily Online, Hong Kong, September 10 Chen Maobo, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government, said on the 10th that the "the Belt and Road" initiative has become an open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and win-win international cooperation platform after 10 years of development. Looking ahead, there will be more green infrastructure projects along the "the Belt and Road". As a national international financial center, Hong Kong is confident that it can make positive and unique contributions in this regard. Chen Maobo said on his blog that in the past ten years, the average annual trade volume between China and the countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road" has doubled from US $1 trillion in 2013 to US $2 trillion last year, with an average annual growth of 8%. Last year, China's foreign direct investment in countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road" was nearly 21 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.3% year on year. "Looking forward to the future, there will be more

The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has made every effort to deal with the aftermath of the rainstorm. The society as a whole has resumed normal operation
The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has made every effort to deal with the aftermath of the rainstorm. The society as a whole has resumed normal operation

People's Daily, September 10, Hong Kong - Recently, rainstorm caused by the residual low-pressure trough of typhoon "Haikui" occurred in Hong Kong, resulting in flooding in a wide range of areas, obstruction of public transportation, and landslides. In response, the Hong Kong SAR government is making every effort to address the aftermath. On the 10th, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Lee Ka chao, held a meeting to listen to a group of officials reporting on the work of various departments, road repairs, and work arrangements and deployments. He reminded all departments to maintain the highest level of dedication to post disaster work, racing against time to restore normal social operations and minimize the inconvenience of daily life for citizens. On the same afternoon, the Secretary for Home Affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Chen Guoji, and several Policy Bureau officials held a cross departmental press conference. Chen Guoji said that the recent extremely heavy rainstorm caused flooding and mountain mud pouring in a wide range of areas, and extreme conditions occurred in many areas. In various political fields

Cultural exchange brings compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait closer and more emotionally connected
Cultural exchange brings compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait closer and more emotionally connected

Cultural exchange brings compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait closer and stronger. Interview with Chen Qiuping, Dean of the Fujian Taiwan Historical and Cultural Research Institute, and Gong Lianggao, a reporter from Guangming Daily. There is a deep historical and cultural connection and blood ties of the same origin between Fujian and Taiwan. In November 2020, the Mintai Historical and Cultural Research Institute was established in Fuzhou, Fujian. What role has the research institute played in promoting historical and cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan in the past three years? What are the highlights of the work? What is the situation of jointly conducting historical and cultural exchanges with institutions in Taiwan? The reporter interviewed Chen Qiuping, the director of the Mintai Historical and Cultural Research Institute, on this matter. Taiwanese youth experience the Fuzhou National Intangible Cultural Heritage Project cork painting at the Mintai Historical and Cultural Research Institute. The Mintai Historical and Cultural Research Institute provides pictures of Mintai culture, which share the same origin and lineage. Chen Qiuping: Mintai Historical Literature

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition
The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

Since the launch of the large-scale themed exhibition on the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy", the audience has been in constant flow. Reporter Dong Xuming and Lin Yunlong need to be good at summarizing experience and drawing nourishment from history in order to gain wisdom and strength to better move towards the future. September, Zhejiang. Inside the Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, there is a surge of people. The large-scale theme exhibition for the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy" will be held here. Vivid historical images, heavy literary objects, and exciting video materials unfold a stirring historical scroll. The exhibits that carry the memories of the times are stopping and thought-provoking. The exhibition is themed "Journey to the Great Road". "Da Dao" means both "broad roads" and "correct principles". The "88 Strategy" was implemented by the then Zhejiang Province

Ecological Governance Paints a Beautiful Picture Project | Ecology | Picture Scroll
Ecological Governance Paints a Beautiful Picture Project | Ecology | Picture Scroll

Looking at Xinjiang in Four Seasons: Along Rivers and Lakes, Looking at Xinjiang. Zhao Minghao, a reporter from Guangming Daily, Shang Jie. On the vast yellow sand, clusters of plants such as Haloxylon ammodendron and red willow are thriving. In the Aiximan area of Awati County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, wild animals such as Tarim rabbits, foxes, and pheasants that were once difficult to find in the "Sea of Death" are now occasionally visible... For many years, Aiximan Lake and its surrounding areas located in the depression of the Aksu River alluvial fan have been continuously invaded by the southern Taklamakan Desert, causing the lake area to gradually shrink and the ecological environment to be fragile, becoming the largest source of wind and sand within the Aksu Oasis. In 2022, the ecological restoration and desertification control project in the Aisiman Lake region was officially launched, which is part of the fifth million acre ecological control project in the Aksu region

Hunan Cili Police reported that "an 85 year old man set fire to a neighbor's car."
Hunan Cili Police reported that "an 85 year old man set fire to a neighbor's car."

The police in Cili County, Hunan Province reported that an 85 year old man set fire to a neighbor's car: Two families have had multiple disputes due to trivial matters. On September 10, 2023 at 23:26, the Cili County Public Security Bureau received a report from Tang, a villager from Yueliangyan Village in Sanhe Town, stating that a car parked by her husband Cui Moulong at her doorstep was burned. After receiving the police, Cili County Public Security Bureau quickly went to the police to deal with it, and arrested the suspect Cui Mouyue. After investigation, it was found that villager Cui Moulong and Cui Mouyue's son Cui Mouzhai have a neighborhood relationship, and the two families have had multiple disputes over trivial matters. At about 23:00 on September 10, the suspect Cui Mingyue burned the SUV parked by Cui Minglong at his home with domestic liquid fuel, and there was no casualties at the scene. At present, the Cili County Public Security Bureau has initiated an investigation into Cui Mouyue, who is suspected of intentionally damaging property. The case is currently under investigation

Eight PLA warships have appeared!
Eight PLA warships have appeared!

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency on September 11th, the Joint Staff Supervision Department of the Japanese Ministry of Defense announced on the 11th that a total of 8 Chinese Navy missile destroyers and frigates entered the Pacific Ocean from the East China Sea through the waters between Okinawa Island and Miyako Island. According to the Ministry of Defense, on the morning of the 11th, there were 5 ships traveling about 140 kilometers northeast of Miyako Island and 3 ships traveling south about 230 kilometers northeast of Chiwei Island. Afterwards, these 8 ships sailed towards the Pacific Ocean. The ships and patrol aircraft of the Maritime Self Defense Force conducted surveillance. Photos of 8 PLA warships released by the Joint Staff Supervision Department of the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

Deepening the concept of cybersecurity and consolidating consensus on the Internet | technology | concept
Deepening the concept of cybersecurity and consolidating consensus on the Internet | technology | concept

The internet is boundless, and security follows closely. From September 11th to 17th, the 2023 National Cybersecurity Awareness Week, with the theme of "Cybersecurity for the People, Cybersecurity relies on the People", was held nationwide. Through a series of activities with diverse forms and rich content, it promoted the concept of cybersecurity, popularized cybersecurity knowledge, and promoted cybersecurity skills, creating a strong atmosphere for the whole society to jointly build a cybersecurity defense line. Tighten the line of defense and consolidate consensus on cybersecurity. At present, the number of Chinese netizens has reached 1.079 billion, forming the largest online society in the world. Maintaining cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of the entire society, which requires the participation of the government, enterprises, social organizations, and the general public. Since 2014, ten departments including the Central Cyberspace Administration have continuously held national cybersecurity events nationwide

The policy effect of promoting consumption in the automotive market during the off-season is gradually becoming apparent
The policy effect of promoting consumption in the automotive market during the off-season is gradually becoming apparent

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 12 (Xinhua) - The Economic Reference Daily published an article on September 12 titled "The Consumer Policy Effect of the Automobile Market's" Not Faint in the Off Season "is Gradually Revealing.". According to the article, on September 11th, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data showing that in August this year, China's automobile production and sales completed 2.575 million and 2.582 million vehicles respectively, with a month on month increase of 7.2% and 8.2%, and a year-on-year increase of 7.5% and 8.4%, respectively. Driven by factors such as national consumption promotion policies and preferential promotions by car companies, production and sales continue to maintain a recovery trend, and the overall market performance is not weak in the off-season. The sustained positive momentum of the automotive industry cannot be achieved without the cooperation and progress of various links in the industrial chain, including supply, circulation, and usage environment. This is also the direction for sustained policy efforts. The Economic Reference News reporter noticed that in recent times, China

Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"
Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"

Cai Xiaoxiong is checking the dining situation of military training students. Interviewee Zhang Li is discussing teaching business with special education teachers. The interviewee provided a picture of Gu Mingyuan teaching students. Recently, a national symposium on outstanding teacher representatives was held in Beijing.For a long time, a group of educators and excellent teachers have emerged in the teacher community. They have the ideal belief of having a great self and being sincere in serving the country, the moral sentiment of speaking as a scholar and behaving in a world like manner, the wisdom of educating students with enlightenment and nurturing their hearts, the attitude of diligent learning and practicing, seeking truth and innovation, the benevolent heart of loving education and being willing to contribute, the heart of embracing the world, and the spirit of dedication

In the fields of hope, various regions focus on promoting autumn grain production and laying the foundation for a bountiful harvest
In the fields of hope, various regions focus on promoting autumn grain production and laying the foundation for a bountiful harvest

CCTV News: After the White Dew solar term, autumn crops are gradually maturing. Various regions actively focus on autumn grain production, laying a solid foundation for a bountiful grain harvest throughout the year. Currently, autumn crops in various regions are gradually entering the harvest period. In Tieling, Liaoning, soybeans sown in a staggered manner have begun to be harvested. This year, the soybean planting area in Liaoning exceeds 1.85 million mu, an increase of over 7% compared to last year. In Manas, Xinjiang, local corn ripens one after another, and harvesters shuttle back and forth in the fields, completing stem cutting, ear picking, threshing, and straw crushing in one go. Currently, rice harvesting is also being carried out in an orderly manner in various regions. In the demonstration area of rice and oil crop rotation of 10000 acres in Changsha, Hunan, harvesters and grain trucks are busy back and forth. The local use of smart agricultural IoT big data platforms has made agricultural management more refined. Small and medium-sized farmers adapting to different terrains and matching different labor forces in Yinjiang, Guizhou

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research