The world

The average daily passenger flow on the railway during the National Day holiday is expected to be about twice that of the Spring Festival travel, with over 600000 people brushing tickets every second
The average daily passenger flow on the railway during the National Day holiday is expected to be about twice that of the Spring Festival travel, with over 600000 people brushing tickets every second

The Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday are approaching, and it is expected to send 190 million passengers during the holiday. China Railway Group predicts that during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the daily passenger flow of railways will approach 16 million, which is about twice the daily passenger flow during the Spring Festival travel period. The 12306 system has recently received 53.2 billion visits, which is equivalent to an average of over 616000 people brushing tickets per second. According to the current pre-sale situation of tickets, tickets from Shanghai to Wuhan, Xi'an, Changsha, Shenzhen to Changsha, Xiamen, and Beijing to Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other directions are in high demand from September 28th to 30th. The railway department reminds that due to the strong demand for passenger travel, there may be a phenomenon of "instant light" on train tickets. You can try waiting to purchase tickets and follow the trend of adding temporary passengers, or purchase transit tickets.

Russia announces withdrawal from the Council of the European Arctic Circle in the Barents Sea
Russia announces withdrawal from the Council of the European Arctic Circle in the Barents Sea

On the 18th, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on its official website, announcing Russia's withdrawal from the Council of the European Arctic Circle in the Barents Sea. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that for the past 30 years, the Council of the European Arctic Circle in the Barents Sea has been an effective mechanism for cross regional interaction, contributing to maintaining peace, stability, sustainable development, environmental protection, and cultural exchanges in the Arctic. However, due to the fault of Western members, the activities of the council have been almost paralyzed since March 2022. The current President of the Council, Finland, has not confirmed that the rotating presidency will be transferred to the Russian side in October 2023, which violates the principle of rotation and disrupts relevant work preparations. Therefore, the Russian side was forced to announce its withdrawal from the mechanism and had already submitted the relevant letter from Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to the relevant parties on the same day. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Russian side firmly believes that Nordic countries

Misleading Expectations - The Usual Routine of the US and the West to Smash the Chinese Economy, False Narrative
Misleading Expectations - The Usual Routine of the US and the West to Smash the Chinese Economy, False Narrative

"The Chinese economy is about to collapse," "China's economic growth rate is far lower than that of the United States," "China's key economic data is disappearing," and "Shanghai has become a ghost city." Recently, a series of anti intellectual anomalies and insincere reports have frequently appeared in so-called "serious" media in the United States and the West, which is thought-provoking. After a brief review of these reports, it can be found that such rhetoric is full of flaws and lacks novelty, unable to break free from the common practices of the United States and the West in smearing the Chinese economy, such as "double standards," "digital games," "selective blindness," and "false narratives.". Behind these tricks, on the one hand, is long-term ideological paranoia, which has caused Western media reporters to lose the ability to objectively observe the Chinese economy; On the other hand, some media are driven by profit and use hype to smear and harvest traffic, expanding profits. Under "double standards"“

The Ukrainian Cabinet announces the dismissal of six Deputy Ministers of Defense from their positions
The Ukrainian Cabinet announces the dismissal of six Deputy Ministers of Defense from their positions

Ukrainian Cabinet Minister Nemchinov announced on social media on the 18th that the Ukrainian Cabinet has ordered the removal of six Deputy Ministers of Defense and State Secretaries, including Anna Maliyar, from their positions. The dismissal list does not include Alexander Pavliuk, the First Deputy Minister of National Defense of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelens announced on the 3rd of the basic month that he has decided to dismiss Defense Minister Leznikov and nominated the head of the Ukrainian State Asset Foundation, Umerov, as the new Defense Minister. Subsequently, the Ukrainian Supreme Leader reviewed and voted to dismiss Leznikov from his position as Minister of Defense, appointing Umerov as the new Minister of Defense. According to relevant Ukrainian laws, in the event that a minister is dismissed, the Ukrainian Cabinet will subsequently remove the position of the first deputy minister and deputy minister of the department.

Economic Daily Jin Guanping: Multi pronged approach to stimulate the vitality of private investment
Economic Daily Jin Guanping: Multi pronged approach to stimulate the vitality of private investment

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first eight months of this year, private investment fell by 0.7%, and the cumulative growth rate was 3.9 percentage points lower than fixed assets investment. Encouraging private investment requires continuous efforts from multiple perspectives. Private investment is the main force of fixed assets investment in the whole society, as well as the key force to improve investment quality and enhance investment vitality. Since last year, the growth of private investment has faced significant difficulties and downward pressure, with a growth rate of 0.9% in 2022. In the first half of this year, the growth rate and proportion of private investment in the overall investment have both decreased. From the data since July, the growth rate of private investment continues to decline. The decline in the growth rate of private investment is due to various reasons, mainly dragged down by real estate investment. The real estate market is currently in the adjustment stage. In the first 8 months, investment in real estate development decreased year-on-year

An increase of 10.1% compared to the previous year, and the total investment in research and development in China exceeded 3 trillion yuan last year
An increase of 10.1% compared to the previous year, and the total investment in research and development in China exceeded 3 trillion yuan last year

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Finance jointly released the Statistical Bulletin on National Science and Technology Investment in 2022. According to the data from the Gazette, the total investment in research and experimental development in China's society exceeded 3 trillion yuan in 2022, reaching 3078.29 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1% compared to the previous year, continuing the trend of rapid growth. Zhang Qilong, a statistician from the Social Science and Culture Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, stated that the increase in China's R&D investment from 1 trillion yuan to 2 trillion yuan took 8 years, and from 2 trillion yuan to 3 trillion yuan only took 4 years. This fully reflects the effectiveness of China's innovation driven development strategy in recent years. While the total amount has reached a new level, the investment intensity continues to increase. In 2022, the intensity of R&D investment in China is 2.5

More than 20 "insiders" have been investigated!, Within one month
More than 20 "insiders" have been investigated!, Within one month

From August 16 to September 15, 2023, within a month, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission issued multiple centralized notifications, and more than 20 reports of "insiders" in the disciplinary supervision system being investigated have been released. On September 15th, Liu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. According to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, Liu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and has voluntarily surrendered to the case. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. On September 11th, Xiang Yuewen, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Supervision Commission of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation. According to the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Xiang Yuewen, member of the Standing Committee of the Bengbu City Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Director of the Supervision Commission of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law

The Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations has issued a statement: China firmly opposes interfering in the affairs of other countries on the grounds of drug issues! Position | China | Drugs
The Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations has issued a statement: China firmly opposes interfering in the affairs of other countries on the grounds of drug issues! Position | China | Drugs

On September 18th local time, in response to a reporter's question about China's position on combating synthetic drugs, a spokesperson for the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations stated that strict drug control is the consistent position and proposition of the Chinese government. At the same time, China calls on all countries to cooperate sincerely in drug control. The spokesperson said that strict drug control is the consistent position and proposition of the Chinese government. To this end, China vigorously carries out the People's War against Drugs, continues to deepen international cooperation in drug control, is committed to solving the domestic drug problem, and actively contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to the global drug problem governance. The Chinese side insists on putting prevention first and minimizing drug demand to the greatest extent possible; Always maintain a strict crackdown and effectively curb the high incidence of drug crimes; Strict control is the first and currently the only country in the world to classify fentanyl like substances as a whole. After the whole class administration of fentanyl in China, it has not been collected

Why do global wildfires occur frequently
Why do global wildfires occur frequently

According to data released by the Canadian Interdepartmental Forest Fire Center, Canada has experienced over 6300 forest fires this year, with a cumulative area of 174000 square kilometers, continuously breaking historical records. The massive smoke generated by the fire has caused air pollution in many cities in North America. In August, a wildfire broke out on Maui Island in Hawaii, becoming the deadliest wildfire in the United States for over a century. Greece, Spain, Türkiye and other countries were also affected to varying degrees by the spread of forest fires this summer. The global wildfires are raging, causing widespread concern among people. Forest fires are a natural disaster that is sudden, destructive, and extremely difficult to extinguish. According to statistics, the annual vegetation area affected by fire worldwide is approximately 4 to 5 million square kilometers. Generally speaking, northern forests, savannas, Mediterranean forests, and

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Inspection and rectification should pay more attention to facing problems directly and carrying out strict measures to the end | discovering | adhering to | rectifying | inspecting | rectifying | educating | problems
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Inspection and rectification should pay more attention to facing problems directly and carrying out strict measures to the end | discovering | adhering to | rectifying | inspecting | rectifying | educating | problems

He emphasized the need to take a higher position and exert greater efforts to continue to make all aspects of education rectification work practical, detailed, and in place. Inspection and rectification should pay more attention to facing problems head-on and being strict to the end. We should make real efforts in identifying and rectifying problems, self checking and self correcting, and cleaning up the door. We must resolutely eliminate the black sheep and prevent "black under the lamp". At present, education rectification is at a critical moment with the most visible determination, strength, and effectiveness. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs strictly follow the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, meticulously carry out inspection and rectification, and promote the deepening and implementation of educational rectification through strict measures. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Is sensory training an "intelligence tax"?, Training institutions that often cost tens of thousands of yuan | children | IQ
Is sensory training an "intelligence tax"?, Training institutions that often cost tens of thousands of yuan | children | IQ

In recent years, more and more parents have paid attention to their children's sensory integration ability, and the sensory integration training industry has emerged accordingly. Many children are labeled as having "sensory dysregulation" due to carelessness and lack of concentration. ● Most online sensory training and communication groups are established by sensory trainers. As long as parents indicate their children's situation in the group, sensory trainers will attribute it to their children's sensory dysregulation and encourage parents to conduct sensory training as soon as possible. ● There are many chaos in the sensory training industry for minors. On the one hand, some children's training institutions and early childhood education institutions create anxiety for parents under the banner of sensory dysregulation; On the other hand, the quality of sensory training varies, with arbitrary pricing and high fees. To improve the education and rehabilitation quality of children with special needs, it is necessary to strengthen the training of practitioners and comprehensively

Well done, these two things in Vietnam recently
Well done, these two things in Vietnam recently

Reprinted from the WeChat official account Niu Playing Qin, the author Niu Playing Qin has done two things in Vietnam recently. The first thing is that for Biden, he is delicious, delicious, and well received, and he has been promoted twice, elevating the US Vietnam relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Previously, only a few countries such as Russia and India enjoyed this level. Japan did not enjoy the same treatment, but the United States did. Don't forget the deep blood feud between Vietnam and the United States back then. From the perspective of the United States, it has never established a comprehensive strategic partnership with any socialist country before. Vietnam was the first country to break the world. Moreover, during Biden's visit to Vietnam, the United States claimed to enhance Vietnam's position in the global semiconductor supply chain, and the two countries also reached an agreement on semiconductors and rare earth minerals. For whom

Hainan Chengmai reports "a high school student falls from a building and dies"
Hainan Chengmai reports "a high school student falls from a building and dies"

On September 14, 2023, around 18:27, a student falling from a building occurred at Chengmai Middle School. After the incident, the school immediately dialed 120 emergency and 110 to report to the police, and notified the parents of the students. The County Public Security Bureau, County Education Bureau, County Health Commission and other departments rushed to the scene to investigate and coordinate the disposal. Around 18:50, emergency personnel arrived at the scene for rescue and were sent to the hospital for treatment. At around 06:00 on September 15th, Wang unfortunately passed away despite unsuccessful rescue efforts. According to the investigation and viewing of relevant surveillance videos by the public security organs, it has been confirmed that the student climbed the fifth floor guardrail on his own and fell to death. The relevant investigation work is further underway. We are deeply saddened by the unfortunate passing of Wang and express our deep condolences to his family. After the incident, the county party committee and government

"Experimental fields" are also "high-yield fields": Shanghai Free Trade Zone receives over 10000 US dollars in foreign investment every minute
"Experimental fields" are also "high-yield fields": Shanghai Free Trade Zone receives over 10000 US dollars in foreign investment every minute

The busy Pudong International Airport recently welcomed a special entry item - a "remanufactured" engine. This is the first "pilot import of remanufactured products in key industries" in China. After completing customs declaration, it will be transported to Volvo Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. located in the Jinqiao area of Shanghai Free Trade Zone. In September 2013, China's first pilot free trade zone, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, was established. In the past decade of operation, stories like Volvo Construction Equipment's first order have been constantly unfolding. As an experimental field for reform and opening up, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone adheres to the principle of "building a highland for institutional innovation rather than a depression for preferential policies" and "planting nurseries rather than bonsai". Data shows that nearly half of the 302 innovative achievements in the free trade zone system replicated and promoted at the national level originate from Shanghai's pioneering or synchronous pilot projects. Overlooking China

On September 17th, Paraguay's Finance Minister Carlos Fernandez stated in an interview that China's investment in Latin America is replacing that of the United States and Europe, and Paraguay is willing to engage in dialogue with any Chinese investor. "I am willing to talk to any Chinese entrepreneur who wants to invest and create employment opportunities in Paraguay. We are open to everyone." Fernandez also said that China's investment in Latin America is replacing the United States and Europe, and he reminded the United States to play a greater role in investment in Latin America such as Paraguay, otherwise there will be others taking over the position of the United States. Carlos Fernandez was interviewed.According to the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay's national economy is mainly based on agriculture

Xinhua Review | Adhering to Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Development - Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity Series One of the Review
Xinhua Review | Adhering to Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Development - Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity Series One of the Review

To accelerate the development of new productive forces, we must adhere to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, achieve strong talent and technology, and promote industrial and economic development. We must accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance, support and lead high-quality development, and open up broad space for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country. Led by technological innovation: adding technological innovation to productivity

Xinhua All Media+| New Technology, New Trends, New Professions - Scanned Event of the 2nd National Skills Competition | Drone | National
Xinhua All Media+| New Technology, New Trends, New Professions - Scanned Event of the 2nd National Skills Competition | Drone | National

On September 18th, Xinhua News Agency reported that in the golden autumn of September, the second National Vocational Skills Competition sounded the war drum in Tianjin. Mobile robots, additive manufacturing, all media operations... More than 4000 contestants from all over the country showcased their skills and competed in 109 events. Showcasing dazzling new technologies at the mobile robot competition site, the robot follows the route set by the contestants and smoothly shuttles through the "miniature version" competition venue modeled after the hospital setting, simulating the completion of tasks such as drug placement and bed transportation in different scenes. Guo Meijing, a teacher at the School of Mechanical Engineering at Tianjin Sino German University of Applied Technology, said that the mobile robot competition is a competition project centered around the mechanical and control systems of robots. Participants need to have the ability to design, produce, assemble, assemble, program, manage, and maintain the internal machinery of robots

Agricultural machinery shuttles through the "abundant" scenery to seize the harvest of autumn grain during farming season
Agricultural machinery shuttles through the "abundant" scenery to seize the harvest of autumn grain during farming season

Various regions seize favorable opportunities, orderly promote autumn grain production, further implement measures to increase production, and build a solid foundation for a bountiful grain harvest throughout the year. The autumn wind gradually rises, and the fragrance of rice wafts. At present, over 70% of the rice harvest in Sichuan Province has been completed. In the Chengdu Tianfu Granary National Modern Agriculture Industrial Park, harvesters shuttle back and forth. This year, the local area has adopted machine transplanting and ultra-high yield cultivation technology, accompanied by organic fertilization, dry wet alternate irrigation and other technologies, to achieve increased production and efficiency. Tangyuan County is one of the main grain producing areas in Heilongjiang Province, with a total rice planting area of 670000 acres. More than 1300 sets of large and medium-sized harvesters were organized locally, and an emergency operation service team for agricultural machinery was established to provide convenient services for farmers and ensure the return of grain particles to the warehouse. In Ningdu, Jiangxi, 300000 acres of mid season rice have achieved a bountiful harvest. This year, the local area has expanded the planting area of high-quality rice, increased the promotion of technology, and improved the efficiency of grain cultivation

High Quality Development Research Tour | Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi: A Famous and Real Model Village for Rural Revitalization!
High Quality Development Research Tour | Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi: A Famous and Real Model Village for Rural Revitalization!

A Qin Opera Opera roar breaks through the "strange" houses built on the half of the sky, inheriting the millennial Guanzhong Snack Street. Most of them can see the "hollow village" in Yuanjia Village in the past. Now they bring countless new experiences of Guanzhong folk customs. If you want to know how to realize common prosperity, see how to refine the video frequency. Since the 1970s, Yuanjia Village has experienced three transformations, namely, land production and poverty management, industry and tourism. Especially since 2007, the village has leveraged its historical characteristics and unique advantages to create a rural tourism complex based on Guanzhong folk culture. It has actively explored the integration of agriculture and tourism, industry and tourism, culture and tourism, and governance and tourism, and has come up with a new era of rural revitalization "Yuanjia Village Solution". How to Develop Rural Tourism with High Quality in Yuanjia Village

New Era China Research Tour · Yellow River Chapter | Beautiful Butterfly Transformation of "Several Character Bend" - Inner Mongolia solidly promotes ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin | Yellow River | Inner Mongolia
New Era China Research Tour · Yellow River Chapter | Beautiful Butterfly Transformation of "Several Character Bend" - Inner Mongolia solidly promotes ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin | Yellow River | Inner Mongolia

Hohhot, September 18 (Xinhua) -- The Beautiful Butterfly Transformation of "Several Character Bend" - Inner Mongolia solidly promotes ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. As the Yellow River flows into Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xinhua reporters outline a magnificent "Several Character Bend". The Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River has a total length of 843.5 kilometers, accounting for approximately one sixth of the total length of the Yellow River. For a long time, Inner Mongolia has taken on the responsibility of maintaining national ecological security, coordinating the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, continuously improving the ecological environment in the basin, and surging momentum for high-quality development. The Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River is one of the regions with the most concentrated and serious desertification and desertification land in China, with green advancing and sand retreating, and building a strong barrier to prevent sand from entering the Yellow River. To control the Yellow River, we must first control sand. In early autumn, the Ordos Plateau, through which the Yellow River flows, remains lush with greenery

Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrading to Promote High Quality Development (High Quality Development Research Tour)
Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrading to Promote High Quality Development (High Quality Development Research Tour)

Huatuo Road, Simiao Road, Shizhen Road... In Daxing, Beijing, roads named after famous doctors crisscross and interweave into an industrial park with a output value of billions of yuan - Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Daxing Biomedical Industry Base. Now, the base is moving towards building a "Chinese Medicine Valley" with international influence. 0.01 millimeters! Thin as cicada wings, but able to withstand temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius. The extreme ultra-thin optical glass developed by Hebei Qinhuangdao Star Arrow Special Glass Co., Ltd. is widely used in the aerospace field, providing armor for the Shenzhou series spacecraft. Clothes do not use materials? Shandong Weihai Dishang Group is one of the largest clothing export enterprises in China. Here, designing and making a sample garment does not require fabric procurement and actual sewing. Take a few minutes to find suitable resources in the database and use 3D technology for virtual stitching

Focus Interview | Gold Medal Craftsmen from Vocational Education Institutions
Focus Interview | Gold Medal Craftsmen from Vocational Education Institutions

Made in China and Created in China cannot be without the support of skilled craftsmen. The second National Skills Competition with the theme of "Skills for Success, Skills for the Country" has been held in Tianjin these days. More than 4000 contestants from 36 delegations across the country participated in 109 competition events. This is a comprehensive national vocational skills competition with the highest standards, the most competitive projects, the largest scale of participation, the highest skill level, and the widest range of influence held since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. What are the superb skills of the contestants and what kind of trials have they gone through? Today, let's take a look at the stories of three contestants. Wang Hao is a welding player from the Sichuan representative team and also the champion of the welding project in the first National Skills Competition. This time he is participating in a welding project, and there is a high demand to win the championship. Wang Hao is a subsidiary of China 19th Metallurgical Group Corporation

Wuqing District, Tianjin: A maximum subsidy of 30000 yuan will be given for purchasing a new house
Wuqing District, Tianjin: A maximum subsidy of 30000 yuan will be given for purchasing a new house

On September 18th, Wuqing District of Tianjin issued the "Wuqing District New Commercial Residential Housing Purchase Subsidy Measures". The "Measures" have announced the scope and standards of subsidies. From September 2, 2023 to March 31, 2024, those who purchase newly-built commercial residential properties in Wuqing District and pay the purchase deed tax in full before March 31, 2024 will be given a purchase subsidy of 1% of the total purchase price based on the buyer's application, with a maximum subsidy amount not exceeding 30000 yuan. Provide housing subsidies in yuan units, rounded to the nearest whole number. The subsidy measures for purchasing new commercial residential houses in Wuqing District are aimed at implementing the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, meeting the rigid and improving housing needs of residents, focusing on improving consumer expectations, and promoting the healthy and stable development of the real estate market in our district. According to the regulations of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission and four other departments on entering the first stage

Evergrande Late Night Announcement
Evergrande Late Night Announcement

On the evening of September 18th, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had noticed media reports that the management personnel of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management Shenzhen Co., Ltd. had been subjected to criminal coercive measures. The company has clarified that Evergrande Wealth is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and its related personnel have been subject to criminal coercive measures in accordance with the law, which will not affect the company's business operations. In addition, the announcement mentions that the company has also taken note of media reports on the insurance business of Evergrande Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and the corresponding asset and liability transfers. Evergrande Life Insurance is a 50% shareholder of the company. The insurance business and corresponding asset and liability transfers of Evergrande Life Insurance have no significant impact on the company's current business operations. On September 16, Shenzhen Nanshan Public Security's WeChat official account released a case circular, saying that recently, the public security authorities have managed Evergrande's financial wealth according to law

Feng Qing Was "Double Opened"
Feng Qing Was "Double Opened"

Recently, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into Feng Qing, a former member of the Party Group of Guangdong Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative and the former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group stationed in Guangdong Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative, for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, Feng Qing lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and opposed organizational censorship; Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts in violation of regulations, and arranging others to pay fees that should be paid by individuals; Violating organizational principles, failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and using power to seek benefits for others in cadre personnel work; Violation of discipline and law enforcement, taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others in business operations, engineering contracting, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Feng Qing seriously violated the political discipline, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline of the Party, constituting a serious breach of duty

Shanghai ranks first in total volume, and Shenzhen has the highest growth rate, with the top three cities in foreign trade growing together in the first eight months
Shanghai ranks first in total volume, and Shenzhen has the highest growth rate, with the top three cities in foreign trade growing together in the first eight months

On September 18th, Shanghai and Shenzhen announced their import and export data for the first eight months on the same day. In addition, Beijing, which released data first last week, all three top foreign trade cities have reported sustained growth. In terms of total import and export volume, Shanghai continues to rank first, with Beijing and Shenzhen ranking second and third respectively, with a gap of only 20 billion yuan between them. It is worth noting that there is a significant difference in growth rates among the three. Shenzhen ranked first with a year-on-year growth rate of 8.1%, while Shanghai and Beijing ranked second and third with year-on-year growth rates of 3.6% and 3%, respectively. According to detailed data analysis by the customs, the reporter from First Financial News found that private enterprises account for a relatively large proportion of imports and exports and have a strong growth momentum, which is the main reason why Shenzhen has achieved a significant advantage in the overall growth rate of imports and exports. The top three foreign trade companies are all on a growth track. On September 12th, Beijing Customs announced

Liu Qizhi was "double opened"
Liu Qizhi was "double opened"

According to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of China National Chemical Corporation Limited and the Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of China National Chemical Corporation Limited and the Quanzhou Municipal Supervision Commission of Fujian Province conducted a disciplinary review and supervision investigation into Liu Qizhi, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of China National Chemical Corporation Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, Liu Qizhi violated political discipline, opposed organizational review, and colluded with others to confess; Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally entering and exiting private clubs, repeatedly accepting supplier banquets and drinking high-end alcoholic beverages, and accepting gifts from suppliers multiple times; Violating organizational discipline, concealing the background relationship of the supplier's "agent" during the employee recruitment process, and seeking benefits for the supplier; Violating the discipline of integrity by transferring the travel expenses that I should have paid to the supplier; Violation of work regulations

Han Zheng Meets with UN Secretary General and US Secretary of State
Han Zheng Meets with UN Secretary General and US Secretary of State

On September 18 local time, Vice President Han was in New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly when he met respectively with Secretary General Guterres of the United Nations and Secretary of State US Secretary of State Antony Blinken of the United States. During his meeting with Guterres, Han Zheng stated that the current century long changes in the world are accelerating and various unstable and uncertain factors are intertwined. The more complex and severe the international situation is, the more it is necessary to adhere to true multilateralism and a strong United Nations.China will always be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a maintainer of international order, supporting the United Nations in the United Nations

Yin Xiyue approves the arrest of Li Zaiming
Yin Xiyue approves the arrest of Li Zaiming

On the 19th local time, South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol approved a court application to arrest Lee Jae myung, the leader of the largest opposition party in South Korea, the Democratic Party of Korea. According to Yonhap News Agency, on the 18th local time, Lee Jae ming, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, entered his 19th day of hunger strike and was sent to the hospital due to health issues. However, a spokesperson for the Democratic Party revealed that after being sent to the hospital, Lee Jae ming still stated that he would continue his hunger strike, demonstrating his determination to lead by example and prevent the current regime. According to the report, Li Zaiming plans not to eat anything except for the most basic infusion. Although he has escaped danger, he is still in a weak and weak state. On the other hand, the Seoul Central District Court sent a request for detention consent to Lee Jae myung to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office on the 18th. According to the process, the South Korean parliament or

"Five Grains" were first installed in the big flower basket, and the 2023 National Day flower arrangement plan was announced
"Five Grains" were first installed in the big flower basket, and the 2023 National Day flower arrangement plan was announced

On the morning of September 19th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Greening announced the layout plan for flowers along Tiananmen Square and Chang'an Street during the 2023 National Day holiday, marking the first appearance of the "Five Grains and Abundant Harvest" in a large flower basket. The flower arrangement has entered the construction site on the night of September 15th and is expected to be completed around September 25th to celebrate the holiday with the citizens. The 18 meter high flower basket is filled with flowers and grains. This year, the "Blessing the Motherland" themed flower bed in the center of Tiananmen Square features a festive flower basket as the main scenery. The basket has selected flowers with beautiful meanings and festive and bountiful grains, reflecting a cluster of flowers and abundant grains. The bottom of the flower bed has a diameter of 45 meters and features a peony pattern, symbolizing prosperity and prosperity. The top of the flower bed is 18 meters high, the basket body is 16 meters high, and the diameter of the basket plate is 12 meters. The south side of the flower basket body is written with "Blessing the Motherland, 1949-2023", and the north side is written with "Joy"

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research